Web Content ConservaValues Results


I thought it would be fun for us to go take the test on ConservaValues and post our results here. Please answer the questions honestly!

My results (will try to upload screen shot as soon as I can):

Radicality Axis: High Conservative

Economics Axis: Economic Liberalism

Civics Axis: Balanced

Nation Axis: Nationalist

Conventionalism Axis: Distrustful

Which apparently all adds up to me being Alt-Lite.


Radicality Axis: High Conservative

Economics Axis: Capitalism

Civics Axis: Balanced

Nation Axis: Patriot

Conventionalism Axis: Mainstream

Closest Match: Christian Conservatism

I guess so... If secular traditionalists are a thing. :p

I gave a neutral/unsure response to a lot of the questions. Many of the questions were complicated with no direct yes or no answer (ie, "9/11 and WW2 were an inside job?" well, no they weren't false flag operations but there is evidence to suggest that the leaders wished something would happen so they could have a cassus belli to grab more power), and some questions are unanswerable without further details ("is anarchy is better than living under a military dictatorship?" well, what kind of culture and religion do the people living in anarchy have?).
I got Alt-Lite myself.

Radicality axis: High Conservative


Economics axis: Capitalist


Civics axis: Statism


Nation axis: Nationalist


Conventionalism axis: Conventionalist

Overall: Neo-Reactionary

Radicality axis: Traditionalist

87% Radical
13% Moderate

Economics axis: Economic Liberalism

65.6% Capitalist
34.4% Socialist

Civics axis: Balanced

45.5% Libertarian
54.5% Authoritarian

Nation axis: Patriot

34.4% Globalist
65.6% Nationalist

Conventionalism axis: Distrustful

43.9% Conspiratorial
56.1% Conventionalist

I feel like their choice of questions was a bit biased, yet enlightening. I mean, their conspiracy questions were a bit out there for some of them. They also tied traditionalism strongly to religion.

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