Why defeat in Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan was lost because the cabalists struck a deal with the Talibs some time in recent years.

Talibs give them their high quality opioids and narcotics, and they leave the Talibs alone for the most part.

Libya, Syria, and Iraq was for the oil. Afghanistan was for the drugs.

The whole shit was rigged from the start. Just like the Clone Wars.
Maybe there's a darker part of America's involvement in Korea I'm not aware of. But if you're going to try to push the idea that the US taught Japan imperialism, and then *goaded* Japan into WWII, I'm not inclined to trust anything else you have to say about the era either.
There is, sadly. South Korea was a completely fucked up dictatorship for awhile. Fortunately, it's fine now, but it was a place one couldn't speak freely (lest you get killed) for too long.

As for the war, it was winnable, but we lost. Had we kept the goal as killing Osama, killing off Al-Qaeda, and fucking up the Taliban who supported them, without care for what replaced it, we could have won. But because we setup nationbuilding as victory condition (e.g. stability, peace, functioning government, democracy, in increasing order of difficulty), we decided to lose because of hubris.

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