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  • Probably because if he said he wasn't, you'd still say he was. So if you're going to make an accusation, I suggest you bring receipts. As it is, several pages of this thread read like a Leftist struggle session.
    Zero point to defending accusations of 'isms. If someone thinks you're a nasty person, what's the point on trying to convince them otherwise? Their minds have been made up, and I don't have to explain myself to anybody.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    It's a very disturbing trend and if you believe their detractors an extremely lucrative trend. I think Jan Brewer had to shutdown her state's CPS once. A total "destroy and rebuild" deal and then her successor had to do the exact same thing.

    Worse is that once the systems sets their eyes on you, you lose almost all your rights. Especially if you're a father and because SCOTUS has traditionally held the opinion that family court is such a clusterfuck that its almost too broken to fix so its best to just ignore it entirely. The whole system thinks its unregulated and unaccountable.

    And CPS agents think the constitution doesn't apply to their targets nor does it reign them in "Because of a common good and public emergency exemption" they're all insane.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    I know that Arizona lost 1800 kids over 20 years, just...straight disappeared.

    the bones of some several hundred were found in the sands. Razorfist covered it a few years back and in Texas its so bad the state legislature once held a session to try and get them designated a criminal cartel.

    Plus CPS agents are known for seizing the children of lawyers that sue their agencies and journalists who look into them.

    One can conclude that they never act on abuse, because abused kids are damaged goods.
    Brewer shut down AZ CPS ?
    Us talking about acetaminophen in the other thread reminds me of 2017 when Venezuela's economy cratered so hard they couldn't even get Tylenol into the country.

    So the retard health minister comes out and declares to the public amidst the panic "Gente del pueblo Venezuelano, no hay que tener miedo recién hablo con el ministro de agricultura y vamos a sembrar campos de acetaminophen!"

    "People of Venezuela fear not! I have spoken with the minister of agriculture and we are going to begin seeding Tylenol crops!"

    Because the Galaxy brain meme is apparently real.
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