Amazon Prime Rings of Power: Lord of the Rings on Amazon

A reminder for the premiere and a request.
  • Alright everyone! Amazon's: Rings of Power will be debuting tomorrow and as such I am putting up this staff post as a friendly reminder.

    I would also like to ask that people try to criticize the show fairly and try to dial back on the contentless dunking post, as by this point, I think we all know that this show is 'woke' so no major surprise should be had that being the case.

    So basically, what I am saying is that while shoehorned in 'diversity' is understandably being memed and ridiculed, try to be a bit more nuanced and pick apart some of the other flaws or positives ("If there are indeed any.") beyond the culture war debate, such as acting, props, possible plot holes and a whole lot of other things.

    Remember we are trying to grow this forum and letting culture war consume everything to the point we have no real discussion and pages upon pages of threads full of sh*tpost that all boil down to dunking on the culture war makes us kind of sound like a broken record so please add a bit of nuance and sprinkle some genuine discussion throughout your post to diversify the subject would be nice.

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