The New Way Forward Act


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"At this moment there is a bill pending in Congress called the New Way Forward Act. It’s received almost no publicity, which is unfortunate, as well as revealing. The legislation is sponsored by 44 House Democrats, including Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. At roughly 4,400 words, it’s almost exactly as long as the U.S. Constitution," Carlson said.
"A press release from Congressman Jesus Garcia of Illinois is explicit about this. Garcia brags that the bill will break the 'prison to deportation pipeline,'" Carlson said. "If this bill passes, there will no longer be any crimes that automatically require deportation. None. And one crime, falsifying a passport, will be made immune from deportation, no matter what."
"The bill would grant sweeping new powers to immigration judges, allowing them to nullify a deportation order," Carlson said. "In other words, anti-American immigration judges — and many of them are exactly that — would have a blank check to open the borders. No vote required."

It's not mentioned in the text but mentioned in the video that the bill would also use taxpayer money to bring back those people deported for crimes they had committed. Additionally, the Act calls enforcing border control inherently white supremacist.

Followup Article:

There are roughly 44 Democratic co sponsors for the bill, ranging from people you'd expect this from like Ocasio Cortez and Tlaib but also people who were nominally moderate Democrats.

Apparently there hasn't been much talk about it from other news sources and no one made a thread about it here so I figured I'd share it with you guys since I suspect the Americans here would be less then pleased to hear about what some of their politicians are trying to pull even if the Senate would in all likelyhood tell them to get lost.
Are they in cahoots with criminal gangs? If so this is the wet dream for long past their prime gangs like the American mafia to get a slap on the wrist.
Makes about as much sense as any other reason for what they're trying to do.

This will probably never pass but the reason they are trying is to inflate the population numbers for the census.

At the moment the census doesn't care about citizenship just population. So if they could stuff another 100,000 or so people into blue states in time for it they could greatly influence redistricting and other parts of a state's power.

Stuff like this is one of the reasons why California is eternal blue now and why they aren't fighting homelessness as much as they should.

After the census they will probably crack down on that kinda stuff pretty hard but not one instant sooner.

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