Quest Deep Periphery Quest (Battletech Sandbox Empire Builder)

Turn 36 - Call Me Young Gun
Turn 36 - Call Me Young Gun

Meta Event Roll - 64
Dynasty Luck Roll - 40

Approval - 3
Approval Change - 1
Political Event - -3

Economic Rating - -1
Economic Change - -1
Research Event - 5

Griffin’s Roost Economy - 9
Griffin’s Roost Population - 10
Griffin’s Roost Change - 6

Nowy Gdansk Economy - 6
Nowy Gdansk Population - 11
Nowy Gdansk Change - 5

GIAB Economy - 9
GIAB Change - 1

Griffin II Orbitals Economy - N/A
Griffin II Orbitals Change - N/A

Begin Advanced Design Work on Jump Point Defense Stations* [75]
Target - 75
Roll - 10
Result - SUCCESS

Lay Down Major Unit [Construction - $82694.76]

Purchase New Units [$74277.24]
-3 Flights of Eagles [auto]

-2 Flight of Gyrfalcons [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 38
Result - SUCCESS

-2 Flights of Goshawks [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 50
Result - SUCCESS

-1 Flight of Falcons [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 51
Result - SUCCESS

-2 Flights of Rocs [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 52
Result - SUCCESS

-2 Lances of Cadet Mech [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 44
Result - SUCCESS

-1 Lance Orb Weaver [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 39
Result - SUCCESS

-1 Standard Armored Regiment [70]
Target - 70
Roll - 57
Result - SUCCESS

Ruins Stabilization and Clearing* [90]
Target - 90
Roll - 78
Result - SUCCESS

Expand Factory 14 (Shortbow)* [auto]

Build Space Station Griffin II L4 [80]
Target - 80
Roll - 18
Result - SUCCESS

Build Space Station Griffin II L5 [80]
Target - 80
Roll - 2
Result - SUCCESS

Expand Orbital Factory 17 (Ferro-Aluminum) [80]
Target - 80
Roll - 74
Result - SUCCESS

Planetary Resource Survey - Nowy Gdansk [45]
Target - 45
Roll - 15
Result - SUCCESS

Pre-colonization Survey of Griffin IV* [auto]

Infrastructure Development on Nowy Gdansk* [auto]

Have Exploration Fleet Survey Griffin's Roost Moon [75]
Target - 75
Roll - 53
Result - SUCCESS

CULTURE - Monuments Ho! [75]
Target - 75
Roll - 43
Result - SUCCESS

Increase Funding to the Department of Periphery Studies* [65]
Target - 65
Roll - 72
Result - Bare FAILURE (auto next turn)

Genetic Editing* [45]
Target - 45
Roll - 52
Result - Bare FAILURE (auto next turn)

Orbital Survey [105]
Target - 105
Roll - 100, confirm 92
Result - SUCCESS

Improved Education lvl 5 [80]
Target - 80
Roll - 45
Result - SUCCESS

Targeting Computer [75]
Target - 75
Roll - 26
Result - SUCCESS

Construct secure 'Black Site'* [75]
Target - 75
Roll - 82
Result - Bare FAILURE (auto next turn)


One of the things that had somewhat surprised you was that every single track for the kids karting series had actual trophies for winners and runners-up, and certificates for all the kids who finished. The Pee Wee league had had only the certificates from the league itself.

And the trophies weren’t cheap plastic chatchka. Granted, bronze wasn’t exactly a precious metal, but it made for a beautiful and long-lasting little trophy, and they weren’t generic. Every track had a completely unique design with only a few common elements.

Your grandson had won two races in his first year racing. He’d kept the first trophy, but insisted on giving ‘nana’ the second. So you had put it in your office, alongside all the far more ornate and fancy decor. At first glance it stood out like a sore thumb, but to you it is one of the nicest things in the room.

Of course what made it better was that you were thinking about one grandson while holding two more. The twins had been born slightly prematurely, but were already at a healthy weight and were doing wonderfully.

Sometimes you wished you could just retire from all of this Empress business and just spend your time being Ba.

Fat chance of that happening anytime soon. You wouldn’t inflict the crown on your eldest like that, he might not let you play with the grandkids!

Neither of the twins have won the championship this year, but they both had wonderful seasons. And they’re still single and seemingly intent on sleeping with every single groupie and race girl in the League. At least it seems that way to you, considering that they seem to have new girlfriends every week.

[]Confront themThey may not be the direct heirs, but they still represent the family and by extension the Empire. Sleeping around may be fun for them, but so far it seems that only pure chance has prevented them from impregnating women out of wedlock.
[]Let it goLet them live their own lives, and let the consequences for their behavior fall upon them as well. They are adults now with all that entails.

Sarah is going for a full up postdoc, while Tony is teaching history at GRU. Once Sarah finishes her postdoc, John is going to start his, and they intend to trade off teaching and study. It’s so nerdy it makes your brain hurt just thinking about it.

The safe has been opened, and to your profound amusement you discover that all it contained was a set of Lat/Long coordinates that would have led you directly to the 331st bunker. You can’t stop giggling about that for weeks.

On the other hand, your nerdy historian of a daughter has written a monograph already about the ‘Minnesota Tribe’ and the atrocities of the Dragon on Svelvick, Trondheim, Jarett, and most importantly, Richmond. Wonder of wonders, she actually managed to write it in such a way that ordinary folks could easily grasp it without any special academic training, so you order it published by the Throne’s publishing house.

Good propaganda is always a good thing, especially when it’s got the ineffable benefit of actually being true and documentable.

Jeremy is back on Griffin’s Roost after a highly successful training rotation on Nowy Gdansk. He’s been promoted again, to Lt Colonel, and is now the regimental XO for 2nd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Armored.

He also is teasing his little sister and dad with a photo of himself wearing a Nollak Industries baseball cap and posing next to a new AAA tank he helped develop. Willis promptly asks if it would be possible to write him out of the succession and replace him with Thanh, on the grounds that his time in a mech cockpit has obviously caused brain damage.

However the design itself is pretty solid. A pair of LB-10X autocannon join a pair of LB-2X autocannons to form the primary armament, backed up with an ECM and Beagle unit to ensure electronic superiority. Almost as an afterthought they added a Laser AMS unit to the package and then upped the armor. They managed all of this without requiring any strategic materials too.

To fully upgrade your existing battalion of Skysweepers to the new configuration would be a bit pricey, but would not put you over the budget cap.

[]ApproveUpgrade CostCostHPA/DSpecials
[]Yes15999.482981.729214Tracked, Armored 1, AMS 1, Anti-Air, Scout, ECM

Procurement has gone quite well, with all new units now in service. The Standard Armored Regiment model appears to be a hit with the troops, as it is allowing integrated combined arms operations with less duplication of staff positions and specialist battalions. Some of the REMFs who’ve been denied sinecures are a lot less happy, but you are an old infantrywoman. In the immortal words of Sergeant Major Ngo… Screw the FOBits.

You’ve also gotten a chance to look over the plans for the Star Fort Jump Point Defense Station. And… you realize it is both insanely expensive, and also insanely lethal while being a figurative eggshell. One of these at a jump point would, against regular JumpShips and DropShips, be an effective ‘permission to exist in our space DENIED’ card. But they also cost almost a quarter million each with corresponding maintenance costs.

HMS Diadem is now in service, giving you a squadron of 5 Defiants, which earlier this year proved just how lethal the nasty little things are. HMS Destiny has been laid down this year.

The Shortbow factory has finally been expanded, a pair of space stations have been emplaced around Griffin II, and one of your Ferro-Aluminium foundries has been expanded as well.

A planetary resource survey has been successfully concluded on Nowy Gdansk, discovering more deposits of valuable ores for future exploitation. The planetary government is already taking advantage of the data generated in this survey.

The pre-colonization survey of Griffin IV has been completed and analyzed. No more shirts have been ripped in the making of this survey. The single biggest obstacle to colonization is that the current water supplies are worse than useless, even the water purification systems that you currently possess would be thoroughly inadequate to the task. Some of the options proposed by the survey teams are to try to fill in the oceans as much as possible, using airships to carry massive cargos of sand and rocks dug up from the shore lines and dumping them in the middle of the oceans. Dump in enough, you’d both neutralize the worst of the alkalinity as well as increase the water level by forcing the water to spread out from the deep holes as they are filled in. Another option is to combine that work with de-orbiting the ice comet to add a massive boost of fresh water to the planet. This would cut down on the amount of time the first option would take but would be immensely destructive. Both options, unfortunately, are somewhat beyond the current state of the art in terraforming technology that you possess.

Any option taken would be an extinction level event for the few life forms that cling on on the planet. The survey teams have already taken extensive DNA samples, but they do recommend creating isolated stable artificial ecosystems that would be suitable for the life forms and preserve them for the future. This would also be an enormous undertaking, and somewhat beyond your current state of the art.

Significant infrastructure development has been completed on Nowy Gdansk, making the cavern system that had been accidentally discovered into a true mecca of tourism and commerce. Further infrastructure work on the planet would be purely the province of the planetary government.

Both USS Enterprise and USS Endeavor spend most of the year, once they’ve redirected the ice comet, surveying Griffin’s Roost’s moon. Neither have detected anything spectacular, but they’ve still only comprehensively surveyed maybe a quarter of the surface. One thing they have noticed is that the regolith is somewhat more compacted and dense in the southern hemisphere of the moon than the northern and that the craters in the northern hemisphere look almost sand-blasted.

You are present at the ribbon cutting for the large nature park on Castor. The horticultural gardens and natural history museum are very nicely done.

Jake is still struggling to find suitable people to fill the staff positions for Periphery Studies. This is not helped by the tenured faculty catching wind that they’ll be getting new research assistants soon and deciding to ‘help’, with ‘help’ being defined in a truly… Periphery Studies way. The only thing Jake is willing to put on paper or speak of is that he’ll never think of ducks in quite the same way ever again.

You decide it would be wiser not to press him on this point.

The initial trials for the genetic editing experiments are being extended to ensure against any unforeseen side effects before moving to human testing on volunteers. The scientists involved estimate that they’ll have completed their work fully by this time next year.

The team responsible for sacking the orbital survey team which took the nudie pictures of you and your daughters at the nude beach has been sacked. The new team which has taken over has also been sacked. The net result of this year's orbital survey is two sacked orbital survey research teams and several terabytes of not particularly interesting images of the middle of the ocean.

Work has been completed on a network of colleges across Griffin’s Roost, Nowy Gdansk, and the orbitals intended to increase the educational opportunities afforded to all of your citizens, as a result the high end R&D labs have seen an influx of new talent.

Work on the targeting computer module for mechs and ground vehicles has concluded satisfactorily. Unfortunately the system provides minimal benefit to ASFs or Dropships as their fire control systems already incorporate many of the features of these modules, but for ground vehicles and mechs the system shows promise in permitting extreme levels of accuracy.

The redesign on the Black Site project took somewhat longer than hoped to complete, but construction is now fully on track and will be completed next year.

Finally, the old ruins have been fully stabilized and opened to the public as a massive memorial park. The area surrounding them which had previously been a buffer zone to discourage access has become a thriving commercial sector serving a tourist trade to see the site of the ancient catastrophe that so affected the course of history on the planet.
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[X] Confront them
- [X] But in private, solely over the potential for unwanted pregnancies. Consensual sex between adults is otherwise totally their business. Unless they're pulling a Tyler, in which case you're throwing them AND their partners AND Tyler out all the windows.

Sarah is going for a full up postdoc, while John is teaching history at GRU. Once Sarah finishes her postdoc, John is going to start his, and they intend to trade off teaching and study. It’s so nerdy it makes your brain hurt just thinking about it.

But they're adorable nerds. Also, you can probably blame Willis for this too, since you only have to watch him running through the math for suborbital hops to realize that fighter jocks are like, stealth nerds.


The safe has been opened, and to your profound amusement you discover that all it contained was a set of Lat/Long coordinates that would have led you directly to the 331st bunker. You can’t stop giggling about that for weeks.

Jane is still wearing the advanced tactical intrusion outfit when she gleefully presents you with the coordinates, and apparently Michelle lost a bet over the contents of said safe, because she's wearing one too.

Jeremy is back on Griffin’s Roost after a highly successful training rotation on Nowy Gdansk. He’s been promoted again, to Lt Colonel, and is now the regimental XO for 2nd Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Armored.

He seems much less successful than you at avoiding the dread promotion. You feel smug and accomplished. And then Willis reminds you you have the biggest promotion. DAMMIT!

He also is teasing his little sister and dad with a photo of himself wearing a Nollak Industries baseball cap and posing next to a new AAA tank he helped develop. Willis promptly asks if it would be possible to write him out of the succession and replace him with Thanh, on the grounds that his time in a mech cockpit has obviously caused brain damage.

[X] Yes.

You firmly deny that you approved the design just to get back at Willis for the tickles.

You’ve also gotten a chance to look over the plans for the Star Fort Jump Point Defense Station. And… you realize it is both insanely expensive, and also insanely lethal while being a figurative eggshell. One of these at a jump point would, against regular JumpShips and DropShips, be an effective ‘permission to exist in our space DENIED’ card. But they also cost almost a quarter million each with corresponding maintenance costs.

OOC: We definitely want these, but I'd say they come *after* a solid fleet of aviation gunships and assault DropShips. They're a "you lose button" against small raids, but against a serious invasion force are pretty much guaranteed to be destroyed -- they'll inflict heavy attrition on the enemy before their inevitable demise, but they're not survivable against things they can't kill very, very quickly.

Both USS Enterprise and USS Endeavor spend most of the year, once they’ve redirected the ice comet, surveying Griffin’s Roost’s moon. Neither have detected anything spectacular, but they’ve still only comprehensively surveyed maybe a quarter of the surface. One thing they have noticed is that the regolith is somewhat more compacted and dense in the southern hemisphere of the moon than the northern and that the craters in the northern hemisphere look almost sand-blasted.

This definitely bears more attention. They should redouble their efforts.

The team responsible for sacking the orbital survey team which took the nudie pictures of you and your daughters at the nude beach has been sacked. The new team which has taken over has also been sacked. The net result of this year's orbital survey is two sacked orbital survey research teams and several terabytes of not particularly interesting images of the middle of the ocean.

And, oddly enough, several of a cow, and a very nice shrubbery.
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[X] Yes.
[X] Confront them
- [X] But in private, solely over the potential for unwanted pregnancies. Consensual sex between adults is otherwise totally their business. Unless they're pulling a Tyler, in which case you're throwing them AND their partners AND Tyler out all the windows.
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[X] Yes.
[X] Confront them
- [X] But in private, solely over the potential for unwanted pregnancies. Consensual sex between adults is otherwise totally their business. Unless they're pulling a Tyler, in which case you're throwing them AND their partners AND Tyler out all the windows.
[X] Yes.
[X] Confront them
- [X] But in private, solely over the potential for unwanted pregnancies. Consensual sex between adults is otherwise totally their business. Unless they're pulling a Tyler, in which case you're throwing them AND their partners AND Tyler out all the windows.
[X] Yes.
[X] Confront them
- [X] But in private, solely over the potential for unwanted pregnancies. Consensual sex between adults is otherwise totally their business. Unless they're pulling a Tyler, in which case you're throwing them AND their partners AND Tyler out all the windows.
Turn 37 - A Warning To The People
Turn 37 - A Warning To The People

Alarms were blaring. Sarah has detected a massive jump signature at the Zenith jump point that is soon resolved into a dozen Jumpships. A pair of Monoliths, 4 Star Lords, 4 Tramps, and 2 Invaders are soon identified, with a number of them being positively identified as belonging to House Kurita and having participated in the previous attacks on the system.

Eight Overlords form the core of the dropships, escorted by a swarm of Leopard-CVs and a single Aqueduct. All are burning hard for a zero-zero intercept with Griffin’s Roost at 2g. Total count is as follows.


They will arrive in 5 days at this acceleration.

As they burn in you receive a communication from the Dragon demanding that you surrender or your planet will burn. It is from Saburo Kurita himself and he sounds extremely full of himself, wearing full samurai armor with the traditional daisho prominently displayed at his hip.

[]We’ll take you with us. Come and fight, if you think you are hard enough.
[]Ignore the transmission

All of your forces are available to intercept.

Format your intercept orders in the following format

[] Plan Name
-[] Dropships
--[] List participating dropships
-[] ASF Units
--[] List of ASF units
-[] High Speed Intercept then burn for the Jumpships
-[] Prolonged intercept, attrite the enemy
--[] Focus on Overlords
--[] Focus on Leopards
--[] Focus on Aqueduct

QM Notes - Several rules for this. Due to complaints about lack of player interaction in previous combats, this time we are going to allow player participation in the planning. All rolls will still be done by myself and my trusty assistants. Due to their playing the Dragon, @Decim, @ShadowArxxy, and @Jarow will not be participating in the player planning. Each set of player votes will last a minimum of an hour, a maximum of 12 hours, or until a minimum of 5 votes with a delta of 2 votes is achieved.
Bugger. And the Warrior was so close to being done. Now if only we has some bomb pumped laser heads as that woul delete our foes(which is actually a good idea to look into in the future)The real question is if the Leopard CVs actually have full loads of fighters in them, also it looks like this attack basically totally ignores logistics since none of the vessels actually carry a decent amount of solid cargo so they might be going for broke since their ASFs will have extremely limited supplies as will their ground forces(although I suspect that they plan on resupplying from our stockpiles) Also why do I get the feeling that if we crush this attack the Dracs will be pretty much forced to leave us alone for the foreseeable future due to lacking the forces to break our defenses being available both in general and in theater
Also @LordSunhawk what exactly are our aerospace assets and did we repair the orbital defense grid ?
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I vote we go for the Overlords and Aqueduct since in the worse case scenario the ASFs can't take ground and the Leopard CVs don't carry the supplies for sustained combat(including fuel) and also lack the troops required to seize them from our orbital stations and moreover we will kill the backstabbing bastard who broke the ceasefire since presumably he's aboard one of the Overlords. Plus I get the feeling that such a force was deployed to attempt to obtain our literally as far the Dracs know lostech(well to them at least) production and R@D facilities intact so I suspect that they won't be attacking our orbital infrastructure since they want it making them the stuff they need to crush the AFFS and LCAF and also exporting the technology back the Combine proper
I vote we go for the Overlords and Aqueduct since in the worse case scenario the ASFs can't take ground and the Leopard CVs don't carry the supplies for sustained combat and also lack the troops required to seize them from our orbital stations and moreover we will kill the backstabbing bastard who broke the ceasefire since presumably he's aboard one of the Overlords. Plus I get the feeling that such a force was deployed to attempt to obtain our literally as far the Dracs know lostech(well to them at least) production and R@D facilities intact so I suspect that they won't be attacking our orbital infrastructure since they want it making them the stuff they need to crush the AFFS and LCAF.
But they don't know we have all that good shit though, pretty sure most of it was put into production after the ceasefire
I vote we go for the Overlords and Aqueduct since in the worse case scenario the ASFs can't take ground and the Leopard CVs don't carry the supplies for sustained combat(including fuel) and also lack the troops required to seize them from our orbital stations and moreover we will kill the backstabbing bastard who broke the ceasefire since presumably he's aboard one of the Overlords. Plus I get the feeling that such a force was deployed to attempt to obtain our literally as far the Dracs know lostech(well to them at least) production and R@D facilities intact so I suspect that they won't be attacking our orbital infrastructure since they want it making them the stuff they need to crush the AFFS and LCAF and also exporting the technology back the Combine proper
They don't even know we have Lostech infrastructure, they obliterated it last time with the Behemoth Tungsten cube attack.

The only noteworthy thing we did at the time was pump out more and more ASF's with normal tech/weapons while they were attacking (they never saw any of the ER-PPC equipped stuff) so they'll likely want our groundside manufacturing.
So, no chance of surrendering, so, proposed transmission: "Your presence here proves the Dragon's word is worthless. Begone, or know you will not leave this system." Append the text of the agreement for the Armistice, broadcast in the clear, to all dropships.
No chance of actually changing their minds, but

Big question is, do we go for the high-risk option of burning for the jumpships?

Also, for note: As I understand it, we have all forces available if they are listed, minus the three jumpships (1 Haskell, 1 Microraptor, 1 Warrior) which are still working up and are not combat-ready.
But they don't know we have all that good shit though, pretty sure most of it was put into production after the ceasefire
Unless they heard from the pirates, in which case they will know about our lostech, and our advanced droppers and ASFs.
alright they have 294 ASFs(assuming each ship has their full load)We on the other hand have 372 ASFs assuming of course we can get them all into position prior to the battle.
So, no chance of surrendering, so, proposed transmission: "Your presence here proves the Dragon's word is worthless. Begone, or know you will not leave this system." Append the text of the agreement for the Armistice, broadcast in the clear, to all dropships.
No chance of actually changing their minds, but

Big question is, do we go for the high-risk option of burning for the jumpships?

Also, for note: As I understand it, we have all forces available if they are listed, minus the three jumpships (1 Haskell, 1 Microraptor, 1 Warrior) which are still working up and are not combat-ready.

Unless they heard from the pirates, in which case they will know about our lostech, and our advanced droppers and ASFs.
But how would the pirates know since we killed them all?

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