The Cryptid/ Unexplained Event/ Paranormal Thread.


Cold War Veteran
The thread is intended for people to post any strange things they have seen or experienced. It is not a place for ridicule or explaining away what you saw. But a place for you to get it off your chest. I have found people keep things to themselves out of fear of ridicule. So this thread is to be a place to vent and tell your story. If you are a hard core skeptic please stay out of this thread. You can make your own skeptic thread if you want.

I will start it off. Well last year when I was working the night shift at a Construction site in Rural Jedburg SC. I had an encounter with a Bigfoot. I was making rounds on the perimeter of the building. It was 0200 in the morning. When I was going up to the big loading bay area I heard some equipment get knocked over. I found this odd because that stuff is heavy. So I thought someone unauthorized was on the site. As I approached the opening I saw movement. I shined my light in and got the shock of my life. Because this hulking thing stepped out of the shadows in to the outside of the door. It was huge around 8ft in height. It towered over me and just glared down at me. It looked like a Gorilla on Steroids. I slowly began to back up and walk to my car. The whole time it kept it's eyes on me. When I got to my car I hauled ass to the other side of the construction site. I told a few coworkers and some of the workers of what I saw. I got the usual skeptical responses.

The funny thing is after my sighting. The workers changed their work routines really quick. Some of the contractors that would work nights refused to work late. When the Sun went down they all got out of there. The one guy I struck up a friendship with was noticably nervous around the site. He didn't say much about why he was nervous but he didn't want to be there at night anymore. My best guess is they saw the creature as well. So that is my story. I forever changed my view of the forests in my state. To the point I refuse to go into the woods without no less than 10 of my cousins with me. And all of us with serious firepower.
The first hunting season after my dad passed away me and the sister and a half-dozen others went out to the usual stomping grounds for the weekend...More as an excuse to drink and get loud than any actual hunting, admittedly. Early the next morning before anyone else was up I emerged to the world's worst hangover and hearing the snap-crackle of the fire that we thought we'd put out. I bumble my way up and out of the tent because I'm curious who else is up. Stepped out and saw my dad fiddling with the fire and putting coffee & breakfast on. Still hazy from morning-brain and being the time I remember thinking it was weird for only a moment before I dismissed his death and funeral as a nightmare and set to BS'ing with him and helping him cook.

Spent the next 10 or 15 minutes getting ribbed about drinking too much and how I needed to be more careful, got advice on where the deer might be, and listened to a succession of dirty jokes about eggs, and generally BS'ing about nothing with the man. He poured me a cup of coffee and dished me up--something he never really did because of a bit of a bugaboo he had over it being 'woman's work'--then excused himself to 'go drain the lizard'. Walked out of sight and a moment later one of the girls I was with came groaning out of the tent wondering who was making the noise, and I never saw him again.

Told my sister on the drive back and after a series of tooth-pulling questions I got her to admit that apparently she'd hit the sack early the previous night because he'd showed up to her as well while she was smoking a cigarette and they'd shared a drink and talked. He'd urged her to quit smoking, as he'd never known she'd taken up the habit...And I never saw my sister smoke a cigarette from that point onward (and my alcohol consumption dropped to zero for a good while before I restarted in significantly more moderation...Most effective intervention in history, I'm pretty sure).
The first hunting season after my dad passed away me and the sister and a half-dozen others went out to the usual stomping grounds for the weekend...More as an excuse to drink and get loud than any actual hunting, admittedly. Early the next morning before anyone else was up I emerged to the world's worst hangover and hearing the snap-crackle of the fire that we thought we'd put out. I bumble my way up and out of the tent because I'm curious who else is up. Stepped out and saw my dad fiddling with the fire and putting coffee & breakfast on. Still hazy from morning-brain and being the time I remember thinking it was weird for only a moment before I dismissed his death and funeral as a nightmare and set to BS'ing with him and helping him cook.

Spent the next 10 or 15 minutes getting ribbed about drinking too much and how I needed to be more careful, got advice on where the deer might be, and listened to a succession of dirty jokes about eggs, and generally BS'ing about nothing with the man. He poured me a cup of coffee and dished me up--something he never really did because of a bit of a bugaboo he had over it being 'woman's work'--then excused himself to 'go drain the lizard'. Walked out of sight and a moment later one of the girls I was with came groaning out of the tent wondering who was making the noise, and I never saw him again.

Told my sister on the drive back and after a series of tooth-pulling questions I got her to admit that apparently she'd hit the sack early the previous night because he'd showed up to her as well while she was smoking a cigarette and they'd shared a drink and talked. He'd urged her to quit smoking, as he'd never known she'd taken up the habit...And I never saw my sister smoke a cigarette from that point onward (and my alcohol consumption dropped to zero for a good while before I restarted in significantly more moderation...Most effective intervention in history, I'm pretty sure).
Sounds like he came back to say one last goodbye. I have had family members with similar stories to yours. :)
When my grandfather was in the hospital shortly before he passed, the fire alarm went off in the building. No cameras showed anyone pulling a lever, no faulty wiring, it just went off. During that time my grandfather passed on. It also just so happens that the room my grandfather was in, was right next to the same room my grandmother died the year before. The family believes, just as I do, that grandma was calling him home.
This is something I've only spoken about to a grand total of maybe 3 people, but after seeing the last few posts I feel maybe it's ok to share it here. I think a few here may remember me talking about the event that triggered it.

Back on Christmas morning of 2017, I was in a rollover crash while trying to drive home for Christmas morning through a nasty Rockie Mountain blizzard. Hit a patch of black ice on a curve in the road, fishtailed, and lost control which end up with the truck doing a couple rolls as we went into the ditch besides the road. I had my cat with me at the time, and she was fatally injured by the crash, and died just a couple minutes after the truck came to rest. She had been pinballed around the cab as the truck rolled, because I had let her out of her carrier so she could watch out the window, like I normally did on drives. I almost slit my own wrists with glass from the crash because of how distraught and guilt filled I was at the time; only thing that stopped me was that I didn't want the family to lose two members on Christmas.

Well, several weeks later, when I was still in a really bad place because of the crash, I started seeing and hearing my cat off an on in my unit. Sometimes she'd be in the corner of my eye, looking out the window at the birds like she had loved to do, or on the couch besides my head. Sometimes I hear her scampering around in my dresser like she would do when it was hot and she wanted to stay cool. A few times it even felt like she was sleeping on my legs again at night. It...I don't know how to describe it's effect on me, other than it helped pull me out of a very bad place and put me into a place where I can accept the existence of the spiritual and divine.

Her spirit or presence, or whatever, stopped appearing after several months, right about the time I got my current cat. I think she was helping me get through a very tough and self-loathing period of my life, till I got a new companion who helped me fill that void.
The Strage di Ustica sounds like the plot to a thriller novel in real life. “Italy is a terrible place for a plane crash if you want the truth.”

I never realized I needed a cryptozoological tier list, but I did.
Necroing this thread because I found an interesting thread on twitter:

What stood out to me was this:

Apparently the pygmies of the region used to hunt them for food and suchlike.

Not only brontosaurus.They saw things which look like stegasourus and triceratops,too.Last was supposed to be elephant killer - althought it not eat them.
And pterodactyles,too.

Since none of them was seen lately,they were probably all killed by now.
If they existed - local hunters claimed to kill them when scientist showed tem pictures of those 3 species,but maybe it was prank?
Necroing this thread because I found an interesting thread on twitter:

What stood out to me was this:

Apparently the pygmies of the region used to hunt them for food and suchlike.

To add to this.


People often have no idea just how big the Congo really is. That is more than enough territory for very large animals to not only live but thrive. And you can literally not encounter them due to the size of the territory you have to cover. Damn near all of it by boat. Those beasts are in there and most scientists are too chicken shit to look.
To add to this.


People often have no idea just how big the Congo really is. That is more than enough territory for very large animals to not only live but thrive. And you can literally not encounter them due to the size of the territory you have to cover. Damn near all of it by boat. Those beasts are in there and most scientists are too chicken shit to look.

I hope,that you are right.But considering how many rebels with AK47 who needed meat was hiding there for last 20-30 years,they are probably already eaten.
I hope,that you are right.But considering how many rebels with AK47 who needed meat was hiding there for last 20-30 years,they are probably already eaten.

Which are being eaten, the rebels or the dinosaurs?

Now I'm wondering whether an AK will turn a Stegosaur into a dead animal, or into a wounded but still very much alive, and highly pissed off animal, that now absolutely is going to chase you down and thagomize you.
Which are being eaten, the rebels or the dinosaurs?

Now I'm wondering whether an AK will turn a Stegosaur into a dead animal, or into a wounded but still very much alive, and highly pissed off animal, that now absolutely is going to chase you down and thagomize you.

Both.I suspect,that even if dinos were real,rebels eat more long pigs anyway.
And,you are right about AK47 - i do not think,that one average rebel,or even few,could kill dino with it.Some elite soldier,sure - but not them.

P.S some 20 years ago,when polish mafia was more active,two of them killed anoter mafia guy near my flat with 2 clips from AK47.They schoot from maybe 30m,and hit him 7 times.
7/60 - bad result.I do not think,that average rebels would do better.

P.S He still died.
I hope,that you are right.But considering how many rebels with AK47 who needed meat was hiding there for last 20-30 years,they are probably already eaten.
I have seen documentaries on the Congo. The Rebels avoided several regions of the country because it was ether to difficult even for them to operate out of. And because even for them they feared what was living in some areas. Their are more cryptids in the Congo that the Rebels fear than just the Dinos. For them Supernatural things.
I have seen documentaries on the Congo. The Rebels avoided several regions of the country because it was ether to difficult even for them to operate out of. And because even for them they feared what was living in some areas. Their are more cryptids in the Congo that the Rebels fear than just the Dinos. For them Supernatural things.

Why not both? i read book of polish doctor who worked in Congo.He thought,that witchdoctors,at least some of them,really had so kind of powers.
But,i now hope that cryptids/if they existed/ could be still alive.Thanks!
Why not both? i read book of polish doctor who worked in Congo.He thought,that witchdoctors,at least some of them,really had so kind of powers.
But,i now hope that cryptids/if they existed/ could be still alive.Thanks!

I can do one better than "why not both?" - - what if some cryptids actually are spiritual beings?
If lots of people have seen it, but somehow there's never any physical evidence, no dead specimens ever found... and some hard questions about how a population of them could get enough food and so on... maybe they are apparitions from the spirit world?

Not counting the ones the Pygmies kill and eat, of course.
I had a weird encounter when I was quite young. Something "paranormal" anyway, I was climbing rocks at a lumber camp deep in the Sierra Nevadas far enough from civilization that we didn't have electricity or running water, when I heard a high-pitched mechanical noise a ridge over. I climbed up to see what it was but by then it has moved down along a dry creekbed and went around another ridge, moving away faster than I could even begin to follow.

I did examine the area and found no sign of tracks or anything mechanical in the sandy soil near the creekbed. It could perhaps have been some kind of flying device but this was in the early 80s, before Drones were a thing and when even the remote control helicopter was a technology only a few years old and not to be found in a deep backwoods logging camp where I was the only kid. A manned craft wouldn't be likely to be flying so low it was caught in between the ridges of the mountains.

I also regularly saw a UFO I named "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" as it was two extraordinarily bright white lights, far brighter than any other plane I've seen and not colored like plane lights are, ogether like headlights, that flew at low elevations and tended to follow the same path over and over again every night at the same time. I don't presume it was aliens but I never have figured out what the plane with car-like headlights flying low was.

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