President Biden is Your Legitimate President (Yes, even if he cheated)

The Phule

The Phule on the Hill
I... still don't get it. Sorry. I think you're explaining concepts around the idea, but not explaining what the idea is actually supposed to represent... is it just some sort of miscellaneous 'social activism points' thing?

what does a person who describes themselves as 'woke' do? what would a 'woke' person describe an 'unwoke' person as doing? How do they measure levels of 'wokeness'?

I'm sorry I'm an idiot and don't understand.


Internet Wizard
I... still don't get it. Sorry. I think you're explaining concepts around the idea, but not explaining what the idea is actually supposed to represent... is it just some sort of miscellaneous 'social activism points' thing?

what does a person who describes themselves as 'woke' do? what would a 'woke' person describe an 'unwoke' person as doing? How do they measure levels of 'wokeness'?

I'm sorry I'm an idiot and don't understand.

'Wokeness' would be described by people who follow it as a couple of things.


What it actually functionally is, is a form of 'politics as religion.' There are a lot of different aspects of different parts of it, some of which are contradictory, but there are two key ones which underline basically everything else:

The rejection of personal responsibility in favor of collectivism and group identities.
The idea that the solution to every single problem is more power in the hands of government.

The common practical day-to-day beliefs of this include:

Your group identity makes you personal responsible for the wrongs other people have committed.
Their group identity makes them entitled to special rights and privileges.
Logic is evil racist white man stuff.

Put another way, if you don't agree with them, you're a racist, fascist, (insert whatever you please here)ist, who wants people to die because that gives you pleasure. And if you dare, dare to look at the actual effects of their policies, you are victim-blaming.


The Army Life for me! The POG life for me!
I... still don't get it. Sorry. I think you're explaining concepts around the idea, but not explaining what the idea is actually supposed to represent... is it just some sort of miscellaneous 'social activism points' thing?

what does a person who describes themselves as 'woke' do? what would a 'woke' person describe an 'unwoke' person as doing? How do they measure levels of 'wokeness'?

I'm sorry I'm an idiot and don't understand.
Are you pro choice, hate cops, support BLM, hate guns, anti Trump, people pleaser who wants to give everyone what they want from socialism to making MAGA a terror group, to making segregated things all over again?
Then you are woke


Russian Bot
I... still don't get it. Sorry. I think you're explaining concepts around the idea, but not explaining what the idea is actually supposed to represent... is it just some sort of miscellaneous 'social activism points' thing?

what does a person who describes themselves as 'woke' do? what would a 'woke' person describe an 'unwoke' person as doing? How do they measure levels of 'wokeness'?

I'm sorry I'm an idiot and don't understand.
Idk why people are making the explanation so complicated..

You want to understand it enough so it makes sense when you see it used?

Remember SJWs? They're "woke" now.

It's just a term for leftists who see racism and oppression in EVERYTHING. See, they've woken up, and they can see through it all, down to it's racist roots.

The social justice movement, is the "woke" crowd.

Now If you want to get deeper into what they actually believe, look up intersectionalism and critical race theory.

Lord Sovereign

The resident Britbong
Or...I let America take its natural beautiful course in realigning its politics and allow the balance to be restored. Then I laugh at retards who along the way scream and rend their clothing, declaring that the end is neigh.

The current state of the West does all seem a bit symptomatic of a paradigm shift with the old order stubbornly digging its heels in, for what good it will do. Globalism is dying a very long death.

By the way, the strategy you are proposing is quite effective. Soft purging of people who won't get behind the platform worked brilliantly for Boris Johnson with Brexit. Yes, it did temporarily weaken his hand in Parliament, but it put the Tories in line and served as an olive branch to a frustrated and angry populace.

This olive branch was then rewarded with the greatest Tory victory since the 1930s. Throw the RINOs out on their arses, and the Republicans will become unstoppable.


Well-known member
Under what circumstances would opposing a "legitimate" power structure be appropriate? Apparently never, not under any circumstances.

It isn’t “never” but the best example is the Declaration of Independence, which can basically be summed up as “We have repeatedly tried to operate within the bounds of the law and the justice system, yet the rules keep getting changed each time we get a minor victory. We’ve tried to cooperate and be loyal, but keep getting driven away. At this point, we’re done with your shit.” Even the Declaration’s text explicitly states that such undertakings are never to be done lightly, even in the face of frustration over political disagreements. It is only to be an absolute last resort, and that’s why we were in turn given the Constitution.

It’s also important to note that when the Boston Tea Party occurred, the other colonies thought the locals had gone off the deep end when they did that and that it was uncalled for. However, the British, in typical British fashion, fucked up the response and got so heavy-handed that it united the colonies in opposition. Even then, though, shots were fired in August 1775, so it wasn’t until almost a year later that the mood had shifted from “look, this is a mess, we need to work it out” to “Fuck this shit, we’re out.”

We haven’t actually hit that point yet, but current stunts like the proposed “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” (never mind that Congress defined domestic terrorism ages ago), which, shockingly, explicitly exempts left-wing and Islamist causes (whereas the current definition makes no distinctions) do not bode well. Hopefully cooler heads prevail and people remember just how fucking batshit insane progressive Democrats are. This last election clearly showed that people don’t want loudmouth assholes in charge, and they don’t want rank partisanship.


Well-known member
Temporarily Banned
It isn’t “never” but the best example is the Declaration of Independence, which can basically be summed up as “We have repeatedly tried to operate within the bounds of the law and the justice system, yet the rules keep getting changed each time we get a minor victory. We’ve tried to cooperate and be loyal, but keep getting driven away. At this point, we’re done with your shit.” Even the Declaration’s text explicitly states that such undertakings are never to be done lightly, even in the face of frustration over political disagreements. It is only to be an absolute last resort, and that’s why we were in turn given the Constitution.

It’s also important to note that when the Boston Tea Party occurred, the other colonies thought the locals had gone off the deep end when they did that and that it was uncalled for. However, the British, in typical British fashion, fucked up the response and got so heavy-handed that it united the colonies in opposition. Even then, though, shots were fired in August 1775, so it wasn’t until almost a year later that the mood had shifted from “look, this is a mess, we need to work it out” to “Fuck this shit, we’re out.”

We haven’t actually hit that point yet, but current stunts like the proposed “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” (never mind that Congress defined domestic terrorism ages ago), which, shockingly, explicitly exempts left-wing and Islamist causes (whereas the current definition makes no distinctions) do not bode well. Hopefully cooler heads prevail and people remember just how fucking batshit insane progressive Democrats are. This last election clearly showed that people don’t want loudmouth assholes in charge, and they don’t want rank partisanship.
We've gone so far past the point they were at the founders would as soon as shoot themselves in shame that war hadn't already started if they saw us talking this way.

The Original Sixth

Well-known member
Politics flows down hill from culture, but culture flows down hill from philosophy. People who studied leftist ideology when it was forming as acedemic philosophy saw much of this coming in the 90's.

Wokeness is an ends not the means, the democrats made that mistake when they tried to create a monster under their control, but now Frankenstein's monster has now taken over castle Frankenstein and most of his vassals as well.

You have zealots in every movement. Politicians like to harness those individuals because they tend to be young, naive, and happily underpaid for grueling labor. But all of this is a means to an end. The end goal for most leftists who aren't zealots is for a multi-ethnic, stable society that is fair and free. Now that varies region by region on how they define that, save for the thought leaders of the movement, who generally keep a tight circle.

The problem is that they're fighting against the grain of their own party. And instead of making things better, it will make things worse. The demographics do not favor them, the ethnic grouping does not favor them, and their own ideological choices do not favor them.

Really, the future is probably NOT in leftism. A portion of "woke" will be adopted as a means of trying to form unity within the party, but a lot of the actual political power within the Democratic party is going to shift over to people more like Kamal Harris, who are willing to use their skin color as a way to get elected, but pay more attention to major corporations and retired civil servants. And that's due to the splitting within the business and national security voting blocs within the Republican party being chased into the Democratic party.

And after the disaster of this past summer when they embraced full woke, the Democrats are backing off as much as they feel they can.

There is no universe, where I'm going to take this boast seriously.

That's no surprise. You've handily proven your blissful ignorance.

You really believe the GOP cares about its based or the constitution?

It's not a matter of personal preference. The GOP cannot win another election without Orange Republicans. There are 44% more Democrats than Republicans. Trump brought in 10-20 million new voters. And they've already taken a chunk of the Republicans for themselves. The Republican party cannot maintain power without its solidarity. That's why they're terrified impart of shaking the boat.

The real challenge for the Republican party is not whether or not they get to ignore the Orange Republicans, but whether or not they can retain the Orange Republicans without driving out the older voting blocs. The answer to that is probably no, since the Orange Republicans include Union workers, who are generally at odds with the business community. But those same Union voters tend to have social and economical politics similar to African and Hispanic voters. If they can get past the race issue, the Republicans could swipe a large portion of the Democrat's voting base. It's already happening with Hispanic voters under Trump, who was famously misquoted as insisting that all Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists.

Either they get in line or they're voted out. And sure, a handful of them might be able to cheat their way to office, but the majority will not. If they aren't primaried, then they're going to get fucked when those Trump voters don't show up at the polls. And the current trends show that unless you embrace Trumpism, your chances at re-election are not good. The mythological Trump Bump generally only works for those who appear to be actual believers or carry strong reputations to begin with.

Boy you're going out of way to justify the total and complete rape of America.

I mean, I at no point said that. But hey, blatant dishonesty for the sake of your own ego and zealotry is clearly just part of your character.

Along with ignorance and stupidity.

Do you? When was the last time yours worked Burgerlander? Because there was no justice for the dead at Waco, no justice for the victims of the 2008 financial collapse and you're losing more and more of your rights every day.

2008 financial collapse? Is this a joke? A lot of America's perceived financial problems came from the fact that blue collar industrial jobs that paid the high money; the $20-40 an hour stuff, fled to China as the country embraced globalism under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. That actually enriched MOST of the coastal areas, which drew in the most skilled and capable members of American society. Not all, not the best, but a lot of the best and most of the good ones. That hollowed out the US's interior job sectors and when it became unbearable in the Mid-West (Michigan, Wisconsin, ect) you saw states begin to flip for Trump in 2016.

The US is now in a process of reversing that. We were sliding that way for years, even under Obama. Trump outright broke the system and there is nothing that Biden can do to fix it. Because there is no assurance he can offer anyone that he or someone like him will be in power next year. The far left doesn't like globalism, because they view it as evil white empire building. The right in general doesn't want it because they know that's why a lot of them don't have good jobs and involves sending their kids to wars that don't seem to matter. Biden's reach to the middle swing states involve Quakers and Germans who have a strong culture or NOT wanting to involve themselves the affairs of other or them in their own.

In fact, Biden's own policies are going to make things worse. His pushing for "Make American, Buy American" is going to make things worse for the Chinese, not better. The Chinese who, by the way, no longer have any leverage over him. The releasing of Hunter Biden's personal dealings during the election mean that Americans are of three opinions when it comes to Biden and China; they don't believe it, they do believe, or they don't care. What's China going to do? Release the info? Maybe get Biden removed? And then what? It will just ensure that both parties are out to get them.

The process is going to accelerate, not slow. The avalanche has begun, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

Or the boulders for that matter.

Tell that to the Uniparty not me.

There is no uniparty. There is the old center that agreed on MOST things, such as the way the world should generally work and how economics should generally work. But that middle has collapsed and both political groups are trying to search for a new middle, both within their respective parties and with each other. The Neo-Cons and the Neo-Liberals are really on the way out as two functional powers.

LOL no it isn't.

It is a functional government. Want to know how you can tell? Because even after the last year we had, we still had a peaceful transition of power. And in 2024, if and when Biden/Harris lose, there will be another peaceful transfer of power. I've at worst had to exchange barbs with my fellow Americans.

You had to exchange ammo.

You'd be wrong there kiddo, but go ahead keep smiling and pretending it's all good.

I hope to God you were never given a position where your decisions affected the lives of others. Because dear fucking Lord, you are thick. And clearly malicious towards those who don't hold your opinion.

If you refuse to admit the uniparty is real and that the entirety of the Republican political apparatus needs to be at the very least completely replaced. Any suggestion you're giving is one based around surrender.

And we're back to your inability to read plain english. I have said various times, to you and others, that the Republican legislators who didn't back Trump should be replaced if voters think that their judgement or ethics are not to their liking.

Then stop sabotaging them by demanding they accept the overthrow of the US.

The level of malice it takes for you to twist someone's words around is really just your standard grade VS debate retard bullshit. Anyone whose read anything that I've said here might disagree with my stance or my methods or hell, my take on the whole matter.

But they generally aren't accusing me of being malicious or weak or holding a position I have never, ever declared.

You know? I've lived long enough to realize anyone who says "low information voter" unless they're referring to a leftist is part of the problem and not the solution.


"I don't like people who use dog whistles, unless they're dog whistling for my team. I'm not crazy!"

Ah yes, because you can point to anywhere here where I've advocated for ethnic cleansing or genocide. Don't think I ever called myself a war hero either, but that's par for the course for this site. It seems to reward liars who slander and misrepresent things people type.

Oh don't give me that bullshit. Your suggestion would lead to exactly that. And then you strutted your war record like it settled matters and anyone who didn't fall in line with your reasoning lacked the stones to do the right thing. Be a man and take ownership of it. Don't act like a fucking weasel.

Here's the thing buddy? I don't give a shit if you served in your nation's military. I wouldn't give two shits if you served in the US military. I'm not one of the people in our Union who likes to get on all fours and blow soldiers because they want to be like them and couldn't make it through boot camp. Because I never really wanted to be a soldier. Do I think they're great? Sure. Just like I think Doctors are great. But I don't idolize them. And I'm sure most of them prefer NOT to be idolized.

You want to trot out your war service like it's some kind of argument or tool to belittle others?
Please. I don't give a shit who you had to kill. I don't give two shits who you had to burry.

That's interesting given your entire opening post was "Attention everyone in this thread, please stop fighting back in ways that are actually working and go away. Thank you"

And we swing back to you lying about my motives and attacking my character. I can only assume that your nation had very low standards when they recruited your dumb ass. I should hope American soldiers are of a higher moral and intellectual fiber that they wouldn't use their war service to try and accuse someone with an opposing strategy as a traitor to his country.
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Well-known member
Temporarily Banned
Those of you who have ever watched a sporting event and seen a ref dismiss an obvious penalty have no doubt experienced something like this before. The foul was obvious and blatant, but the referee, being the arbiter of what is and is not fair--grants legitimacy to the play. Yes, even if objectively the player did cheat and foul the opposing team for an advantage. This wasn't even a Democrat dominated state legislator; these were Republicans. The people who should have been willing to go to the wall for President Trump. Those legislators occupy positions of authority and responsibility, but never before had any of them had such an immense responsibility thrust upon them. An choosing to act in favor of the President might have caused a second civil war.
Sports games are games. You accept the unfair ruling and move on because it's a game.


Well-known member
Temporarily Banned
You have zealots in every movement. Politicians like to harness those individuals because they tend to be young, naive, and happily underpaid for grueling labor. But all of this is a means to an end. The end goal for most leftists who aren't zealots is for a multi-ethnic, stable society that is fair and free. Now that varies region by region on how they define that, save for the thought leaders of the movement, who generally keep a tight circle.
"The end goal of the average party member is not tens of millions dead in camps" rings hollow when they never actually try to stop it once that time arrives. The end goal for the left as an ideology is a nightmarish mixture of Stalinist Russia and the antebellum south. Its not "hard left" it's not "extreme left" left is left. They do as much as they can get away with. They grab as many guns as they can get away with. They genocide as much as they can get away with. They rape as many children as they can get away with. Endless chattel slavery and genocide thats the goal, thats the end. These people will put a bullet in you the second they think they can without dying. Every leftist position is a step towards the glorious utopia in which we are all dead and every moderate leftist is just a useful idiot not clear on what "progressive" is "progressing" towards.


Well-known member
We've gone so far past the point they were at the founders would as soon as shoot themselves in shame that war hadn't already started if they saw us talking this way.

I don’t think so. Would they be thrilled that we’ve let the government gain such power, probably not. However, 246 years is going to result in some changes, especially when you consider that most people don’t have issues with the current system per se, but disagree over its function.

Also, @The Original Sixth I have to disagree with your claim that corporate types and retired/current bureaucrats are going to make an impact in politics. If anything, I think within the next ten years tops there is going to be a major swing away from them. Their inability to deal with the fallout of COVID, their blatant ignoring of the concerns of the average voter in favor of fads like climate change and wokeness, their embrace of Xi Jinping, who knowingly presided over the disasters that led to a global pandemic, and brush offs like telling people to code or go build solar panels while telling them their core values and beliefs are not only ignorant but willfully evil? It’s going to result in a backlash that will make Trump’s election look like a minor hiccup.

Not that I think there will be violence, mind you, but it’s very clear that Western leadership doesn’t actually give a shit about any of it. And before you say “Obviously, but Trump did!” I would counter that Trump took advantage of it, but given how the 2020 election and its aftermath were all about him personally rather than the voters’ agenda, that tells me two things: 1) He’s a complete cynic who latched on as a way to win the presidency to boost his ego, or 2) He’s a complete political incompetent because he lets his ego and personal concerns get in the way of any actual concrete accomplishments and unintentionally screws his voter base in favor of himself. Either way, it’s bad and it’s why we need someone new, who can take the good parts of what he did without letting his (or her) ego get in the way. And we need that now more than ever because the alternative is repeated failures and allowing people like Harris, Bernie, Pelosi, AOC, Biden, Obama, etc to dictate how this country is run.

Sports games are games. You accept the unfair ruling and move on because it's a game.

Eventually, maybe, but have been blown calls that result in players and refs needing police protection because the crowds are furious. Or they’ll throw trash on the field in protest, or a whole host of other disruptive behaviors.

And even if the public perception is “things have settled down” it can still start fistfights years later.


Well-known member
Temporarily Banned
I don’t think so. Would they be thrilled that we’ve let the government gain such power, probably not. However, 246 years is going to result in some changes, especially when you consider that most people don’t have issues with the current system per se, but disagree over its function.
Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.

Eventually, maybe, but have been blown calls that result in players and refs needing police protection because the crowds are furious. Or they’ll throw trash on the field in protest, or a whole host of other disruptive behaviors.

And even if the public perception is “things have settled down” it can still start fistfights years later.
So infinitely smaller in the scale of shit mattering that there aren't words that can put it into a technically clear context.


Well-known member
Temporarily Banned
You don't know anything about fascism. You can have a sort of cultural fascism without rallying behind an autocrat.
I fixed your post to make it more correct.
Incorporating business and industry into the state gun grabbing price fixing land repossessing travel controlling europeans who call themselves socialists and follow the philosophies of failed art students and commie newspaper boys. Wow! Based!

The Original Sixth

Well-known member
Also, @The Original Sixth I have to disagree with your claim that corporate types and retired/current bureaucrats are going to make an impact in politics. If anything, I think within the next ten years tops there is going to be a major swing away from them. Their inability to deal with the fallout of COVID, their blatant ignoring of the concerns of the average voter in favor of fads like climate change and wokeness, their embrace of Xi Jinping, who knowingly presided over the disasters that led to a global pandemic, and brush offs like telling people to code or go build solar panels while telling them their core values and beliefs are not only ignorant but willfully evil? It’s going to result in a backlash that will make Trump’s election look like a minor hiccup.

That's the thing, it looks as though they're getting ready to swing left.

The business types are not really good with the unions, simply because they happen to be natural enemies. They are also very conscious of their public image. As far as climate change, that's more them trying to tap a new market. Wokeness is another matter, in that they're trying to tap into that business market and harness the labor force and demographics seem to be going towards a more ethnically diverse America. They want to be on the right side of where the money is. China I'll get back to.

The Republicans are going populist. So what will happen now is either there will be a split in the business vote or they'll shift over to the Democrats. Which means they're going to have a nasty fight with the Greens and the Socialists. The Socialists are by all appearances, on the way out. They did NOT impress their political allies with their uncontrolled riots and demonstrations over the summer. It's one thing for the Democrats to harness a riot for their own ends, but it's another for the most radical elements of the party to drag it as far as they possibly can before the Democrats are FORCED to disown them. Pelosi probably feels burned after the slack she gave Antifa. And that led to them losing seats that they shouldn't have lost.

The Greens are from what I hear however, still strong and growing in power. But with one of their allied blocs having disgraced themselves and proven themselves just as dangerous to the Democrats as to the Republicans, Pelosi and her ilk are instead going to try and focus on bringing in the business and national security voters. That's why so many RHINOs showed up at the DNC this past year. With few exceptions, almost the entire business community has turned its back on Trump and are hoping to embrace the Democrats, because they don't want to be swing voters. They need institutional power for the sake of their businesses.

So people like Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, and Harris are staring down a coming civil war between the more moderate Democrats, their incoming business allies...and the most energized and radical wing of the party. Those demonstrations against Biden are real and they are purely the intent of the socialists to make it known that they are NOT happy about what is happening. The Democrats are not in a position to reshape the judicial branch or the balance of the EC or anything else.

Rather, they're going to struggle to maintain their unity in the face of their internal divisions. Because all they ever agreed upon in the past four years was that they hated Donald J. Trump with the passion of a thousand suns. And now that he is gone--what do they agree upon? The Green New Deal? No. The socialists aren't even just demanding a minimum wage of $15 an hour; they want UBI. Military engagement? The SJWs think that's white imperalism and they're wholly against the idea of accepting that it's the United States's sheer power that has maintained the most peaceful era of human existence. Against a business and national security voting bloc that views these as not just the continuation of their own personal power--but as anything short of a global network as sheer insanity that threatens to plunge the world into a second dark age?

There is no unity there. It's an illusion spurred on by the past 4 years. Fed by years of the SJWs believing themselves to be the natural leaders within a party that believes itself to be the natural ruling party of the Union. Despite the fact that they've held Congress for 1/3rd the times as the Republicans, despite having over 40% more members.

Not that I think there will be violence, mind you, but it’s very clear that Western leadership doesn’t actually give a shit about any of it. And before you say “Obviously, but Trump did!” I would counter that Trump took advantage of it, but given how the 2020 election and its aftermath were all about him personally rather than the voters’ agenda, that tells me two things: 1) He’s a complete cynic who latched on as a way to win the presidency to boost his ego, or 2) He’s a complete political incompetent because he lets his ego and personal concerns get in the way of any actual concrete accomplishments and unintentionally screws his voter base in favor of himself. Either way, it’s bad and it’s why we need someone new, who can take the good parts of what he did without letting his (or her) ego get in the way. And we need that now more than ever because the alternative is repeated failures and allowing people like Harris, Bernie, Pelosi, AOC, Biden, Obama, etc to dictate how this country is run

You take the good with the bad.

Trump had charisma, determination, and the resources to back up his initial claim to office. He rode in on a wave of dissatisfaction with the system. And in the end, Trump broke that system. It is so broken that it cannot be repaired in the wake of all that has happened. The pandemic showed the whole world how very little we actually trust each other. The geo-economic struggle that had been ongoing for the past few decades has finally boiled to the surface and broken the lid that the US kept on the world.

You may not have noticed, but the Democrats have actually adopted some of Trump's talking points now. Strong borders to prevent the Wuhan from infecting the country. Regardless of what Biden said when it started, he's changed his tune. Not because he wants to look good, but because he knows (or has been advised) that this is the general feeling. Gun control? Regardless of what Biden said, this past summer new gun ownerships skyrocketed in the wake of the riots--and a good deal of them were liberals. You can expect any gun laws to fail to make it through Congress and any that does will not be well received from gun toting Democrats who know their own mayors and governors will turn a blind eye to riots.

Speaking of riots. The Democrats have now embraced guns and walls as a means of protecting the elite and the capital. Oops.

And trade? The Democrats went from screaming about how xenophobic Trump's trade wars are to talking about "Make American, Buy American". Biden's plan is not to just buy American, but to invest in markets where Americans aren't even competing at the moment. His stance against China is going to be as bad as Trump's from the Chinese perspective.

There is no going back. It's too late for that now. The tech companies are going to be neutered by both parties, who had good reason to neuter them BEFORE they started mass banning and deplatforming Republicans. And far leftists are about to get theirs too, in case you're wondering. Because those crazy greens and socialists? Not good friends of the business communities. The pandemic has made people paranoid about trusting China to deliver goods and services. Instead of uniting the world against a common threat as globalists envisioned, it has instead turned into a case of "everyman for himself". Germany and the EU are right now facing the fact that their own vaccines are second-rate compared to American vaccines and they're even angrier that the Americans are fully intent on curing themselves first--and everyone else last.

That and we're likely to charge them through the nose to get it.

The Mandarin

Claim, Assert, Dominate.
That's no surprise. You've handily proven your blissful ignorance.

The alternate interpretation, one more consistent with reality is that no one cares about Spacebattles and attempting to intimidate someone by citing your accolades therein is bad comedy.

Oh don't give me that bullshit. Your suggestion would lead to exactly that. And then you strutted your war record like it settled matters and anyone who didn't fall in line with your reasoning lacked the stones to do the right thing. Be a man and take ownership of it. Don't act like a fucking weasel.

*shrugs* It's not my fault white people can't do fascism, we had it off and off on for the better part of the twentieth century and there were no genocides, no purges, no mass killing. The mass killings and displacements happened when people tried to impose another system on us that we didn't want when we were fine with what we got. Maybe you're just, panicky, indoctrinated and stupid?
Here's the thing buddy? I don't give a shit if you served in your nation's military. I wouldn't give two shits if you served in the US military. I'm not one of the people in our Union who likes to get on all fours and blow soldiers because they want to be like them and couldn't make it through boot camp. Because I never really wanted to be a soldier. Do I think they're great? Sure. Just like I think Doctors are great. But I don't idolize them. And I'm sure most of them prefer NOT to be idolized.

You want to trot out your war service like it's some kind of argument or tool to belittle others?
Please. I don't give a shit who you had to kill. I don't give two shits who you had to burry.

I think the most I said about my military service was "City Dwellers are a disease" "I sat around in country taverns getting loaded with farmers because the rebels were more afraid of field hands torturing them to death and impaling their carcasses on poles for disturbing their animals than us". Oh and "We were glorified security guards at a supposed human rights trial". The only time I ever posted in detail about my service was to put things in perspective and to go "America isn't that bad" Or so I thought at the time and maybe to talk about how dangerously easy it is to start a civil war because in the modern era they're mostly started by urbanites who know nothing. That you somehow got so deeply offended by my experience is a character defect of yourself, I certainly never said I was a RAMBO. Maybe you're just desperate and dumb.

It is a functional government. Want to know how you can tell? Because even after the last year we had, we still had a peaceful transition of power. And in 2024, if and when Biden/Harris lose, there will be another peaceful transfer of power. I've at worst had to exchange barbs with my fellow Americans.


'If You Need All This to Protect Yourself From the People, Maybe the People Didn't F*ckin Elect You' - YouTube

Peaceful transition of power, when your capitol remains occupied and your Presidential Palace has an ever growing in height fence around it. If the rest of your nonsense wasn't indicative enough of where you stand as a propagandist, demoralizer and subversive, the fact that you said what you just said with a straight face seals the deal for me. The fact that they tried to burn DC to the ground during the inauguration in 2017 aside, this is a blatant coup and that's a military occupation. No one on this forum with a brain should entertain you, you are posting in bad faith and directly undermining your country.

I'm just going to meme at you from now on.

Captain X

Well-known member
Joe Biden "won" through election fraud and is therefore not the legitimate President - period. The regressive left and their propagandists in the media never accepted the electoral college win of Trump in 2016 because he lost the popular vote, so why they hell should anyone in their right mind accept the outcome of an election where it's blatantly obvious that fraud occurred? As for looking bad by turning around and using the left's "not my president" and calling him by his number and other shit like that, so what? They've been trying to say we look bad all along anyway. This is the same group of people who claimed that Obama was the most disrespected President, then turned around and called Trump a fascist, and "literally Hitler," and openly fantasized about murdering him. This is the same group of people who cried about fraud themselves for the past four years, went into depth about how all these counting machines could be hacked so easily and compromised by foreign agents, then turned around and claimed everything was ironclad when that fraud benefited their side. So why should anyone give a shit what they say? Telling us all to sit back and pretend everything's fine is literally just that meme of the dog sitting at a table drinking coffee while the house is burning down around him. We've already seen massive censorship, people getting brought in and charged over spreading memes, government agencies talking about "right-wing terrorism" and the like, and politicians like AOC and their lackeys making up lists. Yet in the face of all that, you seem to think we can just vote our way out of this? I hate to break it to you, but with what happened in Arizona a couple years back, and what happened in the national election, and in the Georgia runoff election, it's obvious that elections don't mean shit anymore. Elections only matter when everyone is playing by the rules, and the Democrats aren't.

And those mail-in votes? Any argument for mail-in voting was invalidated during the spring and summer when all the same people condemning the anti-lockdown protests and Trump's rallies as "super-spreader" events were making excuses for the mass riots. And if that wasn't enough, the massive crowds celebrating Biden's fraudulent win just added to it. Of course, they aren't even putting up any pretense to the pandemic or anything anymore, because now they're just pushing for mail-in elections from now going forward, and are trying to prevent any of the States from even trying to validate ballots - witness HR 1, the very first bill the House put forward this year.

Oh, and this bullshit about #NotAllDemocrats? Frankly this is immaterial. Enough Democrats are in on it, through poll workers and politicians and the courts. For years, George Soros has been working behind the scenes to get Democrats in positions of power so that they can ignore crimes committed for their cause (as with the rioters getting let off the hook and allowed to continue to destroy and kill), while coming down hard on anyone who defends themselves. A great example of that is in Wisconsin, not only with Kyle Rittenhouse, but with a group of BLM being allowed to trespass on a man's property and vandalize it, and threaten to harm him, yet when the police came, they arrested him because he was sitting there watching them with his firearm, ready to defend himself if any of them came into his home to make good on their threats. There are also plenty of examples of Democrats paying far more heed to party than the law, and frankly just getting away with it. Another great example (and the reason I'm never voting Democrat again), is that one of these little tin-pot dictator governors, in Michigan, simply declared themselves to have emergency powers and immediately set about turning her state into a dictatorship. It is in their state constitution that the state legislature must grant emergency powers to the governor. The state supreme court is supposed to act as a check on this kind of thing, but the only reason it was able to is because it happened to have one more Republican on the bench than there were Democrats, who, in spite of what the law literally says, ruled by party in favor of the governor just being able to declare herself to have emergency powers. Shit, even in George Lucas's awkward vision of how the Old Republic fell and turned into the Galactic Empire, the senate still had to grant Palpatine emergency powers. So basically we have Democrats acting exactly like the fascists they accuse everyone else of being, including Joe Biden, signing executive order after executive order. The Democratic Party has been overrun by authoritarians, plain and simple. The party as a whole is a threat to the Republic and its citizens.

As for what's wrong with the Republicans? Fuck if I know. The best I can figure is that with at least some of them, they let their irrational hatred of Trump and the populism he represented distract them from the threat the Democrats and their useful idiots pose. I also wonder if some of them are just so scared shitless that they actually think trying to get on the Democrats' good side will somehow save them - kind of like all these white people who are in with the identity politics crowd in hating on other white people.

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