"Woke" Franchises

Now, THAT may be a reason to watch him watching.

Hop on over to the Knights Watch YouTube channel then. He does long from reaction videos alongside his mates and you can see the optimism in his eyes slowly turn into despair, then into rage, as the series goes on.

Here's a link to the full playlist. It's a long one, but it's enjoyable to witness the full wrath of a Wheel of Time nerd with conservative leanings.
And the archive of the original, much more hilarious illustrated version of the page.

Just give us some Zenyatta lore you PRC-appeasing cowards. Most interesting character in your TF2 knockoff and you guys won’t touch him with a ten foot pole because Tibetan Monk.
And the archive of the original, much more hilarious illustrated version of the page.

Just give us some Zenyatta lore you PRC-appeasing cowards. Most interesting character in your TF2 knockoff and you guys won’t touch him with a ten foot pole because Tibetan Monk.
What makes this more hilarious is SB hating everything about it.
The reason why everyone is mad about this is for one side there is nothing new, for the other it just makes them look bad, not that they needed help.
(Warning this could get very political very fast)

Sky are producing a new adaption of The Midwich Cuckoos that appears to have more than a few questionable departures from the source material.
One of the key points to the story is that all of the Children (The capitalisation is important) look alike. In a weird and creepy fashion that makes it obvious that something strange and un-natural is responsible for their births, and they cannot possibly be related to their mothers, or any possible human father.
Only this version appears to have gone for diversity casting with the Children.

No one is saying that they have to be of any specific racial group, but again one of the key points to the story is that they all have the same un-worldly origin and have similar characteristics. The violent reaction to "The Other" is one of the story's themes, and the initial reaction of cultures other than the main setting is also important. (Which is essentially kill it).

A diverse casting for the Children is questionable in more than one way as they are explicitly cuckoos. The Children are parasites, which might be a slightly dodgy way to present diverse casting. And if you take the story to its conclusion, not immediately killing "The Other" is shown to be a bad idea, an accepting culture being more vulnerable to, probably, alien infiltration.

[Please no one take this as being that I am somehow against diversity, or start calling me racist. I'm pointing out that the production is being un-faithful to the source material, and in a way that is obviously pandering to modern sensibilities, to the extent of compromising the story.]
A diverse casting for the Children is questionable in more than one way as they are explicitly cuckoos. The Children are parasites, which might be a slightly dodgy way to present diverse casting. And if you take the story to its conclusion, not immediately killing "The Other" is shown to be a bad idea,
Based. The Leftoids always undermine their own cause, eh?

Don't worry, no one here who matters is going to call you "whatever"-ist. Helps that this version reflects what we can see plain as day in "diverse" societies nowadays. Just look at France, Turkey, Sweden, or Germany. Crime rate through the roof, high unemployment rate among foreigners with their children being entitled to more, culture devolving and being replaced with that of the invaders aka cuckoos. They showed the reality of diversity without intending to.

If they wanted to do a female Master Chief type character, why not do Nicole-458? She's already got a bit of a cult following both in the Halo and Dead or Alive community and she's pretty much a blank slate beyond a certain point, so you got plenty of room to show how she's different from Master Chief but still on par with him. Heck, lampshade it if you want "What? You really thought Chief was the only spartan?" but no let's take MC make him REALLY OC, kill him off and make him a zombie being controlled by Cortana like a necromancer.

Heck if nothing else they could have just made Cortana an android, and make her be Master Chief's partner, almost like a *Gasp* 2- Player Co-op

for those who don't know Who I'm talking about:

What ticks me off about all this is they keep trying to "Reinvent" a franchise to make the kind of stories they want when they don't have to. Everything they want to tell the stories they want is right there. It's just they are too lazy to do even do a little bit of research. it's right there guys. it's right there!
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Wonder what the spartans would think of people who somehow can keep up with spartans despite having no apparent augments.

Probably do undercover interviews and then if anything like Chi Ki or Calibur came up, they'd spend a lot of research on the harness said power and how to use it to augment the spartans.

to be fair though we all no these types of anime characters are OPed as sin.

Anime Power + Spartan augmentations=an unstoppable army.

…completely coincidentally Wayne Industries showed a record profit that year after the destruction of competing businesses. Not that any of it filtered down to the actual employees, custom-made bat-themed doohickeys don’t come cheap.

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