How long will modern day Earth last against the Blood Angels chapter?

He'll remove Orbital strikes? How well he even find them all? Many are located in hardened silos or submarines deep under the sea, intentionally hidden from orbital recon, and nuclear ones are one thing that has a consistent track record of evading detection by 40k sensors, such as in the memorably incident during the great crusade when the Lion was almost assassinated by a nuclear weapon that was hidden on a shuttle aboard his own flagship.

Silo locations are public knowledge, once they get the initial scout and electronic intelligence gathering, they are blown up from orbit, same as nuclear bomber bases, etc.

Also the Lion incident was possible because a peer competitor was able to use advanced technology to evade the scans. And the plan failed anyway. We don't have the technology to evade their scans.

ECM/ECCM is for jamming/counter jamming, it cannot just disable the electrical grid. Destroying the electrical grid would actually be very hard for marines, because it's so heavily decentralized and scattered, you'd have to hit a lot of places all at once to knock it down, and marines do not have the numbers to do that.

It will prevent ground radars from monitoring space and most radio traffic. As for the electrical grid, computer viruses and strikes on key weak points can cause cascading power failures all across the world, causing economic collapse.

It is true that we do not have a direct counter the librarius. It is also not relevant, as many races or forces in 40k (tau, dark eldar, many guard regiments, and many space marine forces) will not have a psyker on hand or even any at all, and they'll nonetheless hold their own against the marines.

You mean in selected circumstances held their own because said Space Marines got recalled due to internal politics or really lucky there was not a Librarian on the upper scale with truly world breaking powers. A Librarian just capable of hurling thunder balls is different from a Librarian who snaps Titans in half.

Warhammer lore is often inconsistent and nonsensical, merely because they can allegedly do something in the lore does not mean they can do it in reality. And speaking of that lore, I don't recall the last time I saw marines, loyalist or chaos, just outright conquer a world via force of arms.

Probably because both sides are now employing Legion Strength Forces again with the Primarchs returning to lead in person.

By all means, please cite a single passage where a Leman Russ battle cannon shows comparable power to 16 inch gun.

One moment, "Digs deep into the web archives,"

Conquerer Cannon:
Gaunt's Ghosts: Honour Guard - Dan Abnett, Black Library, Pages 182 & 183
"When it fired, the breech of the main gun hurtled back into the turret space with one hundred and ninety tonnes of recoil force."
This weapon could project a 500 Kg projectile with four gigajoules of kinetic energy and close to two million newtons of force.

190 tons of force means a conqueror cannon alone packs the power of a 16inch gun, a Battle Cannon is a lot more powerful than that.

The Orks put paid to any such notion of vastly improved 40k firepower, since their weaponry is cobbled together out of scraps and is able to compete. Yes, the Waagh field helps close that gap, but it only closes it from where the ork's performance should be, which is already within range of IoM stuff. It's not going to turn a 18th century black powder cannon into something on par with a Rheinmetall Rh-120, but it might make a 1980's era Rheinmetall Rh-120 on par with a modern one.

The Orks are the most powerful pyschic race in 40K, capable of creating advanced technology out of scrap that works in their hands because they believe it does. The more they fight, the bigger and badder they get. At a certain point they begin to evolve to the Krork whose power and reach exceeded what the DAOT Humanity achieved. The Beasts who led the Orks in M32 were constructing attack moons that created FTL gravity corridors and could whack entire Imperial Battle Fleets. The Adeptus Mechanicus reverse engineered the Technology, used it to teleport Ullanor elsewhere, renamed it Armageddon, and then stuck the secrets deep and dark in their vaults and never used it to replace warp travel because of reasons.

And I'm sure he's put forth a great deal of effort, but IMO he's wasting his time because trying to derive even ballpark figures for a setting as inconsistent as 40k is pointless. It was a core plot point in Fall Of Cadia that the pylons that disabled any-warp based power worked on the Sisters of Battle and Saint Celestina, because their "faith" powers were in truth a warp effect. It was also a core plot point in Parith Nexus that the Sister's powers not affect by a vastly more powerful anti-warp device, because the sisters did not draw upon the warp to wield thier supernatural power, but rather they were derived from Faith alone.

True and they weren't near sacred relics of the Emperor which could serve as an amplifier or had sufficient mass of faith to burn through. Bear in mind the Emperor was surrounded by Sisters of Silence without ill effect and despite their abilities, Sisters could be killed by Daemons of the Warp. So it depends on the strength of the null field vs the strength of the pysker facing it.

So is the Death Korps of Kreig, are we to assume that a modern force would be helpless in the face of the Korp's grossly outdated WW1 era tactics?

Depends on context. A Siege Regiment sent to dig out a foe from an area that can't be pounded into submission by orbital bombardment like Vraks is different from a Krieg Regiment formed for mobile warfare like Death Korps 23rd Mechanised Regiment. The Former is used for straight up shit kicking contests in which maneuver is not possible, the foe is heavily dug in and safe from ortillery, Astartes are not available to kick the door in, Titans and Knights likewise are not available, and the world's value is not so great as that the Imperium wants to deploy those units but still wants it back on principle. The issue with Vraks was that Chaos Marines got involved and brought their friends with them and Imperial High Command decided to keep grinding instead of saying fuck it, exterminatus. Even in the Vraks storyline, people realized this entire campaign was handled poorly from the get go and tactics were changed and proper resources deployed for the face saving conquering of the world which was then abandoned.

A regular Krieg Regiment is capable of mobile warfare in hellish environments where maneuver is possible, but conditions too bad for even the Penal Legions to be sent and not so valuable that the Imperium will request Astartes.

I don't ever recall reading a passage in any 40k novel where even heavy bolters are effective anti-armor weapons, let alone standard ones. It's only on the tabletop where bolters stand even a slim chance of harming an armored vehicle. There's a reason that when engaging tanks and brefit of anti-tank weapons, the typical Astarte's tactic is to run toward the tank, board it, tear the hatches off and toss grenades into the interior, not to just flank it and shoot the rear armor with bolters.

Siege of Vraks, Volume 1, it was what the Dark Angels did when destroying the Space Port. Then again they had several hundred marines present and lots of ammo, so they could be a little liberal in its use. Again context. A single space marine squad with limited ammo will use their weapons differently to conserve ammo than a battleforce several hundred strong. Also depends on what rounds they are carrying as well. Marines expecting to take on Tyrranids will pack different rounds than if they were expecting to fight Traitor Astartes. If they are planning on raiding say the Pentagon in this scenario, they would pack Metal Storm Frag Bolts due to the confines of the area and the low likely hood of dealing with armored vehicles. The rounds would ensure massive causalities amongst the military staffers in the Pentagon, many of whom likely do not have BDUs in the building and just personal sidearms, and maybe a platoon at most who have access to longarms and body armor if there is a serious security incident requiring it.

Wiping out government leadership is bad, because that wipes out everyone that has the authority to actually order a surrender.

Individuals can still surrender, and secondary administrators can cut their own deals. Say the President of Ecuador is whacked along with top government officials, the governors seeing what happened and told to surrender or die will quickly cut a deal.

As for the suggested tactic of "bomb everything until they surrender", that's been tried repeatedly in warfare for the past century and change, and it has never once worked. Not once in the history of industrial warfare has a bombing campaign broken the will of a civilian population to continue resisting, nor has it forced any government or regime to surrender (aside from Japan, and that was a near-failure). I see no reason to assume it will suddenly get much better when space marines try it.

Probably because the people generally survived the bombings and took up arms and could actually hurt their tormentors and Serbia did surrender to a bombing campaign by the way, so did the Netherlands. A space marine ortillery strike depending on the power setting can literally vaporize an entire continent with everyone on it. Hell through selective strikes, the Blood Angels can disrupt the weather patterns and cause mass famine or using the Macrocannons, cause super tsunamis. Fewer survivors, and no means to stop the strikes plus surgical hits and break down of the global economy will cause surrenders by people who just want to survive.

As I said, we don't need to match them, we have far greater numbers. It's very unclear how many aircraft a marine chapter can actually call upon. The Dark Angels, who likely have far more aircraft than standard, have 2 "oversized" squads that are organized as pilots for the ravenwing, let's say they're double the size of a standard squad, so 40 guys and 40 planes. Let's than assume that's in addition to their non-ravenwing aircraft, and that for normal chapter each battle company has a single oversized squad as their pilots (these are very generous estimates, BTW). So, that's 100 interceptors and gunships, plus maybe 30 or 40 thunderhawks (the DA deployed 16 to Vraks along with deploying roughly half their chapter to the battle, so we're doubling that and accounting for the DA being relatively air-power heavy).

You are forgetting they have Serfs who are qualified pilots and fly the bulk of their combat aircraft and make up the bulk of their support troops.

As it is, most airfields will be blasted from orbit fairly quickly. That takes out the bulk of available air power. Next the Space Marines can pick and choose where to deploy, and depending on where they deploy, their may not be any aircraft in position to intercept even assuming they can get past all the jamming to find them much less realize they are inbound. Their best bet is to hug the ground, become part of the ground clutter on the screen and then pop up and fire quickly before peeling off. But bear in mind the Space Marines can simply dodge the missile if not shoot it down or jam it. Like in Star Wars and neo-BSG, the Space Marines have to operate in heavy ECM/ECCM environments and have plenty of experience in such battles, but when that is not an issue, they have engaged in long range missile warfare.

Sure we do, just wait til they land and then nuke'em. That won't be the immediate reaction of course, but once we realize just how few of them are (something greatly aided by the marine's love of individualized heraldry, letting us very quickly realize the same small number of guys keep showing up at engagement after engagement) it won't take long for someone to run the numbers on just how little collaterate damage it would cause to wipe them out.

With what nukes via what delivery method? Missile? It would be shot down. Aircraft delivered bomb? Good luck being in the right spot at the right time. Artillery shell? Same as Aircraft bomb. Practically there is no real way to nuke them on the ground except by luck.

And even in a conventional engagement, marines are good but hardly unstoppable. The Red Scorpions deployed a full company +supported assets to take one heavily defended position on Vraks, where they were opposed largely by humans, armed with autoguns, crew served weapons, and supporting artillery.

They started with a ten man assault squad, which deployed first in order to drop a homing beckon for the terminators, and the rest of the company in rhinos ready to move up and reinforce. The assault marines landed with total surprise in the middle of the night against an enemy that had no NVGs, no ability to call in supporting fire least it hit their own men, and with many of the heavy weapons pointed the wrong way.

By the time the main push reached the assault squad, 9 of them were dead, and the entire force took about 50% causalities just holding that one spot against determined resistance.

Sergeant Culln led 4 other marines in Operation Execution Place. Due to Codex Adherence, they jumped with bolt pistols and and chainswords instead of combi-weapons, thus they had to jump up to engage effectively. One marine took a missile hit to the torso and died, another was hit in the helmet and wounded by an unspecified weapon, there was an Ogryn counter-attack, and how the 3 other brothers under Culln died is not specified.

The Vraksians counter-attacked with an Armored Column supported by Titans. Commander Ainea took a plasma blast from an unspecified plasma weapon that wounded him.

Its kinda clear that heavy weapons of superior quality and technology than we possess are needed to take out a space marine who is fully encased in armor.

Now a soldier might get lucky and spy a Space Marine taking his helmet off and go boom head shot, but other than that, not much chance to kill Blood Angels in numbers sufficient enough to turn the battle.
It has a major difference. Pre-DoB are your standard First Born with anywhere to 500 to 1,600 Marines, Post-DoB you have the Primaris and the Chapter is a lot larger with upwards of 5,000 Astartes. It just means whether there is a stomp or a complete anal circumference roll table in play from FATAL.

I don't think the chapter was expanded post devastation?

This also brings in Inceptors who would look like falling meteors on radar and would just be absolutely devastating to Military Forces. Then there are the Incursors and Vanguard Infiltrators. And then come the Repulsors which can be dropped from orbit.

Vanguard Eliminators would also be a pain, camo cloaks defeat even Tau thermal scans and fellow Astarte scans, and they can utilize Las Fusils per lore as long range sniper weapons. Then again the First Born Scouts also had camo cloaks as well and were used to wage guerrilla warfare and snipe targets of opportunity.

Inceptors looking like debris or or meteors on radar doesn't help them all that much, it might trick people once (but only maybe, it's not like the government is going to be particularly blasé about mere meteors hitting important infrastructure or bases), but once it happens the first time people will be wary of it in the future.

And more importantly, they cannot meaningfully alter the overall tactical situation. Space marines are already fast, tough, and armed with extremely hard hitting weapons. Adding some marginally faster, marginally tougher, marginally harder hitting marines to their roster will not allow them to turn a situation where they are at the losing end of a massive strategic and numerical disadvantage into a victory by doing really, really well at a tactical level. They were already enjoying an overwhelming tactical advantage.

Vanguard forces are likewise not going to help. Camo cloaks are really fancy camouflage that doesn't show up on thermals. Ok, that's neat, you're still not going to conquer the world with that, nor will you conquer the world with that and some really fancy sniper rifles. We have dudes that have really good sniper rifles now, and I'm fairly sure DAPRA has some sort of anti-thermal imaging cloth under development, those are nice but they're again tactically useful gadgets that are of limited value on a strategic level.

Any conventional engagement with marines is going to feature the same core elements, regardless of the precise equipment used by the marines:

1. They can deploy almost anywhere with ease and will enjoy an overwhelming initial advantage, but they will have an extremely limited time to operate there before overwhelming conventional forces arrive to swamp them with sheer numbers and firepower.
2. Marines cannot deploy everywhere, it is possible to harden a location to the point it is deep strike proof. Drop pods and jump capable force can be shoot down on the way in and cannot avoid detection on the way in by ground based AA forces, marines rely on speed and surprise to overwhelm enemies you can't get the drop on a radar dish wired to a SAM site.
Terminators can teleport down, but they need a homing signal in order to do so, otherwise there is a very high risk of a fatal mishap.
3. They can get down to the surface easily, but any non-terminator force will have severe trouble getting back up, because they must be evacuated with aircraft and 40k aircraft, not matter how fast and sturdy they are, will eventual face weapons built counter them. A conventional SAM modified with an anti-tank type warhead will hurt a thunderhawk, and enough hits will kill it. Moreover, to pick up troops that thunderhawk must land, bringing it into range of all sorts of weapons that would struggle to engage at higher altitude.
4. Marines cannot win a war of attrition. All of their equipment is difficult to repair and much of it is impossible to replace, and none of it can be replaced quickly. Likewise, training any new marines takes decades.
5. Our capabilities are very hard to degrade away entirely. The marines can probably knock out a lot of the stuff used to make modern weapons. But they can't knock all the stuff needed to produce any weapons that can hurt them. It may well be that a few weeks into this war, we can no longer produce any more SMAWs. Ok, that sucks, but we've still got loads of them and I bet we can still build some kind of panzerschreck type weapon, and that will still kill a marine.

Silo locations are public knowledge, once they get the initial scout and electronic intelligence gathering, they are blown up from orbit, same as nuclear bomber bases, etc.

I'm pretty sure all silos are not publicly known, and please cite the ability to SM craft to precisely destroy them, since those silos are again, built to resist attempts to destroy them via even nuclear blasts.

Also the Lion incident was possible because a peer competitor was able to use advanced technology to evade the scans. And the plan failed anyway. We don't have the technology to evade their scans.

I think you're missing the point. Regardless of the technology used, they hid the bomb in a very small shuttle, so whatever tech they used to shield it must have likewise been very small and compact. It is therefore entirely possible that our technology, though bulkier and less effective, may still succeed.

It will prevent ground radars from monitoring space and most radio traffic. As for the electrical grid, computer viruses and strikes on key weak points can cause cascading power failures all across the world, causing economic collapse.

That seems dubious, given you, and the codexes, have already claimed that a key advantage that jump pack troops have is that they can insert from orbit and the enemies ground defenses will confuse them with meteors or space debris. If the astartes were capable of the sort of jamming you contend, it wouldn't matter what jump infantry looked like, since enemy radar would be unable to detect them at all.

The capability to cause cascaded power failures by hitting a few key points in the grid is, to my knowledge, completely undemonstrated and largely a matter of speculation even for us, who build that grid and know how all of it works, it seems even less likely the marines will be able to do it.

You mean in selected circumstances held their own because said Space Marines got recalled due to internal politics or really lucky there was not a Librarian on the upper scale with truly world breaking powers. A Librarian just capable of hurling thunder balls is different from a Librarian who snaps Titans in half.

No, I mean military forces in 40k regularly engage enemies that have Pyskers, and defeat those enemies, despite not having pyskers of their own.

Probably because both sides are now employing Legion Strength Forces again with the Primarchs returning to lead in person.

That's not a citation. Please cite an incident, ideally a detailed incident, where a single company of marines conquered an entire planet by themselves.

190 tons of force means a conqueror cannon alone packs the power of a 16inch gun, a Battle Cannon is a lot more powerful than that.

So, a Leman Russ can take a 190 tons of recoil and be fine, but on that feat list the entire tank was rocked back by the impact of an enemy shell that hit with far less force, and so given that hitting the tank with 190 tons of force should have flipped the darn thing over.

Speaking of SDN, I recall them getting really salty over some IA manuals that actually did give explict, and pathetic, figures for 40k vehicles. You'll forgive if I distrust the judgement of people who say "well, when this book says 190 tons of recoil, that's actually 190 tons of recoil, but when this other technical book says Rolled homogeneous Armour it's not really RHA as we understand it".

The Orks are the most powerful pyschic race in 40K, capable of creating advanced technology out of scrap that works in their hands because they believe it does. The more they fight, the bigger and badder they get. At a certain point they begin to evolve to the Krork whose power and reach exceeded what the DAOT Humanity achieved. The Beasts who led the Orks in M32 were constructing attack moons that created FTL gravity corridors and could whack entire Imperial Battle Fleets. The Adeptus Mechanicus reverse engineered the Technology, used it to teleport Ullanor elsewhere, renamed it Armageddon, and then stuck the secrets deep and dark in their vaults and never used it to replace warp travel because of reasons.

Yes, thank, I've read the wiki page for "WAAGH" as well, but that doen't actually address my point. As a rule*, ork technology does not work "because they think it does" it works better than it should because they think it does, as evidenced by the fact that people who are not orks can use ork technology despite their being no orks around to affect it. Cain used a bunch of hijacked ork vehicles in Death or Glory, the Armageddon Ork Hunter regiment making use of captured ork weaponry, Yarrick and his power claw that still works, etc.

It's not possible to construct weapons of the performance and firepower allegedly reached by imperial technology out of scrap metal and junk, it's simply not possible. However, it is possible to construct crude firearms and weaponry that can perform nearly as well as modern weapons of scrap and junk, and then the WAAGH can make up the difference.

* there are allegedly some instances where Ork tech should not work at all and yet does. I say allegedly as I've never actually seen such a passage dispite being fairly well versed in 40k, so if these passages do actually exist, they are very, very rare and not the norm.

True and they weren't near sacred relics of the Emperor which could serve as an amplifier or had sufficient mass of faith to burn through. Bear in mind the Emperor was surrounded by Sisters of Silence without ill effect and despite their abilities, Sisters could be killed by Daemons of the Warp. So it depends on the strength of the null field vs the strength of the pysker facing it.

That's not at all related to what I said, I didn't say "this time, they were strong enough to power through the anti-warp effect", I said "The book explicitly stated the anti-warp effect didn't work on them, because they didn't use the warp", right after another book explicitly said anti-warp effects do work on them, because the sisters use the warp.

Depends on context. A Siege Regiment sent to dig out a foe from an area that can't be pounded into submission by orbital bombardment like Vraks is different from a Krieg Regiment formed for mobile warfare like Death Korps 23rd Mechanised Regiment. The Former is used for straight up shit kicking contests in which maneuver is not possible, the foe is heavily dug in and safe from ortillery, Astartes are not available to kick the door in, Titans and Knights likewise are not available, and the world's value is not so great as that the Imperium wants to deploy those units but still wants it back on principle. The issue with Vraks was that Chaos Marines got involved and brought their friends with them and Imperial High Command decided to keep grinding instead of saying fuck it, exterminatus. Even in the Vraks storyline, people realized this entire campaign was handled poorly from the get go and tactics were changed and proper resources deployed for the face saving conquering of the world which was then abandoned.

A regular Krieg Regiment is capable of mobile warfare in hellish environments where maneuver is possible, but conditions too bad for even the Penal Legions to be sent and not so valuable that the Imperium will request Astartes.

Ok, you're still not getting it. A fixed defensive line like Vraks would be child's play to a modern military force, the sort of "heavily dug in" defenses used somewhere like Vraks are obsoletely in reality because modern tactics outpaced them. Even if I for a second bought this "40k tech is the best" argument you're making, that wouldn't matter, because vastly superior weapons and armor wouldn't bring trench warfare back into style, because trench warfare was rendered obsoletely by advances in doctrine and tactics using technology. If you made every weapon and piece of steel in WW1 4 times better, the allies would have still broken through the Central power's trenchlines.

Siege of Vraks, Volume 1, it was what the Dark Angels did when destroying the Space Port. Then again they had several hundred marines present and lots of ammo, so they could be a little liberal in its use. Again context. A single space marine squad with limited ammo will use their weapons differently to conserve ammo than a battleforce several hundred strong. Also depends on what rounds they are carrying as well. Marines expecting to take on Tyrranids will pack different rounds than if they were expecting to fight Traitor Astartes. If they are planning on raiding say the Pentagon in this scenario, they would pack Metal Storm Frag Bolts due to the confines of the area and the low likely hood of dealing with armored vehicles. The rounds would ensure massive causalities amongst the military staffers in the Pentagon, many of whom likely do not have BDUs in the building and just personal sidearms, and maybe a platoon at most who have access to longarms and body armor if there is a serious security incident requiring it.

Cite the passage, please. I haven't read the book in a while and don't have a copy to hand, but I don't remember anything in it, and can't find anything on the wiki, about the DAs leveling the starport with small arms fire.

Individuals can still surrender, and secondary administrators can cut their own deals. Say the President of Ecuador is whacked along with top government officials, the governors seeing what happened and told to surrender or die will quickly cut a deal.

That's exactly the issue. The president is dead, but the governor surrenders, but the command staff of the local army unit doesn't report to the govern, they report to someone else, and so on.

Probably because the people generally survived the bombings and took up arms and could actually hurt their tormentors and Serbia did surrender to a bombing campaign by the way, so did the Netherlands. A space marine ortillery strike depending on the power setting can literally vaporize an entire continent with everyone on it. Hell through selective strikes, the Blood Angels can disrupt the weather patterns and cause mass famine or using the Macrocannons, cause super tsunamis. Fewer survivors, and no means to stop the strikes plus surgical hits and break down of the global economy will cause surrenders by people who just want to survive.

The netherlands surrendered because resistance in general was impossible, the surrender just took place after the bombing underscored the impossibility of resistance.

The issue with space marine orbital bombardment is exactly those power levels. We know it's possible to launch light, very weak strikes capable of being safely used for tactical fire support. We also know it's possible to have vastly more powerful bombardments that cause apocalyptic levels of damage. We do not know what the intermediate settings are or are capably of, and that's the issue because Dante's job is to conquer the planet, not blow it up or conquer the shouldering ruins of the planet.

You are forgetting they have Serfs who are qualified pilots and fly the bulk of their combat aircraft and make up the bulk of their support troops.

Serfs do not fly any marine aircraft or engage in any sort of combat as a supporting troops. All marine aircraft are flown by marines, and serfs will only engage in combat if a marine ship or base of operations is attacked, otherwise they are non-combatants.

As it is, most airfields will be blasted from orbit fairly quickly. That takes out the bulk of available air power. Next the Space Marines can pick and choose where to deploy, and depending on where they deploy, their may not be any aircraft in position to intercept even assuming they can get past all the jamming to find them much less realize they are inbound. Their best bet is to hug the ground, become part of the ground clutter on the screen and then pop up and fire quickly before peeling off. But bear in mind the Space Marines can simply dodge the missile if not shoot it down or jam it. Like in Star Wars and neo-BSG, the Space Marines have to operate in heavy ECM/ECCM environments and have plenty of experience in such battles, but when that is not an issue, they have engaged in long range missile warfare.


Pictured: "long range missile warfare", apparently.

As for destroying aircraft on the ground, the issue with that is that the marines only have a few ships capable of doing orbital bombardment, seemingly just 3 in this case. There are substantially more than 3 airbases on earth, and so there will be a lot of time to get planes out of the area before the marines hit them. And while they're bombing airbases, they're not bombing nuclear silos, or factories, or power plants, or miltary bases, and so on. This is the problem the marines have. They are surgical strike force, they are not intended nor capable of engaging in the sort of the massive scale warfare you're envisioning.

With what nukes via what delivery method? Missile? It would be shot down. Aircraft delivered bomb? Good luck being in the right spot at the right time. Artillery shell? Same as Aircraft bomb. Practically there is no real way to nuke them on the ground except by luck.

I actually doubt the marines would be able to shoot down a nuclear missile. Imperial ships have iffy point defense in the first place, and that's vs 40k torpedoes and strike craft, which are massive targets in comparison to a modern nuclear missile, cruise missile, etc.

As for other weapons, you don't need to be in the right place at the right time, you don't need luck. You just need to be faster than the marine's own transports can get their to extract them. A tomahawk has a range of about a 1000 km and can hit anything within that range in about an hour, less so the closer it is to the target. Marines are fast, but they're not that fast.

Sergeant Culln led 4 other marines in Operation Execution Place. Due to Codex Adherence, they jumped with bolt pistols and and chainswords instead of combi-weapons, thus they had to jump up to engage effectively. One marine took a missile hit to the torso and died, another was hit in the helmet and wounded by an unspecified weapon, there was an Ogryn counter-attack, and how the 3 other brothers under Culln died is not specified.

The Vraksians counter-attacked with an Armored Column supported by Titans. Commander Ainea took a plasma blast from an unspecified plasma weapon that wounded him.

Its kinda clear that heavy weapons of superior quality and technology than we possess are needed to take out a space marine who is fully encased in armor.

And your evidence that these vrakians had some sort of incredibly potent super-missiles vastly better than than anything we have today is? Their small arms certainly weren't, 40k autoguns seem to have demonstrated performance in line with modern weapons. Which, BTW, is another strike against 40k having super weapons, since for some reason only the weapons that are fired against anything but other people are super powerful while stub and auto weaponry seems to be about as good as what we have today. Did they only have enough time on the super bullet making machine to make the super autocannon rounds, and all the small arms just have to use regular bullets?

Culln's men got wiped out before titan's showed, up bfore the armored column showed up, they got mauled by whatever the Vraksians had one hand, weapons which you insist are vastly more powerful than anything we have today but can't seem to prove.

Now a soldier might get lucky and spy a Space Marine taking his helmet off and go boom head shot, but other than that, not much chance to kill Blood Angels in numbers sufficient enough to turn the battle.

That's that whole "attrition" thing again. We don't need to win the battle, we could lose every single battle we fight, as long as we kill a few marines every time, because they can't make good those loses and we can, and even if we decide that for some reason we're not allowed to recruit more soldiers either, we have millions and millions of soldiers and they have a thousand. That's not a winning formula for the marines.
Their small arms certainly weren't, 40k autoguns seem to have demonstrated performance in line with modern weapons. Which, BTW, is another strike against 40k having super weapons, since for some reason only the weapons that are fired against anything but other people are super powerful while stub and auto weaponry seems to be about as good as what we have today. Did they only have enough time on the super bullet making machine to make the super autocannon rounds, and all the small arms just have to use regular bullets?

This is a point I'd like break out in a bit more detail. It is vanishingly rare to see standard 40k weapons that possess vastly more destructive power than any contemporary weapon*, particularly in the case of small arms. lasguns, autoguns, flamers, autocannons, stubbers, etc, any time we see people actually struck by those weapons it seems to do about as as much damage as you'd expect a modern-ish weapon to do, sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less.

The high end I've seen for lasguns is them taking people's limbs off in a single hit. Ok, that's certainly impressive, but we've got rifles that can do that now, I'm pretty sure .50 beowulf will take your arm off. Sure, a lasgun can fire that in full auto with no recoil and has like 50 or 60 shots before the power pack is expended, it's certainly more capable than the contemporary weapon. But it's a difference of degree, vs something like a phaser or the BFG, where there's simply nothing we have that's even remotely within that ballpark.

Even plasma and melta weapons, which are probably the very top end as far the stuff that's common to see in 40k, are not outlandishly destructive compared to what we have today. A melta gun will burn a hole several inches wide through tank armor. True don't have a handheld weapon that can do that, but that's also not an outlandish level of destruction either, an anti-tank missile can do much the same thing.

So I'm very skeptical of claims that despite how warhammer's anti-personal weapons are so consistently shown as having limited improvements over modern day ones, everything above them is way, way more powerful and there's no comparison to be had between our pathetic, virgin anti-tank missiles and the Chad Krak missile, which could totally blow an abrams apart in but one clear hit. It doesn't make sense to assume that those weapons would be vastly more powerful in comparison to our equivalents of them. Chiron seems to be arguing that 40k materials science is also better, so while it might appear that Krak missiles and Javelin missiles are roughly the same, actually the Russ is a ten times better so the Krak missile is better. But it simple doesn't make sense for this vast performance increase to vanish the second we start looking at weapons that are used on something we do actually know the limits of (humans). Why isn't promethium obviously burning far, far hotter than napalm? Why are auto and las weapons only marginally more potent than modern firearms? It doesn't make sense.

*This is very obviously because most 40k authors are, intentionally or otherwise, drawing inspiration from real history, IE Vraks and it's very clear "Pop culture Western Front IN SPACE" vibe, but that doesn't excuse the neat result.
I don't think the chapter was expanded post devastation?

Guilliman gave each chapter at Baal enough Marines to reinforce them many times over, while officially the Legions are not being reconstituted, the size of Chapters have been expanded because technically they are all on Crusade and may exceed the Codex limits, that and Guiliman is a Primarch, controls the Government, has even more power than Horus ever did, and the few who objected, died horribly.

Inceptors looking like debris or or meteors on radar doesn't help them all that much, it might trick people once (but only maybe, it's not like the government is going to be particularly blasé about mere meteors hitting important infrastructure or bases), but once it happens the first time people will be wary of it in the future.

Given the number of meteors that fall each year, and the mass jamming going on from space, the reaction time will be rather short and not likely to be very effective.

And more importantly, they cannot meaningfully alter the overall tactical situation. Space marines are already fast, tough, and armed with extremely hard hitting weapons. Adding some marginally faster, marginally tougher, marginally harder hitting marines to their roster will not allow them to turn a situation where they are at the losing end of a massive strategic and numerical disadvantage into a victory by doing really, really well at a tactical level. They were already enjoying an overwhelming tactical advantage.

Chaos Space Marines would beg to differ and they are scrambling to get their own Primaris stood up.

Vanguard forces are likewise not going to help. Camo cloaks are really fancy camouflage that doesn't show up on thermals. Ok, that's neat, you're still not going to conquer the world with that, nor will you conquer the world with that and some really fancy sniper rifles. We have dudes that have really good sniper rifles now, and I'm fairly sure DAPRA has some sort of anti-thermal imaging cloth under development, those are nice but they're again tactically useful gadgets that are of limited value on a strategic level.

I think world leaders will have a vastly different ideal when they start dying in large numbers. Also hard to run a war when key command and technical personnel get killed and morale turns to shit.

Any conventional engagement with marines is going to feature the same core elements, regardless of the precise equipment used by the marines:

1. They can deploy almost anywhere with ease and will enjoy an overwhelming initial advantage, but they will have an extremely limited time to operate there before overwhelming conventional forces arrive to swamp them with sheer numbers and firepower.

Only if they are positioned to respond, an average Space Marine Raid Operation is over and done in 20 minutes. A more protracted one will be well covered by Air Cover to repulse counter attack units and additional teams providing perimeter security.

2. Marines cannot deploy everywhere, it is possible to harden a location to the point it is deep strike proof. Drop pods and jump capable force can be shoot down on the way in and cannot avoid detection on the way in by ground based AA forces, marines rely on speed and surprise to overwhelm enemies you can't get the drop on a radar dish wired to a SAM site.
Terminators can teleport down, but they need a homing signal in order to do so, otherwise there is a very high risk of a fatal mishap.

US doesn't have a comprehensive Air Defense System in CONUS as we rely heavily on Aircraft for Air Defense and have a handful of SAM units that are not sufficient to cover CONUS. On top of which the Radars will be jammed to begin with, lacking power because the electrical grid was taken out, and the computers will be swarmed with cyber viruses.

Any way you try to argue it, the Marines know about it and already have figured out how to make it irrelevant and they have the numbers to make their plans work.

I'm pretty sure all silos are not publicly known, and please cite the ability to SM craft to precisely destroy them, since those silos are again, built to resist attempts to destroy them via even nuclear blasts.

Are you seriously saying a ship that can blow an atmosphere off of a planet can't destroy a silo?

I think you're missing the point. Regardless of the technology used, they hid the bomb in a very small shuttle, so whatever tech they used to shield it must have likewise been very small and compact. It is therefore entirely possible that our technology, though bulkier and less effective, may still succeed.

No it does not. We are talking about a society that has star travel, inertial compensators and artificial gravity.

That seems dubious, given you, and the codexes, have already claimed that a key advantage that jump pack troops have is that they can insert from orbit and the enemies ground defenses will confuse them with meteors or space debris. If the astartes were capable of the sort of jamming you contend, it wouldn't matter what jump infantry looked like, since enemy radar would be unable to detect them at all.

Most foes lack the ability to compete on the electronic spectrum, peer foes can but only temporarily. Hence the close range of combat by armored troops. The Great Crusade involved the Imperium crushing and destroying a lot of peer competitors with the same level of technology.

The capability to cause cascaded power failures by hitting a few key points in the grid is, to my knowledge, completely undemonstrated and largely a matter of speculation even for us, who build that grid and know how all of it works, it seems even less likely the marines will be able to do it.

I'm old enough to remember the Northeast Blackout of 2003. It's possible and the Marines have plenty of ways to do it.

No, I mean military forces in 40k regularly engage enemies that have Pyskers, and defeat those enemies, despite not having pyskers of their own.

Under specific circumstances yes. Cain for example had Jurgen, a blank, others have such faith in the Emperor they are able to deny the witch. But in most circumstances people just horribly die.

That's not a citation. Please cite an incident, ideally a detailed incident, where a single company of marines conquered an entire planet by themselves.

Considering its lore going all the way back to Rogue Trader and talked about repeatably in the Black Library books its a given and we usually see the events when Marines are fighting peer foes or the Biological Von Neuman Machines called Tyrranids or the time raping Hruud or battling the Orks.

Hell on page 23 of the Armada Ruleset of BFG, it out right states the appearance of a Space Marine Strike Cruiser is often sufficient to quell an entire rebellious system.

It is also what a chapter typically deploys for combat.

Now is their some exaggeration in this, yes, but the Serfs are rarely mentioned in supporting ground combat like in the Soul Drinkers, Dawn of War Novels, or War of the Beast Novels, etc. But they are there and the codexes mention them forming boarding parties and doing clean up work. And in this case the Blood Angels will be quick to co-opt rebel groups who swear allegiance in return for overthrowing hated rulers. So in most cases, Dante doesn't actually need to hold ground for the most part and can utilize his Astartes as a mobile strike force to do mop up as most military bases will be annihilated from orbit and what resistance remains will be destroyed piecemeal.

So, a Leman Russ can take a 190 tons of recoil and be fine, but on that feat list the entire tank was rocked back by the impact of an enemy shell that hit with far less force, and so given that hitting the tank with 190 tons of force should have flipped the darn thing over.

Knocked back six meters and shook up the crew. We don't know whether the round was AP or HE though.

Speaking of SDN, I recall them getting really salty over some IA manuals that actually did give explict, and pathetic, figures for 40k vehicles. You'll forgive if I distrust the judgement of people who say "well, when this book says 190 tons of recoil, that's actually 190 tons of recoil, but when this other technical book says Rolled homogeneous Armour it's not really RHA as we understand it".

Depends on what RHA standard you are using. NATO uses RHA 50 standard as we used AP rounds when doing the testing of RHA. Soviet Union used RHA 75 standard ad they used an APHE. So say X has Y of RHA is meaningless if you don't give what standard you are talking about. For all we know the Imperium could be using RHA 100 standard due to the presence of DEWs. Or the stats are pure nonsense propaganda, also newer additions simply state the data is classified. Therefore we have to fall back on what the armor stood up to in lore.

Then again lore wise due to materials availability, not all weapons are the same having different materials and power plants as well. My all time favorite being a Leman Russ that was mind linked to the crew via neural links but powered by a steam engine.

Yes, thank, I've read the wiki page for "WAAGH" as well, but that doen't actually address my point. As a rule*, ork technology does not work "because they think it does" it works better than it should because they think it does, as evidenced by the fact that people who are not orks can use ork technology despite their being no orks around to affect it. Cain used a bunch of hijacked ork vehicles in Death or Glory, the Armageddon Ork Hunter regiment making use of captured ork weaponry, Yarrick and his power claw that still works, etc.

Because the captured weaponry was Imperial to begin with and modified by the Orks. There are also cases in the lore in which guardsmen inspected an ork weapon whose firing mechanism was ass backwards and did not work when they used it. The Tau captured an Ork fighter and its pilot, removed the engines and fuel, the Ork pilot escaped and flew it off the base without the engine or fuel. The Tau quite rightly called bullshit, but could do nothing about it.

It's not possible to construct weapons of the performance and firepower allegedly reached by imperial technology out of scrap metal and junk, it's simply not possible. However, it is possible to construct crude firearms and weaponry that can perform nearly as well as modern weapons of scrap and junk, and then the WAAGH can make up the difference.

Yet the Orks do exactly that and loot everything not nailed down.

That's not at all related to what I said, I didn't say "this time, they were strong enough to power through the anti-warp effect", I said "The book explicitly stated the anti-warp effect didn't work on them, because they didn't use the warp", right after another book explicitly said anti-warp effects do work on them, because the sisters use the warp.

Because they do use the Warp, and those saying otherwise have legal reasons to say they aren't because of the dim view the Imperium has on unsanctioned Pyskers. Its basically a political answer especially as the Pyschic Awakening is resulting in more and more "Miracles," occurring of which Godblight was full of.

Ok, you're still not getting it. A fixed defensive line like Vraks would be child's play to a modern military force, the sort of "heavily dug in" defenses used somewhere like Vraks are obsoletely in reality because modern tactics outpaced them. Even if I for a second bought this "40k tech is the best" argument you're making, that wouldn't matter, because vastly superior weapons and armor wouldn't bring trench warfare back into style, because trench warfare was rendered obsoletely by advances in doctrine and tactics using technology. If you made every weapon and piece of steel in WW1 4 times better, the allies would have still broken through the Central power's trenchlines.

Yeah if we ignore the fact that it had an energy shield that blocked ortillery bombardments and ground artillery, had massive air and space defenses, an ample armored force able to respond to breakthroughs, and pre-sighted artillery kill zones, several heavily defended fortresses capable of standing up to direct fire of tank guns, and all sorts of nasties. Yeah.

But then I remember in 2010 brutal trench warfare with the Taliban in Marjah and the months to clear it. Then the Taliban just simply retook it. It was their first decisive victory of the war and broke Obama's will to fight it out. The Taliban last I checked never fought the US, ANA, and NATO with tanks, field artillery, and SAMs.

Reality check, throw the Entire Modern US Military against Vraks instead of the Death Korps and the end result would be a destroyed US Military in short order. Hell send in the entire world's military and utilize WMDs, it won't matter as the Vraksians would respond with even nastier WMDs and call in their friends and still win.

Vraks was by dint of the technology and advantage held by the Vraksians, a straight up shit kicking contest regardless of who fought there. That said the entire premise of the war was stupid to begin with, with people in-universe stating that outright only to get sent to the Tyrranid War Fronts for their trouble. Frankly a fleet should have came in on the opposite side of the planet, blew its atmosphere off, then waited for the shelters to run out of oxygen, then sent in teams to occupy the dead world till the atmosphere was rebuilt.

Cite the passage, please. I haven't read the book in a while and don't have a copy to hand, but I don't remember anything in it, and can't find anything on the wiki, about the DAs leveling the starport with small arms fire.

I never said they leveled the Airport with bolters though they certainly slaughtered thousands of militiamen with them in the heavy street fighting at the airport, I said they destroyed the Armored Counter Attack with bolters. But even if we take the bolters out, Space Marines are packing dedicated anti-armor weapons like missile launchers, meltaguns, lascannons, and plasma weapons. So it doesn't actually change much. So I will concede on bolters and give you a bone.

That's exactly the issue. The president is dead, but the governor surrenders, but the command staff of the local army unit doesn't report to the govern, they report to someone else, and so on.

National Guard report to the Governor unless federalized by presidential order. Also doesn't stop a Colonel deciding that fighting a ship in orbit is a lost cause and surrendering.

The netherlands surrendered because resistance in general was impossible, the surrender just took place after the bombing underscored the impossibility of resistance.

Same concept with ships in orbit that can destroy the world.

The issue with space marine orbital bombardment is exactly those power levels. We know it's possible to launch light, very weak strikes capable of being safely used for tactical fire support. We also know it's possible to have vastly more powerful bombardments that cause apocalyptic levels of damage. We do not know what the intermediate settings are or are capably of, and that's the issue because Dante's job is to conquer the planet, not blow it up or conquer the shouldering ruins of the planet.

Space Marines are content to level a planet, plant a flag on the deepest most radioactive crater and call it Serenity. Dante has a vastly different concept of conquer. And lowering bombardment settings are a thing if you read the early Gaunt's Ghosts novels.

Serfs do not fly any marine aircraft or engage in any sort of combat as a supporting troops. All marine aircraft are flown by marines, and serfs will only engage in combat if a marine ship or base of operations is attacked, otherwise they are non-combatants.

Obviously never Read Dawn of War Trilogy, Chapter Serfs operated void craft in the fight against the Aeldari. They also piloted attack craft in the Soul Drinkers novels. Slaughter Koorland staged his coup on Terra by having his Serfs drive the Chapters Landraiders and heavy vehicles and form perimeter guard.

Pictured: "long range missile warfare", apparently.

Yeah a picture that clearly shows a certain engagement in a certain context which doesn't actually support your point. Especially when we have lore evidence of long range engagements and high altitude battles.

As for destroying aircraft on the ground, the issue with that is that the marines only have a few ships capable of doing orbital bombardment, seemingly just 3 in this case. There are substantially more than 3 airbases on earth, and so there will be a lot of time to get planes out of the area before the marines hit them. And while they're bombing airbases, they're not bombing nuclear silos, or factories, or power plants, or miltary bases, and so on. This is the problem the marines have. They are surgical strike force, they are not intended nor capable of engaging in the sort of the massive scale warfare you're envisioning.

They have substantially more than just 3 weapons to fire per ship plus five escorts. And they are in orbit, so can destroy with impunity and quickly. Silos could fire at them, but the missiles first have to survive shoot down by the fast attack craft doing CAP and then the point defense. So the silos are useless in this context.

I actually doubt the marines would be able to shoot down a nuclear missile. Imperial ships have iffy point defense in the first place, and that's vs 40k torpedoes and strike craft, which are massive targets in comparison to a modern nuclear missile, cruise missile, etc.

Yet most battles end with broadsides with heavy weapons and ramming with impacts forces greater than any nukes we have so this is just laughable. Also you are forgetting the heavy ECM/ECCM environment they fight in.

As for other weapons, you don't need to be in the right place at the right time, you don't need luck. You just need to be faster than the marine's own transports can get their to extract them. A tomahawk has a range of about a 1000 km and can hit anything within that range in about an hour, less so the closer it is to the target. Marines are fast, but they're not that fast.

That's nice, wonder why the Tau never thought of that, maybe because the Astartes have ample ECM/ECCM capabilities that force them to use specialized warsuits with heavy weapons to have a chance to fight the Astartes and they suffer heavy losses even when they do "win." Even then they have never once successfully overran a Space Marine position before it could be evacuated. Nor have they ever won a battle against Astartes when they are solely the ones calling the shots and not just being called in by the Guard for pin point strikes and then getting screwed by Imperial Guard Politics and left holding the bag and having to bail out the guard.

And your evidence that these vrakians had some sort of incredibly potent super-missiles vastly better than than anything we have today is? Their small arms certainly weren't, 40k autoguns seem to have demonstrated performance in line with modern weapons. Which, BTW, is another strike against 40k having super weapons, since for some reason only the weapons that are fired against anything but other people are super powerful while stub and auto weaponry seems to be about as good as what we have today. Did they only have enough time on the super bullet making machine to make the super autocannon rounds, and all the small arms just have to use regular bullets?

Vraskians also had lasguns. But autoguns is a catergory denoting several weapons. Looking at the lore, Agripinaa pattern type III was what was used, firing a long 8.25mm round, it is a caseless round by the way. Muzzle velocity is 820 m/sec. Mass is not given so I can't calculate muzzle energy. But if I assume its 225 grain for the bullet which is larger than the 7.92x57 Mauser, that gives: 4939 joules. That is quite a punch. Considering the 12.8 g (198 gr) RWS ID Classic is 4,096 J and WW2 Wehrmacht soldiers fought primarily with the 7.92×57mm Mauser S.m.E. which topped out at 3,604 joules.

The makeup of the round itself is not known. But regardless the Infantryman's job is to cover the heavy weapons team and hold ground. And depending on what he faces, his round is good enough for the majority of foes he will face. It will certainly puncture modern day US forces body armor.

Culln's men got wiped out before titan's showed, up bfore the armored column showed up, they got mauled by whatever the Vraksians had one hand, weapons which you insist are vastly more powerful than anything we have today but can't seem to prove.

One man killed by a rocket, one wounded by an unspecified weapon to the face, heavy artillery landing on them within moments. Plasma weapons were fired at them as well. If you twist it enough you make it fit whatever you want. And last I checked our modern day body armor can't stand up to a burst of LMG fire. I also don't recall us posessing sub-atomic warheads, viable hand held energy weapons that can be used in tactical combat, fighter aircraft with 10,000km combat range in atmosphere, and missiles that basically create a short term black hole. I also don't recall infantry squads having radios with a 200km range and capable of talking to a ship in orbit. 40K Infantrymen have that as standard in a Galaxy filled with horrors that laugh at them in alien tongues. Then there is the Warp.

That's that whole "attrition" thing again. We don't need to win the battle, we could lose every single battle we fight, as long as we kill a few marines every time, because they can't make good those loses and we can, and even if we decide that for some reason we're not allowed to recruit more soldiers either, we have millions and millions of soldiers and they have a thousand. That's not a winning formula for the marines.

Dante won't fight that way though because the main concentrations will be destroyed from orbit and he will mainly be doing clean up using local forces that swore allegiance to him to pin point hold outs and wipe them out.

He will also be actively recruiting new aspirants as needed to make new space marines and organizing regular humans to fight for him.

And if he feels like it, he can simply bomb the world to the stoneage, wait a decade or 2 or 3, then sweep up the survivors.

He is a functionally immortal super human who is 1,500 years old and a mostly friendly neighborhood vampire. He can play the long game.

Unless you want to cut a deal with the 4 ruinous powers, which I don't recommend, the war is already lost.
The high end I've seen for lasguns is them taking people's limbs off in a single hit. Ok, that's certainly impressive, but we've got rifles that can do that now, I'm pretty sure .50 beowulf will take your arm off. Sure, a lasgun can fire that in full auto with no recoil and has like 50 or 60 shots before the power pack is expended, it's certainly more capable than the contemporary weapon. But it's a difference of degree, vs something like a phaser or the BFG, where there's simply nothing we have that's even remotely within that ballpark.

That is on half power which doubles the number of shots. Its also an energy weapon and has a different damage profile than a solid slug.

But you are thinking of this the wrong way though. .50 Barret is a big fucking weapon to carry and can fit 11 rounds. A lasgun is smaller, lighter, has more shots, no recoil, and lay down a 100 such shots in full automatic with high accuracy. The tactical implications are quite obvious and multiple lasguns on a single target have been known to melt even heavy armor.

Even plasma and melta weapons, which are probably the very top end as far the stuff that's common to see in 40k, are not outlandishly destructive compared to what we have today. A melta gun will burn a hole several inches wide through tank armor. True don't have a handheld weapon that can do that, but that's also not an outlandish level of destruction either, an anti-tank missile can do much the same thing.

Well again looking at this the wrong way again. An AT launcher has back blast and an explosive effect. A meltagun doesn't have back blast or an explosive effect unless you hit something explosive and by lowering the settings, you can use it as a welding tool or cutting tool. Useful for those pesky doors too. Its lower signature also means you don't give away your position either.

Plasma gun will incinerate everyone in a standard 10 by 10 room by thermal effects alone going by the commentary in Descent of Angels. Now tell me you wouldn't want this for when grenades are not enough. Its also useful in a bunch of other tactical scenarios in which it replaces three other types of weapons at once.
More like 1600 Marines to a chapter once you factor in all the "non-combat" Marines who perform other roles than bolter bros plus the Warp resulting in companies being lost for centuries and then showing back up after having been stricken from the rolls.

Yeah, that's not what the OP said. It's looking at a full strength Blood Angels company. Not one where you get to edit drop a few hundred or thousand more in, because this is horribly lopsided.

Also there are the Serfs who have access to shit that puts all our shit to shame.

Yes, but not so much as to turn the tide. The USA has a military that absolutely shits all over the Iranian military. Ever notice how the US has never been keen on going to war with them? Or how Afghanistan with a few stinger missiles held off the Soviets? War is more about who has the best weapons, gear, and troops. It's about logistics, strategy, and social control. The Blood Angels simply do not have any of these to break the entire Earth. Nor are they really designed to do so. They're special forces that generally engage in combat that is at best, WWII in style, with a dashing of modern strategies or technology usually from a lost era or niche use.

Also Game Mechanics are not canon, the lore is.

Hmmm, yes. Let's look at the lore, shall we?

Or how about...

Or this...

Or you know, the various book where they fight with more or less similar styles to WWII battle styles. We have a pretty clear picture of what a Space Marine can and cannot do. And while they are incredibly skilled and their weapons and armor are very advanced, they're not going to be able to conquer an entire planet. Or even a great power. Or maybe even a middle power. They need a relatively outdated minor to middle power whose position can be defended, who cannot easily obtain new hardware, and who can be grounded into the dirt. With a population that can be converted to their cause.

Outside of nukes and heavy artillery, the world can't do shit to Marines unless really lucky.

That is a Javelin missile. It has a 4000 meter range (2.5 miles) with a 8.4 kilogram warhead. It kills Russian tanks. It is so easy, it only takes about two weeks to become competent with the device. It requires only 2 people to use. Tens of thousands have been built. Tens of thousands of more can be built. This is but one--BUT ONE of the various weapons available to various powers.

Or the IAI Harop drone.

Enough to kill or seriously injure an entire squad of Space Marines.

Dante will quickly remove nukes from the equation

How? By setting off thousands of nukes across the planet, thereby destroying the economic resource of Earth?

and the Space Marines have far superior ECM/ECCM gear than we got, so they can pretty much shut down the planetary grid as well.

I'd like to see some evidence of this.

They also vastly outmatch us in Cyberwarfare and have some pretty nasty cyber viruses to unleash. There is also the Librarius which we have no answer to.

Again, I'd like to see some evidence of this. Especially since the vast majority of the world's web services are provided via cables that are...on the ground or in the sea. So not only is access to such information going to require they go planetside, but most of that information is going to be encrypted and separated. Nor do I expect that even Techmarines or Techpriests to be able to effortlessly hack every or any computer on earth without first studying Earth's programming languages and then analyzing the various cybersecurity measures that have been put in place.

And again, destroying the internet on a planetwide scale would effectively throw the entire planet into chaos...and destroy its economic value. The more damage Earth takes in the process of conquest, the less utility it is to Dante. Especially when Dante is more likely than not to believe that he might someday receive reinforcements from the Imperium.

Given lore wise a single Space Marine Company can be expected to capture a civilized world without much difficultly, an entire Chapter is overkill.

No, Lore wise, these are the same assholes who ride bikes into battle and have giant-ass aircraft with huge ass chainguns. Nor do they have the resources and logistics to make this invasion possible. Every Space Marine that Dante loses is a permanent loss. Every suit of power armor lost to an enemy, is irreversible ground lost to creative and desperate rivals.

They simply have far too superior technology and will find plenty of recruits.

It'll take at least months, it not years for the Blood Angels to draw in a steady steam of recruits. And I'm leaning towards the latter. It's even worse since the process to becoming a Space Marine require that someone is already a badass to begin with. Most of whom the Space Marines will have killed in their attempt at conquest.

As is usual in these types of threads, people lack proper analytical skills and don't realize what is actually being shown in the 40K lore in which the MBTs used by the Guard have the penetrating power of a 16inch gun and the explosive power as well.

It doesn't matter if they have the penetrating power of an Iowa class Battle Cannon. There is NOT ENOUGH OF THEM to conquer the planet. Even if they had enough, there is NOT ENOUGH BLOOD ANGELS TO MAN THEM. The Blood Angels simply do not have the logistics to take the planet. They have a strong technological edge, but you need more than a thousand or so dudes in power armor to conquer a planet where a drone can fire a stinger missile through your window to assassinate your ass.

Connor Macleod of both and has entire threads dedicated to the analysis of 40K and they are must reads.

Then go get Connor Macleod to come here and argue your position for you, because you clearly can't do it. And when you do, tell him Mith sends his regards.

Remember, the Space Marines were expected to take on races with more advanced technology than mankind and peer competitors from DAOT remnants of Humanity. To accomplish this, they had the best technology and weapons given to them outside the Custodes and trained to be well rounded soldiers who could be scouts one moment, line soldiers another, a pilot on another occasion, an Administrator, or any other role they might be called upon to do and often without much information till they eat a brain or two.

Again, we are not arguing that their technology is not more advanced. There is no argument there. However, the problem is that this has not translated into the same finesse and sophistication in warfare that you see in the modern (real) world. Weapon systems are getting smaller and more accurate, not larger and more durable. The US isn't moving to build flying tanks armed to the teeth, but fast, silent, and well-informed fighter jets. And the sixth gen fighters are anticipated to involve drone units.

This is NOT what 40k does (although they do use drones, just not in the same manner). 40k fighters are huge and use pilots. They're also not to my knowledge, capable of any form of stealth. Nor are they really designed to handle modern air defense systems, which uses various layers of defenses. They're basically WWII warriors in space.

And the battlefields they were expected to fight in could be quite hellish. Given energy shields are a thing along with planet killing weaponry in 40K, warfare favors the defensive and Space Marines have to be able to survive nuclear battlefields, biological battlefields, psychic battlefields, and other extreme conditions.

Actual humans have survived nuclear bombing attacks, so let's not oversell that power armor. Especially when we know that these bolters probably don't pack more power than AA guns and certainly won't win a gun exchange with a US or Russian or Chinese or Iranian tank. The only real advantage that the Blood Angels have over US soldiers is that they're basically immune to small arms and grenades. And that doesn't count for nothing--if the Blood Angels had the numbers, then the Earth would be royally screwed. What they lack in terms of sophistication is made up for in pure brute strength.

However, that is not the case here. The Blood Angels simply lack the finesse and the sophistication to bring down a modern-day Earth with their limited resources. And since nuking the target is out of the question (as this is conquest and destroying the value of the conquest negates the purpose of the conquest), the Blood Angels can't really achieve the OP's objective.

This in turn meant they had weapons that had to be able to penetrate body armor and explode to kill their targets. And given the more advance metallurgy of 40K, bolter rounds can penetrate tank armor lore wise under certain conditions. This in turn means no current AFVs we have can withstand a standard bolter round.

I would like you to prove that statement. And then provide me a 40k tank that uses reactive armor. And then explain how the bolter round is still going to penetrate.

Their first target would be Jerusalem if anything to demonstrate the power of the Emperor. They remove it off the face of the Earth and use pinpoint decapitation strikes to take out Government Leaders and ortillery strikes to remove major military bases. would argue that Dante's genius move would be to vaporize a country containing one of the most holy sites on Earth, thereby alienating the entire Muslim, Christian, and Jewish population--not to mention the entire Western world for committing genocide. And then to make matters better, you think decapitating the civilian leadership will somehow make it better. Rather than put Earth on a 'kill or be killed' mindset and remove the leaders more likely to bargain with Dante to retain their positions?

Because Dante still has to conquer this planet, but he's at the very least pissed off the two largest religious populations (numbering in the billions) and alienated the entirety of the West. And very likely enraged every world power, because he just committed mass murder and outright genocide.

I somehow don't think that Dante is this stupid.

We aren't a Forgeworld or have vital resources that need to be intact.

If Earth had no vital resources, then why would he bother to conquer the planet? Nor is your argument at all valid. The 40k views humanity itself as a vital resource. Committing genocide is not only far outside of the Imperium's playbook for a planet like Earth (which would be deemed a backwater that has yet to be corrupted by chaos), but it actively contradicts it. Dante's goal would be to conquer the planet and convert it to the use for the Imperium. Not start vaporizing entire cities like a fucking coward because he and his troops aren't man enough to take the fight to the enemy.

Dante may be good, but he is not nice and has ordered entire planets destroyed. Never forget he is an Astarte and will not hesitate to eliminate a threat to the Emperor by any means necessary.

Earth is not a threat to the Imperium. Rather obvious as no power has projection power beyond Earth's moon. And by projection power, I mean, we can end like, one squad to the moon to collect rocks. Dante genociding a planet or even a city, because they resist Imperium re-assimilation is not only a profound waste of resources, but is outright heresy.

He and his entire chapter would be drawn up before the fucking Inquisition for this sort of strategy.

And no our aircraft are no match for Space Marine fighter craft. Not that we would ever get to use them much to begin with between all the jamming, cyber warfare, ortillery, and shoot downs.

Yeah...cyberwafare. Okay buddy. Please provide examples of the Blood Angels using cyberwarfare to take out enemy fighter jets.

The surrenders will start coming in as its clear the Earth has no real means of stopping the Space Marine Assaults. Dante can then begin using serfs and a handful of Marines to train co-opted collaborators to run the show while he figures things out further. More troublesome spots are simply purged.

Except in your scenario, Dante has just killed all the civilian leaders of the world. There can be no formal surrender. And the surviving military leaders are not only going to be disinclined to surrender, they're going to quickly realize how fucked Dante is the moment he drops his horribly small army planetside, that Dante is going to lose. They will in fact, do everything they can to draw Dante into conflict on the ground. Because he will lose troops far faster than he can replace them. And every loss the Blood Angels suffer will grant the world powers access to Space Marine technology.

And since the Space Marines are a highly religious and conservative cult-like group, as are the tech priests who do all the geek stuff, they are not going to be able to outpace the West and China in applying the new technologies to warfare and other sectors. Genetic seed mutation? The Western powers won't be able to produce anything near as sophisticated as a Space Marine, but they don't need to. They just need to enhance the troops they have. Power Armor? Again, it doesn't matter if it's only 1/10th as good as a Space Marine's power armor. If the US's army's engagement loss rate goes from 20 to 1 to 10 to 1, then Dante's loss rates double.

That's not a big deal if Dante has a steady steam of reinforcements. He does not.

Laser cannons? Doesn't matter if the US's laser cannons are less powerful. What matters is that now they have them. What matters is now that previously assumed engineering realities are changed. What matters is that fighters and drones and troops and ships can now use them.

Dante will contend himself with a major empire in the Middle East in this scenario, because Dante isn't a dumbass. He'll realize the limits of his power, the strength of his enemies, and the best means of accomplishing his task. And that will be an invasion of Iran. If he misidentifies a target or gets too cocky, he'll find himself suffering massive losses against an enemy that is too numerous and too resilient to defeat. And in doing so, will also quickly lose his technological edge.
That is on half power which doubles the number of shots. Its also an energy weapon and has a different damage profile than a solid slug.

But you are thinking of this the wrong way though. .50 Barret is a big fucking weapon to carry and can fit 11 rounds. A lasgun is smaller, lighter, has more shots, no recoil, and lay down a 100 such shots in full automatic with high accuracy. The tactical implications are quite obvious and multiple lasguns on a single target have been known to melt even heavy armor.

So what does it matter if a target dies because you shoot him with a .50 Barret or a lasgun? You still blew off his arm or leg. The laser is more sophisticated, no argument. That however, does not change the situation that Dante is in. His enemies can bring enough firepower to bear in enough numbers that whatever advantage he would have in a fair fight is negated.

Well again looking at this the wrong way again. An AT launcher has back blast and an explosive effect. A meltagun doesn't have back blast or an explosive effect unless you hit something explosive and by lowering the settings, you can use it as a welding tool or cutting tool. Useful for those pesky doors too. Its lower signature also means you don't give away your position either.

A javelin has a range of about two and a half miles, can be fired from a two-man team, and they don't need to stick around after the shot is taken. By the time the Space Marines know the javelin is coming, they're more concerned with the incoming missile, not the guys who fired it. Or more probably, they're all pushing up daisies.

Plasma gun will incinerate everyone in a standard 10 by 10 room by thermal effects alone going by the commentary in Descent of Angels. Now tell me you wouldn't want this for when grenades are not enough. Its also useful in a bunch of other tactical scenarios in which it replaces three other types of weapons at once.

Which is great, but that again, does not change the overall tactical situation. We can blow apart a 10 by 10 room and kill everyone inside it with a drone or a missile or light artillery. Which means...the armor that the Space Marines use, which are easily damaged by melta guns, are NOT going to stand up to those same weapons. Of which there are far more munitions for than Dante has men. Hell, we have more such munitions than Dante's men have teeth, fingers, and toes.

Dante cannot win this engagement. They simply lack the logistics. And throwing in a few hundred or thousand more Space Marines+ into the mix doesn't mend matters when those marines are even taller and bulkier than the others. Because that increases their height profile, their bulk, and their heat signature.
Yeah, that's not what the OP said. It's looking at a full strength Blood Angels company. Not one where you get to edit drop a few hundred or thousand more in, because this is horribly lopsided.

Op clearly says Chapter. But doesn't elaborate further.

Yes, but not so much as to turn the tide. The USA has a military that absolutely shits all over the Iranian military. Ever notice how the US has never been keen on going to war with them? Or how Afghanistan with a few stinger missiles held off the Soviets? War is more about who has the best weapons, gear, and troops. It's about logistics, strategy, and social control. The Blood Angels simply do not have any of these to break the entire Earth. Nor are they really designed to do so. They're special forces that generally engage in combat that is at best, WWII in style, with a dashing of modern strategies or technology usually from a lost era or niche use.

Stingers arrived too late to make a difference in Afghanistan and were easily countered. Most Soviet Aircraft were downed by RPGs flak bursts when the inbuilt fuzes detonated them or they actually hit.

As for the Blood Angels, they have no ROEs they need follow here. They have the skies. Now I will give you a bone and say, a Javelin can kill an Astarte, it is also utterly irrelevant.

Dante will stay in orbit, subvert the Satellite network. He will then inform the Earth it must surrender.

If refused, he will demonstrate the power of the Emperor by vaporizing Jerusalem. He will then reiterate his demands. If not met, he will burn the entire nation of Israel from orbit, destroying the Occupied Territories and Gaza as well via collateral effects and causing earthquakes around the region. He will then follow up by destroying Mecca, Rome, Angkor Wat and any other place of immense religious significance. This will signal to the world he gives two shits about their religion, the only faith he doesn't abhor is that of the Emperor.

He will then make another demand while drawing up a list of all US, Chinese, Russian, and Indian Military Targets and cities with more than 250,000 people. He will then go down the list till the surrenders start coming or the world economy collapses and he waits a decade or two or three till he moves to the surface.

Make no fucking mistakes, Dante is an Astarte, he is a good guy but he is not nice. He has exterminatused worlds for less. He is not here to support an Imperial World under attack, or assassinate a single rebellious governor who is to be made an example of, or attempting to retake a world with valuable resources. He is here to conquer a new Homeworld.

He is perfectly content to reduce the world's population to 500 million and a 19th century tech base. He would prefer not to do so, but he can not ever allow a human world to think it can defy the Emperor's will. Hell, he would even be satisfied to reduce it to stone age level, land his battle barge on the Surface, tell his serfs to be fruitful and multiply and build up over thousands of years.

Dante is not here to make deals, he is here to enforce compliance, anyone who defies him is defying the Emperor and will be cleansed in all consuming light. There will be no glorious battles, or chances to get kills. Dante has all the cards and any nation that thinks it can stand against him will quickly cease to exist and thus capitulated by default.

And this will still fulfill the Op Conditions as the world is conquered and intact with a breeding population.

More realistically, the world starts cutting deals right away with a veritable space fleet in orbit, falling over themselves to not be on the business end of a space bombardment by a mostly friendly neighborhood vampire.

Your arguments are thus based on a faulty premise and dismissed in their entirety.
That is on half power which doubles the number of shots. Its also an energy weapon and has a different damage profile than a solid slug.

But you are thinking of this the wrong way though. .50 Barret is a big fucking weapon to carry and can fit 11 rounds. A lasgun is smaller, lighter, has more shots, no recoil, and lay down a 100 such shots in full automatic with high accuracy. The tactical implications are quite obvious and multiple lasguns on a single target have been known to melt even heavy armor.

I said 50 beowulf, not 50 BMG.


And yes, a rifle with dozens or more of shots of 50 beowulf on full auto with no recoil would be very impressive, and certainly a rather scary weapon to find yourself up against. But it is merely that, a very impressive weapon, rather than one that is totally outside our frame of reference with destructive capabilities we cannot hope to match.

Imperial weapons are to our weapons what, say, 1950s weapons were to WW1/interwar era designs, but you keep arguing that the gap is more like modern weapons as compared to bows.

Well again looking at this the wrong way again. An AT launcher has back blast and an explosive effect. A meltagun doesn't have back blast or an explosive effect unless you hit something explosive and by lowering the settings, you can use it as a welding tool or cutting tool. Useful for those pesky doors too. Its lower signature also means you don't give away your position either.

Plasma gun will incinerate everyone in a standard 10 by 10 room by thermal effects alone going by the commentary in Descent of Angels. Now tell me you wouldn't want this for when grenades are not enough. Its also useful in a bunch of other tactical scenarios in which it replaces three other types of weapons at once.

You're not getting it. I didn't say meltas or plasma guns aren't cool, I said that as advanced as they are even they do not possess the kind of leaps and bounds improvement over conventional weapons that you claim they do, something you're proving once again.

I don't remember anything of the incident you describe in Descent of Angels, and the fact that unhelmeted marines can be in a close quarters firefight where plasma weapons are used and be totally fine suggests it didn't, there's nothing in the geneseed that makes your face fireproof. But presuming it did happen (could be one of those wacky high ends), "Burn everyone in a room to death" is by no means an unachievable level of destruction. Yeah, we might need some sort of bulky, crew served weapon while marines can do it with something man portable, but we could still do it.

Chaos Space Marines would beg to differ and they are scrambling to get their own Primaris stood up.

Chaos marines went from being on par/slightly above with loyalists to being outmatched, of course they want to level the playing field. That's not the case for regular humans though, as they went from being hopelessly outmatched to....still hopelessly outmatched. The marines margin of superiority did not actually increase all that much.

Are you seriously saying a ship that can blow an atmosphere off of a planet can't destroy a silo?

We know the marine's ship have "blow up the planet" firepower, and that it has "big artillery gun" firepower. The form is not usable since they want to conquer the planet, and the latter isn't enough to do the job. They need an intermediate setting, the existence of which, and capabilities of which, you have not established.

A gun can have a single shot and full auto mode, and your arguement is akin to say that since it does that, it also must not only have a burst fire, but burst fire mode that can be set to fire an arbitrary number of rounds. You must actually demonstrate this.

No it does not. We are talking about a society that has star travel, inertial compensators and artificial gravity.

We are also talking about a society that uses interstellar travel, inertial compensators, and artificial gravity to load a bunch of horse onto their spaceship so they can be moved to another planet to charge at people with lances. Does the phrase "Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned" mean anything to you?

Under specific circumstances yes. Cain for example had Jurgen, a blank, others have such faith in the Emperor they are able to deny the witch. But in most circumstances people just horribly die.

No, not just under specific circumstances, it's actually very rare to have librarians be the unstoppable trump card in any engagement. They are certainly more dangerous than the average comparable soldier, and much harder to face, but they are by no means unstoppable, and in fact I can't really think of a time when they were.

Since you brought up Cain, I'd point to Emile and the chaos pskyer from Traitor's Hand, who's psychic gifts let them outfox the unwary but once people saw through the illusion, they both were gunned down in moments (Jurgan was involved, but in both cases he merely let Cain see through the illusion, he didn't shut down the psyker entirely). Or if Jonah Orion goes traitor in dawn of war, he puts up a fight, yes, but the rest of the squad still overpowers him with conventional arms.

Certainly in both cases thier powers made them a tougher foe, but they did not make them an insurmountable one.

Considering its lore going all the way back to Rogue Trader and talked about repeatably in the Black Library books its a given and we usually see the events when Marines are fighting peer foes or the Biological Von Neuman Machines called Tyrranids or the time raping Hruud or battling the Orks.

So no, you do not have a quote.

Depends on what RHA standard you are using.

See, you're doing it too, as soon as a figure is cited that leads to a conclusion other than "uber 40k", you start trying to look around and find a workaround regardless of the plain text meaning.

Because the captured weaponry was Imperial to begin with and modified by the Orks.

It's very convenient how whenever something is cited that would disprove the argument you're making, it's captured imperial weaponry or fictional super future RHA and therefor doesn't count, but all the stuff that does count, like these ork super guns that do damage on par with battleship cannons just like imperial ones, both counts and is never directly sourced or cited, just established to exist, somewhere, for sure.

Because they do use the Warp, and those saying otherwise have legal reasons to say they aren't because of the dim view the Imperium has on unsanctioned Pyskers. Its basically a political answer especially as the Pyschic Awakening is resulting in more and more "Miracles," occurring of which Godblight was full of.

You're still not getting it. The book Pariah Nexus, in a 3rd person omniscient perspective, explictly stated the sister's miracles were not derived from the war, which directly contracts inform from the same omniscient perspective from Fall of Cadia that said the exact opposite.

This is the problem with going by a single incident in the "the lore" as the be all, end all figure, because "the lore" is hilarious inconsistent, and also why trying to mash the "the lore" into a consistent baseline figure is also futile. You have an entire dataset full of outliers, there's nothing to be consistent too.

Yeah if we ignore the fact that it had an energy shield that blocked ortillery bombardments and ground artillery, had massive air and space defenses, an ample armored force able to respond to breakthroughs, and pre-sighted artillery kill zones, several heavily defended fortresses capable of standing up to direct fire of tank guns, and all sorts of nasties. Yeah.

Save for the artillery shield (which vraks did not have, the shield only covered the citadel, not the main defensive lines), you've just described the Maginot line, which Germany did in fact assault and break through.

Obviously never Read Dawn of War Trilogy, Chapter Serfs operated void craft in the fight against the Aeldari. They also piloted attack craft in the Soul Drinkers novels. Slaughter Koorland staged his coup on Terra by having his Serfs drive the Chapters Landraiders and heavy vehicles and form perimeter guard.

Dawn of war trilogy was the one with backflipping terminators, multilaser land raiders, and a chaos worshipping Lelith Hesperax, right? I don't think I'm missing much there. Meanwhile, every single marine aircraft in existence explicitly stated, and via the models, shown, to be piloted by marines, the closest mortals come to its the stormraven's turret, which is manned by a servitor.

Yeah a picture that clearly shows a certain engagement in a certain context which doesn't actually support your point.

What, singular bits of evidence with no supporting details, analysis, and comprehensive support from additional sources are no good? That's odd, since you keep peppering your replies with exactly that.

Vraskians also had lasguns. But autoguns is a catergory denoting several weapons. Looking at the lore, Agripinaa pattern type III was what was used, firing a long 8.25mm round, it is a caseless round by the way. Muzzle velocity is 820 m/sec. Mass is not given so I can't calculate muzzle energy. But if I assume its 225 grain for the bullet which is larger than the 7.92x57 Mauser, that gives: 4939 joules. That is quite a punch. Considering the 12.8 g (198 gr) RWS ID Classic is 4,096 J and WW2 Wehrmacht soldiers fought primarily with the 7.92×57mm Mauser S.m.E. which topped out at 3,604 joules.

You do realize that stats to the effect of "yeah, 40k weapons are in the same ballpark as modern ones" guts your entire argument, right?

That's nice, wonder why the Tau never thought of that

Because "I rolled a 4, your entire army explodes as my nuclear cruise missile hits the battlefield and kills everyone" isn't a very fun experience on the tabletop. 40k books have to be at least broadly consistent with the tabletop to keep the entire setting vaguely cohesive, so anything that would radically alter the setting to the point that dudes with bolters duking it out are no longer capable of acting as the decisive arm of conflict will not be allowed to exist.

Real life, as it happens, does not face that same constraint.
And yes, a rifle with dozens or more of shots of 50 beowulf on full auto with no recoil would be very impressive, and certainly a rather scary weapon to find yourself up against. But it is merely that, a very impressive weapon, rather than one that is totally outside our frame of reference with destructive capabilities we cannot hope to match.

Imperial weapons are to our weapons what, say, 1950s weapons were to WW1/interwar era designs, but you keep arguing that the gap is more like modern weapons as compared to bows.

.50 Beowulf is substantially less powerful than an autorifle round or a lasgun round to start with.

Ok, lets try it this way:

Standard Imperial Guard Squad, 10 men, Sergeant packs a bolter with metal storm rounds, 7 pack lasguns, one brings a grenade launcher, which can also fire the standard frags carried by everyone lore wise, and one man with a heavy bolter with suspension sling that enables him to carry what is essentially a 25mm gun into battle as if it were a GPMG, and place them against a 9 man US Army squad plus a medic for an even 10. That gives you 3 guys with M16s with 40mm grenade launchers, 2 Saws and 5 M-16s and a standard load of grenades, plus whatever AT-4s they are humping and any sidearms authorized or not. Hell I am even being generous here by allowing the US Squad to have on paper more explosive power.

This fight can really go one way though. The Guardsmen have superior firepower will gain rapid fire superiority.

Don't like it, ok escalate to a platoon size engagement and have roughly the same number, 3 Guardmen Infantry Squads with a heavy weapon squad of 3 hand portable automatic mortars like the Elysians have or regular tube if you want to be pissy.

We can keep escalating the size if you want but the disparity in firepower just keeps getting worse for our modern day units.

You're not getting it. I didn't say meltas or plasma guns aren't cool, I said that as advanced as they are even they do not possess the kind of leaps and bounds improvement over conventional weapons that you claim they do, something you're proving once again.

Except they do, and allow 40K combat units a hell of a lot more tactical flexibility in short to mid range fights and enables them to save their actual Missile Launchers for the long range fires and anti-air defense. This in turn gives them a logistical advantage. Because if you can only bring X number of round per fight and have Y targets in excess of X rounds, having a Meltagun or Plasma Gun to take out armor and mousehole walls is mighty damn useful. Especially when you are part of a galactic empire and Hell is a scientifically proven place from which all sorts of horrors arrive and of course all the other nasties who wear power armor.

I don't remember anything of the incident you describe in Descent of Angels, and the fact that unhelmeted marines can be in a close quarters firefight where plasma weapons are used and be totally fine suggests it didn't, there's nothing in the geneseed that makes your face fireproof. But presuming it did happen (could be one of those wacky high ends), "Burn everyone in a room to death" is by no means an unachievable level of destruction. Yeah, we might need some sort of bulky, crew served weapon while marines can do it with something man portable, but we could still do it.

When Zahariel was meeting with rebel leadership and one of them boasted about his plasma gun ensuring he won't pull shit. Zahariel called him an idiot and said the thermal effects along would vaporize everyone in the room. Don't currently have the book at the moment. My brother does.

Chaos marines went from being on par/slightly above with loyalists to being outmatched, of course they want to level the playing field. That's not the case for regular humans though, as they went from being hopelessly outmatched to....still hopelessly outmatched. The marines margin of superiority did not actually increase all that much.

If you say so.

We know the marine's ship have "blow up the planet" firepower, and that it has "big artillery gun" firepower. The form is not usable since they want to conquer the planet, and the latter isn't enough to do the job. They need an intermediate setting, the existence of which, and capabilities of which, you have not established.

It is established lore that lances and bombardment canons have variable settings. Macro cannon rounds are a little trickier as to have to fire the right rounds and set the yield. And lets not forget that during the Sabbat Worlds Crusades, the Imperial Navy made liberal use of orbital bombardments, even altering entire continents and weather patterns.

We are also talking about a society that uses interstellar travel, inertial compensators, and artificial gravity to load a bunch of horse onto their spaceship so they can be moved to another planet to charge at people with lances. Does the phrase "Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned" mean anything to you?

And the US lost to the Taliban. So what, in a number of scenarios, horse mounted troops make perfect sense. And the explosive lances they used are supplemented by lascarbines and other weapons. And they have even won battles against Necrons. Think less of them as archaic suicide troops and more as highly trained special forces occupying a niche place.

No, not just under specific circumstances, it's actually very rare to have librarians be the unstoppable trump card in any engagement. They are certainly more dangerous than the average comparable soldier, and much harder to face, but they are by no means unstoppable, and in fact I can't really think of a time when they were.

The Emperor would like to have a word with you on your lack of faith after he save Guilliman's ass on Iax, spanked Mortarion and burnt Nurgle's garden to the ground, all while sitting on the Golden Throne.

So no, you do not have a quote.

I quoted you the lore from the Old BFG Armada book. Do you want to hear Reclusiarch's Merek Grimaldus' words on the matter, maybe that will restore your faith? Since I don't own Helsreach anymore, I will link you the animated audio version. Mark 3:20 to 3:35

See, you're doing it too, as soon as a figure is cited that leads to a conclusion other than "uber 40k", you start trying to look around and find a workaround regardless of the plain text meaning.

Nope, RHA 50 and 75 are actual standards. So is MIL-DTL-12560 which the US Army currently uses due to numerous advances in armor technology. Without further clarification, we don't know what RHA standard they are using.

It's very convenient how whenever something is cited that would disprove the argument you're making, it's captured imperial weaponry or fictional super future RHA and therefor doesn't count, but all the stuff that does count, like these ork super guns that do damage on par with battleship cannons just like imperial ones, both counts and is never directly sourced or cited, just established to exist, somewhere, for sure.

You're really stretching there bud.

You're still not getting it. The book Pariah Nexus, in a 3rd person omniscient perspective, explictly stated the sister's miracles were not derived from the war, which directly contracts inform from the same omniscient perspective from Fall of Cadia that said the exact opposite.

Ok then it came from the Emperor which means the warp, but then again the Emperor did save Guiliman on Iax while spanking Mortarion and telling him he can still be saved before burning Nurgle's garden down. Make of it what you will.

Save for the artillery shield (which vraks did not have, the shield only covered the citadel, not the main defensive lines), you've just described the Maginot line, which Germany did in fact assault and break through.

The Germans seized a few forts armed with 75mm cannons at best in cupolas and fixed at 45 degree angles, and this tied up several divisions which took heavy losses. Vraks you are looking at 135mm to massive 600mm artillery emplacements, mobile reserves of heavy armor packing weapons capable of wrecking M1s ready to roll. Air Defense Missiles and ample AAA, armored laser silos that even the Titans had to be wary of less they inadvertly walked into their engagement angles due to their size and height. Also the shield did cover the defensive belt, otherwise the Imperial High Command would have asked the Space Marines to directly attack the outer laser silos as their strike cruisers and battlebarges are armored enough to make the deployment possible via fast travel and the entire siege would have been unnecessary and a much shorter 3 month campaign would have ensued with Marines taking out the outer silos which would have enabled Titans to have been dropped much closer without having to travel halfway around the world. Then they could have wrecked the wall with guard support well before Arkos decided to join the fun and bring all his friends.

The shield also restricted the angles the artillery could fire at and the propellant that could be used as their rounds have to travel below a certain speed to move through the shield. This also meant the artillery had to be closer than normal. Since the Vraksians controlled when they opened and shut the shield for outgoing, they had a marked advantage in the artillery war.

Dawn of war trilogy was the one with backflipping terminators, multilaser land raiders, and a chaos worshipping Lelith Hesperax, right? I don't think I'm missing much there. Meanwhile, every single marine aircraft in existence explicitly stated, and via the models, shown, to be piloted by marines, the closest mortals come to its the stormraven's turret, which is manned by a servitor.

And it is all canon per the new Era dating system that GW has adopted by simply blaming the warp and the limits of pyschic telephones and not their inability to keep shit consistent. But in lore makes sense because the warp does allow time travel.

What, singular bits of evidence with no supporting details, analysis, and comprehensive support from additional sources are no good? That's odd, since you keep peppering your replies with exactly that.

You do realize they carry missiles? Hell if the the Imperial Navy is packing Skystrikes on a Thunderbolt with a 12,000 kilometres in atmosphere combat radius, Space Marines have even better missiles. They also utilize the Hunter SAM system.

You do realize that stats to the effect of "yeah, 40k weapons are in the same ballpark as modern ones" guts your entire argument, right?

Autoguns pack substantially more punch than a modern battlerifle and is on par with sniper rifles in terms of punch while being as compact as an Assault Rifle with reduced recoil. That is a major fucking advantage the US Army would fucking kill for if they could get it.

A lasgun is basically the Barret but far better, you can basically remove the SAW, as practically everyone is a SAWer and upgrade them all to grenadiers by attaching a grenade launcher to the lasguns which some regiments do. They have the punch of a .50 machinegun, deep sustained firepower, and by kicking power to the max, they can threaten LAVs and in sufficient numbers, even bring down an Abrams.

So no its not in the same ballpark, its an entirely new ballpark.

Because "I rolled a 4, your entire army explodes as my nuclear cruise missile hits the battlefield and kills everyone" isn't a very fun experience on the tabletop. 40k books have to be at least broadly consistent with the tabletop to keep the entire setting vaguely cohesive, so anything that would radically alter the setting to the point that dudes with bolters duking it out are no longer capable of acting as the decisive arm of conflict will not be allowed to exist.

Real life, as it happens, does not face that same constraint.

Dante isn't supporting an Imperial Guard Force, making an example of a rebellious governor, or under any ROEs.

He is here to get compliance. He will give the world a chance to surrender. If it isn't forthcoming then he is perfectly content to reduce this planet to the stoneage and rule a stoneage world. It is basically what he ruled on Baal and what most of the successor chapters ruled.

Your arguments are based on false premises and rejected in their entirety.
.50 Beowulf is substantially less powerful than an autorifle round or a lasgun round to start with.

You don't actually have the stats to back that up, you're compleyely guessing about the mass of the round used. 225 grains is very heavy for a rifle round, it could very easily be lighter and completely invalidate your muzzle energy numbers.

And of course even if it is accurate, there's more to it than just pure muzzle energy.

Standard Imperial Guard Squad, 10 men, Sergeant packs a bolter with metal storm rounds, 7 pack lasguns, one brings a grenade launcher, which can also fire the standard frags carried by everyone lore wise, and one man with a heavy bolter with suspension sling that enables him to carry what is essentially a 25mm gun into battle as if it were a GPMG, and place them against a 9 man US Army squad plus a medic for an even 10. That gives you 3 guys with M16s with 40mm grenade launchers, 2 Saws and 5 M-16s and a standard load of grenades, plus whatever AT-4s they are humping and any sidearms authorized or not. Hell I am even being generous here by allowing the US Squad to have on paper more explosive power.

This is why I don't buy many of your arguements, because whenever it's something I can check, it doesn't line up.

1. Imperial guard Sargeants very, very rarely have access to bolters, let alone bolters and metal storm ammunition. More typically, they have a lasgun, or sometimes a laspistol and a sword, though the the lasgun seems to be the most common.
2. Gaurd Heavy bolter are not GPMGs, they are far too heavy for that. The guard has to use them as HMGs, they are crew served weapons that need a team of several guardsmen to set up and operate.
3. Furthermore, a sqaud level heavy weapons team is not the standard setup for a guard sqaud, in part because there is no such setup. But it's much more typical for them to have 9 rifleman and one member with a special weapon, such as a grenade launcher or a flamer.

This fight can really go one way though. The Guardsmen have superior firepower will gain rapid fire superiority.

They have superior rifles, yes. However, they lack any sort of SAW, and so will be unable to lay down the volume of suppressing fire a modern sqaud can. Nor do they have a designated marksman, while modern sqauds might. They also don't have disposable rockets like the modern sqaud.

If the guard does have a heavy bolter, they are trading maneuverability and flexibility for firepower, because deploying the heavy bolter will fix the sqaud in place around the bolter.

Additionally, the guard sqaud may lack personal radios, as vox beads are not universally issued to guard regiments on a sqaud level, while it's ubiquitous for modern militaries. That's a massive disadvantage, and it's something you overlooked because you seem to be overfocusing on weaponry.

Now, at the end of the day the 40k sqaud still has an edge, superior weapons on most of the sqaud is still very useful. But it is merely that, an edge, it's not at all a decisive and they could still lose, and if they do win, they win take loses in doing so.

Which is the point I keep making, 40k's superiority in equipment is not sufficient to prevent there forces from being worn down via attrition.

Except they do, and allow 40K combat units a hell of a lot more tactical flexibility in short to mid range fights and enables them to save their actual Missile Launchers for the long range fires and anti-air defense. This in turn gives them a logistical advantage. Because if you can only bring X number of round per fight and have Y targets in excess of X rounds, having a Meltagun or Plasma Gun to take out armor and mousehole walls is mighty damn useful. Especially when you are part of a galactic empire and Hell is a scientifically proven place from which all sorts of horrors arrive and of course all the other nasties who wear power armor.

You haven't actually proven plasma or weapons are far more destructive than conventional weapons. As for them having tactical uses aside from just blasting the enemy, sure. That doesn't actually address the core issue.

It is established lore that lances and bombardment canons have variable settings. Macro cannon rounds are a little trickier as to have to fire the right rounds and set the yield. And lets not forget that during the Sabbat Worlds Crusades, the Imperial Navy made liberal use of orbital bombardments, even altering entire continents and weather patterns.

"Has variable setting" is different from "and one of those settings is X". You are arguing 40k space to surface weaponry is capable of destroying hardened targets, without destroying everything within several hundred miles of that hardened target. Prove it.

And the US lost to the Taliban. So what, in a number of scenarios, horse mounted troops make perfect sense. And the explosive lances they used are supplemented by lascarbines and other weapons. And they have even won battles against Necrons. Think less of them as archaic suicide troops and more as highly trained special forces occupying a niche place.

You do realize that citing the taliban outlasting the US, a much higher tech force with superior technology and weapons, doesn't really mesh well with your other arguement that a force with superior technology and weapons will inevitably defeat lesser powers, right?

And again, you're missing the point with the horses. The point was that merely because 40k is advanced in some areas, they cannot be assumed to be similarly advanced in other, parallel fields, because that is explicitly not the case.

Do you want to hear Reclusiarch's Merek Grimaldus' words on the matter, maybe that will restore your faith?

No, I want you to cite a specific, reasonable detailed incident where a company of space marines conquered an entire planet that was actively resisting them.

Nope, RHA 50 and 75 are actual standards. So is MIL-DTL-12560 which the US Army currently uses due to numerous advances in armor technology. Without further clarification, we don't know what RHA standard they are using.

I cannot find any reference to RHA 50 or RHA 75, and while their are other standards for RHA, you don't seem to quite grasp what standards like MIL-DTL-12560 are standards for. RHA, by it's nature, has certain fundamental limits that cannot be exceeded, the specifications don't change that. You can only make a steel plate so hard or so flexible, and the specifications lay out how hard you have to make it, but it's still limited by the nature of the material.

Ah, found another example:

300mm of "conventional steel", which was immediately reinterpreted to mean "conventional warhammer 40k super awesome space steel", though presumably the 55 kph is in reference to conventional, earth kilometers and hours.

Now, before you start digging for reasons to dismiss this, remember what the actual point I was making here was, which was not that this is the canonical thickness of a raider's frontal armor and anyone that says otherwise is wrong. It's that 40k is badly inconsistent and written by people that don't know what they're talking about, which in turn means taking any figure from 40k as gospel is absurd.

Ok then it came from the Emperor which means the warp, but then again the Emperor did save Guiliman on Iax while spanking Mortarion and telling him he can still be saved before burning Nurgle's garden down. Make of it what you will.

What I will make of it is, as I've said before, warhammer is hilariously inconsistent and the SDN style of analysis is borderline useless.

I don't have the IA books, but your arguements here aren't backed by the wiki, arch's video series on vraks, or any other source I can find, and given your previous error, IE heavy bolters as GPMGs, I don't believe you.

And it is all canon per the new Era dating system that GW has adopted by simply blaming the warp and the limits of pyschic telephones and not their inability to keep shit consistent. But in lore makes sense because the warp does allow time travel.

Again, you do realize that arguing for the standard here, th one that says Lelith Hesperax is canonical both a chaos worshipper residing in the eye of terror and not a chaos worshipper residing in not the eye of terror, makes any sort of serious and rigorous analysis of 40k impossible, right?

You do realize they carry missiles? Hell if the the Imperial Navy is packing Skystrikes on a Thunderbolt with a 12,000 kilometres in atmosphere combat radius, Space Marines have even better missiles. They also utilize the Hunter SAM system.

Given these "even better missiles are being fired off at point blank range per the image, I have doubts as to how much better they can be, and under your standard that's exactly as canonical as is the thing about the thunderstrikes or whatever.

Autoguns pack substantially more punch than a modern battlerifle and is on par with sniper rifles in terms of punch while being as compact as an Assault Rifle with reduced recoil. That is a major fucking advantage the US Army would fucking kill for if they could get it.

I don't have any sources on autogun recoil beyond "it exists", and it's presumably very, very dependent on the exact model of autogun. As is the ammunition and firepower, which I again note is largely speculative on your part.

I would note that saying something has more punch than a battle rifle and is on par with sniper rifles is a nonsensical statement (and one of the many reasons I am not inclined to give your statements the benefit of the doubt). Sniper rifles are defined as such by virtue of their accuracy and range, battle rifles are defined by thier caliber, it's entirely possible to have a sniper rifles firing a lighter, less powerful round than a battle rifle though more typically they will fire the same round.

A lasgun is basically the Barret but far better, you can basically remove the SAW, as practically everyone is a SAWer and upgrade them all to grenadiers by attaching a grenade launcher to the lasguns which some regiments do. They have the punch of a .50 machinegun, deep sustained firepower, and by kicking power to the max, they can threaten LAVs and in sufficient numbers, even bring down an Abrams.

Oh boy.
1. Lasguns do not have .50 BMG grade firepower, nor are they typically presented as having greater power than solid slug weapons, in fact they're usually said to be on par with projectile weapons. The lasgun's main edges over the autogun are ease of use, ease of maintenance, and being easier to manage logistically.
2. I have never seen lasguns used as SAWs, regardless of them being in theory capable of that. Merely because something is capable of automatic fire does not mean it is capable of sustained automatic fire, and one the standard power settings lasguns seem to be limited to around 40-100, which even at max is a bit light for a SAW.
3. It is not common to mount a grenade launcher on a lasgun, the IG seems to prefer using standalone launchers. It is unheard of to mount launchers on an entire sqaud's lasguns.
4. Lasguns are not effective anti armor weapons, unless you overload the power pack to turn it into a bomb. I've never seen anyone do that in the books, and prior to 8th edition it was in fact impossible for lasguns to harm anything about T6 (most light vehicles are T7, true tanks are T8 or T9), which further suggests this isn't possible.

He is here to get compliance. He will give the world a chance to surrender. If it isn't forthcoming then he is perfectly content to reduce this planet to the stoneage and rule a stoneage world. It is basically what he ruled on Baal and what most of the successor chapters ruled.

"Nuke the planet into rubble and rule over the smoking ruins" is clearly a failure to actualy conquer the planet. Certainly the imperium seems to think so, as commanders that do that sortvot thing or cause excessive damage are, at best, looked down on and at worst censured or executed.

Furthermore, it clearly goes against the fundamental spirit of the OP. "How well can modern earth fend of off this specific force" clearly implies the goal is to confront that particular force, if it's just going to be a question of blowing up everything from space there's no point to the match-up.

@Tyzuris can you please expand a bit on the actual objectives and victory conditions for each side?
@Tyzuris can you please expand a bit on the actual objectives and victory conditions for each side?
Basically the Blood Angels chapter (the entire chapter is involved here with its 1000 Marines and 10 companies) has to do enough critical damage to make the world realize surrender is the saner option rather than continue fighting.
Basically the Blood Angels chapter (the entire chapter is involved here with its 1000 Marines and 10 companies) has to do enough critical damage to make the world realize surrender is the saner option rather than continue fighting.

Vague as fuck. What Battlegrinder was asking is what are the Rules of Engagement?

1. Is Dante allowed to bomb the world to the Stone Age?

2. Or is ortillery out of the picture?

3. Is Dante permitted the use of only his Marines or can he utilize his chapter serfs in their lore support roles and lore auxiliary combatant roles? Which gives him upwards of 50,000 additional combatants who are highly trained stormtroopers, some of whom are washed out Initiates who through no fault of their own simply could not be fitted with the black carapace or other issues.
Basically the Blood Angels chapter (the entire chapter is involved here with its 1000 Marines and 10 companies) has to do enough critical damage to make the world realize surrender is the saner option rather than continue fighting.

A little time in orbit to determine critical failure points. China's damn goes bye bye. So does the Hoover damn and any others that will lead to a great deal of damage and morale loss. Any other power production sight worth a damn goes too.

Military bases get wiped off right away.

Leadership gets whack-a-moled.

Potentially see every major port facility destroyed, but that would likely only occur in a region that refuses immediate surrender. To be followed by the destruction of any pipelines or other energy delivery methods.
Basically the Blood Angels chapter (the entire chapter is involved here with its 1000 Marines and 10 companies) has to do enough critical damage to make the world realize surrender is the saner option rather than continue fighting.

Yeah, what @Chiron said, particularly in terms of orbital fire support.

in my view, there's not really any point in asking the OP question if just bombing everyone into submission from space is an option, as the BA have no reason to do anything else and because there's no point using the Blood Angels specifically here as anyone capable of orbital bombardment could do the exact same thing. What makes the Blood Angels different from, say, the Covenant or the Galactic Empire is what they can do on the ground.
Yeah, what
Yeah Dante can use orbital fire support tactically AKA let's say a Blood Angels squad comes across an armoured battalion and they can designate said battalion to a strike cruiser to bombard.

But they can't use them strategically AKA have them straight up bombard cities, military bases, etc...
Yeah Dante can use orbital fire support tactically AKA let's say a Blood Angels squad comes across an armoured battalion and they can designate said battalion to a strike cruiser to bombard.

But they can't use them strategically AKA have them straight up bombard cities, military bases, etc...

Strictly an Armored Battalion? Because response forces will be more than an armored battalion which can be destroyed more effectively by an airstrike.

That said, how many scouts in the scout company? They are not yet battle brothers and don't count in the numbers. How many initiates not yet in the scout company? How many serfs fit for combat? Composition of the Companies, the Librarius, Reclusiam, Apothecarium, Armory, and Chapter Command plus Death Company which is off the books.

Otherwise this will descend into pointless nerd raging.

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