Battletech Battletech/Battlestar Galactica Crossover - Lucky 13th (the rewrite)

Chapter One
  • LordSunhawk

    Das BOOT (literally)
    Staff Member
    Chapter 1

    Surprised? You could say that. You could also say that water is wet with about as much chance of being wrong. Of course we were surprised!

    The planet below was still on the dusty and dry side even after a century of terraforming efforts. While there were green belts around rivers that hadn’t flowed on this planet for millennia before the interference of man and even slowly spreading forests in areas where the terraforming work was most advanced, the most common biome on the planet was still a mix of desert and savannah.

    It may not be the prettiest planet around, but it was home to the New Circe Research & Development Complex, which made it important enough to rate a full planetary garrison including substantial orbital assets to protect the place from pirates, raiders, and other enemies of the Terran Hegemony in Exile… especially raiders from the People’s Democratic Republic Of The Rim. Which was coreward from the Terran Hegemony in Exile, was neither democratic nor a republic being ruled by a caste-based cabal of autocrats who ruled the enslaved populace with the simple credo ‘we can always make it worse for you’.

    Well, that may have been uncharitable, but Junior Flight Lieutenant Carlos Johanssen wasn’t particularly interested in charity towards the Hegemony’s enemies, despite his Catholic upbringing. To him, there were two sorts of enemies, those still alive, and those who had been rendered permanently unable to harm his beloved home.

    Granted there hadn’t been any raid on New Circe in his lifetime, and he’d spent his entire career so far here on the planet of his birth, but the sentiment was one that was quite strong in the Terran Hegemony in Exile, to the quiet despair of the priests, ministers, rabbis, gurus, and whatever else any of the various religions that made up the colorful fabric of society called their spiritual leaders.

    And so Carlos sat in the cockpit of his Sparrowhawk IV monitoring his displays while the nimble little aerospace fighter coasted along in orbit, the squadron he was part of formed up around a single Artemis System Defense Boat, a 1,300 ton aerodyne dropship bristling with advanced weaponry and generously layered with armor that could keep up with the small, swift little fighter if it had to.

    Not that the Artemis and his Sparrowhawk IVs were the only orbital defenses. At this point in his orbital patrol Carlos could see reflected sunlight glinting off of the ominous bulk of a Warden Light Fleet Anchorage which was the true keystone of the defenses, serving as the home base for DesRon 29, whose 12 Johnston-class Destroyers served as a quite potent deterrent to precisely the sort of threats the Hegemony worried about in this fairly quiet backwater region of their holdings, well away from the Fortress Worlds along the border with the Rim.

    Carlos glanced at his displays, which showed that HWS Gillespie and HWS Guerriere were currently docked to the Warden, the rest of the squadron being elsewhere in the system. He knew that the annual major unit wargames were coming up, and was looking forward to them. A little excitement to spice up life here on the quiet frontier. Last year he’d been assigned to the Red Team, and that had gotten very exciting indeed. He’d actually notionally crippled Gillespie with an Alamo attack before he’d been taken down.

    They were 10 orbits into their 12 orbit rotation before they’d head back down to Fort Wilson for debriefing and heading off duty for another day. Six hours in orbit, 6 hours prepping for patrol and debriefing afterwards, then 12 hours off duty. It was a good rotation, as far as Carlos was concerned.

    He checked by rote, his squadron leader was where he was supposed to be, his wingman was where she was supposed to be, the Artemis was where she was supposed to be. No alarms, no alerts. Dickson, his CO, was a bit of a stickler to proper procedure while on duty, which precluded the sort of chatter that some COs permitted while on patrol. Instead the only sounds on the squadron circuits were terse, professional reports. Luckily, the salty old bastard was equally willing to let his ‘boys and girls’ let off all the steam they wanted while off duty, and arranged plenty of squadron BBQs and the like to make sure they were welded together not simply as a unit, but as a sort of ersatz family.

    Carlos always figured he was learning quite a bit from his CO, who’d served most of his career out on the front lines before being rotated back here to this garrison assignment.

    There was a click on the comm, and Dickson’s clipped voice crackled slightly “Waypoint in 1 minute at my mark… mark.”

    Carlos checked his navigation display down by his knee. Soon they would be on their 11th orbit and that much closer to going off duty. He dutifully scanned his instruments, then the radar displays, then cycled to the repeater display from the orbital scanning network, before making a simple Mark 1 Mod 0 Eyeball search through the crystal-clear transparency of his armored cockpit.

    That sequence took up the entire minute. “Waypoint reached” intoned Bitchin’ Betty, the cockpit voice alert system. Carlos swore that the computer sounded just like one of his teachers in grade school when said teacher was annoyed with him. But he was quite certain that Mrs Rokowski had never done voice recordings for the military, in this life or any other, considering how firmly pacifistic she was.

    He swallowed a chuckle at the familiar thought as he began another sweep. Navigation display, instrument cluster, warning light cluster, up to the HUD and outside visual sweep, long-range radar display, short range LIDAR display, EWAR display, Datalink status display, back up to the HUD for another outside sweep, switch central display mode to repeater from the OSN, long range status display, orbital status display, switch back to local, back to the HUD for the last time for an outside sweep. It was routine, and in some ways routines could be dangerous to get into, but by the same token it was a comprehensive routine that covered all of the sensors and systems needed to detect and localize potential threats. Sure he did this very process around 360 times every patrol. Sure it was boring and almost rote since he’d never in 5 years seen a single damn thing outside of schedule exercises. But his trainers had been adamant about the importance of vigilance, Dickson was a stickler for vigilance, and Carlos was not about to let any of them down by failing to be vigilant.

    He didn’t like surprises. He’d been told over and over again that getting surprised was usually the first step toward getting himself killed, and he was quite fond of living. So he kept up his vigilance.

    Which was why on his next sweep when his display showed a thermal Kearny-Fuchida emergence pulse where no such pulse had any business whatsoever occurring, being far too far from anything that could be used as a pirate point by even the most insane pirate, he was, in fact, rather surprised.

    “Emergence pulse, bearing 28 nadir 12, one five two kilometers.” he snapped out.

    And everything changed.
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    Chapter 2
  • Chapter 2
    I hate misjumps

    “Jump complete.” Lt Hamish ‘Skulls’ McCall said as the Raptor appeared in normal space, once more obeying the standard laws of physics.

    “Where’s everybody else?” Lt Margaret ‘Racetrack’ Edmondson asked as she checked her instruments quickly then started cursing. “Misjump?”

    Skulls worked at his controls before he started cursing as well. “Worse, misjump and I’ve got unidentified contacts on DRADIS closing in fast. Not Colonial IFF.”

    “Frak, toasters!” the pilot growled, hands flicking around her controls. “Plot us a jump back to the fleet, I’ll try and buy us some time.”

    “Roger.” was all the black EWO said, his own fingers dancing at the keyboard as he input coordinates. “Just need to spool down and back up.”

    “Yeah, figured.” Racetrack replied, her own experience as an EWO making her rather intimately familiar with the process. “First fracking jump too, the Old Man is gonna be very disappointed.”

    The Raptor rotated about its axis before Racetrack fired the thrusters, attempting to evade the incoming contacts by boosting perpendicular to their approach.

    “Make it fast, we only have a few minutes before they’re on us.” she reached over and armed the Raptors light armament.

    “30 seconds to spool down then we can spool up to get out of here.” Skulls replied calmly, although he was working as quickly as he could. He always did well under pressure which was a quality that made him a superb EWO, especially on a high-risk mission like this one.

    “I know, I know… shit, they’re slower than Vipers, but they’re faster than us. I can buy us some time, hold on.” as she spoke she advanced the throttle to the stops, going to full thrust and twitching the control stick to start more evasive flying. “They’ll be in range in 10 seconds, give me a 3 count so I can steady up for the jump.”

    “Got it.” he replied as he continued to work the console. “Recording emissions, nothing like them in our warbook and the Lords know they are powerful. 10 seconds to spool down.”

    “Probably trying to keep us from using the wireless or something, damn toasters.” Racetrack replied, making another slight correction. “In range… they aren’t firing yet, but they will as soon as they get a lock.” she twisted the controller again, kicking out the tail of the Raptor.

    “3...2...1…” Skulls counted down as the FTL spooled back up. Racetrack promptly settled on a straight course for the few seconds the drive needed to reach operational status. The FTL drive whined as it spooled, the comforting sound that showed it was in full working order.


    Nothing happened.

    “FRAK, spooling error. Restarting spool up.” Skulls snapped, sounding stressed finally while Racetrack wrenched the Raptor over into a hard turn.

    Curiously the pursuing fighters hadn’t yet opened fire, even though they were clearly in range. Racetrack finally had a visual on the fighters, or she assumed they were fighters despite how large they were, and they looked nothing like either Colonial or Cylon designs. A fairly large cockpit, with a relatively tiny ball turret mounted on the nose, flanked by a pair of rounded pods that had a quartet of fairly intimidating looking weapons barrels on the front and massive drives on the rear, rear mounted wings, and additional small pods at the wing tips containing much smaller variants of the larger weapons on the inboard pods. A pair of tail fins angled out from the inner pods as well, and Racetrack could see small attitude control thrusters working as the oversized fighters maneuvered around her.

    Odd, but the cockpit was plated over, leaving no visible transparency, and only Cylons as far as Racetrack was concerned would be able to do without Mark One Eyeball.

    “Pretty sure these are some new model toaster fighter, Skulls, no glass on where it looks like the cockpit goes.” she said, swinging the control again while Skulls ran the small FTL drive through it’s reboot sequence once more.

    There was a larger craft behind the fighters, but it was still too far away for Racetrack to get any details, only that it was far larger than anything she’d ever seen that was able to pull that many g’s in a maneuver. The fact that it was comfortably keeping up with the far smaller fighters was disturbing. According to the DRADIS display the return they were getting from it was consistent with something in the multi kiloton range, albeit at the low end of that.

    “I know why we faulted, in a grav well.” Skulls muttered. “Just far enough out that it didn’t immediately register, just close enough that we needed to compensate for it. Drive is almost done spooling.”

    “Explains why there are toasters here.” Racetrack replied. “FRAK, I can’t get these things off our six, but they’re not firing. Probably trying to herd us somewhere or buy time while they hack us.”

    “Time they won’t have. 30 seconds to jump.” came the much calmer response.

    Racetrack made another extreme turn, getting a brief look at the larger pursuing craft. Long, lean, and predatory the vessel exuded ‘danger’. If it looked any more dangerous there would be clouds of danger being given off. Shaped like a cone that had been flattened on the top and bottom, with smoothly faired bulges sprouting from it containing what appeared to be a bewildering assortment of weapon barrels, what appeared to be pepperbox-style launchers for missiles and plenty of antenna, thrusters, and other miscellaneous bits and bobs often seen on a warship.

    Albeit a very small warship. Even Colonial One was larger than that craft. In fact, Racetrack couldn’t think of any ships in the fleet which were that size, and racking her memory, she couldn’t remember any fleet units in that size range either.

    “3..2...1… SPOOLING”

    At the count of 1 Racetrack steadied the Raptor once more.


    And this time they jumped, leaving their pursuers behind.
    Chapter Three
  • Chapter 3

    Conference Room 1 in Circe Base was an island of calm compared to the consternation that raged all around the rest of the headquarters building. The entire base was in a state of uproar, for that matter.

    But the Conference Room was calm. Because Major General Peter ‘Tank’ Sherman was quite firm that panic in a briefing was uncivilized, and the Terran Hegemony in Exile was quite civilized, thank you very much.

    When you are 6’10”, played inside linebacker for the Academy football team, and were rumored to be able to bench press a Locust, people tended to do what you said even faster than when they knew you had the little golden stars on your shoulders that meant you were in command.

    Intimidation factor. May not be nice, but it was useful on occasion.

    He was seated in the catbird seat, with aides and deputies flanking him.

    A rumpled looking petite woman wearing a (rumpled) labcoat and a (rumpled) professional dress stood at the podium, waiting for some of her minions to finish loading her presentation.

    Dr Kerry Stevens barely topped 5 feet in height, if she stretched out a little before being measured, and even the most crisply pressed outfits became rumpled within seconds of her putting them on. Even her glasses were just a slight bit askew, her hair looked like she hadn’t combed it all day, and would look like that 2 minutes after leaving a hairdresser. She was quite informal in manner, telling anybody who insisted on calling her Dr Stevens that that was her mother, and she hated taking credit for another woman’s work.

    But she was as brilliant as she was rumpled, a polymath with about as many degrees as she had rumples in her clothing.

    More relevantly, she was the Director of the Advanced Communications Research And Development Center here on New CIrce, in many ways the reason for the existence of Circe Base and the colony in the first place.

    The ACRDC (in the logo the ‘R’ is so small as to be almost indistinguishable from a lightning bolt. Kerry was also a fan of ancient rock bands after all) specialized in in-depth research into the Hyperpulse Generator, and had managed under Kerry’s leadership to almost triple the bandwidth available through an HPG pulse.

    “OK, Tank. I got bad news, bad news, worse news, and good news.” she began as soon as her chief minion signalled that the projector was ready. “So you better all be ready and don’t waste my time with moaning and groaning.”

    Informal, yes, but her gaze was quite intimidating in her own way as she looked over the room. Sherman was the only one completely unaffected by it. Then again, it wouldn’t do for him to be intimidated by his own fiance, now would it.

    “First bit of bad news. It really happened, a 50 ton vessel of some sort, betting it’s a shuttle of some kind, fucked realities ass without benefit of a reach around away from not only a standard point, but way the hell away from even a transitory pirate point. What this means is that our jump point defenses are fucking useless against these people. Live with it, our lives just got more fucking complicated.”

    Did I mention that she swore like a sailor?

    “Second bit of bad news. They then jumped their happy fucking asses out in less than 5 minutes, with no sign they misjumped or that the ghosts of Kearny and Fuchida hauled them into hell. So not only can these clowns jump anywhere they want, they can jump out again whenever the fuck they want as far as we know.”

    “Worse? We haven’t the foggiest fucking clue how they pulled this shit off. There was a bright spark on the Artemis that remembered his fucking basic science class and did a quick and dirty spectrograph of the area where the thing was and picked up, get this, Germanium salts that had way too fucking many nitrogen molecules bonded to them. But how the fuck they are doing this, why the fuck they’re burning Germanium like some sort of fuel, and why the fuck they showed up now, ignored every comm request, then didimaued out of here like a scalded cat is currently a total fucking mystery with extra mystery sauce.”

    She paused, then smirked. “Now for the one bright bit of good news in this shit sandwich. They pulled this bullshit around an HPG research facility, and we had the main scanners up and running in preparation for a test. So we recorded every last little bit of data there was to record of the KF signature of that joker. And it behaved like a fucking HPG pulse and was directional. Weak as fuck, but we picked it up, and we got a bearing. Couldn’t have been a more than 3 light year jump at most, based on the signature I’d say more like 2.8 or so. But we got an absolute bearing, and I’m pretty fucking sure about that distance.”

    Her smile was sharklike. “So if you Navy pukes want to earn your fucking pay out here, I can give you the coordinates and you can go and take a look see. It’s deep space, but that’s what fucking lithium-fusion batteries are for.”

    The Hegemony Navy commodore seated next to Sherman snorted, looking more amused than offended at the ‘disparagement’ of his service. “I’ve got a Black Prince and two Cossacks ready to jump at your say so, Tank.” he said instead.

    “Send ‘em. And tell ‘em to try ‘talk talk’ rather than ‘shoot shoot’, OK?”

    Commodore Giorgos Papadopoulos chuckled. “They didn’t bother to do any talking so far, but that was facing a few militia birds. They might be more talkative with a cruiser saying hi. I’ll tell Captain Hansen to try and make nice before converting targets into scrap.”

    Sherman laughed at that. “Potente has the latest mobile HPG, right Kerry?”

    Kerry nodded. “Oversaw the upgrade myself, Tank. You thinking keeping a real time link up?”

    Sherman just grinned, and his fiance grinned back. They knew how each other thought. “I’ll stay in the comm center then.”
    Chapter Four
  • Chapter 4
    It was tense in the dimly lit CIC of the Battlestar Galactica as the old warhorse hung in space surrounded by the rag tag fleet of refugees from the 12 Colonies of Kobol. Not that it was ever precisely relaxed, especially since the genocidal attack that had utterly shattered the Colonies and forced the few small remnants of survivors to flee. But tension had spiked ever since Racetrack’s Raptor had returned prematurely, and then spiked even more as scuttlebutt leaked out that they’d not only misjumped but had found Cylons.

    The newly minted Admiral Adama was aware of the rumors, even as he mentally reviewed the debriefing that Racetrack and Skulls had given just an hour or so before.

    That they misjumped was clear enough. They’d misjumped in orbit of a possibly habitable planet, at least going by the images caught by the Raptor’s recon cameras. And that planet evidently was already inhabited.

    But Adama wasn’t so sure that it was inhabited by Cylons.

    The ships imaged by the camera were like nothing he’d ever seen, and extremely different from typical Cylon design philosophies. There was nothing organic about them, they were functional, mechanical, but something that he could instantly grasp the logic of.

    The lack of a canopy was a strong indicator that they were likely to be Cylons of some sort, but the proportions were wrong. That plated structure in the hull of the unknown fighter had what looked like an ejection blow out panel that, if his old eyes weren’t deceiving him, should be the right size for a human to eject from a crippled bird.

    Why would Cylon’s need that?

    Moreover, while the words were incomprehensible at the resolution level of the tactical cameras on the Raptor, Adama had never seen a single Cylon craft with any warning labels or written markings on them. But the unknown craft did have them, in the sort of places he could imagine them belonging as they corresponded to similar locations on a Viper.

    But he had to make a decision. On the one hand he couldn’t leave this location, the expedition he’d ordered back to the Colonies had only this as the return point, if he left they’d be abandoned.

    But he also had to honor the threat that these possible Cylon’s presented. If they managed to track Racetrack’s Raptor back he would potentially have Cylons crawling all over the Fleet well before the expedition could return.

    Decisions… decisions.

    “Signal Pegasus, they are to escort the rest of the civilian fleet to…” he frowned down at the plot. “Here.” he set his finger on a location about a single jump distance further along their present course. “Galactica will wait for the expedition to return.” he looked up, meeting his XO’s gaze.

    Acknowledgements came from around CIC, and about 3 minutes later, with a flash of energy, the rest of the fleet had jumped away, leaving the old girl alone.


    It had been a tense week. Unfortunately they had three days left to wait until the expedition returned. Galactica’s crew were on edge, although regular Raptor flights between the two detached elements of the fleet had kept both up to date on the situation.

    Then tension spiked. “Emergence!” came the call from the long range DRADIS station. “New contact!”

    CIC went to full alert. Major Tigh looked up sharply from where he had been reviewing reports, even as the door to CIC slid open and Admiral Adama walked in, summoned by the alarms that were now blaring.

    “Status.” Adama barked.

    “Sir, one large unidentified contact, doesn’t match anything in the warbook. They are at 1 Hectar, and aren’t moving. Mass wise they appear significantly smaller than us”

    “Sir, picking up five smaller contacts detaching from the main one.” came the call from the DRADIS station.

    Adama looked up at the repeater display, showing the situation. Two of the new contacts seemed to fall into formation with the main one, while the other three started spreading out into an evident screen.

    “Launch all Vipers and form up in a screen. Helm, bring us about.” Adama’s voice was calculating.

    On the display the contacts started changing aspect. “Sir, they are changing heading and beginning to close.” came a terse report.

    Out of the corner of his eye Adama spotted the communications tech frowning and fiddling with his equipment. So he stepped closer. “Lieutenant?”

    “I’m not sure, Sir, but I’m picking up signals well off of standard wireless frequencies, but they seem to be directed at us.” the young man replied, frowning at his controls.

    Adama frowned at that. “Keep on trying.” he said, even as the DRADIS operator spoke up.

    “Sir, I’m picking up what appears to be a very small emergence signature, smaller even than one for a Raider, centered about a metric behind the main contact, but Sir, it’s somehow continuous.”

    Adama frowned even more, glaring at the plot and thinking furiously.


    Over a million kilometers away from Galactica the leanly arrogant form of the Black Prince-class Heavy Cruiser HWS Constitution thrust towards the massive battlestar at about 1g constant acceleration. Rather lazy, insofar as her class were capable of easily sustaining 1.5g for prolonged periods or reaching 2.5g in combat.

    The Black Prince class were pure gunships, mounting batteries of the largest class of naval autocannon, naval particle projection cannon, and naval lasers, paired AR/10 launchers forward and aft and a substantial point defense fit of mixed extended range PPCs and ultra-rapid fire laser anti-missile systems. Granted, said anti-fighter defenses could best be described as ‘adequate for leakers’, but that was what the pair of Forrestal class carrier dropships in close formation were for, not to mention the trio of Storm assault dropships currently in screen formation.

    Captain Dacre was secured to his station with a crash harness, even though the mighty warship under his command was under thrust, thus giving the semblance of weight. The rest of his bridge crew were the same, as were any other crew members whose duties didn’t require them to be up and around. Captain John Francis Dacre IV ran a fairly tight ship in that regard.

    A veteran of the Hayfield Incident, the Redsburg Incursion, and the Great Chase of ‘36, not to mention countless anti-pirate patrols and incidents, Dacre and Constitution had a solid record within the Hegemony Armed Forces, and Dacre was not going to risk that record by being lax about the basics.

    Even so he was frowning. “We are transmitting that contact packet we were given, Comms?”

    “Aye, captain, we are.” came the prompt response from the comms console.

    “Quite inconsiderate of them to ignore us then, what.” he growsed, frowning as he looked at his displays. The only thing the, admittedly quite massive, contact had done since he’d jumped in had been to turn to face him and launch a number of, admittedly fast but extremely light interceptors.

    He glanced over at one of his repeaters showing the launch readiness status of the ASF wings carried within the two massive 75,000 ton Forrestals. All six catapults were green on each of the vessels, meaning he’d have the first two squadrons of ASFs up in less than 5 seconds of him giving the word. He then looked back at the display. If those little interceptors tried to close he’d order the launch. They might be tiny little things, but even tiny little things like that could be slinging an Alamo, and he had no interest in his beloved ship being hit by one of those.

    “There’s nothing to it but to keep on trying.” he finally said, nodding to the comms officer. “For all the good it is doing us so far.”

    “Sir, should we try different frequency ranges? Been blanketing all the military and civilian frequencies we use, but who knows what these people use?”

    “Capital idea, Comms.” Dacre chuckled slightly, not mentioning that he’d brought that up during his briefing and had been told to just use his best judgement. He loved it when his subordinates gave him a good reason to mention them in dispatches for something good. “Do it.”

    His comm officer glanced over at her commander, one eyebrow twitching a little as she, like most of the rest of the crew, knew he’d probably thought of it first and was just playing along, but she did it, as ordered.
    Chapter 5
  • Chapter 5
    Adama was still frowning when the comm tech twitched again visibly, he was already turning to face the youngster when the boy looked up “Sir, I’m picking something up, but I can’t understand it at all.” he looked… very confused.

    “How so?” Adama asked, arching one eyebrow.

    “It’s some language I can’t really understand, a few fragments of it are familiar, but it’s mostly just gibberish.” came the response.

    Adama was across CIC in a few steps and held out his hand for the headset, which the baffled comm tech handed over immediately.

    Indeed, whatever was being said was gibberish. A few syllables were familiar, and his mind latched onto them, but otherwise it was incomprehensible jibber jabber. He pointed to the transmit button and the tech hastily pressed it.

    “This is Admiral Adama of the Colonial Battlestar Galactica. Halt your approach or I will be forced to consider it a hostile action.” he said firmly, in his typical Voice Of Command.

    His eyebrow twitched, as he was sure that most of the CIC crew who weren’t long service veterans probably expected the other side to obey simply because The Old Man said so. More likely they’d at least slow down to investigate, because this was an attempt at communication. Whoever these ships belonged to, it at least wasn’t the Cylons they knew about.


    Onboard Constitution the Comm Officer started, adjusting his controls slightly. “I think I’ve gotten something, Skipper, but it’s… not in English, Sir, that I can say for sure.”

    Dacre nodded. “Back port it through the HPG link to Circe Base, they’ve got linguists.” he ordered calmly. “Meanwhile, Helm, hold position relative to the unknowns, maintain sensor locks and make sure Petra and Kurogami have their birds on hot alert. If they want to actually talk, we’ll let them. Sensors, let me know if that other group of vessels an AU away does anything.”

    The Helm Officer responded crisply even as he operated his console, bringing the heavy cruiser to a relative halt acceleration wise with a powerful retro burn. “Holding position relative to the unknown, Sir, Aye.”

    “Aye sir.” the Comm Officer replied, tapping a few controls. After a few moments he looked up at Dacre. “Petra and Kurogami report full readiness, Circe Base has acknowledged receipt… hold one… Sir, Circe Base would like to speak with you.”


    Kerry was frowning as she listened to the audio, taking notes on a notepad in her isolated office. Surrounded by her beloved computers and well away from other people she was actually relaxed, rather than having to fake it and bluster through on sheer bravado.

    She’d picked up a mix of Classical Attic Greek, Aramaic and Akkadian roots, with a hint or two of Ancient Egyptian at points. It was a fascinating mix that seemed far too organic to be an artificial construct.

    She tapped her pencil on the notepad as she listened with one ear, waiting for the ship on the other end to respond to her request.


    “Very well.” he picked up the spare headset. “Constitution Actual here.” he said shortly, confident that the Comm Officer had already set up the link.

    Kerry’s voice came through. “Circe Base here, Captain. The language is very similar to classical Attic Greek with some Akkadian and Aramaic elements. An Admiral Adama of something something Galactica ordered you to halt your approach or he’d consider us foes. Galactica sounded like a proper noun, probably the ship's name, so the unknown words are probably the designation, might be something like conflict star or the like since it sounds like a compound word. The first word could be either outpost, colony, or port. Voice Stress Analysis indicates an older man, probably a lifer, has harmonics typical of long service officers. Determined, stressed, but not really hostile.”

    Dacre nodded even as he spoke. “If I linked you into a conference can you handle translations realtime?”

    “Of course I can!” came a somewhat amused sounding response. “What do you want me to tell them?”

    He nodded over to the Comm officer, who manipulated the controls. “You’re live and microphone’s hot, Sir.”

    “Galactica, this is Captain Dacre of HWS Constitution you have entered space claimed by the Terran Hegemony. State your purpose for being here.” Dacre said, then waited for Kerry to make the translation.


    Adama’s eyebrow twitched again as the incoming vessel actually came to a relative halt, although it did require a rather considerable retro thruster burn to cancel the momentum it had built up in a fairly short amount of time. Then came another rush of gibberish, followed by a very heavily accented but barely comprehensible statement in Old Caprican.

    He frowned, then went very still. “Repeat that last, did you say Terran Hegemony?”

    Heads across CIC snapped over to stare at him, and for once he didn’t immediately order them to attend to their duties. Could it be…


    Dacre blinked as Kerry translated the response. “The Terran Hegemony in Exile, yes. Please explain your presence here, Admiral Adama.” he said slowly, eyes narrowing in thought.


    Adama straightened, a light burning in his eyes. The ‘in exile’ part concerned him, but this must be the 13th Tribe, Terra was the Old Caprican term for ‘Earth’.

    The CIC crew caught his reaction and looked to be on the verge of pandemonium, but he quickly glared everybody back to their duties, although he knew they were all listening to him.

    He tapped one finger on the console, trying to decide just what to say. He looked over at Tigh.

    “Is Racetrack’s Raptor available?” he asked, frowning slightly.

    “Yes.” his XO said, but Adama cut him off before he could say anything more.

    “Good, send it back to the main fleet and request that Colonial One return. Tell President Roslin.” he paused, then slowly smiled. “That we may have made contact with the 13th Tribe.”

    CIC erupted.


    Dacres was frowning, waiting for a response to come through. Longer than he’d thought it would take the gruff incomprehensible voice returned.

    “Sending a… bird?... to bring authority.” came the translation from Kerry. “Sounded like a proper noun, but maybe raptor, or hawk, or something predatory and avian.”

    Dacre blinked, a bit floored. “You mean that we’re close enough to their space that they have a political sort this close that an Admiral has to ask permission to talk?” he was incredulous. “And we never knew they were out here?”

    A/N - I am not 100% satisfied with this chapter, mostly because it is dialogue heavy and that is my weakest area as a writer. Quick note, in the Battlestar Galactica Writer’s Guide, 1 parsec is equal to the distance between Earth and the Sun (IE 1 AU), which is wildly different from the actual scientific definition. A metric is a kilometer. DRADIS is a sort of jack-of-all-sensors thing, as DRADIS is used for things radar would never be useful for.
    Chapter 6
  • Chapter 6

    Captain Dacre was frowning in CIC as he watched the repeater display while strapped into his acceleration couch. Since they were still at alert he hadn’t ordered the grav decks started, and they were at relative rest so there was no acceleration to give the illusion of gravity.

    A few moments earlier one of those small jump fighters had deployed from the vessel apparently called Galactica and had promptly jumped away. He’d had all of Constitutions forminable sensor arrays focused on the craft,and had immediately sent all of their available data back to Circe Base for analysis. It’s not like he had theoretical KF physicists on board.

    Ten minutes later he was still frowning, he found that frowning tended to motivate his crew to work a little bit harder to avoid his ire. Although he strongly suspected that they had figured out he wasn’t actually as grumpy as he tried hard to portray. The little jump fighter returned, accompanied by a larger craft roughly the size of a small to medium dropship that looked completely civilian in design and construction considering the number of large viewports on the silly thing. The dropship had gone and docked inside of Galactica, rather than connecting sensibly to a jump collar, but it seemed these people had a different definition of sensible.

    His Comm Officer looked over at him. “Transmission from Galactica, Circe Base translated it to a request to send a delegation over to them to meet with their President.”

    Considering that they’d managed to track the little jump fighter heading to a fleet of various sized vessels approximately an AU away and then back again the implication was that this President had actually traveled with this formation, which struck Dacre as increasingly odd and potentially troublesome.

    He looked over to the young Lt manning that console as the officer continued. “Circe Base informs me that they are dispatching a team to our location, ETA 2 days.”

    Dacre pursed his lips, whoever they were sending was having to endure 3g acceleration in order for them to reach the jump point in that amount of time. Several of the other officers in CIC were a bit more demonstrative, wincing at the thought.

    “Inform Galactica of the time frame for our translator to arrive.” he ordered, turning his attention back to the display. Three days of weightlessness. He hated trying to sleep in null grav conditions. But needs must, if things degenerated into hostilities the time required to stow the grav deck could be the difference between life and death.

    Of course, if the standoff lasted more than a week they’d have to deploy the grav deck. Health and Safety regulations were rather draconian on that point. Dacre forced himself not to chuckle at the thought, even keeping it off this long would require extra paperwork to keep those bastards happy.

    He sometimes thought that the best way for the Hegemony to defeat the Rimmers (whatever convoluted name they were calling themselves this decade) would be to graciously gift them with Hegemony Health and Safety, they’d find themselves so busy filling out all the compliance paperwork they wouldn’t have time to dream up new atrocities.

    “Sir, they acknowledge the time frame, although according to Circe Base they seemed rather baffled by it based on the word choice.” came the report from the Comms station.

    Did those bozos think he had the life support capacity to haul around a bunch of linguists just on the off chance he ran into some group that didn’t speak English?


    In Admiral Adama’s office on board Galactica there was consternation that these possible 13th Tribe members didn’t speak proper Caprican, or even Taurian, Capricornian, or Geminian and needed a translator to speak properly.

    “They need to wait how long for their translator? How could there translator not be here when we’ve been talking to her in real time?” Roslin asked incredulously.

    “It might be a delaying tactic of some sort.” Adama replied with a frown. “Or… DRADIS did pick up an odd spatial distortion about a metric astern of the big ship that is similar to what a jump creates, could they have some sort of faster than light wireless?” As he spoke he was fiddling with the ship model on his desk as he often did when he was relaxing. And these days meeting with Laura Roslin was rather relaxing for him.

    Roslin, in turn, didn’t mind that Adama spent time with that model, she rather enjoyed watching him work on creating something like that. It was… hopeful. And she badly needed hope these days.

    “When will the expedition back to the Colonies return?” she asked, shifting a bit in her chair to get more comfortable.

    “If all goes according to plan? Two days.” he grimaced slightly. “We might want to warn the 13th Tribe of their return.”

    “If they are, in fact, the 13th Tribe.” Roslin pointed out, frowning. “We haven’t seen that constellation shown on Kobol yet, after all.”

    Adama grunted, acknowledging the point, even if he didn’t put nearly as much stock in the religious folderal as his President. “Perhaps.” he allowed. “But the rumor mill has already dubbed them the 13th Tribe, morale is soaring because of this, and the fact that their ship is large and powerful looking is giving everybody hope that we can finally fight back against the Cylons.”

    She shrugged “And if they turn out not to be, morale will crash right back down again, especially if they turn out to be hostile.”

    “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Adama replied, nodding in agreement with her analysis.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 7
  • Chapter 7

    Dacre had decided to reduce the alert level somewhat, enough that he could deploy the grav decks as it appeared that contact had been pretty much peaceful, at least enough so that he would begrudge his crew the health benefit of pseudo-weight.

    He thought it a bit odd that the ship opposite him wasn’t doing the same, but then again at the size of the beast it might have fully internal grav decks so he wouldn’t be able to tell if they’d spun them up or not.

    He was still waiting for the translation team, which from further reports would feature his first meeting with the redoubtable Dr Stevens. Joy. Especially considering that his former CO back when he’d been a young wet-behind-the-ears lieutenant was accompanying his fiance and had forwarded a list of ‘helpful suggestions’.

    But the suggestions were sensible enough from what little he knew of Dr Stevens, so he’d had a stateroom set aside for her with two-way voice communication and 1 way video conferencing, arranged for a rotating set of female marines to guard the hatchway, and issued instructions keeping the passageways between the shuttle bay and the stateroom completely clear when the team arrived.

    Then again, she’d not been rescued from the Rimmer frontier world where she’d ‘lived’ until she was 12, and Dacre’s mind shied away from the horrors he knew females, regardless of age, suffered amongst the Rimmers unless they won the lottery and were born into the Elite caste.

    And considering that he had it on good authority that Dr Stevens had a truly eidetic memory? He considered it a minor miracle that Tank had managed to get past her trauma and earn her trust and affection.

    But the day before they were due to arrive came an event he’d been notified of from Galactica as a small flotilla of those 50 ton shuttles, accompanied by a smaller unidentified craft that seemed completely different in terms of design style. He had his sensors fully focused on them, gathering yet more data on their emergence and actions.

    The next day the pair of Cossak Fleet Destroyers that comprised Constitutions normal escort arrived, one loaded with her usual complement of three Storms and the other with 2 of the swift assault droppers and, looking quite out of place on the small destroyer, the Galaxy-class Logistics Dropship that Constitution normally carried on her fifth ‘fixed’ docking point.

    The two Cossaks immediately moved to the standard escort positions, while the Storms similarly formed up into the standard defensive formation. The Galaxy and a shuttle docked with Constitution, the Galaxy on her dedicated hardpoint, and the shuttle in the shuttle bay.

    Extra clamps mated with specially reinforced hold down points on the hull of the Galaxy and in a matter of minutes the logistics dropship looked like it was faired into the much larger cruiser, rather than a separate parasite craft. Dacre found himself relaxing a bit, no captain of a cruiser or larger vessel really liked being separated from their assigned Galaxy any longer than strictly needed.

    After all, the Admiralty, in a fit of diabolical planning and evil inventiveness, had ensured that no major combat unit carried its own ice cream machines, but rather had to rely on their Galaxy-class logistics vessels to provide the delicacy. Thus ensuring that crews would make sure to keep the logistics vessels safe in combat.

    Cunning. Evil. But Cunning.

    With the team present Dacre called a meeting to discuss plans going forward. Dr Stevens attended remotely via one-way vidlink. Tank was there, but following the principle that a ship’s captain is junior only to God on board his own ship he let Dacre run the meeting.

    “These… Colonists, I believe the term is?” he glanced over at the video pickup, but it was one of the translation team who was present who answered.

    “It’s the best we have right now, Captain.” the young woman said. “Αποικίες is the closest modern Greek word, which can mean Colony, Colonies, Colonists, etc based on context. Since this is more akin to Attic Greek, the word meaning is known to have drifted quite a bit. And for all we know it means something other than it might in Attic”

    Dacre rubbed his forehead. “We’ll go with Colonists for now, then. They have requested that we come aboard their big ship, the Galactica, to begin talks. I’ve stalled them so far on the grounds of waiting for the translation team, but the question is if we agree to their terms, insist on them coming to us, or something else.”

    He paused, looking around the table. “If we go to them, on the positive side it shows trust in them acting honorably, it may make them more comfortable with us and positively inclined, and it will give us the opportunity to get a closer look at their technology and readiness. Negative, it may show weakness, us coming to them as supplicants in our own space. It places whoever we send over in a position of great vulnerability if they prove hostile, and it may allow them to only show us what they want us to see.”

    There were nods around the table.

    “If we insist they come to us, on the positive side it is a show of strength, we are setting the terms for the discussion right from the start and starting off from a position of authority. We have control over the situation and can stage manage the meeting however we wish. On the other hand it may antagonize them, causing them to become hostile, it allows them a better look at our technology than we might want to give them, and if they’re as sneaky and fanatical as the Rimmers they might sneak a suicide bomb on board.” Dacre continued.

    He then took a breath “We don’t really have any neutral parties where we could hold the talks, we’re in deep space at the moment after all. Yes, Dr Stevens?” he interrupted himself upon noticing that the ‘attention’ light was blinking next to Kerry’s pickup.

    “Captain, there is a ‘neutral’ way, actually. According to your reports a clearly civilian dropship of some sort docked with the Galactica. Perhaps we could specify that the meeting took place onboard that vessel, perhaps with our delegation going on on the Galaxy we came in with.” Kerry’s voice was quite calm, more so than he’d feared with the horror stories of her behavior at meetings were to be believed.

    Dacre bristled slightly, though, at the thought of risking the Galaxy, but he then nodded, it was a sensible proposal.

    The meeting continued for a while longer, ironing out things like protocols they intended to follow, communications methods, and other logistical affairs before he returned to his CIC to contact Galactica with the request, accompanied by one of the translation team who’d been working on the melange of languages these ‘Colonists’ spoke.


    “They want to do what?” Roslin sat in Adama’s ready room once more.

    “They want to meet on board Colonial One, although they refer to it as the ‘civilian drop ship’ rather than by name. They propose sending their delegation over on their ‘logistics drop ship’, which I’m guessing would be that big one that docked on their main vessel earlier today.” Adama repeated the proposal. “They refer to it as ‘truce ground’, I think they mean ‘neutral ground’.” he shrugged. “It at least means we’ll be talking, Madame President.”

    She sat silently for a moment, thinking. “I’ll want a squad of your most level-headed Marines on board Colonial One for this, and keep Starbuck well away from it as well.”

    Adama chuckled. “She’d either challenge them all to drinking contests, strip triad, or get into a brawl. Could be interesting to see their reaction, but probably not wise for the first meeting.”

    She surprised herself with a laugh at that. “Exactly. Once we get their measure, maybe. But if they are the 13th Tribe, well… I think it’s reasonable enough.”

    Say what you will about Laura Roslin, but nobody had ever successfully accused her of being indecisive.

    “Tell them we agree.” she looked over at Adama. “But I’ll take Lee, if this is a trap, we can’t afford to lose both of us.”
    Chapter 8
  • Chapter 8

    Having the Galaxy and Colonial One meet airlock to airlock for the meeting had been a very good plan. Then they tried it.

    The Galaxy-class logistics dropship had a single 10m main airlock and a 1.6m personnel airlock as a backup and for docked small craft. Meanwhile Colonial One’s airlock was 3.5m in diameter and of a radically different configuration.

    The two airlock systems were 100% incompatible.

    Now Hegemony vessels did carry adaptors for multiple different types of civilian airlock systems that could be found, but none of them were quite right. They did have a 1.6m to 3.5m adaptor, for example, but the latching mechanisms were completely different.

    Luckily one thing that Galaxy-class dropships did have were extensive machine shops with the capacity to essentially 3d print certain spare parts from feedstock. Once the problem with realized, and after some hasty communications that involved as much sharing images as words, they managed to get an extremely high detail image of the locking system of Colonial One, then created a 3d engineering model of it, and created a common docking adaptor with a Hegemony 3.5m locking system on one end and a Colonial 3.5m locking system on the other end. They then mated up a 1.6m to 3.5m adaptor to the personnel airlock and Bob’s your uncle.

    It was agreed that since it was the Hegemony who built the adaptor that they’d be the ones to use it and the meeting would take place aboard Colonial One.

    So after several days of delays thanks to having to figure out logistical issues like this the big moment came. The Galaxy came into close formation with Colonial One and the docking adaptors did their thing flawlessly.

    Laura would always regret not having been at the airlock later in life, because the video just didn’t do it as much justice as the reality. A small Colonial Marine honor guard was formed up in precise formation, her aide Tory Foster stood next to Sergeant Harder, who was in command of the honor guard. Meanwhile she and Lt Dualla waited in the conference room, observing the situation over a video monitor.

    It was all quite formal. Until after the inner airlock opened and the Hegemony delegation was found sprawled on the deck having mass face planted after ‘swimming’ through the null-g transfer tube and not expecting artificial gravity.

    She’d wondered why their airlock diameter was so low…

    It took several minutes for things to be sorted out, as the Hegemony delegation had to untangle themselves and try and look properly presentable after such an epic failure of a first impression. Thankfully for diplomacy’s sake, Laura was able to get her expression back under control well before the delegation reached the conference room.

    Although she didn’t dare look at Dualla, because she just knew that the other woman would set her off laughing again. Unfortunately there was a sharp edge to the humor. If the 13th Tribe didn’t even have artificial gravity, then they might be too primitive, even with their large warship, to be much in the way of an ally against the Cylons. What else had they lost?

    When the delegation arrived she had to suppress another reaction, a slight shiver of fear. The one leading it was the single largest mountain of a man she’d ever seen. Seeing him on the monitor had not prepared her at all for the sheer visceral presence of the man. He looked like he routinely bench pressed battlestars, did curls with base stars, and considered solid steel slabs of armor to be ‘minor inconveniences’ to his passage.

    His voice didn’t detract from that, rumbling from somewhere deep in the bowels of Hades, passing through the entire underworld, making a detour to visit Poseidon’s realm, before coming forth in a basso profundo tone that moved continents.

    “Madame President.” he said, dipping his head slightly in what could be considered a bow, if mountains moved. “I am Peter Sherman, Major General in the Hegemony Armed Forces and commanding officer of Circe Base. My superiors have assigned me the duty of conducting this first conduct. To my right is Colonel Nikita Arkhangelskaya, and to my left is Doctor Alexander Cohen who shall be acting as my translator.”

    Laura waited as the odd words washed over her, then to the translation provided by the suit-wearing man identified as a Dr Cohen. She nodded to each at the introductions. “And as you have surmised I am President Laura Roslin of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.” she replied, then waited for the translation to be made. “I welcome you aboard Colonial One and I hope our discussions will prove fruitful. Please, be seated.” she gestured to the comfortable chairs arranged around the room, although she did worry if this General Sherman would be able to fit in any of them.

    The chair somehow managed to withstand him, although she was almost certain it would need to be replaced later, as he sat down with great dignity.

    “As the host it behooves me to take the lead.” she continued, pausing for the translation and the nod of acceptance from the giant across from her. “I will keep it simple. I wish I came to you as the leader of a 12 Colonies that were strong and at peace. But instead I sit here before you as the leader of all that remains of us.”

    She waited there to see their reactions and was almost disappointed at the very lack of a reaction from the giant. The slender blonde woman seated next to him flinched visibly at the translation, and the translator looked troubled, the giant might as well have been carved from stone.

    “So am I to assume that you are refugees from some calamity, Madame President?” he rumbled, a faint twitch of an eyebrow making it an obvious question.

    “If you could call genocide a ‘calamity” she replied, looking him straight in the eye. “And the Cylons are pursuing us to finish the job.”

    William had told her to be open about that, and she’d agreed. False pretence here would be far more harmful than anything else.

    There was silence for a moment, the giant regarding her levelly. “Who are these Cylons and why did they attack you.” he finally asked in that rumbling voice.

    What followed was a half hour explanation of what had happened, covering a brief history of the First Cylon War, followed by explaining what had led the rag tag fleet to this point. Lt Dualla provided a military point of view of the events while Laura focused on the human cost and telling the overall story.

    The representatives from the Terran Hegemony sat and listened, with the giant and the woman beside him taking notes on small tablets that they’d had hooked to their uniform belts. Seeing such obvious computer technology still made Laura nervous, as she knew how easy Cylons could exploit such, but she held her peace on that score.

    Finally at the end of the presentation the man-mountain simply looked at her for several long moments before speaking. “I am authorized by my leadership to contact you.” he finally said, frowning. “However on my own authority as CO Circe Base it is within my authority to invite you and yours there. Anything more than that would require approval by my own chain of command. Therefore.” he looked steadily at her. “By my authority as the CO of Circe Base, you are welcome to bring your fleet there. If anybody violates our territory in order to attack you they will have to deal with Circe Base Skywatch.”

    Laura felt like collapsing bonelessly. That was far more than she’d feared for a worst case, although her worries about whether or not this Hegemony could…

    It seemed mind reading was one of that giant's many talents. “And before you have doubts about whether or not we can handle ourselves. I am sure Captain Dacre would be happy to give a little demonstration.” his smile was almost predatory. “He does love showing off.”
    Chapter 9
  • Chapter 9

    Laura Roslin was… annoyed. It was now quite obvious to her that no matter how otherwise level-headed a military man was, hearing the phrase ‘firepower demonstration’ ignited something deep within the military soul that required him to start beating his chest and strutting like a peacock with the desire to show off.

    No sooner had General Sherman offered a demonstration of the capabilities of the Hegemonies warships did Adama promptly insist on showing off as well.

    Testosterone. It had to be the testosterone.

    Her arguments about limited ammunition stores making this a terrible idea? Waved off as no consequence. Her attempt to invoke presidential authority to prevent it? The hurt puppy looks from every single one of the officers involved forced her to back down on that one.

    It was as if the phrase ‘firepower demonstration’ was some magic spell from Hecate, causing all sense to flee the military mind. And everybody was determined that they were going to show off the best.

    Men… all she could think was MEN!

    The Hegemony helpfully short-circuited one of her arguments when they offered to provide target drones, which evidently they always carried around for training purposes.

    She had finally managed to smother the worst of the excessive enthusiasm by pointing out that it would be a bad idea to show these people absolutely everything that they could do, after all, we still didn’t know how friendly they actually were. The appeal to paranoia actually worked, wonder of wonders. So they’d only show off the Vipers and have the Marines show off small arms and anti-Cylon techniques.rather than engage in a massive penis waving contest of naval gunfire with the Hegemony warships. The Hegemony, for their part, had offered to host the Marine portion of the contest aboard the Potente, which she’d accepted.

    The Hegemony had also allowed the Colonials to go first, which she thought was proper and just. So she had some parochial pride, she was quite aware of it, thank you very much. So here she was sitting in the observation lounge of Colonial One along with Bill… Admiral Adama… watching as Starbuck and a few other Viper pilots engaged in some basic aerobatics. Of course ‘basic’ didn’t last long as Starbuck and Kat got into a ‘I can fly this thing better than you’ contest which proved that penis waving wasn’t confined to those who possessed penises in the first place.

    Granted it was quite impressive, the incredibly agile Vipers engaging in a mock dogfight at greater and greater speeds, followed by a gunnery pass at a target that the Hegemony had deployed for them to shoot up.

    The Hegemony delegation had seemed very impressed with the Viper, right up until the moment where they opened fire on the target. Colonel Arkhangelskaya cleared her throat and through the translator asked. “Ummm, you use heavy machine guns for aerospace fighter’s, Ma’am?” the relatively petite redhead wearing pilot’s wings on her chest said carefully.

    Bill just frowned slightly. “30mm kinetic energy cannon on the Mark II, later models used lighter but faster firing weapons.” he clarified, looking at the Colonel.

    The Colonel’s reaction wasn’t what Laura had expected, as the other woman traded a look and a slightly raised eyebrow with General Sherman who actually smiled, slowly, as the two looked like a cat who got in the cream.

    Bill looked at her, somewhat flummoxed by that reaction, then he shrugged and turned back to the observation window. The Vipers finished their final pass, formed up into a far crisper formation than they’d probably have managed just months before and made a beauty fly past of Colonial One before forming up around the transport to observe the Hegemony’s turn to show off their fighters.

    Or perhaps ‘fighter’, singular, because they only sent out a single craft. It looked like somebody really had a love affair with the wing and decided that all a fighter needed was a bigger, longer wing with a small tailfin assembly. It took a moment, but soon Laura realized that this ‘fighter’ dwarfed Raptors, let alone a Viper. Indeed, that singular fighter looked like it massed as much as all of the Viper’s that had been deployed for the show.

    It flew like its size implied, slow, deliberate. There was a sort of ponderous grace to it, but she didn’t need Bill murmuring in her ear to tell that it was nowhere near as agile as a Viper. If this was what the Thirteenth Colony flew as a fighter they would be…

    The fighter had only done a single, lazy pass past Colonial One, executing a sweeping roll as it turned and headed towards the target. And then it fired.

    Bill sat up straighter as if poked with something sharp in a very sensitive place as the five meter diameter target disk shattered upon impact of something moving far too fast for the eye to see.

    The petite Hegemony colonel answered the unspoken question through the interpreter. “That was what we call a Gauss Rifle, firing a 100 kilogram steel projectile.” she said quite pleasantly. “Caveman is coming up on the next target.” she nodded towards the second of the target disks that was visible.

    The massive fighter was indeed coming up on the second of the three disks. This time Bill almost surged out of his seat as red bars of coherent light, actual combat grade lasers, connected the fighter and the target, causing the latter to shatter as well.

    Laura forced herself not to react too much. They had lasers. Something that had been talked about for years as ‘coming soon’ to the Colonial military but never actually delivered, and their fighter had two… make that three, as a tail gun of all things shattered the largest surviving fragment of the target disk with another red flash.

    The colonel spoke up without prompting “Three 5 centimeter extended focus lasers, Madame President.” the redhead sounded just a trifle smug. “Third target about to be engaged.”

    She braced herself, and was glad for it as four coherent bolts of lightning surged from the wings of the massive fighter and utterly annihilated the remaining target. Somehow they have seized the power of Zeus’ thunderbolts from the heavens she thought numbly.

    And the colonel spoke as if the Colonials hadn’t just suffered shock after shock. “Quad Lightbringer Extended-Range Particle Projection Cannons, Madame President, the main ‘guns’ for the Tornado strike fighter.” the tiny woman looked utterly insufferable.

    Tornado Strikefighter
    Mass: 100 tons
    Frame: Unknown
    Power Plant: 300 XL
    Cruising Speed: 54 kph
    Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
    Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
         3 ER Medium Laser
         4 ER PPC
         1 Gauss Rifle
    Manufacturer: Unknown
         Primary Factory: Unknown
    Communication System: Unknown
    Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
    Introduction Year: 3145
    Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-D
    Cost: 9,799,500 C-bills
    Type: Tornado
    Technology Base: Clan (Standard) 
    Tonnage: 100
    Battle Value: 4,032
    Equipment                                          Mass
    Engine                        300 XL                9.5
        Safe Thrust: 5
        Max Thrust: 8
    Structural Integrity:         0                        
    Heat Sinks:                   36 [72]                26
    Fuel:                         400                   5.0
    Cockpit                                               3
    Armor Factor (Ferro)          241                  13.5
         Nose                    73    
         Wings                 60/60   
         Aft                     48    
    and Ammo                Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV 
    2 ER PPC                  RWG       12.0     15    15   15   15    0  
    2 ER Medium Laser         NOS       2.0      5      7    7    0    0  
    CASE                      NOS       0.0      -      -    -    -    -  
    Gauss Rifle               NOS       12.0     1     15   15   15    0  
    Gauss Rifle Ammo (32)     FSLG      4.0      -      -    -    -    -  
    2 ER PPC                  LWG       12.0     15    15   15   15    0  
    ER Medium Laser           AFT       1.0      5      7    7    0    0

    The aptly named Tornado then performed a slow pass. The ponderous bird no longer looked laughably slow and clumsy, it looked lethal as it performed a slow, lazy roll as it passed the observation lounge.

    General Sherman stood up, along with the Colonel. “Madame President, I do believe that the next set of demonstrations is scheduled to take place in an hour aboard Potente.” He smiled, and Laura numbly recalled just how confident she’d been that the Colonials would be the ones doing the most showing off.


    Kara “Starbuck” Thrace had been having a great day. She’d shown Kat just who the queen of the sky was… again. She’d gotten to strut her stuff in front of this so-called 13th Tribe. She’d had some great celebratory sex the night before, had won an unopened pack of cigars at strip triad, and was top of the world.

    Then she’d almost laughed at the giant lumbering lummox of a fighter these 13th Tribe folks considered worthy to show off against her agile little warbird. She’d actually been snickering… right up until that first shot shattered a target she’d dinged up with both of her cannons.

    Then the lasers. Then those bolts of lightning. And although she knew it wouldn’t have been apparent from the observation lounge on Colonial One, Starbuck had a fighter jocks vision, and had realized something even more horrifying than the sheer carnage those weapons had unleashed. They’d fired seriously off-axis. From what she could see, if she flew in front of that thing, even if she wasn’t directly in front of the nose, she’d get the personal attention of that lightning, those lasers, and whatever the hell it was that they’d fired first. If she flew behind it she’d have to contend with a laser…

    She wasn’t feeling quite as smug about how lumbering that thing was now.

    Maybe she could talk somebody into letting her fly one...
    Chapter 10
  • Chapter 10

    Laura’s head was still spinning. They’d managed to confirm with General Sherman that those energy weapons, both lasers and something called a PPC, were standard for the Hegemony. Indeed, General Sherman had patted the empty holster on his uniform and explained that his personal sidearm was a laser pistol.

    A laser pistol. Colonial R&D couldn’t even manage to build a practical weapons-grade laser that would fit on a Battlestar, and here these people had laser pistols.

    Admiral Adama had quietly advised her to change into a pantsuit from her dress, since the Marine demonstration would be taking place on one of their ships and they didn’t have gravity. She’d already intended to do that, but that sort of attention to detail and concern for her was something she actually treasured in him.

    It was somewhat surreal, floating out of the hatch of the Raptor that brought her, Bill, Dualla, and a few Colonial Marines over to the Potente. She’d actually been in zero-g a time or two, and had never had a problem with it.

    She decided not to ask about the lack of gravity, though, it might be a bit impolite. ‘So, why are you so primitive?’ just didn’t sound like something to say.

    The Colonials weren’t nearly as proficient in moving in null gravity as the Hegemony personnel, but there were convenient handholds placed in a manner that showed they had carefully thought out all of the permutations of motion that being in zero-g would cause. It was fairly odd realizing that these ships were laid out like skyscrapers, with the ‘decks’ being stacked along the axis of the ship with ‘down’ being towards the drives. It was equally odd how it was apparent that the various compartments had ‘two’ decks, one of which became the ceiling when the ship was under acceleration irregardless of if it were accelerating or decelerating.

    So she decided to ask. “How do you know which way to stand when you are about to start thrust?” she asked the young Hegemony officer who was escorting them.

    “Ma’am,” the young man said through the interpreter who floated besides them. “When under acceleration, red is down.” he pointed towards the small lights that were inset into the two ‘decks’. “And green is up. If power is out, then if accelerating orient on the hatchway, they are shaped asymmetrically, with a point towards the bow of the ship.”

    Once you knew what to look for it was obvious, the hatchways themselves, rather than the hatches within them, were somewhat asymmetric, with the aforementioned point always pointing in the same direction. Clever.

    “And I assume that there is a warning system for when acceleration is going to happen?” she asked next, floating up the passageway as she did so.

    “Well, for planned maneuvers we use announcements. For an emergency accel we use klaxons. 2 short blasts for accel, 1 long blast for decel, and they are different pitches as well to make it easier.” he explained. “The firing range is up ahead in Marine country.”

    Ahead of them she could see that the bulkheads were now painted green. “Marine Country I take it?” she asked, a bit bemused how both the Colonial Marines and evidently the Hegemony Marines had a fondness for the color.

    “Yes, Ma’am.” the young man replied. “The firing range is through there.” he paused, then looked over at her. “Before our guys demonstrate, you’ll be brought into the suit morgue to see the process. The higher ups want to ensure against any confusion.”

    ‘Suit Morgue’? Laura turned the phrase over in her head, not able to really make heads or tails of it. She exchanged a look with Sergeant Hadrian who was leading the detachment and the woman looked just as baffled at the phrase.

    The compartment they entered was one of the largest ones she’d seen so far, only the hangar bay itself being larger. It was almost a hundred meters long and wide enough for a half dozen firing lanes, although on second look the lanes were considerably wider than the ones in any range she’d ever seen.

    There was a small observation area to one side behind thick transparencies that were obviously meant to be protective. General Sherman was already there, although he didn’t have a translator with him.

    Laura and Bill entered the area, while Sergeant Hadrian chivvied up the Marines, making use of the convenient straps that allowed one to secure oneself against recoil in free fall.

    A speaker next to the General hummed to life and the woman’s voice she’d heard over the radio came out of it. “Greetings, Madame President.” She noticed that General Sherman had a small radio headset on, with another speaker hanging from his belt. At her look he chuckled and spoke into the radio, the translation now coming from the speaker.

    “Our top translator isn’t comfortable around people, Madame President. So we’re using a remote rig. Dr Stevens is working on a portable translator, however, and this is a test rig for the form factor to see if it is as practical as she thinks it would be.” he said.

    Laura blinked, a portable electronic translator? That implied a level of computer technology she wasn’t all that comfortable with, and she could sense that Bill was equally uncomfortable at the thought of what the Cylons could do to anybody who relied that much on computers.

    “I see.” she was rather proud that she didn’t let any of her concern leak into her voice. “It looks like Sergeant Hadrian is almost ready.” she continued, glancing outside to where the sergeant was looking over at her.

    “Very well then.” General Sherman replied, then spoke rapidly to another man who nodded. A few moments later a red light started flashing in the range area and a number of warning lights pulsed on. “The range is now secured.”

    Laura nodded, then nodded again to Sergeant Hadrian as Bill made a ‘go ahead’ gesture beside her. The Sergeant nodded, then barked a command to her people.

    First they made use of the launchers on their clamshell pistols, the explosive shells ripping downrange to detonate against the extremely heavy backplate.

    “That is about the minimum firepower needed to deal with a Centurion.” Bill said to the General as Laura watched the Marines shift to the regular shots from the clamshells. “Ordinary bullets are only effective if they hit something extremely vulnerable, like the scanner on the head.”

    Outside the Marines now switched to their standard issue assault rifles and began individual aimed fire at a command from the Sergeant. The heavier rifle rounds were also explosive tipped, giving them some small chance against Centurions.

    “The explosive tips can, in sufficient quantity, take down a Centurion” the Admiral continued his explanation. “And will certainly chew up the skinjobs who like to hide behind the tin cans.”

    Outside the Marines reloaded, and at another nod from the Admiral Sergeant Hadrian had them firing a full magazine at full automatic, riding the recoil with the ease of long experience.

    “Thus it is best to always put as many down range as quickly as possible if you are going to have any hope of stopping them before they get in range.” Bill concluded. They’d decided not to bring any of the heavier weapons in Galacticas armory, since they didn’t have nearly enough ammunition for them to begin with.

    Outside the Marines cleared their weapons and secured them once more, rising from the firing positions. The General nodded to the man next to him and the red lights stopped flashing as the range returned to a safe condition.

    “Now, if you and your people would follow me?” the General asked pleasantly, the tone still quite unexpected from such an ogre of a man. “After all of your discussions about Centurions and ‘tin cans’ and such I thought it might be wise to allow you to see the morgue first.”

    The hatch smoothly cycled open and he led them out and across the range, the general motioning for the marines to accompany them. They went through another hatch, which seemed much thicker and sturdier than any others she’d seen on the interior.

    Laura felt her heart attempt to stop at what she saw until her mind caught up. In ranks along the bulkheads were what looked like… disassembled Centurions. Only that wasn’t quite right, because they looked hollow. ‘Suit morgue’... now that made sense, these were armor suits.

    There seemed to be large cabinets which contained the suit pieces racked up inside them, each with a small round platform with a pair of empty boots on it.

    In front of the closest six cabinets stood four men and two women wearing full body stockings that seemed to cover every single square millimeter of their bodies yet were so form-fitting that they might as well have been nude. Each was standing at Parade Rest, hands clasped behind their backs and their toes hooked into small loops on the deck.

    Behind her Laura could feel Bill and the Marines also reacting, although thankfully nobody panicked.

    “These are Mark V Marine Space Armor suits, not quite the latest model but still in front line service.” the general explained in that gravelly voice. “One point five metric tons, with full vacuum adaptation.” he looked them over, then nodded once. “MARINES!” he bellowed, and all six of them snapped to attention with the ease of long familiarity in vacuum while the translation into badly accented Caprican came from the belt speaker. “Suit UP.”

    Each Marine stepped back, up onto the small platforms. Each stepped into the boots there, stamping down to ensure they were fully on, and held out their arms to the side. Mechanical arms dropped from the ceiling, clamping around each of the six marines’ wrists, while other mechanical arms started, for want of a better term, building the suit around the marine. The lower legs, the ankle joints slotting into the boots seamlessly, high pitched buzzing sounds audible as screws tightened down. Then knee assemblies, then upper legs followed by the hips. A heavy chest and backplate came together and sealed along the sides. Meanwhile, heavy mechanical manipulators attached to the ‘clamps’ around the wrists, which were revealed to actually be part of the armor. The hands were obviously enclosed in the ‘wrist’ of the armor, as the thick mechanical fingers flexed in an obvious test sequence in response to commands from the wearer of the suit Forearm guards were clamped in place, elbow assemblies tightened themselves down, then upper arm guards slotted into position. Heavy pauldrons to protect the shoulders were secured, followed by the helmet which slotted into place.

    A moment later there was a ‘thunk’ noise from each of the platforms and the six suits of… power armor of some sort… came free. Tiny cold gas thrusters ‘puffed’ and the suits floated off the platforms, oriented themselves to the deck. A moment later there was a loud ‘clunk’ as evidently the boots were able to be magnetized at will.

    General Sherman had been observing their reactions to all of this with a slight smile on his craggy face, then nodded. “If you’d follow me back to the observation room, along with your Marines, I do believe that Sergeant O’Rourke has a little demonstration for you.”

    Laura somewhat numbly followed the general back to the observation room, her mind a whirl. She’d seen the thickness of the plates on those suits, and if these peoples armor was only half as good as Colonial armor, those things would be tougher than any Centurion she’d ever heard of.

    She watched as the suits filed out, each having evidently picked up a different weapon for use now, both a large one held in the right hand and a much smaller one in the left. Looking now, she could see that the manipulator on the right hand was a full five-finger affair, modeled after a human hand and obviously meant for more delicate operations, while the left was a three-fingered claw that looked quite capable of tearing a Landram apart.

    “OK, first up is the most common loadout, a 3cm pulse laser as the primary weapon, and a standard issue pulse laser rifle as the anti-personnel weapon.” the general said.

    Laura hadn’t noticed the relatively tiny weapon mounted on the forearm of the left arm, the shocks had been coming too close together she guessed to notice small details like that.

    She watched as the closest suit raised the rifle-like weapon that looked heavier than the 30mm cannon on a Viper and aimed it down range one-handed, as if it were a child’s toy. A staccato flashing of cerulean bolts went down range, causing her to blink tears out of her eyes at the brightness.

    “Next up is a Heavy Recoilless Rifle, for when you need to punch through armor at a bit greater range than the 3cm pulse laser allows.”

    Said rifle was larger than any of the launchers they’d left behind in the Galacticas armory, and with a ‘whoomph’ it sent a heavy shell lazily down range, leaving a massive black smear mark on the armored backstop.

    The general gave them a moment or two to get their bearings after that before continuing. “Third is a Colt-Browning GM-2HB Gauss Machine Gun, some wags call it the ultimate Ma Deuce, others without a shred of historical sense simply call it an Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle.”

    The weapon looked old yet new, the basic lines seemed timeless, but the barrel was ‘off’ compared to a regular ballistic weapon, consisting of a series of coils surrounding the bore. And when it fired there was no muzzle flash, but the hypersonic ‘cracks’ were audible even through the heavy armored transparency of the observation chamber.

    “Next up is a weapon we can’t actually fire in here, but we included it so you can see it.” the General said with a chuckle. “For when what you want to hit is just too far away, but you aren’t worried, because you have a radio and a spotter, and are carrying your own personal artillery piece on your back.”

    This particular piece was just that, an impressive barrel and weapon that seemed to be mounted on an articulated mount on the back of the suit. Hydraulic arms swung it into a firing position and the Marine braced into a slightly peculiar pose, as if expecting incredible recoil, before retracting back into its carry position without firing.

    “Fifth we have an advanced SRM launcher, this is a 4 tube model with 4 reloads.” a pause. “Oh, Short Range Missile, the advanced means it has enhanced targeting systems to increase accuracy. They fire 4 round clusters. They’re a bit overkill for ship board Marines, so we’ll be showing you the launcher but not firing it. Our Army suits actually have a launcher of this type integrated into the suit itself.”

    The launcher looked like an oversized backpack with four tubes, two over each shoulder. As before the Marine stepped to the firing line, and the armored covers over each of the tubes slid open, along with exhaust ports to the rear, but didn’t fire.

    “Finally, for those opponents who like to hide in tight spaces and think they can melee a battle armor suit, well… we have this one.” the General seemed amused.

    The sixth and final suit had only the small laser rifle strapped to the left arm as a ranged weapon. Both manipulators had been replaced by incredibly wicked looking claws that looked fit to rend and tear anything in their path.

    One of the other Marines brought out a heavy looking steel bar, which they held out, and those claws went through the bar like it was made of butter. Those Marine’s who’d seen just what a Centurions claws could do blanched, because not even a Centurion could do something like that.
    Chapter 11
  • Chapter 11

    A week had passed, and with that week the elections. Roslin and Adama had agreed that releasing the news about the Hegemony would definitively swing the election, and if anything at all, no matter how minor, then went wrong Laura would be in an untenable position vis-a-vis the Quorum. So they’d officially stuck to no comment on the issue.

    Of course, Rumor Control Central spread the news throughout the fleet anyways, regardless of official positions. Hearing some of the rumors caused Bill to struggle against facepalming, others made him want to laugh, and still others were so suspiciously accurate that he gave Roslin dirty looks for leaking them, which the President shrugged off with quite artful protestations of complete innocence.

    Bill had been born at night. He’d not been born last night.

    Regardless, the elections did, in fact, happen, with Baltar bleating loudly about the more lunatic rumors and shedding even more support than what little he had. Roslin won in a landslide.

    And then, only then…

    “... can now confirm that we have met descendents of Earth, in the form of the Terran Hegemony. Three of their warships are currently present, and negotiations have been ongoing. After much discussion, the Hegemony has invited us to travel to their nearest system, named New Circe, there to remain under their protection as our final status is resolved.”

    Adama remained still and expressionless as Roslin made the official announcement to the Quorum. In fact, he let his mind wander a bit as she spoke.

    The Hegemony had some strange gaps in their technology, it was true, but even if you left aside their incredible weaponry, they weren’t primitives. The coordinates they’d given for the jump to this New Circe, for example. It was over three times further than the Red Line for Colonial FTL drives, yet they were completely confused at the concept. On the other hand, when he’d said that it would take about two hours to complete the sequence of jumps they’d had the same expression he imagined he’d had on his own face when he’d first seen one of their energy weapons.

    That was not even to mention the landmines. He was a very secular man, but even he’d been surprised and somewhat shocked to learn that the Hegemony didn’t worship the Gods, that indeed the majority of them were atheists, and those who weren’t were almost exclusively monotheists, with a small number worshipping gods that bore no resemblance at all to the Lords of Kobol.

    Gods help them when the Sagitarrians and Geminians learned about that detail, which would be five minutes after the first interview with a Hegemony representative, he reckoned.

    And that wasn’t the only obstacle, the fact that these people insisted that humanity came from Earth, not Kobol, claiming to have fossil records and archeological evidence that predated the time when it was known to all that the Colonies had fled Kobol. That would set off groundquakes throughout the religious communities as well. He could already hear the shrieks of outrage that the most fanatical Quorum members would emit at that news, if and when they heard it.

    Worse, they said they had evidence, and they might be right. Which was giving him one hell of a headache just thinking about it. He wasn’t faithful, he still felt shaken. Just how bad would it be for those who were faithful?

    He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he almost missed his cue. Almost.

    “The fleet will be reuniting at Galactica’s present location.” he said shortly. “Following that, we shall initiate a series of three jumps to bring us to New Circe. We will be met at New Circe by the local naval garrison and escorted to the planet, where arrangements are being made for us to disembark.”

    His gaze swept the assembled Quorum members and reporters, cold and commanding. “This operation will commence in fifteen minutes. All ships are to secure for jump.” he allowed a trace of a smile to cross his lips. “That is all. Dismissed.”

    He stepped back and turned to leave, ignoring the shouted questions.


    Fifteen minutes later found him back in CIC, watching the various plots.

    “Pegasus reports all ships are ready to jump.” he heard from the communications station, he simply nodded. His son knew what to do.

    Moments later the ramshackle vessels of the rag tag fleet appeared, surrounding the predatory shark of Pegasus.

    “Status report.” he barked.

    “All ships reporting good jump, drives are green and starting recharge cycle. Coordinates are being transmitted now, Sir.”

    “Very well. Signal the Hegemony vessels and advise them that we are about to begin.” he turned his head, looking over at the two Hegemony representatives who had joined him in CIC. “33 minutes, gentlemen, until our first jump.”

    The surprised look on their face was still comforting.

    AUTHOR NOTE - I know it's a very short chapter, but it is a needed transitional chapter. Next chapter will have their arrival at New Circe, the beginning of the disembarkation, and meeting a certain... well... you'll see.