Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

So Current Revolt has an article about the Divorce Hearing that took part back in September. Unfortunately it's behind a seven dollar paywall for most of the unpaying public.

For fuller context... Since audio-visual recordings are illegal in Texas in this case, these is just from handwritten notes made by the apparently lone reporter allowed into the courtroom. Previously, back in June during their first report on the first hearing Crowder's team requested the Courtroom be sealed from the media and the public because they were afraid that Hilary would take advantage of the "viral" news story. The Judge forbid this. A lawyer then crept into the audience and "swore" the Current Revolt journalist was live recording the courtroom proceedings, which is illegal in Texas Law. The court seized the reporters phone, found no recording had taken place but only permitted hand written notes henceforth. The legal team then accused the journalist of working on behalf of Hilary Crowder and providing her "cover" in the media.

This is a second hearing that took place on September 9th, 2023. The Judge stated in the June hearing that she was dismayed by the number of motions being filed in this case, especially since they only had two and a half hours to cover everything.

The situation apparently didn't improve in this hearing.

The Divorce hearing here shows that Steven Crowder is pursuing full custody, while Hilary is requesting joint custody. Motions have been filed for receivership, compelling a witness, confidentiality agreements, excluding evidence, gag orders, cell phone imagery and discovery. The Judge also notes over 21,000 documents and texts apparently have to be reviewed...

Regarding compelling witnesses and discovery, Crowder's team states a friend of Hilary as a co-conspirator and Steven's lawyers allege a "cabal of friends and family of Hilary are conspiring to demean Crowder and intentionally release information to the media. They also accuse Hilary of inviting the media to the hearing."

Hilary's lawyer (singular) denies these claims. Also several people are scheduled to give depositions.

The issue regarding the 21,000 documents/texts is brought up. Crowder's legal team was able to do a forensic image of this phone and because of this were apparently able to access attorney-client privileged texts and e-mails.

Hilary's Lawyer stated they were upset with Crowder's team having full access to Hilary's phone data without any limiting to medical/health privacy or attorney-client privilege.

Crowder's legal team insists they didn't look at anything they were supposed to.

Crowder's legal team then requests an image of Hilary's current phone and want that image taken today.

The private forensic phone investigator is brought in and states they cannot take the image of the phone today.

The Judge states Hilary's "team" submit a list of items that should be excluded from the image and that Hilary turn over her phone for image copying at a later date.

The Judge then orders a "Discovery Master" to review the 21,000 documents/texts taken from Hilary's first phone and then the next tens of thousands of documents/texts taken from her current phone and that this is going to take a very long time, the Discovery Master should be another Judge and that they will have to be compensated.

The next discussion is regarding Steven's vacation home as Steven wants to sell it. Steven's team notes its owned by a trust. The trust consists of Steven Crowder, Hilary Crowder and Gerald, the CEO of LWC. Hilary's team alleges the trust has already taken action to sell the home and has a realtor agreement. Crowder's team alleges the house has been in use when Hilary and Steven were not there, which is not disputed by Hilary's team. Hilary's team states Steven hasn't used the house in over two years. The Judge states this is irrelevant and that the house can only be used if one of the two parties is present.

Hilary's team requests the Judge to order the house not be sold, Crowder states that he and Gerald want to sell the house as trustees because the trust is not part of the lawsuit. The Judge denies the motion to sell the house to the "extent that she can."

The final issue of discussion is the gag order as Crowder's team alleges that Current Revolt (whom I'm citing here) have published and admitted to being on "Hilary's side" Current Revolt denies this and states that they are simply reporting the behavior and events taking place in the courtroom.

Hilary's team states that Crowder's side leaked a dropbox link with court documents that LWC CEO Gerald Morgan then had employees tweet out links to.

Steven's team says that the leak has no connection to them and that any future jury pool is being 'tainted by the media.'

Hilary's team reminds the Judge that Crowder was the one who decided to make the Divorce public and cites a YouTube video with, at the time, over 407,000 views which was in violation of the gag order.

Crowder's team responds by providing a copy of the first Current Revolt article covering the hearing in June. Crowder's team then alleges that Current Revolt is conspiring with Hilary Crowder in and that the gag order should be lifted so Crowder can pursue a "media strategy" and that Current Revolt is tainting the jury pool with these news articles.

Hilary's Lawyer responds the Current Revolt article has ten likes... and one comment. (Current Revolt states that article has 18,000 views)

The Judge orders the Gag Order remain in place and that she'll deal with Crowder's gag order violation at the next court date.

A jury trial date was set for next year. The Judge ordered mediation.

The article later goes onto expand on the "DropBox" leak revealing it was Pearl Davis who published it on social media which revealed the names of both of the Crowder children as well as the personal home address of the Nanny whose questioning video was also leaked in the same DropBox dataset. Pearl Davis didn't state who the source of the leak was but insists it wasn't Steven Crowder or his team.
About twenty five minutes in its revealed Louder With Crowder as a company is actually pursuing a civil lawsuit against Hilary Crowder and her family for damages in the range of a million dollars (pertaining to the released Ring video allegedly) which is taking place at the same time as this divorce apparently.

Also according to Texas Law apparently the Estate has to pay the legal fees (ie the 25k) since Steven Crowder is the money maker in the Estate and Hilary Crowder was a Stay at Home Mom. Apparently both get the 25k monthly from the Estate according to Texas Law but additionally Steven Crowder benefits from having access to all of the other financial accounts thanks to Louder with Crowder.

Also as an aside Hilary actually made more money then Steven when they were married but she quit her job and fulfilled his desire to be a Stay At Home Mom and worked as an unpaid employee on Louder with Crowder.

Lot more things in the video. Lauren Chen seemed pretty balanced on this while her guest did seem somewhat biased against Crowder.
About twenty five minutes in its revealed Louder With Crowder as a company is actually pursuing a civil lawsuit against Hilary Crowder and her family for damages in the range of a million dollars (pertaining to the released Ring video allegedly) which is taking place at the same time as this divorce apparently.

Also according to Texas Law apparently the Estate has to pay the legal fees (ie the 25k) since Steven Crowder is the money maker in the Estate and Hilary Crowder was a Stay at Home Mom. Apparently both get the 25k monthly from the Estate according to Texas Law but additionally Steven Crowder benefits from having access to all of the other financial accounts thanks to Louder with Crowder.

Also as an aside Hilary actually made more money then Steven when they were married but she quit her job and fulfilled his desire to be a Stay At Home Mom and worked as an unpaid employee on Louder with Crowder.

Lot more things in the video. Lauren Chen seemed pretty balanced on this while her guest did seem somewhat biased against Crowder.

Lauren has been pretty balanced on all the news for both Crowder and the DW.
Overall one if the better commentators out there

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