I get to conquer the Federation (SW and ST Crossover/SI)

He is a Starfleet officer and he has to follow orders from command. He may not like them, but he was expected to follow through.

"Following orders from command" in no way requires or justifies Picard to literally go, "I'm going to close my eyes and refuse to look at the factual evidence in order to make sure it stays off the official record and the Federation can pretend this evidence never existed, including for when you're arrested and court-martialed over this matter."

This is especially hypocritical considering in the *other* episode regarding protecting the tenuous peace with Cardassia, Picard makes sure a different Federation officer is arrested and court-martialed for doing *exactly the same thing he did to Keller*, conspiring with the Cardassians to "protect the peace at all cost".
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"Following orders from command" in no way requires or justifies Picard to literally go, "I'm going to close my eyes and refuse to look at the factual evidence in order to make sure it stays off the official record and the Federation can pretend this evidence never existed, including for when you're arrested and court-martialed over this matter."
I am going to rewatch this episode and I will give you a response after that.
I mean, when you take into account Picard's final conversation with the Cardassians, he's very clearly saying, "I know that Maxwell's evidence proves that he was right about you violating the armistice. I knowingly backstabbed him by refusing to look at the evidence in order to give you another chance at peace, but warn your superiors that I won't look the other way again."
Honestly surprised the Andorians at minimum didn’t threaten secession over this, given their original problem with Vulcan was a smaller variant of this problem
Well color me surprised I really didn't think this story was getting any more updates but I am quite happy to be wrong. Although I am curious about the distance between the Empire and the Expeditionary forces will we start to see cultural drift among the expedition? We have seen the Old World of Earth starting to retake its roots. Will we also see the Rebellion start to show up and try and get help from Section 31?
Chapter 21
The Dahar master's first thoughts on the interior of an Imperial Star Destroyer was that it was cold and mechanical. Everywhere he looked, there was only dark-finished metal, broken by glowing lights, glittering control panels, harshly-lit displays, and flushed access panels. The same went for the Coruscanti Humans themselves, the officers in grey or white, and the rank-and-file in black.

Paradoxically, though, it wasn't soulless. On the contrary, an air of purpose permeated the ship's interior, men and women alike coming and going with crisp movements as they went on about their duties. This was especially apparent with the white-armored soldiers – Stormtroopers, that's what they were called – either standing guard at important areas, or patrolling the decks, as well as escorting Akiz and his fellow Klingons to the ship's bridge.

In short, the ship was very Human when all was said and done.

It just wasn't very…Federation.

Not that Akiz had any problems with that. If anything, it was all very refreshing, and together with the devastation the Coruscanti had wreaked against the Federation in the war thus far, painted a very impressive picture of what Humans were truly like when they were at war.

A worthy ally, at least in the short-term, to wreak vengeance on the impious and dishonorable Federation. And in the long-term, a worthy opponent…

…yes, if the Klingons were to fall, they should fall only against an overwhelming foe, their last war cries echoing defiant in glorious defeat across the pages of history. Not for them the slow death the Federation and its cowardly leaders had planned, the Klingons losing who and what they were to become just another set of forgettable threads in the bland and ignominious tapestry of mediocrity that was the Federation's vision of the future.

But those were thoughts for another time. Heavy blast doors hissed open to allow access to the bridge, the Klingons seeing a raised walkway going past sunken pits where officers and crew manned stations towards a set of windows that looked out into the depths of space. The rank-and-file ignored the Klingons newly-arrived on the bridge, while the officers gave only quick looks before returning to their duties.

Then the Klingons turned away, led elsewhere by their escorts, and Akiz was once again impressed. Had they been meeting with the Federation, there would no doubt be hours of long-winded speeches, formal dinners filled with nonsense, double-dealing, and serpent-tongued conversation, and by the end of it all, the Klingons bored into acquiescing to some agreement somehow worth even less than what it would be printed on.

The Coruscanti – the Imperials – had none of that. Or at least, their diplomats were dealing with that elsewhere, with matters of war – and more importantly, vengeance – to be decided by those actually qualified for it.

"Welcome, Dahar Master Mvonnek." Admiral Jaenera Targaryen said with a curt nod, violet eyes hard and cold like jewels as she regarded Akiz from across a glowing map table. "I understand you and your allies are here on your own initiative, independent of the Klingon Empire. Or am I wrong?"

"You are not." Akiz said. "And it matters not that the Klingon Empire has decided to drag its feet on its involvement in this conflict. By the time Martok has finished knocking heads together and secured his power base, this conflict will be over. The chance for vengeance will be lost. That cannot be allowed to stand."

Targaryen smirked. "Yes…" she mused aloud. "…I have read about your people's culture…your laws and customs, when it comes to this war. Or rather, the century you spent imprisoned in Tartarus thanks to those Section 31 dogs…you and yours claim the Right of Vengeance, something even your leaders cannot deny you, lest they dishonor themselves in the eyes of your entire people, and thus prove themselves unworthy of the power they wield."

"So we do." Akiz said before baring his own fangs. "Will the Empire deny it to us?"

"This is our war." Targaryen immediately said. "You may have your vengeance, but I'll have you follow my strategy in pursuit of total victory. This is not negotiable."

Akiz's companions stirred and muttered at being dictated to by a Human, but Akiz himself just met Targaryen's eyes. For several moments, Klingon and Human matched their wills, then Akiz threw back his head and laughed. "Were it any other," he began. "I would spit on your words and force them back down your throat. But you have since proven yourself, and your strategy as something worth following. Very well, I accept your condition, and look forward to claiming blood owed as part of it."

"You will have your chance." Targaryen said, pressing icons on the table controls, and bringing up the map's details. "Even as we speak, the Federation assembles its remaining fleets at Kharzh'ulla. No doubt, they plan to use its vast resources and industrial capacity to support the continued conflict."

"And with that support," Akiz remarked while looking at the map. "Their fleets can threaten any advance towards Betazed and Bolarus IX, among other systems on the far side of the quadrant. Or for that matter, contest Tellar against any advance from Sol and other occupied systems."

"Indeed." Targaryen said. "Kharzh'ulla must be reduced before any decisive advance can be made past the Tellerite Sector. Even more so, considering Kharzh'ulla has now become the Federation's wartime capital, with Earth under Imperial capital."

Akiz chuckled. "Plotting to force the Federation President to kneel before your Emperor, Admiral Targaryen?" he asked. "You are dastardly."

"This is war." Targaryen remarked. "It is not a game. There is no point in fighting unless it ends in total victory."

"There is no greater honor than victory." Akiz sagely said. "And? What role do you see for us to play in this stage of your campaign?"

"Just because we cannot decisively advance past the Tellerite Sector until Kharzh'ulla is reduced it does not mean we cannot act past it." Targaryen said. "Operations White and Typhoon prove that much."

"Indeed." Akiz said with a wolfish grin. There was nothing else to say, the simple yet brutally effective onslaught that was White and Typhoon spoke for themselves.

"Typhoon, however," Targaryen continued. "Has met an unexpected setback. We can destroy starbases, antimatter production plants and storage facilities, and other similar facilities at ease. Even more so for simple subspace relays. That said, the Federation – or rather, Starfleet – has a habit of simply fleeing into warp where we cannot fight them even as they launch pinprick attacks against us."

"Ah…so that's how it is…" Akiz said with an understanding nod. "…since you use…hyperdrive, instead of warp, you cannot fight vessels in warp…but we can. Is that what you want us to do? To chase after those Starfleet curs, like dogs sniffing at a trail?"

"No," Targaryen said, meeting Akiz's eyes. "I want you to hunt them down and kill them in proper battle."

"A proper battle they will not give you," Akiz said with a fanged grin. "But one we can have."


Akiz's smile widened. "It will be a good day to die." He said, and Targaryen smiled back, before she brought up tactical data across the entire quadrant, more than enough to get Akiz started on his 'hunt'.

"I still think we're taking something of a risk by involving the Klingons in this campaign." Torrhen remarked while standing next to me and watching the Klingon ships leave in the distance through the bridge windows.

"Agreed," I said with a nod before narrowing my eyes. "But, Imperial Intelligence strongly suggests the Klingons – or at least those Dahar masters we freed from Tartarus – would have waded in regardless, to claim blood for Section 31 and the Federation's misdeeds. We'd have been forced to confront them in addition to prosecuting the war against the Federation, and which would also lead to…unpredictable, complications further down the road."

Torrhen sighed. "At least this way we can keep them on something of a leash," he remarked. "And get something out of it by directing them to those Starfleet vessels running around and attacking like insects while at warp."

"Don't forget some leeway with the Klingons." I added. "Oh, I fully expect there will be a confrontation between us and the Empire in the future, but at least this way, we have more control when and where it happens. That could be very important when it comes to seizing the initiative."

"I see your point, admiral." Torrhen said before giving another sigh. "However, as your chief of staff, it's my duty to voice these concerns."

"So you do." I said with a nod. "In any case, we'll keep an eye on the Klingons. That, and while they're free to run around shooting up Starfleet vessels at warp, and will be resupplied at our expense, under no circumstances will they be getting any planets out of this."

"That might result in complications especially with the Romulans having occupied the Neutral Zone." Torrhen said.

"The Romulans occupied unfortified and even unsettled frontier territories." I said while turning back to the map table. "The loss of those worlds is a trifle, and which we can always get back in a future war. The Klingons, though, will be operating deep in the so-called Alpha Quadrant, in what will become part of the Empire's New Territories. We cannot allow a foreign power to have enclaves inside our space, and if they cannot understand that, well…"

I trailed off, but Torrhen nodded in agreement. "We'll have to take those worlds back if that's the case," he said. "And although it means an early confrontation with the Klingons, we'd still have the initiative in such a scenario."

I smiled at my chief of staff. "Let's not get too far ahead," I said. "And play at another war while we're still fighting this war. Let's win this war first, and then we'll see."

"Understood, admiral." Torrhen said with a small bow.

I nodded and looked down at the map table, zoomed in on the Tellar Star System. "The Fifth and Thirteenth Battlegroups should be arriving at Tellar Prime shortly." I mused. "One way or another, that world will be our bridgehead for an assault on Kharzh'ulla. And from there, the door will be open for a decisive advance on Betazed, Bolarus IX, and ultimately, Bajor itself."

Sara took the opportunity to cough. "Speaking of advances," she began. "I must remind you, admirals, of other territorial breaches in the Beta Quadrant. The Tholians are menacing the Icor and Iadara Sectors, the latter of which has also reported incursions from the Sheliak Corporate."

"And with Starfleet unable to respond," I said. "It falls to us to take action."

"Task Forces Seeker I, II, and III are ready to deploy at your command, admiral." Torrhen said.

I nodded. "Very good, then." I said. "Give the word. The Empire doesn't abandon its worlds. If these…Tholians, and Sheliak think they can have worlds we've laid claim to without a fight, they're in for a rude awakening."

"I'll have deploy within the hour, admiral." Torrhen said, snapping a salute and striding off to issue the necessary orders. I nodded, and then focused back at the hologram of the interstellar theater.

Several hours later, and Vice Admiral Natasi Daala of the newly-formed Thirteenth Battlegroup was conferring with a hologram of Vice Admiral Tye of the Fifth Battlegroup. The two of them formed the Imperial vanguard, tasked with advancing on Tellar Prime and, if possible, securing it as the beachhead for the Imperial attack on Kharzh'ulla.

"Well, this is disappointing." Daala grumbled. "The Tellarites just…surrendering without even putting up a token fight."

"I can't really blame them, though." Tye said. "Starfleet practically conscripted their entire defense force, and pulled them back to Kharzh'ulla. They've no ships left, and only police forces on the surface."

"…fair enough, I suppose." Daala conceded.

Tye smirked. "Here's something that might cheer you up." He said.


"It's a copy of the Tellarite leader issuing their terms of surrender to our diplomatic team."

Daala raised an eyebrow curiously…

…a few seconds later, and her second eyebrow joined in as her eyes went wide, while her mouth similarly fell open. Nearby, the Terror's captain, along with Daala's adjutant and chief of staff weren't much better, and as the stream of profanity echoed across the Star Destroyer's bridge, other officers and even strait-laced and hard-bitten Stormtroopers turned to look at the command deck in shock.

"…how long has it been now?" Daala eventually asked in a faint tone, causing her adjutant to quickly check a chronometer.

"…over four minutes, admiral." The young man finally said.

"Wow." Daala could only say, with the reaction of the other officers on the command deck not much different. Eventually, the Tellarite leader's profanity-laden rant came to an end, and Daala rubbed her forehead, completely at a loss. "How long?"

"…six minutes, thirty-two seconds…" her adjutant faintly replied.

"And it all boiled down to the Tellarites' expecting the same starting terms offered to the Orions," Tye said with a laugh. "Plus demanding the Empire put the boot on both Starfleet and those Tellarites who ran to Kharzh'ulla and left Tellar Prime completely defenseless."

"…I don't think any drill sergeant back in officer school was that foul-mouthed." Daala remarked. The Tellarite leader's profanities had been both colorful and wide-ranging, reflecting on parentage, birth, and sexual habits of Starfleet, the Federation, and the so-called Tellarite Defense Force, all of which were holed up at Kharzh'ulla. By itself, that wasn't anything special, but to keep it for over six minutes straight?


"Agreed." Tye said with another laugh. "Still, they're not unreasonable terms, wouldn't you say?"

"Definitely not." Daala agreed. "We were always going to crush Kharzh'ulla with an iron fist anyway, so no loss agreeing to that. As for other terms…well, I'm no diplomat, but I know enough the generalities are fine as they are. Only the details really need to be hammered out with regard to strategic and economic differences between Tellar Prime and Orion, but that's something for our diplomats to deal with."

Tye nodded. "Indeed." He said. "I'll contact Admiral Targaryen, in the meantime, I'll leave it to you to coordinate the landings."

"That should be no problem." Daala said with a nod before narrowing her eyes. "Still, we're pretty close to the frontlines here. And Starfleet has already stripped the planet of its defenses."

"What are you getting at, Daala?" Tye asked

"We could do more than deploy a Stormtrooper garrison at the planetary capital." Daala pointed out. "We could also add air defenses, and localized anti-bombardment countermeasures. Only enough to protect the capital, to be sure, but it's better than nothing. It might also help us on the political end of things."

"…good idea." Tye said after a moment. "I'll advise the admiral on our initiative, and if there's any complications from it, I'll stand with you."

"I doubt there will be," Daala said. "Considering Admiral Targaryen's record, but still, thank you."

Tye nodded, and then his hologram flickered. "Right, then," Daala said with a sigh. "Signal Colonel Beaxxon, prepare for surface deployment. And inform the combat engineering brigade of the additional fortifications they'll need to setup around the planetary capital."

"Yes, admiral." Her adjutant said, and Daala nodded.

"Very good." She said.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, specifically in the neighboring Actium Sector, five Miranda Class Starships led by an Excelsior Class Starship were cruising at Warp Four while on the hunt for Imperial raiding groups as part of Operations White and Typhoon. Their sensors were actively scouring out the surrounding light-years of space as they flew past faster than light, but tuned as they were to pick up Imperial engine signatures, they failed to pick up other engine types even as they ate up the intervening light-years.

That is not to say the Klingons wouldn't have been picked up…

…except they were cloaked, and with the Starfleet vessels specifically looking for Imperial warships, they missed the faint tachyon and even engine emissions of the Klingon Birds of Prey as they closed.

"Range?" Akiz asked as he sat on his flagship's command throne.

"Five million kellicams." The sensor officer said.

"Steady…keep at their tails…" Akiz softly but firmly said, eyes fixed on the Starfleet vessels slowly growing larger on the viewscreen. "…steady…range…"

"One million kellicams." The sensor officer replied.

"…on my mark…" Akiz slowly said. "…transfer power from cloak to weapons…gunners on all ships…destroy the smaller vessels but targets engines only on the flagship…we want prisoners to talk about Starfleet's fast raiders…range…"

"Five hundred thousand kellicams."


"Range…two hundred thousand kellicams…enemy shields reading as inactive…"

"…Starfleet's gotten sloppy…fighting imperials unable to shoot at them in warp…range?"

"…one hundred thousand kellicams…"


"…fifty thousand kellicams…"


"…ten thousand kellicams…"


"…five thousand kellicams…"

"…decloak, and fire!"

Reality shimmered as the Klingons decloaked, and faster than Starfleet could react unleashed a volley of torpedoes at the Mirandas. With their shields down, the old and obsolete vessels were simply torn apart, while the lone Excelsior was battered by a volley of disruptor beams that blew out the ship's primary power relays.

To Starfleet's credit, the transition to auxiliary power was seamless, keeping the ship's inertial dampeners and structural integrity fields active otherwise the Excelsior would have been torn apart as it was violently thrown out of warp. Just seconds later, and the Klingons also dropped out of warp, disruptors blazing away and blowing off the crippled starship's nacelles. Others shattered the ship's secondary power relays, leaving it a dying hulk in space.

"Prepare for boarding!" Akiz barked while getting up from his seat to leave the bridge. "Captain, you're in command! Signal the boarding teams: today is a good day to die!"

"Qapla!" Captain Orath said while retaking the command throne.

This wasn't the only such engagement taking place, of course. Dozens of similar ambushes were taking place across unoccupied Federation territory, in fact. And to their credit, Starfleet would quickly react, giving their ships a fighting chance against being jumped by cloaked vessels.

But with the Empire now within striking range of Kharzh'ulla, there was little else they could do. A protest was lodged with Chancellor Martok over what Starfleet called rogue Klingon elements fighting beside the Empire, but the chancellor himself was already under fire from the various Great Houses of the Klingon Empire for his pre-war ties with the Federation. With said rogues being led by Dahar masters illegally abducted and imprisoned by (officially rogue) Federation agents, the chancellor was left with few if any options to respond in any way the Federation could call favorable.

In the end, Starfleet could only grimly resign themselves and tighten their belts further as combat options grew even more limited, along with supplies, crew, and most importantly, ships.
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I appreciate the incorporation of the Dahar Masters seeking Vengeance!

And the best part is that it's completely canon. The Right of Vengeance is inalienable to Klingons. Even exiles who would otherwise have no rights and are basically unpersons in Klingon society can claim it. Remember Worf's confrontation with Duras? The moment Worf reveals that Duras killed his mate, Duras was horrified, because it means Worf does have legitimate claim to vengeance, and he has to accept Worf's challenge, or risk his crew mutinying.

Martok and the High Council probably had a similar moment when the formerly-imprisoned Dahar masters returned to Qo'noS and claimed Right of Vengeance, with their families and others bound by feudal ties rallying to them. Neither the chancellor nor the council could stop them, or even try, otherwise they might end up facing more than accusations of being Federation puppets, but become the targets of a coup.

It's gonna make for some even more interesting times for the Feddies. Especially as they're loosing ships now that they can't easily replace.

Made even worse by the fact that their premier shipyards, Utopia Planitia, aren't even just under Imperial control, but reduced to inoperable wrecks thanks to Nechayev's Nero Decree. Even if they could retake Mars tomorrow, the planet's useless to them.
Chapter 22
"Admiral," Sara began. "Your household troops are here."

"They've arrived, then." I said, briefly looking up from the reports I was reviewing. "Excellent, I'll meet with them shortly. I'll just need to finish these."

"I'll inform Captain Calanyon then." Sara said with a nod.

"Make it so, lieutenant." I said.

"Yes, admiral." Sara before saluting and leaving my office.

As it was, it took several more minutes before I could leave to meet with the newly-arrived Targaryen Household Guard. The report from Ambassador Lee was especially pressing, over Earth's political future. Originally, United Earth was planned to be retained as the planetary government of Humanity's homeworld in this galaxy, but with the exposure of the Section 31 – or rather, the Majestic Twelve – conspiracy to subjugate not just Humanity but every spacefaring race under their quasi-utopian totalitarian nightmare vision of the future, those plans had been thrown out.

Both the UNAS and the provisional government of what was calling itself the European Federation had made it clear they would not simply refuse to join a restored United Earth, but outright wage war against it. Likewise for the coalition of emerging northern Chinese warlords under the leadership of the self-proclaimed Generalissimo Tai Yuan.

Speaking of which, the ISB had also delivered its own report on Tai Yuan, on how the man might try and claim the Mandate of Heaven, and with it, proclaim himself the first Emperor of China in over four hundred years.

"That can work to our advantage," I mused. "But we have to work at it with a delicate hand, and avoid looking reactionary. No…much like with the Federation and its shadow leaders in the Majestic Twelve, it's best to let our enemies destroy themselves on their own."

All that said, though, with United Earth of no further use to the Empire beyond the psychological blow of its unconditional surrender, to say nothing of the backlash after its exposure as nothing more than a front for an conspiracy of Terran ideologues and their lackeys, entire plans drawn up by the Empire to cement its grip in the New Territories after the war was over and won needed to be gone over.

"Well," I thought while heading out to meet with my family's guards. "No one said this would be easy. Besides, this might even turn out to be better, with proper management of succeeding events as they develop."

Leaving my office, Sara saluted me outside before falling into step beside me, following in my wake towards the lift. From there, it took a few minutes to reach one of the Courageous' lower decks, and a couple more minutes to reach the assigned troop areas.

The Targaryen Household Guards stood to attention at my arrival, over a hundred men and women dressed in matching blue jackets and trousers saluting with white-gloved hands. They also wore white hats, those of the officers peaked, while the enlisted and noncoms wore side caps instead.

"At ease." I said, the guardsmen standing down to parade rest. "Soldiers of House Targaryen, I thank you for the effort of coming this far, all the way from our galaxy to this galaxy, the furthest frontier of our great and glorious Galactic Empire. However, now I would ask even greater sacrifices from you, so great that I cannot deny you the truth."

I paused, slowly turning my head to meet the guardsmen's – my people's – eyes. Like me, they were all Valyrian, the product of millennia of Arkanian gene-crafting, with platinum-blonde hair and violet irises. They all met my gaze stoically, social and cultural inertia born of millennia reinforcing loyalty and duty drilled by training and years if not decades of service to my family.

"I suppose you're asking, why you?" I continued. "Why send for you all the way across the universe, when I could just have the Imperial Armed Forces handle. I do have an entire expeditionary force under my command, after all. So, why? And the answer is that this mission is too dangerous to involve the Imperial Armed Forces. Failure would, at best, tarnish if not outright destabilize the entire Galactic Empire. As such, I myself will take personal responsibility for this mission, with my family's honor and future on the line, and personally submit its outcome before His Excellency the Emperor whether in victory or defeat."

I paused and nodded. "That is why you are here," I continued. "And that is why I will not command you to go on this mission, but ask you instead. And even then, I will ask that you submit to mind-wipe after the mission is completely. Only volunteers will continue going forward, with any who refuse being allowed to return home with no stigma or mark against them going on record. Having said that, I now ask any of you who find my request on your loyalty and duty to be too much, to step forward."

No one stepped forward.

If anything, the guardsmen just straightened further and looked expectantly at me.

"There will be no going back after this." I warned. "Is that clear?"

"Permission to speak freely, ma'am?" Captain Vamyx Calanyon asked.

"Granted." I said.

"I say it'll be a good day to die." He said with a smile, and despite myself, I smiled back.

"Outstanding, captain!" I said. "Very well then…saddle up!"

Over a hundred heels clicked together in a uniform motion, along with arms swiping up in salute. "HAIL, THE EMPIRE!" the guardsmen chorused. "HAIL, TARGARYEN!"

Elsewhere in the galaxy, the Fifth and Thirteenth Battlegroups of the Imperial Expeditionary Force were once again leading the charge in the name of the Galactic Empire.

The Thirteenth Battlegroup, in particular, had the honor of firing the first shots of the Siege of Kharzh'ulla. With forward shields at double power, Vice Admiral Natasi Daala led her fleet into the range of the planetary defenses, phaser lances and charged particle cannon hammering them from the planet's orbital.

But even as smaller vessels began to burn in space, the Imperial Fleet returned fire, turbolaser beams lancing through space. They splattered against the orbital ring's shields, distributed power sources and generator systems helping them hold against the Imperial onslaught. In response, the Imperial Fleet concentrated its fire, entire flotillas literally pounding down the shields of entire defensive sections along the orbital ring, allowing turbolasers to destroy not just the gun emplacements, launch bays, and naval docks built onto the ring, but also the adjacent void habitats.

Worse, the ring itself began to take damage, especially as fusion reactors went critical and exploded in flowers of nuclear fire. Fortunately, civilians had already been evacuated from the ring, but that didn't change the fact that if the ring collapsed, entire sections could fall to devastate the surface below. That, and it was the main line of defense for the entire planet, with which Starfleet could finally halt the Imperial advance, and hopefully rallying the local civilizations, begin pushing them back.

That hope was now being put to the test, with Starfleet's Fourth Fleet under Admiral Michael Fraser scrambling to intercept the Thirteenth Battlegroup. The plan was to charge in, making it appear as though trying to get in close and throw the battlefield into chaos, thus negating the Empire's advantages and allowing Starfleet to fight on even terms.

The Empire wasn't stupid, though, or rather Daala wasn't. She immediately pulled back, not enough to actually withdraw from the battlefield, but enough to contract her line of battle to keep Starfleet from achieving their tactical goal.

Just as planned.

"Damnation!" Daala spat on the Terror's bridge. "Starfleet's forced us into a choice. We either engage at long range, and give their faster vessels greater freedom of movement to evade our artillery fire, or close in but risk them throwing the battlefield in chaos."

"What do we do, admiral?" her adjutant asked.

Daala didn't answer at once, instead lifting a gloved hand to rub over her chin in thought. Her first instinct was to simply charge in, and despite giving the enemy what they wanted, use the Imperial Fleet's superior firepower and endurance to hammer them up close, battle of attrition be damned.

But, she was a fleet commander now, and needed to think bigger. See the wider picture as it were, and minimize losses for maximum gain.

Soldiers dying in battle was inevitable, and indeed, was both expected and normal.

No commander could succeed without facing and accepting that truth.

What mattered was that soldiers died for something…

…that, and killing more of the enemy than they killed of your forces.

"…the enemy thinks they're being clever." Daala finally said. "Signal the fleet: advance, double power to forward shields. Concentrate your fire and destroy the enemy fleet."

"Yes, admiral." Her adjutant said before relaying Daala's orders.

The Thirteenth Battlegroup adjusted its formation, reinforcing its forward shields before pressing onward, turbolasers lashing out. Again, the Fourth Fleet sallied forward in response, Daala nodding in approval. "Here they come…" she said. "…fall back, now!"

"Admiral…?" her adjutant asked in confusion.

"Do it!" Daala barked, and the man all but jumped to relay her orders.

The Thirteenth Battlegroup fell back, and a few minutes later, so did the Fourth Fleet. "Good…very good…" Daala said, emerald eyes staring intently at the tactical display. "…all ships, advance."

Once again, the Thirteenth Battlegroup advanced, and the Fourth Fleet responded in turn. Then the Thirteenth Battlegroup fell back, and the Fourth Fleet did likewise. A pattern that repeated itself for over an hour, both sides taking casualties in the process, while maintaining fleet integrity regardless.

"Status of the Fifth Battlegroup behind us?" Daala asked.

"Admiral Tye in holding position." Her adjutant replied.

"And the enemy's other fleets are likewise doing so to our flanks and over the other sections of the ring." Daala mused aloud. "Yes…after the Battle of Earth, they're worried that we're just the vanguard…no, more than that, bait, to draw them in for the main fleet as it jumps out of hyperspace. They're being cautious. Let's see how well they can keep it up: all ships, advance."

"Yes, admiral." Her adjutant said while relaying orders, and again, the Thirteenth Battlegroup pressed forward. The Fourth Fleet moved to intercept, and Daala clenched her fist.

"All ships," she barked. "Maximum battle speed!"

In a surprising show of sudden aggression, the Thirteenth Battlegroup launched a full attack, catching the Fourth Fleet by surprise, used as it was to Daala's cautious maneuvers over the past hour. The Fourth Fleet's entire advance guard was wiped out, and the central formation decimated with the fleet's command element coming under fire.

Starfleet responded quickly, dispatching the Eighth and Ninth Fleets to reinforce the Fourth Fleet. The two fresh fleets moved to flank the Thirteenth Battlegroup, but attempts at encirclement were foiled thanks to the Fifth Battlegroup, which opened fire at long range.

Daala nodded as she looked at the tactical display, bracing herself at the rails as photon torpedoes shook her ship from a direct hit. "We've done enough for now." She ordered. "Fall back, but have our guns lay down a curtain of fire as we withdraw."

The Thirteenth Battlegroup fell back as ordered, laying down a murderous curtain of fire against any would-be pursuit, in addition to the cover fire from the Fifth Battlegroup. By the time the firing stopped, the Thirteenth Battlegroup had suffered five per cent losses, mostly smaller vessels, although that number would rise to twenty-five per cent if one included not just destroyed vessels, but damaged ones as well. In contrast, Starfleet's Fourth Fleet had suffered forty per cent losses, while the Eighth and Ninth Fleets had suffered two and three per cent losses, respectively.

Not a bad rate of exchange, all things considered.

"We'll have to be more careful going forward." Daala remarked. "The Federation won't fall for such a ploy next time."

"Agreed." Tye concurred via holo-call from his flagship, the Iron Duke. "But that doesn't mean we can't continue to use aggressive, equally bold and subtle tactics in the siege as it develops. At least, until the main fleet arrives."

"You have something in mind then." Daala said. It wasn't a question.

"I do." Tye said with a nod before forwarding his tactical plan, Daala looking it over for a couple of minutes.

"Interesting…" she finally said. "…simple and straightforward, but with a degree of subtlety to it."

"That is the idea." Tye said with another nod. "Besides, simple plans are less likely to kriff up on the battlefield, and play better with our strengths than with that of Starfleet."

"True." Daala admitted. "Very well, I'll expedite field repairs, my fleet should be ready to move within the next thirty-six hours."

"Understood." Tye said. "As for the main fleet, they should be arriving within the next five days. There's been a…minor delay."


"Operation Staple has been moved up, apparently."

That had Daala's eyes widening. Then she blinked, and narrowed her eyes as she quickly went through the possible causes behind what was originally supposed to be something for after the Federation had been brought to heel.

"Section 31…?" she asked.

"Possibly," Tye replied. "The clearances for the operational details have all been ranked-up. All I know is that something they found on Earth shook up expeditionary command, so much so that the admiral brought in her own family's household troops."

"What?" Daala incredulously asked

"Yes," Tye said grimly. "Apparently, whether in success or defeat, Admiral Targaryen plans on taking personal responsibility for…one or another, detail of Operation Staple. If there's to be any blowback either way, she wants the Empire to stay as clear of it as possible, with only House Targaryen to potentially get dragged down."

"That…or to monopolize the rewards." Daala pointed out.

"Possibly…" Tye conceded. "…still, based on our experiences in this campaign, if we're to get dragged into the games of the nobility, then I'd say better House Targaryen than House Elegin or, gods forbid, Houses Organa or Antilles, among others."

"Or House Vandron, for that matter." Daala sourly said, considering it was Lord Crueya Vandron's misogynist vision of Human High Culture that had all but torpedoed her career right from the start. If not for the patronage of, at first, Grand Moff Tarkin, and then Admiral Targaryen, she'd probably be stuck pushing papers at a dead end post somewhere.

That, or drummed out of the military entirely.

Tye gave a cough and then a strained smile. "In any case," he said. "We should focus on the task at hand."

"This is true." Daala conceded, her fellow admiral nodding gratefully at the change in topic.

Twenty-five hours later, and the Imperial vanguard resumed its attack on Kharzh'ulla.

This time, the Fifth Battlegroup took the lead, charging forward at maximum battle speed, with forward shields at double power. At the same time, gun batteries and launch tubes fired again and again, hammering the orbital ring and the defending Starfleet forces, before making a sharp turn to port just before entering close range, and then coming back, heading away from the planet.

Normally, this would be suicide, exposing as it would the fleet's rear where it could barely shoot back. But the Thirteenth Battlegroup was right behind the Fifth Battlegroup, speeding up as the preceding fleet slowed to turn, and hammering the defenders before they could attack the withdrawing fleet in the rear.

Then once again, the Thirteenth Battlegroup turned to port just before reaching close range, and delivering full broadsides, came about to disengage, the Fifth Battlegroup just behind them for another attack. Vice Admiral Tyron-Hu Tye called this the 'revolving door', and it was devastating.

Starfleet suffered atrocious losses, with the Eighth Fleet suffering over thirty per cent losses in barely an hour. However, Fleet Admiral Ross saw an opportunity there, and committed his command fleet along with the Fourth and Ninth Fleets just as the Thirteenth Battlegroup closed in. Having calculated the relative speed and positioning of the Imperial fleets, Starfleet moved to englobe the Thirteenth Battlegroup, with the goal of destroying it and effectively annihilating the Imperial vanguard.

That it was no secret – if not actually common knowledge – that the Thirteenth Battlegroup's commander had previously commanded the Fast Attack Force which had destroyed San Francisco during the Battle of Earth added a touch of bloodlust to the Starfleet officers and crew, a desire for vengeance that gave them the strength to (figuratively) move mountains.

But if they thought Daala was easy prey, they were dead wrong.

Ignoring her adjutant, an enraged Daala all but literally punched all Imperial channels open on the control panel. "All squadron and flotilla commanders!" she roared. "This is Admiral Daala! We're surrounded, but we're not beaten yet! Engage at will! Scramble all attack craft! Destroy each and every enemy ship in range!"

The Thirteenth Battlegroup deliberately dissolved its formation, individual flotillas and squadrons launching a furious assault and closing to point-blank range. The fleet's smaller vessels suffered horrendous losses, but they gave as good as they got, while the Star Destroyers took a beating even as they left burning hulks around and in their wake.

Then the Fifth Battlegroup was closing, turbolasers blazing as they tried to cover the Thirteenth Battlegroup. "Admiral…!" Daala's adjutant shouted. "We must withdraw!"

"Not yet!" Daala roared. "Advance! The enemy flagship is right in front of us!"

"But admiral…!"

"Shut up!" Daala shouted the man down. "Fight!"

Terror and five other Venator and Victory Class Star Destroyers charged forward, turbolasers blazing as fires burned from various hull breaches. Only a handful of CR-90s and Dreadnoughts still screened them, but as the smaller vessels suffered repeated hits and began to slow and burn, the Star Destroyers finally managed to close their figurative jaws around their prey.

"FIRE!" Daala roared, and volleys of turbolaser fire and concussion missiles hammered at the Cerberus and its detached vessels. Shields failed, then the Imperial artillery fire ripped through hull plating, space blazing bright with the blinding flare of a breached warp core less than a minute later. "All ships to port! Destroying everything in our way!"

The Star Destroyers banked hard, turbolasers continuing to fire, but Starfleet was in disarray, the death of Fleet Admiral Ross in battle shattering the chain of command and dousing Starfleet's battle fury with the cold waters of uncertainty and dismay. Twenty minutes later, and the Thirteenth Battlegroup was clear, having lost just over half its forces, but had managed annihilate the Starfleet Command Fleet while inflicting heavy losses on the Fourth, Eighth, and Ninth Fleets.

"Did we win?" Daala simply asked Tye on holo-call.

The other admiral pointedly looked at the tactical display, with Starfleet milling about the orbital ring in disarray. "Yes." He said. "This battle at least."

"Good." Daala said, sighing and slumping as the high of battle waned, and the pressure and loss took their toll. "It wasn't…it wasn't for nothing."

"No," Tye agreed. "It wasn't for nothing."

"That's…good…very good…"
Chapter 23
"Did you know, lieutenant?" I asked as I stood with my adjutant on the Courageous' command deck, staring out into the star-filled darkness of interstellar space through the Star Destroyer's bridge windows. All around us the First Battlegroup hung in deep space, awaiting the signal from the advance guard.

"Admiral?" Sara asked.

"Shortly after the Battle of Earth," I continued. "I had the chance to look into the history of Humanity in this galaxy. While less advanced than we are, unsurprising considering they've only been spacefaring for about two hundred years or so while we've been spacefaring for about twenty-five thousand years, they are fairly advanced. Nowhere near our level, but not quite cavemen either. It made for quite interesting reading, especially that bit called the Eugenics Wars from about three hundred years ago."

"From the name I would infer it involved a confrontation over genetic engineering." Sara said.

I laughed. "Indeed!" she said. "A violent one too, but not especially so. Pre-spaceflight Earth had three…world wars, they called them, the last of which killed six hundred million people. It was from that conflict that United Earth emerged, and eventually, the Federation."

I paused and shrugged. "In comparison," I continued. "The Eugenics Wars killed what, five hundred thousand people? A relative trifle, I daresay."

"Speaking freely, admiral," Sara remarked. "That's only about as bloody as a single planetary theater from the Outer Rim Sieges towards the end of the Clone Wars. Nothing particularly special by our standards, at least in terms of the big picture."

"Quite," I agreed with a nod. "Still…it affected the Terrans profoundly. Did you know that genetically-modifying yourself or others in this galaxy is considered a crime against sentience by the Federation? And that any species that practices genetic engineering must reverse any and all modification before they can be considered for membership? At least one species even ended up going extinct trying to meet such a condition, with the Federation shrugging it off as just desserts. All because of the Eugenics Wars."

Sara narrowed her eyes. "I recall seeing a mention of this in the dossier of Section 31's political prisoners." She said. "Wasn't leading scientist placed in cryogenic stasis for refining the genetic engineering methods used to create the so-called Augments?"

"He was." I said with another nod. "I suppose the Terrans' caution is understandable. The genetic modifications of the Augments of their past left them…unstable, murderously so, and our own history has shown that Arkanian society occasionally prone to…similar, incidents. However, there is a fine line between caution and obstinacy. It'd be similar to us banning droids and ordering the destruction of all existing examples thereof simply because of the Separatists' use of droid soldiers in the Clone Wars, to say nothing of various droid rebellions throughout history."

I shook my head and leaned against the railing. "That said," she said. "There's opportunity there…"

"Admiral…?" Sara asked, and I favored her with a smile.

"Conquering the Federation isn't simply a case of defeating or even destroying Starfleet," I replied. "To say nothing of forcing the Federation's member worlds to submit before the Empire. No, to truly conquer the Federation, and turn the pages of history, we must kill its soul, and bury its ideals. And that's easier said than done."

"I've…heard a saying," Sara hesitantly said. "That ideals are bulletproof."

I laughed. "They are." I concurred. "And that's why the best way to bury them, is to convince those who believe in them to do so with their own hands."

Sara blinked and narrowed her eyes. "Section 31 has certainly helped in that regard." She said.

"They have." I agreed with a nod. "But I think we can help push it along even further."

"Is that what Operation Stapler is really meant to achieve, admiral?" Sara asked.

"In a way." I said before crossing my arms and looking out into the distance of space. "Well, I finish what I start, and while Operation Stapler as a whole will be a huge boon to the Empire's goals in this galaxy, they'll also help me achieve my own end."

I paused, and turned back to Sara. "I started this war against the Federation." I said firmly. "And I intend to end it, and see the Federation die not just in form but also in essence."

Sara was silent for a long moment, and then drawing herself up, saluted. "It will be an honor to accompany you to the end, admiral." She said.

"The honor is mine, lieutenant." I replied before looking back out to the stars.

Located in an out-of-the-way sector and system, the cultural and scientific archive known as Memory Alpha had thus far been untouched by the war. Mostly; on one hand, the Empire hadn't come calling (yet), and no battles had been fought there or nearby.

On the other hand, news, while increasingly-censored as the months passed, continued to flow to the planet. This, in turn, meant growing fears and worries among the men and women stationed there, over their families, as well as their own and the Federation's futures.

This meant that panic nearly erupted when a starship dropped out of warp unannounced not far from the planet.

Thankfully, Memory Alpha's officers kept their heads, and immediately tried making contact, while also having their sensors scan the ship.

"Ship identification confirmed," the sensor officer reported. "It's the USS Ronald Reagan, a Constellation Class Starship, formerly of the Seventh Fleet, under Captain Gaston Descombes. Sensors also show heavy damage to both the engine and saucer sections, with heavy radiation bleed from the former, while the ship's weapons also appear nonfunctional."

"We have contact with the Ronald Reagan." The communications officer piped up. "Primary and secondary communications systems are down, so they're using a makeshift analog communicator. They report half their crew dead from combat injuries and radiation poisoning, including the captain. Half of what's left of the crew is also in no condition to fight or perform their duties. They also report their medical bay has been destroyed, and ask to be allowed to evacuate all their injured crew before they proceed to the nearest starbase. However, with the radiation leaks across the ship, it's too risky to use the transporter."

"I concur, sir." The sensor officer told Commodore Arnaud de la Croix. "Our sensors detect radiation from all across the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as along plasma and antimatter frequencies. We wouldn't be able to keep pattern cohesion."

The commodore hummed in thought. "Who's in command with Captain Descombes dead?" he eventually asked.

"…Lieutenant Alvise Scianna is acting captain." The communications officer replied after a few moments. "He's requesting permission to personally report to the base commander."

"Granted," the commodore said with a nod, coming to a decision. "Also, tell them to start shuttling over their injured, and have our medical crews on standby."

"Yes, commodore." The communications officer said. "They acknowledge your response, and pass on their thanks. They're also sending us a list of the injured, along with what medical data they've gathered even without their medical bay."

"Understood." The commodore said with another nod. "Security, escort Lieutenant Scianna to my ready room once he arrives."

"Yes, sir." The security officer said with a nod. Meanwhile, the communications officer was busy receiving data from the Ronald Reagan, noting an unusually-large amount of junk and corrupted bits coming with it.

Then again, considering the amount of radiation leaking from the damaged starship, to say nothing of having to use a makeshift communications system, that shouldn't come as a surprise. As such, the man didn't think anything of letting the computer dump all the junk and corrupted bits into storage. They'd be brought up later, to see if they could be reconstituted and if anything important had been missed, otherwise they'd just be scrubbed.

A few minutes later, and a shuttle launched from the Ronald Reagan, before sensors sounded an alarm. "We've detected a radiation surge from the ship." The sensor officer barked. "If I had to guess, it's a plasma explosion, probably from a ruptured EPS relay."

"Confirmed," the communications officer said. "The evacuees will be delayed, but the lieutenant's on his way down with several others."

"I'll inform the commodore." The security officer said with a nod.

"…damn," the communications officer said after several moments. "Look at the state of that ship. It's all messed up."

"Yeah…fucking imps…" the security officer grouched, he and his fellow officers all staring at the Ronald Reagan struggling to limp along in high orbit, even as a shuttle descended down to the surface.

It took about fifteen minutes for the shuttle to arrive, allowing Lieutenant Scianna to disembark, along with six other men. Almost immediately, he had the look of someone who'd been through hell, and not simply because of the bloody bandage around his forehead. There was…something, in his and his men's eyes, something that had most of the men who saw them shy away, but was all too familiar to the few veterans of the Dominion War present.

As such, there was no protest at the phasers holstered at the lieutenant and his men's waists, although it certainly helped that he provided security with clearance data on a battered PADD. "That bad, huh?" the man in charge at the security clearance center at the main landing area asked.

"Could have been worse." Scianna replied. "We saw ships get blown apart with single volleys, including some of our best ships, the Galaxy and Nebula Classes. Or we could have been melted by leaking plasma, like the captain was…sorry, it's just…fresh, right now."

"Yeah, I get that." The other man said, running through the data from the PADD. Strangely, there was a lot of junk and corrupted data with it, but aside from that, everything else checked out.

Besides, given the state of their ship, it was probably too much to expect even their simpler pieces of equipment to have gone unscathed. Programming the PADD was probably a pain, and it'd just be plain spiteful to ask men fresh out of battle and having just seen their fellow crewmen burned or blasted to death to keep up more than the bare minimum of appearances.

As such, the junk and corrupted data were put into storage, and the security man gave the PADD back.

"Checks out, he said." He said gesturing at a nondescript noncom nearby. "You can go right ahead, Petty Officer Allais here will escort you to the commodore."

The lieutenant nodded while letting Petty Officer Allais lead them away. Meanwhile the man manning the security station turned back to his console, noting the launch of a large number of shuttles from orbit. Quite a lot of them too, but then again, they were sending down about a third of the crew for medical help.

"Sorry bastards." He thought, even as he cleared most of them for approach, while redirecting a few towards secondary landing areas to avoid causing a bottleneck here. After receiving confirmation from the control room and other security stations, the man sat back, and pulled out a copy of a pornographic magazine from Betazed.

Technically contraband, but given how stressful things had become, the commodore had relaxed things somewhat.

The holodecks were still only for off-duty personnel, of course.

And he still had five hours to go on his shift, the man at security mused, before opening the magazine back to where he'd last left off.


"Lieutenant Alvise Scianna, reporting!" the lieutenant said with a salute as he stood before the commodore in his ready room.

"At ease." Commodore de la Croix said while returning the salute. "How are you holding up, lieutenant?"

The lieutenant sighed. "Could be better…" he said. "…really worried about my wife and daughter, they're both in the Altair Sector, and with the Klingons jumping in, well…"

"Ah…my sympathies…" the commodore immediately said.

The lieutenant took a deep breath, visibly pulling himself together, and extended his PADD to the commodore. "Our security data, sir." He said. "Along with copies of the same data about our injured we sent earlier. Once we've finished dropping them off and finished what repairs we can, we'll head for the nearest starbase."

The commodore nodded. "Understood," he said. "I'll send along some of our engineering teams to help with repairs, and I must insist you see our doctor before you return to your ship. I understand you're down to first aid given the circumstances, and from one officer to another, I must insist."

"Of course, sir." The lieutenant said before giving another salute.

The commodore returned the salute, and with a gesture, allowed the men to leave. As they walked out of his ready room, the commodore sat down, and began to peruse the files on the PADD. Barely a few moments passed when alarms began to sound, causing the commodore to jolt and look up in surprise.

"What the…" he barely had time to say before the PADD exploded, turning his world into fire, light, and pain.

A moment later and the lieutenant rush back inside with two of his men, Petty Officer Allais' lying dead with a broken neck in the antechamber outside. The other four of the men from the Ronald Reagan were busy welding the door shut, the control panel next to it blown apart by a phaser shot.

Both the commodore and his adjutant were down, and covered with burns of various degrees. The former was also unconscious, but the latter was conscious, and glared at the lieutenant and his men as they restrained the two injured officers.

"W-why…?" the man gurgled out.

"…we're all sick and tired of fighting for a lost cause." The lieutenant answered after a moment as he worked the commodore's console. "And we sure as hell don't want to die for it. The Empire offered us ranks equal to what we already hold, and enough money for our families to live in comfort for the rest of their lives."

The other officer glared as he began to slip unconscious. "…t-traitors…" he spat before finally collapsing.

Lieutenant Scianna ignored the insult, instead plugging in a small Data Storage Device (DSD). It immediately dumped junk and corrupted data into the system, which together with two previous packages of supposed junk and corrupted data, formed a modular virus that bypassed Memory Alpha's security system. The virus locked down the central archive, before severing the physical connections between said archive and the rest of the base.

"…all that's left then…" the lieutenant murmured while looking at images of fighting elsewhere in Memory Alpha.

Memory Alpha's medical teams expected to find scores of injured helped by their fellow Starfleet officers. Instead, as the shuttle doors opened, they only had a bare second to take in scores of gas masked-men with spiked helmets and light combat armor over camouflaged fatigues.

A second later, and blue stun blasts lanced out, dropping medics and volunteers alike to the ground unconscious. Alarms began to sound as security personnel rushed in, but in that time the Targaryen troops switched from stun rounds to combat rounds. Red beams lashed out, and Starfleet security went down screaming, barring those managed to get behind cover. From there, they ducked in and out, firing off phaser blasts, the Targaryen troops scattering to get behind cover.

Then Z-6 rotary blasters were roaring, trapping the Starfleet personnel behind cover from a fusillade of automatic fire. This allowed other Targaryen troops to lope forward, and toss thermal detonators behind cover.

Explosions rang out, and corpses fell before Targaryen troops advanced. Across Memory Alpha, similar scenes broke out as Targaryen troops overran the landing areas, fighting their way towards the local security centers. Rooms were cleared out with gas grenades, Targaryen soldiers charging in and mercy-killing downed Starfleet security personnel, twitching and writhing on the ground as their skin speckled and their mouths foamed from airborne toxins.

"Security center secured," a platoon leader barked over the encrypted line. "Phase two complete, now commencing phase three."

Slicers got behind the consoles, and quickly plugging in DSDs, introduced more viruses into the Starfleet systems. One set of viruses shut down automated security systems across the base, another set overrode the central control system, a third set of viruses disabled the shields, while more sets of viruses shut down the subspace communication system and surface-to-orbit defenses.

Then in the skies above, the Imperial Expeditionary Force's First Battlegroup dropped out of hyperspace, interdictor cruisers quickly spreading out to form a blockade. Nothing less than an Acclamator Class also began to descend, the second echelon of the Imperial assault being formed by a full division of Imperial Stormtroopers.

"Second echelon inbound." The word came over the encrypted line. "Proceed to phase four, deploy destroyer droids."

"Acknowledged." The Targaryen platoon leaders responded. While some platoons stayed behind to hold the landing areas, others would press forward, to secure the central archive and control room. But the Starfleet complement was already responding quickly, men and women of several different species already rushing to arm themselves and attack.

And there were far more of them than the Targaryen troops.

But this had been foreseen, and the Targaryen troops prepared to make it so by the time the second echelon arrived, all they'd need to do was mop-up. Heavy crates were unloaded from the shuttles, and destroyer droids unpacked, since refurbished and repainted in black with silver trim from the old Confederacy's dun color scheme. Activation orders were sent, combat protocols updated, and then the destroyers were rolling away.

A team of Starfleet personnel rushed down a corridor, carrying a mix of type-1, type-2, and type-3 phasers. They were headed for the commodore's ready room, where traitors had barricaded themselves in. Fellow officers had already tried to retake the room, but had so far failed to achieve their goals.

"What's that noise?" an officer from operations spoke up, the team coming to a halt as metallic rumbling could be heard.

"Something's coming." Another operations officer spoke up, the Starfleet personnel scattering to take cover behind support beams.

The rumbling grew louder, moments before a trio of bulky wheels rolled around the corner several meters ahead. They came to a halt, before unfolding into insectoid robots that deployed personal shields before opening fire with heavy blasters.

The onslaught was fast and brutal, the Starfleet personnel pinned behind the support beams as fusillades of red beams burned past or struck sparks and acrid smoke from their cover. A few tried to get off quick shots before ducking back into, but most only ended up smoking corpses for their trouble. And even if they could get off a shot, it just bounced harmlessly off the robots' shields.

"…screw this!" A Rigelian said before breaking and running.

"NO!" an Andorian shouted after her, but it was too late. Heavy blaster beams literally blew her in two along the torso, causing the rest of the team to scream.

Consumed by rage, despair, and even defiance, they abandoned cover entirely, firing wildly in the robots' direction. Their shots either missed or splattered harmlessly against the robots' shields, the robots' return fire killing half of them in an instant.

The Starfleet personnel began falling back, opening fire as they went, others trying to drag their injured away, but this barely delayed the inevitable. A few more fusillades later, and the firing stopped, the robots disengaging their shields while marching down the corridor, heavy blasters ready to fire.

Most of the Starfleet personnel were dead, but two of them were still alive. One of them was a Human, a young man from Starfleet's command decision, blood pouring from his mouth and nose as he struggled to push his guts back inside him. He wasn't very successful at all, with every inch of intestine he managed to get inside seemingly only pushing five more out.

"…m-mommy…mommy, please…it h-h-hurts…" he gurgled deliriously. "…help m-me…mommy…mommy…"

The other survivor was the Rigellian, who was crawling away, dragging her upper body along the floor and leaving a trail of blood behind her.

The robots fired twice at each of them, and satisfied that all viable targets had been eliminated, moved on.

Green blood splattered the walls and floors as Captain Calanyon slit the Vulcan's throat and neck arteries, the Valyrian pushing the dying man away afterward. Wincing, the captain reached up, and pulled out the knife the Vulcan had managed to sink into his shoulder. It didn't get in particularly deep, but the fact it got through his chest armor at all, when said armor was good at blocking penetrating strikes, said volumes about a Vulcan's strength.

"Too bad he wasn't dealing with a baseline Human." Calanyon thought.

"Sir," one of his men spoke up, splattered with blood, Human this time, as he approached. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine." Calanyon said. "It's just a flesh wound. More importantly, where's our slicer?"

"Already working on it, sir." The young woman replied, already wearing her visor with wires plugged into a cybernetic attachment around her neck, and accessing Memory Alpha's central archive. "The viscountess' prize is heavily-encrypted…the feddies really wanted to make sure no one could get their hands on this."

"Too bad for them." Another Valyrian said next to her. "What the viscountess wants, the viscountess gets. Especially if she's planning on handing it over to the Emperor."

"Hey, knock it off." Calanyon snapped. "Or do you want to brick your mouth up for you?"

"Sorry, sir."

"…and…got it!" the slicer said after a couple of minutes. "Downloading data, checking for viruses…alright, two minutes and thirty-two seconds in all, almost a worthy opponent."

It took a few minutes to get all the data out, before the slicer pulled out the DSD. Then she introduced a virus into the central archive, which would delete the data and all references thereof, ensuring her, and thus, the viscountess' copy, was the only existing one.

Said copy was handed over to Calanyon, who placed the DSD into a hardened container which he then secreted in his kit. "Alright, prepare to move out." He ordered. "Once the second echelon relieves us, we're heading back to orbit. All sections report in."

"Section 1 clear." The report came. "Section 2 clear. Section 3 clear. Section 4 clear. Section 5 clear. Section 7 clear."

"This is Section 8," a platoon leader spoke up. "We have control of main engineering, but Starfleet's trying to take it back. Holding out for backup from the destroyers."

"This is Section 9," another platoon leader spoke up. "Just mopping up here at life support."

"Section 10 is…clear." Another platoon leader diffidently said. "We accidentally, uh, blew hydroponics out into vacuum. No casualties on our part, but…uh…Starfleet…it's not pretty."

"Better them than one of us." A Valyrian spoke up over the encrypted line.

"My thoughts exactly." Another Valyrian spoke up in agreement to a chorus of ayes.

"Alright, keep it professional." Calanyon, although he also sounded amused at the exchange. "Section 11?"

"We've got Starfleet pinned between us and the destroyers at the living areas." The platoon leader responded. "We're reaming their backsides here, and we are loving it."

"You sick bastard." Another officer said to a chorus of laughs, Calanyon himself giving a laugh and a shake of his head.

"Good work, everyone." He said, spotting Imperial Stormtroopers and ISB agents approaching. "Mission accomplished."
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Apparently House Targaryen troops are the Death Korps of Krieg.

Or just Gas Mask Mooks in general. When they're in dress uniforms, they have quite the Bling of War.

"The Targaryen Household Guards stood to attention at my arrival, over a hundred men and women dressed in matching blue jackets and trousers saluting with white-gloved hands. They also wore white caps, those of the officers peaked, while the enlisted and noncoms wore side caps instead."

Granted, not quite 40k tier, but this isn't 40k.

Still, strangely low-tech in appearance for Star Wars.

Not really? I mean, compare the Naboo Royal Guard.


Or for that matter, regular Imperial Army.


The Targaryen troops aren't particularly low-tech in comparison, they certainly have better protection against gas attacks as standard. And unlike the former, they have heavy support as shown by the passing mention of Z-6 Rotary Blasters, as well gas grenades in addition to thermal detonators.

Oh, and refurbished Droidekas/Destroyer Droids, too.

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