Original Fiction The Skiamancer

Chapter 1
  • S'task

    Renegade Philosopher
    Staff Member
    Chapter 1:
    An Unexpected Shadow

    The streets of New Monmouth City were ill kept; piles of trash swarmed with rats and flies even in the dark night. The downtown was long ago abandoned by everyone who could only afford to flee, leaving behind only the poor, the desperate, the criminal, and the ultra-wealthy who could afford the security needed to live in the city. Most thought the city had reached bottom in the 2010s, but after the riots and the wildly successful demands to defund the cops, things had gotten even worse. Storefronts now resembled something closer to a makeshift fortified building out of a zombie movie than any normal place of business outside of New Monmouth. The streetlights were sparce and often dark, partially due to disrepair, and partially due to the city’s new energy (and budget) saving initiatives.

    It was in yet another dark alley of New Monmouth, in the east side near the docks, one thought abandoned by the older man who was leaving his night shift cook job at a Pancake House, where things began. A couple of thugs appeared from behind a dumpster as the cook walked through the alley head down and steps quick, one dragging on a glass pipe while the other held a rusty combat knife.

    “Come on, Boomer,” the one with a knife said, “you know the routine.”

    “Yeah… yeah…” the old cook stopped short and held his hands open and wide to show he had nothing in them, clearly having been through this before. As he slowly and deliberately reached for his wallet, the knife-wielding mugger kept walking forward and the pipe-smoker set aside the crack pipe and pulled out a small revolver, pointing it menacingly at the cook, “tell me, you want the cash or also my credit cards and ID.”

    “Just the cash tonight,” the knife-wielder said, his voice sounding with false magnanimity, “don’t feel like goin’ through the trouble of dealing with plastics.”

    “What about neither?” a voice suddenly resonated around the alley, somehow muffled and indistinct all while being perfectly clear.

    “What you say?” the knife-wielder stopped mid stride and began looking around suspiciously, his knife coming up into a guard.

    “I didn’t say anything!” the old cook looked panicked as the gun-toting mugger began advancing, his pistol held high above his head and sideways to look intimidating.

    “I said: ‘What about neither?’” the voice came again, this time much more distinctly from behind the two muggers opposite where the old cook stood.

    Both men spun away from the cook to look in the direction the voice had come from. The cook, realizing his fortune, shoved his wallet back into his pocket hard and began running out from the alley, fearing they would turn around and chase him. He need not have worried though, as the muggers stood transfixed in shock by what they saw: before their eyes the shadows of the alley themselves seems to rile and coagulate into a humanoid figure, a dark figure wrapped in a hooded cloak of darkness and shadow that seemed to move and about him.

    “Oh boy, we got ourselves an Irregular tryin’ to be a hero here?” the knife-wielder said, “look, I’m sure you feel all special with your fancy abilities but you ain’t got what it takes!”

    The cloaked figure chuckled.

    “Well… maybe you’re right… but I did let your mark get away.”

    The knife-wielder spun to look and let out a series of curses.

    “Well, good for you, you Irreg bastard,” the knife-wielder started walking away, “Sam, light him up and show him why all those like him stick to being contractors and not heroes.”

    Sam raised his revolver and pulled the trigger three times in rapid succession. The reports echoed loudly through the alley, causing everyone a moment of deafness, their ears ringing. As the echoes faded a burst of darkness streamed out from under the dumpster and slammed into Sam hurling him off his feet and throwing him hard against the asphalt, the revolver skittering out of his hand and across the pavement. He lay there stunned even as the knife-wielder spun back around, seeing the flash of an outstretched hand in a black leather glove that seemed to have directed the shadows to attack Sam. Cursing, he charged, but the Irregular had more than enough time to respond. With another motion of his hand another hammer of darkness pulled itself from the darkest corners of the alley and slammed into the charging mugger, sending him sprawling to the ground his head striking the ground. Shadows and light flickered across his eyesight as he noticed the figure approach and knelt besides him.

    “Fun fact,” the voice, still muffled and indistinct despite the person standing right next to him, “it’s only 98% of Irregulars who stick to being contractors. But pedantics aside, tell your friends that good people have had enough of the decay and crime here. I am the Skiamancer, and I own the shadows and darkness of this city, they are mine now, do not use them for harming others.”

    The figured stood and walked towards the entrance to the alley but never made it all the way, the shadows and darkness around him rose up and drew the Skiamancer into them leaving no trace…

    “God that was close!” Dubhan Sullivan let out a long breath as he sat in the driver’s seat of his car, the shadows that he had stepped through to return here sliding back down into the cracks and cervices of the vehicle. He took a few minutes and then pushed the button to turn the car on. The engine turned over and started up, air blowing from the vehicles vents even as the radio began playing the late-night talk station it was tuned to. Dubhan tuned it out ignoring conspiracy laden droning about spiritual visitations, letting the adrenalin leave his system and replaying the events in his head.

    It was an easy idea. Cruise around the damned city of New Monmouth at night, keep an eye out for petty crime, and step in. But this was the first time, and while he was sure his Irregular powers would give him an edge over any criminals armed with melee weapons, he’d not been sure about their ability to stop bullets. Fortunately, it appeared hardened shadow was quite bulletproof and once the fearful moment of gunfire had passed, the techniques he’d been practicing since his powers manifested proved to be perfectly able to handle the two muggers. Two muggers, his debut as the “Skiamancer”. Another long, shuddering breath, and probably enough for tonight. He’d proven he could do it, now was not the time to push his luck, not yet.

    Shifting the car into drive, Dubhan quickly made his way through the mostly abandoned streets of the city driving west into the suburbs. Picking up the highway it took less than thirty minutes of driving before he pulled into the suburban apartment complex he called home. Parking his car and tapping the fob to lock it he got out and walked up the short flight of steps to his third floor (of four) apartment. He was about to unlock the door with his keys before he shook his head and pulled the shadows up and around him, stepping through them directly from the door into the darkness of his bedroom in the two-bedroom flat. He didn’t bother to turn on the light as he threw his clothes off and onto a pile in the corner of the room before laying down on the full-sized bed, tossing and turning a bit to get comfortable.

    The action in the alley kept replaying in his head as he tried to get to sleep. So many things could have gone wrong… but they had not. The news regularly had reports of Irregular vigilantes who died trying to intervene, and never any reports on those who actually succeeded. Another shift in bed, tugging at covers to get them into place, and finally Dubhan felt the weight of sleep begin to bear down on him. Slowly he drifted off.
    Chapter 2
  • Chapter 2:
    A Day in the Life

    The alarm blared Dubhan awake promptly at 8:30 AM. Dragging himself out of bed, Dubhan took a quick shower, gargled some mouthwash, dressed, and started for the door. His roommate was seated at the small bar dividing the kitchen from the common room of the apartment with a bowl of mostly eaten cereal and a half-drunk mug of coffee.

    “Mornin’ Marvin,” Dubhan said as he made his way towards the door.

    “Tell me you ain’t getting McDonalds on your way to work, Dub?” Marvin looked up from his bowl shaking his head.

    “Ok, I won’t. Anything come in the mail for me?”

    “Nah… you going to be out late again? I was thinking about asking Mel over and…”

    “Yeah, I expect I’ll be out late again.”

    “Cool. Have a good day.”

    “You too!”

    With that Dubhan was out the door and making his way to his car. As he drove into New Monmouth towards his office the radio droned on about current events and politics. Debates regarding how state governments were reacting to the recently decided Council of Irregular Defense Vs New York and the determination that Irregular powers were generally covered by the 2nd Amendment and thus using them in self-defense could not be outlawed and how New York was already moving to instigate a registration program for Irregulars despite the Supreme Court decision. Rolling his eyes at the mess while breathing a sigh of relief his home state was nowhere near the stupidity level of New York, Dubhan changed the channel to a random music station even as traffic began to bog down.

    After the long, annoying slog through traffic into work, he entered an office tower and took the elevator up to the floor where he worked. Grabbing large glass of water, he sat down, checked his emails, and quietly kept to himself as he listened to some music and news streamed online as he worked. Finally the day ended and he left his office, drove over to a nearby gym that catered to young working profressionals to exercise a bit and thought about his plan for the upcoming night.

    It had been only a few months since he had manifested powers. Like all Irregulars his abilities had manifested around his 25th birthday. The only people who he’d told that day had been his parents and siblings, who had all been in town for such a big occasion. His younger brother and sister were both amazed and excited, but promised to keep it a secret. While nobody was making Irregulars disappear, people who awakened often lost their jobs when they did and the most lucrative careers for them after that were in special government contracts or similar private contracts. It was a fairly open secret both private and public interests were seeking to weaponize Irregulars, and while those jobs paid well, Dubhan had not wanted to be turned into a living weapon.

    Even so, his parents had encouraged him to remember that such a talent should not be buried and wasted. “To whom much is given, much is required,” his father had reminded him, and that sent Dubhan thinking about the ways he could use his powers to help and aid others. Thus he began to experiment and learn about his abilities which he had taken to calling “skiamancy”. It was a fairly common thing for Irregulars to have some form of elemental control powers and Pyromancers were quite popular in industry and in entertainment. That said, after weeks of searching online, he had found no mentions of shadow manipulation powers having appeared before. Given how rare they were and how little was understood about Irregulars and how they got their powers, aside from there being some sort of link to the full maturing of the brain around the age of 25, it was not surprising that he might have been the first Skiamancer.

    Taking a long drink of water after finishing a long jog on the treadmill, Dubhan headed over to the various weight machines to kill time before the martial arts class he had signed up for began. While he was pretty sure in his powers, he knew he needed to train regardless. To hone his mind and reflexes. Especially after last night and the near encounter with bullets. His instructor had commented that he had good reflexes and instincts, but even so, given that over the last few years he had been nothing but a sedentary office drone Dubhan knew he had a hard road ahead of him.

    Tonight’s class was mostly regulars at the gym, plus a new woman. The instructor wasted no time with introductions but began with his lecture concerning the importance of learning grapples and escapes, a demonstration of the technique being practiced tonight, and then pairing everyone up. The instructor purposefully took time to work with the new woman, gauging her relative skill level and guiding her through the process. Dubhan finished his turn as the throwie with his partner, a regular muscular gymbro who often helped spot Dubhan when he lifted weights, and motioned for a quick break for water, when the new woman’s voice raised a bit in volume garnering her attention.

    “I don’t see the need for this stuff, why should I be concerned with being thrown if I have a weapon?”

    The Instructor just raised an eyebrow, “Firstly, you may find yourself without a weapon.”

    The woman laughed at his face, “I’m never without a weapon.”

    The instructor raised an eyebrow and before he could speak again, the woman held out her hand and a wooden practice sword just appeared in her hand, as if it had always been there. Dubhan blinked in surprise, as did the instructor, caught off guard for a moment. The woman grinned and took up a guard stance towards the Instructor, who’s eyes narrowed.

    “That’s a fine trick, but you didn’t let me finish,” he stepped up towards her quickly, a hand grabbing her wrist and retching the wooden sword free and then smoothly shifting her into a throw that would land her on her back hard. She fell, but the expected clatter of wood on the floor never came, the wooden sword entirely disappeared, “it’s also essential to learn in the case of being disarmed.”

    The woman glared at the instructor from the floor, but then started laughing.

    “Oh thank God,” she said as the instructor offered her a hand up, “you’re the first not to throw me out when I did that.”

    The Instructor shrugged and turned towards everyone who had been watching, “Get back to practicing, show’s over!”

    Dubhan started to go back to his partner but stopped as the Instructor called out to him.

    “Yes Smith-sensei?” Dubhan turned back towards him.

    “You mentioned the other day about wanting more chances to practice against armed opponents?”

    Dubhan pursed his lips and nodded nervously.

    “Well then, come here, you’re going to work with Lunette,” Smith-sensei motioned him over and gave him a “be careful what you wish for” smirk.

    Dubhan bowed slightly to Lunette, studying the woman a moment. Like most in the practice she was dressed in gym clothes, a loose gray cotton t-shirt and sweatpants that while they did not hide her slim figure was not meant to flatter it either. Her light skin contrasted sharply with her wiry black hair, which was tied back into a makeshift bun held in place by a plain elastic hairband. Most concerning was her eyes, a bright green that seemed to have some inner glow to them, though that may have just been a trick of the light. Lunette smirked as he studied her, her own eyes glance down his rather average build, light skin and similar black hair, though eventually she decided to hold his pale gray eyes in a gaze for a while as they squared off. He had a few inches on her, and of course was likely considerably heavier and stronger, but Sensei Smith had basically given her permission to use her Irregular ability.

    Dubhan knew he could not let her take initiative and control the range of engagement. Smith-sensei had driven that in in previous lessons. He stepped forward, rapidly going for a grab. Lunette stepped back just out of reach and then swung an arm upwards holding a suddenly manifested rattan stick. Dubhan kept pushing forward, using his forearm to block her forearm and disrupt her strike and tried to twist the block into a grab. Before he could complete the reversal she slipped back, his hand instead catching the stick as she moved back. She released it and suddenly his hand gripped nothing. Dubhan paused, startled at the suddenness of the experience only to be knocked hard on his side as the rattan in her other hand connected with a solid blow.

    “Ow… good hit,” Dubhan complimented as they broke off and reset.

    They sparred for the remaining time of the class. Dubhan managed a few takedowns as he got used to Lunette’s fighting style and especially punished her when she got cocky and tried for a grapple and throw on him rather than using her weapons. However, she gave more than he did overall, which was not surprising, as she manifested all kinds of various weapons through their matches, from staves, to shinai, to tonfa, and just about every other practice weapon.

    “So… I’m guessing you can only create static objects,” Dubhan said when they were relaxing after the class ended, “you never once pulled out nunchucks or anything similar with swinging or moving parts.”

    Lunette pursed her lips but nodded, “Yeah… things with moving parts or with a certain lack of rigidity just don’t form right.”

    “That’s still a useful power… never have to buy a wrench set.”

    Lunette blinked, confused for a moment and then started laughing.

    “Men, always thinking about their tools.”

    Dubhan chuckled, “What, would you rather have mentioned needing much fewer kitchen utensils?”

    “Oh you did not?!”

    Dubhan grinned again and began making his way to the door with a wave.

    “See you next time I hope!”