Excellence in Shitlording

One tweet one shockwave.

Wow they deleted it like right after you posted it.

Thankfully... screenshots are a thing!

It's never about context - it's about continually finding a new enemy to destroy, and enforcing their politics through fear.
It's always sad when people with no sense of humor get offended by Satire.

(backup Image link)

For fuller context, the artist, "lushsux" makes memes like above and posts them on Instagram, which is owned by Death Profiteer Mark Zuckerberg. Apparently not only is Sasha Baron Cohen dumb enough to fall for the satire, but so are anti-Vaxx groups using such horrible memes as well further deluding the poor "comedian."
SBC is a hateful asshole anyway, so his opinions can be safely discarded in the trash.

I can respect being a hateful asshole, I myself am a hateful asshole, what I cant respect is stupidly puting your bread and butter at risk. If you are a comedian your lively hood depends on free speech, and if your an offensive one this is doubly true. You do not put out shit that might weaken the protections that give you the ability to make a living.

because its retarded.
Looks like a former Buzzfeed Writer named Ryan Broderick wanted to put the cancel on Substack and even got a Google Vice President of Product Privacy, a UCLA Professor of Information Management & Professional 'Content Moderator', the Editor of TechDirt as well as a LA and NY Times Columnist/Podcaster to agree with him. All of these victims of Substack were targeted because... people wrote articles or columns about them on Substack... as opposed to writing articles or columns on them on some Corporate website. Very disturbing.

Then a bunch of these Right Wing trolls from Substack and their supporters emerged to organize more harassment of innocent corporate owned journalists.

Even the French were getting in on it...
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"That guy!" Excellent. Refer to VP Biden as "that guy," from here on in.
I'm going to be every bit as annoying as they were with Trump by calling him 46 and such.
Wow, you're actually butthurt about that kinda petty BS and expect other to feel the same when you mildly disrespect him on a website they don't visit? You can call him the cheese whiz fizzing paedophile, or the second coming of political rape-Hitler. No one who matters cares, and no one who cares matters. It reminds me very much of a scene from a movie, where a wannabe gangsta flips off the police behind the cover of his car door.

I just call him Biden. No "President", no "Mister", just Biden. He stole the election, so he's not a president.
It's true; the courts, the majority of congress and the Senate, mainstream media, and every oversight group and law enforcement agency is in on it or was hoodwinked! Only you, with your unmatched knowledge from half-read, poorly sourced and biased internet articles knows the real truth! They'd probably kill you in absolute secret, if they weren't worried your unmourned passing would produce exactly the martyr the 'true' right-wing everyman of the silent majority needs to finally get woke to the oppression they're under, and rise up with their 2nd amendment handguns and bolt action rifles, to take down those weak elites hiding behind their drones, tanks and carriers. They're just way too scared of your glowing truth.
It's true; the courts, the majority of congress and the Senate, mainstream media, and every oversight group and law enforcement agency is in on it or was hoodwinked!
This is true.
Only you, with your unmatched knowledge from half-read, poorly sourced and biased internet articles knows the real truth! They'd probably kill you in absolute secret, if they weren't worried your unmourned passing would produce exactly the martyr the 'true' right-wing everyman of the silent majority needs to finally get woke to the oppression they're under, and rise up with their 2nd amendment handguns and bolt action rifles, to take down those weak elites hiding behind their drones, tanks and carriers. They're just way too scared of your glowing truth.
This is not true. But you do you.
This is true.

This is not true. But you do you.
You don't see why it might come across as just a teensy bit arrogant to assume that you know better than the many large groups of people, with decades of both training and experience in these issues, with access to all the information you have and more? Trump's own picked judges and supreme justices couldn't even countenance a legal case for significant fraud. The legal profession at large basically laughed everyone who tried to support your position out of business, with exactly the kind of specific, technical attention to detail that is their stock in trade bought to bare demonstrating the errors and fallacies. Even the extreme, alternative media sources were forced to admit they had no real evidence or sources when hit with lawsuits. There's a reason that the champion of the trump won cheerleading squad at this point is a nobody who sells pillows.

Biden stealing the election is a fairytale morons tell themselves to believe their false world view is in ascendency. But, you do you I guess. Just try not to hurt too many other people.

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