DC Statehood should it happen why or why not?


Ah I love the smell of missile spam in the morning
Read the title for the prompt of the thread. My opinion on the matter is that as a whole DC's residents already have undue influence on how our nation is run and thus don't need it. Moreover it would in essence permanently give the Democrats more two senators and mutiple representatives. If its going to realistically happen then the Republicans need some compensation like say splitting NYC from the rest of the New York State or breaking California in two(and good luck getting the Democrats to sign off on either of those as it would take their presidential election chances and near permanently kill them)
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Read the title for the prompt of the thread. My opinion on the matter is that as a whole DC's residents already have undue influence on how our nation is run and thus don't need it. Moreover it would in essence permanently give the Democrats more two senators and mutiple representatives. If its going to realistically happen then the Republicans need some compensation like say splitting NYC from the rest of the New York State or breaking California in two(and go luck getting the Democrats to sign off on either of those as it would take their presidential election chances and near permanently kill them)

Well, the land for DC once belonged to Maryland and Virginia. If we did want to give them voting rights, what should be done is either it's split between the two states or given off to Virginia.

In regards to New York City and the State of New York, I would recommend shifting New York City over into New Jersey. Half the state already votes their way anyhow. That would allow Upstate New York to be more fairly represented. The problem is that New York State was built that way intentionally. The City had been given sovereignty of the state, but it was decided that Yankees would settle upstate. In hindsight that was a stupid move.

Basically, your best chance is to shift around the borders. Adding or splitting states off would create a new power imbalance in the Senate. The creation or shifting of any state's borders will wreck havoc in the House as it is. Not to mention the Executive branch. That way, the stabilizing power of the Senate might keep the changes in check.
no in fact FUCK NO!

DC was specifically created to be a neutral zone, most federal districts are like that. If DC did become a state DC polititions would emiditatly hold the rest of the country hostage to get what they want. Seriously have you guys seen the polititions who actually run the countries capital they are corrupt as FUCK! And as for their voice not being heard you have any idea any clue how much DC gets from the rest of the country? Its a serious fuck load of our tax dollars, they get way more in then they put back in.

In my opinion the DC state hood thing is an open power grab and they should be told to deal with it, don't like it then become a part of Maryland again or something.
If they do make it a state they should be honest with us, name it New Rome, and start hiring Praetorians.

In other words, fuck the hell no. DC is neutral Federal territory for very good reasons. Hell, I'd almost be willing to enlarge DC to better encompass all the parts of Virginia and Maryland its colonized and nip the loophole seekers in the ass. If you are a direct worker or subordinate of the Federal government you shouldn't be allowed State-level power. That is literally an abuse of power straight out of the gate.

This is such a naked move to empower the Democrats and no one is calling it out for what it is. "Representation" my hairy white ass.
Agree with @Floridaman. If we amend the constitution it should be for something a heck of a lot more important than making DC a state.

Puerto Rico should be a state first. And Guam. And American Samoa. And the Northern Mariana Islands. And, well, I'd say the Virgin Islands but that's where I plan to retire so I don't have to pay federal taxes in my twilight years so I have a vested interest in them staying a territory until after I go. Then they can have statehood.

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