Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

The NYT did a self own?

No. Or at least not really.

Google, NBC, ABC, Fox, etc. all partner with either the AP or DDHQ (Decision Desk Headquarters) either directly or through a middle man. AP/DDHQ are in turn clients of Dominion and the other vote system companies.

When votes are tabulated, AP/DDHQ makes API calls on the Dominion (for example) servers and gets the data. The news services in turn make API calls on AP/DDHQ to get their numbers.

You can scrape that data from, say, the NYT every X time period and thus get a log of how the data changes over time and since NYT/etc. are public facing that can't really be prevented.

Someone decided to do just that, scrape the NYT site, and dump the take into a spreadsheet.

Well negative votes don't exist in our system, so the total number of votes should never go *down* over time. Running a script to find any time when a decrease occurred is pretty easy and it you find one it means something weird happened there.

How the API serves up the vote totals is kinda dubious as well. See it lists the total votes and then the percentage of that vote total that each candidate has. This is done (almost certainly) to conceal weighted voting/fraction magic.


So Whoopi Goldberg apparently expects Trump supporters to throw tantrums, threaten people, burn cities, destroy businesses and act like a psychotic mob...

The projection is so hard, it goes into brittle territory. Trump supporters aren't the people that have been burning cities down regularly. Haven't been throwing constant protests, riots and tantrums. Haven't been utter sore losers.

I am going to clear this with all the anti-Trumpers reading this. I support Trump, because I want Americans to have nice things and that the same hope might migrate up North and that my own people might take their destiny in their hands.

Well, it's what they would do and they are experts at projecting.

Yep. Which is why I was writing this post.

They'll be back to doing it in a few weeks as the standoff wears on.

Like clockwork. It is assuring in a sense.


Georgia recount/audit appears to be a scam that will not actually catch the irregularities that put the results into doubt in the first place
I was about to post that but yeah, to borrow a summary from thedonald:
  1. Audit/Recount does not include signature review
  2. They're only allowing 1 state inspector to oversea 10 audit/recount team
  3. Concerns about access, not just building but actually visibility of the audit process
  4. They're planning to certified all ballots at 5PM while the audit is ongoing.
  5. Public Notice request to delay to NOV 16, 2020.
  6. Paper ballot chain of custody.


Georgia recount/audit appears to be a scam that will not actually catch the irregularities that put the results into doubt in the first place
What the fuck is that Governor/SecState trying to pull with this shit?!

Scam is a good way to describe what the Governor/SecState said he was doing with this process, versus what he actually is telling people to do.

This very much seems like the Governor/SecState is trying to mollify the GOP base, while at the same time not actually doing anything to seriously look for ballot irregularities or voter/electoral fraud.

It seems he may be more concerned with trying to appease the Swamp, while appearing to listen to the GOP, rather than actually caring about the integrity of the electoral process.
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Well, that sounds like busywork and window-dressing. Not exactly reassuring if that's how the governor treats what's rather obviously a nigh-national election crisis. But well, that's just another reminder that just because someone posts some allegations or "proof" on Twitter it doesn't necessarily translate into real world changes.
Nice to see your increasingly elaborate conspiracy theory is growing. Soros basically bankrupted himself bribing all these people but it seems to be paying off. Shame we didn't also rig the house and senate races.
If anything that would just lose the GOP base. I'm not sure if there's a middle ground to tightrope walk over in this situation.
I meant to type mollify, but for some reason it auto-corrected to nullify.

But yeah, the Governor/SecState does seem to be trying to walk a tightrope between the GOP base in his state and what the DC swamp creatures are trying to by pushing the 'there was no vote/electoral fraud' narrative.
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I meant to type mollify, but for some reason it auto-corrected to nullify.

But yeah, the Governor does seem to be trying to walk a tightrope between the GOP base in his state and what the DC swamp creatures are trying to by pushing the 'there was no vote/electoral fraud' narrative.
It depends on where he chooses. He most likely is doing this to see if the area he almost lost in is the same area that has the supposed fraud in.

Apparently Biden is begging his supporters for 30 million dollars in order to fight Trump's lawsuits.

"We wouldn’t be asking if we didn’t truly need $30 million," the email read.

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