Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

And then we'd take care of them.

Preferably by turning their cities and territory into a parking lot via bombing before one of our soldiers sets so much of a boot on the ground.
Why the insistence on waiting for open enemies to prepare and strike at you at their own initiative and opportunity of their choice?
Is this yet another variation of leftist pseudomoralistic self-handicapping foreign policy trend for western countries to follow, or is there some more thought to it?
We don't get some sort of score bonus for following these handicap rules, just so you know, we just look like idiots for it, and we have too much of that in our leadership already.
I have no problem with Semitic peoples; Hamas and it's death cult brethren are not an ethnicity or nation, they are Saudi/Yemenese/Jordanian/Egyptian nationals deported/pushed into the West Bank and Gaza as a catspaws against Israel.

If Egypt and Jordan could be convinced to take Gaza and the West Bank under administrative control, and it took in the long term, it would be a lot simpler.

But I understand why neither Egypt or Jordan want any more of the catspaws on their side of the border than there already are present.

I also understand that the US has far, far worse allies than Israel; like fucking Turkey and it's BS neo-Ottoman dreams.

And I called a vatnik a vatnik, because he keeps taking MacGregor seriously, and wants to cut aid and US ties to Israel as well it seems.
No one here has supported Hamas, some people have supported PALESTINE against Israel, others like me are neutral and hate those here who are trying to drag us over there, and then there are those that support Israel. Note this is a spectrum so some groups are more extreme than others. However on this site some people have fully supported Israel in even doing things like ethnic cleansing if they chose to. But no one ever justified Hamas.

Also MacGregor is an idiot, but some people fall for his bullshit because neocons go into a rage and end up slandering him and making him look like he is being attacked because they try to make him look as bad as possible. Just the facts are damning about him, his predictions about Russia winning Ukraine are way off.
Barcle probally should not have gone for the insult.

But isn't he a christian? I mean if he's a fellow jew nice to have another one on sight but I'm pretty sure he's christian of some stripe.
I thought he was an atheist, but he apparently claims to be a deist. I thought he was an atheist because in the past on spacebattles he supported Pete Buttigeg making a policy to remove tax exempt status of Churches that won't perform same sex marriages. Also he has supported oppressing the Eastern Orthodox churches seeing them as "Russian puppets."
To be fair, we're already involved because not only have Americans died, more are currently being held hostage by the Palestinians. However you want to try and frame that, a response of some sort is required; at bare minimum, we need to put troops on the ground to try and rescue those who are still alive. Not just because it's our duty to them; but also because if we don't, we will have announced to the world that America is weak and unwilling to defend either itself or its people, and then all of our lives will be in danger from our emboldened enemies.
Sending in an army every time a few Americans get kidnapped or killed is not practical at all. In this situation I'd just ask the Israelis to stop fucking around with bombings and launch their invasion and get our citizens back please.
1. You're not "the people", you're as much "the people" as anyone else is. If anything, going by what i know of your views, they are shared by an extremely small fringe of US population (or any other western country).
2. Yes, you could. But that would put you on the same podium of idiocy as "queers for Palestine", maybe a step lower than them, but still. Sometimes just because you like a faction, will not make that faction like you, just make you look completely delusional, which they will willingly exploit... but still not like you. So, have fun, say even dumber things to spite people who think isolationism is dumb and don't want to join you in its childish logic, that will sure convince people it's a great idea.
3. It is a basic role of the state to consider involvement in foreign wars on the basis of own interests and foreign relations. Isolationism is a leftist delusion sold by leftist ideologues to useful idiots in countries they don't like. I want all the countries i don't like to become strictly isolationist yesterday, it is a great ideology... to wish upon your enemies.

Will our EU based contrarians at least please take their update and start supporting Israel now that EU establishment is failing to do so?

You forget that Europe has a whole lot of leftists.
1. You are right my oppinion is not "the people" the people is the majority oppinion. And well the youth they are more pro Palestine. It's actually pretty close though Israel has a slight support. Also again this is Fox, so it might be biased by saying Hamas when it's about Palestine. But whatever the point is that it is possible for the American people to end up supporting Palestine over Israel. Sadly this is not what I want, I prefer glorious neutrality I don't give a damn about either side. This isn't common most people either really love the Jews or really love the Muslims. Few don't care about either.
2. How am I like queers for Palestine? I have repeatedly said I don't like either group. I don't want either as my friend or as my enemy, I am content to let them fight each other. If one of them kills the other, they will have to compete with other Arab states and not bother me. Again my sole interest in Israe/Palestine/the Holy Land is that they allow pilgrams to go visit holy sites unmolested. Other than that I don't care who owns the land.
3. Ok foreign involvement based on our interests I'll bite how exactly does support for Israel favor us? I can list the pros and cons and then you can give any that you think I missed con: supporting Israel causes negative relations with every other Arab state sure we can make up for it in other ways but still that means higher gas prices terrorists more likely to target us than if we were friendly or neutral, etc. the next con is that Israel gets into spats with it's neighbors and likes to destabilize them like Syria which then causes refugees to go to western countries and fuck up our demographics. Those are the cons I could think of in a minute or two. Pros I guess we avoid the cycle of pogroms and expulsions. Hmm looking at it it looks like favoring Israel is bad for our interest as opposed to favoring Palestine or staying neutral in this specefic conflict.
Here is the thing Marduk sure avoiding all international affairs might be dumb, but getting involved in all of them is just as if not more dumb.

Honestly I don't want to have chaos due to foreign events I don't want to fight in foreign lands for things that don't affect me. And I don't want immigrants to bring their grievances here. Immigrants can celebrate their language, culture, clothes other things. But I don't want Jews and Palestinians fighting here, I don't want Romanians and Hungarians killing each other here, Russians and Ukranians, Japanese and Chinese. Leave that shit back to your ancestrial lands.

Well, it's nice of you to take the mask off.

To try to crack through the fantasies you surround yourself with:

Hamas hates all non-Muslims. They are enemies of the USA, Europe, and every part of the world that does not want to submit to forced conversion or the sword.

If Israel disappeared tomorrow, they'd just move on to their next target. Given they hate a lot of muslims too, might be some of them.
How is it mask off? I simply want to treat Israel like any other foreign power. I see both Israel and China as foreign nations that I have no or very little connection with. I care about American issues one foregin nation that I don't hate or love is as good as another us doing the bidding of Israel is no diffrent to me than us doing the bidding of China. Bacle has argued for those who are vatnicks or pro china to be seen with suspicion. And to be honest we should prevent the U.S. from obeying the whims of China or Russia. Some people allied to the political right have a strong like for Jewish dick. I don't care for either Jewish or Chinese or any dick in my mouth.

Secondly I don't care about Muslim fantasies even if their wet dream comes true and they beat Israel and they get a state that doesen't mean it's a threat to the west because a Palestine controlled by Hamas is not a caliphate they don't control the entire middle east they have to deal with Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc.
So why not save the intermediary steps, and pay a fraction of the cost for someone else to deal with them first?
Because Israel does not deal with the Muslim problem they send it to us instead. lol wake up to reality.
1. You are right my oppinion is not "the people" the people is the majority oppinion. And well the youth they are more pro Palestine. It's actually pretty close though Israel has a slight support. Also again this is Fox, so it might be biased by saying Hamas when it's about Palestine. But whatever the point is that it is possible for the American people to end up supporting Palestine over Israel. Sadly this is not what I want, I prefer glorious neutrality I don't give a damn about either side. This isn't common most people either really love the Jews or really love the Muslims. Few don't care about either.
People get more right wing as they age, and neutrality is an ideal of delusional fringe movements rather than something a plurality of people would support.
2. How am I like queers for Palestine? I have repeatedly said I don't like either group. I don't want either as my friend or as my enemy, I am content to let them fight each other. If one of them kills the other, they will have to compete with other Arab states and not bother me. Again my sole interest in Israe/Palestine/the Holy Land is that they allow pilgrams to go visit holy sites unmolested. Other than that I don't care who owns the land.
You are a non-Muslim. If you don't see a threat in such Islamist movements as those in Palestine or the effects their successes and victories would have, you are willfully blind. With some addition of wishful thinking about their inward focus i see.
3. Ok foreign involvement based on our interests I'll bite how exactly does support for Israel favor us? I can list the pros and cons and then you can give any that you think I missed con: supporting Israel causes negative relations with every other Arab state sure we can make up for it in other ways but still that means higher gas prices terrorists more likely to target us than if we were friendly or neutral, etc.
LMAO. Many European powers had negative relations with many Arab states for centuries before Israel's existence, and for many reasons, the assertion that Israel is the cause of such is demonstrative of profound ignorance of the cultural and ideological background of such hostility and the history of Europe.
the next con is that Israel gets into spats with it's neighbors and likes to destabilize them like Syria which then causes refugees to go to western countries and fuck up our demographics.
That's a favored theory of every retarded teenage leftist and his idol about the whole refugee problem ane ME being a powder keg. However, i'm not a leftist, and so i treat these theories with great contempt for the mental abilities and characters of those who spread them.
First off, these countries are unstable for many other reasons, and secondly, refugees head for western countries because western countries not only allow them to cross their borders, but in fact reward them for doing so by showering them with free goods and services in addition to allowing them to stay, they would have to be greater idiots than the leftists who support this policy to not take them up on this offer.
To add insult to the injury, the more radical Islamist movements outright endorse colonization of infidel lands, by hook or by crook, without even the faintest mentions of leftist memes about destabilization of ME and shit.
Those are the cons I could think of in a minute or two. Pros I guess we avoid the cycle of pogroms and expulsions. Hmm looking at it it looks like favoring Israel is bad for our interest as opposed to favoring Palestine or staying neutral in this specefic conflict.
Seems like that's only true if you take the beliefs of fanatical leftists about world politics as true, which i for one consider ridiculous.
Here is the thing Marduk sure avoiding all international affairs might be dumb, but getting involved in all of them is just as if not more dumb.
So, let's meet halfway, and intervene only in the more important and globally significant half or so. The ME ones definitely fit, as i mentioned, there's plenty of smaller conflicts in less notable parts of the world that even USA with its global superpower interests doesn't care to intervene.
Honestly I don't want to have chaos due to foreign events I don't want to fight in foreign lands for things that don't affect me. And I don't want immigrants to bring their grievances here. Immigrants can celebrate their language, culture, clothes other things. But I don't want Jews and Palestinians fighting here, I don't want Romanians and Hungarians killing each other here, Russians and Ukranians, Japanese and Chinese. Leave that shit back to your ancestrial lands.

Well then get your immigration policy straight. Somehow many countries even closer to that region who are no less involved don't have those problems, just because they are willing to say fuck off even to co-religionists that they nominally support.
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Because Israel does not deal with the Muslim problem they send it to us instead. lol wake up to reality.
Marduk covered most of the relevant points, but I'll double down on a few.

1: Israel does not send refugees to the US or Europe. The European governments being controlled by delusional leftists is the reason this happens.
2: There were decades of wars in the Middle East after modern shipping and air travel infrastructure existed, yet the flood of muslims into Europe didn't start until 2015, when leftist politicians invited them in. Funny how that works.
3: Muslim nations happily kick out muslim refugees, and Turkey happily weaponizes refugees against the EU, extorting money and other concessions from them.

You may want to 'wake up to reality' yourself.
We've reached the hiding of Jews in the attic stage of the pro-Hamas protests.

I'd like to applaud the University in extending every effort to make their Jewish students feel safe.

And people say Literature courses won't give you applicable skills in the real world...

This is starting to sound very depressingly familiar, as in 1930s familiar.

I would advise said Jews, and anyone else who might come under assault/intimidation/threat/etc. by these schmucks to know their self-defense laws and start exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, and apply for conceal carry permits if they haven't already.
Why the insistence on waiting for open enemies to prepare and strike at you at their own initiative and opportunity of their choice?
Is this yet another variation of leftist pseudomoralistic self-handicapping foreign policy trend for western countries to follow, or is there some more thought to it?
We don't get some sort of score bonus for following these handicap rules, just so you know, we just look like idiots for it, and we have too much of that in our leadership already.

Because war might actually be avoided and our people won’t have to die needlessly for the sake of foreign interests and entanglements. Not to mention the military industrial complex getting richer at the expense of American tax payer dollars and more importantly, American lives.

As opposed to your Cold War-era scare tactics of ‘if we don’t defeat Ho Chi Minh in Asia, the Vietnamese will start invading California!’.

…Though given how much of a shit show California is, would we really know the difference if it was taken over? :unsure: (THIS IS A JOKE)

Also, handicapping ourselves for the sake of politics and so on is something the US military does regardless, unless you want to start dropping WMDs on any opponent who can’t fight back with some of their own.

I swear, next thing you’ll do is accuse me of wanting to dismantle the US military in it’s entirety or something.
Because war might actually be avoided and our people won’t have to die needlessly for the sake of foreign interests and entanglements. Not to mention the military industrial complex getting richer at the expense of American tax payer dollars and more importantly, American lives.

As opposed to your Cold War-era scare tactics of ‘if we don’t defeat Ho Chi Minh in Asia, the Vietnamese will start invading California!’.

…Though given how much of a shit show California is, would we really know the difference if it was taken over? :unsure: (THIS IS A JOKE)

Also, handicapping ourselves for the sake of politics and so on is something the US military does regardless, unless you want to start dropping WMDs on any opponent who can’t fight back with some of their own.

I swear, next thing you’ll do is accuse me of wanting to dismantle the US military in it’s entirety or something.
Outside of Nukes, which is the firsthest we can go.
The US military is handicapped because we hold back from being able to employ our weaponry to the fullest.
Vietnam kinda made us have to hold back because of the MSM narratives pushed about it.

And if our adversaries are basically given an open way to attack us because "yeah...we won't retaliate for any of our citizens you kill overseas because it's thier fault" you are inviting war.
You are inviting Americans to fie because they will eventually end up in war on our enemies terms
Because war might actually be avoided and our people won’t have to die needlessly for the sake of foreign interests and entanglements. Not to mention the military industrial complex getting richer at the expense of American tax payer dollars and more importantly, American lives.
Because we *might* live in a world where people deal with the situations they see, not wishy washy "mights". Needless? They are inevitable, not needless.
Muh military industrial complex is a hippie meme, the sooner you forget it the better for you, i wish half this shit was true.
As opposed to your Cold War-era scare tactics of ‘if we don’t defeat Ho Chi Minh in Asia, the Vietnamese will start invading California!’.
More bullshit straight, 100%, from 60's red flag waving left. Yes, fight the commies wherever they are, with whatever it takes. Unlike you, they are not isolationist. Eventually they will come for you, with whatever you graciously allowed them to take without interference, because muh isolationism.
…Though given how much of a shit show California is, would we really know the difference if it was taken over? :unsure: (THIS IS A JOKE)
Well now you have the commies closer, happy?
Also, handicapping ourselves for the sake of politics and so on is something the US military does regardless, unless you want to start dropping WMDs on any opponent who can’t fight back with some of their own.
If geopolitics were that simple, sure, but there would be something to that too.
I swear, next thing you’ll do is accuse me of wanting to dismantle the US military in it’s entirety or something.
Well if you don't chill out on copying your homework from 60's counterculture regarding the military and foreign policy, why the hell not.
This is starting to sound very depressingly familiar, as in 1930s familiar.

I would advise said Jews, and anyone else who might come under assault/intimidation/threat/etc. by these schmucks to know their self-defense laws and start exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, and apply for conceal carry permits if they haven't already.

New York Post seems to be one of the few newspapers reporting on the incident at Cooper University where dozens of pro-Hamas protestors trapped a group of Jewish students inside the library for upwards of forty minutes, pounding on doors and windows and shouting "anti-semitic slogans" reportedly.

Apparently the pro-Hamas protestors were carrying sticks around for some reason as well. Staff were part of the protest and some reportedly cancelled class and even offered extra credit to participate in said protests. Campus Security was able to escort the Dean of the University out of the building while the situation was ongoing so he could say everything was fine. Campus authorities also initially refused to allow the NYPD on their private campus. No arrests were made.

Sending in an army every time a few Americans get kidnapped or killed is not practical at all. In this situation I'd just ask the Israelis to stop fucking around with bombings and launch their invasion and get our citizens back please.
If our government wasn't trying to keep them from invading at all, I could maybe see that as an option. We will not go in to rescue them, nor will we allow the Israelis to go in and rescue them; so as things stand, we're basically broadcasting to the world for the second time since the Afghanistan "withdrawal" that America doesn't give a crap about protecting Americans.
If our government wasn't trying to keep them from invading at all, I could maybe see that as an option. We will not go in to rescue them, nor will we allow the Israelis to go in and rescue them; so as things stand, we're basically broadcasting to the world for the second time since the Afghanistan "withdrawal" that America doesn't give a crap about protecting Americans.
Well I don't support that, I don't want us to get involved and micromanage how Israel fights the war. I haven't complained about the bombing or the siege and said it should stop. The only thing in recent times I was against that Israel did was bomb a Church, that killed a cousin of a libertarian US congress person. Asking for a little extra care towards Church's won't handicap the IDF. As for the democrats while they do stupid shit to hurt the Israelis like stoping the invasion they also support them with resources.
To be fair, we're already involved because not only have Americans died, more are currently being held hostage by the Palestinians. However you want to try and frame that, a response of some sort is required; at bare minimum, we need to put troops on the ground to try and rescue those who are still alive. Not just because it's our duty to them; but also because if we don't, we will have announced to the world that America is weak and unwilling to defend either itself or its people, and then all of our lives will be in danger from our emboldened enemies.
Be realistic, if the American establishment fought wars on the basis of revenge for murdered American civilians, we should be dronestriking Sackler Manor, they make Hamas' body count look like amateur hour.
Be realistic, if the American establishment fought wars on the basis of revenge for murdered American civilians, we should be dronestriking Sackler Manor, they make Hamas' body count look like amateur hour.
What's Sackler Manor?
Except there is a doffrence between medication killing them, inadvertently, vs a terrorist action.

And I say we should deliver b2s with a load of bombs of 31 1 ton bombs, 31 times, to show them why they shouldn't harm Americans.

Everytime we let a country kill or take hostage our citizens and don't do shit, you are inviting them to basically attack our fucking nation woth more then refugees because we have no balls.
Be realistic, if the American establishment fought wars on the basis of revenge for murdered American civilians, we should be dronestriking Sackler Manor, they make Hamas' body count look like amateur hour.
That's more an issue for the courts to solve, not the military. Also, who said anything about us fighting a war? Israel is right there; all we have to do is stay the heck out of their way, and stop trying to protect the people holding Americans hostage.
I mean both combined. Their gdp/year is about 10B. About 15% is just foreign aid money. Israel has a gdp/year of >550B, and gets slightly under $4B a year. That's less than 1%.

When it won the six day war or any of the intifada wars, if it weren't for the international order, it could have just kicked everyone out of gaza and become completely safe.

They are now. But all in all, with both money and pressure, they favor Palestine. The entire college system trains kids to hate Israel. The BBC refused to call Hamas terrorists for weeks. And I could go on.

See, the issue with that analogy is that even if you buy that Israel is a bad actor, Hamas is a million times worse. No matter what, when you compare the two, Israel comes out on top: they don't go out of their way to murder kids (they go out of their way to not murder kids, in fact), they don't rape, etc. If Israel had the morals of Hamas, they would have just glassed Gaza city and been done with it a long time ago. They don't. Israel clearly has restraint. And it's this restraint that is the reason Israel is the relatively good guy here. Had it not been for that restraint, then they'd be equally bad, and I wouldn't care.

That's what I meant by saying "A lot of different things".

Oh, you should definitely not trust them. Never do that. But you don't need to trust them to come to this conclusion. The elite weren't wrong to oppose Hitler then the USSR, for example. But you could independently verify that they were correct. The same goes for Israel. Don't trust the elite groups. Look for yourself, and you'll find yourself siding with Israel here.

The issue with using them as a south pointing compass is that's falling into a discrediting strategy they use. Elites don't always choose the worst option, and there's a reason for that: because a lot of people reflexively pick the opposite of what they do, and then the Elites can point to that specifically to discredit them.

You've got to remember that the elites are only human. To them, their biggest competition to their livelyhood is an election. The way they get power is by grouping up against the other team. The Uniparty exists. The way it works, is that you have two competing groups with some shared desires (war, the security state, etc). The only thing that gets pushed forward in general is what they both believe in, which sucks for everyone.
@Abhorsen apologies for the late reply. Probably I won't manage to respond ever to each of your replies, due to real life issues and so on. Personally I remain of my opinion I had before : I don't support either Hamas (you saw how much I got pissed when that sore cunt of Hamas was whining Brazil wasn't doing more for Gaza) or Israel (for many reasons) frankly I want both Latin America and the Mediterranean countries to remain uninvolved and just concentrate on their problems because we have enough already.

I will give some thought to what you wrote down though✌️
Except there is a doffrence between medication killing them, inadvertently, vs a terrorist action.

And I say we should deliver b2s with a load of bombs of 31 1 ton bombs, 31 times, to show them why they shouldn't harm Americans.

Everytime we let a country kill or take hostage our citizens and don't do shit, you are inviting them to basically attack our fucking nation woth more then refugees because we have no balls.

So let me get this right...you want to put the whole Russian giovt in jail for 'war crimes' because some malfunctioning rocket kills 10 people in Ukraine, but you have no problem using blockbusters to flatten civilians in Gaza because 'Murrica.

Imagine of the limeys firebombed the catholic regions of belfast everytime the IRA killed someone.
So let me get this right...you want to put the whole Russian giovt in jail for 'war crimes' because some malfunctioning rocket kills 10 people in Ukraine, but you have no problem using blockbusters to flatten civilians in Gaza because 'Murrica.

Imagine of the limeys firebombed the catholic regions of belfast everytime the IRA killed someone.
If IRA was going far enough to use the same tactics Hamas is using, and its allies wouldn't drop it with disgust despite that, oh boy, that conflict would be very much hotter than it is IRL. Might even end up with NATO troops deployment.

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