Culture #DeTransAwareness Day

I've always thought that the recent spike of transgenderism in the last decade or two was really because of "transtrenders": people who were convinced to or believed that transitioning would fix or be a magic bullet to whatever psychological ailments they had (which weren't gender dysphoria -- "I'm not gay or a lesbian, I'm just trapped in the wrong body!" "Oh, you like playing with female game characters? You must be an 'egg!'"). Well, that's the more positive reason -- I'm sure that a few people transitioning are simply doing it for a sense of social acceptance than any real gender dysphoria sufferance or persuasion from other transtrenders, which is pretty horrifying.

It's terrible that these people who were deluded or lied to are now going to be continuously paying the price for the rest of their lives.

I've had the same thought.

Like, does anyone remember about....15 or so years ago, when the big girls issue was self harm and eating disorders, and the narrative was that those behaviors were being subtly encouraged by media body image stuff that pushed the underlying idea even though there was constant pressure against the specific behaviors?

Now flip that around so that the overt message of "being trans is awesome is and brave" is being broadcast out in every media channel with a megaphone and anything that goes against it is labelled bigotry and suppressed.
It seems at least slightly possible that demographics that are known to be vunerable to making dangerous and self destructive decisions due to peer pressure might be being pressured into a certain specific decision because of this.

Andrew Sullivan had a similar theory/the same theory but better worded here:

What’s needed is much more comprehensive, wide-ranging psychological evaluation to assess all the factors that are correlated with a child’s or teen’s desire to be the opposite sex. We are told this is already happening, but you only have to see the insane increase in numbers seeking transition, and take a brief look at the countless stories emerging of hormones and blockers being handed out like candy, especially in the private sector, to realize this isn’t the case.

Is the origin for this desire rooted in family dynamics, autism, mental illness, social contagion, or fear of being lesbian or gay, rather than a real, sustained trans identity? Many of these factors can come into play — but they are far more time-consuming than making a quick affirmative diagnosis and going straight to blockers and/or hormones. Our medical system wants to medicate first. But when the consequences for a medical decision can last a lifetime, and the person is too young to vote, all the more reason to examine all the factors that could be a part of it.

If you think nothing bad is happening in this sudden explosion of child and teen trans care, check out this rather moving essay by Keira Bell, who had absent, negligent parents, and far too little counseling and was fast-tracked into becoming a man by experts she was wrong to trust. (Britain’s high court sided with her — a story you cannot find in the NYT or WaPo.)

Or absorb this essay on having a double-mastectomy the author now deeply regrets. Or the reddit detrans message board with 19,000 members. There are many successes in treating trans kids, which is why a blanket ban is bad and cruel. (A ban that would end treatment for kids already taking hormones, as in Arkansas, is unconscionable.) But there are failures too. And notice the poison and bullying directed at these de-transitioned souls by so many trans activists. It’s a sign of a highly insecure movement, when it doesn’t seek to examine where it has gone wrong, but ostracizes the victims of its over-reach.

Equally, the way in which trans ideology doesn’t only seek to protect trans kids, but to abolish the idea of biological sex altogether and to teach kids they have a choice over whether to be a boy or girl, should be kept out of the classroom. It takes the experience of less than one percent of humanity and tries to make it explain the 99 percent of their peers. It’s nuts; and it will confuse children, particularly gay kids.

If I had been told by my parents or teachers that my fear of contact sports or my love of theater as a child suggested I was actually a girl inside, I don’t know how my 8-year-old self would have responded. But it is not unimaginable I would have believed them. My worry is that gay kids in particular could be swept up in this, and mistakenly make irreversible decisions they will later regret, as so many young lesbians have.

The increase among teens seeking treatment is a good thing if it means more awareness and understanding. But the scale of it, especially among girls, seems completely out of whack with a natural development. In 2009/10, at Britain’s Tavistock Center for transgender minors, for example, 32 girls and 40 boys were referred for treatment. By 2018/19, those numbers were 1,740 girls and 624 boys. Sudden high increases are everywhere — tenfold in Sweden in three years; quadrupling in New Zealand in the same time. And in almost every teen trans story, there is a pattern: obsessive Internet use. Can we really be sure this isn’t a craze or a fad for many? And can we have that discussion without accusations of callousness and bigotry?

Sullivan doesn't say it here (it's mentioned elsewhere in the piece), but some of that massive increase is likely people coming out of the closet. However, what he doesn't mention is that the bizzare change in ratio between girls and boys from where it was years ago to where it is today isn’t explained at all by that element, and hints to something deeper.

It could just be that for some reason gender dsyphoria is more common in women then men (its far from unheard of for mental disorders to be strongly linked to sex), but that's not the only possible answer, and it's something thst had to to be investigating freely, without interference from ideology.
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I've had the same thought.

Like, does anyone remember about....15 or so years ago, when the big girls issue was self harm and eating disorders, and the narrative was that those behaviors were being subtly encouraged by media body image stuff that pushed the underlying idea even though there was constant pressure against the specific behaviors?
AKA the promotion of obesity so the healthcare industry has more profit or in the case of Canada, higher taxes to keep these land whales alive via medications.

Now flip that around so that the overt message of "being trans is awesome is and brave" is being broadcast out in every media channel with a megaphone and anything that goes against it is labelled bigotry and suppressed.
It seems at least slightly possible that demographics that are known to be vunerable to making dangerous and self destructive decisions due to peer pressure might be being pressured into a certain specific decision because of this.
Getting rid of tomboys to spite the men and turning men into femboys.

What they've forgotten is that a cornered animal has nothing to lose.

That's a very mean spirited read on the left's actions, one that doesn't seem to align well with thier overall agenda. I could buy them backing anything and everything LGBT related as a cynical wedge issue, maybe. But "haha, let's destroy tomboy to spite men" is implausible evil.
That's a very mean spirited read on the left's actions, one that doesn't seem to align well with thier overall agenda. I could buy them backing anything and everything LGBT related as a cynical wedge issue, maybe. But "haha, let's destroy tomboy to spite men" is implausible evil.
Have you seen how they act against our side? Them being this petty and spiteful is something I've come to expect of them.
Have you seen how they act against our side? Them being this petty and spiteful is something I've come to expect of them.

Certainly for some people they've gotten so wrapped up in hate its more about making the other side lose than it is about winning, if they care about winning at all anymore. But those people aren't the norm, nor did they start out that way.
That's a very mean spirited read on the left's actions, one that doesn't seem to align well with thier overall agenda. I could buy them backing anything and everything LGBT related as a cynical wedge issue, maybe. But "haha, let's destroy tomboy to spite men" is implausible evil.
Leftist trends in Western society lean towards men becoming more feminine (otherwise it's "toxic masculinity"), though. One look at media, including that infamous Gillette advert which backfired horribly on the company (serves the cunts right), displays this as clear as day.

On the topic of feminized men/"Soy Boys": ironically, I've seen constant OpEd pieces from self-declared feminists basically saying they want a "Chad" than a feminized "Soy Boy" -- it's sort of like being ploughed by the 'forbidden fruit' to them, and it's a weird obsession (and it's sort-of hilarious than in the aftermath of #MeToo, men over all are avoiding women in the workplace/social settings, and now they're complaining they're being iced out of basic social interaction) -- hell, I'd even call them fucking tsundere, to use an anime trope! It's also part of the reason why #MGTOW is becoming mainstream (to the point where said feminists are beginning to try to slander it -- you know you've got their attentions/worries when they try to slander something, lol), the other being the bias towards women in court/divorce cases and the like.

Oh, and that their definition of sexual harassment seems to be based on whether the guy trying to talk to them is attractive or rich or not. :ROFLMAO: Could you imagine the outrage if a man said that about women trying to talk to him or just walking up to him?

Anyway, I don't think we'll ever know because people on the Left always try to make it about "if you disagree with this, you're an ist, a phobe, or suffer from an ism'. You can't discuss controversial issues with them because they'll leap at your proverbial throat for being a "Nazi" (buzzword of the decade).
Leftist trends in Western society lean towards men becoming more feminine (otherwise it's "toxic masculinity"), though. One look at media, including that infamous Gillette advert which backfired horribly on the company (serves the cunts right), displays this as clear as day.

To a point, but that's more about tribalism and shunning whatever values the right holds to avoid being linked with them, rather a specific anti man agenda.

On the topic of feminized men/"Soy Boys": ironically, I've seen constant OpEd pieces from self-declared feminists basically saying they want a "Chad" than a feminized "Soy Boy"

Well, yes. You can say whatever you want about what you really want in a partner, but the lizard brain gets a vote too.

Anyway, I don't think we'll ever know because people on the Left always try to make it about "if you disagree with this, you're an ist, a phobe, or suffer from an ism'. You can't discuss controversial issues with them because they'll leap at your proverbial throat for being a "Nazi" (buzzword of the decade).

Yes, it's very difficult to talk to committed liberal activists on the internet, particularly on thier terms. That doesn't mean you can't talk politics with people, you just have to be careful about how you do so.
Just watched (part) of the videos posted on the first page, and skimmed a few others on the topic. Honestly, I feel that half the issues could have been avoided by a) inter-family communication, b) going to see a psychologist/psychiatrist specializing on teens/young adults, c) a closer look by parents on what their children do on the internet, or a combination of the above points. I don't deny that gender dysphoria is a thing, and for some people partially or fully transitioning is the right choice. But for an extremely large portion of people it seems they follow a social trend when they are confused and stuck in the hormonal turmoil that is puberty only to end up with life-altering choices nobody at that age should make without indepth, qualified and independent counseling. Taking large quantities of opposite-sex hormones carries a significantly increased risk for cancer, and the very real and obvious chance of male and female infertility.

Going to therapy is such a lazy suggestion for many ills (imagined and real) nowadays, but in such cases it really is a warranted approach. The girl from the first video - Elle - for example still is suffering from depression and dropped out of college (just skimmed her latest video), so it seems that condition is the foundation for much of her ills (since she mentioned having bouts of it already in early puberty). She is successfully working on her voice, though. Daisy probably would be the girliest of girls if it wasn't for the damaged voice, seems incredibly introspective and generally really mature (props to her boyfriend as well). The last chick, wel, don't know. She seems to have come to grasp with some of her issues, but others not so much (the whole asexual, aromantic stuff but still wanting to have a relationship... well, what would her partner get out of that?!?).

On the other hand I checked out a German vid about someone detransitioning and it was a freakshow...
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Asexual and aromatic... but still wants a relationship? This is going to sound crude, but a love doll or a mannequin would probably be the best bet.

It sucks, but no partner is going to want to be in a relationship, if that could even be called one, where there is no romance nor sex.

And sex is a key part of a healthy relationship, especially in young couples.
Honestly, it just illustrates self-centeredness on the part of the intersectional crowd. If it even occurs to them what their fantasy partner might want, they probably just disregard it and assert that their feelings/needs come first. This is also why they end up staying single, because even if someone were to try being the doormat that they wanted, they would end up hating that person anyway.
Aromatic means less having romance in the relationship, and more seeking out romance. They dotn seek it out, if it comes to them, they generally how ith it and enjoy it.
(I have a friend who considers himself that.)
Aromatic means less having romance in the relationship, and more seeking out romance. They dotn seek it out, if it comes to them, they generally how ith it and enjoy it.
(I have a friend who considers himself that.)
...Wait, that's all it means? Seriously? I thought aromatic was similar to sexual and asexual?
Definition of asexual
1: lacking sex or functional sex organsasexual plants
2a: involving or reproducing by reproductive processes (such as cell division, spore formation, fission (see FISSION entry 1 sense 2), or budding (see BUD entry 2 sense intransitive 3)) that do not involve the union of individuals or gametesasexual reproductionan asexual generation
b: produced by asexual reproductionasexual spores
3a: not involving, involved with, or relating to sex : devoid of sexualityan asexual relationship
b: not having sexual feelings toward others : not experiencing sexual desire or attractionIn general, an asexual person does not feel or otherwise experience any sexual attraction, according to The Asexual Visibility & Education Network (AVEN). Basically, it is an inborn absence of sexual desire.— Lindsay E. Mack
4: not having or showing a particular sexual identity : neither male nor female… parents who first encounter the world of Pokemon through their youngsters may have no idea what this land of soft, rounded, asexual creatures is or what drives it.— Vince Horiuchi
Fucking hell, so not actively looking for romance (regardless of being straight, bi, or gay/lesbian) but being fine if it finds us in life deserves a label now? We've all known people like that in our lives -- heck, I knew a good few when I was a teenager in school! Does everything need a fucking label these days for inclusion purposes? Hell, this is even a fucking RomCom romance trope!

What's next? A (non-fetish context) definition for people who prefer red-heads? Or blondes? Or lighter, creamier skin than duskier skin, but are still completely fine if they find a sexual/romantic partner that doesn't possess these traits? smfh.

Edited because I stupidly quoted the wrong post -- my bad, just woke up.
...Wait, that's all it means? Seriously? I thought aromatic was similar to sexual and asexual?

Fucking hell, so not actively looking for romance (regardless of being straight, bi, or gay/lesbian) but being fine if it finds us in life deserves a label now? We've all known people like that in our lives -- heck, I knew a good few when I was a teenager in school! Does everything need a fucking label these days for inclusion purposes? Hell, this is even a fucking RomCom romance trope!

What's next? A (non-fetish context) definition for people who prefer red-heads? Or blondes? Or lighter, creamier skin than duskier skin, but are still completely fine if they find a sexual/romantic partner that doesn't possess these traits? smfh.

Edited because I stupidly quoted the wrong post -- my bad, just woke up.
So it is that, but the thing is you can still feel romantic attraction, just not sexual

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