The Austronesian Viewpoint: TheRomanSlayer's Thread for Musings

The possible increase in the population of humans with genetic defects only happened because eugenics itself has become a bad word, an
This and parents becoming older and older.

In the long run we'll probably have to settle for gene therapy and germline edits to fix this problem.

Because in the past, the reason this wasn't a problem was because kids who were born in bad health typically died, recieved Canadian healthcare, or just didn't marry and reproduce.
This and parents becoming older and older.

In the long run we'll probably have to settle for gene therapy and germline edits to fix this problem.

Because in the past, the reason this wasn't a problem was because kids who were born in bad health typically died, recieved Canadian healthcare, or just didn't marry and reproduce.
That is the case. If there were improvements in gene editing technology, we'd solve some or most of the problems that we have regarding our health.
That is the case. If there were improvements in gene editing technology, we'd solve some or most of the problems that we have regarding our health.
I thought about your belive in technology,and you miss few things.

1.First - Civilization mean caring about weak,like children,eldery,and womans.Only barbarians care only about healthy adults.
Your editing technology could lead to people becoming barbarians and losing their civilization.

2.It is part of global elite plan to change definition of humans - now,everybody is human,and,at least in theory,could not be persecuted.They changed definitions of pandemic,woman,and now humans be only those who have monet to become transhumans - which mean only elites./Jesse Smith,site Truth Unmuted/

Yuval Harari,their voice,openly say that we are no longer souls,but animals which coulc be hacked.
So,if you support that plan,you support them in turning you into animal.

And,they use transgenderism as step in their road to hell.

3.God decided to become human - that is why we have dignity.You want to change it? fine,but you support idiot luciper against Jesus.Becouse people could not become immprtal on their own.
You are not only support satanists,but you also support loosers - becouse satan arleady lost.

And,they openly say it now - Max More,chief of Alcor society which work on criogenic,say openly join me,join lusifer in fighting God.
If God was indeed powerful, then how come he allowed genetic defects to exist? If he had the power, he could easily make every human a perfect specimen.

In that case though, God intentionally allowed Lucifer to create a lot of human suffering as a means of asking the latter if he can do a better job of managing the world than the former, something that I heard of from my interactions with the sect called Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If God was indeed powerful, then how come he allowed genetic defects to exist? If he had the power, he could easily make every human a perfect specimen.

In that case though, God intentionally allowed Lucifer to create a lot of human suffering as a means of asking the latter if he can do a better job of managing the world than the former, something that I heard of from my interactions with the sect called Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Women were cursed to bring children in sorrow. JW's are a heretical cult.
It's more than that, labor pains, birth abnormalities, mibcarriages, all the things thathcan go wrong all contribute to that sorrow. Most of the newer cults do that, the larping as a chosen future elect. Not sure what you mean by semi-arian though. do you mean arianism the heresy or leftist whiteness?
If God was indeed powerful, then how come he allowed genetic defects to exist? If he had the power, he could easily make every human a perfect specimen.

In that case though, God intentionally allowed Lucifer to create a lot of human suffering as a means of asking the latter if he can do a better job of managing the world than the former, something that I heard of from my interactions with the sect called Jehovah’s Witnesses.
JW are morons who few times predicted end of world in 20th century.And,they are fake jews,not christian heretics.

Saint Lucifer was bishop in Sardinia,and idiot luciper is fallen angel who decide to burn for eternity for chance of taking our souls.
I hope,that you would not follow that idiot.

Genetic defects - we were perfect,before Adam fall.But,we would be perfect again in new world.As you need is follow Jesus and HIS Holy Mother.
JW are morons who few times predicted end of world in 20th century.And,they are fake jews,not christian heretics.

Saint Lucifer was bishop in Sardinia,and idiot luciper is fallen angel who decide to burn for eternity for chance of taking our souls.
I hope,that you would not follow that idiot.

Genetic defects - we were perfect,before Adam fall.But,we would be perfect again in new world.As you need is follow Jesus and HIS Holy Mother.
As someone who actually studied with them, I would have to post a musing about them, because there's a lot of things I need to point out about them.
Musing 005
Quasi-Christians with a Semi-Arian Bent: The Intruiging tale of Jehovah's Witnesses and How I Managed to Save Myself from Being Inducted

This is a rather personal tale that I have to tell, because I once studied the Bible with these kinds of people. You'd see them most of the time: they're dressed up extremely well, as if they're dressed to work in an office, but they're just standing at various transit stations and bus depots, handing out two pamphlets. On one hand, you have the Watchtower, which is basically their main pamphlet, and the other would be Awake!, which is basically a side piece. Then there's also the services at what they call the Kingdom Halls, which is essentially a church, but with a complete lack of decorations.

What I have described just now is the typical life of a Jehovah's Witness. However, the real question is, what are Jehovah's Witnesses? On the surface, they seemed to be like any other Christian: believing in Jesus Christ, studying both the Old and New Testament, and so on. However, the main difference in this case, is that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity. There was once a man named Arius, who did state that Christ was not really divine, but created by God, and that the Son of God is actually subordinate to the God itself. Why do I say that Jehovah's Witnesses are basically Semi-Arian? Because both JWs and the Arians of old have rejected the Trinity due to the Trinity not being completely mentioned in the Bible. There are also a lot of other complicated matters that would make someone who isn't well versed in what JWs are doing, but there is only one thing that makes them truly stand out from all the other Christians: they never celebrate any kind of holidays whatsoever, viewing them as pagan in nature. Even Christmas and Easter isn't worshipped, mostly because they truly believed that Jesus died on some random day according to the Jewish Lunar Calendar, and that his death was actually on the aforementioned Jewish Lunar Calendar Nisan 14. They also reject the immortality of the soul, hellfire (curiously, the only thing that I would agree with them on), and also view the Trinity as unscriptural as well.

So why label them Quasi-Christians? Even if they proved themselves to be genuine, there has also been intense controversy that surrounded them, mostly dealing with the incidents that involved certain individual members who were subjected to Disfellowshipping, or the practice of actively excluding them from the organization, for various 'crimes' that were committed. In most cases for the worst, the overseers of the trial of the disfellowshipped individual do not even have the basic educated background in criminal and civil law, but rather Elders who go by the Bible teachings alone. The power of the organization over its individual members can easily be seen as a kind of cult, in that the individual members do not have the power over their finances and even independence. It also seems that the world surrounding JWs have been closed off, like it's a theocratic version of North Korea mixed in with the worst Islamic theocracies that one can think of. That you've devoted most or all of your time to conducting missionary work leaves you without any time for careers, or even schooling as well. Worst of all, they are raised in a climate of fear, or they live in fear of displeasing God. This kind of upbringing is not really healthy at all, and it doesn't seem to surprise me that there would be people brave enough to risk disfellowshipped in order to regain their independence.

Ironically, what allowed me to set myself free from this kind of cult is my own foray into the doctrine of another totalitarian religion in itself, Islam. The things that I learned while studying Islam and what I've learned from JWs was enough for me to completely discard and reject both. In conclusion, if the price for a certain of eternal life is constant psychological fear and a total loss of your own personal independence and individuality, then it's simply better to reject that kind of eternal life in favor of independence and individuality.
Quasi-Christians with a Semi-Arian Bent: The Intruiging tale of Jehovah's Witnesses and How I Managed to Save Myself from Being Inducted

This is a rather personal tale that I have to tell, because I once studied the Bible with these kinds of people. You'd see them most of the time: they're dressed up extremely well, as if they're dressed to work in an office, but they're just standing at various transit stations and bus depots, handing out two pamphlets. On one hand, you have the Watchtower, which is basically their main pamphlet, and the other would be Awake!, which is basically a side piece. Then there's also the services at what they call the Kingdom Halls, which is essentially a church, but with a complete lack of decorations.

What I have described just now is the typical life of a Jehovah's Witness. However, the real question is, what are Jehovah's Witnesses? On the surface, they seemed to be like any other Christian: believing in Jesus Christ, studying both the Old and New Testament, and so on. However, the main difference in this case, is that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity. There was once a man named Arius, who did state that Christ was not really divine, but created by God, and that the Son of God is actually subordinate to the God itself. Why do I say that Jehovah's Witnesses are basically Semi-Arian? Because both JWs and the Arians of old have rejected the Trinity due to the Trinity not being completely mentioned in the Bible. There are also a lot of other complicated matters that would make someone who isn't well versed in what JWs are doing, but there is only one thing that makes them truly stand out from all the other Christians: they never celebrate any kind of holidays whatsoever, viewing them as pagan in nature. Even Christmas and Easter isn't worshipped, mostly because they truly believed that Jesus died on some random day according to the Jewish Lunar Calendar, and that his death was actually on the aforementioned Jewish Lunar Calendar Nisan 14. They also reject the immortality of the soul, hellfire (curiously, the only thing that I would agree with them on), and also view the Trinity as unscriptural as well.

So why label them Quasi-Christians? Even if they proved themselves to be genuine, there has also been intense controversy that surrounded them, mostly dealing with the incidents that involved certain individual members who were subjected to Disfellowshipping, or the practice of actively excluding them from the organization, for various 'crimes' that were committed. In most cases for the worst, the overseers of the trial of the disfellowshipped individual do not even have the basic educated background in criminal and civil law, but rather Elders who go by the Bible teachings alone. The power of the organization over its individual members can easily be seen as a kind of cult, in that the individual members do not have the power over their finances and even independence. It also seems that the world surrounding JWs have been closed off, like it's a theocratic version of North Korea mixed in with the worst Islamic theocracies that one can think of. That you've devoted most or all of your time to conducting missionary work leaves you without any time for careers, or even schooling as well. Worst of all, they are raised in a climate of fear, or they live in fear of displeasing God. This kind of upbringing is not really healthy at all, and it doesn't seem to surprise me that there would be people brave enough to risk disfellowshipped in order to regain their independence.

Ironically, what allowed me to set myself free from this kind of cult is my own foray into the doctrine of another totalitarian religion in itself, Islam. The things that I learned while studying Islam and what I've learned from JWs was enough for me to completely discard and reject both. In conclusion, if the price for a certain of eternal life is constant psychological fear and a total loss of your own personal independence and individuality, then it's simply better to reject that kind of eternal life in favor of independence and individuality.
Arians? sadly,no,dude who created them probably do not even that they exist.Just another versions pf jews.Who could eat pigs.
Here? probably everybody.But dude who created jehovan sect? i doubt it.
The guy who made the JW sect was one Charles Taze Russell. His movement was originally called the Bible Students.

Arian was one of the religious figures who stated that Christ was not truly a divine figure, but a created being.
The guy who made the JW sect was one Charles Taze Russell. His movement was originally called the Bible Students.

Arian was one of the religious figures who stated that Christ was not truly a divine figure, but a created being.
I knew about Arian.I doubt,that Charles dude knew about him.If so,he would named them as arians,not Bible students.
Again about technology - it is useful,and should serve humand,but elites use it to enslave us,and it include transhumanism.
Becouse modern atheism is christian heresy,which want to destroy persons - that is why they talk about animal rights - not to help animals,but to turn us into animals.

And destroy logic given to our cyvilization by ancient greeks.Result would be no free cyborgs,but slaves in techno-gulags.
Isn't Atheism means a lack of belief in a God, which would be the antithesis of religion at all?
No,it is kind of religion,too,becouse you need strong Faith to be atheist.
Namely,you need to belive that:
1.Everytching come from notching
2.Order come from Chaos creatures are born from unorganic matter.

All 3 are impossible,and we knew that thanks to science.
Italian writer Silvana De Mari was atheist almost entire life ,,becouse she saw suffering of innocents as doctor/she worked as one/
But,later she start checking Shroud of Turin,and, after she discovered that it is real,she undarstandt that God was suffering for us,and that innocent would be rewarded.
Thanks to that,she is now christian.

Here,wiki about her - do not even mention it,but cry over lgbt "rights" and covid madness she denied.
I might as well ask: Is a photo of a child in a bikini with long socks actually illegal material? I was under the impression that it was not. I do wonder where that photo came from and whether it's really from Hunter Biden's laptop, and that photo is certainly distasteful, but I don't think that it's actually illegal, unlike with photos of naked children. (And even there, there could be the occasional legal gray area: Jock Sturges - Wikipedia )
Not so surprisingly, it turned out Jock Sturges did stuff with kids too.

As for my opinion on this: we don't even want to get close to a legal grey area here. I don't want to be on a forum that even toes that line, I want to stay far away from it. We don't just follow the rule because it's a law, but because it's the right thing to do.

Normally, I'm very pro free speech, even on the forum and what's allowable. But I got limits.

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