Jury Rules 7 Year Old WILL Transition To Female Against Father's Wishes

Dude, that's poor manners on a forum.
To be fair, pornographic content is rather against the rules to post here, so it can be difficult to know what's appropriate. Luckily, I'm willing to see how far I can push those rules, so I can answer in his stead.

Tell me more.
According to the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wikia:
Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wikia said:
Alps are a succubus-type monster girl with a very unusual origin: monsterized homosexual men and those who yearned to become women. If such men become incubi from exposure to demonic energy, the dark magics respond to their desires by turning them female. Although alps may begin their monster lives looking rather androgynous, by feeding on enough spirit energy their transformation can turn them more feminine and lascivious than even a regular succubus.
To be fair, pornographic content is rather against the rules to post here, so it can be difficult to know what's appropriate. Luckily, I'm willing to see how far I can push those rules, so I can answer in his stead.

According to the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wikia:

Honestly, I can see SJWs being pretty against Alps, mostly because Homosexual=/=Transsexual
If you can't not autize at every opportunity, it's your civic duty to find a more useful or at least less socially alienating focus than niche pornography.
I'm sorry, but those "privileges" don't exist; you don't get an easy excuse to use my disability as an insult. You're just being rather detestable.

Well, at the very least we can tell that this kid won’t be easily winning womens sports competitions

This is how you redpill SJWs, you catch them in their own traps to the point that they feel really uncomfortable when they want to tell the truth about how “It’s not working; This has gone way worse than ever we could have predicted and we thought it would be paradise, help I’m now unemployed and going to jail due to saying something “offensive” on a PM”
I'm sorry, but those "privileges" don't exist; you don't get an easy excuse to use my disability as an insult. You're just being rather detestable.
Well for the record I wasn't using it as an insult, "autize" is my neologism for unselfconsciously making frequent dwelves into a particular topic, even when I was being bullied for being on the spectrum as was the fashion then and there I didn't see the big deal in describing obsession over a certain level as being "autistic". I'll also point out that words for mental conditions are cheapened into superficial aspects thereof ALL THE TIME. Most people mean "teehee I'm perfectionistic" by OCD, not actual characteristics of a potentially severe problem.
I'm sorry, but those "privileges" don't exist; you don't get an easy excuse to use my disability as an insult. You're just being rather detestable.
Don't get so up in a tizzy about it.




Don't get so defensive and possesive over a disability. It aint healthy for overcoming it.
The attention of the Boot has been drawn to this thread. The Boot would like everybody involved to do two things... tone down the personal attacks (even if not meant in that manner, they can come across as marginal 2a violations) and for the love of boot polish please try and keep on topic. This is friendly for now, but if you force the Boot to open up the infraction tool the Boot will do it, even if that will risk scuffing the Boot's shine.

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