China ChiCom News Thread

People in the comments are saying that the guy posting this is just a CCP shill who was educated in New Zealand, and that he's not part of the CCP.

However, given this is Twatter and it's rife with idiots and 50 Cent Army members... shrug.
I knew the Chinese political offers huffed their own copium crack, but this is ridiculous. :ROFLMAO:
That,or they would send entire russian fleet there with what is left of their marines,and then made deal with USA.
Precisely - USA could hold Alasca,as long as they do not have problems with China retaking their rigtfully owned Siberia !
I opine that a realistic plan for taking and occupying Alaska would involve an unrealistic amount of heavy transport airplanes.
That would have to get past the 22s and 35s
Let them then see how well they react to General Winter when it hits. Here's a hint Anchorage is the only major port and the Navy would mine it.
100 percent
Let them then see how well they react to General Winter when it hits. Here's a hint Anchorage is the only major port and the Navy would mine it.
That would have to get past the 22s and 35s

100 percent to tell someone you don't actually know the map and geography of Alaska well.

Alaska has multiple ports, and Anchorage is actually the least useful of the 'main' ports, due to how shallow the Cook Inlet is at the point it hits Anchorage. They can barely float barges into Anchorage, never mind legit cargo ships.

No, the main ports are Valdez and the oil infra there, Seward which has the actual deep draft docks/piers that can handle cruise ships, the port at Whittier which can take deep draft, and most of the ports in South East Alaska (except Juneau, too shallow) can do deep draft.

Out in the Aleutians you also have Dutch Harbor, and Kodiak has some deeper ports too.

No, trying to mine all the useful ports in Alaska would require closing off dozens of small ports/towns all around the state, and frankly I'm not sure many mines would survive in a useful condition in Alaskan seas for very long.

Well, now the are PLA media people playing into the Russian 'take back Alaska memes'.

Guess we are in the non-retro Fallout timeline.

Honestly, this would be just about the worse move possible for China to make. As it would jeopardies all their control and undermining of the USA at home. It would patch over the divisions between most Americans and unify us by forcing issues on the backburner.

Never mind that the idea of the current Chinese military being able to pull of such a maneuver, just due to logistics and poor quality material is...unlikely at best given my understanding.

Admittedly the Fallout memes would be hilarious.

Honestly, this would be just about the worse move possible for China to make. As it would jeopardies all their control and undermining of the USA at home. It would patch over the divisions between most Americans and unify us by forcing issues on the backburner.

Never mind that the idea of the current Chinese military being able to pull of such a maneuver, just due to logistics and poor quality material is...unlikely at best given my understanding.

Admittedly the Fallout memes would be hilarious.

It's Russia AND China.
So somewhat more believable.
Only somewhat
It's Russia AND China.
So somewhat more believable.
Only somewhat

Russia can't even battle through Ukraine. The idea that they'd be able to divert any meaningful support to an invasion of Alaska is pretty absurd. We've seen how bad their navy is too.
Russia can't even battle through Ukraine. The idea that they'd be able to divert any meaningful support to an invasion of Alaska is pretty absurd. We've seen how bad their navy is too.
They still have a large population they can throw
To add launching an invasion across the Bering Sea would be difficult. It is not exactly calm water in the best of times.

If they insist on using surface ships, rather than flying all their stuff across.

The point is that the more we inventorize what this Russian-Chinese alliance would need to be able to do in order to take and hold Alaska, the more clear it becomes that such an operation would not be worth the expense, assuming they could do it at all.
If they insist on using surface ships, rather than flying all their stuff across.

The point is that the more we inventorize what this Russian-Chinese alliance would need to be able to do in order to take and hold Alaska, the more clear it becomes that such an operation would not be worth the expense, assuming they could do it at all.
That requires fuel. Fuel that can be cut off by other states. Does Russia have enough fuel to supply an invasion of Alaska by the air?
That requires fuel. Fuel that can be cut off by other states. Does Russia have enough fuel to supply an invasion of Alaska by the air?
Never mind fuel, do they have enough transports to keep up a Berlin Airlift style resupply indefinitely against US air defenses and radar/sat networks?

Russia and the CCP may be forced to use ships for some of it, simply because the ships are 'slightly' more survivable than aircraft in the face of US defenses.

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