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Star Trek The General Star Trek Thread - From TOS to Corporate Schenanigans

Who said anything about sending a sentient Robot. I am talking about a remotely operated one. You can make a user interface that allows for a non sentient machine to be controlled by a crewman to do the task. No AI needed.
Assuming it can be controlled from a distance without being jammed.

Sulu didn't escort them back, he was like "well, they're in the neutral zone, too bad for them, we're not going in there, that's against the rules".

Scotty technically also cheated by intentionally breaking the simulation with some sort of computer trick that worked on paper but not in practice, so he failed the test and got sent into engineering.....which was what he wanted the whole time.
Sulu obeyed the rules. Scotty's solution was "the simulation uses inadequate assumptions" instead of "I am cheating".
Never liked La Forge, he was just a step below Wesley Crusher in having special snowflake episodes imho. There would be totally random things that occured or that he started doing that would then never be mentioned again. Except for his special visor, gotta throw that in every damn episode. Like he really was the token black/disabled character(especially disabled but not really at the same time)(and dont you forget it!!!!!reeeeeeeee!!!) unlike someone like Sisko and Tuvok(if you count him as being black and not a Vulcan) that were their own characters that just happened to be darker skinned.
I liked LaForge. And as was pointed out in the video, Worf had some romances in TNG himself, so it's really obvious that it wasn't a racial thing. That's bullshit, and I'm disappointed that Levar Burton went there, because I thought he was above all that. He's also been one of the more fan-friendly stars at the cons. So I'm pretty disappointed.
I think he's right in that he got the short end of the romance stick (the writers really went in on the Brahms thing, even though IRL Leah Brahms was a total bitch), but that's because they wrote Geordi as the "good with tech, sucks with women" archetype.

What they should've done was have him have a romance with an engineer nerd lady in an episode who wasn't Leah Brahms, which would've been fine if she had good chemistry with Levar Burton.
I think he's right in that he got the short end of the romance stick (the writers really went in on the Brahms thing, even though IRL Leah Brahms was a total bitch), but that's because they wrote Geordi as the "good with tech, sucks with women" archetype.

What they should've done was have him have a romance with an engineer nerd lady in an episode who wasn't Leah Brahms, which would've been fine if she had good chemistry with Levar Burton.
"Engineers are socially awkward and bad at romance" is a stereotype that's not really true. They're just really smart and grasp complicated concepts very quickly.

The average IQ range is 85-115. 115 is smarter than 5/6 of everyone and they'll struggle with engineering. "Engineer smart" is basically rolling a Nat20 and getting to roll again for the critical hit.

The writers could have done what DS9 did with Rom and Leeta. Leeta is a Dabo Girl who ain't going to grasp Rom explaining what he does to keep the holosuites up and running, but it works.
I will point out that both Scotty and Chief O'Brien were married. Granted O'Brien was married to a Shrill Harpy. But the point still stands.
It isn't a measure of intellect, it's a measurement of logical processing. Linear logical processing.
An IQ test is an imperfect measure, but does indicate someone's ability to solve problems.

When one of my two older sisters got 0/200 on a multiple-choice standardized test it wasn't because she's stupid. She thought the test was a pointless waste of time and wanted to prove a point.

Stastically, getting nothing right 200 times in a row when random guessing means you get about 20% right is "I'm screwing with you because you're wasting everyone's time."

I'm going chime in and agree that LaForge was a good character. The fact he strikes out in love didn't even strike me as particularly indictful of nerds in general as a trope. Especially when contrasted with the far more socially awkward Lieutenant Barclay or whatever his name is. Some of the strongest character moments for LaForge (and O'Brian) are almost mentoring him into being a better person.

LaForge had just as many friends and social activities as other people and his one sided romance with Leah Brahms seemed more like a "Never meet your heroes" thing or the recent phenomena of "one sided friendships" only done through a Holodeck instead of Social Media.

These comments are really an indictment against Levar Burton whose become more and more "racially conscious" as time passes.

The Word/Michael Dorn argument is one obvious retort. But you even have Rikers romance with the nonbinary alien person who identifies as female which as a storyline I feel was actually well done (as were the Brahms episodes), or the fact that you HAD A MARRIED (WIDOWED AND REMARRIED) BLACK MAIN CHARACTER IN DS9. Maybe it was just the TNG writers that were exceptionally racist lol.

This trope would be completely flipped in Voyager as well since IIRC the dweeby Asian Ensign Kim got way more laid then the self professed ladies man Lieutenant Locano Paris.
This trope would be completely flipped in Voyager as well since IIRC the dweeby Asian Ensign Kim got way more laid then the self professed ladies man Lieutenant Locano Paris.
Well, that's because A) they kind of fucked up by having Paris' first ladies-man episode be one where he participated in marital infidelity, B) Robert Duncan McNeill's vibe is more family guy than bone everything in sight guy, and C) they somehow wound up accidentally creating a ship with Torres that they just leaned into.
Not a huge fan of DS9 but this is the finest image in the entire franchise

I have to say, though, that I didn't care for that direction they took with the character.
Yeah, they did Dukat dirty making him an insane space!Devil worshipper possessed by space!Demons at the end.

From the memoirs I've read, the directors grew increasingly concerned over time because audiences kept liking Dukat (this, I think, can be chalked up to Marc Alaimo's charisma and Dukat actually having a villainous non-straw personality and kept coming back, a rarity for villains in Trek) despite him basically being alien Hitler, so they felt they needed to escalate his evilness to absurd levels to curb that. I'm of the opinion they were being idiots, people liked Dukat because his antics were entertaining to watch onscreen, not because they thought he did the right thing enslaving the Bajorans.
people liked Dukat because his antics were entertaining to watch onscreen, not because they thought he did the right thing enslaving the Bajorans.
Well that, and the fact that their entire setup of the Occupation made Dukat look like some rando middle manager whose worst crime was forcing women to prostitute themselves to help their families.

Like, they didn't need to have him lead a meeting where they were talking about increasing the productivity of death camps in terms of ethnically cleansing Bajorans, but they needed to show him actually giving orders that would cause those deaths. And they just never did that.
Not to mention that going by official numbers, under his occupation Bajoranns were less likely to be executed than your average american today dying while going about their business. Here's the calculation.
I'd chalk that up to "Sci-Fi writers have no sense of scale". If what what was shown on-screen matched the toll the numbers would be much, much higher. If the numbers are right, what's shown on-screen is either very wrong or what happens to Bajorans who've done something so heinous that any sane society would say "we're done with dealing with you in a civil manner, so you get serve as a warning to others in an 'I wouldn't do that if I was you' manner".
Sisko also accused Dukat of being directly responsible for 5 million of those deaths, so it would appear that the final part of the occupation under Gul Dukat was responsible for a full third of all deaths. His reign would have to have been far bloodier and more brutal than the 40 years before, where perhaps the Cardassians really were trying to be benevolent overlords in comparison to Dukat's methods.
Read an observation about Wrath of Khan that I hadn't noticed before. Everytime Sulu opens fire on Reliant he's aiming directly at its bridge. First time he grazes it but walks the shots to its power plant. Second time the ship is jolted and its a clean miss but parallel to the bridge. Third time he scores a glancing hit killing most of Khans bro squad.
Chekov takes over then and delivers the crippling blow, but the main lesson here to take away is that Sulu does not fuck around.

Edit- Though it is also worth noting the differences between the two approaches. Sulu goes straight for the kill, coldblooded but risky. When he missed he allowed Reliant to retaliate. Chekov on the other hand as a more trained tactical officer instead killed Reliants weapons first, then its propulsion leaving it defanged and unable to run.

This is why old Trek is a billion times superior to the shite that defiles the name these days :p
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