Immigration and multiculturalism news

More and more stories like this are floating around the internet, but they're never reported on or are dismissed as "hearsay" and "anecdotes" because of you know why.

Black on White racism, attacks, and murders are increasing, and the veil is being pulled away.

Yes. And most of the horror that I fear is to come could have been avoided with honest reporting and applying the law equally.
More and more stories like this are floating around the internet, but they're never reported on or are dismissed as "hearsay" and "anecdotes" because of you know why.

Black on White racism, attacks, and murders are increasing, and the veil is being pulled away.

Saw a video today of a white girl getting jumped by about ten or so black girls; they let up after twenty or thirty seconds. then she calls them "niggas" and they all lose their shit and beat her unconscious. and the internet more or less supports it because...don't say that word cracka

it's like noboby cares that white girls - not talking white men mind you, but teenaged white girls - are being beaten unconscious and given brain damage by blacks in savage tribalistic attacks.

yeah i know a lot of men are fed up with feminism; but teenaged girls did not "ask for this" or "vote for this".
yeah i know a lot of men are fed up with feminism; but teenaged girls did not "ask for this" or "vote for this".
YET. they didn't vote for this YET you mean.
the only ones who could have cared are the castrated white men, who have been almost all turned into cucks.
the west is dead.

It is awful, it is sad, and it is one heck of a cautionary tale.
YET. they didn't vote for this YET you mean.
the only ones who could have cared are the castrated white men, who have been almost all turned into cucks.
the west is dead.

It is awful, it is sad, and it is one heck of a cautionary tale.

We aren’t dead yet.

If anything, we’re being held back by boomers who are still stuck in the mind set of ‘we’re all Americans’ and whatever.

There’s also the woke leftists, but they don’t have a monopoly on force and are actively undermining what force they do have.
In 20 years, Boomers will cease to be an object.

They're the reason the entire planet is in this mess in the first place.

Every generation tends to blame the previous generation for how fucked things are.

But when the 3 decending generatios (Xers, Milianials, Zoomers, and the 2 preciding generations (the greats and silent generation) all blame one generation for the world being fucked.

Their probally the ones who fucked it.
Can you name any specific boomers, or specific things implemented primarily by boomers, that are to blame?

On the local level you know how every time you try to build more affordable housing it gets blocked by nimbys. How attempts to allow duplexes, tri plexes and the the america's missing middle options of housing all get rountinly blocked? The people who talk about how more housing that is desperately needed mustn't be built because it will affect the 'charcter' of the neighborhood? Most of those guys are boomers.

Then you had the sand wars and who badly handled that? The boomers because they were in charge. Then you have the uncontrolled immigration that we've had since the 90s from guess again the boomers, Nafta had a huge price but one that can be salvaged but opening the flood gates to china and making them a great power that was the boomers.

In fact the great de industrialization that more or less fucked the rust belt can be laid correctly at the boomers feet as well as the decline of the universities and educational system, our crumbling infostructor which wasn't maintained well enough which is why were having so many problems in the boomers twilight years.

Specific boomers?

Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Bush, both Clintons, I have no idea why Jane Fonda wasn't put in prison for treason and a host of others. Was it every boomers fault? No. But the boomers wanted a revolution they got their revolution they remaid the world in their image and thus they get both the credit and the blame for the way things are today.

And things are not good.
I have no idea why Jane Fonda wasn't put in prison for treason and a host of others
Because it's almost impossible to convict anyone of treason in the US.

the great de industrialization that more or less fucked the rust belt can be laid correctly at the boomers feet
No, that one isn't on them. It was necessary to fuel the late 20th century's boom. It's how we have cheap electronics and consumer items. It's why the USSR was defeated.

And it's not like the US isn't still the second biggest manufacturing power, and China is still dependent on the West for anything more complex than (or until recently, as) the nib of a ballpoint pen.
Obama and Bush. Clinton too, while we're about it.
I was going to say that only Obama qualified, but apparently by some reckonings I'm just barely off, Bush and Clinton squeak in, qualifying as the leading edge of Baby Boomers by some ways of counting.

My question was supposed to lead into a point about how a lot of what Boomers are blamed for, was actually primarily the work of the Silent Generation and their predecessors. Whatever way you particularly slice the generations, it's still definitely a case of 'most of what Boomers are blamed for, was primarily done by people who held power while they were growing up and working through the ranks.'

Just, by some accountings those born in 1946 are the start of the Boomers, rather than the last couple years of Silent Generation.
No worry ! germans would send him to Poland with other doctors and engineers,after elections of course.Till then,Tusk must pretend to fight his german owners.
Calling it now, they are going to give him community service.
unless he threatens the judge too maybe.
Calling it now, they are going to give him community service.
unless he threatens the judge too maybe.
Nah, like with so many of the Muslim illegal immigrant offenders, given his irate behaviour, my bet is on 'criminally insane', which means he'll end up not in prison but in psychiatric care (a lot more expensive, less security, higher chance of release).
I'm certain that 99% of anti-immigrant sentiment could be avoided if they were more honest about prosecuting criminal immigrants (in Europe) and not giving them freebies (America).

As it is, the only reason the Republican leadership even pretends to oppose Mexican immigrants is because it knows its voters are too stupid to see how essential immigration is. Or worse, would rather destroy the economy than see anyone that doesn't talk the same language as them.
I'm certain that 99% of anti-immigrant sentiment could be avoided if they were more honest about prosecuting criminal immigrants (in Europe) and not giving them freebies (America).
If they were, there would not be much argument for large scale migration - too many of them not worth the costs and risks of hosting them for their meager menial job profit.
Only "cream of the crop" migration would be acceptable then.
And societies that do not have much of such internal problems that disqualify large scale migration would naturally make their countries at least somewhat decent too, cutting the migration pressure, for the same reason you don't see masses of Japanese or Finns trying to migrate to USA.
As it is, the only reason the Republican leadership even pretends to oppose Mexican immigrants is because it knows its voters are too stupid to see how essential immigration is. Or worse, would rather destroy the economy than see anyone that doesn't talk the same language as them.
Why do you hate the US population so much that you think it couldn't make a working economy without Mexicans in it?
Also read crime rates.
If Mexicans are so great and flawless, why isn't Mexico, which is full of them?
Here you yourself have demonstrated the very reason why they are dishonest about the benefits and criminality of migrants. Even you are actively eager to find any excuse to turn a blind eye to problems in the name of dogmatic "migration is essential" and downright shitting on own nation in implying third world ones have some special ability to make economies work even though they suck at it at home.
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