Middle East Running Iranian threat news and discussion thread

Since when they are christians ? you need to follow bishops who follow Apostols lineage to be one,others are just dudes who created their own sects to become important.
I don't know who made you the pope.
They have death penalty for being christian,too_Or protestant.And they certainly are not danger.

Just like said - socialists.They always end in mass graves after succesfull commie revolutions,in which they helped.

Yet we should fight those more dangerous.Which mean turks.If nothing change,in 2040 we would have Berlin sultanate.
The Turks are too busy bankrupting themselves to fight, very dangerous if you have a bank account in lira.
This is not court,but RL.Where everybody could say that white is white.
RL is that you don't get to rule lawyer the staff, especially with your shit English skills.
They do not choose who is real christian,they kill those who convert muslims.Like any other muslim country.
If you do not belive,go to Saudi Arabia,convert some muslim,and look what would happen to him.
I don't care about your idiotic Iran simpery.
Again, Iran is worse according to organizations that specialize in evaluating Christian persecution.
You have no better argument than making shit up.
As you can see, Iran is worse by 4 spots.
They have better economy ten most european states.
Remind me that you are too retarded to talk about economies in the future every time you talk about economies.

Are they? becouse it seems,that their actions serve China well.
Wasting their investments?
They have the same or similar language - but so have ukrainians and belarussians and soviets.Yet ukrainian and belarussian are nations,becouse they belive so.
The same goes for palestinians.If they are arabs,why Egypt do not let them come? they are one arab nation according to you,right?
Because Jordan and Kuwait did exactly that before and we know what happened next.
They would fuck up their place that's already barely holding on.
Just because they are the same nationality doesn't mean their politics or leaders have to agree. Otherwise North Korea and South Korea would love each other even though everyone agrees they are all Koreans.
In Syria, one country, they had a whole bunch of Arab factions murdering each other zealously over smaller things. Sometimes they can go full medieval on each other just because their clans get into a spat.
And they built monuments for soviet genociders.Current ambassador in Poland was born in Moscov,and his father betrayed Poland in 1939 and served soviets.
Who's "they"?
My dreams built monuments in Izrael? or,they are part of Izrael goverment?
Probably your dreams or bad reading comprehension.
Yes,secular party in Iraq is gone,and replaced by islamist.Great replacment,as great as Izrael did when they replaced Fatah with Hamas in Gaza.
You do not have educated quess,only belive that "THIS TIME IT WOULD BE DIFFERENT"
Tell me,how many christians must die before you finally see reality?
and,if your masters manage to destroy Iran,would you go there to die defending local christians who love safely now?

You are either genuine useful idiot,or dude who want to murder christians with cold blood.Dunno,what is worst.
You are the useful idiot defending all the Moscow's strategic allies, in the name of Moscow allied Arabs and Moscow loving Christians.
P.S i would answer your rambling after few weeks,becouse you are boring.If fate of christians in Iran do not depended on it,i would stopped answering long ago.
If you want our side to surrender to everyone willing to hold Christian human shields, don't bother replying and go join the human shields.
P.P.S Dear deep state,i knew,that you are watching.Remember - you could destroy Iran and kill christians there and in Armenia,but this time americans could awake and kill you.Think about that.
I knew,that you do not care about murdered christian children,but you should think about your safety.
Dear deep state, get this guy to shut up with this stupid bullshit to prove you are listening.
orse by 4 spots.

Remind me that you are too retarded to talk about economies in the future every time you talk about economies.

Wasting their investments?
Coming from you that is quite laughable indeed.

Given you had no idea what passive investment is and how we had to point it out to you.

Furthermore, maybe you haven't noticed this, but that graph contains with it the massive economic shock that was the COVID mass hysteria and a bunch of geopolitical clusterfucks in or general area, which all contribute to inflows INTO the USD.

To that you can add the high interest rates offered in the USA, which further strengthens the USD against other currencies.

And there is the elephant in the room, which is the simple fact that the USD is considered the "Cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry hamper".

And that according to a large number of economists weak currencies boost exports, which is actually one of Erdogan's policies and a reason why he keeps interest rates low.

  • Turkey exports for 2022 was $350.00B, a 19.43% increase from 2021.
  • Turkey exports for 2021 was $293.05B, a 39.7% increase from 2020.
  • Turkey exports for 2020 was $209.77B, a 16.66% decline from 2019.
  • Turkey exports for 2019 was $251.70B, a 3.45% increase from 2018.

Uh, oh.
Can we chill the fuck out on the assassination attempts? Diplomacy is always preferable to fucking war and Iran/IRGC is probably drawing up plans to bomb/drone the fuck out of someone as we speak
Eh, this one is probably not an assassination attempt. Fog is horrible right now.
Coming from you that is quite laughable indeed.
Oh, the clown ran into the politics forum again.
Given you had no idea what passive investment is and how we had to point it out to you.
Are those "we" in the room with us?
Furthermore, maybe you haven't noticed this, but that graph contains with it the massive economic shock that was the COVID mass hysteria and a bunch of geopolitical clusterfucks in or general area, which all contribute to inflows INTO the USD.

To that you can add the high interest rates offered in the USA, which further strengthens the USD against other currencies.
Are you telling me that a fucking crash by well over three quarters of value to USD is just the fault of USA and covid panic when it's not happening to vast majority of countries in the world?
You are insulting yourself here more than i ever could.
Other currencies of other middle economy countries don't have graphs looking nearly as bad.
Malaysia slight fall to USD, Czechia improved a bit, Morocco stable, even a shithole like Pakistan is fairly close to before covid.
It's just that one is not like the others.
And there is the elephant in the room, which is the simple fact that the USD is considered the "Cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry hamper".

And that according to a large number of economists weak currencies boost exports, which is actually one of Erdogan's policies and a reason why he keeps interest rates low.

  • Turkey exports for 2022 was $350.00B, a 19.43% increase from 2021.
  • Turkey exports for 2021 was $293.05B, a 39.7% increase from 2020.
  • Turkey exports for 2020 was $209.77B, a 16.66% decline from 2019.
  • Turkey exports for 2019 was $251.70B, a 3.45% increase from 2018.

Uh, oh.
Yeah, having salaries completely fucked by weak currency does help at being the world's sweatshop. Not sure the Turks are happy about it though.
Oh, the clown ran into the politics forum again.
Hello there, mr. Ad Hominem spambot.
Are those "we" in the room with us?

Are you telling me that a fucking crash by well over three quarters of value to USD is just the fault of USA and covid panic when it's not happening to vast majority of countries in the world?
You are insulting yourself here more than i ever could.
Other currencies of other middle economy countries don't have graphs looking nearly as bad.
Malaysia slight fall to USD, Czechia improved a bit, Morocco stable, even a shithole like Pakistan is fairly close to before covid.
It's just that one is not like the others.
Why don't you also add a look to the interest rates, eh:

From 7% to 22%.
Yup, that is not gonna be a potential nasty surprise for a lot of businesses...

I won't even bother to google the other ones, since they will likely be the same and that knowing you, this is the first set of currencies you could find to cherry pick.

Compared to Turkey for example, Pakistan has a far less developed economy and a population that skews younger and is still growing, they are also far more dependent on food and fuel imports from abroad, as such to keep social stability they need to be able to stabilize the currency at a rate that makes it too expensive to make sure their population can buy food and fuel or face an insurgency.
Oh, look, pakistan's exports are less than 1/10 those of Turkey, despite the cheaper workforce and larger population.

Yeah, having salaries completely fucked by weak currency does help at being the world's sweatshop. Not sure the Turks are happy about it though.
Yup, because Japan keeping its currency weak didn't propel it to manufacturing powerhouse status, Korea did the same and Singapore also kept the value of its currency low to boost exports.
Then japan for example got fucked up via the Plaza accord.

Again, you are venturing into territory you know jack shit about because you want to push a political point and antagonize people.

Call me when you grow out of your Wooden Philosopher stage.
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Hello there, mr. Ad Hominem spambot.
Hello mr. drag delusional "owns" from past threads, you get what you earn.
Why don't you also add a look to the interest rates, eh:

From 7% to 22%.
Yup, that is not gonna be a potential nasty surprise for a lot of businesses...
How about 50% then?
I won't even bother to google the other ones, since they will likely be the same and that knowing you, this is the first set of currencies you could find to cherry pick.

Compared to Turkey for example, Pakistan has a far less developed economy and a population that skews younger and is still growing, they are also far more dependent on food and fuel imports from abroad, as such to keep social stability they need to be able to stabilize the currency at a rate that makes it too expensive to make sure their population can buy food and fuel or face an insurgency.
Oh, look, pakistan's exports are less than 1/10 those of Turkey, despite the cheaper workforce and larger population.
Again, no one except Erdogan with his pet peeves cares about the interest rates cope.
You can look at countless more or less developed countries, some doing well, some not doing so well, yet none have the kind of currency collapse Turkey does... Except for some famous economic fail cases.
Yup, because Japan keeping its currency weak didn't propel it to manufacturing powerhouse status, Korea did the same and Singapore also kept the value of its currency low to boost exports.
Then japan for example got fucked up via the Plaza accord.

Again, you are venturing into territory you know jack shit about because you want to push a political point and antagonize people.
No, it is Erdogan who is venturing into a territory where the people who know jack shit would not go, and nice point about you showing up to just antagonize the people you are well known to love to antagonize, even if it takes beclowning yourself in defense of a lost cause known as Erdogan's big brain economics which get both the Misesians and mainsteream to agree that this is a mess, not a sign of a rising superpower.
Call me when you grow out of your Wooden Philosopher
Call me when you grow out of your secondary teenage contrarian retardation.
Can we chill the fuck out on the assassination attempts? Diplomacy is always preferable to fucking war and Iran/IRGC is probably drawing up plans to bomb/drone the fuck out of someone as we speak

We should probably wait and see as to whether any information arises about it being an actual assassination attempt beyond social media accounts saying it is.

Helicopters are complicated machines and can crash after all.

Ironically this was literally a major plot point in a season of the TV series Homeland. Everyone was freaking out about a helicopter with VIPs on board crashing in Afghanistan and everyone thinking it was an assassination attempt and not thinking "Oh maybe it was just an accident?" :p


Thoughts and Prayers.
Hello mr. drag delusional "owns" from past threads, you get what you earn.

How about 50% then?
>Claims to be anti-mainstream.
>Cites me the Guardian.
Again, no one except Erdogan with his pet peeves cares about the interest rates cope.
You can look at countless more or less developed countries, some doing well, some not doing so well, yet none have the kind of currency collapse Turkey does... Except for some famous economic fail cases.
It is not just the islamic electorate, it is his various backers that like low interest rates and export-oriented growth.

No, it is Erdogan who is venturing into a territory where the people who know jack shit would not go, and nice point about you showing up to just antagonize the people you are well known to love to antagonize, even if it takes beclowning yourself in defense of a lost cause known as Erdogan's big brain economics which get both the Misesians and mainsteream to agree that this is a mess, not a sign of a rising superpower.
>Muh BBC.
>Muh libertarians.

You mean exactly the people that dislike Erdogan and his policies for a broad range of ideological reasons...

Wnat next, gonna cite Paul Krugman at me?

In any case, Erdogan won his last reelection, his party got hit during the local elections but it was far from a convincing wipeout, and that loss had other contributing factors to it, like the aftereffects of the recent earthquake and lots of allegations that his party was responsible for lots of shabby, deadly construction.

I certainly don't see huge protests and the like, do you?

While Turkey has its problems, it is in a better shape than you want to think it is.

Call me when you grow out of your secondary teenage contrarian retardation.
At least try and be original and stop stealing my insults and trying to fling them at me, but badly.

You are a shallow pseudo-intellectual bully with a big head, the post i originally responded to proves that.
>Claims to be anti-mainstream.
>Cites me the Guardian.
I don't need your contrarian identity to feel good about itself.
Either way, 50% is 50% regardless of who posts is.
It is not just the islamic electorate, it is his various backers that like low interest rates and export-oriented growth.
What argument is that, it's not just islamic zealots, but also cronies. How is cronyism good economy?
>Muh BBC.
>Muh libertarians.

You mean exactly the people that dislike Erdogan and his policies for a broad range of ideological reasons...
Yeah, sure, everyone who is not friends with Muslim Brotherhood has ideological reasons to dislike him, but it's still a mess.
Wnat next, gonna cite Paul Krugman at me?

In any case, Erdogan won his last reelection, his party got hit during the local elections but it was far from a convincing wipeout, and that loss had other contributing factors to it, like the aftereffects of the recent earthquake and lots of allegations that his party was responsible for lots of shabby, deadly construction.
Benefits of having a tightly held voter base of religious fanatics.
I certainly don't see huge protests and the like, do you?

While Turkey has its problems, it is in a better shape than you want to think it is.
Did you think Turkey is California? Banning protests and actually enforcing it sure helps prevent protests :D
At least try and be original and stop stealing my insults and trying to fling them at me, but badly.

You are a shallow pseudo-intellectual bully with a big head, the post i originally responded to proves that.
It proves nothing but your yet another attempt to pick a retarded slapfight with me only tangentially related to the topic.
We should probably wait and see as to whether any information arises about it being an actual assassination attempt beyond social media accounts saying it is.

Helicopters are complicated machines and can crash after all.

Ironically this was literally a major plot point in a season of the TV series Homeland. Everyone was freaking out about a helicopter with VIPs on board crashing in Afghanistan and everyone thinking it was an assassination attempt and not thinking "Oh maybe it was just an accident?" :p


Thoughts and Prayers.

Fuck those Palestinian pieces of SHIT.
By "children" do they mean actual children or what are basically teenage militants ready for action? MSM, you see. :ROFLMAO: "400 Children" sounds better than "400 Junior Militants" being killed.

Also, yeah, I think this was an assassination attempt. The whole "Iran attacks Israel" thing was a dismal failure, actually harmed the Regime's prestige instead of adding to it, so the pair were likely given a death sentence by someone.
Fifteen hours after the crash and in spite of having two escort helicopters reportedly, and requiring a Turkish operated drone to actually spot the crash site, it's finally been reported that there are no survivors of the crash.

By "children" do they mean actual children or what are basically teenage militants ready for action? MSM, you see. :ROFLMAO: "400 Children" sounds better than "400 Junior Militants" being killed.

Also, yeah, I think this was an assassination attempt. The whole "Iran attacks Israel" thing was a dismal failure, actually harmed the Regime's prestige instead of adding to it, so the pair were likely given a death sentence by someone.
I suspect it was the Azeris, they have a close relationship with Israel and likely owed them a favor after they provided them arms for their ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh.
There's a decent chance that Iran/Iranians are who did this, given that putting your president in a helicopter through fog would be, well, not a good idea. You also need knowledge of when and where he's flying for an attack, when and what method for a bomb/sabotage, info that Iranians would be the most likely to have.

Azerbaijan as a country I'd say is a little less likely, as it killed their own diplomats, but I could see an Azerbaijani faction doing this.

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