United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

Unexpected side effect. If good optics and competence are simultaneously the signs of a strong organization and the signs of a government op, then it's hard to tell the two apart. Everyone knows that the incompetent losers are far real, but when people get their shit together, then it's hard to tell.

Which is why I specifically outlined that being organized shouldn't be a heuristic used; look at how the establishment treats them and groups like Antifa react to them likewise. If they're an op, why go out of your way to suppress them and publicly expose their membership?

That they had so many members was actually rather suspect to me. A few hundred people willing to get into uniforms and go to DC... yeah. Most organizations I've seen pictures of around the internet have a dozen members, maybe two dozen max. Because they are friend groups first and foremost, you can't have a friend group that has a few hundred people in it. Even the proud boys are like this, in the words of their founder "we're a drinking club with a patriotism problem", they have lots of chapters, but each one is just a handful of guys, and when they do show up they are not exactly marching in step.
If this executive board is providing such inspiring leadership, and this ideology so persuasive... how the hell aren't we hearing more of it, nor from it?

It's almost as if you've been trained to accept a catch 22 framework....
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Marduk has a good point. They are very explicit at points but also weirdly vague on others. Their website talks a lot but doesn't present much in the end. It seems oddly sanitized for people who are willing to go all the way and use fasces on their official material.

So basically, you want policy papers and the lack thereof is a sign of a glow op?

Where were they last year when BLM was burning shit down? They did a few pamphlets and some campaigns but it was super small stuff. There wasn't a single good old fashioned Weimar political brawl between them and Antifa. The Proud Boys do that, standing up to Antifa and actively fighting them on Portland and such, but PF is oddly absent.

Those are all the little things that pile up. That is why I end up leaning towards them being a glow op. It seems to fit the stereotype of what the enemy thinks we are to a T, while not doing much. I would like confirmation, to be proven right or wrong for once. But for now all I have is suspicion. I will wait till I see them do something actually in line with their claims, like show up to defend a statue commies demanded removed or the like.

So basically you want them to get into a street fight with Antifa which justifies the FBI/local authorities rounding them all up or a swarm of lawyers ala Roberta Kaplan to come down and sue them into oblivion like they tried with Sines v Kessler? If that is your view of politics, please stop and seek help, seriously; either the real Feds will swoop down on you at best or you're going to get hurt doing something stupid.
You know, whether or not these guys are "glowies", they're still not a group any sane individual should support.

I think they're related; the conventional right offers nothing of substance, has no real achievements and the fact so many of them are quite literally using the lack of obesity among PF/taking precautions to protect their privacy as signs of them being Feds is why groups like Patriot Front are exploding in notoriety and membership in the first place. The mainstream right is effectively toothless and cowed or controlled opposition at worst (I lean towards this myself). As part of the response to this reality, casting aspersions of being a Fed on PF is one of the ways to attempt to limit their influence by introducing doubt and infighting. You see further examples of that in this very thread, where the fact PF was able to hold a 600 member rally is considered suspicious because of the numbers involved, but then they're also attacked for it not being larger; it's a Catch 22 and should make you stop and consider the "Glowie" narrative all on its own given how schizophrenic the counter-messaging is.

As for their message, personally I don't subscribe to Identitarianism/White Nationalism for some rather obvious reasons lol. I do not, however, begrudge anyone for exercising their First Amendment rights, particularly when Patriot Front does hold some commendable positions on other things and is encouraging a focus on health among their membership as well as showing a pathway forward for everyone to organize and proceed into the future. Rather than Punching Right, take their example and use it to build something new that more aligns with your own beliefs.

Just please, for the love of God, avoid the Militia movement. That's how the Alphabet Boys show up at your door real quick.
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Which is why I specifically outlined that being organized shouldn't be a heuristic used; look at how the establishment treats them and groups like Antifa react to them likewise. If they're an op, why go out of your way to suppress them and publicly expose their membership?
Why wouldn't they? Antifa doesn't know/doesn't care, finally actual, fasces totting fascists to "fight", the group itself needs it for plausibility, its not like they are going to get it otherwise, and there is a good chance that whoever is funding it and organizing it probably does so specifically to create the "far right events" they can react to and scaremonger with, because actual far right is too much of a no-show, and if they do, they don't go out of their way to fit the stereotypes so easily.
I think they're related; the conventional right offers nothing of substance, has no real achievements and the fact so many of them are quite literally using the lack of obesity among PF/taking precautions to protect their privacy as signs of them being Feds is why groups like Patriot Front are exploding in notoriety and membership in the first place. The mainstream right is effectively toothless and cowed or controlled opposition at worst (I lean towards this myself).
Even then, what kind of exploding is that? They are few years old, yet only few hundred members. If you think they are exploding, what can you say about Groypers, nevermind less fringe right wing movements?
As part of the response to this reality, casting aspersions of being a Fed on PF is one of the ways to attempt to limit their influence by introducing doubt and infighting. You see further examples of that in this very thread, where the fact PF was able to hold a 600 member rally is considered suspicious because of the numbers involved, but then they're also attacked for it not being larger; it's a Catch 22 and should make you stop and consider the "Glowie" narrative all on its own given how schizophrenic the counter-messaging is.
No, its not that they are able to hold a 600 member rally. Its that they are able to hold a 600 member rally on the other side of the country than their movement's origin region (Texas), while said 600 is a major part of their total membership, and they do this kind of stuff all the time. Almost as if they were not volunteer activists, but... professionals.
It wouldn't be surprising if it was a movement numbering in 5+ digits, and they formed up a "mobile brigade" of people willing to go out of their way to set up such events from the overall group, that's normal for similar movements, historical and otherwise.
But when you see a "tip of the spear" while there is no shaft, its reasonable to suspect that its not a spear after all.
Any more any way.

Seriously the peak of power for the old RR wasn't that long ago, the fuck happened to these mooks in 27 years? It's only been a little over a quarter of a century for God sakes there are Zoomers alive that can at least remember hearing about it.

Thats because the RR was silent gen and boomer thing. They mainly existed to keep the right from more radical solutions and to ensure a never ending supply of fresh meat and money for the middle east meatgrinder. I mean, israel literally bought Hagee his own private airplane.
So basically, you want policy papers and the lack thereof is a sign of a glow op?

I don't know what you mean by that. I mean I want to know what they actually stand for in specifics. Say what you will about Antifa and BLM but they will gladly share their Bible with you if you want to join and spout their views. PF seems weirdly shy about it for people who already passed the point of using fasces on their propaganda.
I think they're related; the conventional right offers nothing of substance, has no real achievements and the fact so many of them are quite literally using the lack of obesity among PF/taking precautions to protect their privacy as signs of them being Feds is why groups like Patriot Front are exploding in notoriety and membership in the first place. The mainstream right is effectively toothless and cowed or controlled opposition at worst (I lean towards this myself). As part of the response to this reality, casting aspersions of being a Fed on PF is one of the ways to attempt to limit their influence by introducing doubt and infighting. You see further examples of that in this very thread, where the fact PF was able to hold a 600 member rally is considered suspicious because of the numbers involved, but then they're also attacked for it not being larger; it's a Catch 22 and should make you stop and consider the "Glowie" narrative all on its own given how schizophrenic the counter-messaging is.

As for their message, personally I don't subscribe to Identitarianism/White Nationalism for some rather obvious reasons lol. I do not, however, begrudge anyone for exercising their First Amendment rights, particularly when Patriot Front does hold some commendable positions on other things and is encouraging a focus on health among their membership as well as showing a pathway forward for everyone to organize and proceed into the future. Rather than Punching Right, take their example and use it to build something new that more aligns with your own beliefs.

Just please, for the love of God, avoid the Militia movement. That's how the Alphabet Boys show up at your door real quick.

The smart left itself admits that the center right is needed to ensure the stability of the system. Thats why Biden said a strong GOP is essential. The purpose of the mainstream right isnt to provide opposition, but rather to divert whites and non-conforming 'POC' away from more radical solutions. They act less as opposition and more like satraps administering an occupied territory.
Thats why so many rightwing orgs are essentially grifting ops intended to provide sinecures.
So, I've gone to Patriot Front's website, and started reading some of their manifesto. As Marduk said, it's long on rhetoric, and I have yet to find a single actual policy position so far.

Also, speaking as a professional writer, it very much resembles the sort of writing I've seen from hardline leftists in style and structure, just sprinkling in words like 'Patriot' and 'Founding Fathers' instead of 'intersectionalism' and 'Equity.' I have yet to see a single line that discusses anything actual traditional political conservatives value, but I have seen words like 'collective will,' which smacks of socialist thinking, and most damning of all:

The whole manifesto does not even mention God, not once. The word 'Christian' is not anywhere in it either.

With that, there is absolutely zero chance that this is any kind of actual traditional American Conservative movement, and there will never be any chance it grows beyond a fringe movement even if it is a non-traditional 'conservative' movement, rather than a bunch of glowies.

In my professional opinion as a writer, this website is written as part of a false flag.

Also a thread, detailing how increasingly suspicious this whole thing is.

(Post edited as I went through their manifesto, btw)
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Thats because the RR was silent gen and boomer thing. They mainly existed to keep the right from more radical solutions and to ensure a never ending supply of fresh meat and money for the middle east meatgrinder. I mean, israel literally bought Hagee his own private airplane.

Ehh no, that's the neocon wing of the RR.

There's a marked difference between Bush and Co and the guys who damn near succeeded in getting the first amendment rewritten to criminalize grunge music in their waning years.

I don't know what you mean by that. I mean I want to know what they actually stand for in specifics. Say what you will about Antifa and BLM but they will gladly share their Bible with you if you want to join and spout their views. PF seems weirdly shy about it for people who already passed the point of using fasces on their propaganda.

Pretty much this.

It's very odd when a group is willing to whine about da joos but not go into great detail about everything else.

Again not saying they are, but it looks awful weird.

The smart left itself admits that the center right is needed to ensure the stability of the system. Thats why Biden said a strong GOP is essential. The purpose of the mainstream right isnt to provide opposition, but rather to divert whites and non-conforming 'POC' away from more radical solutions. They act less as opposition and more like satraps administering an occupied territory.
Thats why so many rightwing orgs are essentially grifting ops intended to provide sinecures.

And why it's fundamental to eventually either completely purge the GOP of moderates or break it up entirely.
So, I've gone to Patriot Front's website, and started reading some of their manifesto. As Marduk said, it's long on rhetoric, and I have yet to find a single actual policy position so far.

Also, speaking as a professional writer, it very much resembles the sort of writing I've seen from hardline leftists in style and structure, just sprinkling in words like 'Patriot' and 'Founding Fathers' instead of 'intersectionalism' and 'Equity.' I have yet to see a single line that discusses anything actual traditional political conservatives value, but I have seen words like 'collective will,' which smacks of socialist thinking, and most damning of all:

The whole manifesto does not even mention God, not once. The word 'Christian' is not anywhere in it either.

With that, there is absolutely zero chance that this is any kind of actual traditional American Conservative movement, and there will never be any chance it grows beyond a fringe movement even if it is a non-traditional 'conservative' movement, rather than a bunch of glowies.

It isnt a conservative organisation.

Thats your problem.

They arent conservatives. Conservatism has failed. Conservatives are losers. Conservatives never learn, never take the offensive and are morally subjugated to the neo-liberal consensus. Conservatives conserve the very things that wage war on them.

Conservatives basically admit that they are fat and useless, and are suspicious of anything that smacks of actual assertiveness. Thats why this march confused them. Thats why the simple twitter op that preceded it confuses them. They are used to losing and being losers, so anything that looks like competence must be a glowop.

So even though Patriot Front has been conducting these events for several years now, without a single incident, having them suddenly thrust into the limelight makes conservatives confused..because thier stuff is either a grift or a shambolic mass of fat retards with no planning or organization.

To the conservative mind:

A simple twitter op means you're fed
wearing the same clothes means you're a fed
Having matching signs and gear means you're a fed
Marching in a disciplined group means you're a fed
Taking basic precautions means you're a fed
Conducting training exercises means you're a fed.
Demanding fitness from your membership means you're a fed

because you literally cannot imagine that people can learn from mistakes, apply lessons learned and conduct an intelligent event.

And that..is why you lose.
Holy Strawmanning Batman!

If your not endorsing the Patriot Front event, you're clearly a fat and useless loser. Believe me, I am was one! 👌

What exactly was competent, winning and useful about the Patriot Front demonstrations?

The Father who got his pants pulled off by the police in Loudoun County School Board has done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

The Pilots and Aircrew who took "sick days" to shut down Southwest Airlines have done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

The people who donated $3.2 million to Kyle Rittenhouse's Defense Fund have done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

Some random "fat and useless boomercon" who voted for Governor Ron DeSantis has done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

Those "fat and useless boomercons" who got beat up at Trump rallies in 2016 during his campaign events have done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

FFS Mitt Romney having twenty kids he's raising as political RINO's but Conservative Christians nonetheless has done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

Yeah... the best way to advance Conservative causes is to join Pan-European fascist organizations and engage in "public" demonstrations demonstrating your adherence to the glorious American values of folk, fatherland, and fasces. 💪
FFS Mitt Romney having twenty kids he's raising as political RINO's but Conservative Christians nonetheless has done far more for the Conservative movement then this Patriot Front in publicity and policy awareness.

You had me until this part, dude isn't Christian, Mormons are heretical and he's a heretic above heretics.
You had me until this part, dude isn't Christian, Mormons are heretical and he's a heretic above heretics.

Well I hailed from a likely equally heretical sect of Christianity but similar to the Mormons, we hold a lot of "Conservative/Religious" values. And I tried to make a distinction that while Romney is clearly considered a RINO now in politics, I'm assuming he and most Mormons hold shared various Christian values.
Well I hailed from a likely equally heretical sect of Christianity but similar to the Mormons, we hold a lot of "Conservative/Religious" values. And I tried to make a distinction that while Romney is clearly considered a RINO now in politics, I'm assuming he and most Mormons hold shared various Christian values.

I dunno polygamy, Jesus being an ascended energy being and trying to start a civil war over the right to rape 12 year old girls kinda makes me think Mormonism has about as much in common with Christendom as the Taiping rebels did.
Anyways check out the Patriot Front Manifesto:

Patriot Front said:
merica stands at the crossroads of an era. An uncertain future lies in the hands of a new generation which has been given a simple choice between sovereignty and subjugation. America suffers under the rule of an occupied government. Tyrants, with delusions of infinite power, have declared the American people too weak to revolt. The damage done to the nation will not be fixed with the approval of the dysfunctional system which remains American in name only. Democracy has failed this once great nation. The resurgence of the American Spirit will bring with it the death of tyranny. The torch of revolution has been lit.

When our pre-Columbian forefathers left their European homes, they found a savage continent. They held a variety of purpose, yet against the harsh life on the frontier and the common enemy in the strange and unexplored reaches of America yet to be touched by civilization, they found a common cause and a common identity as Americans. From the varied nations and cultures of Europe a new nation was forged in the flames of conquest. E Pluribus Unum was the new creed that bound our people together with their pan-European identity as Americans. To be an American is to be a descendant of conquerors, pioneers, visionaries, and explorers. This unique identity was given to us by our ancestors, and this national spirit remains firmly rooted in our blood.

Our mission is a hard reset on the nation we see today— a return to the traditions and virtues of our forefathers. The same spirit that urged our ancestors onward to create this nation will once again be brought to light, and a new America will be built within its current dilapidated, shameful iteration. Generation after generation lived in war and strife so that their descendants may know peace. It was their duty to give their lives in such a way. The torch is now passed to our generation, and it is our duty to make their sacrifices mean something.

From within a society ruled by those who have become unable to foresee any horizon beyond themselves, our goal is to create a union of Americans building the future. This new generation of patriots will live with loyalties to a greater cause and a grand vision of the America that awaits their descendants.

Our national way of life faces complete annihilation as our culture and heritage are attacked from all sides. From the many individuals of our people, a collective will emerge, a network linking the faithful of our people together in strength and unity. Within these bounds we will begin the creation of our grand vision. Politics have played a large part in destroying this nation, and it will not be politics that will save us. The State that governs us is wholly resistant to the change that is required to save the nation as it convulses and devours itself with unprecedented corruption. This nation once sought freedom from a tyrannical, global power, and those who fought for liberty dedicated their efforts to the people they served rather than the government that denied them a future.

Our people have conquered injustice before, both within our lands and within ourselves. Tyranny wields new implements today, yet it bears the same ugly face. Americans are on the threshold of becoming a conquered people. No foreign state waved its banner on the halls of governance, yet it was our flag which grew foreign as the years passed. A new tyranny must be met with a new resistance.

America needs a generation of brave men to fearlessly rise to face all threats to their collective interests. A generation steeled in their effort to realize their grand vision of a new nation. This gathering of the faithful — the true inheritors of America — will urge our people onward.

To form a new and just State, we must first instill a reformed national spirit within our people — a people free from the vices of the modern world and a people with a fervor to see themselves free. The cohesion and unity of our people will be the most powerful weapon to be used in our tireless struggle for the nation and its timeless cause. Every soul who embodies the struggle will be an indispensable component of our unified effort for national sovereignty and collective liberty.

Looks like another Manifesto where my (VETERAN OF FRUITLESS WARS) husband is going to have to drown our brown kids in the bathtub. But if that's what it takes to win and Conserve America. 💪

I dunno polygamy, Jesus being an ascended energy being and trying to start a civil war over the right to rape 12 year old girls kinda makes me think Mormonism has about as much in common with Christendom as the Taiping rebels did.

Well when you frame it that way okay, old school Mormons and ultra... orthodox? Mormons are more extreme then the sect I belonged to... but generally ballpark still with the mainstream Mormons. :p

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