War on the Horizon

Chapter 26
Chapter 26

"I requested your help so that you could help me peacefully resolve this, Ben" Duchess Satine glared at Obi-Wan Kenobi. "Not so that we would have to fight it out."

"I would have loved to find a peaceful resolution to this," the man smiled and sat down across from the current ruler of Mandalore. "But unfortunately, my padawan here saw fit to offend some of the more… violent of your people."

"You of all people should know that we are balanced on the tip of a spear," Satine sighed. "But all the same, it is good to see you again. I merely wish that the circumstances were more favorable."

Anakin simply glanced between the two adults before slipping out of the room, using the Force to direct inquiring minds away from him as he left the small palace.

Sneaking past the guards, Anakin grinned as he felt the Force nudge him in a specific direction, toward the poorer districts of the city.

"What'll you have?" a droid asked as Anakin took a seat at the bar.

"Just some Jawa juice," Anakin set down a credit chit and began to listen to the conversations around him.

"Anyway, I'm taking the kids and wife and leaving," a man shared with some of his buddies. "I'm a farmer, and I'm tired of the pacifists telling me that I can't defend my own livelihood and property."

"You sure you can afford that?" one of his friends asked. "I know things have been tight since the last harvest."

"We're selling the land," the man shrugged. "And I've still got my armor, if I need to I can get back into the game to make some extra creds."

"Don't do that," another friend shakes his head. "I've been thinking about leaving too. The rest of the family on Concordia have about had it with the Death Watch too," he sighs. "Let me talk to my wife about it and get back to you. We might be able to pool some resources and get a light freighter for all of us."

Right as things started getting interesting, Anakin's comlink began to buzz.

"Yes, master?" Anakin asked after he left the cantina.

"Anakin, where are you?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Doing some investigations into the local politics, Master," Anakin snarked.

"Fine," Kenobi sighed and knuckled his head as he felt a small headache appear. "Come back to the palace, we have more information on the local issues and where Duchess Kryze needs us."

"I'm on my way," Skywalker put his hood up and vanished into the shadows as he made his way back.

"You showed up with a ship and enough fighters to threaten this world, and now you're rendered speechless?" I raised an eyebrow at Bo-Katan. "We're not Mandalorians, and we don't even want to be associated with your group of brigands."

"Brigands!" a Nite Owl snarled and stepped forward, her hand on her blaster. "We are not criminal scum!"

"The Death Watch certainly acts they are," My eyes never left Kryze's as Dooku's hand rested on his lightsaber and Mathis shouldered his rifle. "You Mandalorians have had your moments of worth, but you are a warrior culture with all that it entails. Me and mine, we're soldiers. If you want to fight another warrior culture, go out into the Unknown Regions, I'm certain that you'll be able to find some there. But should you try to attack those who are under our care, then you'll find that soldiers are quite capable of violence on a level not seen in this galaxy for nearly a thousand years."

"I wish to challenge you," Bo-Katan finally said after considering my words. "You claim to not be Mandalorian, yet you speak as if you were from one of the old clans," She smirks. "Should you win, then I will bring my Nite Owls under your banner for a time. But should you lose, then I will claim some of your war droids and bring them back with me to Mandalore. And you will personally train my people in their use and maintenance."

"I refuse," I shook my head. "I have no need of your forces and you would simply be a burden that needs to be retrained anyway. Now, unless you have something else to do, leave Serenno and go back to your system," I stood up and walked away from the table, my back turned to her. "I have enough on my plate without adding bloodthirsty Clan Marauders to it."

"Bo-Katan Kryze," Count Dooku's voice echoed in the small room. "You are not welcome in Serenno again unless you have forgone your association with the terrorist group known as the Death Watch. Should you dare to breach this, I will have the Marksman exterminate your group with bonuses for every helmet that they bring to me."

"You can try to stop us, old man," one of the Nite Owls accompanying Kryze scoffs.

"Do not test me," Dooku holds said Mandalorian with the Force. "I have little patience for arrogant fools, and the last time I faced a group of Mandalorians, I eradicated them. Now leave, and do not return."

"I'm pretty sure that spelunking involves ropes, and less spider-like monsters," Hober grunted as he dropped down from a ledge and onto one of said monsters, the green blood spraying on the cave walls.

"You would think so," Feemor sighed. "But it seems that you and I are alone in our feelings about this experience."

"Your kid does seem to be enjoying this more than you do," Hober chuckled.

"She loves exotic creatures and studies them," Feemor shrugged. "This is her dream come true."

"I just want to know what we're doing here," Hober said as he stepped further into the cave and saw a lack of insect eggs and webs.

"Because the Force has willed it," Yaddle finally said as she settled down into a meditative stance, a series of crystals in the walls glowing in response to her call in the force. "If it were just about a new lightsaber, then I would not have pursued this. But there is something further in this cave system that is waiting for us."

After a few moments, a blue crystal detached itself from the wall and floated over to Yaddle's outstretched hand.

"It seems that war approaches," Yaddle sighed as she tucked the blue fragment away. "We must press on."

Yaddle stood and began walking deeper into the caves, followed closely by Hober.

"What we seek lies up there," Yaddle pointed at a small opening in a side cave. "I will need your assistance to get there."

"Alright," Hober swung the Jedi Master up onto his shoulder before using his Jump Jets to propel himself into the next cave. "This work?"

"Yes, now prepare yourself. There is always a test of some kind if I am correct about what it is that lies ahead."

"I'm ready," Hober shouldered his rifle. "Just say the word."
R&D Sidestory 2
R&D Sidestory 2

"Welcome aboard the Glittering Hub, Major Peterson," Captain Scott Phillips saluted the senior officer.

"I've read the reports, I'm just trying to get a feel for this place," Peterson returned the salute.

"If you've read the reports, then you know we're behind schedule," Phillips sighed. "It took us longer than we expected to get this thing set into a good spot in the asteroid belt. And don't even get me started on how long it took to set up the copies of the Argo's machine shops in their proper places."

"We're not worried about the setbacks right now," Peterson reassured the other officer. "I am going to be asking a few questions though."

"I'm ready to answer any questions you and the Colonel might have," Phillips replied. "I was nervous that I was going to be pulled from project lead for a while because of the setbacks."

"We don't have the officers to spare on that sort of thing right now," Peterson shrugged. "Now, that doesn't mean that you get to slack off, soldier. But you do have a little bit of breathing room."

"Understood, sir," the captain replied. "Now, I take it you want a quick tour?"

"No," Peterson grinned. "I want to get the full tour and I'm going to be staying for a week or so to look over things. I get to be in charge of setting up the half that we're going to be using for training purposes. And I need to get a feel for this station."

"Understood," Phillips nodded. "Then I guess we should start with the factory side and then move over to the training half."

"Now, the first factory section is going to look a bit odd," Phillips warned Peterson. "We were still figuring out how to set things up and while it works for now, we're going to have to tear it down and rebuild it after we finish the rest."

Against one of the walls is a trio of automated machine shops that are building the required tools and pieces for the spare parts factories.

"They look fine to me," Peterson muttered. "I don't see any problems."

"They're on the verge of falling apart," Phillips sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "We rushed putting them together because we were already behind on our timetable and now we're stuck with it unless we want to fall even further behind."

"As long as it works to get the job done," Peterson sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose to stave off the incoming headache. "But I would rather you take the time to strip them down and rebuild them properly than have them down for a longer period."

"I'll talk to the lead engineer and see how much downtime it will take," the Captain shrugged. "It's worked so far though."

"Work on getting it fixed," Peterson eyed the machine shops. "I don't want any of our people getting injured or dying due to a fault somewhere."

"We've got the first of the spare parts and munitions factories up and running, but we're currently testing the build efficiency before continuing."

"What are we working on first?" Peterson asked.

"Actuators, turret replacement parts for the tanks, some LRM, SRM, and Autocannon ammunition as well. But these are our first production runs before we see how much we can really produce."

"How is the quality testing going?"

"We've had some defects," Phillips admitted. "But we're still working out the kinks. Give it another few months and we'll be churning out parts."

"And the Small arms and Mithril?"

"The Mithril factory we just took out of the Mule that it was nested in and moved it aboard," Phillips explained. "That project isn't under my scope so I normally leave it be. And as for the small arms, there haven't been any issues there. We're still QC testing before moving into mass production, but so far they seem to be running without any issues."

"Good to hear," Peterson picked up one of the rifles laid out for testing and shouldered it. "Feels like the one I've got in my kit, seems like it's put together solidly too."

Peterson field stripped the rifle to examine some of the internal components.

"This part is going to need to be looked at," Peterson pointed at one of the parts of the trigger mechanism. "On the original rifles, this is one of the possible failure points. If we can fix that then it'll make me feel a bit better."

"I'll make sure the report gets generated."

"I think we'll call it a day," Peterson glanced around. "You're doing pretty good work up here, Captain. Keep it up."

"Thank you, sir, I'll start working to get some of the issues you noted sorted out."

"Take your time, son," Peterson replied. "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."
She's gotta earn it.
You have a point,but...por Botan,snif,snif !


There might not be much shipping this time around. We’ll have to see how things go.
Since it is your story,you could ship or not ship,just like you could kill or not kill.
Personally,i do not care if Botan get good husband,good bullet,or end as angry sith jedi muslim lgbt lesbian,as far as you continue your story !
Chapter 27
Chapter 27

"I'm ready," Hober shouldered his rifle. "Just say the word."

"I will need you to watch over me as I unlock what lies before us," Yaddle settled into a meditative pose and closed her eyes.

"Great," Hober sighed. "It's an escort mission." A small group of large batlike creatures began flying towards them as a cluster of the spider-like creatures that they had fought earlier climbed up behind.

"Should have stayed on my ship," Hober muttered as a burst from his rifle tore apart the first of the spiders before he shifted to take out a handful of bats. "I don't have to worry about acidic blood, or stupid flying bats when I've got the Archon's Favor."

Hober continued complaining as he tossed a grenade behind him, the concussive shock stunning the bats long enough for him to kill most of them.

Then, the swarm of enemies began to get larger, more of the flyers and insects were drawn in by the sound of the grenade, and Hober began falling back to shield Yaddle with his armor.

"I see that it has been busy," Yaddle opened her eyes as a section of the cave wall began to split apart. "Allow me to assist."

Yaddle stood and stretched out her hands, freezing the host in their tracks.

"I can only hold them for a few minutes," she began backing up into the cave wall. "Please move into the archive."

Hober ran in and turned around as Yaddle dropped her hands, the creatures no longer suspended by the Force.

Holding down the trigger, Hober mowed as many of them down as he could before the entrance shut itself and locked the two beings in.

"I hope that Feemor and his apprentice weren't caught in that," Hober tapped his helmet to see if he still had comms.

"The youngling led him off into a side cave where she found some interesting creatures, they will not be bothered by those who chased us," Yaddle smiled. "Now, come, I need your assistance to open the other side, there is much here to load into your ship."

"There's nothing here except for a bunch of crystals," Hober scoffed.

"They are crystals, but these are not what you would require for a lightsaber," Yaddle shook her head. "No, this is something that was left behind eons ago. You see, Dantooine was once host to a Jedi Academy of its own, and they came under attack by Darth Malak. But some of the masters had the foresight to hide away that which was most valuable. These, are the holocrons of masters long since past, the knowledge they contain would be considered heretical by some in the Order today. But I believe that the Force led me here for a reason."

"Is the other entrance a place where we can set the Archon's Favor down at?" Hober asked as he peered into a side room and noted containers filled with datapads, books, and scrolls."

"Yes, that is where you will come into play," Yaddle smiled. "While I am strong in the force, my form is still somewhat… limited as they say, it is why I chose to play as a Barbarian in your games on our journey. The other entrance requires someone a bit larger and stronger in stature than I am."

"I'll open the door and get on the horn with my copilot," Hober replied. "I'm not playing pack-mule to get all of this stuff out of here."

"How did your meeting go?" Vizsla asked Bo-Katan.

"I have never felt so enraged in my life!" she shook with anger. "They called us bandits and claimed that we would be a burden to them if we were to somehow join them. "My Nite Owls are anything but a burden, anyone in the galaxy would be grateful to receive our services."

"I agree," the leader of the Death Watch nodded. "We are dealing with a pest of our own here in the system. It seems that your sister has once again decided to call upon the Jedi and Coruscant for aid."

"What harm can they do that she has not already done?" Kryze scoffed. "She has already begun to erode the will of our people. And the pirate attacks only seem to be increasing underneath her watch. It is only a matter of time before they revolt and decide to dethrone her as the leader of our nation."

"Yes, that is indeed the case," Vizsla shifted a bit uncomfortably. "Either way, the priority has shifted, I would like for most of your Nite Owls to return, a small group can stay if they believe that it is worthwhile, but we must reinforce our position here otherwise we may run into further issues. Jedi have a nasty habit of putting their noses where it doesn't belong after all."

"I will dispatch my Nite Owls to you," Bo-Katan replied. "I wish to observe these Marksman to see if they stand a chance against a real warrior."

"Just remain cautious. They are working closely with Count Dooku after all, and he has a reputation."

"I shall remain aboard my personal ship and listen to their comms. I have slicers that are specialized in that, after all."

"Very well then, I look forward to your forces' return."

"So, I have a question," Hober said as he stacked some crates to be moved on board the ship. "How did you know that all of this was here?"

"I did not know," Yaddle shrugged. "There are no records of this place to be found among our Temple. But sometimes, echoes of those long past can linger in the Force and nudge those of us who dwell with it the present in the direction that we need to go."

"And you believe that happened here?" Hober asked.

"I believe that it is as plausible an explanation as any for why I felt drawn to this world and then led into the caves," Yaddle shrugged. "Sometimes that is enough. But regardless, the results have spoken for themselves."

"Indeed," Feemor grinned as he slapped Hober on the back. "Now get back to work, we have enough left to do without one of us slacking off."

"Dammit, man! I'm a pilot, not a cargo master! Hober protested as he hefted some crates and began carrying them to the ramp of the ship. "Should have stuck to my chair."

Author's Note: Hober is actually based off of the guy who requested this fic. So this is an early update for him.
Maybe gave Hober Bo-Katan as GF? he certainly deserved it !
Everybody would be happy with yandere mandalorian GF,right ?;)
Chapter 28
Chapter 28

Anakin glanced over to make sure that his master was asleep before leaving the quarters they were assigned, a blaster tucked into his belt while his lightsaber was tucked snugly into a small pouch in his sleeve.

"Sorry master," he whispered. "But I think you're wrong."

Then, with a breath, he leapt down from the window and a cushion of the Force caught him as he extended his arm down. And putting the hood of his cloak up, he knew that there was something that Obi-Wan and the Duchess were missing. He would find it, and then there would be peace here.

Spotting a path that led to where he wanted to go, Anakin moved through the shadows and into an alleyway before using a nearby pipe to climb onto the roof and began heading in the direction that the Force was nudging him.

"Let's just hope that the calming tea that Master drinks works," Anakin muttered. "Because he's going to need it after he finds out what I'm doing."

As he reached his destination he dropped down and grinned. This was the sort of place he was born to be a part of.

"Swoop racing, huh?" He asked the closest person. "What does it take to get into one of the races?"

"Alright HK," I looked at the ancient droid. "We're cutting you loose."

"Smug satisfaction: I knew that you would eventually release me, meatbag."

"We're going to give you a Gozanti and a blaster before shipping you off into the Unknown Regions," I made sure that my windows were closed. "I have a job for you there that you might be interested in."

"Interested Questioning: Oh really? What does this job entail?"

"There's the possibility of an extragalactic species preparing to invade," I grinned. "And they hate all forms of mechanical technology. Their ships, weapons, and everything else are made out of biotech."

"Statement: You have my attention."

"I want you to go out there and have fun making sure that they never get to reach the main part of the galaxy. And to do so, I'm sending whatever armaments will fit into the Gozanti's holds."

I held up a hand to stave off his next question.

"The only mech I'm willing to give you is the only Locust that we have in the entire unit. It's the Steiner variant, which means you get a medium laser and two SRM-2 launchers. The mech's a death trap. But you're welcome to it if you're willing to use it."

"Begrudging acceptance: I will accept this seeing as I will not be able to persuade you otherwise."

"Good," I looked into HK-47's photoreceptors. "I do not want to see you again, ever. I know what Revan used you for, and I want no part in the madness that follows you."

"Stern warning: if I return, you will have other problems that concern you."

"Your ship is waiting at the Starport," I showed a hologram of the Gozanti that was waiting for him.

"Accusing statement: you knew I would accept the Locust before I came into the room."

"Aye, it was your only option," I nodded. "I've got a tech ready to remove your restraining bolt just before you board."

HK simply stared at me with his red eyes for a moment before turning and walking away, the rust-colored droid emanating smug satisfaction with every step.

"So, you might have some of the best people in the Galaxy to turn into soldiers," I said as I looked at the farmers and loggers that had signed up for the initial training and recruitment.

"And why is that?" Dooku asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Because farmers, hunters, and people who come from an agricultural background are less likely to shy away from hard work," I shrugged. "Now, don't get me wrong, we're still going to have to break them down and build them up. But they're somewhat acclimated to the kind of environment that exists in a professional military."

"Hmm," Dooku stroked his beard. "Interesting. Are you against recruitment from the cities?"

"No," I shook my head. "Of course not. People who come from certain backgrounds just have an easier time acclimating to the conditions is all."

"So where do you start?"

"With breaking them down and forcing them to work together as a unit instead of as an individual," I replied. "And that starts right about now."

A Drill instructor seemingly appears right in front of the recruits, the front row shying back as she begins to yell at them.

"Is the yelling necessary?"

"Not strictly," I sighed. "But it helps with simulating stress and combat. Combat will always be loud and messy, and by triggering their stress responses to it and training them we can bypass some of the natural reactions that everyone has to it."

"There's an entire science behind training soldiers," I explained. "And a lot of it involves psychology. We are going to have to adjust things because different species will have slightly different reactions, but overall, the results will speak for themselves."

"We shall see, Colonel Hull," Dooku turned and walked away. "We shall see."

"Once again, the senate fails to assist us," Wilhuff sighed. "I am grateful that we were able to bring Sullust into the fold, we would be scrambling to repair the ORSF if we had not done so."

"Agreed," Gidion sat down. "I am beginning to believe that we might do better without the Senate hamstringing us at every turn. Perhaps we should look into some… Alternate solutions."

"I would advise caution and patience for the moment," Wilhuff argued. "We do not possess the means to effectively accomplish that for now. At least not without relying on those who I would rather see rot."

"So we begin the process now," Gideon smirked. "I think that if we negotiate well, we may be able to persuade Kuat Drive Yards or another shipbuilding company to begin construction of shipyards here. We possess the resources they will need, and we are far closer to said resources."

"Hmm," Wilhuff considered. "No, Kuat is tied too closely to the core. We will need to befriend a smaller corporation, one that would be indebted to us."

"I will look into that," Gideon replied. "There are likely many that would like to break into that market."

"We will have to be careful to not offend the Sullustians though," Wilhuff advised. "They have been our rivals for too long for them to not see it as a threat."

"Regardless, we must make preparations," Gideon sighed. "I will speak with the various PDFs and begin coordinating the training together. I will not have us fold should things turn for the worst."

"And I will try to see if there is anything left of the Republic to recover," Wilhuff smiled sadly. "We have come too far for us to merely abandon it immediately."

"I know. But we must also do what is right for Eriadu," Gideon dipped his head. "They are our people, and we must see to them first."

"Then let us begin," Wilhuff stood up. "We have much work to accomplish."
Anakin would fuck sometching,HK was send on Vong hunt,Dooku is building army,and Gideon fleet.
Did i miss sometching?
And,why not send HK after old Palpy?
Chapter 29
Chapter 29

September 11, 3009/7948 CRC Serenno, Serenno system, D'Astan Sector, Outer Rim Territories

"This is not quite what I meant when I asked you to see if the Council would support me," Dooku looked at Yaddle as dockworkers began unloading crates of learning material, holocrons and other assorted goods that had been removed from Dantooine. "I did not set out to create my own Order."

"This is not a new Order as of yet," Yaddle replied. "But you know the history just as well as I do. The Order will be threatened again, and the Temple on Coruscant may fall. Should that happen, we will not only want Enclaves set aside to be hidden. But we will need a place of safety where we can begin to grow the Order again."

"And you believe that this is the way to go about that?" Dooku asked.

"Yes," Yaddle nodded as they began to walk into the palace complex. "The Old Ways are different from what we have today. But I believe they will have merit when applied to what is coming on the Horizon."

"Yes, I have seen it too," Dooku stroked his chin in thought. "War is coming, I do not know when, but when it does, I will stand ready."

September 25, 3009/7948 CRC Beloria System, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories

"So, our first completed artillery piece rolls off of the line today," Peterson looks at the rest of the Marksman that had been left behind to safeguard the home base as well as the planet's senior officials. "We've got the most experience crew available on hand to make sure that the first test goes well."

"The Ballista has been around for over five hundred years," Peterson explained to those who didn't know the background. "We've had to break down some of our own piece by piece in order to manufacture more. So we're going to be testing and ensuring that every artillery piece and tank is tested and goes through quality control before we even attempt to sell it."

"Is there a reason why it is not mounted on repulsors?" The mayor of a local town asked.

"One, we're still testing to see if that is a workable idea or not. And two, treads offer a stability that many things don't. It's capable of moving through most terrain and can tow a trailer with extra ammunition if necessary."

"Yes, we understand," a representative of the ORSF stood up. "I'm here to see the test and verify that your product is worthwhile. So if we could accelerate this, it would be appreciated."

"Begin test with dummy rounds and then move through the arsenal," Peterson ordered, the comms system transmitting to the crew of the gun. "I don't want any of our ordnance left out."

The crew's spotter called out the coordinates and the crew adjusted the angle of the gun, a distant rumble as if from thunder echoing before the round came over the horizon to impact the designated target, throwing up a small steam of dirt into the air.

Then the crew reloaded the gun and opened fire, and putting the new equipment to the test, began firing as fast as they could load, the barrel of the artillery piece smoking as explosions cratered the field that was used for testing.

"A most impressive display," the ORSF rep smirked. "Let me know when you're ready to test the other vehicles. Our requisition officers will be in touch to acquire a small number of these Ballista. And should they prove to meet our needs, you can expect more regular purchases as well as a contract."

"I'll relay that information to Colonel Hull," Peterson shook the man's hand. "And I'll have a quote ready for you before your departure."


"I believe that we will need to slow down the rate of decay," Sidious looked over the information that he had available as he drew in the Dark Side of the Force. "We have pushed the Galaxy too close to the edge, and the conflict, should it happen now will not be controlled by those who I desire."

"I can begin pulling the strings of several senators," Mas Amedda agreed. "Eriadu's power bloc has been weakened in the core and strengthened in regards to the Outer and Mid Rim as of late."

"Hmm," Sidious considered as he looked at a map of the galaxy. "With Dooku out of reach at the moment, we must consider alternatives."

"There are few withing the Trade Federation and others that are charismatic enough to take on the mantle of a separatist movement."

"They exist," Sidious smirked. "They just need to be… nudged in the right direction."

"Such movements will need to be subtle. And may take years."

"The Grand Plan has no time constraints," Sidious waved off his ally. "We have the time to ensure that the Republic collapses in the way that I envision."

"I shall direct the Banking Clans to begin pulling back," Amedda nodded. "But their trust has been shattered in the Outer Rim."

"Then it will ensure that the tension begins to rise. And when all is ready, we shall topple the Jedi Order and the Republic."


"You're pretty good at this, Kid," a shorter man patted Anakin on the shoulder. "You ever consider trying to find a sponsorship to go pro? Swoop bike races are big money around here."

"Maybe in the future," Anakin smiled. "For now I just enjoy the hobby."

"Well, the drinks are on me after the amount of money you won me these past few weeks," the bike owner grinned. "Come on, I know just the place."

Anakin followed the small group into a hole in the wall. Dancers were hidden behind an opaque holographic field, and the bar was full of the racers from the day.

"To the kid!" the first racer raised a glass, the rest following suit.

"Come on, you've gotta tell me how you knew to take that jump," one of them leaned in. "Even my old man wouldn't have tried that in the old days before things went to hell."

"I just went with my instincts," Anakin replied with a shrug. "It's what I've been told since I started racing."

"Well, they serve you well," they laughed. "So, what brings a nonnative to our Swoop tracks?"

"I'm circulating the different circuits to see what I like best," Anakin sighed. "It's illegal in the core in many places, and I've heard rumors that it was about to be outlawed here on Mandalore."

"Not yet," a man slammed his drink down angrily before signaling for a refill. "Not that it'll stop the Duchess from trying. And don't even get me started on the Death Watch. If you're not a warrior you're not one of them."

"Kriff," Anakin shook his head. "Seems like racing is a dying sport everywhere than."

"I hate to give credit to those bastards on Eriadu, but they've got their heads on straight," another Mandalorian said to groans from the rest of the table. "You know I'm right. They might be our old enemies, but they didn't try to get rid of their military, and we all know that they never got rid of their racing circuits."

As the table devolved into an argument that the group seemed to have had on more than one occasion, Anakin slipped out of the cantina and put his hood up before making his way back to the palace under the cover of darkness.
Chapter 30
Chapter 30

"It is wondrous to see what has changed," Obi-Wan said as he looked at the recovered sections of Mandalore, the scars slowly being retaken by growth as the machines did their work.

"I was able to devote most of our resources to restoring Mandalore's biome," Satine smiled as she looked over the scars from the bombing centuries ago.

"Many people are not happy with the state of things though," Anakin said as he looked at the greenery. "Peace is all well and good, but there are times when you have to fight to preserve that peace."

"I believed that once," Satine nodded at the young padawan. "But I have seen the results of war and want no part in it again. If I can spare my people from it, I will do."

"And what of preserving your culture?" Anakin asked. "Surely that is important."

"A culture of ignorance and savagery?" Satine asked. "Of endless war and efforts to conquer the galaxy?" She shook her head. "No, I aim to change that. No longer will the Republic or our neighbors be scared of a band of Mandalorians rising up to threaten them."

"I believe you have asked enough questions, Anakin," Kenobi cut in. "We have the information required to perform the task that has been asked of us. So we should go and handle it."

"The Death Watch is going to be attempting to destroy the machines we're using to restore Mandalore," Satine sighed. "My sister and I disagree on many things, but even she acknowledges that they are necessary. So occasionally, she slips me useful information."

"We'll handle it," Obi-Wan agreed. "But patience is a must if we are to catch them in the act of sabotage. We need proof to bring before people for them to believe us."

"Proof that hopefully will provide itself as they commit the act," Satine agreed. "Please limit damage to the structures themselves, they are far from easy to replace."

Beloria System, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories

"Reason for enlisting?" a bored Twi-lek asked as she read over the paperwork.

"I hear the pay and benefits are nice," a man grinned as his T-Shaped helmet was held to the side. "I've got a family to support and, if I'm honest, they're kinda tired of living life onboard a ship," the man gestured back to an older Corellian freighter. "Besides, sometimes the competition is good enough that you might want to join them. Well, that and you told that Death Watch bitch to get lost."

"Alright then, Kit Strurn," the Twi-lek handed him the datapad with his instructions on it. "You'll head out to boot camp in two weeks, and we'll assign your family temporary quarters while you're in training."

"Everything looks good to me," Strurn shrugged. "Do I get to keep my armor?"
"You'll be issued kit according to the job that you end up with," the woman sighed. "We have a pretty distinct uniform," she gestured to the black uniform with gold trim that she currently wore, the chevron on her collar indicating her rank. "We're a professional military here, not some militia unit."

"Got it," the Mandalorian clapped his hands together. "I'll start working on getting my wife and kids moved into the housing that's been set aside."

"I'll send over the team assigned to handle that when you signal you're ready."

"Dad, why are we staying here?" Kit's oldest asked.

"Because I'm tired of exposing you and your siblings to danger," he knelt and pulled his daughter in for a hug. "I want what's best for all of you, and sometimes that means that we have to do things that we didn't expect."

"We're Mandalorians," Kit's heavily pregnant wife smiled. "But we're as we are supposed to be. We hold to the traditions because they bind us together as a culture, but we also know that time changes, and that we must adapt to them or we die. We are not pacifists, nor are we terrorists, we simply are what the old ways dictated. And now we have found a group that we can join. Just as Canderous Ordo joined with Revan in the days of the Old Republic."

"And, now I don't have to worry about Pirates taking you hostage nor us going hungry if I have failed in hunting a bounty," Kit picked up his daughter and tucked her into the bed. "Now get some rest, we're going to see some of the simulators for the big droids tomorrow."

"Thirteen weeks of training is a long time," Kit's wife said as he closed the door to the kid's bedroom. "You might miss the birth."

"I don't think that they'll prevent me from being here," Kit pulled her in and kissed her forehead. "And they've got good medical care here. Not many mercenary groups have dedicated hospital ships. That this one possesses one speaks much about their values."

"I just worry," she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"I know," Kit held her close for a bit before pulling her into their bedroom. "Let me ease some of your worries for a bit," he wagged his eyebrows and winked.

"You're insufferable," she groaned. "But I love you anyway."

"Sienn, please stop, can't you tell the poor boy is already about to burst?" The grizzled veteran chuckled as his girlfriend made the waiter turn bright red in the face.

"Aww," the Twi-Lek frowned. "But it's so much fun."

"I don't need us temporarily banned from my favorite bar," the drill instructor glared. "Again."

"I'll be good," she sat down directly onto Thompson's lap and wiggled a bit before grinning. "And someone's happy to see me."

"Thanks," Alan nodded at the waiter as the young man brought over their drinks, the blush still showing heavily on his face as he refused to make eye contact.

"You promised me meat," Sienn spun around to face Alan after the waiter left.

"You'll get your meat," the man chuckled. "One way or another, at least. I'm supposed to be meeting with Packer. He said something about making my current position permanent."

"So you'll be stationed here permanently?" Sienn asked.

"Thompson might well have to be stationed here with situational awareness like that," Packer grinned as he patted his old friend on the shoulder before taking a seat at the table. "But I can understand you were somewhat preoccupied."

"There a reason why we're here instead of doing this at work?" Alan took a sip of his beer as Sienn moved off of his lap and into her own seat.

"I just got planetside," Packer shrugged. "I need a break before diving back in."

"Fair enough," Alan shrugged. "So, food first, or business?"

"Let's get business over with, then move on to food," Packer flagged down a waitress to ask for a drink. "So, you've got a choice. You can stay here on Beloria and keep doing what you're currently doing. With the Instructing on the side and deploying as we get contracts. Or we can move the two of you to Serenno. Where you'll be getting a pay bump and a leadership position training all of the new cavalry that comes from there."

"How long are you willing to discuss each position?" Sienn cut in. "Because we can get the rest of the details later."

"I've already got the documents written up for both," Packer shrugged. "I'll send 'em over tomorrow for you to look over them."

"In that case," Alan leaned in. "What was the first real action against a military force here like?"

"Really fuckin' odd," Packer started. "First…"
Nice slices-of-life with lots of death flags ,Satin,Kit,Sienn and Thomas would all die,right ?
Chapter 31
Chapter 31

Author's Note: This is a time skip. I'm letting you know that now, even though I'm putting dates in this chapter. You'll find out what happened to Obi-Wan and Anakin later. Also, I may have slightly altered Chapter 30 to better reflect the previous chapters.

January 1, 3014/7953 CRC Coruscant Galactic Senate

"Oppressed citizens of a once free galaxy, I am Count Dooku of Serenno. For most of my life, I served as a Jedi Knight, and for a time, on the Jedi High Council as well," the hologram of the man stood tall as he seemed to stare through everyone watching.

"I dedicated my life to the pursuit of peace and justice, undertaking countless missions and risking my life for the sake of what I thought was right. I have protected people and communities, and brought many criminals, pirates, terrorists, tyrants, and corrupt individuals to justice," Dooku paused to allow the information to sink in, the Council chambers remaining deathly quiet.

"And yet, it was not enough, no matter how much I attempted to do what was right, I was being thwarted by the very institution that I trusted to do the right thing. The Galactic Republic, and its senate, have become a pale reflection of what it once was! The Senate mired by corruption and decadence. The Senators pay lip service to the people they are supposed to serve while they whore themselves and their people out to the highest bidder!" Dooku's fist slammed down on the podium in front of him.

"They allow you, their own people to suffer from lawlessness, piracy, abuse, and injustice while they lounge in luxury on Coruscant.

The Republic has created layer and layer of bureaucracy, which is enormously expensive, stifles your voice, and makes even the simplest aspects of governing frustrating and ineffective.

They have rid themselves of their military, forcing the Outer and Mid Rim worlds to fall into chaos, and the hyperlanes to be overrun with pirates. And to make things worse, they have punished and ridiculed the systems that try to militarize in self-defense to prevent those very same pirates from harming them.

To make matters worse, the Republic has stifled the local economies, it imposes extreme taxes that are only made worse by the sector and planetary government taxes. And yet, those taxes do not go to pay for your safety, or to secure your liberty. No, those taxes pay for the Senate's lavish lifestyles, the Republic's bureaucracy, and the whims of the highest bidders.

The Republic has such contempt for you, the people it was created to serve, that they refused to even consider voting on the recent Financial Reform bill. And the Senator that drafted the bill was even assassinated by those who favor the status quo.

The Outer and Rim worlds are slaves to the Republic in all but name. And the Jedi often enforce that slavery, whether they are mislead or not, they have all too often been the boot on the slaves' neck. I myself have been mislead by the Senate when I was a Jedi, as I trusted those in power to look out for those who they were supposed to serve.

I was wrong. The Jedi all too often enforce the will of a Republic that has ceased to be anything but a bloated corpse and shadow of itself."

Dooku stopped and looked out at the croud that was assembled in Raxus, the people flanking him standing still as if they were statues.

"From this day forward, I declare that we will build a new government that addresses the Republic's failures, with core values that reflect that of the people of the Republic. Until this government has become fully established, I will personally see to it that the Hyperlanes are patrolled, and that piracy is curbed.

But do not be alarmed at what will soon happen. The Republic cannot allow you to break off and be free to self-govern, for if they do, they lose all of the power that they have accumulated over the generations.

Today, we throw off the yoke of those who claim to be representing us, today, we decide to stand up and declare our freedom. Today, we separate ourselves from the bloated corpse of the Republic. And should they decide to send people after me and mine. I say let them come and throw themselves on our swords. As for me and my house, we will stand. You may join me, or you may decide to stay with the Republic, the choice is yours."

The Senate chambers erupted into noise as everyone began speaking over each other, the calls for Order from Mas Amedda doing nothing but encouraging the frenzy.

"The Councils should be informed of this," Mace Windu glanced at Yoda from their private booth.

"Already know, they do," Yoda replied as he turned his chair to leave. "Broadcast across the galaxy, this was."

"I will issue a general recall order," Mace stood to follow.

"Only prove him right, you will," Yoda shook his head. "Strongly believe this, Dooku does."

"The galaxy is at a shatterpoint," Windu sighed. "But I do not know how it will break."

"Trust in the Force, we must," Yoda and Windu boarded the speeder and signaled for the droid to take them to the Temple. "And a decision to make, we have."

"Thank you for lending me your talents," Dooku looked at me from his desk. "Should you decide that the mercenary life is not for you then you may consider speechwriting."

"I think I'll stick to shooting things," I chuckled. "It generally doesn't give me the same headache."

"Ferus is reporting that the Senate's response is about what we expected," Siri Tachi reported as she entered. "And we've received a number of responses from Outer and Mid Rim worlds since we published the details of the government we intend to form."

"Good," Dooku replied. "The Tarkins of Eriadu have privately indicated that they wish to see how we do before joining. As have some of the other worlds that have been greatly affected by the Senate's corruption as of late."

"The Republic doesn't have anything to respond with militarily at the moment," I looked at the two Jedi. "But that can and will change. They've got a greater industrial capacity then we possess currently. So we need to begin building up now. If it comes to a war, we're going to lose once they bring all of their might to bear. And the PDFs aren't going to be enough. Not when you've promised to patrol the Hyperlanes."

"I have some people working on that," Dooku agreed. "Should they prove to be successful, we will have the core of a capable navy."

"I've said my piece," I looked around. "If that was everything you needed, Count, then I'll be back to my troops. Raxus is a hotbed right now, and I don't want to have to pay to get some people out of prison."

"You have done as I asked, Colonel Hull," Count Dooku smiled sadly. "Go take care of your people."
Bloated and corrupted beaurocrats,do not caring about smaller states are attacked?
It seems,that Republic would be space EU.
But who would be Olaf Scholz here? Palpy?
Headlines Interlude
Headline Interlude

– "Serenno throws off the yoke of the IGBC in battle of the ages!-- 7948CRC Outer Rim Publications

– "Mandalore renegotiates deal with the Banking Clans even amidst terrorist attacks!" 7948CRC -Coruscant Information Network

–"The ORSF counters a massive pirate attack intended for Sullust. Sullust fully opts into the ORSF in response, setting aside long-held rivalry." -7949CRC Eriadu General News

—"Count Dooku called to stand trial in response to actions taken against pirates and slavers" 7949 Outer Rim Publications

— "Marksman Mercenary Company and Manufacturing continue to grow with latest defense contracts." — Bounty Hunters Monthly

— "Executive Security Solutions forms in response to the Outer Rim's cry for more protection, the competition in the mercenary market grows more fierce!" — Business Insiders

"Tension builds as Outer Rim begins building up planetary fleets without Senatorial approval." -Coruscant Information Network

—"Senator Jheramahd Greyshade drafts a bill to address and fix the financial crisis!" — Outer Rim Publications

—"Senate refuses to vote on the Financial Reform Bill! Mass Protests happening throughout the Mid and Outer Rim!"— Holonet News Network

– "Outer Rim petition to receive funds for industry and critical infrastructure is struck down, while taxes are increased. Leaving many worlds to struggle as their cost of living increases." Business Insiders

–"Droid prices skyrocket as the Outer rim purchases massive groups of construction and refurbished B-1 droids from the Trade Federation!" Outer Rim Publications

"Kuat Drive Yards restricts sale of ships to the Core and Mid Rim in recent push to derail potential piracy." –Coruscant Information Network

"Sullust begins reactivating old shipyards and designs as planetary defense fleets increase while Rendilli Star Systems begins to reactivate and fund new shipyards among the Outer Rim."-- Holonet News Network

"Senator Greyshade found Dead in his quarters! Jedi are dispatched to investigate as the Outer Rim begins protesting once again!" –Outer Rim Publications

Author's Note: I suck at writing headlines. I'm never doing this again.
So...this time Trade Fedceration would made bussiness,not war on Republic,and old Palpy become dictatot to crush Outer Rim Rebellion with Republic blessing?
Interesting,how and when Jedi would be purged here.

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