Recent content by Edgeplay_cgo

  1. Edgeplay_cgo

    MGTOW Opinion

    I have never considered it that way; certainly not when I married the first time. I didn't want to do something for society. I wanted HER. My duty to society was engineering school and the Infantry. And I never really thought of that since, although I acknowledge that we have a duty to...
  2. Edgeplay_cgo

    "Woke" Franchises

    It's a Libturd / Feminazi shibboleth.
  3. Edgeplay_cgo

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    I don't see any particular reason, they would seek a more harmful product. They are not evil because it is evil, per se. Those people seldom survive their twenties. They are evil because it is profitable. They would seek a more profitable line of business. They would probably end up...
  4. Edgeplay_cgo

    MGTOW Opinion

    Sounds, to me, like a club for losers.
  5. Edgeplay_cgo

    The Americas Mexican trouble

    We don't want it, and can't afford to build the place. Germany is still suffering from the annexation of the Osties. Noe of South Korea's biggest fears is that NORK will collapse, and they'll have to absorb it.
  6. Edgeplay_cgo

    The Most Dangerous Amendment Proposal in America

    This is basically a bill to destroy American business in favor of Big Labor and The Propaganda Industry.
  7. Edgeplay_cgo

    United States National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

    There are no Senatorial districts. Senators are elected at large.
  8. Edgeplay_cgo

    United States National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

    The Electoral College is one of the fundamental compromises that allowed for the adoption of The Constitution. Arguably, violating The Compact invalidates The Union. This would lead to a new Civil War. Looking at the Red-Blue Map, this would result in the destruction of our major urban...
  9. Edgeplay_cgo

    The Political Problem of Pornography

    I think it's more that the degree is an indicator that you can survive, at least at a minimal level, in an adult world without going completely around the bend, can run a PC, and may be marginally literate. Many of the degrees are worthless, in that you'll never do what you studied in college.
  10. Edgeplay_cgo

    Woke Librarians and Children's Books

    Not so hard. Anf hell, when I was a kid we perused National Geographic for the titties.
  11. Edgeplay_cgo

    The (self inflicted) Death of Europe

    Nope. But people did come before you, and I believe there was revelation to them. Jesus gave us the perfect edition of revelation.
  12. Edgeplay_cgo

    The (self inflicted) Death of Europe

    There's a passage or three in the OT, "I have written The Law on your hearts." I suspect that "your" is a pretty wide ranging set. Nothing says that He did not reveal His Truth to peoples other than Jews and Christians.
  13. Edgeplay_cgo

    Antifa attacker actually put in jail

    That ought to send them running for the hills ... or the tundra.