Alternate History Clockwork: The Gears that Changed America.

"It seemed like it was hopeless. The Morale of the men was at an all-time low. The food supply was dwindling, and the men were wearing little more than rags. When the Letter came from the French with a declaration of neutrality, even Washington began to believe that it was over. It was then that Benjamin Franklin had an idea, or more accurately a last act of desperation.

It was known among a few that the man was an inventor, and it times past he had taken a great interest in the great minds of old, Da Vinci. Archimedes etc. using them as an inspiration, he had developed a weapon that change war forever. It was never field tested though and Franklin gave up on the idea shortly after it was created, believing it to be too cumbersome.

Desperate times called for desperate measures however, and in the winter of 1777 the British would learn to fear such a desperate measure. It began with a rumble. At first the British feared it was some sort of earthquake only to find that it was in fact something much much worse. It was a statue like figure in the shape of a man, standing nearly 25ft tall 10ft wide, and casted in bronze. it seemed to move on self-perpetuating wheels powered by gears and levers.

The red coats could only look with utter confusion. Some thought it was some sort of joke, others thought it was some sort of monstrosity sent from Satan himself. when the bronze wheeled machine, took its place on the battlefield, the sound of Benjamin Franklin's voice could be heard amplified and echoing.

"My Fellow Englishmen, for over two years our armies have fought. One side is fighting for its independence, the other side is fighting for the unity of an empire that shines from sea to shining sea. While I blame you not for fighting for your queen and country, I too must fight for my own country. What you see before you is perhaps the most terrifying weapon that can be conceived in our lifetimes. it is a moving fortress that in theory is capable of wiping out entire armies. I have not tested this weapon before and I do not wish to now. So I ask as a man of English blood, lay down your weapons. Go home to your king and plea to him to give up this war and accept that America now and shall forever be free."

The Red coats responded by the command for all soldiers to fire on the abominable machine. when the smoke clear men on all sides were horrified to see the thing was hardly scratched. Muskets were of no use against such a thing. the clockwork gears started to whirl and click as the long metal arms of the figure aimed at the redcoat army.

The next 30 seconds would haunt Benjamin Franklin for the rest of his days. small stones shot out faster than the human eyes could see each landing with nearly twice as much force as a musket ball. the ground quickly stained with kingsmen blood as the British armies cried out before dropping like flies. soon the whirling changed in pitch as the many holed sling rotated inward and gave way to something else, something that could only seemingly be spawned from Hell itself. Somehow Benjamin had cracked the code the Byzantine Empire had used to created Greek fire and soon said fire would consume the British just as it had done to the enemies of the Byzantines over a thousand years before.

The machine belched out two streams of fire with a high pitched scream, the only thing louder than it was the cries of the redcoats that were consumed by the flames. It was not a battle, but rather a massacre...a true massacre. the few that had managed to survive fled in terror. It was unknown what fully went on in Franklin's mind that day. Though it has been recorded that from inside the machine could be heard bitter weeping, and one quote was recorded. "What have I done?"

Benjamin would christen his clockwork bronze machine "The Franklin Trojan" named after the Trojan horse of ancient myth. The invention would not only turn the tide of the revolutionary war completely, but it would also start an age of technological advancement never before seen.

This was only the beginning..."

Authors note: Basically, this thing is armed with two stone throwers that fire like gatling guns, and two flamethrowers.
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