Web Content On Razorfist, and his black-and-white views on absolutely everything.


Agent of Catgirl Genocide
typical of Razorfist, be it in politics, entertainment, or life in general. (I.e., if he doesn't like something, he treats its as being without any good points whatsoever. And anyone who disagrees with him about that as an idiot.

To be fair, at least some of that could be Razorfist playing his ‘character’.
*shakes head* He's absolutely consistent about that, regardless of whether or not he's on camera. I don't think it's him playing a role.
Like a lot of people, just because I agree with him on some things hardly means I must agree with them on everything. I can mostly respect his views even if I think he's an idiot for hating on anime and manga because he thinks it's all like Naruto or whatever.

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