Quest Deep Periphery Quest (Battletech Sandbox Empire Builder)

My old scoutmaster operates a motorcycle/antique car repair shop out of a barn, so I'm predisposed towards siding with the people here.

[X] Side with the Artisans & System Government
[X] Arrange for a tragic series of "accidents" for the Corporate Bigwigs and blame the space communists for causing them
[X] Side with the Artisans & System Government

If the corporations are going to argue that they're entitled to trample and ruin people "because it's not illegal", then karma literally demands that the law be changed specifically to trample and ruin them in turn.

[X] Have the courts investigated for corruption.

Did anyone else notice that the courts literally ruled that the law is the law when it favored the corporations, but turned around and reinterpreted the law on the basis of "fairness" in a way that literally defied reality when it did not favor the corporations?
[X] Side with the Artisans & System Government

This might hurt financially, but an entire economic foundation of a planet being built on what turned out to be false pretenses would probably lead to more strife on and off the planet if word got around. If we can decree the TTP a tourist zone, we can declare Skala an artisanal planet.

Also it is nice if the lower classes feel they can actually petition the Royal Family when they feel there are extraordinary situations with the law.
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Nothing in the background of this says we need the courts involved. Everything points to the company in question just acting to enrich themselves, it's employees and the realm, just from a different philosophy. I'll back the local system, but not a witch hunt.

[X] Side with the Artisans & System Government
Nothing in the background of this says we need the courts involved. Everything points to the company in question just acting to enrich themselves, it's employees and the realm, just from a different philosophy. I'll back the local system, but not a witch hunt.

Dude, the court in this case literally ruled that reality is illegal and ordered the system government to massively increase property valuation on the basis of mineral wealth that does not exist. The court also literally declared that "essential fairness" dictates that reality be ignored in a way that just happens to massively enrich corporations and screw over private citizens. This is absolute bullshit, and is absolutely the point where the Crown needs to step in with the stompy boots. Even if it's not corruption per se, the *bare minimum* we need is a public declaration that any court that declares factual reality is illegal is so far up its own ass with technicalities that it is intolerable.

Moreover, it is fundamentally unconscionable that people who had the indomitable pioneer spirit to carve out a new existence for themselves on an unsettled frontier world are now being told that their failure to roll over and die is unjustly defrauding the corporations who declared them to be obsolete, and that anti-corruption laws are being twisted in pretzels to persecute these people based on the idea that the courts may simply ignore the facts of the situation by simply declaring that reality is illegal.

This is a level of pig-headedness beyond even Javert.
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[X] Side with the Artisans & System Government
[X] Have the courts investigated for corruption.

Some points I'd raise were already spoken of by others. I'd just like to re-iterate the fact that having a place where artisanal manufacturing is allowed to flourish is an essential part of an healthy government.

Also thank you @ShadowArxxy for pointing that particular point out. I'd had a bad feeling about reading the way the corpos got involved on Skala and then how the A&S Rep/Owner reacted in that discussion round.

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