

Wargamer, Amateur Historian, Writer
Nuke Mod
Staff Member
Welcome one and all to this forum! Hopefully some good discussion and even some PBP can happen here!
Heh, I still remember this game... breaking it by repairing an industrial brewery in order to fuel my M1's with hooch *grins*
While I didn't have any characters almost die in creation, none of them lasted in the few games I played. The Referee was a bit harsh and the PCs didn't have long lifespans (the reason we stopped gaming T2k - it just wasn't enjoyable having your PCs get killed after a few sessions).
A game where you can (almost) die in character creation! I've only gotten to play online.

Think you got Twilight: 2000 mixed up with Traveller, which is understandable, it was another GDW product.
I had a copy of Twilight 2013. The horrible stuff that can happen to you in character creation is no joke.

Ah! That would explain it. Have my own copy. 2013 was kinda a flop as interations of the game go for a variety of reasons.
A new version of Twilight 2k will be hitting kickstarter in August. Or you can try your hand at Zozer Games Modern Warfare.

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