United States đź‡şđź‡¸ US House of Representatives Discussion Thread!

NH-02nd: Kuster NOT seeking reelection to 7th term
This fucking Jackass needs to get his ass handed in the May 28th Republican Primary Runoff ASAP and go away and NEVER come back ever again.
GOP Challenger Ridicules Barron Trump During YouTube Show
I watched that podcast. They were just making jokes and having an overall good time. And that was directly after having met the guy in person and made jokes like that. Brandon is doing a good thing here and we should be glad that he's willing to challenge someone that hasn't done what their constituents elected them for.
Any of my fellow Texans have any comments about Herrera's past including being involved with the Sons of Confederate Veterans?
Rep. Gonzales’ right-wing GOP challenger posted videos featuring Nazi imagery, songs, jokes
Yup, it's a complete BS article.

The specific thing that they are attacking Herrera for is that he did a review of Machine Guns and Rifles that were used by Germany in WWII. So, therefore, he supports Nazis. Utter bullshit.

Pretty much everything you're reading about Brandon Herrera is being made up out of whole-cloth b/c that's what the Left does. Gonzales, the Democrat in Republican clothing, that Herrera is Primarying (sp?) is a worthless SOB who's done exactly Zero to back up his campaign's principles.

The Swamp is doing everything it can to keep Gonzales in power b/c he gives up on his promises when the going gets tough. Gonzales promised never to vote in support of gun regulations/gun control, but, once Yvalde happened, Gonzales caved and voted for the Red-flag laws.

Gonzales is not a man of principle. He will cave to outside pressure. Gonzales is not supported by a majority of his constituents. He doesn't care about the border despite saying he does.
Yup, it's a complete BS article.

The specific thing that they are attacking Herrera for is that he did a review of Machine Guns and Rifles that were used by Germany in WWII. So, therefore, he supports Nazis. Utter bullshit.

Pretty much everything you're reading about Brandon Herrera is being made up out of whole-cloth b/c that's what the Left does. Gonzales, the Democrat in Republican clothing, that Herrera is Primarying (sp?) is a worthless SOB who's done exactly Zero to back up his campaign's principles.

The Swamp is doing everything it can to keep Gonzales in power b/c he gives up on his promises when the going gets tough. Gonzales promised never to vote in support of gun regulations/gun control, but, once Yvalde happened, Gonzales caved and voted for the Red-flag laws.

Gonzales is not a man of principle. He will cave to outside pressure. Gonzales is not supported by a majority of his constituents. He doesn't care about the border despite saying he does.
Agreed, and as someone whose actually watched the podcasts and videos that the clips were taken from for the smear campaign. I can tell you that they've taken most of those things out of contexts for seven to nine second ad campaigns. From podcasts or videos that were over an hour long, if not more.
So, looking into the Tony Gonzalez and Brandon Hererra run-off more. Brandon has consistently only attacked Representative Gonzalez's policy decisions. And has refused to get personal with it. On the other hand, the Incumbent has decided that a smear campaign that's built around twisting words is an acceptable way to run his campaign.
So, looking into the Tony Gonzalez and Brandon Hererra run-off more. Brandon has consistently only attacked Representative Gonzalez's policy decisions. And has refused to get personal with it. On the other hand, the Incumbent has decided that a smear campaign that's built around twisting words is an acceptable way to run his campaign.
Yup, and that's one of the reasons I really have grown to respect Herrera. One of the reasons that I've donated to his campaign as well.
I’m also starting to think that he’s 100% right about regular people unseating incumbents if they’re not voting the way that they should.
I'm none too familiar with the case in question. But yeah obviously. If your representative votes a way you didn't expect them to on an issue that's important to you then you either accept that they know better than you or you start arranging consequences.
This fucking Jackass needs to get his ass handed in the May 28th Republican Primary Runoff ASAP and go away and NEVER come back ever again.
GOP Challenger Ridicules Barron Trump During YouTube Show
Any of my fellow Texans have any comments about Herrera's past including being involved with the Sons of Confederate Veterans?
Rep. Gonzales’ right-wing GOP challenger posted videos featuring Nazi imagery, songs, jokes
And here we go with the DC troll bot/account trying to undermine support for anyone challenging the DC status quo, using articles and sources that are complete BS and spouting easy to debunk lies.

How much do you get paid by DC to do this sort of psy-op work against the actual threats to the establishment's power in the GOP?
I recommend watching Unsubscribed podcast, and all his appearances.
@Sergeant Foley
You assume good faith where there is none; just look at Foley's posting history.

Foley is a troll psy-op account here to undermine support for anything that threatens the establishment status quo in DC, and boost only that which the DC blob wants.
Yup, it's a complete BS article.

The specific thing that they are attacking Herrera for is that he did a review of Machine Guns and Rifles that were used by Germany in WWII. So, therefore, he supports Nazis. Utter bullshit.

Pretty much everything you're reading about Brandon Herrera is being made up out of whole-cloth b/c that's what the Left does. Gonzales, the Democrat in Republican clothing, that Herrera is Primarying (sp?) is a worthless SOB who's done exactly Zero to back up his campaign's principles.

The Swamp is doing everything it can to keep Gonzales in power b/c he gives up on his promises when the going gets tough. Gonzales promised never to vote in support of gun regulations/gun control, but, once Yvalde happened, Gonzales caved and voted for the Red-flag laws.

Gonzales is not a man of principle. He will cave to outside pressure. Gonzales is not supported by a majority of his constituents. He doesn't care about the border despite saying he does.
Yet folks are going to run with the narrative that Herrera is a Nazi and neo-Confederate sympathizer.

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