History The Nazi Bashing Thread.

What are you talking about...?

National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark? Germans.

Nasjonal Samling of Norway? Germans again.

National Socialist Workers' Party of Norway? Still Germans.

Swedish National Socialist Farmers' and Workers' Party? All Germans.

National Socialist Movement of the Netherlands? Germans, to a man.

National Socialist Dutch Workers Party? Germans, I tell you.

National Socialist League of Great Britain? By Jove, it's the Germans!

National Socialist League of the United States? Germans, surely.

American Nazi Party? Obviously Germans.

National Socialist Party of America? Germans, for sure.

National Socialist Party of Australia? Germans, mate!

National Socialist Party of New Zealand? Even more Germans.

South African Gentile National Socialist Movement? Germans, trust me bro.

National Socialist Party of Romania? Unquesionably Germans.

Hungarian National Socialist Party? Germans, without a doubt.

National Socialist Bulgarian Workers Party? Certainly Germans.

National Socialist Movement of Chile? Germans in South America!

National Socialist Workers Party of Iran? Most Aryan Germans you ever saw.

National Socialism Association of Taiwan? Germans, somehow.

National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party? Germans, and also Alte Kameraden.

How do you not know this? Everybody knows this. Next you'll tell me you don't know about Hitler's secret moon base.
The worst thing about being invited to a lizard man party is the company. I mean the freemasons are fun. But the Nazis show up drink up all the beer and are just the worst.
The worst thing about being invited to a lizard man party is the company. I mean the freemasons are fun. But the Nazis show up drink up all the beer and are just the worst.

I did the fact you lack the abillity to put it into wording I can actually understand can only be made to be your problem.

Which is bullshit. Prussia = German just like Bavarian = German the Prussian state was all but destroyed after WW2 the Junkers where obliterated the German State physically lost the province to Poland and Russia its residents expelled in mas under threat of death, rape and torture something I am sure you Pols would know a thing or two about.

Acting like Prussians are their own separate people basically means you argue the German state doesn't exist or even as unified culture.

You mention them as victims in one thread and have argued them as cannibals in others.

I honestly have doubts about the whole Poland would be a superpower thing a stronger regional power maybe but not a superpower.

So some rando you follow with a few past credentials in the Polish Secret Service? Do you have any non-polish sources? After all if this such a travesty you would think someone outside Poland would call foul.

Who? Literally looking through a quick google search reveals nothing of who this guy is and cross referencing his name with German WW2 War Criminal also brings up no results and how did he allegedly matter in this decision? And where explicitly have the German's blamed Nazi death camps on the Pols?

Because literally the only way I can read this is you equate Nazi = German so much that you precive ex members of the Nazi party after ww2 as an attempt by all Germans to do so which is false.


No. It isn't.
1.Well,sorry if you feel offended.
2.No,prussians had its own culture,and after conqering german states turned most of them into their lesser copies.Destroing prussia in 1945 changed notching.
And Poland is not responsible for soviet crimes,becouse we were occupied by them.

3.Cannibal jews? where?
4.Even in Poland few knew about that.Our nazi/german friends are good in hiding their crimes.

5.Alfred Benzinger,chief of Agency 114.Here:
And he first thought about turning REAL german death camps into fictional Nazi death camps.In 1956.

6.Movies as Shoah,and every american University.Werll,maybe except catholic ones.

7.Only real nazis are german elites,who still try to take over Europe,especially Poland.
Others are groups of idiots lead by secret services.Do you knew why in Germany they could not judge their so called nazi party? becouse they were lead by german secret services.
1.Well,sorry if you feel offended.
2.No,prussians had its own culture,and after conqering german states turned most of them into their lesser copies.Destroing prussia in 1945 changed notching.
And Poland is not responsible for soviet crimes,becouse we were occupied by them.

3.Cannibal jews? where?
4.Even in Poland few knew about that.Our nazi/german friends are good in hiding their crimes.

5.Alfred Benzinger,chief of Agency 114.Here:
And he first thought about turning REAL german death camps into fictional Nazi death camps.In 1956.

6.Movies as Shoah,and every american University.Werll,maybe except catholic ones.

7.Only real nazis are german elites,who still try to take over Europe,especially Poland.
Others are groups of idiots lead by secret services.Do you knew why in Germany they could not judge their so called nazi party? becouse they were lead by german secret services.

As opposed to the actual Polish concentration camps they set up for political dissidents before the Nazis ever showed up?

As opposed to the actual Polish concentration camps they set up for political dissidents before the Nazis ever showed up?

Heavy prison for political opponents - mainly poles who do not supported Piłsudzki after his putch in 1926.
Bad thing,indeed,but nobody died there.
Those poles/and minorities/ who do not opposed ruling Sanacja was safe.

When germans murdered poles,jews,gipsies etc just for them being alive.

Back to topic - all so-called nazis now are bunch of idiots lead by agent of various secret services,so they are not problem.
Problem are those secret services.
Back to topic - all so-called nazis now are bunch of idiots lead by agent of various secret services,so they are not problem.
Problem are those secret services.

On that at least, we can mostly agree. I’m just not 100% sure they’re all controlled opposition. Just that most of the groups probably are.
On that at least, we can mostly agree. I’m just not 100% sure they’re all controlled opposition. Just that most of the groups probably are.
In Germany,at least few years ago,all nazi groups was controlled by their secret services.Dunno about how it is going now.
You must ask somebody living there.

In Poland,we do not have any bigger nazi groups,but few small one who fell under scrutiny was ALWAYS controlled by our secret services.
Well,officially our,i suspect they soviet still ,at least partially,control them.

When leftist group could be controlled by some banksters,but mostly they are genuine would-be-genociders who honestly wont us dead.
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I remain befuddled as to the extent by which the most famous /losers/ of the last century continue to capture the popular (and especially chatterati) imagination*. I don't recall the name of the uniform designer who worked for the nazis, but whomever it was, he/she/it obviously (and unfortunately) succeeded in creating a memorable 'look'.

Because, let us all remember, they were /losers/.
They lost their wars.
Their thousand year kingdom didn't make it into a third decade.
Their grand war for 'lebensraum' for the 'glorious growing Aryans' led to a shrunken Germany and a shrinking number of Germans.
I won't even go into the lunacy of letting a short brown eyed brunette define 'proper Aryan Germans' as tall, blond, and blue eyed.
That Aryan itself more correctly applies to modern Afghanistan, Iran, & the Caucasus is a whole 'nother level of Nazi ideological idiocy.
Even on the scale of mass-murder (their most notable 'accomplishment') they come in second fiddle to the non-national socialists.

If it wasn't for the undying obsession of Russian, European, and American elites to distance themselves from their own cultural and political flirtations with nazi thinking**, I like to think that folks would have happily consigned that particular band of murderous jackasses to oblivion. (We don't spend time worrying about fighting or rejecting the golden horde, after all - and they weren't exactly the smurfs either.)

*Though, in retrospect, the eagerness to proclaim that one's opponents are "just like nazis" or "neo-nazis" or "nazis" might boil down to everyone's innate desire to be a hero in the story of their life. What could be more heroic than fighting one of the only widely accepted symbols of evil? Certainly much more heroic than fighting some other random schlub who disagrees with you about rent control or somesuch.

** Environmentalism; industrial policy; labor and business working together under governmental direction towards national goals; religion as a hindrance to advancement; vague spiritualism/occultism; the belief in the inherent, ineradicable, unchangeable group level differences between cultures & ethnicities; the to-be-unquestioned role of an 'elite' in determining national policy and culture; the fawning obedience/worship of national security apparatus. It is rather damn disturbing just how much the world today reflects Nazi/Fascist policies and cultural influences.
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I remain befuddled as to the extent by which the most famous /losers/ of the last century continue to capture the popular (and especially chatterati) imagination*. I don't recall the name of the uniform designer who worked for the nazis, but whomever it was, he/she/it obviously (and unfortunately) succeeded in creating a memorable 'look'.

Because, let us all remember, they were /losers/.
They lost their wars.
Their thousand year kingdom didn't make it into a third decade.
Their grand war for 'lebensraum' for the 'glorious growing Aryans' led to a shrunken Germany and a shrinking number of Germans.
I won't even go into the lunacy of letting a short brown eyed brunette define 'proper Aryan Germans' as tall, blond, and blue eyed.
That Aryan itself more correctly applies to modern Afghanistan, Iran, & the Caucasus is a whole 'nother level of Nazi ideological idiocy.
Even on the scale of mass-murder (their most notable 'accomplishment') they come in second fiddle to the non-national socialists.

If it wasn't for the undying obsession of Russian, European, and American elites to distance themselves from their own cultural and political flirtations with nazi thinking**, I like to think that folks would have happily consigned that particular band of murderous jackasses to oblivion. (We don't spend time worrying about fighting or rejecting the golden horde, after all - and they weren't exactly the smurfs either.)

*Though, in retrospect, the eagerness to proclaim that one's opponents are "just like nazis" or "neo-nazis" or "nazis" might boil down to everyone's innate desire to be a hero in the story of their life. What could be more heroic than fighting one of the only widely accepted symbols of evil? Certainly much more heroic than fighting some other random schlub who disagrees with you about rent control or somesuch.

** Environmentalism; industrial policy; labor and business working together under governmental direction towards national goals; religion as a hindrance to advancement; vague spiritualism/occultism; the belief in the inherent, ineradicable, unchangeable group level differences between cultures & ethnicities; the to-be-unquestioned role of an 'elite' in determining national policy and culture; the fawning obedience/worship of national security apparatus. It is rather damn disturbing just how much the world today reflects Nazi/Fascist policies and cultural influences.
You nailed it.
Leftist need to feel,that they fight Hitler when they,let say,want send groomers to schools.
I even undarstandt that.
There is very few people who could openly say" i am bad,and i am proud of it"

One of reasons why germans were less evli then soviets was becouse they do not pretended,that they murder us becouse they love Poland.....
Adolf Hitler thought himself a messiah when in truth he was a Mad Emperor. And his insanity would immolate the Germans and their realm in near totality.

That more than a few on the Right idolise this man is worrisome indeed.
Yep,if he come to soviets as liberator,he would conqer maybe not entire Earth,but Asia,Europa and Africa.
And then he could genocide all "lesser" races.

But,he was honest,so he honestly ordered murder all those slavic "subhumans."

When Lenin first gave peasants other people land,and then planned to made kolchoz.Died,and it was done bt sralin,but it is how you deal with people as REAL Evil Emperor - first gave them everytching,then,when you have fujll controll,genocide them.

And,nobody on RIGHT idolize Comrade Adolf,at least in Poland.
Dude who try that are either secret service agents,r honest socialists.And we are not socialists.
Adolf Hitler thought himself a messiah when in truth he was a Mad Emperor. And his insanity would immolate the Germans and their realm in near totality.

That more than a few on the Right idolise this man is worrisome indeed.

All too true, I'm afraid. :(

Of course, while he had no problem playing to the German people's religiosity in public, I think the myth of Hitler being some sort of "Christian extremist" who took things way too far (even though he private despised Christianity) might backfire one day by actually endearing "Christofascist" sects of the Right to him instead.

Not only out of desire to emulate what the Globalists hate out of spite, but also because of poor historiography in which the already-skewed common perception of Hitler (maybe also Mussolini, as well as Pavelić) can be distorted into something of a "righteous loser" who was unjustly martyred by "Manchesterist" business elites from the West and godless Red savages from the East. After all, Robespierre was a loser who got guillotined by his own, and that certainly didn't stop Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and other 20th-century Commie despots from admiring and seeking to outdo him. In which case, Hitler may well become the Robespierre of the Christofascist Right — with Christofascist Lenin, Stalin, and Mao having yet to arrive.
All too true, I'm afraid. :(

Of course, while he had no problem playing to the German people's religiosity in public, I think the myth of Hitler being some sort of "Christian extremist" who took things way too far (even though he private despised Christianity) might backfire one day by actually endearing "Christofascist" sects of the Right to him instead.

Not only out of desire to emulate what the Globalists hate out of spite, but also because of poor historiography in which the already-skewed common perception of Hitler (maybe also Mussolini, as well as Pavelić) can be distorted into something of a "righteous loser" who was unjustly martyred by "Manchesterist" business elites from the West and godless Red savages from the East. After all, Robespierre was a loser who got guillotined by his own, and that certainly didn't stop Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and other 20th-century Commie despots from admiring and seeking to outdo him. In which case, Hitler may well become the Robespierre of the Christofascist Right — with Christofascist Lenin, Stalin, and Mao having yet to arrive.
Gotta admit, that is somewhat plausible, and damn silly. Any self proclaimed christian fundamentalist fascists already have perfectly applicable (and far more successful, to boot) exemplars to idolize - Franco & Pinochet. Folks just don't bother to make even a cursory study of history anymore.
Gotta admit, that is somewhat plausible, and damn silly. Any self proclaimed christian fundamentalist fascists already have perfectly applicable (and far more successful, to boot) exemplars to idolize - Franco & Pinochet. Folks just don't bother to make even a cursory study of history anymore.
Do not blame them.Victims of mass education,where both Franco and Pinochet are showed as lesser hitlers,mass media when both either do not exist or are lesser Hitlers,but usually both.
particular band of murderous jackasses to oblivion.
I honestly cannot think of any particular nemesis where this has been the case history.

The Romans built statues of Hannibal Barca afterall. Furthermore we still very much remember the Mongols, Huns and Vandals who brought civilizations to their knees, but nevertheless themselves didn't have as much in the way of literary traditions compared to the societies they preyed upon..

The reason why the Nazis are so memorable, is because they are honestly just that memorable. They're pretty much as close as you can get to a distilled concentrate of every one of Western civilizations darker proclivities, vices and perversions brewed in the heat of rapid socio-technological change and modernization.
I honestly cannot think of any particular nemesis where this has been the case history.

The Romans built statues of Hannibal Barca afterall. Furthermore we still very much remember the Mongols, Huns and Vandals who brought civilizations to their knees, but nevertheless themselves didn't have as much in the way of literary traditions compared to the societies they preyed upon..

The reason why the Nazis are so memorable, is because they are honestly just that memorable. They're pretty much as close as you can get to a distilled concentrate of every one of Western civilizations darker proclivities, vices and perversions brewed in the heat of rapid socio-technological change and modernization.

Hate to derail, but I'm actually inclined to wonder what it'd take to replace the Nazis as the Ultimate Evil who takes the world by storm and haunts the nightmares of future generations long after they're gone?

We'll find out in due time, I fear. And should they resemble the faction that I foresee coming to power (which you're already familiar with), odds are they'll look to Hitler himself for "guidance" the same way Lenin, Stalin, and Mao looked to Robespierre and the French Revolution. In which case, I'd say Nazi ideation will receive one last hurrah by inspiring the next batch of genocidal, civilization-scarring monsters — who will then go onto become the new Ultimate Evil that the whole world dreads and hates.

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