Antifa, Just an Idea

The Communist Party abolished laws against homosexuality in 1917 and indeed used gays as allies to get into power. Once their position was cemented, they passed new anti-gay laws in 1933 and sent their former allies to the gulags.

In that case, I suppose the natural question to ask is whether these guys would act the same way if they somehow took power?

As I recall, the Far Left has a dangerous penchant for mental gymnastics in which they excuse their mass-murdering as “righteous” while decrying Nazi atrocities as “heinous” and demonizing their opposition as “Literally Hitler!”. More concretely, I also saw bits and pieces of a video in which Andy Ngo got beaten in the street by white Antifa members — and while the beating itself may not be evidence of racism, the slurs they shouted at him do.
In that case, I suppose the natural question to ask is whether these guys would act the same way if they somehow took power?

As I recall, the Far Left has a dangerous penchant for mental gymnastics in which they excuse their mass-murdering as “righteous” while decrying Nazi atrocities as “heinous” and demonizing their opposition as “Literally Hitler!”. More concretely, I also saw bits and pieces of a video in which Andy Ngo got beaten in the street by white Antifa members — and while the beating itself may not be evidence of racism, the slurs they shouted at him do.
Leftists already turn on their own like piranha the second they step out of line, and the line continues to move at breakneck speeds.
People forget that Democrats were against gay marriage not at all long ago, then it was pro gay marriage, now it's transgender crap.
You can be a homo who is 99% pro-leftist politics, but not agreeing with trans stuff? You might as well be a straight White male.
Leftists already turn on their own like piranha the second they step out of line, and the line continues to move at breakneck speeds.
People forget that Democrats were against gay marriage not at all long ago, then it was pro gay marriage, now it's transgender crap.
You can be a homo who is 99% pro-leftist politics, but not agreeing with trans stuff? You might as well be a straight White male.


Said it before over in the General Meme Thread, but I honestly feel that if let off the chain for real, these guys would start killing each other like mad dogs fighting over the last carcass in the desert. Fits well with the Far Left’s self-destructive tendencies historically, too, ranging from Stalin and Mao purging their own people to Spanish Republican infighting costing them victory in the Civil War. Probably good for humanity at large that they succumbed, though how many people the current generation of Far-Leftists takes with them before going down remains to be seen.

Said it before over in the General Meme Thread, but I honestly feel that if let off the chain for real, these guys would start killing each other like mad dogs fighting over the last carcass in the desert. Fits well with the Far Left’s self-destructive tendencies historically, too, ranging from Stalin and Mao purging their own people to Spanish Republican infighting costing them victory in the Civil War. Probably good for humanity at large that they succumbed, though how many people the current generation of Far-Leftists takes with them before going down remains to be seen.
Depending on how you see it, leftists are already kinda in power, and if WEF ideas come to fruition the death toll is going to be pretty hilarious in a dark way. The only irony is that it'll kill off as many leftists as other people.
Depending on how you see it, leftists are already kinda in power, and if WEF ideas come to fruition the death toll is going to be pretty hilarious in a dark way. The only irony is that it'll kill off as many leftists as other people.

More of a “Corporate Left” that weaponizes Progressivism for its own ends, I’d say.

In fairness, they seem all too happy to overlook genuine Neo-Communists and other homicidal fanatics who’d happily guillotine Biden and his donors if they had their way — and may, in fact, try to rack up a mountain (or two) of corpses themselves before being crushed for good.

Who funds Antifa protests? We all do

Last week, the city of Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to 343 left-wing protesters who alleged they suffered "physical and emotional injuries" when police used tear gas and pepper spray to clear them off a major highway in downtown at a Black Lives Matter-style direct action in 2020.

Videos recorded at the time showed the mob shut down the highway while vandalizing public property.

As a journalist who reports on the militant far-left and its rioters, the question I'm asked most often is, "Who funds them?"

Some believe billionaire George Soros is responsible.

And they would be partially correct. Soros funds groups that form part of the support apparatus of left-wing militants — district attorneys, biased media and legal groups.

But his money doesn't directly reach the pockets of militants on the street.

Who ends up paying far-left rioters like Antifa? Too often, taxpayers like you and me.

Through a developed network of radical leftist legal groups, like the National Lawyers Guild, lawfare against cities and police departments is the go-to method for payloads. At nearly every left-wing "direct action" or riot, you'll see NLG "legal observers" move in and out with the mob to record police. This "evidence gathering" is propaganda made to portray the police in the worst possible light while specifically omitting any recordings of what their comrades do.

Independent press are subjected to assault and robbery by others in the group to maintain tight control over the narrative and any photographic evidence. Kyle Seraphin, a former-FBI agent who was assigned to do surveillance in Portland during the 2020 Antifa riots, says the green-hat "legal observers" were linked via radio with the mob and worked as auxiliary counter-surveillance.

Seraphin told me: "My team witnessed several instances of NLG hat-wearing 'legal observers' calling out the license plates of suspected surveillance personnel [over] radios — sometimes accurately, sometimes not. These call-outs were met with a response by 5-6 uniformly clad, black-bloc individuals who attempted to intimidate the suspected 'fed.' "

On March 5, an NLG member and staff attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center named Thomas Jurgens was charged with domestic terrorism for his alleged involvement in a violent Antifa attack on police in Atlanta.

When the NLG's legal observers and their comrades are arrested, they're immediately provided with pro-bono legal aid and connections for bail money (rioters often write the NLG's phone number on their body in anticipation of arrests.)

And then the lawsuits come.

Last year, New York City agreed to pay tens of thousands to NLG members arrested in the Bronx in June 2020.

In Detroit, NLG members are suing the city for alleged wrongful conduct stemming from its police response in 2020.

Nearly every American city afflicted by mass protesting and rioting in 2020 ended up settling and paying out millions in taxpayer money to radical protesters who were allegedly subjected to force by law enforcement.

Denver settled to pay $1.6 million to just seven people.

Austin settled to pay $17.3 million.

The cities, led by Democrats, don't even bother to fight the cases, preferring to write a check.

The settlement cash doesn't just end up rewarding the protesters, awarded inflated attorney fees are used to reinvest in the legal groups to grow the operation for the next cause. Additionally, law enforcement morale declines as they are punished for doing their jobs.

But lawsuit settlements aren't the only way that militant protesters and riot suspects get paid. Bail funds have emerged as a lucrative cash source with progressive district attorneys refusing to prosecute most left-wing riot-related cases.

In Portland, for example, the 2020 riot suspects that needed bail money due to the seriousness of their felony charges later received the cash back when district attorney Mike Schmidt declined to prosecute. I witnessed this creating an incentive for rioters to get arrested, as outside groups covered the bail and the suspect would keep the returned cash when the case was dropped.

The NLG is just one among dozens of well-financed legal groups across the U.S. operating to help the far left.

In Philadelphia, the Legal Defense Fund, which was one of the groups representing the plaintiffs in last week's multi-million dollar settlement, previously received a $1 million pledge from Soros' Open Society Foundations.

The second most-asked question I'm asked is if mass far-left riots will erupt again. I can't predict when but the answer is yes.

The systems that provide legal, social and financial incentives to far-left extremists, no matter how violent they are, have become better funded following 2020.

Antifa should be labeled what it is — a hate group

In June 2020, the Southern Poverty Law Center posted an article entitled, "Designating Antifa as domestic terrorist organization is dangerous, threatens civil liberties."

The organization that supposedly tracks extremism in America dismissed the idea that Antifa was a threat to anyone.

The "anti-fascists" are "broad, community-based" and "represent a large spectrum of the political left." "Individuals loosely affiliated with Antifa are typically involved in skirmishes and property crimes at demonstrations across the country," the article hand waves.

"But the threat of lethal violence pales in comparison to that posed by far-right extremists."

Will the SPLC change its tune now that 23 members of Antifa were arrested as domestic terrorists for violently attacking a police facility outside Atlanta?

Or note the fact that one of SPLC's own lawyers, Thomas Webb Jurgens, 28, is among the arrested?

Fat chance. Founded in 1971, the SPLC was once a respected organization, cited by the media for its work, particularly against the Ku Klux Klan.

But it has lost its moral standing by repeatedly refusing to call out political violence on the left.

The SPLC sees a Proud Boy under every bed, but acts like Antifa months-long attacks on a courthouse in Portland are justified.

You're not a "hate group" if you hate cops!

They even target journalists that cover Antifa, slandering Post contributor Andy Ngo as a "provocateur" because he accurately reports on their activities.

In the Georgia incident, Antifa targeted "Cop City," a training facility under construction outside Atlanta.

The black-masked group of professional anarchists threw rocks and Molotov cocktails, setting fire to construction equipment — an attack that followed months of confrontations with authorities.

Yet the SPLC, the liberal media and yes, even Attorney General Merrick Garland pretend like Antifa doesn't exist.

After all, Garland is too busy targeting school board parents.

Shockingly, the feds and press continue to treat SPLC as a neutral arbiter when it's anything but.

The FBI even listened when SPLC claimed some Catholic groups were "extremist" because they used a Latin Mass!

This whole farce undermines the credibility of law enforcement and watchdog groups like the SPLC.

Americans see the burning cop cars and Antifa soldiers on their television and wonder what the consequences are.

This is extremist political violence, pure and simple.

Treat it as such.
and just like that other branches of christianity found new places to worship and the church looked around suprised at the empty pews because they didn't realize that Antifa are composed mostly of athiests who hate them no matter what they do.
They take the church and the property and consider it a win. This is hardly the first and will not be the last time something like this happens.

It's annoying as hell seeing the same old tricks, work in the same old way. But slowly the sleepers are awakening.
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod partners with antifa to purge the congregation

Literally nothing about antifa in all of that. Just a religious leader saying that people fueled by hate, nazis, white supremacists and people calling for murder are bad. What's so objectionable about any part of that? Or even unusual for a religious leader.
Literally nothing about antifa in all of that. Just a religious leader saying that people fueled by hate, nazis, white supremacists and people calling for murder are bad. What's so objectionable about any part of that? Or even unusual for a religious leader.
Did you read the MSN article?
There is a reference to a group that obsesses about fascism on twitter and complains about "reactionaries", which technically may or may not be connected to antifa, but ideologically, that would b a cosmetic difference.
Did you read the MSN article?
There is a reference to a group that obsesses about fascism on twitter and complains about "reactionaries", which technically may or may not be connected to antifa, but ideologically, that would b a cosmetic difference.
Yes... Okay, I guess it could be considered an exaggeration of sorts then, when I said
Literally nothing about antifa
But, it's also not really related. The article says the main subject they're discussing "comes in the wake of" this antifa group tweeting about some jackass at a different church, which lead to the incredibly vague internal handling of the issue.

It certainly seems like far less of an exaggeration than the post I was responding to saying
Synod partners with antifa to purge the congregation
don't you think?
Yes... Okay, I guess it could be considered an exaggeration of sorts then, when I said

But, it's also not really related. The article says the main subject they're discussing "comes in the wake of" this antifa group tweeting about some jackass at a different church, which lead to the incredibly vague internal handling of the issue.

It certainly seems like far less of an exaggeration than the post I was responding to saying

don't you think?
So, can we just stop with the pointless exaggerations followed by arguing who exaggerated less?
Also no, that jackass in question is claimed to be Lutheran too.
So, can we just stop with the pointless exaggerations followed by arguing who exaggerated less?
Also no, that jackass in question is claimed to be Lutheran too.
Well, I didn't mean mine as an exaggeration, and only accept that it could seem that way from certain perspective. Because antifa are in fact not mentioned at all, rather a group who are described as "anti-fascist" are. A label so vague and broad that it could equally apply to damn near everyone, depending who's doing the labeling. Now certainly the article implies that it's core to their identity but they are not "antifa" as it was being used in the post I was replying to. So we can stop arguing about it when you don't feel the hypocritical need to call me out on a matter of interpretation whilst ignoring a blatant lie.

Yes, from a different church and with the article itself saying that they're not a top down hierarchy or anything. So, what one church does, doesn't inherently reflect on the others. Nor is it in any way a "partnership". It's part of one large, unorganised group responding in some way to criticism from an outside group. Partnership may be a fairly vague term itself, but it's more than a reach to ascribe minimal, one way interaction as such. Finally, the church didn't even apparently kick that one guy out. They "handled it internally." That is not a purge. It's not evidence suggestive of a purge. It's completely meaningless, opaque and if anything defensive of the individual. When the cops or armed forces handle some complaint about their people as an internal matter, do you think "Thank God, that's certainly going to get a just result!" or if some democrat was accused of a crime, and the end result was nothing more than a statement that they were handling it internally, would you be glad to know that the party was being purged, or would you consider it bs rug sweeping?
Well, I didn't mean mine as an exaggeration, and only accept that it could seem that way from certain perspective. Because antifa are in fact not mentioned at all, rather a group who are described as "anti-fascist" are. A label so vague and broad that it could equally apply to damn near everyone, depending who's doing the labeling. Now certainly the article implies that it's core to their identity but they are not "antifa" as it was being used in the post I was replying to. So we can stop arguing about it when you don't feel the hypocritical need to call me out on a matter of interpretation whilst ignoring a blatant lie.
As i said, for practical or ideological purposes, this group sounds like one completely interchangeable with antifa. Whether they use that specific label or merely are an off-brand antifa is of little importance as they appear to bat for the same team in terms of political activism.
Yes, from a different church and with the article itself saying that they're not a top down hierarchy or anything.
So? Different church, but in the same organization of churches, hierarchical or not. Sounds like intra-organizational politics to me.

So, what one church does, doesn't inherently reflect on the others.
Apparently the churches in the organization don't agree with you there and absolutely do get into each other's business.

Nor is it in any way a "partnership". It's part of one large, unorganised group responding in some way to criticism from an outside group. Partnership may be a fairly vague term itself, but it's more than a reach to ascribe minimal, one way interaction as such. Finally, the church didn't even apparently kick that one guy out. They "handled it internally." That is not a purge. It's not evidence suggestive of a purge. It's completely meaningless, opaque and if anything defensive of the individual. When the cops or armed forces handle some complaint about their people as an internal matter, do you think "Thank God, that's certainly going to get a just result!" or if some democrat was accused of a crime, and the end result was nothing more than a statement that they were handling it internally, would you be glad to know that the party was being purged, or would you consider it bs rug sweeping?
>Unorganised group
>They give the organisation's name in the article

And "handled it internally" can mean pretty much anything. In some more unsavory organizations it may well mean someone involved is sleeping with the fishes now.
As i said, for practical or ideological purposes, this group sounds like one completely interchangeable with antifa. Whether they use that specific label or merely are an off-brand antifa is of little importance as they appear to bat for the same team in terms of political activism.
You seem to be basing that off very little information. Basically just the fact that they're self declared anti-fascists really. If that’s enough to consider a group interchangeable with Antifa, then we ought to consider russia an extension of Antifa. Whilst I think we can agree russia are awful, I don't thinkneither of us would conflate the two groups.
So? Different church, but in the same organization of churches, hierarchical or not. Sounds like intra-organizational politics to me.
Well... Yeah? But the Synod the article was talking about wasn't even from the same church as the one that the anti-fascist organisation interacted with.
Apparently the churches in the organization don't agree with you there and absolutely do get into each other's business.
Well, the churches are certainly affiliated. I'd even consider the various churches to be in a form of partnership. But, that doesn’t require that they share identical political or social views, and it certainly isn't enough to consider the response from one church to the anti-fascists group as establishing some sort of transitive partnership between the Synod and the anti-fascists.
>Unorganised group
>They give the organisation's name in the article
I guess I was unclear there. I meant that the churches form an unorganised group, as they don't have a hierarchy or command structure.
And "handled it internally" can mean pretty much anything. In some more unsavory organizations it may well mean someone involved is sleeping with the fishes now.
Yes, yes it can. So... It could at least theoretically mean that the one specific individual was purged. It sure doesn't seem to mean that. Even assuming he was for the sake of the argument, that could not be considered a purging of the church.
You seem to be basing that off very little information. Basically just the fact that they're self declared anti-fascists really. If that’s enough to consider a group interchangeable with Antifa, then we ought to consider russia an extension of Antifa. Whilst I think we can agree russia are awful, I don't thinkneither of us would conflate the two groups.
Russia doesn't go around calling people reactionaries... anymore.
Well... Yeah? But the Synod the article was talking about wasn't even from the same church as the one that the anti-fascist organisation interacted with.
The LCMS has congregations in all 50 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, but over half of its members are located in the Midwest.
It's a LCMS member church in a different state.
Well, the churches are certainly affiliated. I'd even consider the various churches to be in a form of partnership. But, that doesn’t require that they share identical political or social views, and it certainly isn't enough to consider the response from one church to the anti-fascists group as establishing some sort of transitive partnership between the Synod and the anti-fascists.
We are not in a court trying to sentence them.
It doesn't *require* them to share identical political or social views, but considering their comments, behaviors and opinions, what are the chances that they are significantly differing on those?
I guess I was unclear there. I meant that the churches form an unorganised group, as they don't have a hierarchy or command structure.
They absolutely do have a command structure. It doesn't seem like a powerful structure, it bit does exist.
Yes, yes it can. So... It could at least theoretically mean that the one specific individual was purged. It sure doesn't seem to mean that. Even assuming he was for the sake of the argument, that could not be considered a purging of the church.
It is indicative of a policy. How far did it already go in less loud cases and where it will end, we don't know.
They take the church and the property and consider it a win. This is hardly the first and will not be the last time something like this happens.

It's annoying as hell seeing the same old tricks, work in the same old way. But slowly the sleepers are awakening.

To be fair we are exiting the single most prosperious period in human history, and prosperity covers over many ills.

We are thus in the time where the weak men have created the hard times, and the strong men who create good times are still being forged through adversity.

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈


#Antifa extremist Talia Ben Ora, who identifies as a journalist & posts at @TaliaOTG, was confronted outside the Manhattan courthouse yesterday by
. Talia pretended to be a Trump supporter on Jan. 6 at the capitol. (She wore a MAGA disguise). Talia then threateningly tells the videographer she knows his address.

2:16 PM · Apr 5, 2023

Viral News NY


#Breakingnew. Far Left Anarchist busted wearing a Trump hat during the J6 capital riot. After lying about this and denying they were ( including lying on the
page ) , they cracked and went on a ramble ,The only reason someone would lie about this is to cover something up . This one is normally accompanied by a small group of white anarchists , including some of those who were at the Watson hotel

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