Transgender Rights

Again, it's not a binary on/off switch.
Yes it is, the fact is that there are the real sufferers of gender dysmorphia, and there are the narcissists who're doing it for the attention. It's pretty fucking binary and you can easily tell the difference because the latter group tends to obsessively seek the spot-light, whereas the former group tends to sink into the background and prefers not to be noticed.
Gender and Biological Sex aren't the same thing. They are usually linked, but not always. Yes somebody with body dysmorphia would generally want surgery. Somebody with gender dysmorphia not necessarily.
That's only because you don't actually understand the meaning of the words you're using, someone with gender dysmorphia would almost certainly seek surgery if it was available to them, because the key word in gender dysmorphia is fucking dysmorphia.
If somebody is fine with having a penis, but wants to wear dresses, makeup, have long hair, and live as feminine people do... that's ok. That's a trans woman. A trans woman can ALSO be someone who wants to completely change their body entirely through surgery.
No that's just a transvestite, which is just a form of paraphilia, or more recently a form of narcissism, or a combination of both. It used to just be people with psychosexual disorders but as being trans has become more popular as a classification it has naturally attracted narcissists the same way that dung attracts flies.

The problem is that most narcissists don't actually have the resolve required to go all the way and commit to mutilating their bodies, they want the attention that comes with being trans but most of them aren't willing to give up body parts to get it. A good example of this would be Dylan Mulvaney, he's been seeking this kind of attention for years, long before he ever identified himself as trans. Just taking a cursory glance at his personal history is enough to immediately identify him as a narcissist, identifying as trans is just the natural next step of his mental disorder.

Then there's the people that identify as trans for personal gain, like Lia Thomas, who almost certainly have some form of anti-social personality disorder.
Could the higher suicide rates not have something to do with, despite getting gender affirming care, they are still seen some kind of disgusting, crazy monster by alot of people?
It's more likely because they see the reality of what the surgery and treatments can do, find it lacking, and realize that not only can they never be what they want, but can also now never go back to the perfectly functioning body they had. How do I know this? The same reason I know that there are a lot of these people who were basically tricked into doing it - we've heard it right from the horse's mouth. There are plenty of people who transitioned, and then ended up doing their best to transition back who have spoken about their experiences.
Which is sad, but should be treated like the form of mental illness it is. People like this should be helped to cope with these feelings and be comfortable what they are instead of indulged to be mutilated.

well sadly the family units, the church and the community have all dropped the ball on this front.
well sadly the family units, the church and the community have all dropped the ball on this front.
The community has atomized, the family unit is more commonly just a single mother these days, or at best just a two parent household. And the church has been in a steady decline for more than a century now, all of this shit is just a natural consequence of us ruining our societal foundations.
Which is sad, but should be treated like the form of mental illness it is. People like this should be helped to cope with these feelings and be comfortable what they are instead of indulged to be mutilated.

Do you share the same feelings about non-gender affirming surgeries? Rhinoplasty? Penis enlargement? Facelifts? Circumcision?

Or is it just... you don't like this, so it's bad?

I'm not still completely fighting you guys. There are absolutely things being handled wrong about all of this.

And the church has been in a steady decline for more than a century now,

Hopefully, it will continue to decline. We don't need people indoctrinated into religious nonsense.
Wow, you're honestly comparing this to rhinoplasty and facelifts? :ROFLMAO:

Shouldn't they just get help to cope with their feelings rather than mutilate themselves?

It's really not all that different. A person doesn't like their nose, so they get a new one they like better. A person doesn't like their penis, so they get the thing they like better...

It's just, you think one is gross and not the other one...
Again, it's not a binary on/off switch.

Gender and Biological Sex aren't the same thing. They are usually linked, but not always. Yes somebody with body dysmorphia would generally want surgery. Somebody with gender dysmorphia not necessarily.

If somebody is fine with having a penis, but wants to wear dresses, makeup, have long hair, and live as feminine people do... that's ok. That's a trans woman. A trans woman can ALSO be someone who wants to completely change their body entirely through surgery.

The world isn't just black and white.

In that specific case, i'm almost sure Lia Thomas is on hormones and the like.

Although I am still with you on a biological male shouldn't be involved in women's sports. I just don't see any issue with trans people existing as a whole. They do. They're real. In damn near every case, it doesn't really matter. Sports it does. Totally agree.

There is only biological sex. The idea that there is such thing as gender is a nonsense and a lie.

No it’s not, it’s how we got here. Man does not live on an island. Our actions affect society around us. It’s why people in ancient times occasionally did such horrible things, like witch trials, is because they realized that the overall social health and so on of the collective had to be protected from people who were nihilistic and destructive. Now, obviously they went a bit far in places. But we’ve swung too far in the opposite direction. Our society is insane and killing itself.
Shouldn't they just get help to cope with their feelings rather than mutilate themselves?

It's really not all that different. A person doesn't like their nose, so they get a new one they like better. A person doesn't like their penis, so they get the thing they like better...

It's just, you think one is gross and not the other one...
Better!? :ROFLMAO:
There is only biological sex. The idea that there is such thing as gender is a nonsense and a lie.

No it’s not, it’s how we got here. Man does not live on an island. Our actions affect society around us. It’s why people in ancient times occasionally did such horrible things, like witch trials, is because they realized that the overall social health and so on of the collective had to be protected from people who were nihilistic and destructive. Now, obviously they went a bit far in places. But we’ve swung too far in the opposite direction. Our society is insane and killing itself.

Eh I'm not sure I'd go that far. Much of the inquisitions and witch hunts were politically based and used to distract the people from the atrocities and degeneracy committed by the elite. Even today the worst atrocities by the LGBTQ+ are sponsored by the state/collective and the elits that control it.
Usually yes by body shape, facial structure and so on and so forth. Heck even the way men and women walk is different.

I guarantee you, I could find trans women who you will absolutely not be able to tell by that...

If there's no gender, there's no such as women's clothes then, right? There's just... clothes. "Women" don't wear makeup. Everyone wears makeup, there's nothing about a woman's biology that makes makeup necessary over a man's biology.
Eh I'm not sure I'd go that far. Much of the inquisitions and witch hunts were politically based and used to distract the people from the atrocities and degeneracy committed by the elite. Even today the worst atrocities by the LGBTQ+ are sponsored by the state/collective and the elits that control it.

According to who? Modern historians and scientists? The same ones who are indoctrinated?

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