Crossover Help! I ROB'D Myself!!!

Log 1: The Beginning


Well-known member
Warning: If you are looking for a quality story you are in the wrong place, if you read this despite the warning you have no real right to complain except to help me grow as a writer. I am a brand new writer that is barely starting to write so be gentle. :p
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, settings, ideas, plots, etc. They belong to their respective owners, companies, creators, etc.
Log 1: The Beginning
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 1 Day, 6 Hours, 43 Seconds
Location: Warehouse
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

You know when you read all those fanfics or stories posted on forums about people suddenly getting dropped into the body of a giant brutally efficient self replicating war machine or tossed into another world with powers going on multiverse journeys, they are usually dropped there by some ROB for some unknown reason? Random Omnipotent Being, or bastard if you are feeling suitably irritated, but emphasis on the random.

That wasn't the case for me, I still have no idea if this is a good thing or not, but I am keeping my optimism for now and am considering it the former. *Sigh*

Let me back up a bit here. For whoever is currently reading this log/journal/diary/whatever this is the record of one multiversal traveler/plaything named Owen, cause no way in hell am I using my real name for any reason till I am safely back home given what I now know is real. I am currently recording this log inside of my warehouse using a stasis pod cover as a backrest holding a cup of hot coffee and another pod as a table for the laptop that is currently recording this in both audio and text format. So if you are wondering about the atrocious grammar and or sentence structure you are no doubt seeing, well there you go mystery solved, this is how I speak. that and the program I am using is not quite perfect as it is still pretty new, fresh off of Section 13's R&D custom made for me. *sigh*

shit, I am sighing too much again, really got to break that habit someday *sigh* *sipping sounds*

The purpose of this log is to provide myself with a baseline measurement of my current mental state and to make sure I don't completely forget myself.

I am 6'0, black haired, Asian descent (what kind of descent exactly even I have no clue), and I look like a god damn bishounen that fanfic writers like writing BL stories about. *Shudder*

Other than that I have functionally unlimited stamina and ability to eat whatever the hell I want without bad things happening to my figure. I may have been a littlee to vain in my choice of body mods during the base body creation process, but in my defense I still wasn't sure I was just dreaming at the time and at least I did have enough sense to max out my endurance.

Well, I have gotten a bit off track, this all started over ten years ago....damn its been a long time. time sure does seem to just fly by when you're surrounded by monsters that can literally kill you in five different ways if you lack cartoon physics as a power. Crap, going on a tangent again, let's see, this jumpchain began ten years ago when I was starting to write my own jumpchain story. I had just finished prepping all my story ideas and gains and spreadsheets and well..ya know lists and such. I am a bit surprised I can actually recall the beginning so well, did I make it so I did for this recording?

Anyways I remember typing the beginning of my new story when suddenly to my left from one eye blink to the next stood a man.

needless to say he scared the crap out of me, with me predictably jumping the hell out of my desk chair and falling on my ass with one of my arms hitting the desk and the other elbowing the floor. ouch

the man looked pretty normal, wore a nice black suit and a red tie, danger alert! his face was handsome but nothing that would cause me to reassure myself of my leanings.

he smiled at me and said "Sorry I'm late, but I was really enjoying myself and forgot about this." *sipping sounds* *thunk*

Of course hearing that being said by a complete stranger I just stared up at the strange man that was in my room.

he then frowned as he sighed and said to me "of course I wouldn't remember, no memory enhancements yet."

he then clapped his hands loudly startling me due to how loud he managed to make it and I immediately got up and backed away from the guy

"oh relax, let's keep this short and get this show on the road, I am you, a alternate version of you that went through a jumpchain and ultimately became a ROB myself by the end of it. I am now really bored after several thousand years of doing everything I wanted and just remembered our old desire to help ourselves by letting other versions of ourselves go on their own jumpchains by being their jump chan instead of some other ROB. This way there are more super ME's and I get to enjoy seeing how I could have turned out differently. Now you read enough stories to know how this go but for the sake of making things quick I am going to auto skip the CP spending and world selection process whenever you get to them."

I was able to follow him, me, pretty easily but at that last part I immediately opened my mouth to object of course before I was interrupted with a raised hand.

"Now now don't worry, by skipping I mean I am going to accelerate time so you can do all your choosing in one relative second to me so I don't have to wait, of course to make sure this proves a little challenging I will be deleting your memories of why you chose what you did and leave you simply with a list of everything you bought and their descriptions and effects."

"Now as I am not a complete dick I will ask you if you want to go on a jumpchain or would you rather stay as you ar" "YES!" "Well, then, let's get this show started."

With that the last memory I had of home was a really f-ing blinding light and what I assume what a goddamn point blank thunderclap would sound like before I blacked out.

The next thing I remembered was me waking up in the middle of a dirt road with the sun burning into my open eyes.

So there we go, that is how it all began, the beginning of my journey through the multiverse started with me being dumped into the middle of the road staring into the sun.

Great way to start huh?

Well I am going to cut off the recording here for now. Will probably get back to it when I can work up some more time, gotta head to work in the morning and hope none of the local villains pop up to ruin the day for me.

Wish me luck.

This is jumper Owen signing off.
AN: Flames will be ignored, constructive criticism welcome, and no I have no beta.

Second AN: This is all being copy pasted from my original thread over on SB under the same name if anyone is interested.
Log 2: God Damn This Is Already Getting Tedious
Log 2: God Damn This Is Already Getting Tedious
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 8 Day, 3 Hours, 26 Seconds
Location: Warehouse
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

*sounds of a chair being dragged along the floor* *creaking sounds*

Sigh, beginning of log 2, one week from previous log, current day, Sunday. I am so damn tired, freaking Uncle noticed how my looks were drawing in customers and the fact that I never seemed to look tired or sweaty and used me as a god damn bait to lure in more customers by posing in front of the shop and making me memorize useless trivia about his antiques so I can scam *cough* I mean sell them for a higher profit.

I never knew Uncle could be so damn......savvy, I mean I knew he wasn't dumb from the show but wow I mean really Uncle? *sigh*

Anywaysssss, back to the log. I left on me waking up in the middle of the road if I remember right. *sipping sounds*

Well, the first thing I did was get up and take stock of my current situation, surroundings, and inventory. I found the list of CP purchases lying on top of a bag resting within's arms reach of me.

The list is a rather pain to type or recite so i'm just going to attach it to this log to save myself the trouble.

Starting gear: Bag, pokegear, pokeballs(5), potions(3), filled pokedex, red hat
Stating Location: Orre
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Origin: Drop In (Free)
Starter: Torchic (Free)

Skills & Abilities:
Survival Training(Free) mmmm berries
pokeglot(-600) I speak pokemon!
savant(-300) Perfect memory, great with numbers, super aim
psionic(-600) Telekinesis and Telepathy no mind reading

3x Master Balls (-100)

Damned(+300) nightmares by a Darkrai,
Wanted(+300) the Officer Jennys all want me…and not in the good way

Yeah, looks like a great set of things I got *sarcasm(?)*

not sure why I decided to choose pokeglot or the fact that it warranted the two damn 300 CP drawbacks. honestly, why the hell did I think it was a good idea to suffer unending nightmares and being the most wanted man in the world was worth it!?

At least I was a psionic savant back then, a perfect memory is just so damn useful. I found everything inside the bag including the torchic which I talked with and found that it was literally created from scratch considering it had absolutely no memory of growing up or being born. I found out that the torchic was a he and named him Blaze. Creative I know.

*more creaking sounds*

Well at least I had the good sense to get the master balls considering they were OP as hell and is actually reproducible considering the fact that they could actually be made in this universe.

I spent a good portion of my day just walking in a random direction keeping an eye out for resources to keep alive because as far as I could tell, Orre was a damn FREAKIN WASTELAND!!

It was literally nothing but sand, sand, and more sand. Well, except for the giant wall of rock in the distance. I immediately picked up my things and started walking towards the wall in hopes of finding some shade.

Why the hell did I think I would be ok going into a unknown pokemon region? I literally did not know anything about the region besides an old commercial about some shadow coliseum game a long time ago.

I was sweating like crazy and only had a small amount of food and water present in my bag, thank me. To pass the time and to familiarize myself I practiced my psionic abilities and savant ability by moving pebbles around and targeting distant rocks so I could have a weapon in case I needed one. I had no real benchmark besides what I could estimate but it looked like I could toss small pebbles at 35 m/s back then if my sense of distance is right still. I could have killed people easily with that kind of speed, problem was that I could only get one rock at a time at that speed, more rocks meant reduced speeds for each. It took me a lot of training to fix that issue somewhat.

My goal at the time was just to find civilization no matter who ran it, law abiding citizens or even god damn criminals was fine as long as I could get out of the shade and get some supplies and definitely a map.

I had walked all the way till night along the wall, keeping to the shade as much as I could when I finally saw a town.

It looked a bit run down and had seen better days but there was signs of people there so that was good enough for me. Of course I should have mentioned the fact that I came into this world with literally what clothes I had on my back so I was stuck walking into town with a pair of veryyyyy sweaty pajamas.


Yeah that was not the most glorious of ways I could have announced my presence to this world but I think we already knew that. *gulping sounds*

Me blessed be the coffee.

Needless to say I attracted quite a lot of attention and knowing about the wanted drawback I REALLY did not want to be caught by law enforcement so I

*dead silence*



I, I, uhh....mhh.


I took down all those I could without killing but some of them were fu**ing determined as hell! I am so damn glad that town was only containing 32 people with a good sixth of them being elderly people or I literally would have been swarmed to death!

What the hell was I thinking taking that damn Wanted drawback! Not to mention the damn nightmares caused by that damn Darkrai showing me the faces of everyone I killed and me killing the rest that I spared!

*sounds of rapid deep breaths*

God damn it all, just shit, I thought I was over that, damn it I sometimes hate my perfect memory, I can't forget the nightmares or the people I killed.

Frack it let's just continue this shit I want to get this over with and crawl under my bed.

After subduing the town and earning myself a even larger bounty on my wanted poster, yes apparently I had a wanted poster, wanted for assaulting a town, well guess it was true now huh?

I....looted the town's pokemart of as much essential goods and cash as I could carry in a dufflebag and my backpack tardis since it was bigger on the inside and stole the a car to leave town in.

I then headed south making sure to forage along the way to stretch my supplies and made my way towards the Johto region and then to the kanto region as I was most familiar with the pokemon there. You have to remember pokemon are dangerous, they are literally able to kill a normal Earth human easily. The pokemon world is a death world by even Warhammer 40k standards.

I guess I will just end the log here for today. Needless to say I eventually made it to the Kanto region after dodging the Officer Jennys, good Samaritan trainers, and wild pokemon.

I didn't catch any pokemon but I did managed to evolve Blaze into a combuskin. Being able to speak pokemon really helps in coordinating them in fights.

Alright going to sign off here. Guess I'll record again when its the weekend again I guess. This log for the first world should be done soon I guess if I keep things short.

This is Jumper Owen signing off Log 2.
AN: Busy busy busy, am rushing this out work is so busy now.
Log 3: Getting My Jump Legs Under Me
Log 3: Getting My Jump Legs Under Me
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 39 Days, 8 Hours, 42 Seconds
Location: Warehouse
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

Abyss above and below this month was horribly busy. Let's see yeah, pretty much over a month since I last did a entry on here damn.

I might as well explain why I was delayed in making a new entry here. In short busy helping Jackie hunt down the talismans, probably should have mentioned I dropped into this second world before Jackie brought the shield back and had to deal with the three stooges. He brought the damn thing in shortly after the last log. Point is spent the first week here making up a reasonably theoretically working chi spell which Would locate some of the other talismans with the rooster talisman working as the locator slash sympathetic linkage.

This way I would have a valid reason for being able to tell Jackie and Uncle where some of the talismans were after Jackie brought it in. Then, for the last month I had to help Uncle ward the shop and devise banishing spells for the shadowkhans since they started coming after us since we had one of the twelve already, with the other two safe from detection inside the warehouse of course. LASTLY, since I was the GENIUS who found out the locations of the talismans they sent ME ALONE to retrieve them instead of Jackie!

You know the martial artist with damn plot armor! *gulp gulp gulp! thunk!* I am really drinking a lot of coffee these days.

I had already convinced Captain Black that 'magic' was real my first day here by levitating him with my psionics and said I would help locate the Dark Hand's headquarter for him if he helped me. You know the old scratch my baCk I scratch yours deal. So it was simple enough for me to get him to pay for all my expenses, and provide a group of agents to assist me. Needless to say they were skeptical of me till I launched one particular idiot into a swimming pool with a well placed TK punch.

They had me flying around nonstop across the world to retrieve the pig, ox, horse and rabbit talisman. Ox was easy, I had requested a team of agents from section 13 and just broke into El Toro's house and took the talisman from him. The pig was easy enough, found the town and broke into the clock tower and ran off with the talisman in the DEad of night. The rabbit was a bit harder as I had to wait for the turtle tortoise whatever to show up at the facility it was being moved to and had section 13 do a information crack down on its discovery before the Dark Hand heard about it. The horse actually took me trying out the chi locator spell I had to find it, since it was located in the middle of a snow capped mountain in Tibet.

The retrieval was pretty smooth to be honest. Jackie meanwhile recovered the snake from New York after losing it earlier. So with that we had a total of 7 of the 12 talismans in our possession. Man, I am going to have to actually locate Shendu's palace so I can steal the oni mask don't I? fuuu-.

Anyways after retrieving the rabbit I finally got home and had some free time for myself and now I am here doing this log.

Shit I basically did a log for world two didn't I? crap, now this is going to be out of order and drive me nuts! *sigh* *sipping sounds*

Oh well might as well keep going rather not do this over again or go back to work.

Hmmm, let's see, Log 2 ended with me reaching the Kanto region.

The journey through to Kanto was relatively short considering I had a car to use compared to Ash and his godly walking speed. Honestly, I have no idea how he manages to travel through the entire region in less than a year. Ok I might bee exaggerating a bit, but the distance between towns is a bit large, still walkable within a reasonable time frame but still large for a couch potato like myself who barely walked long distances at all.

Along the way I got to know Blaze better with him sitting in the passenger side of the car and just doing some idol talk. Apparently he had some built in interests and dislikes already despite having no memories. He liked setting things on fire, eating meat over a campfire, sunsets, and practicing his fire moves. Yeahhhh, he's a bit of a pyromaniac but I think that is normal for fire pokemon in general? at least all the ones I talked to seem to share a love for pyrotechnics. He disliked the ocean, rain, vegetables, and KFC despite not knowing what exactly it was. I think I was trolling myself there.

While I did manage to avoid most law enforcement and trianers I did sometimes purposely encounter them for a few reasons, officer jennies to siphon their fuel tanks, trainers for their supplies, some of it at least, money, and combat experience for Blaze. Other than that I tried to steer clear of people as best as a I could when I can. I did stop in town a few times for a short while to buy some stuff before quickly leaving. I also stopped by Lavender town to visit the haunted tower and stayed with the ghost pokemons there for a while.

I made quick friends with the ghastly, huanter and gengar living there as it was nice to just relax and play around as they did not care I was a criminal and no law enforcements came near the tower. I have to admit though they scared the crap out of me when I first met them before I convinced them that I wanted to play as well. They were surprised that I could understand them. Blaze got a full lick attack from haunter beforehand and ended up in a fetal position for a while mumbling about I am not KFC over and over again. hahahaha. silly Blaze.

*slurp* Damn, out of coffee, be right back got to get more. *shuuk* *sounds of footsteps fading out*

*silence* *footsteps sounds getting louder*

*thunk thunk*

Alright got my coffee and a few snacks and still have plenty of time till I need to sleep.

I stayed with the ghost trio as I started calling them back then, I named them Moe, Curly, and Larry. I really had a blast with them just indulging in my inner child and bonded pretty well with them and Blaze a bit more. There was one happy side effect from me staying with them. They apparently could sense Darkrai and his nightmare attacks on me so while gengar Larry and ghastly moe drove him off every night, haunter used dream eater to take away the nightmares.

When I found out about that the first time I think I might have been the first human in history to nearly kill a ghost with a hug.

So my stay with them was very good for my mental health. I took the time to also train in my psionic abilities both telekinesis and telepathy by turning it into a game with the pokemons. I managed to increase my contorl and strength by a noticeable amount during my stay. By the time I felt it was time for me to go I managed to convince the three to join me in my adventures when I confided in them about my origin. They all agreed to journey with me and entered three pokeball I had with no fuss.

I then made my way over to Saffron city which contained the Saffron gym and a largest gathering of psychics that I knew of in that world. The gym leader Sabrina was a very strong psychic.

I did remember that she was kind of crazy and that she was healed via laugh attack by Curly. That was one strange pokemon episode.


I seth up in a clearing just outside of the city as I really did not want to get the local law enforcement on my ass. I decided to go in disguisee and head towards the gym.

It was surprisingly easy for me to gain entrance to the gym and to meet the gym leader. So I pulled off the canon move I remembered. I released Curly behind me for him to turn invisible before I entered the gym room and challenged Sabrina to a gym battle. I let her release her kadabra and let out Larry to deal with him while Curly did his magic and made Sabrina laugh.

Sabrina's weird dad showed up as Sabrina started laughing and was shocked by it. The weird doll thing she had next to her faded away and I was declared the winner. The two of them and the newly released mom thanked me for the help and I asked them to train me in my psionic abilities and not to inform the authorities. They were shocked that I was a psionic as strong as Sabrina when she was young, was agreeable to the thought of hiding me, and was glad to train me. Well mostly Sabrina trained me and I was not oblivious to miss her blushing around me during training.

I stayed with them for about 3 years which was when they considered my ability to be at a acceptable level and that the only thing that could help me from now on was time, practice, and experience. I did manage to wrangle the ability to teleport from Sabrina's dad, but only the way to learn it. I actually couldn't get it down during my three yearsth with them. That move is hard and requires a lot of psychic power, says a lot about the dad considering it seems like he uses it wily nily and doesn't seem to show any strain. That is one scary old man, plus the way he looked at me when he saw Sabrina looking at me. *shaking sounds* *sips coffee*

Damn, angry dads be scary even a dimension away. Sabrina was a nice enough girl, but I could not in good conscience start a relationship with her as I intended to leave and she had too much to go for her here in that world. We did keep in contact on our pokegears though. On the plus side though they did help me catch a new pokemon for my teamh. A hypno I named Jango to be exact. He's a quiet guy who doesn't like to talk to much and likes to sleep a lot.

I had less than seven years left in that world so I decided to travel around and look for a pokemon to add to make a full set of six. I did consider searching for legendaries but had no real idea on how to find them. Plus it might doom the world if I caught something like Rayquaza which protected the planet from meteorites and asteroids. So I just wandered around the Kanto region and just let fortune take me where it goes. I did start encountering the Jenny's again which my car was thankful for. I eventually ran into a very angry Onix which I subsequently beat up personally with Larry's help and captured him.

I named him Solid Snake. Yes, I KNOW. I spent the entirety of my time left battling and exploring to help my pokemon evolve and to pad out my backpack with useful items which I hoped would come with me to the next jump and trying to figure out how to make their technology. I did get into the occasional adventure but nothing major like Ash did, mostly robbers and criminals and bounty hunters as well with the occasional helping out a local community.

By the end of the ten years I had one mega blazikin, three Mega Gengars, one hypno, one mega steelix, and a backpack full of the following

1. 3 of every commercial pokeball
2. 3 of every potion/item/berry
3. hm/tm machines
4. rare minerals for trade
5. supplies
6. basic weapons and armor
7. a few books on their technology

It was a bit of a tight fit and almost didn't manage to fit it all in there but I managed.

I felt a timer click in my head when it was about a month before it was time for me to leave so I packed everything else and said my good byes to people and waiTed in a secluded area for the timer to run out. When it finally did I kind of wish it hadn't. Remember how I said that I started this jump with a point blank thunderclap in my face?

Well guess what came back for round two. My vision whited out before blacking out and my ears went on strike and I felt myself go flying.

Next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to the sight and sounds of Uncle whacking Jackie's head and telling him he would be late for his expedition before turning to me screaming for tea.

That is how I ended my very first jump and ended up in my second.

Wow, that was a pretty dAmn long log if I dare say so myself. *GULP*

I think I am done for today, going to turn in now and get some shut eye.

Think I will start up daily logs or maybe semi annual logs for current jumps now since I already started.

Wish me luck.

This is the end of Log 3, Jumper Owen signing off.
AN: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!! *Falls asleep on laptop* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Log 4: Finally Caught Up To Myself and....Oh What Did I Do!?
Log 4: Finally Caught Up To Myself and....Oh What Did I Do!?
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 46 Days, 4 Hours, 57 Seconds
Location: Warehouse
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

One week since my last log. I should be able to finish up catching up with my journey with this one at least. *Yawn* You know, after taking 4 ranks in endurance for my body mod I thought I wouldn't have to deal with fatigue anymore. gusss I was wrong. *yawn* *sipping sounds*

Alright just to keep some consistency let me log what I have done for the past week. Nothing, absolutely nothing. No new talismans, no villain attacks, no shadowkhans, nothing. just uncle making me work work work work work work. I never thought I would get bored with dull monotonous labor, but here it is I AM SO DAMN BORED!!

*sigh* Almost makes me want to taunt Murphy so something will happen.

Now to finish up my log for now. I began this jump with Uncle screaming at me for tea. Now at the time I had absolutely no idea how to do tea besides place bag in water and wait. So I fell on a good old standard procedure, nod and say yes to whatever they are saying then walk away. Luckily Uncle seem to bought it but Murphy knocked at that point, hard.

You have to remember I did not start this jumpchain as a native, I came in as a drop in. So I had no idea what to expect when I got my origin memories, also plus its been 10 years since I started and I never really thought about origin memories so I pretty forgot when you also include that I lose the memories from the CP shopping as well.

So in summary I was completely taken by surprise and pretty much screamed in pain as over 40 years of memories suddenly entered my mind like a wrecking ball. I am so glad Jackie had already left the shop or else I might have derailed the talisman plot line.

I remember bashing my head into the shop counter, smashing my fist into it as well, anything to make the pain lessen even if it mean inflicting other pains to focus on. I remember Uncle yelling at me asking what was wrong and trying to stop me from hurting myself. *sips* I am going to be honest here, I really do not want to go through that kind of pain ever again, I am not ashamed to admit that I cried like a little damn girl as my mind tried to reconcile two entire lifetimes of different memories.

I am not sure if the memory was suppose to enter my mind like that or if it was a quirk of it being my first time and not being prepared for it, but I seriously hope it is the former. if not then I might seriously consider never taking a origin again. Who knows I might end up in the middle of a combat situation while undergoing that pain again. I hope the next jump has a anti pain perk or something. *gulps* ahhhh. Section 13 has some good coffee.

I didn't black out though despite how much I wanted to. It felt like hours but was only three minutes until the pain subsided and I realized that I was lying face down on the wooden shop floor with Uncle trying to lift me up.

When I saw Uncle's face I immediately had two thoughts going simultaneously in my head master and uncle. My mind was still trying to process the two set of memories and I was losing my self a bit to the memories. At this time I am 32 years old mentally with less than 32 years of memories suddenly receiving a full 43 years of memory even the ones of me being a baby which was very, very boring as I was apparently a orphan child in this life before being picked up by Uncle.

Getting off track, anyways when I realized I was starting to mix up my memories and my sense of self, I panicked. I grabbed a piece of paper and tried to start writing out my thoughts but my hands were shaking too damn much to write out anything legible and I had this need to write out my thoughts immediately. I told uncle that I needed to do something and would explain to him later and I ran into Jackie's room. My memories included me cleaning Jackie's room whenever he left on a adventure and I remembered that he had a address book. my idea at the time was to get captain black's number, yes I still remembered things like captain blacks name despite the ten year of animelessness. I found his number in the book and called it.

now I obviously knew that it would not be black's section 13 phone number, but I was hoping that he still kept a separate personal phone on him and still answered it. since it was in the phone book it hopefully was still in use.

I waited nervously for the dial tone to end and for someone to pick up. after the third ring someone did pick up. I asked if he was captain black and he asked me how did I get this number and I replied with Jackie, section 13, dark hand. At that point the line went silent before captain black asked me who the hell I was. at that point I knew I had his attention and that he was most likely trying to figure out where I was calling from.

I asked him to confirm his first name to make sure that he really was captain black. When he answered George I told him that he was not captain black and that I was going to hang up. At that point he said Augustus and I replied it was nice to meet him and that I was uncle's rare finds and that I would be waiting for him in front.

I quickly went downstairs passing uncle and told him that I would be back soon with answers and immediately saw a black van pulling out in front of the shop before I got in the van when the side door open and telling the men to go quickly.

Now in hindsight it was a very dumb thing to do considering I forgot to check if they were really section 13 agents. They quickly took me to the hidden elevator phonebooth entrance and escorted me to captain black. I then told him I would like to make a deal with him, information on the Dark Hand in exchange for support for Jackie and a laptop with a recorder program.

He looked confused before I started telling him everything that I knew about the Dark hand and where they would currently be, which included the fact that they would be watching Jackie on his latest expedition. They immediately started rushing out of the base while one of the agents led me to their R and D labs to speak with a scientist named Spengler.

He told me that they did have a program that I was asking for but it was still in development so there are a few bugs in it. Apparently, it was meant for agents to quickly write up reports but then funding got diverted for better gadgets. Which was understandable from my point of view. I told him it was fine and to just give me the laptop already. bit rude I suppose but my headache at the time was still reminding me of its presence.

I quickly apologized and thanked him before getting someone to escort me back to uncle's and got a phone with a line to section 13. After I returned I apologized to uncle and told him I was almost done before running to my room, locking the door, and opening a warehouse door with my locked room door with the warehouse key that was hanging on my neck. I grabbed a pot of coffee that was in my room, still warm, and entered my warehouse. I saw my stuff all piled in one corner of the room and the stasis pods in another.

At that point it time I started my logs and made a separate hidden log about my life before the jumpchain started to document as much of my old self before I loose it to the memories and experiences I will get from the later jumps. *sips* The coffee really help take the edge off of me and calm the headache.

Let's see what else I gotta include. Ah, I did sit Uncle down for a talk after the first log and explained to him my situation. I shoed him my warehouse as proof.

Uncle asked me a lot of questions, most of which I had no real answers for. Questions like was the in universe me ever existed or was I just created and the memories placed in everyone, or the question of what happens to my body when my ten years are up or if my apprentice was real did you just kill him and take his place?

These are questions I had no answers for him and told him so, even now I still don't have a answer and am still thinking about.

I did explain to him though the various dangers and threats to the world and his family before we turned in for the night. Uncle did decide to continue to let me stay and teach me in the hopes that once I leave that his apprentice will return and remember what I did in his body. Of course with that said Uncle is now watching me like a hawk and won't let me do anything that would threaten his apprentice's life or make him go crazy or be wracked with guilt.

So on that cheery note I think I will stop the log here as I am all caught up to my current time.

This is jumper owen logging off.

Once I turned off the laptop I leaned back in my chair and gave a sigh. I was finally done. I closed my eyes and at that point I was smacked in the face by a sheet of paper.

AN: will probably do a 1st person view next
Log 5.1: ......Chores, Errands, Uncle.
Log 5.1: ......Chores, Errands, Uncle.
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 46 Days, 5 Hours, 23 Seconds
Location: Warehouse
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

I froze. Why the fudge did a piece of paper FLY INTO MY FACE!? The whole warehouse has no air circulation and the warehouse door is opened to my locked room in Uncle's shop, which had no open window. So how the hell did a piece of paper fly and why the hell was it so damn hard and heavy!? It feels like there is a brick towel sitting on my face!

I slowly reached up to my face and peeled the paper off and took a close look at it. The back was blank while the front was.....swirly. Like literally the whole of one side of the page was covered in geometric swirls composed of what I swear are actual jewels. It was actually starting to make my eyes water, at least until the swirls started...swirling around and started forming words.

'Hi me.'

Of course it was from me and knowing me it probably means trouble for me or I am in trouble, and if ROB me was in trouble, I was certainly in trouble.

'I Know what you are thinking and no you are not in trouble, not really. It's just that....well to be blunt you are a bit boring to watch right now. Remember you are here to entertain jump chan AKA me. I kinda thought this would be a bit more entertaining watch considering how many beings seem to do this. Now I am not going to end your jump for being boring considering you barely started, but mind doing some shenanigans from time to time? Other than that mind sending me the oni mask with the tentacle slime monster shadowkhans? Didn't pick that up the first time there and am not really too interested in heading back only to grab that, even if it does give me a full set, just toss it in the warehouse and I'll pick it up. Thanks!'

With that last word the message swallowed itself up and disappeared without a trace.

I scratched my head.

'Shenanigans huh?' I thought to myself. If it was one problem I had that I did not mind admitting, it was that I lacked the ability to think of funny things to do. Normally, I go too far whenever I try and wind promising myself never to do so again. Also, another problem was who do I do this to. Obviously the bad guys for one but I didn't exactly know where they are.... Wait a second, I could use a locator spell! I'll need ask Jackie to bring back one of the goon squad's shirt or something.

The Shadowkahn mask was a easy enough thing to do, plus I should really do that soon before Tarakudo wakes up by accident or something cause of Jade. Jade really was a trouble magnet, I probably should have included mentioning her in my log huh. Man, she really is stealthy for a kid, I keep forgetting about her and she keeps sneaking up on me when I am working on chi spells, luckily she believed that I was a herbal pharmacist in training.

I suddenly snap my fingers as a thought came to me randomly. I completely forgot to include my CP list in the log!

I quickly reopened my log program and edited in the list to the end of the latest log.

Origin: Chi Wizard Apprentice
Age: 43
Gender: Male

Uncle’s Rare Finds

Everyone is doing it
We must do research
magic must defeat magic
Experience(chi magic)

Research and reagents
dog talisman

Bad Day Bad Day Bad Day Bad Day!
one more thing

There with that the log is complete. I should really get back to my room now and get some sleep, though I guess I could do some cleaning. It's absolutely amazing how much dust the shop accumulates per day. I swear the dust is being conjured or something after I finish dusting the place.

At that last thought a ghostly green floating head of Uncle floated in front of me before forming a ghostly hand and chopping at my forehead with his hand.





'Yes, yes Uncle!' I thought quickly at thought!Uncle before he smacked me again.

I sighed, this complication is annoying, but the points are worth it, I repeated to myself.

I pray to myself to nothing bad happens when I am taking Jade to school. Bad things happening to me I could take, but if something happened to a kid I would be devastated.

With that last thought I stepped out of my warehouse and began working in the dead of night cleaning up my master's home.
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 46 Days, 7 Hours, 23 Seconds
Location: Uncle's Shop
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

I hummed a quiet little tune as I dusted some of Master's antiques. I had already finished making Jade's lunch, double checked the way to her school, woke Jade up to get her ready for school, and set up a pot of tea for Master. I stopped my dusting as a thought came to me. I had the bad day drawback and the fact was there hasn't been anything bad happening since I got here. Well, unless you count me getting sent out to retrieve some of the talismans instead of Jackie but that wasn't actually bad enough to count as a drawback.

The, there was also the fact that I was going to be in the close proximity of Jade for at least half a hour, the Detective Conan of this universe AKA trouble magnet, and that was basically a guarantee that something big was going to happen. Maybe, I should prepare for a all out demon war or something......yeah I probably should get ready.

With that last thought I headed towards the back where Master had his workshop and more magical items located. I located the talisman box and deactivated the chi spell defenses around the box before taking the talismans inside.

Let's see, I had the rooster, ox, rabbit, dog, snake, pig, and horse. Hmmmm, time to pull a Jade, the niece, not the stone. I took the rooster and rabbit talismans and dropped them in a pair of steel toed work boots. Then, next came the snake, ox, horse and dog which I duct taped on my stomach before wrapping around my stomach with bandages. That one is going to sting later when I remove it. Lastly, I grabbed my dried lizard chi shield and inflatable dried puffer fish chi gun, standard fare for a chi wizard. Hmmm, I searched a few cabinets and grabbed a few anti shadowkhan sealing tags Uncle and I made to banish them with. Perfect.

Next the mundane stuff. I head to my room upstairs and lock the door. I then opened up my warehouse and then dug around for my previous jump stuff. I really should organize this mess sometime. It took me a few minutes but I managed to find what I was looking for, a Kevlar vest and my old silenced pistol. I managed to acquire them both from Team Rocket of all people when they tried to rob me when they encountered me in Kanto. Emphasis on tried. The vest still fits snugly and the pistol as still loaded and I had a couple clips left which I placed tied to my legs. Now a baggy shirt with a thick jacket and a pair of cargo pants and my preparations are complete.

I am now armed to the teeth both magically and mundanely and ready to take my Master's second great grandchild to I should ridiculous. I hope I don't get arrested for carrying this stuff, that would be embarrassing. It would be even more embarrassing if nothing actually happened and I prepared all this for nothing.

I stepped out of my warehouse, secured my warehouse key, and headed downstairs to see if Jade was ready to leave.

"Jadeeee! It's almost time to go! Are you ready yet?" I asked loudly.

"YESSSS! I'm ready! God, this is so unfair, I don't want to go to school!" Jade complained. "Why can't I just stay home with you and join you and Jackie on adventures instead of going to boring old school?"

We both walked outside of the shop and got onto my bicycle. I handed Jade a helmet as I replied. "You know why Jade, it is simply too dangerous for a child. Heck, you shouldn't even know about things like this. It was simply bad luck that you got involved with this in the first place." I grimaced as the memory came to mind. It simply really was bad luck that Jade got involved.

Jade was wandering around the shop when the Dark Hand broke into the shop and took her before leaving a ransom notice demanding the rooster talisman. The kidnapping was quick enough that by the time I got out of the back of the shop it was too late as they were already in a black van. Jade was extremely lucky that I had started the locator spell for the talisman and was able to alter it to track her down with a jacket I took from her room.

I had managed to reach her location and sneak above her location at a abandoned fish cannery and sneak her out with the rooster talisman lifting her through a skylight. Needless to say
Master was not pleased and Jade was informed of what was going on for her own safety. It was hoped it would make her more cautious but instead it just made her eager to get involved.
---Flashback End---

"So? I can handle myself! I've been learning kung fu from Uncle Jackie!" Jade said as she did some chopping motions with sound effects on the back of the bike as we rode down the street.

"Jade, this is not some kind of game or cartoon, the people who kidnapped you are from a real international criminal organization that has no problem with killing people. They will not hesitate to hurt a child if it gets them what they want. You were very lucky that they only wanted to use you as a hostage, they could have done much worse." I explained to the now hopefully pale faced Jade.

"Well, yeah.....but if I do get in trouble you or Uncle Jackie will save me right Apprentice?" Jade asked in a small voice as she said what people now called me in this universe due to my Name? Perk.

"Duh, idiot, but the point is that we shouldn't even be needed to save you from anything at all." I pointed out forcefully.

"Seriously, Jade just don't get involved and keep yourself safe. This will all be over soon and they will not come after you again. IF they do they will not get another chance." I growled out that last part under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing~" I sang out as the school came into view. It seemed like I was going to be able to drop off Jade without problems after all. I rode into the front gate and stopped by the kid's bike rack. A bunch of children and adults were looking at me and Jade as no one had seen me before taking Jade to school.

"Alright Jade, off you go." I said as Jade dropped off the bicycle.

"Thanks, are you picking me up today?"

"Yeah, probably." I replied as I scratched my head after taking off my helmet, damn the thing itches, better check for lice when I get back.

"Alright see ya," Jade said as she entered the school.

I got back onto my bike and started pedaling home

'whew looks like today is going to be a' I trailed off in thought as I noticed the sound of a very fast car closing in. I quickly took a look back and spotted a black van bearing down on me and the face of one of Valmont's goons at the wheel.

"Oh shit!" I screamed as I started pedaling faster and channeled the rabbit talisman a bit just enough to outpace the van so I did not lose control of the bike and hit pedestrians.

Speaking of said pedestrians. "OUT OF THE WAY!!" I repeatedly yelled out ahead of me to the people on the sidewalk.

I immediately went into a alleyway and led the van on a merry chase through the city towards the harbor, away from the public.

By the time I reached the harbor and entered a empty pier the bike gave up the ghost and a wheel went flat. I quickly got off to not ruin the bike and turned to see the van stop and let off the goon squad.

However, it got worse, behind the three stooges stood Tohru and Hak Foo. Then, it got even worse as from behind them their shadows disgorged a bunch of shadowkahn who surrounded me.

"You sure led us around old man, but now you got nowhere to go, give up the talisman and we might let you live." The redheaded one said.

I noticed that he only said talisman so he thought I only had one, I eyed Tohru and noticed he had the talisman tracker from the show in his hands. Hah, it only showed direction and not the numbers.

'Hmmmmm, I could use that myself....' I thought as a very greedy evil smile came onto my face. The others noticed that and frowned.

"Hey, what are you smiling for old man? If you haven't noticed you're outnumbered 30 to 1 and simply" at that last word the three stooges pulled out a silver handle from their coats which extended into batons which then started sparkling with golden energy while the shadowkhan pulled out their own weapons "outmatched."

"Heheheheh, that's where you're wrong kid." I laughed as I pulled out my silenced gun with my right and puffer fish with my left, whose mouth ignited with green chi flames. In addition I readied my psionic powers to form a TK field to redirect any shurikens thrown at my front.

"The only one outmatched here is YOU!" I roared as I activated the rabbit and rooster talisman, letting me soar faster like a speeding bullet. I had already calculated the movements I needed to make to smash into as many shadowkhans as I could in one sweep of my super powered arms and that is exactly what happened as I flew low in a half circle into the chests of around half the shadowkhan present, knocking them into the ocean. A few of them held up their weapons which cut into me as I flew into them but the horse quickly healed those damages.

I slid to a stop with my feet on the ground to give the illusion that I was only using a talisman for super speed.

The three goons looked warily at each other while the Tohru, Hak Foo, and the shadowkhans started closing in to attack me and try to negate my speed. I activated super speed and spun around in a circle while letting loose my chi to rapid fire chi blasts and gun shots. I could not really see but that did not matter as I heard the sounds of my shots hitting something and then the sound of the wooden pier being drilled through by my heels.

In hindsight spinning around at high speeds on wood was not a good idea as my legs fell through and I ended up stuck at my waist. I would be completely embarrassed as the second part of my bad idea came to bite me, mainly the fact that I was dizzy as hell. I tried to get myself reoriented but before I could do so I felt the cold steel of a blade enter my head and out the back. I quickly froze, let my eyes half close, and let my arms fall limply to my side and let go of my gun and fish.

'Huh, horse does numb the pain.' I thought to myself as the weird feeling of cold steel laid in my head.

I kept my eyes focused ahead of me where my eyes were last and waited for my eyes to refocus under my eyelids and see what the total situation was like.

If what my eyes and ears can tell is right it looks like a shadowkhan threw its katana and somehow managed to accurately pierce my head. Damn, shadowkhans be scary.

"Haha! The old man should've just given us the talisman" One of the goons said.

"Shut up and search his body" A deep voice said, Tohru.

"Wait, possum plays dead! ANGRY CROW TAKES FLIGHT!" A very angry voice yelled. Wait, angry crow takes flight? OH SHIT!!

I blazed into action, stopped playing dead, grabbed my weapons, and tossed myself into the air via physical strength, psionics, and talisman powers.

I flew like a rocket into the air with a sword in my head. Speaking of which I grip the sword blade with my pinkie and thumb not occupied holding my fish and quickly pull it out and drop it. I see Hak Foo below me staring dumbstruck at my aerial form. I sped towards him and at the last moment circle to his back and kick him lightly to the ground. He smashed into it back first leaving a impressive impression in the ground.

All of the remaining enemies stared at my flying form and I took advantage of that fact by putting away my gun, taking out a stack of anti shadowkhan tags (which I probably should have used in the beginning but to be honest I had forgotten about), and tossing them at them at super speed. The shadowkhan tried to dodge but unfortunately for them the tags had a AOE effect and managed to catch them in its blast radius. Their forms dissipated when their bodies encountered the flash bang like energy effect that covered the pier. All that remained now was the 4 humans, all of whom were pale.

I quickly floated back down to the pier, put away my blowfish while taking out my gun, and quickly reloaded with super speed.

"Alright you guys, nobody move and none of you's will end up sleeping with the fishes tonight." I growled out as I pointed my gun at the four who dropped their weapons and put their hands up.

"Now, it's time for us to have a little talk don't you think." I asked rhetorically as I just had a great idea to deal with the problems in this jump once and for all.

AN: How's the combat scene?
Log 7: Get The Hell Out Of My Jump! Oh, and minions and plans.
Log 7: Get The Hell Out Of My Jump! Oh, and minions and plans.
Current Time of Journey: 10 Years, 46 Days, 8 Hours, 47 Seconds
Location: Abandoned Pier
Current Universe: Jackie Chan Adventures
Number or Jumps Completed: 1

I had the five main cast of the enemy at the end of my gun. Hak Foo was immobilized by what I think is a broken or bruised spine considering he was still alive but not moving. Healable. Tohru, Finn, Ratso, and Chow were all tied up in the middle of the docks. This was the perfect opportunity for me to deal with Shendu, the main thing that was keeping me from just ending everything bad in this jump was the simple fact that I had no idea where the hell the demon was. Now I had five people who knew exactly where it is. However, what should I do with them after I get Shendu's location? Should I kill them? No. That is not who I am, I am not a cold blooded killer. I dredge up my memories of these five and try to remember just why they became henchmen and I had an idea on what to do with them.

I pulled out my cell phone with my free hand and hit the speed dial for Section 13. The other end of the line instantly picked up and a male voice answered.

"Who is this." The voice asked rudely.

"Owen, special consultant for Section 13, tell Captain Black that I have The Dark Hand's head enforcers captured and ready for pick up at uhhh...." I quickly looked around for a recognizable landmark and noticed a storefront in the distance.

"I am on a abandoned pier by Uncle Tom's Fish Market by the Golden Gate Bridge."

"Understood sir, we will be arriving shortly." The man's voice replied quickly.

I hanged up the phone, put it in my pocket, and walked closer to the prisoners.

"What do you want? You already caught us so just take us to jail already" Finn said without raising his head from staring at the floor.

"Oh no Finn you are not going to jail, you and your buddies are going to go to a very special cell that no one will ever know about." Finn looked up at me in shock that I knew his name despite not meeting him before.

"That's right Finn, I know about you and your buddies too, Ratso, Chow, Tohru, Hak Foo." With each name said they raised their head up to me in surprise.

"I also know about your.....circumstances and how you ended up where you are. and. what. you. want." With those last words I looked into the eyes of each one of my captives.

"Wealth, fame, comforts, family, and power. That is what each of you want and something I can possibly give you, if you help me" I say while lowering my gun towards the ground and turned to my first targets.

"Finn, Ratso, Chow I can offer you a way to be free from jail or at the very least a way to keep you from getting life in prison. Also, I can get you a job where you can make quite a lot of money, glory, and perhaps even set yourself up in comfort for the rest of your life."

I turned to face the next one. "Tohru, I can offer you a way to genuinely and legally make your favorite person proud of you without needing to hide the truth."

Lastly, I moved over to the prone body and looked down at his eyes full or curiosity. "Hak Foo, I can heal your spine and offer you this, a endless amount of powerful opponents and the chance to gain power beyond your current imagination."

"I only ask one thing from you, where is Valmont and the demon statue Shendu. Answer if you accept my deal." I said in a grave tone of voice.

Needless to say compared to going to jail forever and the chance of getting out of life in prison they accepted my deal.

By the time the Section 13 black vans came by I already finalized my plans for the five men I captured. I loaded them all into one van and took the passenger seat for the ride back to Section 13. On the way back I thought back to my fight on the pier and realized I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I simply tossed the chi tags earlier and smashed Hak Foo with a super speed ox powered punch. I could have saved so much time if I didn't bother trying to take out the shadowkahns in melee and probably could have avoided the sword in the head......goddammit.

We entered the underground base via a parking garage located nearby and a hidden retractable vehicle ramp. The prisoners were unloaded and placed into cells. I healed Hak Foo when he was placed in his and went to find Captain Black.

I asked a agent and was led to the Captain's office where he was working.

"Good work Apprentice. Now that you captured the Dark Hand's enforcers we can finally take down Valmont when we get his location from them" Black said.

"No need, I already got the information on Valmont's location, but I do need something from you though Captain" I asked.

"What is it?"

"A plea bargain basically for the prisoners."

"What? You can't be serious, do you have any idea what these men have done!"

"Yes, and I also know why they went into crime and that they can be redeemed or at least payback for their crimes."

"And just how do you know all this? You never did explain just where all your information came from Apprentice, and I only held off because you gave us credible information on the Dark Hand and proved you have supernatural powers. Are you telling me you can read minds now or see into the past?"

"I can't read minds Captain, or see into the past, I cannot tell you where my information came from because if you mentioned it to your superiors you would be sent to a mental asylum, heck even telling them what you know about my abilities would already make them consider sending you to the funny house. Seriously, Captain just drop it, this is basically the last of my information I have on the Dark Hand anyways, everything else is on things related to end of the world events which you can only help in terms of providing transport and security."

Captain Black frowned at my words as he processed everything he heard and drew whatever conclusions that he could.

"End of the world events?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes, things you cannot really help with since it mostly involves magically tracking down items and then just recovering it and locking it up in a safe place."

"Magic? You can't be serious." Black said in exasperation with his arms crossed.

"Really? You would believe in telekenisis and supernatural things but not magic?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, hey I didn't know I could do that, must be the new body. Oh wait I'm talking.

"Mmmmm, point, but seriously I guess I can understand why you said my superiors would send me to the men in whites if I told them about this huh."

"Yeah, well anyways, the big guy is giant mommas boy that just wants to make her proud and not worry about him, the muscle guy with the giant red hair just wants to get stronger, while the three stooges just want what most guys want wealth, fame, and luxuries. Now for the first one I am not too sure what we can offer him besides a legal job with a probationary period, for the muscle guy he is basically a mercenary martial artist and I can easily afford his services while for the three stooges I can also offer the same. So I guess in short I take the four off of your hands and employ them as my assistants under my watch, while the last guy Tohru will be hired in Uncle's shop where I can also watch him. Hmmm, this is going to be a bit cramped."

"In exchange for basically keeping them out of jail and on probation you will basically get the entirety of the Dark Hand criminal enterprise. Especially because the four main enforcers will gladly blab about their boss if they can see I can keep them out of jail as they will believe in my promises."

Captain Black looked extremely conflicted as he placed his hand on his chin and thought long and hard about my words.

"Fine, as long as we can get Valmont and take down his criminal organization a few lackeys being placed on strict probation is not too large a price. BUT! They will be placed under observation by Section 13's agents while they are on probation until they show they can be trusted to behave themselves. I know you can handle whatever they do thanks to your abilities but Jackie is my friend and you are asking to place criminals in his home."

"That's fine, I'll talk Master into this too so don't worry about him." I said.

With our talk finished I left Black's office and headed towards the jail block. I stood in front of the five cells where the five men were all staring at me with curiosity and wariness in their eyes.

"Well, you guys aren't going to jail."

"You mean-" "We're-" "free to go!?" The three stooges said one after another with the other two looking with wide eyes.

"Yep! There are just a few conditions of course. One Tohru, you will get a legal job working for my Master at his antique store, two all of you are placed under watched observation until you show you can be trusted, three you three will work for me as my assistants to assist in me in my endeavors, and fourth Hak Foo you will be hired as my personal bodyguard in said endeavors."

"What!" The five of them yelled.

"Well unless you rather go to a maximum security prison for the rest of your life with absolutely no chance of parol...Heck the only reason the big wigs accepted this deal for you was because I asked for it and that it would let you pay your debt to society. Besides its not so bad, you'll all get what you want from this. Promise."

Man trying to be convincing is hard, those fanfics and animes make it look so much easier. I am talking out the seat of pants right now.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm taking the deal, I can't go to jail, I'm too young for that." "We'll take the deal too!" Well the three stooges agreed, now how about the other two.

Hak Foo crossed his arms and looked at me with intense eyes.

"Are you serious about me becoming stronger and facing strong enemies?"


"Then, I accept your deal little wizard, but if you are lying to me I will have vengeance."

"Lying is for those not strong enough to use the truth. Now what about you Tohru?"

Tohru's face darkens he considers my offer.

"Think about it Tohru, do you really want that person to find out just who your boss really was and what he and you really do? With this they will not hear about your involvement. You can still have a future."

Tohru, raised his head and looked me in the eyes. "I accept."

I smiled "Good, a agent will be here shortly to collect your statements and any information you have, the more you give the better things will be fore you. I'll be back later to pick you guys up."

With that business done I exit the base via the stairs that Jackie always seems to miss and head back to the shop, it was around lunch time now. Man, did all of that only really take a few hours? I entered to find Master at the counter drinking some tea.

"Apprentice! What took you so long to take Jade to school! It is almost time for lunch!" Uncle yelled at me as I got closer.

*Whack* "One more thing! You forgot to call Master and tell him you were going to be late!"
"And one more thing! Do not interrupt your master!"
"And one more thing! That was for not locking the door on your way out! Now what do you have to say for yourself!"

Owww, my head, wait how am I feeling pain? I have the horse talisman on me!

"Owww, Master I was delayed by the forces of evil when they ambushed me outside of Jade's school, I had to lead them away to a abandoned pier so no innocent was caught in the fight and so no one would witness my use of chi spells."

"AIYAH! Apprentice was attacked in broad daylight!? These truly are criminals! Wait, why would you use chi spells mere criminals?" Uncle narrowed his eyes at me behind his glasses.

"Not just criminals, the shadowkhan was there as well, I had to use my stack of chi tags to remove them. After that it was easy for me to subdue the mortal followers. Also, I managed to get from them the location of their mortal and demon masters."

*GASP!* "You know where Shendu is?"

"Yep, and I am going to grab his statue form right now before he sends more shadowkahn."

"AITAH! Idiot apprentice is a idiot, how do you expect to defeat a demon! Magic must defeat magic! Uncle will go and face the demon! But first Master Uncle must do research!"

"No need master, the demon is already defeated and sealed in a statue form with all of his powers long ago by a Hero of China, all I need to do is seal his form in concrete and toss him into the depths of the ocean so none may ever retrieve him nor kill him to release his spirit to plague the mortal world."

Uncle went silent at that information.

"Is this information from your origins?"

"Yes, I am also going to have to ask that I be let off from the shop for a few months while I track down and retrieve several dozen magical artifacts of both good and bad chi. I will be taking the talismans with me as well while I retrieve the rest of the talismans. I managed to acquire the demon's talisman tracker and intend to put it to good use."

Uncle pondered my words for a moment before asking.

"What kinds of artifacts? I remember you speaking about them apprentice, but not in details."

"I will list them: the pan ku box the seal of the other 7 demon sorcerers that used to plague the world, the oni masks of the shadowkahn general tarakudo, each gives control of a tribe of shadowkhan demons when all of the masks are together they will release an army of darkness which will cover the world, the eight artifacts of the eight immortals who defeated the demon sorcerers each containing a fragment of the defeated demon's power, and lastly the book of ages, that I will not retrieve but will instead seal as best as I can to prevent mortal entry. I will be hiding all of these artifacts in my warehouse as none can enter besides me and those I allow, which is arguably safer than anything else this world has especially since I will be leaving this world in nine years."

At that last statement Uncle got quite sad as my current origins was thrown in his face again. I really need to find out what happens after I leave a world.

"Ah yes, Master there are a few more things I must mention, there is a dark chi wizard by the name of Dao Lan Wong somewhere in the state, I will need your help to locate him. He is a very dangerous, knowledgeable, and powerful dark chi practitioner. Also, I have hired the men who used to work for the demon and attacked Jackie as my assistants and as your new shop keeper."

My words caused Uncle's eyes to bug out and he took a deep breath before going on a totally expected tirade and grabbed a nearby newspaper to whack me with.


"Master calm down and let me explain." I said while warding off Uncle's blows.

Uncle stopped hitting me and crossed his arms while tapping his foot.

"Explain quickly before I have to explain to Jackie why idiot apprentice is dead."

"There will only be one ex criminal here, yes ex, he only joined the criminals because they paid well and their boss was in public a very successful businessman and he wanted to make his mother proud. I offered him a chance to start a new life that he would not have to hide from his mother. He is not a really bad guy and is redeemable. Just give him a chance Master, as for the other 4 three of them are merely seeking their fortunes while the last is a mercenary martial artist that merely seeks power. I intend to take those four with me when I leave after showing them that they can still have what they want while working for the light."

Uncle's expression turned worried before turning resigned.

"I hope that you are right with your judgement apprentice, things are just changing so fast and Uncle is not a young man anymore." He said tiredly as he sat down on a chair and grabbed a cup of tea.

"I give permission for you to do what you need to do, but make sure to come back quickly. Uncle will miss his apprentice." He said sadly.

"I'll be back soon Master, I still gotta seal away the demon forever before I leave, and I also gotta pack and be here to greet the new people as well. If you really want me to get back quicker well.....I do need your help master to research the location of the panku box, the location of shendu's palace, and the book of ages as those are in your books. The rest I can locate with a chi spell. Now I gotta go Master, I already have all the talismans on me so I should be back in a few hours, by dinner at the latest."

With that said I turned invisible and flew into the air in the direction of Valmont's tower. Best to get this over with quickly before they realize something is up. I called Captain Black and told him to prepare to assault Valmont's tower and to have a steel container of wet cement ready for me to throw something in. I told him to not question what I asked for and just do it or else his men would be danger. I hanged up at that point as I was hovering above a skyscraper across my destination.

I activated the pig talisman and utilized the thermal vision to locate Valmont. I saw him sitting in thin air so I assume he was at his desk. Huh, what do you know that actually worked. So right behind him on the wall should be Shendu. I picked up my phone and called Black again and asked him if he was ready. He replied that he was just around the corner and was about to storm the building. Damn that was close, they almost tipped off Shendu, I told Black to wait till the falling masonry hit the ground because I was going to make a giant hole in the top of the building and get rid of the ninjas. Lastly, I asked him if the cement was ready and where it was. Black told me the location and that they were all in position now.

With that I started the operation with a bang. I mean that quite literally as I punched my fist through the wall behind Valmont and super speed dug a hole around Shendu before pulling him out by gripping the top of his statue and flying away with pieces of the wall falling down to the streets below.

"What! Who dares to touch me!" Screeched Shendu in his raspy lizard voice. I of course did not answer him and stayed invisible while transporting his statue at super speed to the cement container and pushing him into the middle of it. I then sealed up the container with heat beams from my eyes courtesy of the pig before transporting the box to a volcano in Hawaii to quick dry the cement and then dropping the whole thing into the ocean.

With that done I flew back to Uncle's Shop and immediately went to my room, into my warehouse with my blanket, crawled up into a ball, and fell asleep. What a day. I can ask Captain Black what happened with Valmont tomorrow.


AN: Damn this took forever.
Log 8: This Has Been Very Anti Climatic
Log 8: This Has Been Very Anti Climatic
Current Time of Journey: 20 Years, 6 Days, 22 Hours, 43 Minutes, 47 Seconds
Location: Abandoned Log Cabin
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

Power: On
Status: Working
Video: On
Sound: On
Keyboard: Connected.....On
Mouse Pad: Connected.....On
Battery Status: Full
Date: Updated Recently
Location: Updated Recently
Jumper Log Program 1.3 Fully Operational

Beginning Recording.....

*Image of a unidentified young man appears on the monitor, LOGGING IMAGE AS PERSON #1*


"Dammit all to shit! This arm is annoying, gotta make sure the water didn't get in, these drawbacks are just as annoying. Well, at least I can distract myself with this for now till the rain stops."

"Hmmmm, it's been a while since I last did a log on this thing. I left off on me taking care of Shendu. So I guess I should just sum up what happened in the last nine years. Yeah, that sounds good, no way in hell am I going to recite nine years of boring."

"Wait." *Person #1 looks around.* "Where did I leave my coffee pot? I remember leaving it here on the table............"

*The man stares up at the ceiling with rage on his face*



*Coffee pot appears in front of man. UNIDENTIFIED VOICE DETECTED LOGGING AS VOICE #2*

"Sorry, was just a joke man, chill out~ I added a little surprise to it~"

"What. Did. You. Do."

"Try it and find out, think of it as a little thank you gift for the oni mask last jump. Ciao~"

"....Ciao? I really just said ciao? That is weird."

*Person #1 pours drink into cup* *Sips*

"Oh, that IS nice, uh thanks me? Sorry bout being so.....angry. Couldn't you have just said you were going to make the coffee have painkillers that worked for drawback induced pain?"


"Hmmmm." *Sips*

"Alright, back to what I was going to do I guess? I guess I can start working on my arm while logging....hmmmm how do I go about summarizing this without losing the experience? Oh wait dammit this thing still needs to register me, Cortana, redesignate person #1 and voice #1 to Jumper."

*Designations changed.*

"Eh, whatever I'll just recite the best I can. Since the last log I took Jade to school, got ambushed by the Dark Hand and the shadowkhans. I led them on a chase through the city to an abandoned pier so no one would see the fight or get caught in it. Then, I ended up taking a sword to the head via a lucky throw by a shadowland. Luckily I had equipped all the talismans gathered already which included the dog. I then threw a bunch of chi explosive tags basically which cleared out the pier of the demons then took down the goons with super speed, strength, and a gun. I then tried my hand at being convincing and charismatic and shit and worked? Well at first I wasn't sure. I managed to get Shendu's location from them, got them all a job working for me and kept them from jail. Tohru was sent to work for Uncle like in the show and he ended up doing pretty well for himself and became Uncle's second apprentice alongside me which was nice. His mother though was.....ugh. Hak Foo, Finn, Ratso, and Chow became my assistants and are actually my companions. It seems they liked the fact that they could learn actual magic, go treasure hunting, get good medical benefits, vacation time, immortality, women, and for Hak Foo a chance to become powerful."

"I left for Shendu's place as soon as I finished with the five and setting them up and had Section 13 come by to arrest Valmont and prepare a crate of wet cement to lock Shendu in. I basically ripped Shendu from his wall and tossed him into the box, welded it shut, dried it in a volcano, then tossed him into a random spot in the middle of a the Pacific. I then took my 4 assistants on a year long journey to collect the rest of the talismans, loot Shendu's palace for the oni mask there, loot all the other oni mask, except for one which was take by ROB me, stole the panku box, the demon essence infused weapons of the eight immortals, and sealed up the cave containing the Book of Ages with barriers, seals, and a giant cave in. With all of that done the only thing I had to worry about was Dao Lan Wong the evil chi wizard who was hiding somewhere in California. That took a bit longer since he was well shielded against detection, but he forgot to disguise his damn house. It took me about a week of flying around looking at houses till I saw one that matched what I remembered. After that it was easy for us to take down a unprepared sleeping chi wizard."

"Of course not everything....well NONE of it was smooth sailng thanks to my drawbacks. Glowing Uncle heads reminding me of simple things with whacks to my head, and every destination had something go wrong or show up to bother me. Then, there the giant snakes, giant spiders, *Jumper shudders*, giant bulls....well they were big, almost getting buried in the cave, exploding car washes, dumb assistants almost touching the evil artifacts of doom, and the frequent lost luggages. GOD DAMN YOU AIRPORT GODS!!!!" *Jumper shakes fist towards ceiling*

"I finished everything in just a few months and went back to Uncle's shop where I finished my chi wizard training and started training my assistants in chi magic. Then, I did some side projects of my own to absorb all the talismans whole and a way to take them back out again. Oh man I actually did a lot of projects now that I think about it. Nine years was not a short amount of time by any means. Let's see, might as well just list out everything I made just to save myself the time. Chi magic barriers, chi binding chains, chi battery seals to seal excess chi for future use, talisman battery seals for pseudo talisman use, chi explosive tags, multiplication spells, chi blast spells, stone magic, scrying spells, anti scrying spells, flame blast potion, exorcism spells, flower laser spell, magic disruption spell, levitation spell, feather fall spell, energy potion, blood clot potion, and invisibility potions."

"That last potion I made to sell to Section 13 for a ridiculous sum of money as Black was very happy to buy cloaking for his field agents. With that money I stocked up my warehouse on survival supplies like food, bottle water, tents, construction materials, videos, games, books, clothes, raw materials, electronics, and fuel. Everything I would need to survive in the wild if needed for a prolonged period of time if I end up in a jump with no civilization. I made sure to stock up on as many anime and mangas and cartoons I could get my hands on as it seemed like they all had the same ones that my home did up to this point. These, were going to be very handy for me if I end up in one of those universes. The next thing I did was send my laptop in to Section 13's R and D and asked them to upgrade and improve the Aduio Log Program ALP for short. I basically told them to give it back to me in about nine years and to do the best they can. Needless to say, it is much better now, and I got a new laptop out of it. Apparently, the old one's hardware could not handle the new program which was understandable."

"Of course there was still the issue of what would happen when I left. Would a copy of me be left behind if I never came back? Would the world just forget about me? Unlikely, but anything is possible. So just as a just in case I left a journal of everything I had done in the ten years I was there and the information of a bank account with a large sum of money with Uncle just in case the in universe me was in control. This way he would know what had happened, and get some compensation in money and all the research I did."

"The day before I left the jump we had a large party and I explained my situation to my four assistants and asked if they wanted to come with me. Now say what you will about the three stooges but they sure are a loyal bunch to a good boss which I was and immediately agreed to go. Hak Foo quickly realized what my promise was to him nine years ago really meant and immediately agreed and pledged his loyalty to me forever. I helped them pack up their things and gave them all chi trackers just in case we were separated later."

"Then a few hours later we were gathered in the warehouse just in case when the still annoying as hell thunderclap hit and I went blind, again."

"The landing this time....was better. I woke up back first facing a very pretty and clear blue sky. I immediately noticed a few things as I got up to look around. The heavier than normal metal arm replacing my right and the fact that my hands were shaking like leafs in the damn wind. In fact they are still shaking even now, it is actually very annoying and I am very glad that this is a audio log." *sips*

"I immediately recognized the style of the arm and as such which jump I was in which was the Full Metal Alchemsit jump. I also realized that my head was full of things which I did not know before, mainly science related knowledge of all kinds. I then noticed my assistants lying around me knocked out and coming to. I gave them a few minutes to get over the fact that they were in another world while I searched my body for the paper with my CP purchases. The difference was that this time I had two pieces of paper. One had my CP purchases for this jump and the other had the list of supplements available to me and my purchases."

Starting points: 1000
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Origin: Drop In (Free)
Location: East

Skills& Abilities:
Truth (-800)
Automail limb (-100)

Red Stone (-600)
Advanced automail limb (-100)

Tremor (+300)
Enemy of the state (+300)
Electric -25
Plumbing -25
Heat -25
Internet -50

Royal Bedrooms -200

Royal Bathroom -200

Common Areas
Dining Hall -50
Deluxe Kitchen -150

Maintenance -100

Rooms with a view -25
Infinite Closets -100
Time Controller -50

Maintenance Drones (-15): 200 large floating robots clean/repair
Fueling Station (-20): fuels one dry dock only
Crew (-25): 200 humanoid robots to take any role on ship
Size increase 2 360,000 m^2 (600mx600m)
Engines: FTL engines
Shields: Magic based shields deflect all forms of attack
Cloak: Completely undetectable
40 Turrets 20 plasma, 20 kinetic: automated and infinite ammo
Observation Deck: large room with large glass window 180 degree view outside

Fueling station: Using Crisis Pattern Analysis technology, the explanation of which sounds a lot like someone made it all up on the spot the fueling station will be able to create enough fuel to fully load one ship once per jump. You can load the ship more than once, but the fueling station produces better quality fuel the longer it has to cook, and the fuel tends to be considerably more volatile the newer it is. Load a ship three times in one jump and you'll find yourself very briefly piloting a hundred billion kelvin bomb moving at a fair chunk of lightspeed. Very, very briefly.

Munitions dump: The dream of crazy Americans everywhere, the munitions dump will keep you in bullets and rpgs and charge packs for free. The facility will have no problems using nanoreplicators to manufacture ammunition for any hand weapons you have, though attempting to manufacture anything bigger than 30mm for a hand weapon will cause a massive system crash. It can manufacture munitions for bigger guns, though the more advanced they are the longer the nanoreplicators take. You won’t be able to solve every problem with a thirty minute broadside, especially since the faster the 'replicators work the more likely they are to encounter quantum fluctuations in the pattern field that can lead to instability in the munitions. You probably don't need to be told this is a bad thing. (It's very bad, because they explode randomly. Yes, this includes before being fired.)

Requires raw materials.

Provides ammunition for three vehicles.

Matter Furnace: Matter Furnace (Cost 6 CP): Something like an evil red floating eye the matter furnace isn't quite a singularity, and isn't quite a star either, but it will consume any materials that come within fifteen meters, breaking it down to the point where matter can be harvested by a titanic magnetic projector and reconstituted as whatever raw materials you might require. The more common the element, the easier it is to obtain in quantity.

Provides Raw Materials.

Drop spider: This will one day be the latest and greatest in engineering technology, while unfortunately right now also being proof that a certain dimension traveling someone really can't jailbreak anything properly, at all. The Drop Spider is capable of manufacturing its own parts, it can fly, it can build to standards that will be bleeding edge in roughly four hundred years time and it goes like a stabbed rat. Unfortunately, due to the shoddy job a certain someone did on its programming, it will sometimes glitch out. Badly. In the night you can sometimes hear it screaming. Capable of maintaining all your vehicles, armour, weapons and equipment, while occasionally doing things like trying to replace your bones with a lattice made of bronze statues of Edmund Blackadder half an agstrom high.

What if: Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like if that battle went a little differently? If you had used a different move or been a tiny bit faster? Well now you can, as this option lets you add any being you have fought against before, win or lose, to your library of available opponents. Once you reach the end of a jump, all your past foes from this jump are then added to the library. They are exact copies, so they might have abilities you never knew about.

Spectator Seating: This adds a Colosseum like seating arrangement around your arena, protected by invulnerable force fields, that allow all your companions or other guests to watch you battle. There are viewing screens available for when the arena must expand to huge lengths, and food and drink stands are providedfor no extra charge.

Match Modes: Before, you could only have 1v1 battles, but now, any match mode or battle style you can imagine is possible. Team battles, Horde modes, one against one hundred and so on. More unique matches such as Capture the Flag, Tag or King of the Hill become available for an extra 10cp.

Terrain adjustment: Originally, the arena is a blank, dull and rather brown affair, effectively a dust bowl. With this you can change the terrain, and there are 2 purchase levels.

1st Purchase- Any location naturally found on earth is possible, from Jungles and Deserts to the heart of a volcano. Going further, both Outer Space and even other Planets are valid locations. The weather can also be manipulated, from mere wind and rain, to full on hurricanes and earthquakes. Stellar Phenomena such as meteor showers or black holes may be similarly created.

2nd Purchase- You can now use the location or weather of any of your previous jumps. Want to battle on Holy Terra or in a Warp Storm? The streets of Konohagakure or the Etherwind of Elona? All are fine, so long as you have been to the jump in question, even if you haven't personally experienced the specific location or weather.

"The supplements were a nice surprise, was wondering what was going to happen to my companions if I did not take them with me. Also, HELL YEAH! I GOT A SPACE STATION!! Awesome stuff that, I can't wait to get a spaceship so I can explore it! *coughs* *sips* Ahem, bit too excited there. Anyways, went through the CP list and seems like I am a fugitive from the law this going to be a trend or something? Well, I can definitely say that drawback is extremely annoying since we have been chased across the country side by a passing patrol of Amestrian military into this abandoned cabin in the woods. I just realized what I said and wonder if some kind of horror event is going to happen.....nah, there was no drawback for that."

"Now where was I? I skipped around a bit there. Ah right the perks, seems I now have all the knowledge and ability to do alchemy without a circle like Edward Elric at the cost of my right arm for the duration of this jump. Just wish it didn't also include not being able to completely get rid of the pain as well. Its not a big pain but like a dull one coming from where the automail and flesh meet. I am honestly in awe right now of that kid, no that guy. Anyone that can bear the pain of having the kind of surgery to install this automail without anesthetic without crying out is a man in my book. Honestly, if the pain is like anything I can imagine based on the DULL feeling right now, the actual procedure must feel like Hell. Lastly, I got myself a false philosopher stone and the knowledge on how to make more. I kind of wish I didn't."

"The stone takes dozens of souls just to make one the size of more fingernail with hundreds to thousands needed for one the size of a small gem. The numbers required just growing exponentially for bigger and more powerful stones. If I remember my lore right the souls are still aware and suffering inside the stone and are converted into pure energy to power my alchemy. I would be essentially destroying souls for power. Could I really obliterate a person's existence just for more power?"

"I don't know, and I wonder if there are any souls in the one that I am holding right now considering it was made by the jump. Hmmmm, you know what I am NOT going to think about that.
*sips* Hahhh."

"Well, is there anything else I should mention, it sounds like the rain is dying down out there. Oh yeah, I had the four assistants stay inside the warehouse with me. They were currently enjoying themselves on a kotatsu I got from Japan. Blessed warm things they are. Oh wait looks like Finn was just outside and...oh dear why is he running inside."

"BOSS! We got trouble!" He shouted!

"What kind of trouble!?"

*sound of something whistling through the air and hitting the ground hard*

"Crap Everyone Out! looks like the military found us! I do not want to find out if a damaged door shuts us inside this place forever so out now!"

*Jumper begins running to the open door while grabbing things before suddenly running back to the laptop*

"Oh might as well, this Jumper Owen signing off."

*sounds of gunfire audible*

"Hope, I don't kill the canon cast by accident." *closes the laptop*

AN: .....what the hell did I do? Head so dizzy.
Log 9: The Army and I
Log 9: The Army and I
Current Time of Journey: 20 Years, 7 Days, 1 Hours, 17 Minutes, 20 Seconds
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

You know I really want a nap. I know I don't get physically tired anymore but I still want a nap. I would really rather not run around in a pitch black forest in the middle of the night while being hunted by military guys with guns and explosives. How the hell did they even have access to explosives so quickly? From what I can remember I am in a rural loosely populated area, there shouldn't even BE this many soldiers and explosives to spare to hunt down just me!

I exited the warehouse door, placed the key in my pocket, created a quick earth wall for us to hide behind, then slapping a few tags onto my minions. I slapped on to them all in order: dog, horse, snake, pig, rabbit, and ox.

"Alright guys you temporarily have the talisman powers for strength, speed, healing, immortality, invisibility, and heat vision. Now do NOT get hit on your back as that is where your talisman powers are placed. If they hit it they might destroy the talisman and get rid of a power from you. The power is on a battery so we gotta end this quick, use super speed and invisiblity to get in close and take away their weapons, Finn go find some rope so we can tie these guys up."

Right as I finished saying that and my minions nodded I heard a large boom like a....cannon!

"GO!" I yelled as we ran from behind our cover just as the wall exploded when a cannon ball punched through it clean. What the hell!? Since when does the Amestrian military bring artillery when chasing wanted men! The only explanation that comes to mind is a alchemist and if it is a alchemist then it is probably a state alchemist and the only state alchemist I have seen in the show making and using cannons is.....fuck, my luck can't be that bad.

I ran at super speeds towards the mass of heat I could see and saw that the force sent composed of 4 trucks 20 men and a kid, no wait that is probably Full Metal so that blob of cold should be his brother Al. Shit. They had all of their truck lights on to provide illumination. I quickly closed in on the attacking force by circling around to their side and diving right into the middle of the formation and tossing people lightly into the air with a spin.

Of course lightly is a bit relative since I have super strength. People were flying left and right and in a few seconds everyone was in the air or lying on the ground dizzy. Man, fighting is so much easier with super powered helpers. OF COURSE the Elric brothers would somehow manage to get away from our free flight service. Mainly the fact that Ed somehow managed to predict where my minions were going as made a giant circular pit trap around themselves. My guys like idiots fell or more accurately ran right into the trap. Sigh, ten years of working for me and they still haven't learned.

I moved behind them and gave them a quick look over whiled I decloaked. Edward Elric was really short now that finally meet him in person. He is about 4' 11" I think, has a long red coat, blonde hair tied in a braid with bangs framing his face, black pants, boots, shirt, and white gloves. Alphonse Elric was TALL, his body was a blue suit of armor with a pony tail on the helmet and spikes on his shoulders. The two of them were still in fighting stances ready for anything that might happen.

"Hello" I said normally as I watched the two of them tense up and turn to face me.

"You" Ed snarled at me. I frowned, what the heck did I do to warrant such a reaction.

"What I'd do to warrant such hostilities Full Metal?"

"You know what you did!"

"No, I really don't why don't you remind me."

"You killed everyone in the town of Serraco!"

"If I did do that then how would you know it was even me?" I asked with disbelief in my voice.

"Don't try to play innocent we have a picture of you taken from a camera!"

I shook my head.

"Hey listen, if I was such a cold blooded killer did you really think I would have left any of the soldiers alive instead of I don't just killing them? You already saw my handiwork and I could have easily made such actions lethal. Now why would I do something like this if I really was a murderer?" I try to logic the hell out of this situation.

Al luckily spoke up at this point.

"Brother, he has a point, everyone is still alive, just unconscious."

"But Al, he is a murderer you can't trust anything that he says!"

"Even if I have what you are looking for? A way to retrieve that which was lost?"

At my words the two of them froze and looked at me with shock in their posture.

"Alright guys come out of the hole already I know you guys should be almost at the top. Forget about it Fullmetal we aren't going to fight you."

Right on cue the forms of my minions rapidly exited the hole invisibly since there was no trace but the movement of grasses which ended up behind me before turning visible.

"How did you guys do that!?" The two brothers yelled while getting back into fighting positions. I sighed.

"Brats, you don't need to know, but I do have the information you seek. Meet me where your journey began." With that said I turned invisible with my minions following my cue and following me with thermal vision as I raced off towards the south to find another town or at least a road.

It took less than ten minutes before we reached a road and another 30 minutes before we reached a town. The worst was that my minions were complaining the whole way there about falling for that pit trap. Apparently, they still needed work on the brakes. We set up camp outside of town till morning came at which we had some cash from a gold exchange and had a nice meal before getting a map.

We then started heading towards Resembool, the hometown of the Elric Brothers. My destination? The burned out ruins of their home and the place where the plot began.
AN: Sick, so sick....:(
Log 10: Ooops, I can fix that wall maybe?
Log 10: Ooops, I can fix that wall maybe?
Current Time of Journey: 20 Years, 8 Days, 8 Hours, 15 Minutes, 53 Seconds
Location: Resembool, Former Elric House
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

'You know, in hindsight it was a really stupid idea using super speed the whole way here.' I thought to myself as I sat on a rocking chair outside the front door of Pinako's house.

Little thing I just didn't seem to remember despite savant perk is that people here do not really use cars commonly unless it is a military operation. Most people in this world use wagons, trains, or a good old pair of feet, especially in the rural areas like the one I am in now. Which means that I was stuck waiting here for a good ten days for the brothers to show up, hopefully without a military escort. Well ten days give or take a few days due to potential events based on my calculations and the train schedules.

Me and my henchmen took up residence at Pinako's place in the meantime while we waited. Pinako being the tiny granny with glasses and a ponytail headbun who gave Fullmetal his automail limbs and did the surgery. I paid her in advanced materials such as titanium and alloyed metals for use in better automail which alchemists cannot normally make. The reason I could being thanks to my more modern knowledge of the periodic table, metallurgy knowledge, and the knowledge from the Gate.

She and Winry was suspicious about my group at first especially since she recognized my description from the radio which described me and announced I was a criminal. Heh, Winry tried to clock me in the head with her damn wrench before I used my super speed to grab her arm. Damn, that girl is fast with that thing! However, I managed to convince her I meant her no harm and in fact had the answers the Elric Brothers sought which I was going to give them when they arrived and would probably leave right after.

'Now I just had to find something to do to keep myself occupied for the next ten days. Maybe I should see if I can't get Winry to teach me how to make automail?' I thought to myself as I looked at my shaking metal arm.

"Hey boss?" A voice called out behind me. I turned my head around and saw Finn, Ratso, Chow, and Hak Foo walking to stand in front of me.

"What's up guys?" I asked.

"Well, me and guys have been talking....and me out here guys" Finn trailed off as he rubbed the back of his head looking sheepish.

"We want to go home." Ratso said in his gravelly voice.

I was shocked. "What? Why?" Why would my loyal henchmen want to leave!?

"Well, it's like this boss, at first it was great not going to jail and all, and the adventures we had back home was pretty great too, but we never had to be shot at before you know?" Chow said

"Yeah boss, at first this sounded like a great thing and gotta admit traveling to another world is cool and all but its not really what we want. Remember how you said you could make us rich and famous? Well, this just doesn't seem like it." Finn explained

"Hak Foo, do you feel this way too?" I asked the large man

"....You promised me a fight against stronger enemies, so far we have only ran...." Hak Foo said.

"Well to be fair we have only been here for like a week. I KNOW where the main enemy is and where the strong ones are but I gotta do something first to prepare before we go, because as you are Hak you would die and be devoured literally." I explained to the angry fighting man.


"And as for you three, let me get this straight, you want to be rich, but don't want to get shot at anymore and don't think you can handle continuing on with me?"

"Yep" "Righto" "Yes boss" The three replied

I scratched my head as I wondered what to do. I mean did I really need these three? Well no really I guess but having extra hands was always helpful. However, would it really be right for me to keep them with me if they did not want to be? No, no it would not and I am not a bad person. So with that in mind I quickly came up with an answer.

"Alright, here's what we'll do then, you three will be given the end of this 10 year jump to decide whether or not you really want to quit, if you do I will give you a fond farewell and your severance packages. Said packages being 2 backpacks and two luggage of gold and jewels, along with a stack of a months worth of talisman powers."

"As for you Hak Foo, if you do not get a satisfactory fight by the end of this jump you two can leave with a severance package of a backpack full of diamonds and a years worth of talisman power tags, acceptable everyone?"

The four look between themselves before making sounds of agreements.

"Great, in the meantime you three can just stay here and lay low in this area, you'll be pretty much guaranteed to be safe as long as you do not do any criminal acts as I am the only one wanted and no one saw you guys long enough to identify you especially once you change clothes. So I am going to get you guys some money and then you can just get a job here or something and wait out the jump in comfort."

"Hak Foo in the meantime." I quickly wrote out the main threats of this jump, their abilities, and locations on a piece of paper and handed it to him. "You can study the enemies and see if you can figure out a way to win against them as you are now or if you want to get cybernetic arms."

Hak Foo gave me a strange look when I mentioned automail before going off to study the paper.

In the meantime I asked Pinako where to find a coal yard, traveled there, grabbed a few carts, transmuted them into gold and diamonds, sold them to several pawn shops in several towns, returned back to Resembool, and gave the cash to everyone for their use all within the day. Man super speed is convenient.

The last thing I did for the day was convince Winry to teach me automail which was actually a lot easier then I thought since she was willing to teach someone about the 'greatness of automail!'. Also, I had perfect memory so all I needed to do was memorize all her automail books and notes she had. The only hard part was learning how to do the necessary surgery as I am squeamish about the blood and stuff. Eugh. It did take me a good two days to actually memorize it all but that is a minor problem.

Of course I didn't actually 'learn' it, but I was still passable, but the main thing was I just wasn't smart enough to actually understand everything I was being taught. I was still just a normal person who was nothing special in terms of intelligence. The good thing was that I had everything stored in my head for later when I actually smart enough to figure out what everything meant. For now I could fake being a automail mechanic and do my own maintenance at least. Well, as long as I did not use my hand and used my telekinesis to do the work.

Now what to do with like the remaining week I have? Maybe I should plan some pranks on Winry? Nah, would be a dick move since I am living in her house.

Also, can't really do anything in public or else I might get the military coming down on me. Well, I guess I could go to another town and let loose there, but I am feeling really lazy right now. So what could I do that I don't need to move around? The only thing I can really think of is researching more chi spells and making more talisman tags....Well guess I can do that while watching some anime.


Well, that was a relaxing week for me. I got to know the hosts better and a shikigami I made during my free time saw the brothers getting off at the station. Yay!

I gathered up my stuff, placed it all back in my warehouse, then left for the meeting place.


'You know it's kind of sad that the brothers burned down their old house.' I thought as I sat on a rock I made with alchemy in front of the burned out shell.

I watched with the sun high in the sky as the two brothers walked up the dirt road towards me. Edward looked tense with his face set in a dark frown. Makes sense I suppose, he is coming back to the place of his greatest mistake.

The two stopped in front of me. Ed pointed at me and yelled "Alright, we're here so tell us what you know! And where are your goons? You plan on ambushing us!?" Al just looked at me silently with his metal face.

"Nah, you don't have to worry about them, they quit, well maybe except one, but he is still thinking about working for me." I explained nonchalantly.

Then, I smiled, I always wanted to see what would happen if I did this.

"As for your first question."

I reached behind the stone I was on slowly and pulled out a tied up bundle.

"What's that?" Ed asked confused

"This is the answer you are looking for Ed, how to get your limbs back, how to get Al's body back, where your father is, why he left, the threat to your family, all of it is in here. Catch."

Ed's eyes widened and he stared at my bundle as if it was made of pure diamonds.

I tossed the rectangular bundle at him and watched as he caught it in his arms.

"Go on, open it up." I said eagerly.

Ed glared at me warily before putting down the bundle and pulling on the ribbon on top. The paper wrapping unraveled and Ed and Al saw what was a the very top.

"After all your story is a personal favorite of mines. Go on and take a read." I said with a wide grin as the two brothers stared at the book in front of them.

The bundle was a stack of books with the one on top being the Fullmetal Alchemist Volume One with Ed and Al's picture on it.


AN: You know I never did see anyone give someone in universe the manga collection of their future. I wonder how I am going to go on with this one.
Log 11: Explanations and Angry Shrimp
Log 11: Explanations and Angry Shrimp
Current Time of Journey: 20 Years, 17 Days, 11 Hours, 35 Minutes, 43 Seconds
Location: Resembool, Pinako's house
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

'You know this is actually getting awkward for me.' I thought to myself as I ate my lunch with the Pinakos. It was lunchtime time right now and Winry, Granny, Hak Foo, and I were sitting around the table eating lunch. The Elric Brothers were still in there room since two days ago only coming out for food and water. I assume they are studying every bit of the mangas I gave them. According to them they just got back from dealing with that false Leto priest and that crooked mine military official when they encountered my group.

Both events being shown in the books was enough proof for the two for them to consider that everything else in them was true. There was the obvious initial disbelief of course, along with yelling, and Ed grabbing me by the collar and slamming me into the side of the burned down house. Man, he is actually a lot stronger than he looks, or that was all his automail, either or I guess. He asked me who the hell I was and what the hell is that shit, the mangas. I merely told him that I was someone that wanted to live and that I was going to do what I can to do so. I also told him that I had a potential alternate way for him to get his arm and brother's body back. A philosophers stone, but that I needed him to read the books first as they have the answers he seek and so I didn't have to waste time getting him up to speed.

After that I was virtually dragged to the Pinakos and things have been like this ever since. Me stuck sitting around the house while waiting for the two brothers to finish their research.

"Hey Owen" a voice asked. I raised my head up towards the speaker, it was Winry. She was wearing a very nice looking yellow dress instead of her work clothes. Very cute.

"What's going on? How do you know Ed and Al and what is going on?" Winry asked in a determined tone of voice and a glare. Also, is that the handle of her wrench I see poking out from under the table? What?

"Wellll, not sure how much to tell you, but I guess it wouldn't matter if I told somethings." I hedged.

"I met Ed and Al when a military convoy saw me and my group and tried to arrest or kill us, not sure which, could have been either. The two joined the convoy at some point in hunting me down. I fought them a bit, disabled not killed the soldiers then asked the brothers to meet me here in Resembool." I explained.

At hearing me say I fought the two Winry tensed up and looked like she was about to try to whack me with her wrench when all of a sudden a spoon whacked down on her hand.

"Stop that Winry, if he wanted to harm us or them he could have done so easily and at any time. He did say he didn't actually kill anyone and right now I am a bit suspicious of his wanted status too." Pinako said with a glare towards me. She was wearing her standard clothes which I never seen her change from.

I held my hands up "Hey Granny, not sure if I can actually tell you what exactly happened but I did not kill everyone in that town." I said truthfully. Well, technically it was the truth as I did kill off basically a whole town before. Glad I don't flinch of shiver when lying.

"Now as for your second question Winry or technically third I guess. What is going on is that there is a country wide conspiracy perpetuated by homunculus and their creator to kill off everyone in the country to be used in a giant human sacrifice using alchemy to provide the creator with nigh unlimited power so he can kill God." I said casually as I ate my soup. This was a very good soup.

The casual way I mentioned what was going on stumped the two before Winry snapped out of it and yelled "WHAT!?"

I waved her off. "Don't worry about it, there is not much you can do except making sure Ed's automail is the very best it can be. Which the materials I sold to you should help greatly."

She closed her mouth at that and was about to say something when the sound of a door being slammed open and feet running downstairs was heard.

Ed and Al showed up looking stressed and tired, well just Ed did since Al was a tireless suit of armor.

"Who the hell are you?" Ed asked me in a very serious tone of voice.

I got up from my chair and did a little flourish and a bow to him. What? I was feeling whimsical so sue me.

"Jumper Owen traveling traveler at your service~"

"What the hell is a Jumper? And how does that explain where the hell those books came from!?"

"Like it says on the tin, I am a jumper, a traveler of worlds, yours is but one of many, time does not always flow the same everywhere. Your story was written long ago relative to me. Those books are the records of your story. One of them at least. Be glad, very, very few ever have the chance to know about such records, even fewer still of that number get to read them."

Everyone in the room just looked at me like I was crazy.

"B, but that's impossible! You say you are from another planet!? You're a Alien!?!? That aliens are watching us and are recording our lives!? What bullshit is this!!!" Ed roared while everyone else was still in shock.

"Tsk, tsk Ed, use that mind of yours, can you think of any other way that those books exist and contain what they have in those pages." I asked rhetorically.

Ed shut up at that as he grumbled as he tried to think of a way to refute that. There was simply too much information in there that he knew no one else could have known nor could they have drawn it so accurately.

I smirked "Also, tell me Ed, did you like the ending?"

Ed's head quickly snapped up and his face rapidly turned bright red. Hahahaha! He did read it all!

Al seemed to have gotten out of shock too and looked at his brother. I think I even caught a glint in his eyes.

"Oh yeah brother, what did you think?~"

Winry had the perfect timing of chiming in right then.

"Ed, Al? What ending what is he talking about and why are you guys acting like that?"

Ed turned to answer Winry before stopping, getting even more red faced and looking away.

"Ed? Ed! Hey look at me and answer me dammit! If you are hiding more dangers happening to you I am going to-" *Whack*

And down comes the dreaded wooden spoon again on her hand.

"Calm down Winry, I am sure it is not what you are thinking." Granny Pinako said with a grin as she looked at Ed, seemed that she managed to figure it out. Crafty old goat.

I smiled and started laughing like a mad man.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HEEHEEHEEHOOHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ahhhhh, I needed that laugh." I said as everyone to look at me as if I was demented.

"Now, we should really get back on track, Ed do you know what you have to do? For everything I mean, the country, for your friends, for yourselves?"

Ed's face returned to normal and a steely determination entered his eyes.

"Yeah, I do, but wait you said that you had another way for me to get what I want so what is it?"

"Simple, remember the golden rule of alchemy?"

"Equivalent exchange, what about it?"

"This is going to hurt, but remember back to that day you lost."

Ed and Al's body language tensed and Ed's face scrunched up in anger.


"Think about what you were trying to get, and think about what you tried to offer. Think about what you got, and what you gave up in exchange."

Ed's faced scrunched up as he tried to recall more than his brother and his loss of body and limbs and the thing he created.

I meanwhile went to a nearby door out of sight, opened up my warehouse and pulled out a rolling whiteboard into the dining room.

"What's that Owen?" Winry asked.

"THIS is a whiteboard a place to write on with special tools that are easy to erase to put even more information on."

As I explained I started writing down to columns on it. I wrote down on one side what Ed wanted and what they decided to try to give.

"Alright Ed, let me tell you where you went wrong that day. First list off what you put in the circle for the exchange."

Ed looked at me with curiosity and recited the elements of the human body and watched me use the whiteboard as he never saw such a thing before.

"And that is all, right?"


"And that is where you went wrong."

"What!? But that was everything a human body is made of!"

"Exactly! But you didn't WANT and human body you wanted your MOTHER! Now what makes her up!"

Ed looked stumped by my question. At his confusion I pointed at Al with a finger.

"What is Al?"

"Al is my brother a human!" Ed angrily replied as if I was insulting his brother and dehumanizing him.

"Ed, Al is a SOUL in a suit of armor." I explained slowly like to a idiot.

Ed looked between me and Al for a few seconds in confusion before the answer hit him.

"Of course I am a idiot."

"Glad you agree." I said. Ed glared at me for that.

"What does he mean Ed?" Winry asked with Pinako looking interested.

Al was the one who answered.

"What Owen is trying to say is Winry, is that we didn't offer enough in exchange during our transmutation. We only offered everything to get a body. We didn't offer anything for our mother's soul, her mind. That is why we only got that thing that day." Al explained to a horrified Winry and a frowning Pinako. I meanwhile was filling out the other side of the board with what they REALLY were trying to get and what they got.

"Not only that, but you now realize why you lost your limbs and body yes?"

"Yeah, that was the price we paid for the knowledge we gained from the Gate." Ed said sadly as he looked at the sides of the board and realizing just how little they offered for how much they wanted.

"Gate? What gate?" Winry asked.

"The Gate is the source of every alchemists power to do Alchemy, it is located within their bodies and is also the door that seals away vast amounts of knowledge which can be gained if a price is paid. You have already seen some of the benefits from it." I explained as I pointed to Ed's hands.

"Sealless transmutation due to the fact that his knowledge of alchemy was increased greatly." Winry and Pinako looked shocked to hear the truth of the source of alchemy.

"So Ed, do you get what you have to pay in return for getting what you want?"

"Somewhat but I want to make sure with you first since it seems you understand this better." Ed said.

"Alright let's double check first with what you want, not your mother, you want your limbs, Al's body and that's it right?"

Ed and Al looked at each other, "Yes, we aren't going to try bringing mom back anymore."

"Ok, in that case you simply need to get everything needed to make a human arm, leg, and body. This time it would work as that is ALL you are asking for, nothing more, nothing less. In fact if Truth tries to give you more knowledge and take more from you, deny him, and offer him this to pay off any outstanding debt you might have from getting to the Gate."

I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my philosopher stone.

Ed and Al looked shocked at what I held in my hands.

"Is that." "It can't be." The brothers whispered.

"Yep, this here is a actual philosopher stone." I said right before a furious Ed and Al bull rushed me and slammed me against the wall breaking the wood.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU ACTUALLY SACRIFICED PEOPLE TO MAKE THAT THING!" Ed roared in my face with Alshaking form anger while holding me by the neck.

"Y-you are misunderstanding something F-fullmetal." I choked out.

"Yeah! What the hell can I be getting wrong here!?" Ed snarled.

"T-this stone is not made f-from s-s-souls."

Ed's face instantly became surprised while Al loosened his grip on my throat. Meanwhile, Winry and Pinako were whispering to one another across the room while watching our talk.

"Explain." Ed demanded.

"This stone was not made on this planet with alchemy, it was willed into existence, this stone has no human souls in it, just the equivalent amount of energy. Philosopher stones on this planet use human souls, which are converted into pure energy to supplement the lack of materials in alchemy, which let's you do greater acts of alchemy for visually less price. There is no breaking the law of equivalent exchange with the stone, it merely pays the price out of sight."

After taking a bit to process my words the two brothers nodded and decided to let me down.

Al sheepishly scratched the back of his head before apologizing. "Sorry Mr. Owen." "Yeah, sorry."

"It's fine nothing damaged besides the wall." I said as I looked at the me sized damage with Pinako glaring at us.

I quickly used alchemy to fix the damage before she could get started. She hmphed before sitting back down and pouring herself a cup of water.

"What do you mean willed into existence by the way?" Al asked.

"Basically a god like being with a lot of power has enough power to produce philosopher stones if they wanted like they did for this one." I said as I heled up the stone which I managed to hold on to.

"God?" The brothers asked in unison.

"No, Godlike. There are many powerful beings in existence, many with so much power that stones like these are nothing to them. I got this one as a gift. I am offering it as a buffer against Truth to make sure he doesn't try to take more of you."

"Of course I will ask that you do not get your bodies back till after you deal with everything else as those limbs and body are more suited to what you are going to deal with."

Ed looked like he was going to argue till he seemed to have remembered something and nodded instead along with Al.

Winry and Pinako looked surprised at the two since they would never have thought that the two would delay in getting back their bodies. Obviously, what they have to deal with was going to be dangerous and important. The two of them remained silent.

"Now this has been quite a lot of information for all of you so I think I will stop here for today. Tomorrow I'll help you plan out what you need to do and give you some tools to help you. For now I think I will take a nap." I said as I walked toward my room leaving the others to do whatever it was they would do with everything we discussed the past hour or so.

Man, things are going to get busy soon. Hope, the big bad doesn't have any other hidden tricks besides what he showed in the show.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.

'I wonder if Hak Foo has any ideas?' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
AN: Zzzzzzzzz
Log 12: To Face An Angry Father, And MARRIAGE!?
Log 12: To Face An Angry Father, And MARRIAGE!?
Current Time of Journey: 20 Years, 70 Days, 6 Hours, 15 Minutes, 3 Seconds
Location: Central, random safe house
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

*Jumper detected and recognized*

"Cortana activate ALP."

*Audio Log Program Activated*

*Jumper slumps in his reclining chair*

Man, it's been over two months since I last did a log didn't I? Let's see I left off where the military engaged us.

*Recaps last 3 logs*

Then, after I woke up from my nap I went to find Hak Foo. I found him out behind the house practicing his moves. I asked if he had any ideas on how to fight the homonculous.

Hak Foo's idea could be summed up as so, 'Immobilize them then just keep killing them till they get the message.'

Which if you think about it was pretty much the only way to really deal with homunculus considering their regen rate. combat abilities, and number of extra lives.

I told Hak to be ready to go as we would be engaging the homunculus within the coming months as they will most likely try to stop us from achieving what we want.

I then located the Elric Brothers and planned out a plan of attack. We discussed allies we could get, the location to plant the alchemy circles to sabotage Father's country wide circle, events that the brothers had to participate in to keep the timeline relatively canon, and those we could save. Like Nina.

*sigh* Nina, if there is going to be at least one person we are going to save it is going to be Nina, no fucking failure of a father to turn her into a chimera this time. I had brought her here to the Pinakos and they were glad to take care of the child and her dog. Their dog was glad to have a friend as well and I made sure to leave more than enough money for them to take care of the two.

I meanwhile went to see Greed and get him to join us in our fight. I brought Hak Foo along as well. Al meanwhile would recruit everyone else since he would have a official reason to visit those places or he would make a reason.

My meeting with Greed was a lot better than I thought, I only had to offer to convert his body organs into machines so his stone would have to less of its power to keep his whole body alive. At least I think it will, I still managed to sell the idea to Greed though by offering him a heart of gold. He just laughed like a maniac at that idea and accepted my proposal afterwards. He did lay claim to any stones from any homunculus he takes from though. Which is alright I guess? I don't think he can really do any damage, he is the least dangerous of the lot.

That actually took me less than 3 days due to super speed travel, I am so glad I got the talismans.

I then went to visit the Briggs Mountains and to see General Armstrong. I can certainly say for sure that the Briggs Mountains is THE ABSOLUTE coldest place I have ever been! I wore three layers of clothes and was using dragon talisman pyrokinesis to keep my self warm and I could still feel the cold seeping in. I was quickly caught by a patrol and was taken to see the General to have her deal with me for trespassing.

Now the manga and the anime didn't do the woman justice. General Olivier Mira Armstrong was absolutely stunning. Her fit figure in a nice uniform that while completely professional, completely complemented her looks. Her waist length blonde hair of the purest gold, her full lips, and her eyes a glacier blue as sharp as the biting cold of winter. Then, there was the sheer presence she held when she was in the room. Overall she was a beauty and was as deadly to boot.

When she demanded to know why I, a known criminal basically walked right into the a military base, I replied that I was here to gain her armies assistance in fighting a threat to the country and that the charge was fake anyways. Of course she did not believe me so I did the only thing I could think of, I challenged her to a duel. The condition being if I lost if I could no longer fight or died, with the punishment of losing being death, or I would win if she could no longer fight or gives up. If I won she would actually listen to my warning of a threat and contact the others which are already aware of the threat.

She being confident in her abilities accepted, stating that she was looking for a warm up anyways. Of course me without any real training in fighting besides jujitsu vs a fully trained soldier meant I was going to get my ass kicked, which it was.

I instead decided to stick to my strengths which was virtually unlimited stamina, healing, and immortality. All I had to do was keep her moving and attacking until she ran out of stamina then pin her down. Of course I had to make sure she did not pin me down or else she would choke me out which would mean I lose.

So without fear of death or losing I charged her with my automail hand up, transmuted into a shield. I mainly kept on charging her with my shield angled towards her, never fully extending myself fully so I could quickly back off and change directions.

I never really fought someone fully trained in blade use before so I was startled by how fast and strong her strikes were, it was like being out in a heavy rain. Lucky, I also had super strength. I never did use my powers blatantly though except for my healing, which only got a raised eyebrow from the General. I made sure that she was constantly moving or attacking, never giving her a chance to rest. The fight dragged on for hours and I can honestly say that this was one of the toughest fight in my life.

Needless to say that by the end of the fight my clothes were pretty much ruined, my top was gone, my pants were now shorts, and my automail was full of scratches and gouges. I am actually kind of glad that I splurged on my vanity during the body mod. As having a well sculpted body that could make the General blush was always a ego booster.

The fight ended with me grabbing a exhausted General by the arm flipping her into the air, slamming her back first onto the ground, straddling her with my legs locking her arms in place, and the edge of my shield on her throat.

We were both sweating like crazy by this point, mine from adrenaline and stress, hers from exhaustion. The general's face was as red as a lobster and her expression complicated.

She admitted her loss, I got off of her and gave her a hand up. She took the arm with stoic dignity and a blush on her cheeks. The soldiers that were watching rushed towards us and separated the two of us. I quickly turned my arm back to normal and healed the damage.

She stated I fought dirty and I merely smirked and said that she never bothered to check. She admitted she hadn't but that next time we fought she would win. She then led me and her trusted officers into her office where I laid out what was going on and what everyone was planning.

Of course it just wouldn't be right without Murphy coming for a visit when Olivier dropped a bomb on me. She asked me to marry her.

*Jumper's face is blank and drinks from his coffee cup*

She asked me to marry her. A person I have barely known for a few hours asked me to marry her.

I just blinked in shock and asked her why. She replied that I was a only worthy candidate she has encountered for marriage. That I was able to best her in single combat was a big factor in her decision, that I was handsome as well helped. I asked her what about pedigree, financial status, education, love, or even personality, anything I could think of to make her reconsider as she has an army to hunt me down if I tried to run and I really did not need Briggs hunting me when they could be preparing for the fight with Father.

She immediately began shooting down all my ideas, pedigree, wealth? She is a Armstrong she has enough for the both of us. Education? She will hire tutors or do it herself if necessary. Love? That will come in time. Personality? If she finds mine unsatisfactory she will correct it. At that last part I saw something flash in her eyes.

At that point I was sweating like crazy on the inside. I had one last idea which she actually agreed to, thank me.

I told her that I could not possibly marry someone that could not match me in combat, that could not defeat me even once. I challenged her to annual duel similar to the one we had that day. If she won I would marry her, if she didn't she does not push me on my decision. Hopefully she does not find a way to win, she is a great woman and all but I just don't feel ready for marriage, heck now that I think about it I still haven't been on a date yet and I am over 42 years old, I am sad now. *gulps down coffee*


With that settled I left the Briggs mountain behind me since General Armstrong agreed to help, and went towards Central to deliver the good news to Edward.

Other than that I spent the rest of my time following Hughes to make sure he doesn't die this time with timely application of dog and horse power.

I THOUGHT it wouldn't be needed but it looked like some things just stayed the same. He got ambushed at a phone booth and left for dead by Envy, to be honest if I wasn't already next to Hughes under invisibility and immediately applying the Dog to Hughes he would have been dead long before Envy even left the area.

Right now I have Hughes in my warehouse right now reading the Fullmetal Alchemist manga at the table. Speaking of which.

*Jumper leaves his seat and walks off screen*

*Unidentified voice detected, designation person #1*
"HEY!" "Oh be quiet this my coffee anyways, which I am sure I didn't let you touch in the first place." "Oh come on, its like the only thing I can find around here to drink!"

"What are you talking about! There is obviously water......uhhh under that pile." "You mean that pile of random assorted junk?" "It's not junk! I just haven't organized that pile yet, and yes there is a pack of bottled water somewhere in there. So no more taking my coffee!"

*Jumper comes back with a pot of coffee.*


Ahhhh, good coffee. Hmm? Ah, Cortana designate person #1 as Mayes Hughes.

*Designation complete*

*Sounds of grumbling coming from afar amid sounds of shifting objects*

Yeah, I have Hughes here to hide the fact that he ain't dead. I sent a message to his wife and kid and told them to leave the city for awhile. I also sent a message for Roy, made sure to tell him to tell no one. Hughes is really understanding about being forced to hide, but he is really annoying about his kids though.

Mmmm, I also have Hak Foo out in the city right now looking for any signs of homunculus present in the city since he has their pictures memorized.

Hughes and I also go out from time to time setting up safe houses in places that could hold large amounts of troop and supplies within range of the military HQ.

Hopefully soon we can begin transferring troops into the city via tunnels I am making with alchemy to the city outskirts.

For now that is all I can do as confronting the homunculus right now would just tip Father off and prevent us from preparing properly.

I really hope things go well and we can end them in one fell swoop. I really just want to relax and do something nice like studying magic instead of fighting.

Sigh, well, wish me luck, this is Jumper Owen signing off.

AN: dices are shipping me with beautiful dangerous women, not sure if I should be thankful or not.
Log 13: To Battle An Angry Father God
Log 13: To Battle An Angry Father God
Current Time of Journey: 20 Years, 330 Days, 12 Hours, 15 Minutes, 11 Seconds
Location: Central, Main Safe House
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

It's been a almost eight months and in that time I managed to successfully smuggle in the majority of the Briggs army and steal the locations of every force loyal to the Fuhrer. All of my allies were in place with the country wide transmutation circle located and subverted with teams in place with the proper alchemy circles done ahead of time.

I even had a plan to deal with Father and the rest of the homunculus without putting ourselves at risk. It was so ridiculously simple that it pained me that I didn't think of it sooner. Magic, I had the perk Magic must Defeat Magic which meant that no one in this world can break them. I could literally seal their ability to use alchemy by freezing them. Then, the army just had to deal with the rest of the normal troops in the capital and take over. Without the homunculus or the Fuhrer backing them up they will all fall like wheat before the Briggs more well trained and prepared troops.

With those thoughts in mind I step into the meeting room under the safe house I was in. Everyone was already in here before me. The Elric Brothers, their teacher and her husband, General Armstrong, Colonel Mustang and his men (and women! Maria is alive as well), Scar, Hak Foo, Greed's group, and Hohenheim who I managed to track down with a blood tracker spell. It didn't take me long to convince him since he readily believed the manga I gave him and told him of my plan to deal with Father, he agreed with me and gave me the details I needed to have the remaining alchemy circles to subvert the country wide circle be made which I told some teams to do. Just in case my plan failed and Father was still going to do the country wide transmutation.

"Alright, since we are all here, time to get a status report before we go." I said.

"Hey just keep your end of the deal man." Greed said cockily with a grin.

"Just keep your shield on at all times and don't get eaten by Father." I shot back with his grin fading instantly.

"My troops are all in place and ready to secure the objectives and can I say I find it surprising just how you managed to smuggle in my army." General Armstrong said in her usual cool tone.

"Alchemy is a wonderful thing."

"Well, just don't forget our fight." General Armstrong said with a smirk.

"What fight?"

"Nothing! And no I won't forget."

"My men are also all ready to do their part in disabling communications." Mustang said with his men nodding along.

"What about Kimbal is he still secured?"

"Yes, he is still in his cell that we have confirmed."

"Good enough. Next."

".....I am ready to avenge my brother." Scar said

"Hak Foo looks forward to facing Wrath."

"My hubby and I are ready to show this guy why he shouldn't mess with my students!" Izumi cracked her fists loudly while her husband patted Al on his helmet.

"Yeah, we're ready to, bastard thinks he can just kill everyone in the country well he has another thing coming!" Ed said with his father behind him smiling slightly at his son.

Their meeting was not a peaceful one, lots of crying, and punching, both of which mostly from Ed, though he would vehemently deny the crying part.

"Alright, so everyone knows their parts and everything and everyone is in place, is there anything we need to go over?" I asked

"Yes, what exactly are YOU going to be doing while we are heading towards Father?" Ed asked with everyone else turning to look at me.

"Me? Well, I'll be going ahead of you guys and neutralizing whatever homunculus there is down there along with Bradley and Father. Yes, I can render them harmless, but I can't kill them, so you guys will be needed for that part."

"And how are you going to do that? are you going to you know use that?" Ed asked with a wiggle of his hand while Hughes looked on with understanding and everyone else just looking at us with confused faces and tilted heads.

"that?" "that?" "that?" "that?" "that?"

"Yep. and no I am not telling you guys what that is, it doesn't matter, now let's get to work. The operation will start at dawn." With that last word I left the room leaving Ed to be questioned by the no doubt curious mob. I meanwhile went invisible and entered a empty room to access my warehouse and examine all my magical tools I would need for the operation tomorrow.

Stasis tags, my talismans in my body, body armor, magically silenced sniper rifle, pistols, ammo, grenades, pepper spray, tear gas, tinted gas mask, coffee thermos can't forget that, flash bangs, and blow fish with stun spells set.

Now I just had to wait till night fall and take out Bradley first or else the troops are going to get slaughtered. I had his and Father's location already since I used a magically obtained underground map of the city and Hohenheim's blood since the two shared the same blood due to the creation process of their immortality, and Bradley's hair from his office chair.

------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------------------

It was an hour before the operation started and the sun was about to come up. It was time for me to do my part and hope I don't fuck up. I turned invisible, activated flight and began my journey to Bradley's residence. First, one I had to deal with would be Pride since his shadow ability would be annoying if he used it to escape. Sure it would wake up Bradley but a flashbang to his face would deal with his damn eye long enough for me to kill him.

I arrived at the luxurious mansion and circled around the house with my heat vision on to identify the sleeping inhabitants. It looked like I was in luck as I saw two adults sleeping in the master bedroom and a child sized heat mass in a nearby room. I assume those were Bradley, his wife, and Pride. I drifted closer to the window where the two adults were sleeping and peered inside the room, and sure enough Bradley was there with his back to me sleeping on his bed. I readied my sniper rifle and aimed it at his head, I wasn't going to have a better chance at taking him out now. He was too close to dodge a sniper rifle shot from practically point blank despite his reflexes and his eye was not open so he could not plan against me. Most of all he was asleep so his reflexes would be a hair slower. All this put together meant he would die from a sniper shot since he only had one soul. I angled myself so my shot would miss the wife since she was a innocent in all this and prepared myself.

I didn't kill often and I don't relish what I was about to do, but compared to what would happen if he lived, I think I can live with myself. I squeezed the trigger and in the next instant a small cough was heard and Bradley's head exploded like a ripe watermelon spraying blood and gore across the bed and his wife. I quickly smashed my way through the way towards Pride in the next room with a flashbang primed to explode in my hands as I had already pulled the pin and let go of the handle. I had already plugged my ears with ear plugs and my tinted gas mask would shield me from the worst of the effects.

I just broke through the wall with the arm with the flashbang when it went off, blasting my ear and eyes with sound and light despite the precautions I took. I switched to heat vision and saw a boy shaped bundle grasping its head and I quickly slapped stasis tag on his head before levitating him and taking him with me to the sky before any guards could respond.
I quickly drop into a nearby alley way with a back door, enter my warehouse, and shove Pride's frozen body into the middle of a transmutation circle I had prepared.

I clapped my hands together then slammed it on the circle and world went white. I found myself back in front of the Gate of Truth and look there's Truth waiting in front of me.

"Yo" I said to the black outline in front of me.

"Hello, Jumper" It replied

"Hi I have a question can you turn this guy into energy, free the souls within him, and exchange them for energy for my stone without killing them?"

"My how ruthless of you Jumper, and what happened to your dislike for killing?" It smiled at me.

"I still don't like killing, but for these bastards I am more than willing to make an exception." I said with my arms cross. I really would make a exception for people like these. They actually planned on killing a entire country's worth of innocent people just so they could try to capture God. Some people just need to die and these homunculus are that some.

"Now answer the question please."

"Hmm, alright, if you exchange the souls for raw power the souls will not be destroyed and be allowed free."

"Good, then let us begin the exchange."

"Alright, then exchange completed." Truth said as the world went white again and he faded from view.

I back in my warehouse with my hands on the floor and Pride's body gone. In his place was my stone which was now twice the size it was originally. That was going to help immensely when I needed to deal with the other homunculus. Now to deal with Father.

I left the warehouse under invisibility and took to the skies once more in the direction of Father. I landed above the area that I knew where Father was. I clapped my hands once more and ignoring the soldiers which were around I transmuted the ground in a storm of lightning with the philosopher stone boosting my power to create a hole leading straight to father.

I quickly flew straight down the hold head first with my heat vision and invisibility on. I had only one chance at this before Father wises up to my trick and make things difficult for me. I pulled out a stasis tag ready to slap it on him and prepared my levitation as well. I was coming up on Father fast and then I saw him.

Father looked just like Hohenheim except in a toga, he was sitting in a chair with tubes connected to the back leading to a giant bubbling container. He was looking straight up at the hole, at me, but hopefully not actually seeing me. Lightning flashed from his feet at the hole I was in was being closed off fast. Luckily, I was already out of the hole before it closed.

In a flash I slapped the stasis seal on Father's head and his eyes went wide in shock while I lifted him from his throne with levitation and heat beam eyes to cut off the connectors to the throne.

'I did it, I managed to beat Father, Pride, and Wrath. Holy crap I just beat 3 of the 7 big bads of this universe without really breaking a sweat. This is......anticlimactic. Magic is so bullshit, I love it. Now to transmute him and get rid of him for good.' I grinned widely at that last thought.

I quickly transmuted another transmutation circle and placed Father in it and activated the exchange.

Truth welcomed the Dwarf back with it screaming for its life as it was dragged back into the Gate. He then repeated the process of transferring the energy in Father's stone to mine's.

My stone was now the size of a basket ball and as such was extremely powerful. Heck, I think with this much power I could possibly transmute the entire city into gold or something easily.
In fact if I am remembering the manga right I now possessed the equivalent of 536,329 souls worth of energy. I quickly place the orb in my warehouse and begin looking for any homunculus in the underground base.

This is just too damn convenient, I mean I encountered Lust, Gluttony, and Envy all heading towards Father's room. No doubt they heard the noise and were curious what Father was doing. It was actually pretty easy to tag Lust and Gluttony while levitating Envy and spinning him around to make him dizzy before I tagged him too. I quickly transmuted them as well and realized that barring Greed and Sloth, I had basically taken out all the heavy hitters on the enemy team and their boss.

Is this what being a overpowered and over prepared OCP feels like? I like it, no stress, no fuss, no muss. All I had to do now was help out with clearing out the country of the more mortal followers of Father. Joy. Maybe I should just run away and let those guys do all the grunt work, I mean I did take out the leaders so I did my part right?

Oh wait, I still gotta fight Armstrong later at our annual duel. Shit, she's going to rip into me then if I run off....

Wait a second am I really worrying more about a duel with a normal human with no magic than the big bad of the series and his super powered henchmen? Holy crap am I turning into a anime protagonist!? Nope, nope, nope.

I shake my head in denial and decided to focus on helping by mapping out the compound and dealing with the human followers.

----------------------time skip-----------------------------

The clean up and coup took over a month and that was with me helping around with my powers to catch everyone. Understandably, when all the guys saw me at the bottom of the base in Father's room and was told that I killed off Father, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Pride, and Wrath they were all shocked. It was easy to confirm my words as Fuhrer Bradley was confirmed dead in his room and his son missing so it wasn't a hard stretch to believe I killed off everyone else in the hidden complex since Father was no where to be seen besides the scorch marks on his chair. I think I might regret telling them all that since General Armstrong had this predatory look in her eyes when I finished. Meanwhile, Sloth was dealt with by Izumi, Curtis, Alex Armstrong, and Hak Foo. The homunculus never had a chance as he was systematically torn apart repeatedly by fists, muscles, spikes, and tosses.

All of Hohenheim's preparations were rendered moot and he felt really bad about leaving his sons behind and apologized to them. Though they were very understanding about it since they knew he did not leave because he did not love his family. In other fronts the soldiers were easily able to secure the city and capture most of the followers of Father while I used my super speed to hunt down the few that escaped.

Mustang took over the position of Fuhrer since the General didn't want to leave Briggs and surprisingly he is doing a very good job in handling all the work, despite the needling from Riza.

Scar was surprisingly calm about the fact that I basically stole his kill, apparently the man didn't care who killed them as long as they were dead.

Ed and Al went home with Hohenheim and asked me to stop by later to get their bodies back.

Greed and his group left after I held my end of the bargain.

Hak Foo decided to accompany the Briggs army, something about them being great challengers.

Meanwhile, I was taken(read: forced) to meet the Armstrong family by General Armstrong. There I met the family head and Olivier's siblings. The manga did them no justice the other two siblings were more muscly and mannish than depicted and Alice was even cuter in real life. Now I had no idea why I was brought here but I could guess and I was proven right in my guess when Olivier stepped up to her family and said.

"This man is Owen and he is my fiancé."

Everyone but me was surprised and had their jaws drop.

I of course stepped up right there and opened my mouth.

"Oi, oi oi, what's this about me being your fiancé? We aren't even engaged and you haven't even beaten me yet."

"Hmph, it is only a matter of time, our duel is coming up and I will defeat you soundly then. I am prepared for you this time."

"Heh, we shall see Olivier, we shall see, I have no intention of marrying you at this point in my life. I won't lose." I said as I decided then and there to start using more of my powers to win, no way was I going to lose!

"Excuse me, but what is this about a duel I am hearing about?" the family head asked.

"Allow me to explain sir, your daughter here asked me to marry her after I defeated her in single combat but I refused as I was simply not ready to settle down. It looked like she would not let me leave until I agreed so I proposed a challenge. She must defeat me in single combat in order for me to accept her proposal. If not then she would give up on forcing me to marry her for a year afterwards we would duel again."

"Is this true daughter? Have you finally found a man worthy of your hand? Someone capable of being your match?"

Oi is that what he is really focusing on here?

"Yes, father I do believe him to be a worthy suitor for my hand."

"Then I give you two my blessings."

"Thank you father."

Oh come on is he really going along with this? Man, old wealthy families are weird by my standards.


That was me getting crushed into the very hard chest of one Alex Louis Armstrong who had me in a bear hug with tears coming from his eyes. I felt a pulling on my sleeve and tilted my head to look down and saw young Catherine looking up at my hugged form.

"Welcome to the family Mr. Owen." She said cutely.

"Welcome" said the other two sisters in stereo while looking like they were still in shock.

Oh come on. Why are they all acting like I already lost to Olivier!? I mean I beat her last time with just a shield!

"Put me down Major." I growled out. After he did so I fixed my rumpled clothes and glared at the family around the table.

I pointed at Olivier and growled out "Remember this Olivier you may be a very skilled and attractive competent young woman but you still have to beat me to get me to marry you and I do not intend to lose, I'll be at Briggs for the duel. Now if you will excuse me I have work to do." I think she blushed for a second there but I am probably wrong.

I stiffly walked out of the room and focused on getting some work for myself done so I would not have to think about what I just experienced. I mean honestly they are all crazy!

I heard the family head's voice drift out of the room I just left.

"Truly a fine young man, and he seems to be quite taken with you dear, I look forward to seeing him at our family gatherings."


Man, I hope my next nine years are Armstrong free. I have officially reached my awkward weird quota.

AN: Hmmmmm, what to do about General Armstrong, what to do?
Log 14: Ring The Wedding Bells
Log 14: Ring The Wedding Bells
Current Time of Journey: 29 Years, 360 Days, 8 Hours, 35 Minutes, 47 Seconds
Location: Central, My house
Current Universe: Full Metal Alchemist
Number or Jumps Completed: 2

*Jumper detected and recognized*

"Cortana activate ALP."

*Audio Log Program Activated*

*Jumper is reclining on couch*

Ok, to be honest here I kind of forgot about this thing. The only reason I even remembered to do this thing was the fact that I left the laptop on the last time I was doing the log and the machine beeped to remind me that it was low on batteries. Good thing I got a portable generator to recharge the laptop with.

Well.......time to reminisce I guess? Jumps almost over, got my business squared away, talked to everyone I knew to let them know I was leaving, gave my former minions their severance packages. Finn, Ratso, Chow, and Hak Foo all decided to go home, not actually going to miss those guys all too much to be honest. Kinda thought that I would since we did spend a good almost a decade together, but I guess we just weren't as close as I thought we were.

Ummmm, fought Olivier 9 more times, beat her every time, gotta admit though she almost won the last one, crafty woman rigged a god damn landmine to knock me down since she figured out I couldn't be taken down by lethal blows in our 6th duel. She almost managed to pin me in a way I couldn't leverage my strength.

That is not to say we aren't on friendly terms of course. We went on what most people would call training exercises but Olivier considered them dates. Things like weapons training, body training, survival exercises, long nights of strategy meetings, more duels, war games with me as a commander of a contingent of Briggs troops versus her troops.

I can now quite confidently say I am a capable soldier as good as any Briggs veteran commander! Also, I am quite easily their physical equal as well, I can say that I easily qualify body mod wise as having gained Strength 2, Speed 2, and Dexterity 2 all thanks to the fact that I had Endurance 4, dog, and horse talisman to keep me going through ALL the damn training Olivier put me through. The horse talisman, I found out, actually helped my muscles heal back stronger than they were before as long as they were damaged due to exercise. That little tidbit helped me accelerate my training a lot and was what got me the strength and speed 2 ratings.

I think on one hand Olivier put me through all that training when I asked her for help in order to spend more time with me and convince me to marry her and on the other hand she was trying to tire me out for the duel. *Laughs*

We did get a lot closer though, having some late night chats, some actual 'dates' or more like walks and inspections. I gotten closer to her family as well. Nine years is a long time to spend getting to know a woman and I like to think we are close......but I just can't seem to imagine spending eternity with her as I will be immortal one way or another disregarding the talismans.
So I never revealed my jumper origin to her and said my final good byes, which ending up being more than I thought as well.......sigh hmph gods I am a blunt shameless person when I want to be.

I slept with her. She knew I was leaving and that I would not be coming back most likely so she asked to have my child. She was getting on her years and wanted to take over as head of the family and wanted a child with me to remember me by. Normally, I would have said hell no as I would never have a child that I would not be there for, but.....well.....she was so vulnerable looking and broken up at my leaving that I.....I...I just couldn't refuse her. Our time together was....informative, and no I am not going to log down my lovemaking. Hmph!

Granted I was a complete virgin up till recently so it fell to Olivier to 'educate' me on how to love a woman properly, which she was surprisingly good at considering that she has never been with a man before me. I have no idea if she is pregnant and will mostly likely never know till I get my spark and come back, but....I kind of hope she is, if only to make her happy.

Oh, and she also got me some therapy to help me with my nightmares from the killings I had to do before after I reacted badly to a soldiers death that happened in front of me due to a falling icicle through his head. That was a shock to me after considering what I did to the homunculus, but I guess I never really equated them to humans I guess heh. The therapist helped me get through the trauma I had basically pushed aside in my head and Olivier helped me in her own way by making me go through desensitization training to make me less effected by killing and deaths. I to be honest hate her for that but I know it is necessary and will most likely kill again in the future.

Other than that I will briefly summarize what else I have done in the years. I helped the Elrics retrieve their bodies and released the souls in Hohenheim so he can die naturally. I also tracked down Xing and helped him become emperor since that helped cement a alliance between his country and Mustang's. Let's see Hughes went back to his family, Maria is still alive, the Pinako's adopted Nina, Winry and Ed married, touching wedding they had, I actually cried for once. Mustang married Riza, everyone said about time and all got punishment detail, hah! Mmmmm, other than that I spent all of my time doing research into chi magics to create equipment, spells, and tags for basically anything think of and stocked up on all of them in my warehouse in sets for quick equips. I even made some primitive magic golems to serve as servants, soldiers, scouts, and anything else that required more than one body. I got the idea from rereading the fullmetal books about the possessed suits of armors that Ed and Al met. They are not really smart but they are good enough to function with simple commands.

I have no idea what jump I am going to end up in next and I hope it is a nice one. According to this log clock, which I just realized knows the exact time of the time I spent in the jump despite the fact that it should have been frozen when I closed the warehouse, I guess I should thank ROB me for this I guess? Anyways according to the clock I have less than a week left in this jump so I guess the next time I do this will be in the next world.

Wish me luck, Jumper Owen signing off.

AN: And on to the next adventure.
Log 15: I AM THE BIG BAD!!
Log 15: I AM THE BIG BAD!!
Current Time of Journey: 30 Years, 0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes, 0 Seconds
Location: Xiaolin Temple
Current Universe: Xiaolin Showdown
Number or Jumps Completed: 3

After the customary blinding and deafening lightning show I felt myself standing on bricks as my eyes and ears cleared up. The first thing I saw was a large pagoda structure rising high above me. I then did a quick 360 spin to look at everything around me which my perfect memory let me process. I was in a relatively large training ground with a dirt training ring and numerous blue tiled buildings around me. I also saw what seemed to be a large garden in the distance and a large two story building. I then looked down at myself as I felt and heard the flapping of clothe as I spun. I was wearing a black robe with purple trims. Why did that sound familia.....oh shit that is what Wuya the first antagonist wore. I quickly checked for the paper listing what I had bought when suddenly memories started pouring into my head.

There was no pain this time, the pulsing of the power of the Horse inside me let me know why, just a metaphorical wave of memories crashing down on my mind. I remembered being trained by Wuya in the Heylin Arts after she corrupted me to her side when I was originally a orphan trained in the Xiaolin Magic Arts by Grand Master Dashi to be his successor. I remember the war between the two masters as the world shook and crumbled from the powers unleashed. I remember Master Dashi sealing away Wuya before sealing me away for 1,500 years as well with a prototype version of the one he used on Wuya. That being the only reason why I was released and still with a body as it was never meant to be permanent.

'Damn that Dashi! We were going to have it all! We were going to win! Wuya would have continued to train me in the Heylin arts and I would have been a living god! Damn him and his monks! I swear I will have my revenge!' These thoughts and feelings of anger flowed through me as I relived my defeat and sealing.

I remember being able to sense a small area outside my prison and watched as the centuries rolled by, endless amounts of time with nothing to do but to think and making sure none of my Heylin knowledge vanished with time. All of my magical knowledge I gained from Wuya was intact, all I needed was time to grow in power and I would match her eventually at her prime.

It seems that over the years my prison was forgotten on a shelf in the temple when a young monk I recognized as Omi accidentally threw me outside the window when he was caught holding it by Master Fung which triggered my release. Oh wait. Master Fung is nearby, fuck, and he probably sees me. I quickly open my eyes and look towards the closest windowed building and saw young Omi and Master Fung looking at me. Omi with his curious eyes unaware of the danger to himself just meters away and Master Fung with his serious eyes no doubt aware of what I am.

My mind suddenly seethed in anger.

"Monk!" I growled out "I shall return! As for you young one, as thanks for your freeing me, I will make you my apprentice, just you wait." I said to the two monks watching me from the window.

I then quickly stomped on the ground to kick up dust to obscure their vision of me before I turned invisible and levitated above the temple. There was still one thing left for me to do. I scanned for thermal life signs with the Pig talisman until I saw a small serpent like creature coiled up within one of the buildings on the temple grounds. I launched a eye beam blast that pierced through the roof and into the little dragon. I made sure to keep up the blast for as long as I could before I sensed Master Fung closing in on me while I am in the air!

I instantly shut off my eye beams and super speeded towards space so I could figure out where the hell I am and leaving behind a falling monk, a confused scared boy, and a dead dragon.
AN: ......well that happened, my head is hurting so much right now from trying to get a proper mindset from having 15 years of memory suddenly shoved into me with a third of it of me being trained to be evil and 1500 years of isolation, to be honest simulating the long term isolation hurt me mentally the most, ow. The things I do to get into a writing mood....
Current Time of Journey: 30 Years, 0 Days, 0 Hours, 9 Minutes, 47 Seconds
Location: 6 Km above Xiaolin Temple
Current Universe: Xiaolin Showdown
Number or Jumps Completed: 3

I rose slowly in the air as I looked down on the land mass below me. It seems I actually was somewhere around Tibet. Huh, how cliché. I stopped ascending and began to hover as I thought back to what I just did.

I just had 1500+ years of memories shoved into my head, had my emotions and morals affected, and had just basically killed off the Xiaolin faction as without Dojo they could not locate any Shen Gong Wu. I thought back to one specific thought and finally realized what was wrong.

'Holy shit! I killed Dojo! I just killed one of the good guys and the main plot device! FUUUUUUUU!!!!!' I screamed internally as my hands gripped my head as I tried to deny what I just did.

'What the hell!? The memories affected me that much!? How!? It never happened like that before! What's different about these memories?' I thought as I recalled all the times I received memories.......oh.

I actually only received origin memories once and that was in Jackie Chan Adventures. Plus, those memories were me being morally good and only 40+ years. I just had 1500+ years of me being Evil and was suddenly forced to interact with people. I still hadn't separated myself from my memories yet and so my personality was warped. No wonder I had no problems killing Dojo like that. Now that I actually had time to think it was easy to see the points of view between me and my original mind and the one gained from the origin.

I spent a good hour just floating above the Earth spending effort to find balance between the two radical POV's now present in me. I read enough books to know that repressing my new memories and personality was not a good idea, better to acknowledge it and work with it.

By the end of it I came out different, I can honestly say I was now more at ease with doing more morally Evil acts, but I would not break my own personal rules still. I guess Star Wars wise I would be considered grey leaning towards dark alignment or chaotic neutral?

Anyways, now I had to figure out what I was going to do. Would I help my former master Wuya regain her body and rule the world as her apprentice? Would I instead take all of the Wu myself and possibly rule the world instead? Or maybe I could do the same with Chase Young or Hannibal?

......Nope still going to kill that Bean the second I see him. Oh! I almost forgot to check my CP purchases. I checked inside the fold of my robes and found the slip of paper and my key.

Let's see what I got this time.

Starting Points: 1000
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Starting Location: Xiaolin Temple
Origin: Heylin Mage (-100)

Power & Skills
Shen Yi Bu Dare (Free)
Master Teacher (-400)
Xiaolin Magic (-400)
Suave (Free)
Shen gong wu sense (-100)
Fast Learner (-200)
Heylin Magic (-350)

Jumpers Jacket (-150)

Getting Chase’d (+600)

Well, going from what I remember of the descriptions for these before I jumped this means Chase is out of the question. Also, looks like I am suddenly a lot magically diverse in skills and power. From what I can remember Wuya was able to freeze time, warp reality, and lock down planetary bodies through sheer power. I am going to be so bullshit by the end of this jump.

I was cut from my introspection when I suddenly felt like someone just shot me with a dose of caffeine and a bright pressure was pressing on my head from a certain direction.

I turned my head towards the direction and figured that it must be a Shen Gong Wu! But how? The Wu was suppose to start showing up after the other three monks arrived but I saw none of them when I was there. Did the timeline changed since I killed Dojo?

No time to think about that now or to think what I was going to do about this world, I got to grab that Wu first. I maxed out my speed and flew directly towards the feeling and hoped I got there before Wuya did.

----------Scene Break------------

I arrived in the middle of San Francisco and saw the coin just lying on top of a roof. It was a red and gold coin. On the gold coin was a golden rectangular pattern which was symmetrically spread throughout the coin. In the center was a hole with a golden border around it. I quickly flew over and grabbed it before immediately flying back up again. All while still invisible. I quickly looked around to see if the monks or Wuya was here. Strangely enough, neither of them were. Was it because I was a Heylin mage which caused the Wu to begin to show themselves? I guess so considering if Wuya was free she would be here by now. The monks not being here was understandable considering Dojo was dead, Wuya meanwhile should be free soon.

Another Wu just registered on my senses and I immediately left to grab it. By the end of the day or days since I crossed multiple time zones(?), I had gathered three Shen Gong Wu. The Two Ton Tunic, the Mantis Flip coin, and the Eye of Dashi. A pretty good haul for a days work. I then left to find a place to stay, eventually ending up settling in Los Angeles in a rooftop penthouse after I got some new clothes and pawned off some gold and diamonds for local currency.

Now it was time for me to do some research into these Wu and see if I couldn't locate them before they showed themselves.

---------Scene Break-------------

It has been a week with no new Shen Gong Wu alerting my senses which was a good thing as that left me time to properly study the Wu that I had and to devise a Chi spell to locate the others based on a sort of harmonic magical resonance based on the fact that all Shen Gong Wu was made by the same person with the same magical energy.

I had to order some rare ingredients via Amazon which cost me quite a lot, but luckily I had effectively unlimited funds due to alchemy. One relatively long ritual spell later and I now had a enchanted globe in my penthouse with points of light indicating where they were on the world. I also brought out a old item from Jackie Chan Adventures, Shendu's old talisman tracker, and slaved the Shen Gong Wu tracker to it so it could now track down Wu instead. Although I did have to alter it somewhat considering it couldn't tell altitude, now instead of four dragon heads it now had 6. The dragon tracker was now a ball with a dragon head pointed in every direction. Now I would be able to tell if a Wu was above or below me and make my searches a lot faster.

Wuya was not kidding when she said there were hundreds of Wu in the first episode, literally the entirety of the planet was liberally covered in lights. Interestingly enough the lights all seemed relatively equidistant and formed a grid or a net around the planet. Almost like some kind of magical security grid, which would make sense as the Wu supposedly kept the world safe from danger and darkness.

So I guess I shouldn't grab all of the Shen Gong Wu then or I guess I could grab them but give them to the monks instead since I did kill Dojo. I mean its not like I want the world to be consumed in 10,000 years of darkness after all. I like the sun.

I immediately began going on a Shen Gong Wu collection spree because I remembered a few Wu that I absolutely HAD to have. Wu like the golden tiger claws or the reversing mirror were absolutely essential for me at this point in the jump. The ability to teleport and reflect all attacks would be a god send. Heck I would even try to trade whatever Wu I had to the monks if they managed to get it!

As I was collecting the Wu however a thought came to me. 'Where the hell was Wuya? Was she already released by Jack?'

As I finished collecting the latest Wu nearest me, a new Shen Gong Wu surfaced and I immediately headed towards it hoping that Wuya appeared. Now I wasn't going to join her but she was my former master and is still a Heylin witch. If I could get her to teach me I would be able to rise in power a lot faster than I would by myself.

I quickly arrived at the Wu and recognized it as the Fist of Tebigong. Not a particularly useful Wu so it is suitable as bait for Wuya. I have on me my jumper's acket so she cannot detect my presence and I hid myself with physical disguises. I waited for about half an hour before I noticed the first Jack Bot show up. Not long after I saw Jack Spicer and Wuya behind him arrive.

I focused my efforts on my ears to hear what they were saying.

"-e you sure there is a Shen Gong Wu here Wuya? The last three times there was nothing and don't you dare give me that lame excuse that someone stole it!" The red headed boy said with arrogance. He wore a black jacket with a high collar, black pants, black boots, a pair of yellow googgles, and had a large metallic backpack on his back.

"Of course I am sure it is here! I can feel it close by! It seems Dashi's accursed monks have yet to reach this one." A raspy willowy voice snapped. The speaker was Wuya in her spirit form, a blob of purple with tendrils that looked like hands and hair and a white smiling mask with yellow eyes and a red forehead.

"There it is!" Wuya said as she circled the Fist of Tebigong. "The Fist of Tebigong a Shen Gong Wu that let's the user strike with incredible power."

"Hahaha! Bow before me people of Earth! For I am your new master behold the new owner of the Fist of Tebigong!" Jack said as he used the Wu to smash into the ground causing a small localized earthquake. Shen Gong Wu are no joke.

"Fool! You are not the ruler of Earth yet! You have but one Shen Gong Wu." Wuya explained.

"Well how many are there?"


"What!? Ok you gotta start getting solid and help me out here." Jack said as he began waving his hand through Wuya.

With that last statement I decided I waited enough and came out of hiding and leapt in front of the pair.

Wuya gasped at the sight of me. "Disciple!"

"Hello, master, its been a long time hasn't it." I growled out.

AN: what to do what to do.
Log 17: Master And Student
Log 17: Master And Student
Current Time of Journey: 30 Years, 8 Days, 10 Hours, 39 Minutes, 17 Seconds
Location: Middle of Nowhere
Current Universe: Xiaolin Showdown
Number or Jumps Completed: 3

"YOU IDIOTIC DISCIPLE! IF YOU WERE FREE THIS WHOLE TIME WHY DID YOU NOT RELEASE ME SOONER! 1500 YEARS I WAS TRAPPED IN DASHI'S ACCURSED PUZZLE BOX!" Wuya screeched at me. Her form's ghostly tendril hair flailing around like they were caught in a storm and her mask face showing sharpened teeth in rage.

I felt my rage bubbling up like a volcano as she berated me. HOW DARE SHE!

"SILENCE!" I roared at Wuya while taking out the Eye of Dashi and firing it at her spirit form knowing full well it would do nothing to her. The discharge of lightning stunned Wuya as she saw the Wu I was holding.


I panted as I felt a weight lessen off of my chest. Damn it I really need to get myself under control, origin memories or not I really needed to retain control of myself, some willpower perks next jump are a must.

Wuya looked shocked as she listened to my rant before she asked "If you were trapped like me then how do you still have your body?"

I grunted "it is because Dashi used the completed version of the puzzle box on you, he used the experimental version on me which did not reduce me to a spirit when it caught me. It still trapped me until I was released but it did not drain me of my power. He then kept me on a shelf in the Xiaolin Temple and forgot about me. Now before we get more sidetracked what's with the kid." I pointed at Jack already knowing who he is but Wuya doesn't need to know that.

"Hey! I am not a kid, I am Jack Spicer the future ruler of the world and you shall bow before me like all the others when I gather the Shen Gong Wu!" Jack proclaimed as he pointed at me with the hand wearing the Fist of Tebigong like some kind of cartoon villain, oh wait.

"He is unneeded now that you are here Disciple" Wuya explained, "Get rid of him."

I moved to obey as I really did not want Spicer to be allowed to use the Wu and he was annoying. I super speeded behind him and slapped him with a sleeping spell to keep him down.

"Why did you not kill him Disciple? Have you gone soft during your incarceration?" Wuya questioned with narrowed eyes.

"No, I am just loathe to kill someone that might still be of use later, I can always kill him later if needed"

"Of use? What use? That buffoon is a incompetent moron!"

"A moron capable of creating artificial life in the form of his Jack Bots, mass producible loyal servants, the only deficiency being their forms. With proper work they could be quite a force to be reckoned with."

"Hmph, artificial life you say? Like my golems? I guess the boy does have his uses still, but how are you familiar of his toys and their potential?"

"I was released earlier than you Wuya and I have not wasted my time being idle. I have been researching the world and the capabilities of those in this time. Humanity has advanced greatly compared to their previous state."

"Bah, as far as I have seen they are still nothing more than primitive monkeys, look at them destroying their own world with their technology and the idiots they spawn." Wuya said as she pointed at the sleeping Jack.

"They deserve nothing more than being subjugated at my feet, at least then they will do what is good for them and listening to my wise commands." Wuya said as she drifted back into her memories of her golden era with flaming golems suppressing the people.

"Wuya, you do remember I am one of those primitive monkeys as you call it."

"You are an exception my dear Disciple, you unlike the rest of your kind are intelligent and gifted in the realm of magic."

"Anyways, how many Wu have you gathered Disciple, since you have one Shen Gong Wu already you most likely have more correct? Or have the monks taken the rest as well?"

"You don't have to worry about the monks Wuya, I have gathered all the Wu that have revealed themselves already that is why you did not find them."

"Excellent, but do not underestimate the monks Disciple they will interfere no matter what."

I chuckled "Not likely master, I killed Dojo Kanojo Cho before I left the Xiaolin Temple when I was released."

At this news Wuya froze in the air and stared at me like she couldn't believe what she heard.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, the damn dragon is dead, reduced to ashes."

"YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!" Wuya screamed to the sky with her arms raised high.

"Without that dragon the monks will have no way to find the Shen Gong Wu before us, world domination is ours Disciple! I am so proud of you! The world shall be plunged into darkness once more!"

I fingered my chin as I thought about Wuya's words. The way I figured I had three choices ahead of me. Help Wuya, don't help Wuya, or just ignore all of this shit. Do I really want to cover the world in darkness for thousands of years? Not really, but do I really want to fight Wuya and the rest of the side of evil alongside or not alongside the monks? Nope, especially since I kind of killed Dojo and pissed off the monks. Can I ignore all of this? Sure, but it would most likely end in Wuya winning since Dojo is dead and the world ending up covered in darkness. So, not a good option either. What to do what to do......I got it! Time to put my charisma perk to work.

"Hey Wuya, I just had a thought, but do we really need to plunge the world in darkness for thousands of years and transform the world into a desolate wasteland again?"

"Huh?" Wuya stopped her celebrating and looked at me as she drifted closer. "Why are you asking such a thing of course we need to plunge the world into darkness how else would we proclaim ourselves the ruler of the world and victors over the forces of the light?"

"No, I meant do we really need to do such a thing? The last time you did so didn't really work so well, or the time before that, or the time before that. Every time you plunged the world into darkness and made life harsh for the 'primitive monkeys' some goodie two shoes hero would always rise up and end your reign." I explained as I made air quotes.

"You already know that the only reason that they even succeeded was the fact that you underestimated them and the fact that they had sympathizers among the locals who gladly helped them from the shadows to overthrow you."

"Why not try a new method this time and rule as the God Empress of the world? Become the world's legitimate ruler. Give the sheep of the world what they want, but as their ruler with a velvet clad iron fist. Give them the things they want for a comfortable life and no real reason to rebel with strict unseen agents to control the malcontents. Show them that life under you is the best that they would ever have, then control the flow of information in the world which would paint any heroes as mere psychopaths that which to rip them from the comfort of their lives under your wise rule."

"Control every aspect of the civilized world with customized loyal golems to manage your new empire with you overseeing the big decisions to prevent corruption. Eventually, all those living will be those which have only known your benevolent rule and those who don't will simply be those who are taught by their elders to hate you which will eventually fade as they will find no wrong with you. You are immortal after all and can take the long route to corrupting the world."

"Hmmm, you seem to have thought about this a lot Disciple."

"Well I did have nothing but time to stew about our defeat for 1500 years and figure out what went wrong."

"You may have a point Disciple. Hmmm, I guess we could try it your way, but my golems are not that intelligent as they are bound to my will as puppets."

"That is where Jack can be useful then as once properly conditioned, he could make loyal efficient servants to handle the workload of a empire for us without worry of him betraying us."

"Hmmm, this sounds like a very good idea, but I will need to get my body back."

"Already in progress, I have a spell scanning for Shen Gong Wu at my base. Soon I should be able to located the reversing mirror and serpent's tail which will restore your body when used."

"Excellent my Disciple! I truly have missed your competence!" Wuya praised.

"Yes, but don't forget how you broke your promise to me by losing to Dashi I will be asking for more lessons from you to make up for that." I walked over to Jack's body and picked it up.

"Of course my Disciple you have more than deserved them."

"Alright let's go back to my base then follow me." I said as I levitated and moved towards my base a continent away. This was going to take a while since I didn't want to show Wuya my out of jump powers.

As I slowly traveled towards home with a sleeping boy over my shoulder and the spirit of my evil master I had one thought in my mind.

'This was not what I was expecting when I got up this morning'

AN: *Dies on table* AN UPDATE!!!
Log 18: Relax~ And Welcome Back
Log 18: Relax~ And Welcome Back
Current Time of Journey: 30 Years, 60 Days, 20 Hours, 00 Minutes, 27 Seconds
Location: Base in California
Current Universe: Xiaolin Showdown
Number or Jumps Completed: 3

2 months passed us by after I first brought Wuya and Jack's sleeping body with his attendant of Jack bots back to my penthouse suite. The Jack bots activated and tried to intercept me when I left with their creator, but I simply held my hand to his throat and threatened to kill him unless they let us pass. Their simple AI minds could not think of a way out and let us through unmolested rather than risk harm to Jack, though they did deign to follow us all the way back which I was content to let them.

As I entered through the window Wuya immediately saw my giant Shengong Wu locator globe and went to inspect it.

"This looks impressive Disciple, but what is it for and why is it so large?" Wuya asked.

"That is my world wide Shen Gong Wu locator." I explained "I used the idea of sympathetic magic or like finds like to connect a Shengong Wu to a tracking spell to locate the others and made the location output appear on the globe by connecting it to the spell as well."

"Hmmmm, ingenious, but how do you solve the problem of locating where the Wu are when you reach the location you see on the globe? This globe does not look easy to carry or very precise." Wuya questioned.

"Easy enough, I had another Shengong Wu which I destroyed to create another portable Shengong Wu tracker." I showed her my repurposed dragon tracker ball. "I just have to reach the area and the tracker will glow to point in the direction of the closest Wu around. So the big one is to get me in the area while this one leads me straight to it."

"No wonder you were able to beat Jack to the other Shengong Wu so fast, this is certainly more accurate than our senses." Wuya said excitedly

"Yes, so like I said, it is only a matter of time as soon I will have the Wu required to give you back your body." I said boredly as I dropped Jack in one of the guest rooms and warning the Jack Bots that if they tried to take him out of the room before he woke up he would be killed as I wanted to talk to him. Of course none of them detected the magic flowing around Jack from my stasis tag that I planted on his back, Jack wouldn't be up for a long while.

"Good, then I can try out your idea and see just how effective it really is." Wuya said.

With that said I decided to turn in to rest as I really did not feel like studying or hunting for anymore Wu for now.
*Three months later*

"This, has been a good time." I said as I stretched my arms back as I relaxed on my lawn bench and soaked up some sun.

And it really was, in the past few months I encountered no new enemies, nemesis, or even Chase Young who was suppose to come after me due to my drawback. Also, I managed to locate and retrieve all 540 Shengong Wu in existence. Wuya was very glad to see the reversing mirror and serpent's tail when I showed them to her one day after I collected the rest of the Wu. She of course knows I had collected all the Wu but did not show them as in a few cases I immediately threw them into my warehouse when she was not around with a quickly transmuted door in the ground. A few examples being the Fountain of Hui, Eagle Scope, Eye of Dashi, Sapphire Dragon, Hodoku Mouse, Sands of Time, and the Golden Tiger Claws. These were way to useful for me not to have for myself. Also, since I was the one to do all the work with her being a spirit the spoils go to me.

Of course not all that time was spent Wu hunting I also spent a good portion of my time learning from Wuya in advancing towards becoming a full fledged Heylin mage. I have to give it to my new learning perk I definitely would not have been able to learn some of the things Wuya has been teaching me so fast without it. I think even Wuya has noticed my speed as well due to a few comments of surprise at my rate of learning. According to Wuya I was caught up to where I should have been if it wasn't for the constant fights with Dashi we had.

Now I am taking a break and trying out sun tanning as I never really had a desire to before. Going to take some time to relax before I bring back Wuya and then find out where Chase Young is so I could deal with him.

Told Wuya I was going to bring her back tonight, now she is flying around in circles in excitement until it is time.

I slowly drift off to sleep as I think about how things were about to get interesting.

My eyes slowly opened as I looked upon my throne room. My two pets raised their heads in curiosity as their master stirred.

I slowly pet their heads and smiled as they went back to their nap. I frowned, just what was this feeling in my chest? It grows by the day for the last few months.

I have been feeling the power Dashi placed upon the world to shield it from darkness weaken as of late. Their influence has been waning as of late and it has gotten a bit easier for darkness to spread. 1500 years......say what you want about Dashi but he does do quality work.

With that last thought Chase Young opened his eyes.

A young man with neck long black spiky hair sat on his throne in his lair. His young form clad in fine tan armor. His reptilian eyes swept the empty throne room before closing once more.

I focused on the image of the person appearing my mind. The image was getting clearer as whereas before it was blurry and indistinct.

.....I think I recognize the youth, it has been a long time since I have seen that face. He was that Disciple of Wuya wasn't he? The one that Wuya corrupted from Dashi's side.

If I remember correctly he was sealed along with his master Wuya by Dashi into his Shengong Wu. He was also a abnormal student, he learned everything far too quickly, almost inhumanly so. He was only a student for Dashi for a short time yet he could be counted as one of those furthest along the path of becoming a Xiaolin Dragon besides myself. Then, when he became a Heylin mage his power and versatility quickly grew as well.

Hmmmm, perhaps the weakening in the defense by the Shengong Wu is due to him? Perhaps he and his master have been If they are then they must die. Wuya is a credible threat to me if she regains her powers. If so I must kill her Disciple before he can help her regain her true form and power.

Yes, I must kill Disciple, but first I must find him.

With a wave of his hand a large bowl floats from its alcove in the wall to settle in front of Chase Young's throne. Soon the empty bowl fills with a clear cloudlike liquid and images begin showing themselves on the surface. As the images slowly shifts at random Chase has only one thought in his mind.

Disciple must die before Wuya returns.
AN: Bleh, I hate being sick.
Log 19: The Return of Wuya!!.....The Couch Potato?
Log 19: The Return of Wuya!!.....The Couch Potato?
Current Time of Journey: 30 Years, 151 Days, 19 Hours, 23 Minutes, 17 Seconds
Location: Australian Outback
Current Universe: Xiaolin Showdown
Number or Jumps Completed: 3

Alright, it was finally time to bring Wuya back to the physical world. Of course to make sure that her revival wouldn't be detected by the rest of the modern world besides those mystically in tune, we had to go out into the middle of nowhere. Nowhere being the middle of the Australian Outback where no person should really be without a good reason. The lack of human life let me have the liberty of outright torching a few square kilometers of land in pure fire to quickly kill off all both wildlife and cover for anybody trying to sneak up on us.

After the fire burned for a sufficient amount of time I quickly put it out with a quick application of pyrokinesis to kill them off. Then, I started setting up the Wu for the procedure. The land was charred black with only rocks left of the former terrain. The night was cloudless with a full moon above providing a decent amount of light to work by.

"Quickly Disciple use the Serpent's tail hurry!" Wuya shouted in excitement as she hovered in front of the Reversing Mirror that I propped up against a rock.

"Alright, alright hold your horses Wuya, just making sure no one tries to interrupt us."

As I said that I quickly placed some shikigami guards en mass in a circle around the perimeter and then quickly activated the Shengong Wu.

"Serpent's Tail!" I yelled as the shengong wu in my hand activated and I felt myself be pulled forwards and my body lighten to nothing.

Wuya's eyes lit up with green Heylin fire as her mouth stretched into a open toothy grin.

As I was about halfway towards flying to Wuya I sensed the shikigamis I placed activating and begin converging on a location within my perimeter.

I quickly turned my head to look and I saw Chase Young standing there wide eyed in shock just before I hit Wuya.

"REVERSING MIRROR!" Wuya activated the shengong wu.

The next thing I knew the world turned white. A absolute explosion of white occurred. A ring of white exploded across the wasteland and a fountain of white sparks flew high into the air. White lightning flashed in the clear sky, the moon went from full to a black new in a instant, and the world went white and black with the rest of the vegetation dying around the area.

As the white light dissipated I found myself standing a dozen feet past where the mirror was. I saw a figure standing by the mirror it was a lithe form wearing Heylin robes wearing a mask like Wuya's. No need to guess who this was, around her was green fire and cracked grounds where she stood on her tip toes. Her long red hair waving in the air freely like a wind was blowing. She took off her mask and began cackling loudly as she displayed her full might once more with flames rising high into the air.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh it is good to be back in the flesh!" Wuya said in joy.

"WUYA! Chase Young is here and he tried to stop your return!" I yelled as I pointed at Chase where he blown back by the force of Wuya's return with the shikigamis sticking to him and trying to bind him.

He quickly got back his balance and began shredding through my little paper dolls before they could do anything. Luckily, I had reserves. The other shikigamis on the far side of the perimeter flew above my head to join their brethren in swarming the fallen xiaolin monk.

"Hah, the young Chase thinks he can stop my return? Hah! Taste my power!" Wuya said as she blasted his position with a ludicrous amount of green flames.

Chase saw the attack and quickly rolled out the way while changing into his dragon/lizard man form at the same time. He then immediately saw me and charged towards me at super speed, briefly disappearing from my vision. However, I knew what he wanted, to kill me thanks to the drawback, so I stayed still and pulled out my trump card which I cloaked with the snake talisman.

I got into a combat stance and pretended to be on guard against Chase while leaving a glaring hole in my guard for him to exploit. I got lucky and he actually took the bait. He appeared in front of me in a blur and his arm blurred as it pierced straight through my chest and out the back in a splash of gore. Now I am again thankful that I had the horse talisman as no doubt that this would have hurt like a b*tch if I could feel the pain.

Chase's draconic face was stretched in a toothy savage grin and I could hear Wuya shout "Disciple!" in the background. Me however? I just grinned and snaked my arm under his arm going through my chest and gripped his neck. I enhanced my strength with the Ox talisman and I could see the surprise in Chase's eyes as I should have died instantly. In my other hand I pointed my trump card towards Chase and activated it.

"Kuzusu Atom" I whispered. The golden lotus with a green reversed hand guard revealed itself, opened its golden leaves, and let loose a golden beam which struck Chase point blank in the chest without giving him a chance to dodge and instantly vaporized him.

So ended Chase Young, fallen Xiaolin monk, one of the greatest antagonist in the show, dead in a single blow and two words. How anticlimactic, all his powers, his magic, his skills, his abilities, and he died to a single shengong wu. Heh.

As Chase's arm turned to dust in my chest the horse talisman quickly went to work and regenerated my fatal wound, though I wish it fixed my shirt and washed out the blood. Man, I am getting greedy here. I remained kneeling in the ashes of my drawback foe as I thought about what to do next.

Wuya floated down to me and began checking me over for that wound.

"Hold still Disciple I will quickly heal you! Wait, where is the wound? I can see the hole in your robe but no wound. Did you have a shengong wu or spell to heal yourself?" Wuya questioned.

I let out a exhausted sounding breath before I answered her "Yes Master, I worked on a way to heal in my spare time. You know those shikigamis I made?"

I saw her nod. "Well, it works along the same line, a spell filled with power stored in a tag. I stored large amounts of energy into the tag which would convert it into healing energy which would heal my wounds near instantly depending on the severity of the wound and the amount of power inside the tag. The only problem is that the tag conversion of energy to healing is VERY inefficient, it takes a ridiculous amount of power just to heal a paper cut. That tag right now was the only one I had and it took all the spare power I had for the last five months being placed into it every night. The tag is completely consumed now and I just have to say it was worth it."

I bluffed Wuya with a probable sounding spell tag which conveniently destroyed itself with its use.

"That is quite impressive Disciple and you are quite fortunate to have just enough power to survive that blow." Wuya said with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

I snorted "It wasn't suppose to stop a lethal blow, though I knew it theoretically could with enough energy, it was suppose to let me continue fighting at my best long after my opponent has exhausted himself."

"Hmmm, you sure are getting a lot of good ideas of late Disciple, must be from being on that internet of yours so much."

"Yep, say what you will Master, but their cartoons do have some good idea at times." I grinned as I recall the times we sat around watching television at night.

"Alright Master, do you mind reigning in your power now? You're kind of altering the continent I think."

"Fine, can't blame me for enjoying my body again."

"Well since you have a body again you could just enjoy yourself in other ways." I said as I got up and began floating home with Wuya besides me.

"Oh? Like how" Wuya asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well, you could always use my money to order room service, order around the servants, get a spa session, go shopping, watch television, get a hobby, the possibilities are endless. I have a lot of money from my preparations." I explained.

Wuya looked interested. "Hmmm, it would be nice to have minions running around pampering me and catering to my every whim."

"Yep, you could do that, just gotta pay them with money, just no injuring them or killing them, if you don't like them just fire them and hire a new one. It will still take me some time to finish prepping everything to make your bid for world domination succeed."

"Hmmm, very well I could use a good vacation. Though I will be still training you, don't think you will escape my lessons, you will become a Heylin mage no matter what."

"Of course master." I said obediently while feeling giddy inside as more lessons was what I was hoping for.

*Timeskip one month*

You know, I think Wuya is adjusting way to well to the modern world. As soon as we got back to the penthouse Wuya spend a good hour in the hot tub enjoying the waters and raiding the fridge for food. I anticipated the need for a chef after the first fridge run and called up a chef to hire indefinitely along with a masseuse and a few errand boys to keep the place stocked.

She then spent the next month just slumming it around the penthouse channel surfing, eating five star meals, spa treatments, and online shopping.

Meanwhile, I was selling massive amounts of transmuted raw materials, refined jewels, and advanced materials to gain massive amounts of funds which I used to purchase majority stock in pretty much every company I could get my hands on. I invested heavily in medicine, communication, computers, software, industry, food, water, and housing. I basically made use of my infinite funds to integrate myself and control the infrastructure of society. I made use of a small army of lawyers, contractors, salesmen, etc to carry out my purchases. I basically kept everything quiet by arranging for all the purchases to be paid in advance and the official transfer of ownership of all the businesses to occur a year from now. This way I could arrange to buy everything with no one realize I bought a near monopoly, due to me leaving a single business of every type under the control of one of my own men, and when the time came no one would be in the position to stop me.

Now, time to deal with Jack Spicer. I had a few ideas on how to deal with him but I decided on just being simple about it. I stopped outside of his room, took a breath, then entered. Jack was still lying in his signature outfit stiff as a board on his bed, surrounded by Jack Bots.

The bots immediately deployed their weapons but made no moves to attack me. I raised my hands and said "I am here to wake up your creator he has slept long enough."

The bots backed down and I approached the body. I lifted Jack up to a sitting position while subtly removing the stasis tag from his back, then I doped slapped him while yelling "Wake Up!!"

Jack immediately woke up eye bulging "Ow! What was that for!? Where am I?" He said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Wait you were the guy Wuya told to kill me! Jack Bots attack!" Jack commanded before I could get a word in edgewise.

I immediately blurred into action and ripped the head off of every Jack Bot in the room before they could either fire their guns or smash something with their saw blades.

"Ahhhh!" Jack screeched and cowered like a little girl as a robot head bounced past him.

"Oh shut up, I am not going to kill you."

"You're not?"

"No, I want to give you a opportunity."

"What kind?"

"First let me ask you this Jack, what did you want? World domination right?"

"Duh, yeah, I mean I am Jack Spicer the greatest evil genius on the face of the planet!" Jack boasted as he posed.

"Uh huh, you do know that Wuya ruled the whole world before right? For quite a long time too."

"What!? No way? How could that little ghost thing rule the world?"

"That little ghost thing originally had a body and was very powerful and now she has her body back thanks to me. Here's the deal work for us and in ten years you will be the second in command of the whole world."

"Second in command of the whole world? Hey! Why am I only second in command!"

"Because Wuya is obviously the first. I am her Disciple so I am in second, and you can be the third if you prove yourself useful. I will be gone in less than ten years and if you prove your abilities Wuya will let you take over as second."

"Prove myself how and why should I prove myself to you!" Jack said as he pointed a finger at me.

"Did you already forget how I moved faster than you can see and ripped off the robot heads with my bare hands? Wuya can quite literally move the moon around at will with her powers."

"Oh right." Jack deflated, finger drooping.

"You can prove your usefulness by designing and building a entire army of bots needed to efficiently run a world wide bureaucracy. Soon Wuya will rule the world but neither of us want to deal with the paperwork or management. You however have the amazing skill of being able to create super advanced AI's which can handle all the administrative and management work for us. If you are willing to do that you will essentially be the one in control of the empire whenever we decide not to bother taking over control for some reason."

"Oh alright fine! I'll join you guys! But only because you said I'll be charge basically!" Jack said with his usual bluster.

"Good, but first gotta do one thing fist before we have you starting working on making our new office workers."


"Don't worry about it" I said as I slapped another stasis tag on him and carried him out of the room and went to find Wuya.

I found her sitting in the main living room watching a Korean drama. Seems even a immortal witch isn't immune to them apparently. I will never understand why people like those things. I shook my head as I approached Wuya.

"Master, the preparations for you to begin world domination is almost complete. All you have to do for now is help me make sure Jackie boy here won't try to back stab us when he is making his little helpers. Got any ideas?"

"Hmmm, can it wait, they are at a really good part right now." Wuya said as she kept her eyes on the screen.

"Master, you have on demand service you can easily go back to where you left off. This will not take long."

"Very well, there is a simple enough spell to bind this boy to our service without erasing his mind."

With Wuya's help Jack's loyalty was quickly cemented towards us and we quickly put him to work designing better AIs to run our future empire. Meanwhile, Wuya went back to living the life of luxury while I worked on stealthily cementing her position as future ruler of the world both legally and illegally.

Man, who knew world domination would be so much work.
AN: *falls asleep on table*
Log 20: I Hate This Game
Log 20: I Hate This Game
Current Time of Journey: 40 Years, 0 Days, 0 Hours, 20 Minutes, 45 Seconds
Location: White Room
Current Universe: Monopoly
Number or Jumps Completed: 4

*System Activated. All Status Green. Power Supply Stable. Full Functionality Available.*

*Jumper detected and recognized*

"Cortana activate ALP."

*Audio Log Program Activated*

The camera focused on the Jumper. The Jumper had the laptop in presumably his lap with the camera tilted up could only see the underside of his head. The camera picked up the voices of 9 other different people in the background.

"Well, this has certainly been a long time since I last did this log. The last entry was when I was in the Fullmetal Alchemist universe. Well, I have just finished travelling through the Xiaolin Showdown universe and am now in the Monopoly gauntlet. an-"

"Hey jumper, what that's you're doing? Aren't you going to play?" A voice said from off screen.

"I am doing a audio visual log of my jump journeys, I do this from time to time to properly log my adventures or to pass some time, since there are like 9 of us playing its going to be awhile before it gets back to me so I might as well do my logs. I didn't really have a good time to do it the last ten years so I am a bit behind. Plus I am recording this one at the same time as well."

"Oh cool, can we join in too!?"

"Maybe later, after I finish logging my last universe."


"It's your turn by the way. Anyways the last universe I was in was the Xiaolin Showdown and I....."

*recaps till making Jack loyal part*

"After that it was pretty clockwork for the most part. I spent most of my time learning under Wuya or Jack in Heylin magic and robotics respectively. Say what you will about Jack but he does really know his stuff when it comes to robots. Other than that I made sure to continue buying the world, ensuring a near monopoly on everything, getting people used to the idea of a awesome boss named Wuya through higher paychecks, benefits, etc. Lastly, I figured out a way to continue learning Xiaolin magic, it was so obvious that I am honestly pained that I did not think of it sooner even though I thought about it before."

"The Fountain of Hui and Eagle Scope grants me access to all the knowledge in existence. So I simply used it to 'download' all the lessons I needed to become a Xiaolin Dragon like Dashi and memorized it with my perfect memory. I still needed to actually practice to make use of all that knowledge, but no longer was I bound by my lack of knowledge limiting my skill growth. In fact with those two shengong wu I no longer needed Wuya as well, though learning from a person still is significantly faster than going from memory."

"At around the beginning of my third year in the jump it was finally time to reveal Wuya. Though I had a bit of trouble actually convincing her to actually do work since she got used to being a couch potato in the two years of preparations. I honestly did not expect that from her. Her reveal went smoothly enough, was a shock to most people to realize that pretty much every business was now owned by her and had her logo on it but they didn't really complain. Heck there wasn't even any riots from the masses, sure there were complaints by the governments but then they realized that if they actually tried anything the public would lynch them. Wuya's companies pretty much reduced unemployment, homelessness, starvation, gave excellent pay with benefits with safe work for a lot of people. Everyone wanted and did work for Wuya at that point. So when Wuya finally ran for president in the USA she won by a landslide and by making use of her power she managed to convince the other nations to merge into her growing empire since their lands were basically hers anyways. The AIs were immediately put to work to basically replace everyone in management or admin positions with all the replaced workers given new better paying jobs to cut off their complaints."

"That sounds nice sonny, why back in my day if you wanted a job you had to kill the guy in front of you to get into the job line."

"Quite gramps."

"The world was quickly united within three years and the world basically overturned all the laws and made her Empress of the Heylin Empire. All those who actually sided against her were watched carefully by robots and were quickly discredited as crazy people. The world was basically a utopia at that point as Wuya eliminated most of the woes present in the world. She was to the people the symbol of peace and prosperity. Hahaha. Oh god if they only knew. Wuya did really like being waited on hand and foot and being praised as the greatest ruler in the world. Turns out she wasn't as Evil as I thought she was. She just wanted power, admiration, and control. Now she had it all and the world was better than ever. Makes one think what the hell the forces of good were doing all this time....."

"Moving on, Wuya kept her word and spent a lot of time and effort to train me till she dubbed me acceptable enough to be considered a full Heylin mage and a master fighter. I think I even saw pride in her eyes, maybe some tears as well, though she would probably immolate me if I said that out loud. I got along well with Wuya as the years went by and my squeamishness about doing 'bad' things faded as I implemented a successful world domination plan."

"Wow you really ruled the world? I wish my nephew would rule the world."

"Anything can happen ma'am."

"After that I focused on my Xiaolin magic studies for the next few years till it was time for me to leave. Then, I ended up in a white room, met Rich Uncle Pennybags, agreed to play Monopoly with 8 other people including Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford. So, I am now all caught up and -"

"Ooh ooh! ME ME! Let me talk on the camera!"

The camera view is violently shifted to face a young girl with red hair in pigtails and freckles on her face. She is wearing a blue little sundress and her smile has a gap in the middle of her teeth where a tooth is missing.

"Hey kid! Give that back! Didn't anyone ever tell you it wasn't nice to take someone's stuff without asking first?"

"Hey its your turn!"


The camera perspective is wrenched violently again and faces the Jumper's face again.


"Oh be quiet, its mine anyways, now here's my roll."

*sounds of dice rolling*

"Well boyo, seems like you are lucky, double 6, move twelve and roll again."

*sounds of dice rolling*

"hmm, double 5's this time, one more double and you go straight to jail boy. Hope you aren't lucky again."

"Well see, well see, now I think this is a good time for me to end the log, this is just going to be tedious to watch again if I recorded a whole monopoly game with 9 players."

"Awww but I wanted to be on the log!"


*Audio Log Program Shutting down.*

AN: Not much this time. Anyone know if I can change the threadmark order? If so I can still work on the Xiaolin interlude if I got time.

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