Music The Music Recommendation Thread: Post Your Jazzy Tunes.

Some kind of neo-pagan folk chant thing. It's actually pretty catchy. Reminds me of Mongolian throat singing.
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Something different for folks, and inspired by a comment I made to folks about how rap gets a bad...rap. :cool:
RA the Rugged Man is someone I feel compelled to refer folks to, especially if they're less crazy about the Eminem/Dre style of rapping. It's still filthy, but the verbal elocution is impressive by itself and I at least find most of the lyrical stuff pretty amusing most of the time (disclaimer: I have the sense of humor of a twelve year-old, so this is not high praise really). Dude has a bit of a range though--if you're looking for something different and perhaps 'deeper' and less popcorn much-y, he's got a pair of tracks 'Uncommon Valor' and 'Daddy's Halo' that center around his father, and the latter gets downright emotional in ways most folks usually don't associate with rap.

In another vein, Jurassic 5 is a group I'd refer to folks typically unimpressed with rap. They have something of the same penchant for verbally and lyrically-focused stuff over simple beats that appeals, and relative to other groups they're somewhat cleaner. Plus one of their members, 'Chali 2Na', has a damn-fine bass/baritone that's nice to hear (an example of his work if one is curious--also worth checking out in my humble opinion).
Of course, divorced from everything else, I'd say folks should listen to GrandMaster Flash 'The Message' on simple cultural value alone as a pretty major touchstone for rap as a genre:

...To your regularly scheduled 'prinCZess shills for the 80s'.

Modern Talking carried on the legacy of disco/dance music in the 80s and kept going into the early 00s. They've got some good stuff to listen to for just pure fun enjoyment and lighthearted romping--and Witchqueen of El Dorado, as silly and cliche and, simply, dumb it is, holds a special place in my heart as a song from one of the first CDs I ever bought with my own money and listened the crap out of.
Somewhat older, but still good:

Then an obligatory 'if you haven't heard it, what rock have you been living under' for this section because seriously, Paula Abdul is some solid jams:
@prinCZess there is an entire genre of Slavic rap now also, and it's often intensely political. I tend to give a pass to overtly political music even when it's of a genre that I disapprove of, because I appreciate, observationally, the art of effective propaganda.

So I present Sistem te laže, which translates more or less as "System is lying":

(if you activate closed caption, the English translation should at least be servicable).

I still maintain that all of the Balkan rappers can't hold candle to Bora Đorđević and his Riblja Čorba opus

Blacmore's Night, a late-90s project of Ritchie Blackmore, who some folks might recognize as a member/founder of the heavy metal/rock bands Deep Purple and Rainbow and his later wife, it's more a folk-skewed English soft rock band than anything, with some pop elements that worm their way in for hooks and fun. Loreley is probably one of the prominent examples of their more folks stuff, while I gravitate a bit towards the more pop side of their lineup with stuff like the below:

Fun stuff to be had there.

It's basically just pop in foreign language. But I still kind've enjoy it. Helena Paparizou and Nanne Gronvall. Both keep up a really light, upbeat tempo to things much of the time, with occasional fneaky-suckers that break up the dancehall cliche-dom with what is, admittedly, probably schmaltz that just has an aura of mystery to it because I don't understand some/most of it usually...But it's schmaltz I enjoy dangit (Gronvall's 'The Dolphin' is especially guilty of the schmaltz, and in English for a change, but I still find myself recomending it to people because of it)!

Keeping with the theme of foreign pop artists (but this time who do some recording in English), I also have to mention Cascada and Shakira--because we might as well make this recommendation a world tour of my shitty pop inclinations. Cascada is just fun and, at least to me, exemplifies that mid-00s, semi-techno-y dance music really well with the occaisonal breakdowns and haring-off into alternative sounds briefly before returning to the 'hook'--kind've the genre of stuff that Lady Gaga came in and took over a few years later.

Shakira I must say I'm partial towards not just because I have the musical sensibilities of a 90s teeny-bopper, but because as far as I remember it's the first 'real' concert I went to of someone who was actually a big-time artist when I was a teenager. Pretty standard pop-music fare (with latin flair! :p ), but I distinctly recall just how good of a dancer she was making an impression in my mind--and particularly how much fun she seemed to be having doing it.
@prinCZess I have to say, Blackmore's Night just has a fun innocence to it which can be adorable. I like their music for the same reasons I like bollywood music--I just want to have fun listening to something (my spouse listens to them a lot more, though).
My favorite song from the Blaze Bailey era. I really don't know how they manged to get a permit to film the video in Masada.

It's also interesting that while intermediate singers in great bands are usually damned for eternity (Tim Owens has been practically unpersoned from Judas Priest history), Blaze has been accepted, albeit after the return of Bruce.

Shakira I must say I'm partial towards not just because I have the musical sensibilities of a 90s teeny-bopper, but because as far as I remember it's the first 'real' concert I went to of someone who was actually a big-time artist when I was a teenager. Pretty standard pop-music fare (with latin flair! :p ), but I distinctly recall just how good of a dancer she was making an impression in my mind--and particularly how much fun she seemed to be having doing it.

This video just hit the MTV when I was doing conscription service and I remember most of the platoon salivating after her.
Courtesy of Scott Lowther, I've come to share a masterpiece from the 80's.

This reminds me of so much dubstep/electronica/Deadmou5 copycat music I've listened to on Youtube, except it's actually polished and performed by talented artists.

In which Irish Nationalists sing about an American heroine...

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