How do you caffeine?


Esoteric Spaceman
Ok, let's talk about something non controversial. ;)

I find myself in need of a replacement for my drip coffee brewer and I have been coveting a new French Press. We have an electric kettle for rapid tea and a Krupp burr grinder, so the press seems like the next logical step.

How do y'all caffeine?

Do you perk? Cowboy it up grounds and all?

Do tell, inquiring minds wish to know.
Tea, Taylors of Harrogate Irish Breakfast, sugar and no cream. While I'm partial to Earl Grey it's price has shot through the roof in the last few years for some reason and I've gradually cut it out. I'm also a bit snobbish about my Earl Grey and won't drink the cheaper stuff.

When the weather is extremely cold and I have to work outside, I'll make a brew of hot chocolate and coffee that's probably horrific for health but gives me a large boost of calories and caffeine at the same time for those specific conditions.

Edit: Should add I don't microwave, I prefer to boil my water the old fashioned way and pour it into a teapot.
I love me a nice cuppa tea for winding down, but the thought of pushing code or writing or standing guard mount or pretty much anything without my go juice is terrifying.
How do I caffeine? In excess.

Coffee is good, and I don't really have a particular preference to any of it. I've tried gas-station garbage, homemade presses from super-specific beans, Starbucks milkshake-coffee and everything in between and...Yeah. All good, and while I can tell it's different and even better in the case of good beans and such, I've never noticed enough to overcome my inborn cheapskate, so I usually resort to drip-brewing really strong bulk-bought Yuban in a Bunn brewer because it's fast and it means I can go through a bunch in a day without feeling bad. Instant is about the only one I don't get because I do think the step up in taste and quality from it to a mass-market ground that is actually brewed is worth it.
Usually have my coffee black, but irish cream always tempts me with its siren-song of sweetness.

Tea? Also good--though I've much less experience with higher-cost tea than I do coffee. I've a particular fondness for spice teas in general with 'Marketspice' out of Seattle as my indulgence one and Good Earth's mass-market take on the same style what I usually get (because again: cheapskate). Green tea I kind of like as a change-of-pace type of thing and for summertime or workouts (but, well, not much to say there for brand because I get bulk-boxes of the stuff). Don't actually drink a lot of black tea, I suppose. Always migrate to coffee over tea if the choice was between the two there.

Terrible concoctions of sweetener and megadoses of caffeine and bull-semen derived chemical compounds that are 'energy drinks'? Yehp. Also drink those. I've managed to cut down on the things a lot since I got out of schooling, but I still occasionally have one when I want to read/write through a long evening or missed the chance for coffee in the morning. Like coffee, I don't really have a preference around them--usually gravitate to whatever is on-sale or sold in 2-for-1 specials (have you noticed I'm a cheapskate yet?).

Don't have too much issue with the caffeine pills/gum and such that gets marketed for truckers and the like. Tried the gum once, but...Something about coffee seems like it works more. Having something to drink and periodically pause and lift up to the mouth as an activity helped more than chewing?
Don't have too much issue with the caffeine pills/gum and such that gets marketed for truckers and the like. Tried the gum once, but...Something about coffee seems like it works more. Having something to drink and periodically pause and lift up to the mouth as an activity helped more than chewing?

Heh, on those long 24 hour guard mounts we used to chew on the instant coffee packets that came in the MREs. Mmmmm, Folgers crystals (not).
I’m on a caffeine detox right now to re-sensitize my body to it.

But when I am drinking caffeine, it usually comes in the form of a strong preworkout or three bags of earl grey.
Energy drinks, currently in the form of Rockstar Samurai Cola.

Plan to switch to just taking Guarana tablets straight up because of how cheap it is.
Southern style sweet tea! Two cups of sugar to the gallon!

The perfect crime.

A fun fact for you: the US government puts a substantial tariff on sugar cane. Sweet tea is so sugary that at one point a company began to buy sweet tea from out of the US and remove the sugar from it, reaping a substantial profit.

Of course, such operations were eventually shut down, but just think about how crazy that is for a second.
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Southern style sweet tea! Two cups of sugar to the gallon!

Because during the war, we couldn't get proper tea, what with the dastardly blockade and all, so we made teas out of bitter herbs and roots and added sugar!

Same reason Nawlins style coffee is one part coffee, one part chicory.
Being in Intel. Our go to is at least a cup of coffee before work, one at the start of work. And maybe 4 or 5 before the end.
Lots of creamer and sugar for me.
Though, when it comes to other things, energy drinks come in super handy at times, as does a sods or two.

I drink tea usually if I want to calm down. Some English breakfast in the evening watching videos or reading books.
Maybe some hot coco and some Bailey's.

On some weekends if I need a boost I make coffee and put mostly Bailey's and a little creamer and sugar
Being in Intel. Our go to is at least a cup of coffee before work, one at the start of work. And maybe 4 or 5 before the end.
Lots of creamer and sugar for me.
Though, when it comes to other things, energy drinks come in super handy at times, as does a sods or two.

I drink tea usually if I want to calm down. Some English breakfast in the evening watching videos or reading books.
Maybe some hot coco and some Bailey's.

On some weekends if I need a boost I make coffee and put mostly Bailey's and a little creamer and sugar

Any gourmet pretensions? I just found out this is a thing...

I'll be the one to speak up for gas station coffee. It's cheap, it gets the job done. In fact, I think the cheapness is a virtue. You can go to Starbucks or some bespoke roadside coffee shack and pay four dollars for a small cup of joe, but that's not going to taste any better than a buck-fifty cup of gas station expresso. Why splurge?

Whenever I stop for gas in a new town, I make a point to buy a cup of coffee along with a full tank of gas. No reason for it, except that I like to be juiced up on a long drive, and I like to see how much effort the station puts into their coffee. Kind of strange to say about coffee that gets brewed in the morning and left out all day, but it takes a little bit of effort to do it right. That effort is a measure of the hospitality of the staff. I've had some good coffee from a gas station, and I've had some really bad coffee that tasted like it had been left in the pot for a week. Also, buying coffee when I tank up is an excuse to walk into the store and get some facetime with the employees. I prefer that to zipping my card into a gas pump and never talking to anyone.

At home, I just use a cheapo drip machine and small cans of Folgers. Nothing fancy. If you want fancy, go talk to my brother, he's the one who grinds his beans and messes around with a french press. Me? I don't have time for that. When I roll out of bed, I've got half an hour to eat, pack a lunch, brew a pot and go. There isn't enough room in that schedule for cream, even if I liked cream in my coffee.

I haven't rambled enough, so lets circle back to how I like to be juiced up on a long drive. Or, rather, why. I've never worked closer than twenty-five minutes from home, and I used to work some pretty odd hours. Because of my own sloppy habits, I never got enough sleep... so I started falling asleep. Never for long, I'd just pass out and wake up in the lunchroom, or in back of the plant, or on the drive home. Sometimes I'd pull into my driveway, put the car in park, turn off the engine, and pass out for fifteen minutes. Needless to say, this is not a safe state of affairs. I didn't like coffee, but coffee was all I had, so I mixed the coffee at work fifty-fifty with cream and sugar and drank it on the way home. As time went on, I needed less and less sugar, though switching over to black had to wait until I got a job at a place where they knew how to clean the damn coffee machine.

But yeah. There's something about a long car ride after work to soothe the soul. It's almost like watching the sunrise after working the graveyard shift. You just feel all the stress and the soreness melt away, and coffee goes with that feeling like butter on biscuits.
I'm into tea myself, PG Tips typically but basically black tea blends, with half n half or milk and sweetener. I got in the habit of builder's tea when I was living in Scotland. I also caffeinate with diet cola (preferably Diet RC) or ice tea (no milk, with sweetener, sometimes lemon) when it's warm.

For coffee, my old roommate was well into her French Press over the previous drip machine. Also we could use the same kettle, so that was handy.
I've tried and failed repeatedly to get into drinking tea and coffee, so normally I caffeinate myself with energy drinks and soda.

And also with lemonade, because you can find those little water-bottle mix packets of lemonade with caffeine now. For some reason drinking caffeinated lemonade makes me feel less guilty than drinking an energy drink or soda.

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