War on the Horizon

Aw shit. That is gonna rub these mercs the wrong way. They have a big value placed on family so they won't be willing to give up any that might be force sensitive.
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
March 16, 3009 Local Sector Trade Federation Headquarters…

“This contract looks good,” I looked at the Neimoidian who was in charge of this sector of the Trade Federation’s business enterprises. “But something feels off about it,” I stared at the bug-eyed alien for a moment. “And, these pirates have been almost exclusively messing with the Trade Federation. Which means that you’re not telling me everything.”

“Everything that you need to be aware of is in the contract,” The Neimoidian stammered. “It is all legal and within the guidelines that you yourself put forward.”
“If my people die to a lack of information on this contract, I won’t be waiting for the Republic to dole out justice,” I stated firmly. “I’ll be taking it into my own hands, and the courts won’t be able to save you.”

I stopped talking to stroke the handle of my sidearm for a minute, allowing the tension to grow for as long as I felt it was needed.

One minute passed as I leaned on the table in front of me, looking over the paperwork once more as I sweated the Trade Federation executive out for a bit.

Two minutes passed, and the Neimoidian had begun sweating while I allowed the silence to continue. eventually, I set the datapad down and simply leaned back in my chair and waited, I was going to get the information that was missing before I accepted this contract.

After five minutes of silence had passed, I stood up and began going through the motions of preparing to leave.

“Wait,” Klol Vendot said before I left the room. “There is some information that your forces might find useful.”

“And what might that be?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“This current pirate might have once been a member of the Trade Federation until a few years ago,” Vendot spat out. “Since then, he has not only stolen from us but also the other people of this sector.”

“So this is hush money,” I realized. “That’s why you wanted the pirates dead and why the salvage rights are so good.”

“If this information leaves this room, the Trade Federation will come down on you with all of its might,” the Neimoidian seemed to find his spine. “And I will personally see to it that your little group of mercenaries meets their end.”

“As long as you keep your end of the contract then we’ll keep ours,” I replied. “We’re not oathbreakers or contract breakers, after all.”

“Then I suppose we are in agreement,” Vendot said as he passed me the datapad again. “With our discussion now concluded, will you please review the contract one final time before we go about our respective business?”
“I’m going to call my lawyer and have her take a quick look at the contract,” I said. “She’s waiting on my ship and should be able to be here shortly.”

“Given our own use of lawyers, I cannot fault you on that desire,” the Neimoidian stuffed his arms into his sleeves. “Please, summon her so that we may go our separate ways.”

March 16, 3009/7948 CRC, Beloria system, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories
“I apologize, Major,” Knight Rowbroa bowed once again. “This is my first time visiting this world and as such, I mistook your base for the capital.”

“We accept the apologies, but we’re still not going to allow you to just wander the base unattended, if you want to have a look at the noncritical areas, then you’ll have to be treated like every other civilian visitor, sign in at the gate, and follow your escort,” Sheppard informed the Jedi. “Also, I’d recommend you not use a weapon to showcase what your position is in the future,” Sheppard nodded at the lightsaber on the other man’s belt. “The last time we encountered a weapon like that it was on a pirate. And I don’t intend on any of us having to get replacement limbs anytime soon.”

“I’ll take that into consideration for future visits to worlds among the Outer Rim,” Rowbroa smiled calmly. “I am new to being a Seeker and have yet to form the relationships that most Seekers build with the worlds that they frequent.”

“What is it that Seekers are trying to accomplish?” Peterson asked, his arms crossed.

“Our aim is to find those who are strong in the force so that they might be properly trained,” the Jedi Knight explained. “Most Force Sensitives are not capable of the feats that are expected of the Jedi, and so they are instructed in the ways of the Force and then assigned to the Explorer Corps or the Agricorps, or one of the other areas so that their talents might flourish in the different environments.”

“We’ll need a lot more information before we’ll allow anything resembling a permanent presence on the base,” Sheppard stated. “Now, if you’ll kindly return to your ship and make your way to the capital, we’ll do some research and decide how to handle the Jedi Order as a whole in the future and how to deal with their representatives.”

“Perfectly understandable,” Rowbroa gave a small bow. “I thank you for your hospitality and hope to foster good relations in the future.”

“Likewise,” Sheppard, replied. “Likewise.”

Eriadu System, Seswenna sector, Outer Rim Territories

“We need to replace our Senator,” Tarkin muttered to Gideon. “Our most recent anticorruption investigations have revealed that he has been taking bribes from various factions that are not in line with what we have been trying to accomplish in the sector.”

“Agreed,” Gideon responded as a frown appeared on his face. “The discussion with the Count of Serenno did little to discourage the fears that we’ve had regarding the Republic.”

“Eriadu and her allies have been supporters of the Republic and that which it stands for thousands of years,” Willhuff stated. “But should this state of affairs continue then I am afraid that we shall have to see what options are available to us.”

“Governor, I have the latest reports from the bills that went through this past session of the Senate,” an aid reported via the communications terminal. “Would you like me to send them to your personal datapad?”

“Yes, thank you,” Willhuff replied.

“Well, shall we review what the Senate has decided?” Gideon asked.

“I certainly hope that they have not ignored our funding requests yet again,” Willhuff said with a note of frustration in his voice. “I nearly committed part of the ORSF to secure the rumored shipyards of Zonoma Sekot a short time ago.”

“I am grateful that you allowed me to talk you out of that blunder,” Gideon smirked. “It would have been disastrous to the Seswenna Sector and to Eriadu’s reputation as a whole.”

“Now, let us see what the Senate has decided,” Willhuff opened up his datapad and a holographic text of the bills passed this session.

“So, not only are we not getting the funding,” Gideon summed up what they had just read. “But the Chancellor, who promised to assist us, is allowing the Senate to investigate us for misallocation of funds.”

“We don’t get any funding from the Senate to fund anything with,” Willhuff snarled. “We are able to afford the ORSF due to likeminded worlds on the Outer Rim deciding to contribute to the eradication of pirates.”

“We have nothing to hide though,” Gideon said with a grin. “So when they come to find this misallocation of funds, they will find nothing.”

“Where was our Senator staying before we had him removed?” Willhuff asked with a raised eyebrow.

“The 500 Republica,” Gideon replied. “Why?”

“Sell the apartment and use it to build homes for those in areas where they are having issues with overpopulation in the cities,” Willhuff smiled. “And find our Senator a secured apartment in the middle class areas of Coruscant, it is time that our representatives remember just which area of the Republic they represent.”

“I begin to see why you decided to pursue this career,” Gideon said to his brother. “There is much to do if we are to secure ourselves as a bastion for anticorruption measures above and beyond what is to be expected.”

“Their investigator is not named,” Willhuff said as he glanced over the text. “I assume it will be either a committee of senators and representatives, or it will be Jedi, either way, we must be prepared.”
Well,they either should act quickly,or not at all.
But,if they manage to somehow hire Dooku before Palpy get him....

P.S Happy Easter !
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
March 30, 3009/7948 CRC Beloria system, Seswenna Sector, Outer Rim Territories

“So, we’ve got our next contract,” I informed my senior staff. “Our target is a Neimoidian who decided to take his handful of ships and turn pirate,” I showed an image of the Neimoidian in question on the screen behind me. “He has four ships at his disposal according to the Trade Federation. Two Munifex Class Light Cruisers and two Captor Class Cruisers.”

“I take it you want me to attempt and take at least one of their ships? Paige asked with a grin on her face.

“That’s part of the plan,” I grinned back. “Now, I managed to convince them to give us complete salvage rights in the contract. Now, I’m fairly certain that’s because they expect to be able to flip the self-destruct switch on their droids and ships. But I’ve got an idea.”

“Alright,” Sheppard said after a minute. “I’ll bite.”

“We’ve got three of the most common trader ships in the galaxy right now,” I clicked the remote and the Gozanti class cruisers that we had taken from the original pirates popped up on the screen. “Now, even though we’re not Mandalorians, I’ve heard people in the sector calling us that simply because of the Mithril that we use all the time,” I shrugged. “We’re going to use that as bait. Mandalorian armor is very valuable to collectors and others who want to make a quick buck on the black market. So, we’re going to be spreading rumors that a shipment of our armor is going through the sector with only a few of those snubfighters we captured for escorts.”

“Only one of those Gozanti’s has any smuggler hideaways on it, though,” Captain Jewel brought up. “So what’s the actual plan? ‘Cuz that’s not going to work if they dock all of the ships up.”

“As far as we can tell, the sensors here aren’t able to figure out precise life signs. Just like how ours can’t,” I smirked. “Which means that we can put our people onboard in Mithril and just leave it in low power mode, with only the oxygen recyclers on and no one will be able to tell that our people are in them.”

“So you make them think my Marines are the armor we’re shipping,” Paige smiled wickedly as she considered the idea. “They won’t know what hit them.”

“We’re also going to be putting the trio of Locusts that we brought with us and placing one on each Gozantu. The extra firepower will come in handy if all of their battle droids are active,” I showed what the enemy cruisers were going to look like. “Now, the pirate will likely be on one of the Captor class cruisers, the one with the Droid control will be slightly modified. If we want to be able to take and hold the ships, then we’re going to have to capture the captain ASAP. Or the Trade Federation will be able to trigger the self-destruct on their droids and a good portion of the ships will likely go with them.”

“Sheppard, you’ll be in overall command of this mission,” I looked at my XO. “Paige, I know your Marines are good, but I’m going to be giving you some of Peterson’s soldiers to assist,” I held up a hand. “It’s not that I don’t think your Marines can do the job,” I explained. “But there is the potential of up to seventeen thousand droids or more to fight through. I’d rather have a few more numbers on our side.”

“Wasn’t going to argue, Colonel” Paige replied. “I know that we’re outnumbered on most ops. I was just going to ask if you were going to be on this op.”

“I’ll be present,” I replied. “But given that I’m going to be roleplaying the merchant fleet captain I’m not likely going to be able to be in command.”

“Alright,” Peterson said after a minute. “We’ll have to work something out so that you get the most protection available, but I think this will work in theory. It’s the application that I’m worried about.”

“I’m going to ask for volunteers for the crews,” I responded. “Same with the snubfighters. No one will be there that doesn’t want to be.”

“Less worried about that and more about our CO being taken out in the attack,” Paige said what the senior officers were all thinking. “So, we’re going to have to tweak a few things, try and see if we can figure out a way for you to be exposed to less risk.”

“I was exposed to more risk against the Big Mac,” I tried to argue. “After all, I took on an Atlas in my Warhammer.”

“Yes, in an armored cockpit surrounded by as much armor as is possible on that mech,” Sheppard retorted. “We’re going to find a different way.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “I know when I’m outvoted.”

“Thank you,” Sheppard smiled. “Now, the basis of your plan is solid, we just have to adjust a few details…”

“Hey Sheppard,” I said to my XO as he began boarding the Gozanti that was being used as the main decoy.

“Yeah?” the man turned to face me.

“Good hunting, and make sure to bring our people back.”

“This is where the Sith that Kenobi fought fell,” Dooku murmured to Yaddle as they began inspecting the underground passages. “And his ship was not something from the Outer Rim, but something custom.”

“It could have only come from one of the wealthier worlds of the Republic,” Yaddle agreed. “We should begin investigating where the ship came from. Perhaps that will point us in the right direction.”

“Yaddle,” Dooku said after a moment. “We have long been friends, and I wish to be honest with you. I believe the Sith are at the core of the Republic and have been subverting both it and the Order for years to accomplish what they want.”

“Then help me find the evidence,” Yaddle said quietly. “Should it be there, then I can convince the Council of your words.”

“And if they refuse to listen?” Dooku asked.

“Then I will leave the Order with you, and we shall find another way to deal with the threat that the Sith pose to the Galaxy,” Yaddle said confidently. “And we shall bring as many Jedi as we can convince of the truth with us when we depart.”

“Then we shall search out the truth and see where it leads us,” Dooku said with a small smile on his face. “But first we must return to Serenno, I have to see to the needs of my people before we continue the investigation.”

“Then let us inform Master Faye of our decision,” Yaddle nodded. “She has been most patient with us, after all.”
Hull's discussions with Dooku and Yaddle will probably be VERY interesting.

Dooku, "How would you like a long-term contract to eradicate pirates and slavers...along with trying to help me discover a Sith?"
Hull's discussions with Dooku and Yaddle will probably be VERY interesting.

Dooku, "How would you like a long-term contract to eradicate pirates and slavers...along with trying to help me discover a Sith?"
Yep.I see Hull saing : we are hunting whabbits,i mean siths.
So, after getting some much needed advice from a good friend and much better author than I am, I'm going to be making some changes.

1. I'm going to be rewriting Blood on the Horizon.
2. I'm going to be slowly doing the same with my other works.
3. Updates to all of my stories and fanfics will continue, but I'm going to be putting them in a regular update schedule which will be as follows barring vacations and other things.

Mondays will be the BOTH rewrite.
Tuesday will be The Good Tenant
Wednesday goes to Beyond the Horizon
Thursday is War on the Horizon
Friday is my Original fiction.

Saturday and Sunday might go to the rewrites or I might simply rest. It will depend on how I feel on the weekends.
Chapter 15
War on the Horizon Chapter 15
April 5, 3009/7948 CRC

“Anything yet?” Sheppard asked as he scratched at where the prosthetic met his flesh.

“Nothing on the scopes,” the Twi’lek replied. “But it takes time for those sorts of rumors to hit the Holonet.”

“I’ll pretend to understand what it is that you just said,” Sheppard leaned back in the chair. “I’m still trying to figure out what all of the phrases and such that y’all use here mean.”

“Wait, someone’s dropping out of hyperspace,” the copilot reported. “Looks like it’s the pirates we’ve been waiting for.”

“Hey Paige, looks like we’ve got company,” Sheppard said, the comms system beeping in response.

“Locking up our armor systems now,” Paige replied. “We’ll be on standby for transport to the enemy ships when we get boarded.”

“Attention merchant ships,” a Neimoidian greeted via hologram. “I am the pirate Yisk Grenkka. You shall stop your engines and prepare to be made guests on my vessel. I do not wish to kill any of you, so do not resist.”

Sheppard nodded at the Twi’lek pilot.

“This is the freighter Hold Harmless,” the pilot replied. “We’re powering down now, the rest of the ships will follow.”

“Good,” the hologram smiled. “Prepare to be brought onboard, there is much we need to discuss.”

The hologram winked out of existence.

“Well, it looks like we got what we wanted,” Sheppard said with a smile. “Let’s hope the rest of the plan works.”

“You say that the ship vanished before it reached the Kuat Drie Yards?” Yaddle asked the Judicial officer.

“Yes, master Jedi,” the man nodded. “The team that was escorting it never arrived, and we found their ships drifting a couple of systems off of their scheduled route.”

“How curious,” Dooku said as he stroked his goatee. “Do you have the route that was planned as well as the scans taken from before it was to be delivered?”

“We have the old scheduled route,” the officer shrugged. “Not sure what use it’ll be, but our preliminary scans would be on file back on Coruscant or Naboo.”

“Thank you for your time,” Yaddle gave a small bow and then began walking back to the ship they had borrowed from the Naboo for this. “We shall recommend your hard work to your superiors.”

“I’m just doing my job,” the man nodded his head. “At least as much of it as I’m able to these days,” he said under his breath.

“May the force be with you,” Dooku said as he turned and began walking away, his cape fluttering as he did so.

“It appears we are heading back to Naboo,” Yaddle said as she boarded the ramp of the ship.

“Indeed,” Dooku responded. “It is curious just how much seems to come back to this world in the Mid-Rim.”

“The ties here are an interesting one,” Yaddle agreed. “But I find it most curious that the ship disappeared and that no one has reported any sightings of ships like it.”

“Hmm, that is interesting,” Dooku sat down in the cockpit and began piloting the ship. “If it had been captured by pirates, the Hutts, or any other major criminal we would have heard of it by now.”

“Which means that it was likely orchestrated by the other Sith,” Yaddle agreed. “I think we should follow the charted course before returning to Naboo, there might be something there that the Judicial forces missed.”

“Plotting course now,” Dooku shrugged. “I shall have to return to Serenno after we are done with this part of the investigation. An absent ruler does no one any good.”

“We shall return you to your world, Count Dooku,” Yaddle smirked. “But it will be in good time.”

“Ahh, it seems that I am meeting with a man of style,” Yisk greeted Sheppard as he stepped off of the ramp, the duster billowing around him as he walked onto the Captor class Cruiser.

“There a reason you’ve stopped us?” Sheppard asked.

“I merely seek to inspect the Mandalorian armor that you seem to be transporting,” Yisk smiled, his battle droids stepping up behind him menacingly. “Now, if you’ll be so kind as to surrender your weapons, we won’t have to start killing anyone.”

“You heard the man,” Sheppard said as he allowed the blaster to be taken from him. “We’re not here to stir up any trouble.”

“Good man!” the pirate captain cheered. “I’m rather civilized and would hate to have to clean blood out of everything. Now, show me these suits of Mandalorian armor. I have yet to see Beskar with my own eyes after all, and I hear it is quite the material to work with should you be able to acquire it.”

“Alright,” Sheppard sighed. “I’ll take you to the suits, but I want my crew and ships left alone.”

“My good man, I do not wish to take secondhand scraps of ships, my own is enough for me. I desire the armor, and then I will leave you to continue on your journey.”

“There a reason you split my ships up among your own?” Sheppard asked.

“To prevent you from getting any clever ideas,” Yisk smiled, the image making Sheppard recoil on the inside. “We wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt after all.”

Sheppard opened the door to the cargo hold, revealing two dozen Mithril suits powered down and upright, guns slung and holstered for effect.

“It is a different design than I am used to, I must admit,” Yisk said as he poked one of the suits and tried to push it over. “But it is possible that these are older than the current designs the Mandalorians use, and even if they are not made of Beskar they should fetch a good price on the markets.”

“Just take them and leave,” Sheppard snarled. “You’re already leaving me profitless here, just be done with it.”

“I shall instruct my droids to begin removing the suits from your other freighters,” Yisk put his arms in his billowing sleeves. “Now, you and your crew shall be joining me for dinner, it would be most vexing to me should you refuse.”

“Fine,” Sheppard bit out. “It looks like we get to eat here for the evening,” he glanced at the crew and made a subtle hand gesture, causing them to relax a bit. “I assume we’ll be allowed to leave once the meal is concluded?”

“Of course!” Yisk announced. “I am not a barbarian. I am merely a high-risk trader of rare and priceless artifacts.”

“Get on with it, Sheppard,” Paige muttered into the comms device. “We’re stuck until these droids have parked us in the main holds.”

Sheppard nodded, seeming as if he was agreeing with Yisk.

“Now, come quickly, there is much to do!” Yisk moved down the ramp, his robes and droids following him and encircling the group of volunteers. “My droids will unload your ship and ensure that it is refueled, you will not lose all of your funding over this, I cannot continue to conduct trades with you if you are not able to continue on this route in the future, after all.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be continuing on this route given the dangers it seems to possess,” Sheppard said as he glanced backward, seeing the droids struggling to carry some of the Mithril.

“Those things are remarkably heavy aren’t they?” Yisk commented. “I must say that your crew must be extraordinary to be able to move all of them and keep them in position for so long.”

“They’re valuable,” Sheppard shrugged. “And my people are very good at what they do.”

“I see,” Yisk hummed. “I suppose we shall find out what value they fetch.”

“I guess you will,” Sheppard shrugged.

“Now, where was I?” Yisk asked. “Ahh yes, I was going to give you a tour of my latest acquisitions, one must always use the chance to enhance their reputation. I’m sure you understand.”
“Reputation is important,” Sheppard agreed. “Many things rely on having a solid reputation after all.”

“So you do understand,” the Neimoidian waved a hand and the door opened ahead of him. “Now please, enjoy my collection. I assure you, it is of the finest taste and quality.”

“Don’t kill him yet,” Paige said. “We’re being positioned at the end of the room you just entered if I’m reading the layout of the ship right. Once he reaches the end, we’ll be in a prime position to strike.”

Sheppard tapped the mic taped to his twice to acknowledge and then continued walking behind the Neimoidian, his hand continuously twitching for the small handgun that was hidden on his person.

“Just hold out a little bit longer,” Paige calmed the other man down. “We’ll get this bastard. You just have to wait.”
Chapter 16
Chapter 16

“Over here, I have quite the collection of Jedi and ancient Sith Artifacts,” Yisk waved at a lit trophy stand. “They have taken quite a while to collect, and I have had to brave many an ancient battleground or destroyed fleet in order to acquire some of them.”

“That certainly is interesting,” Sheppard nodded. “I take it the Jedi don’t know that you possess these artifacts?”

“I may be a civilized man,” Yisk shook his head. “But I am not a fool. The Jedi would end my business ventures before I even began them if they knew that I possessed these treasures.”

“Anyway, onto the rest of my collection,” Yisk gestured for the crew to follow him. “Up next, I possess the prototypes for some starfighters that have yet to hit the open markets.”

“I take it someone gave you a tip that the prototypes were about to be transported?” Sheppard asked.

“Why indeed,” Yisk smiled. “It seems that you possess some insight. I possess many contacts from my old position as an enforcer of the tyrannical Trade Federation. Why, the reason I departed from the Federation is that they were attempting to remove the parts of my collection that I spent my own funds and time collecting. These are the things that I worked hard for. Why would I give them up to someone who has not earned them?”

“I take it they didn’t even ask politely,” Sheppard opened up his stance a bit.

“Of course not!” Yisk threw his hands up. “They acted like barbarians, even tried to coopt the droids that I personally purchased. They wanted to take everything that I had worked hard for and use it for themselves.”

“And you made the hard choice,” Sheppard nodded.

“I reprogrammed the droids to respond to only my authorization,” Yisk agreed. “And then I ordered them to dispose of the crew that were still loyal to the Trade Federation.”

“Dispose of?” Sheppard asked.

“I had them thrown into the brig until I reached an appropriate world,” Yisk grinned. “I then gave them their agreed-upon severance packages and tossed them into the airlocks. I am quite certain that they are enjoying their payout as we speak.”

“I’m starting to feel bad for the guy,” Paige chimed up. “Sounds like he’s been stuck alone with nothing but these droids for the last few months.”

“Well, we are now at the end of my collection,” Yisk said as he gestured to where the suits of Mithril were now stored. “I thank you for your contribution. Now, if you’ll follow me, I will allow you to have a pleasant meal and then be on your way.”

“I’m afraid that’s not how this is going to go down,” Sheppard said as he nodded at Paige. “Now, as a civilized person, I’m sure you understand that this isn’t personal.”

“What? How?” Yisk questioned as he raised his hands in surrender, a quick gesture having the droids drop their weapons as he did so.

“We’re the Marksman,” Paige said as she cuffed the Neimoidian. “We were hired by the Trade Federation to stop you from preying on their ships as they went through the trade routes.”

“I have not harmed a single person!” Yisk protested.

“We know that,” Sheppard sighed. “Look, we have to finish the job we’re contracted for. But we do have some wiggle room. So, we’re going to have a chat. And hopefully, at the end of this, we’ll be able to work out something that satisfies both you and the Trade Federation.”

“Yaddle, we must ask that you return to Coruscant,” Master Windu said. “You have been pursuing a lead that seems to leave nothing but dead ends.”

“I am sorry, but I cannot return at this time,” Yaddle frowned. “Dooku is right, there is something that lurks here. I can feel the Dark Side Permeating the area.”

“Are you certain that this is the course you want to set yourself on?” Windu asked.

“If I can prevent even a single friend from falling to the Dark Side then this is worth it,” Yaddle responded. “I will do as I must. You and the Council may do the same.”

“Be cautious,” Windu crossed his arms and set his stance. “I do not approve of the direction that you are headed in, but I will not stop you from preventing a friend from falling to the Dark Side.”

“Thank you,” Yaddle smiled. “I will speak with you at a later point in time.”

“May the force be with you,” Windu cracked a rare smile. “We’ll be in touch.”

“I take it your conversation with the Council went well?” Dooku asked.

“About as expected,” Yaddle nodded.

“Ahh, so better than I feared,” Dooku smiled wanly. “We are approaching Naboo now.”

“We shall have to charter a ship to return to Serenno,” Yaddle sighed. “I do not wish to separate at this point, but you must return, I can sense something dangerous in the Force.”

“I have felt much the same,” Dooku sighed. “Something is interfering in our investigation. But I must find what is threatening Serenno.”

“Perhaps there is a way to accomplish both tasks,” Yaddle considered. “Do you still possess the comm channels to the Tarkins?”

“Yes,” Dooku replied. “Do you believe they would be willing to offer assistance?”

“I am uncertain,” Yaddle hummed in thought. “While they seem eager to protect the Outer Rim, their focus was on their own worlds and those who aligned with them currently.”

“While they were broadening that group, they might not be willing to assist a world on the other side of the galaxy,” Dooku frowned and stroked his goatee. “But they might be willing to point us to someone who will assist.”

“That may be the case,” Yaddle shrugged. “While it is time that we must take out of our journey, it may be time that is necessary.”

“It is a good thing that I do not have to charter a ship then,” Dooku smirked. “I had my personal vessel flown to Naboo while we were investigating the stolen ship.”

“Good,” Yaddle smacked Dooku on the back of the head. “Please inform me next time you make a decision like that. I do not like being surprised.”

“I’ll try to do so,” Dooku laughed a bit at the expression on Yaddle’s face. “You green troll.”

“It seems that you have not suffered enough recently,” Yaddle’s eyes narrowed. “I believe I have not educated you in the folly of your youth in far too long.”

“I do not believe that you are capable of facing me on a level playing field,” Dooku replied. “But I welcome a duel all the same.”

“Hmm,” Yaddle agreed. “Set, the field of battle will be. Only once we are finished with our tasks.”

“No backward speech,” Dooku chided her. “You’re better than that.”

“Hmm? Better than that, am I? Forgotten, you have that much older than you, I am.”

“Now there are two of them,” Dooku kneaded his forehead. “What have I done?”
So,they would capture Yisk with his collection,told CiS that they destroyed all,and then work for Dooku accidentally saving him from falling to Palpy.
Seems legit to me.
Pretty sure all they have to do is tell the Trade Fed that Yisk surrendered. They got all the salvage rights...now Yisk can become a 'captured' contractor for them!
So,they would capture Yisk with his collection,told CiS that they destroyed all,and then work for Dooku accidentally saving him from falling to Palpy.
Seems legit to m
Pretty sure all they have to do is tell the Trade Fed that Yisk surrendered. They got all the salvage rights...now Yisk can become a 'captured' contractor for them!
CiS want him dead.So,he officially must die.

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