William the Conqueror loses the Battle of Hastings


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What if William the Conqueror would have lost the Battle of Hastings? How much different would the English language have looked right now relative to real life? And just how else would England have been affected by the absence of centuries of Anglo-Norman culture during the Middle Ages?
What if William the Conqueror would have lost the Battle of Hastings? How much different would the English language have looked right now relative to real life? And just how else would England have been affected by the absence of centuries of Anglo-Norman culture during the Middle Ages?

Well as a Brit I would definitely be in favour, although of course it butterflies all of us. ;)

Without English being relegated to the 3rd language of the state its likely to end up with a lot less foreign, especially French and probably Latin as well. There would still be a lot of words coming in from other languages, especially if England/Britain has a golden age where it has a lot of influence over and contact with the rest of the world. There should be a possibility at least since being on the edge of Europe assuming the development of technology for sea voyages to the Americas and Far East occurs then England is well placed to gain from that.

In the short term at least England would be much richer without the devastation of the conquest and brutal oppression of rebellions. Plus no destruction of large areas of English cities and towns to make room for the huge fortresses and cathedrals that the Normans built, or the forced labour used for that. Land, businesses, churches etc will all stay in English hands.

Overall without a foreign ruling caste for a 2-3 centuries there should be a lot less class separation and barriers to talent which would also help. Its not going to be a utopia as there will still be ruling elites, both secular and clerical but it should be far less powerful.

One other issue is that while relations with the Scots and Welsh will continue to be fractious there should be much better relations with the Irish as it was the Normans who dragged England into there in the 1st place!

The big issue is what happens with Normandy and hence France. A loss at Hastings, given his position, is going to greatly reduce the prestige and power of William even if he survives. It could see Normandy thrown into chaos and at least some parts of it being seized by neighbours or breaking away. Without a Norman-Plantagenet dynasty boosted by owning much of the British Isles does a strong king unit France earlier - which would have huge butterflies - or do other lords emerge to challenge the French monarchy. Of course one issue here is that if a powerful France is unified earlier than OTL how much does that in turn impact on England/Britain with possible direct military threats and indirect economic ones?

Anyway initial points that come to mind.
Better for England,Ireland and entire world.And possible discovering America from the North ,and colonizing it slowly.
Who will discover America from the North?
Vikings arleady did so - and,after their power fade,somebody else would replace them.Irish? nope,they fought each other.The same goes for welsch.Scotland have no navy tradition.

This leave only England or Denmark to to so - but since Denmark was busy in Europe,in which saxon England do not interfere,i bet on England.

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