Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

In case ya don't know, the image of the Native American woman was designed and created by a Native American artist.

One of these days, there's gonna be a big ole' civil war in North America (Canada and US both) and communities are gonna be split down the middle.

People with brains, and the brainwashed cool-aid drinkers.


Well, too late to take that advice now! 😡
Trump was alright.

Though the guy does look like he's only 50 something.
I think the worst for me is that someone on 4chan said it on day 1 of the invasion and I just thought he was crazy…
What is the difference between a right wing conspiracy theory and the complete truth in the 2020s?

3 to 6 weeks.
it has gotten rather ridiculous hasn't it?
the saddest words known to man, /pol/ was right again
Does anyone remember the copypasta about /pol/ vs the media as sources of information, essentially "we have no motive for this attack and we're not naming the attacker" vs "here's the guy's manifesto in which he explains his motives, his identity and what he had for breakfast"? I've been driving myself crazy trying to find it.
One of the key studies I read up on specific was comparing what infants paid attention to. This is like six day-old infants, put in front of a set of different images. Boys were much more likely to look at images of objects, girls were much more likely to look at faces, exceptfor girls who had an unusual condition where they were exposed to much higher levels of pre-natal testosterone. It's been a couple years now, and I forget if it was the same study following up years later, or another study, which demonstrated that autism was tightly linked to high object-fixation.

One of the issues w/ those kind of studies is that starting in the 90s they radically broadened the definition of "autism" to the point that adult babies who bang their heads against the walls, Chris-Chan tier freaks and quirky folks like Tim Burton and Elon Musk are now all deemed "autistic".

Which makes it useless as a diagnostic tool and is kind of a problem since kids who're just a bit nerdy and shy get diagnosed as "autistic" or "Aspergers" at a young age and their parents get really overprotective of them and it really stunts their development a bit.
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My understanding of the lore is basically

"Valenwood is alive and will kill you for basically anything, including burning deadwood, the Bosmer have a 'special relationship' that let's them exist by virtue of knowing exactly what's permitted(very little) and what's not(everything else)"
"Black Marsh is alive and will kill you, the Argonians live there by virtue of literally being Black Marsh's kids and agents"
"Elsweyr is fucked and some of that is because ALL the Khajit live there, including the Khajit that look like tigers and the ones that look like housecats, good luck figuring out which cats won't kill you and which cats you won't be executed for murdering(hint: these are not actually exclusive categories)."
Every other Province has some population of every race, and even the three mentioned kind of do. I'd also like to point out that Skyrim is, in fact, ruled entirely by Nords, sooooooo.

Also, Ulfric ruined a good thing by demanding open Talos worship WAAAY too soon, before then the Imperials just didn't actually enforce the ban and the Thalmor fumed, afterwards the Empire HAD to let Thalmor in to enforce it instead because they were NOT yet ready to go to war with the Thalmor.

Oh, and if you think "wouldn't that just go like the last one?", well, actually, NO. See, last time the Thalmor had a Daedric Artifact that gave them perfect information and communication, that got removed from their possesion before that last battle they lost outside the Imperial City, and they don't have it any more. Empire at peak vs Thalmor at peak without that artifact would STILL be a win for the Empire even without Hammerfall or Elsweyr.

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