The Nazi's socialist?

It is not a complicated moral question. Should cultures which are against rape seek to interfere with and alter cultures which not only practice rape but also punish the woman for being raped?
There's two example cases where it does become complicated, in the case of the Middle East.

Age of consent varies, and they do punish statutory rape, albeit with a considerably different definition of the term, beyond the obvious age. Molestation is perfectly permitted, with prohibitions only covering explicit penetrative intercourse; the West still uses the latter for statutory rape with a slightly less severe charge for the child molestation. Should a New Yorker take a powerful stand because they permit 14 year olds to have sex, when "obviously" only someone 18 or older can consent to such matters?

Similarly, they practice prolonged pre-sexual marriage, as the concept of a prolonged engagement is absent. Consequently, a Westerner looking in from outside sees a 25 year old man married to a 6 year old girl and is likely to be horrified, but the reality of the matter is that this is culturally equivalent to the European nobility's prolonged betrothals because of the aforementioned statutory rape, and marriage is largely seen as transactory between families rather than an individual matter.

Many of the precepts for why actions are wrong are simply not applicable between cultures, because most of these cultures fundamentally do not see these matters as individual affairs. Marriage is not about the man and woman as individuals, it is about their families having a point of connection and the creation of a new family unit. Sex is not perceived a matter of enjoyment, it is a matter of cultural duty to form a family, and as such the reason for prohibiting child sex is that they are not capable of childbearing and should not be spoiled until that is present.

Personal autonomy in these cultures is almost a nonexistent concept, drives are about family and faith. That's why they punish the raped, because their conception of right and wrong is that the woman raped has a duty not to tempt men away from their wives, and being raped clearly demonstrates a failure to meet this duty. To correct this requires overhauling the very foundations of the belief system. If you try to deliberately force a change, they will be violent, because that is what their understanding of morality and proper action to its very roots demands of them. Because they see it as you destroying their family, not you taking their children, and the family is a higher priority than the self.

That's also how the proper reactionaries view the matter, because they too hold a communal perspective that views society in family units rather than individuals. Smaller ones than the Middle Eastern culture, but that same fundamental divide of them viewing the issue as you working to break the family that includes them, while you see it as educating the children, exists. You look at the individuals, they look at collectives, and consequently the nature of reasoning is irreconcilably different between adults who have settled their basic ethics.
How do you square that with the position of "I'm taking my family, with agreement of all adults, out of Leftist society" being a grave sin? You do not get to do with others as you please, so you also don't get to shove people in a group and force that group to follow a particular view, nor do you get to go in to another group and demand they change to hold your views.
There is not problem with taking your family with the agreement of adults out of leftist society nor do I believe its a grave sin. But for 1 if you are going to remove yourself from a leftist society then you are removed. You get nothing from the society. Not the use of roads, not medical treatment, not cellphones. You get nothing. The only issue I would take is if you attempt to prevent any offspring that may exist in the family from leaving, or if there were abuse going on. As long as you do not try to prevent people from leaving you are welcome to have your little compound isolated from the rest of the world. Your pathetic attempt at re-framing your own removal from society as victimization is telling. No you shut the door. It is unlocked. You can let yourself in. But so long as you decide to live on the outside, you are on the outside. You get nothing from the rest of society.

What is the actual fundamental functional difference between the "reactionaries" homeschooling their children and you demanding actively working to demolish aspects of a culture on another damn continent? You need to be coherent in your views, and you have stated nothing that actually clarifies an underlying reasoning that your forced cultural conversion is okay, yet people just refusing to participate in it is not.
It is not my fault that you cannot tell the difference between a principle and a policy. But allow me to spell it out for you given that you don't understand. Reactionary home schooling (as opposed to home schooling) is isolationist and intended for use as a form of information control/thought control. The principles shared by both domestic and foreign reactionaries are exactly the same. The difference between the two is that the foreign reactionary cultures are worse than the domestic reactionary cultures. But the principles (which is what I want to destroy) are exactly the same. Thus I am fully consistent and coherent in my fight against reactionaries. This is why if you have been paying attention I am advocating for more or less the same tactics in both places. Children are not property. Parents do not own their children. They are temporary custodians until the child reaches autonomy. An attempt to retard autonomy or to impede autonomy is unacceptable and a violation of another's rights. In such instances it is the moral thing to do to interfere. Just as it is the moral thing to do to interfere with cultures of rape.

What's to say the revival movement has to be exclusive? Liberation Theology exists, and the current mainstream understanding of Christianity takes the notion that humans were created by a higher power that holds them to a universal standard as justification of universal rights. Why would it have to be the outright reactionary religious views returning trying to backtrack to the 1950s, instead of those who just use religion as the groundwork of much the same ethics of interference you say you support and decide that the ceaseless drive to force compliance with those ethics is a violation of them?
Special note: During this point and until I indicate that the its ended I am going to hit reset on both attitude and tone of the conversation. I am going to try for minimal technicalism but its very difficult when it comes to epistemology. Proper terms are capitalized. In this case if it seems I am talking down to you I am actually not. This is an area where it is better to assume someone has no knowledge at the beginning and then to build up from there.

Axiomatically there are certain things which any sane individual must accept. These are what is known as Properly Basic Beliefs (PPB). My problem with mysticism is my exact same problem with Global Atheism. Both of them are unjustified positions. Ontological Naturalism and Supernaturalism are both without warrant. To claim that the natural world is all that exists or that a supernatural world exists cannot meet a reasonable warrant. The problem lay in that by holding either position without warrant one must engage in unsound an invalid reasoning.

This leads us to Methodological Naturalism which as a much more modest claim and is warranted (I can get into the how if you want but I am sticking to the argument for now). While those who adhere to Methodological Naturalism are not free from cognitive bias or fallacious reasoning neither are inherent to the system itself.

With regard to mystics the biggest problem that arises is the belief in Freewill particularly Libertarian Freewill which is an incoherent and nonsense concept. Of every single belief I have ever come across this is the most insidious, harmful, and destructive, with hard fatalism running a close second. The belief in Freewill (be it from a mystic nor secular source) destroys any ability to model behavior which is an absolute requirement to be able to function in the world. It destroys any ability to explain past human behavior in any coherent fashion. By obliterating causality the world becomes incomprehensible.
Most of modern-day Satanism is pretty much the latter, alongside a lot of other countercultures, at least in the US, taking an extremely contrarian set of beliefs to arrive at the mainstream code of ethics, that being individual liberties, with a few points inverted. In the real-life examples, debauchery being presented as a good, in your case, presenting the argument that minimizing the ability to choose wrong is itself an infringement on autonomy.

Once you introduce the concept of the Supernatural into the system fuzzy thinking must follow as a consequence.

Special Note rules ended

What would stop them from generally arising is what stops the vast majority of adults from thinking the earth is flat or that Santa Claus is real. Such bullshit beliefs are mocked and ridiculed so while a small segment of the population may hold absurd beliefs the ultimate goal is not the extermination of belief in the supernatural but to limit it and its ability to impact society. I am however as of this time convinced that beliefs such as Deism would warrant any special attention or that it would need to be eliminated. Generally speaking Deism is harmless.

Soviet bloc shows otherwise, and we are currently living through a rerun of the previous century in many regards courtesy of Capitalism managing to reboot the Gilded Age, except even more asshole-driven and wealth-worshiping because now the entertainers get to be big role models when they were considered worse than whores the last 20's and the rich are at the point of actually bribing countries into submission.
You are correct. It was much better when they had to hire private armies to wage war rather than just bribe countries. And if you think the capitalists now are more of an asshole than they were in the last century or the century before then you seriously need to read some history. The scope and scale of their dick swinging is wider, however there is much that they can no longer do, or at least when they do do it they can only do it on smaller scales. Thousands of dead rather than tens of thousands. Check out the origin of the term Banana Republic. Dole Food Company owned an entire countries all but outright and they were not the only ones.

Many of the Marxist revolutions in South America had more to do getting the actually evil American owned corporations the fuck out of South American countries. As I have said prior. Slave rebellions are nasty. The corporations at the time didn't change their tactics in the least, they just did what they had always done only on a larger scale and outside US domestic boarders.

Much the same happened after the fall of Rome, as well, with the general peasantry returning to their communal behaviors once the big, central government taxing them and imposing laws shattered, and once more returned to it in the Americas when the necessary liberties and land returned (Amish, Quakers, most of the midwest for at least a century, etc.). In the absence of population concentration and governmental pressure, people have pretty much always returned to ultra-traditionalist community-focused living. Because that's what just works and comes naturally when you have a small population without outside interference.
As someone who grew up in exactly the kind of place you are talking about and who regularly visits old home let me just say. You are full of shit. Take your rose colored glasses off and look at modern rural communities and compare them to just rural communities of just 30 or 40 years ago and you will see you are wrong. The definition of traditional always changes. It's a moving target. The America and "American values" you jerk yourself raw over never existed except as a fantasy in your mind.

Isolationist communities (which is what you are actually speaking of) are shit holes. If it weren't for the improvement the internet has brought to the world I would never have looked back at my home town. Isolationism is a plague. The only thing it does is to allow communities to hide their flaws from the wider world. That is no longer the case.

In similar conditions, populations will take on similar patterns of behavior. The details of beliefs will usually persist, but the way of life will converge quickly. The more particular the base of knowledge needed for this, the longer it takes and the more likely a divergence, but when it comes down to it, farming towns have lived overwhelmingly the same way through all the kingdoms, empires, republics, democracies and any other form of government, because few are the governments that bother meddling with them beyond getting the food.
Ahistoric shit and pure delusion. The impact of technological advances alone have radically altered farm town life over the millennia, the advances of the last three centuries alone hare changed it beyond recognition from previous generations.

The issue we're having is that you think inclusivity somehow applies to the obliteration of entire categories of belief, demanding the upholding of moral standards in other societies a great distance away, and demanding that parents not be allowed to determine their children's education. Meanwhile, we look at the word "inclusivity" and actually think we should be inclusive of beliefs, provided they do not turn into wrongful action by the society they are within, and respectfully allow other societies to have different standards of wrongful action so that beliefs outside our won acceptance are not brutally oppressed, and therefor retain their autonomy.
Yes again there is an actual name for it. Its called the Tolerance Paradox.

Correcting what you said above

The issue we're having is that I think inclusivity applies to the exclusion of intolerant belief systems, leftists demand the upholding of moral standards in other societies that are geographically 2 days away and informationally seconds away. Demanding the recognition of the fact that parents do own their children, and that they have a moral obligation to prepare their children for life beyond their walls. This means that parents do not have a right to warp a child's sense of reality by teaching them things like flat earth, race realism, or other such nonsense that directly goes against the known facts of the world. It is the parents responsibility just as it is the teachers responsibility to teach the child not what to think but how to think (Critical Reasoning Skills).

Meanwhile you look at the word inclusivity and actually think that you should be inclusive of cultures which practice rape, the murder of women who have been raped, the murder of queers, slavery, the torture of infidels, etc. to quote @ShieldWife "None of my business". You are just full of shit. You don't give a flying fuck about "respecting other societies" you just don't want your society to be scrutinized and examined and potentially altered. You have no principles anymore than shieldwife does. Societies have no right to autonomy. That's stupid and absurd. Individuals have rights societies (systems) do not.

The nature of gradual conversion under inclusivity is to reason with the other, to talk them out of it, not indoctrinate them, deny them the ability to choose "wrong". Because we don't see ourselves as perfect paragons, and therefor see ourselves as fallible, so most of us look to determine what is right by reason and work to extend this reason to as many as we can, while not actively removing the seemingly-unreasoned because they may indeed have quite valuable ideas within their worldview and we may still be wrong on some matters, and more importantly they are entitled to decide the values to teach their children.
Yes I do very much agree that the nature of gradual conversion under inclusivity is to reason with others. However that makes a grand assumption which is demonstrably false. To reason one must adhere to the principles of reason. Something reactionaries regularly demonstrate they do not care for. I will tell you what. No joking, no mocking. You indicate to me that you are serious about wanting to have an actual respectful conversation in which we engage in good faith with reasoned arguments not based on emotion and I will hit the reset button on the entire tone of our conversation. No swearing (which will be difficult because I write like I speak), no derogatory terms, a complete tonal reset. But you must act in good faith. You must make an honest attempt at steelmanning my arguments. You must not misrepresent my views or build strawmen out of them. Now if you are serious I require only two things. 1) An indication that this is how you wish to proceed. 2) an actual attempt at steelmanning my view on inclusion. You do not have to actually succeed at it you do need to make a good faith effort. If you get it wrong we will discuss it until you are able to state my view in your own words in a way that I go "yes that is my position or close enough to make no mind". I do agree beforehand to act in good faith and to steelman your arguments whatever they may be.

My request. Not my requirement but my request is that you would treat my views as though they are completely foreign to you and you have never regardless of the terms used heard them before.

We place limits on how those values may be taught, for the material safety of the child, but children are not given full autonomy. It is the parent's responsibility, as you say, to teach the child not to make mistakes, and part of this is them having the right to teach the child correct courses of action, which is fundamentally the persistence of the parent's beliefs.
No you don't. You (general) do not value autonomy at all. As to children being "given" full autonomy... Children cannot be given autonomy. It is either something they have or they do not have. Children do not have autonomy. It is a parents obligation by virtue of the role they have chosen to foster autonomy and independence. But autonomy is not something that anyone can give to anyone else. It is something each individual must learn on their own. The parent is the sponsor and guide but it is beyond their ability to give autonomy, just like it is beyond the ability of a slave owner to give freedom to their slaves.

This isn't just a semantic difference but a fundamental difference. To get what I mean you have to do more than get it you have to grok it on a fundamental level. The autonomy of the child exists independent of the child who has yet to reach autonomy and independent of the parent who is incapable of granting autonomy. It is something which exists within the realized individual just out of reach of the child. Once the child achieves autonomy they are no longer a child even if they are not physically fully capable yet and so considerations of physics must be taken into account just as one would take physical limitations into account with any other individual. What is in the parents (and others) per view is the ability to externally recognize and validate the achievement of autonomy. Autonomy like freedom is a state of mind.

The key thing is that autonomy includes the right to be wrong. Something you are comprehensively denying, by demanding a sweeping policy of obliteration of dissent to your ideas of what it means to be "right". My own position, at least, is liberty to enable gradual progress towards a better world, rather than a forced thrust to one kind of progress as you call for. I don't believe in an end goal that would be the best world like you, I believe in a process to improve the current one.
Yes. Autonomy includes the right to be wrong. Let's look at the framing of the next thing you said because it's rather interesting. I have been repeatedly stressing how I value autonomy. Autonomy in fact makes up part of my personal "trinity" if you will. What you said though is rather interesting. What makes it interesting is that I am actually unsure if you are gasliting me on purpose of on accident. Because yes the right to be wrong is a much more important right than the right to be correct. 10,000% agree. Without the right to be wrong the right to be correct means nothing. But, but the pivoting non-sequitur is telling.
"Something you are comprehensively denying," what an interesting statement. How am I comprehensively denying the right to be wrong? 'By demanding sweeping policies of obliteration of dissenting views which do not value autonomy'. Now please explain to me how the connection between denying people the right to be wrong, and denying people the ability to violate peoples autonomy. That is unless what you are saying is that I am denying people the right to be wrong about other people not having autonomy. In which case you would be correct. A dissenting view which denies the right to autonomy will not be tolerated and in fact must be obliterated. There is no middle ground between promoting autonomy and promoting dependence.

As to an end goal. For some they believe that the ends justify the means. I on the other hand believe that the means are the ends. I hate the Marxists. I despise them with every fiber of my being. And the reason I hate them is because I am not self-deluded, and there are times where the frustration of dealing with insane and irrational people grow so great that it nearly drives me to a black nihilism. The only thing that holds me back from that is remembering that the means are the ends. Schadenfreude while emotionally satisfying is ultimately counterproductive and self destructive. In life I have one single goal. Leave the world better than I came into it. Each step towards that better is one thing less those who come after will have to achieve. Reactionaries tend to accuse me of arrogance something which I find quite humorous. They mistake confidence and intelligence for an over inflated sense of self worth. Determinism acts as a check against arrogance. It is hard to believe that one is special when one believes it was luck and circumstance plays a larger role in ones life than ones personal effort. When one does not believe in choice their perspective on many things shift. There is no Greatman who will come to save us all. At no point will history be complete. At no point will struggle vanish from the face of the earth. What we struggle towards will change, what each generation does will be both different from and the same as the last, and each individual is but a single drop in the tide. No drop is greater or lesser than any other there is only the luck of circumstance.

My job and the job of every other person is to be a bridge to a better future. That isn't just a platitude but something I took to heart when I first read Thus Spake Zarathustra at 19. Our responsibility is to stand on the shoulders of those who came before so that those who follow may stand upon our shoulders and reach even greater heights. My problem with reactionary philosophy in general is that they do not just respect those who came before but worship them. They desire not to reach up but to dig down and stand in the graves of those long past. For me and those like me it is about remembering the past, learning from it, and moving towards the future. But most of all it is about remembering that we are road bumps on the road of history. We live we die and there is no grand ontological meaning assigned to us. There is only the meaning we choose.

And if the process results in your end goal, that is fine by me, but the important matter is that the process of questioning and reasoning and having the right to speak of bad ideas to determine why they are bad and should be rejected is followed. Keep the lunatic reactionaries around to show them wrong to others, instead of elimiating them and thereby having little practical example to firmly prove the view truly wrong.
and when dealing with good faith actors again you are correct. The problem is in the assumption that reactionaries are good faith actors. Oh there are a few but the vast majority of them? No matter what my rhetoric I always act in good faith and expect the same of those I am talking to. When I am pleasantly surprised and the individual I am talking to is acting in good faith I very much enjoy a genuine conversation. However when dealing with reactionaries it takes only a few exchanges before the mask starts to slip. They avoid or refuse to answer straight forward questions, or their actual beliefs start peaking through their rhetoric. They stand on their head and tell me that I am the one who is upside down.

How are you not authoritarian? You are, in fact, demanding enormous control, demanding others act in accordance with your views, demand opposing views be eliminated... The nearest would be that you have some delusion that just because it's corporations doing the dirty work, it isn't actually authoritarian, because it's not a single big "government" doing the ruthless oppression. The Anarcho-capitalists at least pretend the big corporations can be out-competed, you are literally saying to deny competition to the agenda.
First I am not demanding enormous control. There is a difference between demanding a thing and carrying out actions while informing others the action is done (I refer here to the seizure of entertainment). As to demanding others act in accordance with my views. Yes. I do demand that others not violate the autonomy of other individuals. I do demand that others be treated with respect. I do demand that facts take priority over feelings. I do not demand opposing views be eliminated. I and others are ensuring that views opposing Liberty and Equality will be eliminated. There is no demand there only cultural Darwinism. We learned from the past. Leftists have been patient, we have tried to reason, we have tried appealing to facts. And the reactionaries launched and carried out a plan beginning in the 1960's (See 7 Mountains of Influence) to subvert and seize the seven pillars and carried out mass suppression on the battlefield of ideas. Fine. Reactionaries do not get to pretend to be surprised. And the reason why what we are doing is not authoritarian and what the reactionaries did and continue to do is authoritarian has to do with the means and the ends.

Reactionaries seized the levers of control for the purpose of exercising information and thought control. They excluded any possibility of dissent. I want dissent. I want reactionaries to openly and proudly and loudly say what they truly believe. I want them to take the fucking masks off. None of the bullshit cries about "personal freedom" when they go to a mass protest during a fucking pandemic. They need to be honest and say they want the right to walk around during a pandemic and to murder people by irresponsibly spreading a virus. I want the ethno-staters to admit openly what their plans are for in the words of Richard Spencer "Making America White Again". I want them to admit openly that they don't care about science or facts and that they just hate trans people for no other reason than their feelings. I want them to admit that they are fascists and they don't like democracy. But most of all I want them to admit they hate the enlightenment and everything it stood for. I want them to embrace openly and publicly and proudly the meaning of their name. Reactionary.

Leftists on the other hand. What have we done with the leavers we have managed to seize? We've spread the message that intolerance is not acceptable. That racism is not only unfounded but absurd. That there are different people in the world, and that people ought to be accepted not in spite of their differences but regardless of them. We have spread that science is a valuable tool. That facts are more important that feelings. We have spread that it is okay to not be like everyone else. Diversity as strength. Personal freedom actually means something. Principles matter. Democracy is valuable.

As most of us hold inclusivity as a good thing, we consider censorship to always be wrong, alongside forced indoctrination. And censorship is more than book-burning, it very much includes deplatforming, the practice of removing visibility of the speech rather than wholly preventing it. Indoctrination, too, is more than being locked in a select group and forced to acquiesce for companionship, it includes extremes of bias in education to leave reasoning unable to dissent, which is why we bitch about all the politically loaded material in universities. And, in this case, your plan to destroy religion.
Considering that I am a free speech absolutist and I know for a fact that several people on this forum are not. Bullshit. What reactionaries clamor for is a right to be platformed which is a right that does not and never has existed. Denial of access to a platform is not censorship and it's an outright lie to claim that it is. Even there though I want reactionaries platformed. As to your bullshit claim about being against forced indoctrination. Okay lets put that to the test because I know for a fact that you do not mean that, and while we are at it lets put your claim about being pro free speech to the test. Are you for or against sex education in public schools. Additionally are you for or against LGBT inclusion in sex education in schools? Lets take this a step further though. Are you for or against teachers openly advocating for acceptance of LGBT students.
Now lets really see where your principles lay. Should students who's parents foot the education bill be required to have authority figures (teachers, principals, school administrators) tell them they are a degenerate and or that they are going to hell?
Should teachers be permitted to teach information which is demonstrably factually incorrect?
And if you try to escape this by claiming "I don't think there should be public schools" that wasn't the questions. Given that we have what we do at the moment should X.
Returning to your cute little attempt at describing indoctrination. A key element of indoctrination is preventing an individual either directly or indirectly from seeking information counter to the information presented. Schools don't do that. Sorry buster try again.

Not all homeschoolers are locked away from dissent. That is actually quite the minority, often overlapping with the parents themselves being in much more intensive cult behaviors, as their peer groups usually include those who do it because of the abysmal state of public education for purely academic reasons, and they interact with those who are withheld for different cultural reasons. Many parents homeschool specifically to teach their children to question what they see and to reason so they don't make mistakes, because the public education system makes no appearance of doing such a thing.
Bullshit. I am very well aware of how the majority of homeschools are run. My objection is not to the principle of home schooling but to the way reactionaries homeschool. I have first hand experience with modern homeschooling and it's material as well as intimate knowledge of those who design it.


I'll also note you dropped the thread of discussion on two-axis political categorization. If there exists non-authoritarian Right, then there must be points that define Right vs. Left separately from any question of authoritarianism, and therefor some qualifiers of authoritarianism exist perpendicular to the Left/Right divide that can be held by the Left.
Picking this thread back up. Authoritarian is just the most right position. The axis isn't actually defined on authoritarian vs anti-authoritarian. Understand also that I am truncating a lot of information. Originally the axis was defined by Left Liberal (enlightenment) vs Right Reactionary (anti-enlightenment). There are a few positions between Liberal and Reactionary with Conservatism being one of them. The topic of conservatism is a discussion all on its own but understand that for the most part its a defunct position both within the US and globally. The last remaining conservative holdout that I am aware of is actually believe it or not Glenn Beck though that may have changed in the last year and a half. Since then the Liberalism has actually become the new center position as new positions farther left than liberalism have developed using liberalism as their foundation. The position just left of Liberal is Social Democrat (which people always read as socialist democrat for some reason), just left of that is Democratic Socialist, again there are more positions but the most far left position is Anarchism which advocates for the abolition of the state but not abolition of governments.

Anyway because of how right and left are defined given the new political landscape (new meaning ~150 years) its not Left Leftist vs Right Reactionary. Liberalism stands in stark opposition to authoritarianism and given that Liberalism has been considered centrist for the past ~150 years it's impossible to have a reactionary left. It's by the definitions involved impossible nonsense. If someone is an authoritarian they are not by definition left. It's not because as I am sure someone is going to say question begging. Rather it is because Liberalism and Authoritarianism are like oil and water. They don't mix. Interestingly enough though Neo-Liberalism (the current democratic party) can actually be authoritarian. But then again Neo-Liberalism is a center-right ideology.

I hope that makes sense.

Your statement of Enlightenment values being what defines "the Left" is both untrue, due to the advent of Modernism and Post-Modernism, and contradicts your opinion that Authoritarianism is always right-wing, because the Enlightenment called for philosopher-kings, because the unifying ideas were just intellectualism, the thought that it's best to reason rather than follow authority just because it's authority. It's not a rejection of authority itself in any capacity as a rule, because the Enlightenment thinkers were quite often feudal nobility, or at least employed by them.

For fuck's sake, eugenics came from Enlightenment thinking. Rather directly so, because the Enlightenment did not actually reject demographic superiority, all it did was make a call for demonstrating superiority instead of having automatic right to rule.
You just made my head explode. I am not having this conversation with you unless you define modernism and post-modernism and unless you do so correctly. I have gotten in far to many useless conversation with people who use these words and have no fucking clue what they mean. The one and only thing I will say with regards to this statement is that I strongly recommend that you actually read the Enlightenment philosophers who advocated for philosopher-kings because what you are intending to imply and what they actually said are not the same thing. Also be sure that you are reading Enlightenment philosophers and not just "philosophers who wrote during the Enlightenment" or later counter-enlightenment philosophers assuming they are Enlightenment philosophers. There are two popular Enlightenment sources that you could be pulling from one a conservative the other a liberal democrat. Both advocated for philosopher-kings and both meaning radically different things. I am curious about which you are pulling from.
That he ignored the Constitutional term limits is an undeniable fact. That he committed staggering levels of election fraud has been comprehensively proven:

you are either stupid, lying, or both. Given your track record I know which I would choose.

So for starters I actually disagree with his decision to run for another term and think that changing the constitution to remove term limits was a bad idea. If you look into you will see that is what happened. The Bolivian Constitution unlike the US Constitution enshrines human rights. The Bolivian Supreme court ruled that part of the Constitution contradicted another part of the constitution. Which means that what he did regardless of how I disagree with it or how stupid and dangerous I think it was it was legal.

Protests in response to this started on 21 October - it was not until 9 November, three weeks later, that the army even made comments on the situation, which boiled down to saying that they would not suppress the protesters on Morales' orders. Then he was asked to resign a day later, promptly did, and fled the country two days after that.
and the day trump was elected and the day after he was elected and for weeks after there were protests. What's really funny is if you look at the counter protests they were bigger than the protests. Additionally He suggested another election this time run by a third party country. In response the military held a coup. The new fascist interim president then promised to push all the darkies back into the mountains. And then later spoke of an extermination campaign against the satanic darkies.

[qoute]Then in exile, our would-be El Presidente ordered his followers remaining in the country to cut off supplies of food, water, fuel and electricity to the nation's cities until they called for him to return and rule over them. So libertarian.[/quote]
good on them. When someone promises to push you back into the mountains or to exterminate you why let them have an easy time of it?

I mean, socialism failed even as far back as 1607 when Jamestown tried going without private property and they all starved because no-one had an incentive to work ... in a lush environment filled with game to hunt, no less. Then when they reintroduced private property, their food problems vanished. Funny, heh? And there was certainly no USA at the time to sabotage them.
The situation was just slightly more complicated than your elementary school finger painting would have us believe.

Taking a look at socialist moments and/or countries that actually exist, I can see a helluva lotta good reasons to oppose them.
That is not only extremely rich but also circular logic. But when did a reactionary ever care about circular logic?
It’s not that I don’t care about people suffering in other countries, I absolutely do. If you read any of my posts about foreign policy topics, you’ll see that. But I am a nationalist, I believe that a people with a shared identity has the right to political autonomy, to be able to create a government and a nation that represents their values and their interests. I may disagree with their values or how they run their nations, but it isn’t my place to force them to comply with my values. We can look at world history and see how trying to force other people’s to comply with your values has justified countless atrocities.

So I genuinely hope that all people of all races, nations, religions, cultures, and political affiliations have happiness, peace, prosperity, and rights. But people from other nations and cultures are in a better position to judge for themselves how to run their lives and their nations than I am. Just as I am in a better position to judge what is best for my children than some totalitarian busybody is.

I don’t see how anything I have said is authoritarian when I want to leave others alone to live their lives as they like and want only the same thing for me and mine.
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What is the actual fundamental functional difference between the "reactionaries" homeschooling their children and you demanding actively working to demolish aspects of a culture on another damn continent? You need to be coherent in your views, and you have stated nothing that actually clarifies an underlying reasoning that your forced cultural conversion is okay, yet people just refusing to participate in it is not.

People of the Angry Left show a recurring tendency to judge others by high standards, but to refuse to apply those standards to their own side.

Soviet bloc shows otherwise, and we are currently living through a rerun of the previous century in many regards courtesy of Capitalism managing to reboot the Gilded Age, except even more asshole-driven and wealth-worshiping because now the entertainers get to be big role models when they were considered worse than whores the last 20's and the rich are at the point of actually bribing countries into submission.

I have a pet theory: Alicia Rosenbaum (aka Ayn Rand) was a Soviet agent, and her mission was to help make Western free-market economies turn into something so horrible that ordinary people would want Socialism instead.

Much the same happened after the fall of Rome, as well, with the general peasantry returning to their communal behaviors once the big, central government taxing them and imposing laws shattered, and once more returned to it in the Americas when the necessary liberties and land returned (Amish, Quakers, most of the midwest for at least a century, etc.). In the absence of population concentration and governmental pressure, people have pretty much always returned to ultra-traditionalist community-focused living. Because that's what just works and comes naturally when you have a small population without outside interference.

Pragmatism does tend to beat ideology-based approaches.

In similar conditions, populations will take on similar patterns of behavior. The details of beliefs will usually persist, but the way of life will converge quickly. The more particular the base of knowledge needed for this, the longer it takes and the more likely a divergence, but when it comes down to it, farming towns have lived overwhelmingly the same way through all the kingdoms, empires, republics, democracies and any other form of government, because few are the governments that bother meddling with them beyond getting the food.

Life in a farming town is something that does change, with technology.

That your response was so predictable was disappointing.

If the question is so predictable, you could have anticipated it.

That you attempted to defend someone who tried to defend rape as an appropriate cultural expression is mind blowing.

Shieldwife said no such thing. Non-interventionism is not approval.

It is not a complicated moral question. Should cultures which are against rape seek to interfere with and alter cultures which not only practice rape but also punish the woman for being raped? If someones answer to this question is anything other than no, they are a moral monster.

Wanting to prevent people from a pro-rape culture from coming over here and imposing their "values" on young women in my country makes me a "moral monster" to you? Oookay.

you are either stupid, lying, or both. Given your track record I know which I would choose.

That thing you did there? It looks like you do it a lot.
In polite company, if someone posts info that we consider inaccurate we do not jump to accuse that person of dishonesty. Rather, we simply provide better info.
Because we have sufficient "theory of mind" to know that ignorance, or being misinformed, are generally more likely explanations.
you are either stupid, lying, or both. Given your track record I know which I would choose.

Yes, yes, everybody who disagrees with you is an evil reactionary degenerate liar. We've gone through this a million times by now.

The Bolivian Constitution unlike the US Constitution enshrines human rights. The Bolivian Supreme court ruled that part of the Constitution contradicted another part of the constitution. Which means that what he did regardless of how I disagree with it or how stupid and dangerous I think it was it was legal.

A court Morales created and filled with his political allies just so happened to decide that he had the right to run for office indefinitely, after the country's people rejected him when he put the question to them in a referendum (and he ignored them to run anyway). So legitimate. Glad to see you concede Morales committed massive voter fraud as well.

and the day trump was elected and the day after he was elected and for weeks after there were protests.

Trump won the 2016 Presidential election fair and square according to the rules. Morales cheated his way to victory. One case is just a matter of losers whining, another actually has a legitimate point.

What's really funny is if you look at the counter protests they were bigger than the protests.

Clearly not if the protests were such a threat he felt the need to try and get the army on side.
Additionally He suggested another election this time run by a third party country.

I guess his commie friends over in Cuba and Venezuela? Those seem like the only "third parties" he would trust to carry it out.

In response the military held a coup.

They said "we won't Tiananmen these protesters who are marching against you, would you please resign so the situation doesn't get any worse?" At which point he promptly did. And the literal day after he did so, his supporters started calling for civil war. Then he fled the country.

The new fascist interim president then promised to push all the darkies back into the mountains. And then later spoke of an extermination campaign against the satanic darkies.

Hmm, what could make Christians view "indigenous religious practices" as Satanic?

Nov. 12 (UPI) -- Bolivia police investigated reports Monday that a missing eight-year-old child might have been offered as a human sacrifice during a ritual.

The child disappeared in a western part of Bolivia where there's widespread mining.

"We learned this weekend something apparently extremely serious," Bolivian Justice Minister Hector Arce told reporters Monday. He added that the boy was "presumably sacrificed."

"We will not tolerate more acts of violence and child sacrifice," he said. "The Bolivian state would use resources to the extreme to prevent this from remaining unpunished, and to avoid what presumably happened in Cosnipata from happening again."

This evoked his interest in recent reports about human sacrifice, which is still practiced in Chile, Bolivia and Peru.


The first report of a sacrifice Mr. Tierney investigates concerns a 5-year-old boy in southern Chile, among the Mapuche Indians, who was said to have been killed in 1960. After an earthquake followed by a huge tidal wave, people under the leadership of a female shaman tried to appease the wrath of the ocean with this sacrifice. It is the single case Mr. Tierney cites of a communal killing ritual in Chile. Then a newspaper article in 1986 about the possible sacrifice of a man near Lake Titicaca in Peru led Mr. Tierney to investigate this event as well as many others in recent years. Here Mr. Tierney was presented with personal motivations - for instance, the overriding desire to become rich. We have to ask if we are dealing with facts or with stories inspired by envy.

Mr. Tierney gives many lively descriptions. He unearths more and more cases of recent sacrifices, and he reports various opinions people had about them. Finally, he participates in a ritual on a mountaintop with an old shaman, accused of sacrificing the man near Lake Titicaca. The shaman tells Mr. Tierney he had led many victims - but only young women - to their execution.

BTW, these are the "fascist dictator of Bolivia"'s actions in regards to the indigenous community:

As acting president, Áñez has kept wiphala, the flag of indigenous Bolivian communities, as a co-official flag of Bolivia, as it had been under Morales, declaring that she was committed to the fundamental task of "highlighting the unity [of the] plural and diverse" nation of Bolivia.[139] In addition to the whipala, the patujú is displayed prominently.[140] The patujú is a symbol of the Eastern indigenous peoples of Bolivia and of Santa Cruz, Bolivia's largest city. This flag was also adopted by indigenous opposition to Morales during the TIPNIS protests.[141][133] On 26 November 2019, she was presented with and wore a red poncho (a traditional Andean garment worn by community leaders) by representatives of the indigenous community on the inauguration of Rafael Quispe as director of the Fund for Indigenous Development.[142] On 28 January 2020, Áñez signed a proposed bill to provide cultural recognition to the seven different identities of the country's indigenous women. After signing she stated "This bill is a demonstration of the value of the pollera woman as the main character in the fight for the equality of indigenous, rural, migrant and mestizo women" and that "the principle of equality must transcend laws and transform society and create more opportunities for indigenous and rural women."[143]

So much persecution. I was also unable to find calls for genocide issued after Morales fled.

good on them. When someone promises to push you back into the mountains or to exterminate you why let them have an easy time of it?

"Besiege the cities until they starve and beg me to come back as El Presidente". That's what he was calling for, and that's what his minions tried to do. Thankfully they were ineffective.

The situation was just slightly more complicated than your elementary school finger painting would have us believe.

That is not only extremely rich but also circular logic. But when did a reactionary ever care about circular logic?

I mean at this point you're just repeating the standard-issue commie excuses for why they keep failing. You're on "USA keeps sabotaging us!" right now.
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People of the Angry Left show a recurring tendency to judge others by high standards, but to refuse to apply those standards to their own side.
I agree wokescolds (the Angry Left) do have a recurring tendency to judge others by high standards, but refuse to apply those standards to their own side. The same however is true of the right only more generally, as in it applies to 90% of the right. If however that statement is what I think it is and is actually an attempt to sub-tweet me then grow a pair and @me.

I have a pet theory: Alicia Rosenbaum (aka Ayn Rand) was a Soviet agent, and her mission was to help make Western free-market economies turn into something so horrible that ordinary people would want Socialism instead.
Interesting theory. As someone who has read all of Any Rand's work I would be very interested in an elaboration.

Pragmatism does tend to beat ideology-based approaches.
Which is why I am a consequentialist and not a deontologist.

Life in a farming town is something that does change, with technology.
The words of ignorance how sweet they must taste on your tongue. If however you had actually studied history rather than just make shit up you would know this. If for no other reason than the shift in population size needed to maintain a farm culture would have and did change. For example when we talk about family run farms today what we are referring to usually is Nuclear family. However not that long ago what we would have been referring to is tightly knit extended families with grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles, etc. This doesn't even mention the occasional hired hand or slave labor. Farms were often in fact small villages with hundreds of people working on them. Even a very small farm would require 30-40 people minimum to run and that was just to be self sustaining. This required a radically different social dynamic to modern farming where a mere fraction of the same manpower is required. This is not even touching on the impact the introduction of metal had on farming practices. The amount of labor required to create a single stone tool and the physical tole it took on the body are nearly incomprehensible. This lead to a massive shift in culture due to an increase in general productivity and the availability of abundant free time (a dozen or so hours a week). Your claim is a rejection of reality and a denial of history. The cultures, the values, all of it shift just like the rest of society. What is with this fapbait hegemonic idealism.

If the question is so predictable, you could have anticipated it.
What? I said your response was predicable, I didn't say I was surprised or that I didn't anticipate it. I never even hinted as much. Talking to a reactionary is much like talking to an NPC. I go back hoping they might say something different this time, on very rare occasion they manage to meet that expectation.

Shieldwife said no such thing. Non-interventionism is not approval.
Really? "I don't like Islamic culture, as that seems to be what you're referring to, and I absolutely want to keep it out of Western nations - something that leftists seem to think is as evil as can be. But with regard to practicing those cultures in their own nations - that isn't any of my business. "

Wanting to prevent people from a pro-rape culture from coming over here and imposing their "values" on young women in my country makes me a "moral monster" to you? Oookay.
What a fucking strawman. It burns quite bright doesn't it. That in no way reflects any statement or question I have put forward. I never mentioned immigration at all. The question I asked you stupid motherfucker was 'Should anti-rape cultures interfere with and or modify pro-rape cultures?' If your answer to THAT question (not a question on immigration) is anything but "Yes they should modify and interfere with those cultures." you are a moral monster. Try again next time FailHard.

That thing you did there? It looks like you do it a lot.
In polite company, if someone posts info that we consider inaccurate we do not jump to accuse that person of dishonesty. Rather, we simply provide better info.
Because we have sufficient "theory of mind" to know that ignorance, or being misinformed, are generally more likely explanations.
Back your shit up. I can back up every time I call someone stupid or accuses them of lying (ignorance and lying are not the same thing). So back up your shit. I have already demonstrated in this very post where you were willfully ignorant and then you lied by strawmanning what I said.

And lets not forget how you ran away like the coward that you are from every single question that I asked. Not a single one got answered. If I had to be the reason you refused to engage the questions I asked it's because it would further expose you as the liar you are.
You're one to talk about running away like a coward.
I haven't run from anything. Between being outnumbered and needing to deal with the constant pivots and dodges of you all I have to decide how to spend my available time. Especially when it takes more effort to correct a lie than it does to tell one. I have also answered every direct question in addition to the indirect questions. If I missed a direct question then please restate it and I will answer it.
I haven't run from anything. Between being outnumbered and needing to deal with the constant pivots and dodges of you all I have to decide how to spend my available time. Especially when it takes more effort to correct a lie than it does to tell one. I have also answered every direct question in addition to the indirect questions. If I missed a direct question then please restate it and I will answer it.

You still haven't answered how your anarchist utopia would beat Dunbar's number.
You still haven't answered how your anarchist utopia would beat Dunbar's number.
Considering you never asked a question about Dunbars number I am interested in knowing what this question is. I just looked back through the thread and couldn't find your question. Though you did mention Dunbar you never asked a question that I can tell. What makes you think it would need to beat dunbars number?

To answer the question more fully assuming you believe Dunbars number is accurate you build the system around Dunbar's number. I tend to think that concept of Dunbars number holds but I am unconvinced by his numbers. However knowing the principle is what is important for designing the system.
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What makes you think it would need to beat dunbars number?

Because otherwise it would be unable to exist beyond the size of 150 people existing in close physical proximity, because above that size no member of the group would be able to fully empathise with all its members? This is a pretty obvious flaw.
Because otherwise it would be unable to exist beyond the size of 150 people existing in close physical proximity, because above that size no member of the group would be able to fully empathise with all its members? This is a pretty obvious flaw.
Dropping from hostile to neutral rhetoric.

Before I get to anything else
I am very tempted to tell the "Shakespeare First kill all the lawyers joke."

The thing is I can never tell with reactionaries if I am being fucked with or if they are just being reductive. So I am going to address what I think you are asking. If what you are asking is something else or my answer does not suit please either clarify what you mean, or ask questions.

The first thing to note is that I actually agree with you that it is extremely difficult to empathize beyond a certain social size. The more removed the more difficult it is to empathize with someone. There are workarounds for this however. The key lay in building these workarounds into the system itself using psychology, philosophy, and sociology.
We begin with a general principle. Central to any society I would work towards is democracy and autonomy and create a dialectic between the two. Now there is a whole long argument I could make but if we can come to the agreement that these two principles appear to be in conflict with each other. It's the role within the dialectic to harmonize the two. Society is about autonomous agents being able to interact in ways that allows those agents to achieve their individually desired goals. Pulling from psychology the concept of fairness seems to be baked into the human mind so this becomes a key component of any society we might seek to develop.

There are many ways to define fairness but we will focus on only a few. First equality of opportunity. While it is both impossible and undesirable to create equality of outcome or to create a situation in which everyone starts from exactly the same place, we can ensure that everyone has the ability to maximize their potential (this is not to say they will only that they have the opportunity). Second is the equality of the veil of ignorance. On an individual level throw a veil of ignorance over a situation in which you do not know who you will be in a given scenario? Which side of the scenario do you want to be on. Would you find it acceptable if you were on the other side in the scenario?

For example you have the ability to create two worlds. One with slavery and one without slavery. In the world with slavery you do not know ahead of time if you will be the slave or the master. Do you create a world with or without slavery? What if the odds were 10:1 that you would be a slave? What if the odds were 100:1 that you would be a slave?

The other key element is that an individual may decide for themselves and only themselves that they do not wish to be a part of society. This means however that they loose all privileges entailed in being in a society.

The role of democracy ought always to weigh the needs of autonomy with the ability to preserve autonomy to the greatest extent. Rights therefore should be framed negatively and not positively with the goal being to define the outer edges of acceptable behavior. For example you do not have a right to free speech but rather others do not have a right from preventing you from speaking freely. It's a subtle difference with major consequences down the line. The goal is to create a secular (neutral) morality which provides general principles from which we may act.

Now your probably saying "yes but that doesn't tell me how you are actually going to organize society?". Not entirely true. Society is a system and those are the very bare bones necessary to build the next stage of the system. That said a disclaimer before I get to the next part. While the establishment of Anarchism is more than likely not achievable within my lifetime (though I sure plan on giving it the old try). It is impossible to go directly from the system we have now to Anarchism and I would oppose any such attempt. Think of it as trying to place the last tile on a roof before the foundation of the house has even been completed. Moving from where we are to anarchism is a process. Knowing it's a process beyond talking about the next step in the process we get hypothetical. Anarchism being the last of many steps we are about to get very hypothetical.

Turning theory into Praxis

The key feature of an anarchist society is enfranchisement. One person one vote. There would exist a limited constitution similar to but not the same as the one the US has today. The primary similarity the two would share is libertarian principles, with the primary difference being the way those principles are expressed. It would also establish general interlocking structures. It would also have a much more robust checks and balance system. Again all of it similar to but slightly different than the US model. It would probably look much closer to the Dutch model than the US model however.

On the existence of politicians

There may or may not be politicians. I will however address the question as though there would exist politicians. Firstly the way politicians would be elected would be radically different. They would be double blind ballots with no names attached something we are capable of doing at the moment. Elections for politicians would be designed around a combination of principles and policies. Additionally the weight of the politicians answers would be weighed against any track record they may have. When someone votes they have no idea who the person they are voting for is. This is to eliminate the cult of the politician and the cult of the party. The primary check against abuse is the ability to recall politicians in multiple ways. This could be done either by the constituents, or by lower tier representatives of the constituents. Additionally individual laws and policies may be overturned the same way.

Policy debates would not be held by politicians but by those knowledgeable in the policy and they would be broadcast and archived.

Additionally and most importantly psych profiles would be provided along side each candidates platform.

Society and Automation

Every projection I have seen says in the next 20 to 30 years that we will achieve 95% automation. This means that prior to anarchism socialism must be implemented (this is one of those steps along the path). Work however will not be eliminated but it will greatly change on the scale of the industrial revolution.

Abolition of the state
Anarchism seeks to abolish unjust hierarchies one of which is the state. It will not however eliminate government which is a necessary part of any functioning society. They way in wish governments will more than likely be organize is through a tiered system with each tier being responsible to all previous tiers.

You begin with the smallest political unit A Blocks which is comprised of so many individuals. From their A blocks are organized into B blocks, B into C, etc.

There is more here but if you could provide specific problems I could perhaps better address what you are attempting to get at?
No you don't. You (general) do not value autonomy at all. As to children being "given" full autonomy... Children cannot be given autonomy. It is either something they have or they do not have.
You can drive at 16, vote at 18, and drink at 21, at least here in Michigan. People in the US do, in fact, have degrees of autonomy, as dictated by actions they are legally allowed to take, as it is recognized that decision making is a gradual improvement. Not some magical switchboard you use "autonomy" as a buzzword for. Basic human rights are actually generally agreed upon as having stages; the abortion argument rests entirely on this matter, as does the legality of compulsory education.

Are you for or against sex education in public schools. Additionally are you for or against LGBT inclusion in sex education in schools? Lets take this a step further though. Are you for or against teachers openly advocating for acceptance of LGBT students.
Sex education as an independent course of its own, no, because the content of it is firmly the domain of biology. A full class curriculum dedicated to the matter is a great deal of time to proscribe highly detailed views of acceptable promiscuity. You asking the question of me accepting the inclusion of deliberate advocacy of LGBT acceptance is a perfect example of why to avoid it as a separate subject, because that is entirely a matter of proscribing sexuality to a captive adolescent audience.

The questions you asked break down to "Are you okay with setting a class in a mandatory environment aside specifically to instruct moral foundations?" That is why I call it indoctrination, because you ask for public education to be compulsory to force exposure to "proper" conclusions, and the framing of the question clearly demonstrates your position is that compulsory participation work to instill moral judgements of whether or not you actively accept a way of life. Not tolerate and civilly disagree with it within the bounds of law against violence and harassment (the incessant suicide inducing bullying is already illegal, and has been for a very long time), but accept.

With the last question, I'm fine with it on their own time where it's personal speech. In the classroom of a public school, a place you wish compulsory attendance of youths, that is a very angry, flaming, and enormous FUCK NO YOU AUTHORITARIAN HYPOCRITE. Because public schools are a government body. The teacher's job is to teach hard facts and ideally reasoning, to teach how to think, not pass down moral judgements or what to think, because they are employed by the government.

This means that they are either rogue agents working to pass down their moral views in an authoritative, academic setting to people who do not have the option to leave if they are to participate in wider society, or those views are being actively pushed by the fucking government, making it a clear-cut matter of state-operated indoctrination, for the aforementioned nature of the public school environment.

Do you seriously not comprehend what the fuck it means for education to be public? Because that's honestly the only way I can excuse you not thinking of pressing moral values of accepting sexuality in public schools that have compulsory attendance as a form of indoctrination.

And looking back over that segment, I can't quite figure out how to adjust the wording to make this clear while preserving the statement, but my position is an enthusiastic agreement with a teacher pressing for simple acceptance of homosexuality (not the public spectacle of Pride parades) on their personal time; my issue with doing it in class is because they are a government agent in that situation, so their words hold some portion of governmental authority.

Denial of access to a platform is not censorship and it's an outright lie to claim that it is.
If it's impossible to get your message to more than just those you can physically speak to face to face, what is the functional difference from not being able to speak at all in a society dominated by mass media? If everyone gets their news from the papers, no paper printing a story is just the same as the story never being discovered, or the government coming in to silence it.

The thing is that the "platforms" are the public square today. You, yourself, hold that it is possible to eliminate any political relevance of an ideology by denying it access to platforms for public viewing, which means that you fundamentally view it as meeting the purpose of censorship to eliminate an idea.

You are repeatedly demonstrating you're in a "No Bad Tactics" style of thinking, that all sorts of active and elaborate suppression of ability to communicate is justified because they are "reactionaries", with terms so vaguely defined that they seem to place Hitler and Stalin in the same box, and at the least have Ronald Regan and literal monarchists together. You are not a free speech absolutist if you think that words can ever be something to get rid of from the public, and yet you are admitting that you find the rhetoric something to expunge. Not clamp down on the actions that are the active problem, but silence the voice by calling for every major source of information to take a clearly and wholly opposed stance and make participating in general society contingent on engaging in all the active pressures to abandon their views.

Bullshit. I am very well aware of how the majority of homeschools are run.
Data please? It has been asked for before, and you did not substantiate the claim that most homeschooling is actually predicated on ideological purity. Meanwhile, in the real world, it turns out the public school system has turned to shit for academic purposes. Just because you crawled out of a hellhole town in bumfuck county, doesn't mean that's actually representative. You don't have general information collecting data on homeschooling as an overall phenomenon, just your anecdotes.

So the data very much exists to show that homeschooling has plenty of grounds on the basis of educational value, since the public school system has gotten worse, meaning the parent's own education can very well be simply superior to what the professional teachers are required to use for curricula. And you have not presented a counter-argument with any meat to it, simply saying that you personally have seen some crazy shit, rather than eloborating that said shit is widespread. Is it one small town? One publisher? Is your only experience the rural homeschoolers, or have you seen a whole cluster of homeschooling in a major city be these assholes?

My own experience was me and my brother being withdrawn because we couldn't behave at school. Routinely suspended, throw in detention, put in "special needs" rooms, so frequently that my brother wound up illiterate until 5th grade because he was not in class long enough to learn to read from all the suspensions and detentions early on and none of the teachers realised this, or didn't care to correct it. And I have social anxiety issues so bad it can take several hours to set an appointment by call to get my now-single prescription (just for attention span problems) refilled.

I'm a nitpicking ass who can't accept authority for its own sake to the point of a clinical diagnosis, he was a violent near-lunatic to the result of the solid wood sliding door where I'm living having rather significant knife marks in it and me having a detached shard of cartilage from a partially broken nose. And him being stuck in a mental asylum with a schizophrenic threatening to eat him for a few months. And a massive scar from when he gave himself a considerable burn with a red-hot fork.

This is in Jackson, a city with a population of 33,000 or so and apparently an active ghetto a few streets down, given the time I got hit with a bullet. Copper jacket, didn’t hurt because it had to go through aluminum siding and downstreet at least three blocks (the hole's still there), but the point is that this isn't some bumfuck nowhere. People in urban settings very much have children who need homeschooling because the public schools just can't deal with all children.
Reactionaries seized the levers of control for the purpose of exercising information and thought control. They excluded any possibility of dissent. I want dissent. I want reactionaries to openly and proudly and loudly say what they truly believe. I want them to take the fucking masks off. None of the bullshit cries about "personal freedom" when they go to a mass protest during a fucking pandemic. They need to be honest and say they want the right to walk around during a pandemic and to murder people by irresponsibly spreading a virus. I want the ethno-staters to admit openly what their plans are for in the words of Richard Spencer "Making America White Again". I want them to admit openly that they don't care about science or facts and that they just hate trans people for no other reason than their feelings. I want them to admit that they are fascists and they don't like democracy. But most of all I want them to admit they hate the enlightenment and everything it stood for. I want them to embrace openly and publicly and proudly the meaning of their name. Reactionary.

Leftists on the other hand. What have we done with the leavers we have managed to seize? We've spread the message that intolerance is not acceptable. That racism is not only unfounded but absurd. That there are different people in the world, and that people ought to be accepted not in spite of their differences but regardless of them. We have spread that science is a valuable tool. That facts are more important that feelings. We have spread that it is okay to not be like everyone else. Diversity as strength. Personal freedom actually means something. Principles matter. Democracy is valuable.
You view of so called reactionaries is so laughable. You've create this imaginary boogeyman in your head of these terrible evil people. Nobody is like how you described.

As for leftists seizing power - without exception when the far left seizes power they become authoritarian oppressors of the worst sort. Even when they have control over institutions like universities, media, or tech-companies they use that power to censor, to terrorize, to lie, to slander, to oppress those weaker than themselves.
Interesting theory. As someone who has read all of Any Rand's work I would be very interested in an elaboration.

There's not a lot to elaborate, but I might start a thread about it, rather than clutter this one.

The words of ignorance how sweet they must taste on your tongue. If however you had actually studied history rather than just make shit up you would know this. If for no other reason than the shift in population size needed to maintain a farm culture would have and did change. For example when we talk about family run farms today what we are referring to usually is Nuclear family. However not that long ago what we would have been referring to is tightly knit extended families with grandparents, aunts, uncles, great-aunts, great-uncles, etc. This doesn't even mention the occasional hired hand or slave labor. Farms were often in fact small villages with hundreds of people working on them. Even a very small farm would require 30-40 people minimum to run and that was just to be self sustaining. This required a radically different social dynamic to modern farming where a mere fraction of the same manpower is required. This is not even touching on the impact the introduction of metal had on farming practices. The amount of labor required to create a single stone tool and the physical tole it took on the body are nearly incomprehensible. This lead to a massive shift in culture due to an increase in general productivity and the availability of abundant free time (a dozen or so hours a week). Your claim is a rejection of reality and a denial of history. The cultures, the values, all of it shift just like the rest of society. What is with this fapbait hegemonic idealism.

This is your response to my saying that life in a farming village is something that does change, with technology?
I could have done into detail - a farming operation that once needed umpteen people digging the ground with spades and later coming back with scythes to harvest could later be done by one guy and a pair of cattle pulling a plough, and later pulling something else to harvest, and then the cattle can go, because the one guy has a tractor, etc etc but I thought that sort of thing would be obvious.
Then add the fact that if suddenly there's an economic collapse and parts or fuel for the tractor aren't available, suddenly they're back to needing the cattle, or even the crowd of people with hand-held implements.
Did you think I meant the opposite of what I said?
If you are looking for Luddites to scream at, then sorry, but you're in the wrong part of the Shire.

What a fucking strawman. It burns quite bright doesn't it. That in no way reflects any statement or question I have put forward. I never mentioned immigration at all. The question I asked you stupid motherfucker was 'Should anti-rape cultures interfere with and or modify pro-rape cultures?' If your answer to THAT question (not a question on immigration) is anything but "Yes they should modify and interfere with those cultures." you are a moral monster. Try again next time FailHard.

Dude, this is what you had posted:
It is not a complicated moral question. Should cultures which are against rape seek to interfere with and alter cultures which not only practice rape but also punish the woman for being raped? If someones answer to this question is anything other than no, they are a moral monster.

Take things a bit slower - you are mistyping and misreading in your effort to answer all of us at once.

And lets not forget how you ran away like the coward that you are from every single question that I asked. Not a single one got answered. If I had to be the reason you refused to engage the questions I asked it's because it would further expose you as the liar you are.

What are you talking about?
You can drive at 16, vote at 18, and drink at 21, at least here in Michigan. People in the US do, in fact, have degrees of autonomy, as dictated by actions they are legally allowed to take, as it is recognized that decision making is a gradual improvement. Not some magical switchboard you use "autonomy" as a buzzword for. Basic human rights are actually generally agreed upon as having stages; the abortion argument rests entirely on this matter, as does the legality of compulsory education.

Sex education as an independent course of its own, no, because the content of it is firmly the domain of biology. A full class curriculum dedicated to the matter is a great deal of time to proscribe highly detailed views of acceptable promiscuity. You asking the question of me accepting the inclusion of deliberate advocacy of LGBT acceptance is a perfect example of why to avoid it as a separate subject, because that is entirely a matter of proscribing sexuality to a captive adolescent audience.

The questions you asked break down to "Are you okay with setting a class in a mandatory environment aside specifically to instruct moral foundations?" That is why I call it indoctrination, because you ask for public education to be compulsory to force exposure to "proper" conclusions, and the framing of the question clearly demonstrates your position is that compulsory participation work to instill moral judgements of whether or not you actively accept a way of life. Not tolerate and civilly disagree with it within the bounds of law against violence and harassment (the incessant suicide inducing bullying is already illegal, and has been for a very long time), but accept.

With the last question, I'm fine with it on their own time where it's personal speech. In the classroom of a public school, a place you wish compulsory attendance of youths, that is a very angry, flaming, and enormous FUCK NO YOU AUTHORITARIAN HYPOCRITE. Because public schools are a government body. The teacher's job is to teach hard facts and ideally reasoning, to teach how to think, not pass down moral judgements or what to think, because they are employed by the government.

This means that they are either rogue agents working to pass down their moral views in an authoritative, academic setting to people who do not have the option to leave if they are to participate in wider society, or those views are being actively pushed by the fucking government, making it a clear-cut matter of state-operated indoctrination, for the aforementioned nature of the public school environment.

Do you seriously not comprehend what the fuck it means for education to be public? Because that's honestly the only way I can excuse you not thinking of pressing moral values of accepting sexuality in public schools that have compulsory attendance as a form of indoctrination.

And looking back over that segment, I can't quite figure out how to adjust the wording to make this clear while preserving the statement, but my position is an enthusiastic agreement with a teacher pressing for simple acceptance of homosexuality (not the public spectacle of Pride parades) on their personal time; my issue with doing it in class is because they are a government agent in that situation, so their words hold some portion of governmental authority.

If it's impossible to get your message to more than just those you can physically speak to face to face, what is the functional difference from not being able to speak at all in a society dominated by mass media? If everyone gets their news from the papers, no paper printing a story is just the same as the story never being discovered, or the government coming in to silence it.

The thing is that the "platforms" are the public square today. You, yourself, hold that it is possible to eliminate any political relevance of an ideology by denying it access to platforms for public viewing, which means that you fundamentally view it as meeting the purpose of censorship to eliminate an idea.

You are repeatedly demonstrating you're in a "No Bad Tactics" style of thinking, that all sorts of active and elaborate suppression of ability to communicate is justified because they are "reactionaries", with terms so vaguely defined that they seem to place Hitler and Stalin in the same box, and at the least have Ronald Regan and literal monarchists together. You are not a free speech absolutist if you think that words can ever be something to get rid of from the public, and yet you are admitting that you find the rhetoric something to expunge. Not clamp down on the actions that are the active problem, but silence the voice by calling for every major source of information to take a clearly and wholly opposed stance and make participating in general society contingent on engaging in all the active pressures to abandon their views.

Data please? It has been asked for before, and you did not substantiate the claim that most homeschooling is actually predicated on ideological purity. Meanwhile, in the real world, it turns out the public school system has turned to shit for academic purposes. Just because you crawled out of a hellhole town in bumfuck county, doesn't mean that's actually representative. You don't have general information collecting data on homeschooling as an overall phenomenon, just your anecdotes.

So the data very much exists to show that homeschooling has plenty of grounds on the basis of educational value, since the public school system has gotten worse, meaning the parent's own education can very well be simply superior to what the professional teachers are required to use for curricula. And you have not presented a counter-argument with any meat to it, simply saying that you personally have seen some crazy shit, rather than eloborating that said shit is widespread. Is it one small town? One publisher? Is your only experience the rural homeschoolers, or have you seen a whole cluster of homeschooling in a major city be these assholes?

My own experience was me and my brother being withdrawn because we couldn't behave at school. Routinely suspended, throw in detention, put in "special needs" rooms, so frequently that my brother wound up illiterate until 5th grade because he was not in class long enough to learn to read from all the suspensions and detentions early on and none of the teachers realised this, or didn't care to correct it. And I have social anxiety issues so bad it can take several hours to set an appointment by call to get my now-single prescription (just for attention span problems) refilled.

I'm a nitpicking ass who can't accept authority for its own sake to the point of a clinical diagnosis, he was a violent near-lunatic to the result of the solid wood sliding door where I'm living having rather significant knife marks in it and me having a detached shard of cartilage from a partially broken nose. And him being stuck in a mental asylum with a schizophrenic threatening to eat him for a few months. And a massive scar from when he gave himself a considerable burn with a red-hot fork.

This is in Jackson, a city with a population of 33,000 or so and apparently an active ghetto a few streets down, given the time I got hit with a bullet. Copper jacket, didn’t hurt because it had to go through aluminum siding and downstreet at least three blocks (the hole's still there), but the point is that this isn't some bumfuck nowhere. People in urban settings very much have children who need homeschooling because the public schools just can't deal with all children.
I personally say go to school how ever you want, and that the public school system needs to be reworked. As in to make it less shithole.
I went to a decent sized school not in bumfuck nowhere and have a friends dad who is a special needs teacher.
They seem to care more, which is another issue with public schools that should en fixed. How much eh teachers care.

I am mainly just saying every school is diffrent and so is every state city county. Comparing them to each other is kinda disingenuous as it is like trying to say "I HAD A WORAE LIFE BECAUSE THIS, OR THAT"
Not that yours isnt a legit issue and all, but how tmarguments generally go when you argue schools and the like.
We're literally hitting.

Levels of delusion here.

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