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  • It's weird seeing your name in green rather than yellow.
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    I felt like a North Korean general with medals pinned to my trousers!
    Free-Stater 101
    Free-Stater 101

    Just imagine how egotistical new members would think you were if you kept them? 🤣
    Free-Stater 101
    Free-Stater 101
    Anyway, I am glad you are staying overall, when I saw Zoe say she was taking her friends with her when she was leaving I assumed you would be leaving as well, I am glad to be proven wrong.:)
    Hi, Sunhawk! Can you get in touch with me on one of my threads ("Introduction", anyway) about getting together for local SF cons? Thanks much!

    --Leslie <;)))>< Fish
    By the way, concerning that story of yours from way back, The Other Side of Eternity? I have to say that I liked the parts strictly concerning the Alt-Verse, but the interactions with the normal Star Wars-verse, less so.
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Honestly, I actually think you would be well served by rebooting the story, dropping the idea of the two verses interacting, and just exploring the alternate universe. And I hope I don't sound like I'm making unreasonable demands, becuase that's certainly not my intention.
    The main problem of that was I intended to use the original TL characters as a way to show rather than tell the differences between the two, and also I had some seriously epic scenes written out for later in the timeline. And no, you don't sound unreasonable at all.
    Speaking of that story, any possibility of posting what you've written so far here? You might get some new commentary.
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