United States Craft of 'Non-Human Origin' Have Been Retrieved by the US DoD and Others for 80 Years, Congressional UAP Whistleblower Reports Confirm.

Well, guess we're now on the clock for Disclosure ladies and gentlemen, and assorted extra-terrestrial observers.

Honestly, I don't buy it.

I'm not one to categorically rule out the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life existing, though I don't see it as very likely.

I think this is far more likely to be something much simpler than an alien spaceship. It might actually be, but I doubt it.
Honestly, I don't buy it.

I'm not one to categorically rule out the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life existing, though I don't see it as very likely.

I think this is far more likely to be something much simpler than an alien spaceship. It might actually be, but I doubt it.
Did you actually read the article?

This is a whole series of 'nested' secret programs that have been active for over 80 years, with multiple recoveries, including ongoing operations it seems, and has been illegally kept away from proper oversight.

As well the article/whistleblowers state the US is not the only nation with shit underwrap either, and has been blackmailing other nations to keep it quiet, which is a big admission.
Rule of thumb with conspiracies: the more people that would have to be "in the know", the less likely it is to be true.

This kind of story would require a ludicrous amount of people to be in the know. And each and every one of them would be a potential leaker, providing evidence to the public. And yet, somehow, the people who claim to be such whistleblowers never provide evidence.

Where is that alien tech? Can you show us any? Failing that, can you say where they're keeping the recovered space ships? If not that, do you have any of the actual documentation that you claim exists regarding thse secret programmes?

Nope. None of it. Every single time, it's just the claim, and none of the proof.

As conspiracies go, it's somewhat less unbelievable than the flat earth bullshit, but that's a low bar to clear. Without evidence, all of this is extremely unlikely.

(Not to mention the fact that we have a very, very well-documented overview of how all sorts of technologies were gradually developed. There are no mysterious gaps in this record. The idea that various modern innovations were secretly reverse-engineered from alien tech -- which is claimed in this article -- is just silly. It's the same bullshit as "aliens built the pyramids". No. Humans did that. We know how they did it, too. And in the same way, humans also invented the television. No alien assistance needed.)
Rule of thumb with conspiracies: the more people that would have to be "in the know", the less likely it is to be true.

This kind of story would require a ludicrous amount of people to be in the know. And each and every one of them would be a potential leaker, providing evidence to the public. And yet, somehow, the people who claim to be such whistleblowers never provide evidence.

Where is that alien tech? Can you show us any? Failing that, can you say where they're keeping the recovered space ships? If not that, do you have any of the actual documentation that you claim exists regarding thse secret programmes?

Nope. None of it. Every single time, it's just the claim, and none of the proof.

As conspiracies go, it's somewhat less unbelievable than the flat earth bullshit, but that's a low bar to clear. Without evidence, all of this is extremely unlikely.

(Not to mention the fact that we have a very, very well-documented overview of how all sorts of technologies were gradually developed. There are no mysterious gaps in this record. The idea that various modern innovations were secretly reverse-engineered from alien tech -- which is claimed in this article -- is just silly. It's the same bullshit as "aliens built the pyramids". No. Humans did that. We know how they did it, too. And in the same way, humans also invented the television. No alien assistance needed.)
We will see how this plays out. I believe there are probably aliens out there, but I'll believe this when I see evidence. That said, this claims the guy actually did have evidence, and it has been handed to congress. So we'll see. If we are ever provided that information.

Anyways. It's safe to say something is going on. There are documented unexplained craft that violate what we know about physics.

Are those aliens? I don't know. I find it more likely that it's deep black defense projects, and that we have secretly developed technology way beyond what the public or even most of the government is privy to.

But SOMETHING is going on. There are lots of...something in our skies, and in the skies of many other countries. It's been revealed to us, we have seen the evidence, and everyone in the know says there is a lot more footage that just hasn't been released.

I believe we are not alone in the universe.
I am far more skeptical about them visiting Earth. Though I'm not ruling that out either.

As of now, we have a mystery, because there's no denying that there are unknown craft flying around in our skies.

I still think the most boring answer is the most likely: it's us. Lockheed or Raytheon, etc, have probably been running deep black skunkworks projects and come up with some pretty crazy shit that even the government doesn't know about.
You know...

Given the state of the world today, I sometimes wonder if the people behind Arrival were more prescient than most writers or directors of UFO movies. People always fixate on the bad that could come from First Contact, but I'm hoping there's potential good, as well — however "uncertain" it'll be for beings on all sides. 🤷
You know...

Given the state of the world today, I sometimes wonder if the people behind Arrival were more prescient than most writers or directors of UFO movies. People always fixate on the bad that could come from First Contact, but I'm hoping there's potential good, as well — however "uncertain" it'll be for beings on all sides. 🤷
It can only be a good thing. The damage caused by contact with aliens will centrally affect people that deserve it, We will advance to where We were meant to be through our grasp of thought that floats on different blood. And that's how anyone can instantly tell that all reports of alien activity are a hoax.

Well, guess we're now on the clock for Disclosure ladies and gentlemen, and assorted extra-terrestrial observers.
I honestly think this is just a distraction. Not that long ago, a bunch of fertilizer went missing. Can't help but get a bad feeling.
I honestly think this is just a distraction. Not that long ago, a bunch of fertilizer went missing. Can't help but get a bad feeling.
They're a bit late if they're trying to distract from that.

But using this as a distraction would work.

If I take off the skeptic hat for a moment, this could also be part of a campaign that has been happening for years, to slowly desensitize fhe public and prepare them for full disclosure.

It fits.

Idk. I find stuff like this fascinating, but I always make sure to keep myself grounded in reality and looking at things through a skeptical lense.

That said, even with my super skeptical glasses on, it's easy to see that something that most governments and scientists don't understand is going on. Has been going on since at least the 30s-40s, and now that we have more advanced detection methods, is seemingly happening far more often than we ever assumed possible. That, or it's just increasing.

I've dug really deep into this rabbit hole, and there's so much bullshit out there. At the same time, there is so much unexplained shit actually happening and documented, that we can't explain. It's really weird.

Well, guess we're now on the clock for Disclosure ladies and gentlemen, and assorted extra-terrestrial observers.
Well,since germans during WW2 had at least two projects for making UFO,which was probably taken by both USA and soviets -
I think,that it is it.

Occham Razor - there is no reason to belive in aliens,if our beloved goverments could do something !

P.S Aliens,of course,could exist - but why they should made efforts to get here? they could get everytching they want closer to their homes.
I doubt it.

If they're aliens, why aren't we dead yet? They have the technological advantage and know where we are. Where's the invasion? Alternatively, why'd the goverment keep it secret? To keep the population from panicking? They like a panicked population, it gives them justifications. They'd be shouting it to the rooftops as an excuse for giving their military-industry complex buddies a couple trillion more to build orion drive warships, upgrading the surveillance state with cameras everywhere supposedly to catch UFOs, etc.

If they're not aliens, it's the last straw. It means the peak resources and crises are deliberate. The same goverment saying we'll have to be reduced to serfdom are intentionally concealing alternative solutions that'd actually work because they want to reduce us to serfdom.

This is civil war territory.
Remember, people. Origionally UFO, Unidentified Flying Object, meant any aircraft or flying device you could not identify at the time.

So my question is why was the term appropriated to mean alien spacecraft and who did it? My money is on the government trying to cover up the US testing out experimental and captured aircraft. The report in 1947 mentioned the aircraft moved like a stone skipping across water. For all we know the reporting pilot caught sight of an USAF flying wing fighter.
I doubt it.

If they're aliens, why aren't we dead yet? They have the technological advantage and know where we are. Where's the invasion? Alternatively, why'd the goverment keep it secret? To keep the population from panicking? They like a panicked population, it gives them justifications. They'd be shouting it to the rooftops as an excuse for giving their military-industry complex buddies a couple trillion more to build orion drive warships, upgrading the surveillance state with cameras everywhere supposedly to catch UFOs, etc.

If they're not aliens, it's the last straw. It means the peak resources and crises are deliberate. The same goverment saying we'll have to be reduced to serfdom are intentionally concealing alternative solutions that'd actually work because they want to reduce us to serfdom.

This is civil war territory.

I agree with your post except for the "why haven't they destroyed us yet" part. Likewise, with the earlier post about how hard it must be for them to reach us, so why would they.

Assuming these are aliens, we can't presume to know their purposed. They could be benevolent or malevolent, or just curious, or playing out a grand conspiracy, or just observing.

And considering we don't know their technology, it could be trivially easy to come here.

Personally, I do kind of feel intrigued by people like graham Hancock, who states that humans were once FAR more advanced. I think this kind of tech is possible, and certain entities have cracked it. Those same entities (say Lockheed Martin, ) have A LOT of incentive to keep this quiet.

For starters, maintaining the status quo. The energy situation, as you mentioned, props up the structures that keep these guys funded and in power.

So while I don't agree with the reasons stated as to why these aren't aliens, I agree that they probably aren't.

The most simple answer is most likely.
In any case, something tells me we'll see some big stuff get busted wide open over the next 20, 30, or 40 years of our lives.

To me, whether it's aliens or Alex Jones somehow being proven right doesn't change how damning it is that much. Either way, everything that starts leaking out over the next few decades probably will turn what we thought we knew about the world upside down, whatever it is they've got at Area 51 or all the secret R&D labs run by governments and connected megacorps that the public knows nothing about. :oops:
So luckily Saagar over on Breaking Points is a big UFO and conspiracy buff, and has absorbed most of this guy's 7 hours of interviews, and has also addressed the "how could they keep this a secret" thing

My takeaway is that this guy is telling what be believes to be the truth. His credentials check out. He was a high ranking intelligence official with the highest clearances, who was working on UAP programs. He has reportedly provided evidence to congress..and I just get the idea that he is not bullshitting. He's one of the most credible whistleblowers so far.

I'm not saying it's aliens. No, I still think the most likely answer is tech that is so deep black that even people like this guy don't even know about it. Lockheed, still looking at you.

But as one who believes there is probably alien life, after everything that's been revealed the last few years, I'm ready to believe it's aliens. I refuse to truly believe, until i see real evidence. Though once that evidence is provided I'm not likely to be super surprised.

Edit: fixed link, but here's the one I accidentally posted a minute ago, because they had two UAP segments on today.

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So I'm gonna go with its probably not aliens but on the off chance that it is...


It's time.
Rule of thumb with conspiracies: the more people that would have to be "in the know", the less likely it is to be true.

This kind of story would require a ludicrous amount of people to be in the know. And each and every one of them would be a potential leaker, providing evidence to the public. And yet, somehow, the people who claim to be such whistleblowers never provide evidence.

Where is that alien tech? Can you show us any? Failing that, can you say where they're keeping the recovered space ships? If not that, do you have any of the actual documentation that you claim exists regarding thse secret programmes?

Nope. None of it. Every single time, it's just the claim, and none of the proof.

As conspiracies go, it's somewhat less unbelievable than the flat earth bullshit, but that's a low bar to clear. Without evidence, all of this is extremely unlikely.

(Not to mention the fact that we have a very, very well-documented overview of how all sorts of technologies were gradually developed. There are no mysterious gaps in this record. The idea that various modern innovations were secretly reverse-engineered from alien tech -- which is claimed in this article -- is just silly. It's the same bullshit as "aliens built the pyramids". No. Humans did that. We know how they did it, too. And in the same way, humans also invented the television. No alien assistance needed.)

going to have to second Skall here, people are pretty bad at keeping secrets and something this big....yeah not likely.

The more likely thing is that we've been working on incredibly high tech secret shit for awhile which considering the size of americas black budget and the amazing drips and drabs that have come out is much more likely.

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