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Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread


Writers Blocked Douchebag
SJW's are ironically enough probally the best recruiters we have.

I've pointed it out before, I don't like censoring even the opposition, hell I think letting them show their insanity will be what turns people off and separates the crazy gullibles from the normals

The whole "SJW's Don't Exist" thing is a tactic used by the Anti-Anti-SJW's or saner looking ones or guys who follow simply because they are VERY loyal to the term Left, in order to shut down debate

If you actually see their works and activities, you will be left wondering what the hell is going on, want to NOT be told you're insane for believing in SJW's? Show evidence where they're doing and saying stupid stuff

Though the enablers can always just go "lone wolf" and "Anti-SJW's are just as bad if not worse"


Professional Lurker
Let's take a moment to talk about one of the driving forces behind this censorship and general insanity, which, while not my own words, I feel is best summed up in a quote I got from Melissa Chen on the JRE.

"The Political 'One Drop Rule'" wherein you are as awful as the person you are sitting down to talk to, or giving a platform, or whatever. Case in point...

Keep in mind the link is from a site I know little about nor do I read it, it's literally what the first thing I found when I googled what had happened to Daryl Davis. Perhaps I should've linked to Mr. Davis's Facebook post on the event itself, but that's besides the point.

To call this appalling is an understatement.
Hatred exists in many forms; but ultimately, it exists only for its own sake. There is nothing that meaningfully separates those who called him a white supremacist, and those who called him a nigger; because both did so out of a desire to express their hatred for a man they knew nothing about.


Writers Blocked Douchebag
Hatred exists in many forms; but ultimately, it exists only for its own sake. There is nothing that meaningfully separates those who called him a white supremacist, and those who called him a nigger; because both did so out of a desire to express their hatred for a man they knew nothing about.

This sort of hatred is one without substance, because I’m pretty sure for both those types of people, they’ve never really faced problems at the hands of the people they’re so obsessed with righteously “hating”

Could be even more lately for the SJW types, because frankly they probably never had any actual problems with the “patriarchy” or even those “nerds”, they just wanted someone to crush

Even terrorists are just in on an ideology or “religion of peace” in order to feel like they have “meaning” to their shitty lives


Professional Lurker
So Reddit is starting to punish people who upvote controversial posts, This is just getting absurd.
I gave up on Reddit after I was locked out of my account for no reason. I just tried logging in one day, got a message saying that my password was invalid, and after trying to get them to send me an e-Mail to reset it (which never came), I noticed that all of my posts had been deleted. My account still technically existed though, so I couldn't use the same username as I had previously when I made a new one. Honestly, I just saw no point in staying, after that.

Duke Nukem

Hail to the king baby
I gave up on Reddit after I was locked out of my account for no reason. I just tried logging in one day, got a message saying that my password was invalid, and after trying to get them to send me an e-Mail to reset it (which never came), I noticed that all of my posts had been deleted. My account still technically existed though, so I couldn't use the same username as I had previously when I made a new one. Honestly, I just saw no point in staying, after that.

All of the political subreddits are complete dumpster fires,

excluding R/Political Compass which is a good place for memes.

Duke Nukem

Hail to the king baby
I gave up on Reddit after I was locked out of my account for no reason. I just tried logging in one day, got a message saying that my password was invalid, and after trying to get them to send me an e-Mail to reset it (which never came), I noticed that all of my posts had been deleted. My account still technically existed though, so I couldn't use the same username as I had previously when I made a new one. Honestly, I just saw no point in staying, after that.
And the karma system is pretty stupid on there too.


Someday we will win, no matter what it takes.
Staff Member
So Reddit is starting to punish people who upvote controversial posts, This is just getting absurd.

Ah, I heard about that the other day on KYM. I'm not really clear on what this is supposed to do, the rule apparently applies to subreddits that are already in quarantine and that, as I understand the system, are already on thier slow way out. So what's the point of this?


Well-known member
Ah, I heard about that the other day on KYM. I'm not really clear on what this is supposed to do, the rule apparently applies to subreddits that are already in quarantine and that, as I understand the system, are already on their slow way out. So what's the point of this?
Basically another attempt from the NPCs trying to scare people from supporting the "wrong" posts and emboldening the troublemakers.

I'm surprised it hadn't happened sooner tbh. I also have a funny feeling that election season might also have a big role in why they are all of a sudden getting pressing the steel boots on everyone's throats.

Tzeentchean Perspective

Well-known member
You know the dumbest part of reddit censorship? Their new tendency to go after subreddits that are dedicated to people in ways besides cultish fanboy devotion. The troll community dedicated to Wingsofredemption went through two different subreddits, the one dedicated to tracking Ice Poseidon and his crew of perverts and alleged rapists got shut down, and I've heard that r/samandtolki is in danger too, even though they're just finding examples of suspicious behavior from Boogie2988, a man who has a record of exploiting people and lying. If he wasn't such a universally despised guy, I'm sure redditeurs would've shut down the subreddit dedicated to mocking Darksydephil too. Anyone know of similar unfair deletions?
And the karma system is pretty stupid on there too.
Yup, Reddit is a mess. Ironically, the best place to see examples why is also a good example in and of itself: r/justunsubbed. When I saw it the first time I just thought "Why?". It takes the normal act of unsubbing from a worthless subreddit and turns it into another way to farm karma, feeding into the reddit karma cycle all over again, because like the subreddits these people hate, there's plenty of low-hanging fruit examples that get brought up countless times:
r/amitheasshole is full of stories where OP isn't the asshole and just there to get validated.
r/todayifuckedup is just erotic fiction at this point.
r/memes, r/funny, r/dankmemes, r/pewdiepiesubmissions are all interchangeable crud at this point
r/murderedbywords is just low-effort anti-trump jokes
r/worldpolitics focuses too much on AMERICAN issues
r/cursed images isn't cursed anymore
r/blursedimages isn't "blursed" anymore
r/childfree is full of people who hate kids and post about how they hate kids
r/unpopular opinions features opinions that aren't truly unpopular getting upvoted, and truly unpopular ones get downvoted
r/pics is political pandering and karma-whoring
r/askreddit asks the same stupid questions over and over
r/gamersriseup is just black crime statistics jokes
r/conspiracy is mostly low effort anti-semitism
r/historymemes is no-effort
r/dogelore thinks they're deing deep with the whole "muh doge's trans daughter" would be meme story arc.
r/im14andthisisdeep is low-effort
r/consumeproduct is full of not-so-subtle jabs at muh atheism and muh race-mixing in ads
r/averageredditor is full of ex-r/cringeanarchy types who fixate on anything socialist/chosen/porn/lgbt-related. There's still some posts dedicated to dumbass keanu reeves 69 420 wholesome 100 memes, editing a comment too much to thank people for giving it awards , or reddit coin and award spam, but it's a mix.
"wholesome" or "blessed" subs posts memes that aren't or they're Baby Yoda spam.
There's this shit, which is especially stupid because two of the top posts on r/justunsubbed involved r/the_donald
Which all go to show how far reddit has fallen in terms of content. But instead of making a big deal out of it, these people who are discerning enough to notice the garbage (when it isn't just normie redditors whinging about muh racism)* should just vacate reddit altogether.
Adding my own observations that weren't covered much or it all on r/JU:
r/shitwehraboossay was about pointing out idiotic shilling for the Axis on Reddit, and their cousin subreddit r/derscheisser was for memes mocking the axis. Trouble is that they have this fucking epic saga of drama and idiocy spawned by a select few ingrates who took the joke too far. One fucker was so obnoxious he forced the mods to create a separate sub for anime memes dunking on Kancolle or Girlz und panzer. Yet the dunce KEPT going until he got kicked, and now the whole sub is tainted by crappy memes similar to his garbage. They're also too fucking enthusiastic with the "ironic" celebration of Dresden's bombing and "bomber harris do it again" memes. People DIED, guys. r/srs proper is just hyper aware of anything vaguely sympathetic of the axis and mentioning gray areas, which is funny because I've seen old posts linking to r/shitamericanssay, another sub that took the joke too far. Now they too are the villain.
r/saltierthancrait is kind of beating a dead horse at this point, everything bad about Disney Star Wars has been brought up, it's time to move on.
r/kotakuinaction went after non-kotaku shit and is superannuated, Gamergate is OVER.
r/kaiserreich is a bunch of low-effort memes and inside jokes that are cycled in and out as the mod updates, their fake wikipedia entries for battles are so common and similar that it's been parodied more than once. (Which turned into a good example of reddit censorship, because I think one parody got deleted because the guy posted "6 gorillion casualties" in his meme. They've done it before, like here when a someone posted a good comment taking apart the dude bitching about fashwave memes and it got taken down because it hurt people's fee-fees I guess.
r/tnomod is fine when they post dev diaries and previews, but the problem is simply that it hasn't even been released yet, so it's full of people trying to keep the hype train going with repetitive and forced memes based off of whatever new piece of content is there. The fucking mod was supposed to be out by January of last year, and now it's supposedly confirmed to be releasing this May after cutting down the play time from 1960's-1991 to 1960's-1981. Not to mention the delays are partly due to stupid shit popping up on their public discord. Devs should've shut down the discord and subreddit and limited the previews to PDX forums and Spacebattles. As it stands, I'm afraid of the mod turning into vaporware with only a small demo and pages of dumb memes to show for all the work and lore.
r/forwardsfromgrandma is less about dumb boomer memes and just whatever right-wing meme offended the uploader's sensibilities so much that they need dozens of people to tear it apart for them (When they don't fall for obvious parody memes made by their fellow liberals).
r/prequelmemes is unrepentant karma-farming with no quality control, the reposts have become just another meme, and there's an excess of Sequel trilogy hate.
r/gocommitdie started out as a sub for unplanned stupid in-game screenshots, but the mods loosened the rules too much and now it's just people posting screenshots of their own ostentatiously customized in-game characters quoting memes and making racist jokes
r/lewronggeneration is full of reposts, people falling for joke memes, low-effort screenshots of any comments that dare to express appreciation of the past, and, recently shit like this. (which was reposted).
r/stalker is flooded with memes.
r/nosleep is shoddy trend-chasing. After the 4th "Storming Area 51 won't go the way you think" story I ditched it.
*=contrary to the impression they like to keep up with subs like r/findthenormie, redditors ARE normies.
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Professional Lurker
The only subreddits still worth going to are the ones dedicated to things like the GPD Win 2, or modded Minecraft; stuff too obscure and/or complicated to attract the attention whores and assholes.

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