Witold Repetowicz in "Do Rzeczy" 19/577gave wery interesting analysis about Iran -
1.they are not so religious as people think/their tradition is at least as important for them as religion/
2.Tourists there,as long as they do not attack or spy on them,are safe and get real hispitality.
3.They are Shi muslim,so all sunni are against them - in 1988 they supported Hussain in his war against Iran.
So,Iran decide to get popular by fighting izrael - becouse most sunni leader made bussiness with Izrael and do not care about palestinians.But - it is all politics,they need Izrael existing as enemy who they could fight to be popular among other muslims.
4.Part of ruling party is USA as great satan ,and Izrael as small satan.So,they could not officially made good relations with them - BUT,they need them as bogeyman,not somebody who they want destroy for real.
One of Iranians hero is still Howard Baskerville,teacher from Nebraska killed by cossack becouse he helped iranians.
He still had his own place in Tabriz museum.
5.West twice destroyed democracy in Iran - first,England with russian help in 1906,second,americans in 1953.
6.Monarchists in Iran have no support now.
7.Izrael support separatists in Iran,with Azerbejian want create South Azerbejian" - which even iranian azers do not want.
8.There is 8.000 jews in Iran,with schools,hospitals,synagogues and even member in parliament.
They are one of 3 recognized religious minorities.
And nobody spat on them on streets.
P.S in polish media we had two intervievs with Ambassadors -
1.Ambassador of izrael/about murdering polish volunteer in gaza/
2.Ambassador of Iran - about Izrael attack on it embassy.
First was full of jewish superiority,and he do not even tried apology.
Second was civilized and spak about reality.
Poles in Internet,of course compared both.And Iran was treated as civilized nation,when izrael show itself as barbarian country.