The Immortal Watch Dog Mar 7, 2020 Tengo una cuestión demasiado importante, si no te molesta. Algo, que han pasado la última, como semana más o menos tratando de resolver.
Tengo una cuestión demasiado importante, si no te molesta. Algo, que han pasado la última, como semana más o menos tratando de resolver.
L L Lesliefish Oct 6, 2019 Hi, Sunhawk! Can you get in touch with me on one of my threads ("Introduction", anyway) about getting together for local SF cons? Thanks much! --Leslie <))>< Fish
Hi, Sunhawk! Can you get in touch with me on one of my threads ("Introduction", anyway) about getting together for local SF cons? Thanks much! --Leslie <))>< Fish
MrBirthday Aug 26, 2019 By the way, concerning that story of yours from way back, The Other Side of Eternity? I have to say that I liked the parts strictly concerning the Alt-Verse, but the interactions with the normal Star Wars-verse, less so.
By the way, concerning that story of yours from way back, The Other Side of Eternity? I have to say that I liked the parts strictly concerning the Alt-Verse, but the interactions with the normal Star Wars-verse, less so.
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