  • December 3rd, 1825~

    Prince Victor George and Sir William Anson leave to go to India, for Prince Victor to learn basic governing Skills, as well as limited participation in the Anglo-Burmese War.

    January 29th, 1826~

    The British Armada stops in South Africa, half way to India.

    February 11th, 1826~

    A fierce storm rocks the Armada, Captain George Dunmer uses the storm to stage a mutiny against Prince Victor, before escaping through the cover of the storm.

    July 5th, 1826~

    Sir William Anson catches up to Captain Dunmer, Prince Victor is Keelhauled, barely surviving. His body is heavily scared and he loses the ability to maneuver his left leg properly.

    July 7th, 1826~

    Another storm wrecks the Aramada, most of the men survive, but are forced to seek shelter on a local Beach.

    July 8th, 1826~

    Sir William Anson is assassinated by a Japanese Samurai. The Anglo-Nipponese War Begins.
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