Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow


Thought Criminal
With the 2020 US Election fast approaching the already chaotic public discourse between left and right has gone into overdrive. The BLM shithsow, the politicization of Covid, the increasing derangement of the Anti-Trump crowd, the economical instability... I would venture to say last time a election year in the USA was so chaotic was in 1932. There are already threads to talk about most of these problems however I wanna talk about one that may just be the biggest one here: Election Fraud.

In 2016 the Democrats made all sorts of claims that Trump would refuse to accept the results of the election and how he was a danger to democracy. These claim then backfired harder than the Zimmerman telegram as the Dems absolutely refused to accept that Trump had won, blaming russian hackers for the debacle for moths before moving on to claim Trump himself had been a plant by Russia and all. However the truth is Trump's win was made possible only by his voters showing up to vote and the electoral college working like planned to make sure big population centers would not hog the election. But 2020 may no be so.

Thanks to the Wuhan Flu there has been a movement for mail-in voting, a practice that has some history in the USA but has never really been used in such a huge scale. Not only that, this also comes at a time where the radicals have taken over the Democratic party discourse with the openly Marxist BLM putting their weight behind them. Antifa also is there and they are ready for war (as long as daddy Establishment is there to help them by holding the police on a leash and giving them a wide berth to act as the see fit as one can see from the CHAZ debacle). What is there to stop them from stealing this election?

The answer is: nothing. Thanks to old Jim Crow laws voter ID laws have been long a taboo topic in the USA where they are equated to poll taxing, despite the fact that they are not the same thing. Any attempt to introduce it is met with calls of "But poor voters can't afford it!" "Blacks and other minorities don't have the documents!" and such despite the fact that places like India, Brazil and Mexico all have them and no problem making sure the voters get them (In Brazil, for example, the government sends voting machines by canoe up rivers so remote native villages can vote every election). So what is stopping the USA from doing so? The democrats, obviously. And a bunch of weak spineless neocons, don't forget them.

Which brings me to 2020. The push for mailed in voting offers a untaped potential for voting fraud that has never been so easy. Here are just some of the ways it can happen:

- Voting ballots getting "lost" in transit
- "Volunteers" that are collecting the mailed votes losing them
- Pressure from family/friends/social circle when writing in in a less than private setting
- Voting on behalf of family
- Voting for the dead
- Voting by non-citizens
- Submitting multiple votes per voter
- "Officials" deciding the signature on the voting ballot does not match the one in file and throwing it out as fraudulent

And more. Of course the authorities insist this is a small issue and voter fraud is "nearly non-existant" but since it is so easy and they barely seem to be on the lookout for it how the fuck can they claim that? The awnser is they can't. It's a lie, this is a problem and it will get much worse this year. Which bring me to the final point: Scale.

You do not need a massive fucking campaign to swing a election in the USA. In 2016 Trump won Nebraska's 2nd district by about 6 thousand votes, Michigan by 11 thousand, Alaska by some 3 thousand... It can be a death by a thousand cuts: with a little as half a percent of votes being "mishandled" the damage to the final electoral count can be made absolutely massive and ensure a win. And you can bet the same people crying about Russian Interference won't give a damn this time.

Which brings me to the final point: How to stop it? How can one make sure the election is not stolen and the we do not get a senile old man being held by the neck like a puppet as the 46th president of the USA to pretty much bury the country? I don't know, I really don't. I am just watching from afar and absolutely dreading November. I don't wanna see the USA fall from grace, because as bad as they can be I would rather them than fucking China calling the shots in the international stage. The best way would be to simply vote. Not just for yourself, but to really go out of your way to take part in it. Become a volunteer, offer to help friends and family, be on the watch to call out any foul play you see, really get people to go out and try and hold off. Because if the dems win there is a big chance of them unleashing a beast they think they can control and sinking the entire country into disaster.

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5
It's a serious concern, no doubt about it. Don't think that Trump is doing nothing about this though; Federal-level observation of a Federal-level election is hardly overstepping distribution of powers, and I also think the left are going to grossly underestimate just how much Trump is probably going to win the election by.
It's a serious concern, no doubt about it. Don't think that Trump is doing nothing about this though; Federal-level observation of a Federal-level election is hardly overstepping distribution of powers, and I also think the left are going to grossly underestimate just how much Trump is probably going to win the election by.

Don’t count your cards yet, do whatever you can to vote and convince others to at least NOT vote Far Left
It's a serious concern, no doubt about it. Don't think that Trump is doing nothing about this though; Federal-level observation of a Federal-level election is hardly overstepping distribution of powers, and I also think the left are going to grossly underestimate just how much Trump is probably going to win the election by.
My worry is that regardless of the outcome of the election, we're going to end up with two governments; each of whom claims they are the sole legitimate governing body. Tim Pool laid out one way this could happen about a week ago:

Unless Trump wins in a massive landslide (and even then, I still think they'd try), the Dems will do everything in their power to try and delegitimize his victory. Electoral College shenanigans, accusations of voter fraud; nothing will be off the table for them, no matter how hypocritical it might be.
My worry is that regardless of the outcome of the election, we're going to end up with two governments; each of whom claims they are the sole legitimate governing body. Tim Pool laid out one way this could happen about a week ago:

Unless Trump wins in a massive landslide (and even then, I still think they'd try), the Dems will do everything in their power to try and delegitimize his victory. Electoral College shenanigans, accusations of voter fraud; nothing will be off the table for them, no matter how hypocritical it might be.

Two Governments, though they won't officialise it, nor will the Far Left have a single leader at the very top.....given how Hollywood Celebrities were pooling cash to bail out "protestors" I can expect them to be willing to fund various Far Left groups like ANTIFA & BLM.....I think they'll be running out of more money than they actually have soon
My worry is that regardless of the outcome of the election, we're going to end up with two governments; each of whom claims they are the sole legitimate governing body. Tim Pool laid out one way this could happen about a week ago:

Unless Trump wins in a massive landslide (and even then, I still think they'd try), the Dems will do everything in their power to try and delegitimize his victory. Electoral College shenanigans, accusations of voter fraud; nothing will be off the table for them, no matter how hypocritical it might be.

It'd be a lot harder to try to set up two governments than most people might think.

Further, if it's contested, Trump has the advantage of already being in the White House. The Democrats would have to push things extremely far to force him out in a contested election situation.
It'd be a lot harder to try to set up two governments than most people might think.

Further, if it's contested, Trump has the advantage of already being in the White House. The Democrats would have to push things extremely far to force him out in a contested election situation.

That's why it will have to be "unofficial"

The Far Left will hamper him in whatever he does and make it so that whatever policies he thinks of, can't reach their territories

Will it all be legal? Will it even be smart and calculated? Probably no
The Constitution states that electors shall be chosen in a manner directed by the state legislature. The supreme court could (and should) shut down ALL court challanges with one simple ruling. SCOTUS should direct that all disputes must be resolved by the only body that has authority to rule on the matter: the state legislatures.

I think its going to a shitshow no matter what happens. The above scenario would at least mean the decisions will be made by people that can be thrown out of office in two years.
Doesn't California give ALL of its electoral votes to one party in a winner takes all election system? This straight away disenfranchsies everyone who votes Republican in California (since Reagan) and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy as it can't help but depress Republican voter turnout when most Republicans know that their vote won't even be counted.

If they were actually serious about wanting peoples democratic rights to be respected in an electoral college system then they would assign them proportionally based on how many people in their state voted Democrat or Republican and insist upon this for other states too instead.
To re-iterate that last point. People are bitching about small states getting electoral votes etc. But if California had a representational way of choosing it's electoral college voters then perhaps 17 of their 55 electoral college votes would have gone to Trump at the last election. In reality it probably would have been more as GOP voter turnout would be more significant with the promise of actually having their vote heard.

Winner take all elections would seem to be the issue here, not necessarily the electoral college itself.
To re-iterate that last point. People are bitching about small states getting electoral votes etc. But if California had a representational way of choosing it's electoral college voters then perhaps 17 of their 55 electoral college votes would have gone to Trump at the last election. In reality it probably would have been more as GOP voter turnout would be more significant with the promise of actually having their vote heard.

Winner take all elections would seem to be the issue here, not necessarily the electoral college itself.

I think Vermont actually already divides their electors up; to the best of my knowledge, dividing state electors up is perfectly constitutional

But of course, doing that would hurt the Dems in elections, because NY and CA would no longer be monolithic blocks, and they certainly don't want that.
The Dems want a straight first-past-the-post voting because that is the easiest system to monopolize. Simple as that. All the arguments against the Electoral College boil down to that, they simply want to reinforce the 2 party system and bribe "minorities" into voting for them so they can control the country forever.

If they actually wanted democracy they would be looking at a way to actually fix the 2 party system such as the proportional electoral vote or alternative voting. But that is obviously not interesting to them.
I think Vermont actually already divides their electors up; to the best of my knowledge, dividing state electors up is perfectly constitutional

But of course, doing that would hurt the Dems in elections, because NY and CA would no longer be monolithic blocks, and they certainly don't want that.
Of course the same applies to Texas and pretty much every Red state with a major city
Of course the same applies to Texas and pretty much every Red state with a major city

here's the thing California's balance sheet sucks.

Even when we were making money hand over fist before the dot com bubble burst we were in the red, we have an entire generation of government workers ready to retire and we can possibly pay for it and that's not going into all of the social program we are quite simply put fucked.

Holding out proportional voting and selling the democrats down the river to save our own necks is possible, because yeah its that grim.

Owner says her late pet was a 'Democat'

Remember guys: Voter ID is racist and voter fraud is near non-existent!

And animals can vote too....though odds are when they find out that privately owned stuff is more likely to keep them alive and safe and that PETA liked killing them, they’d vote non-FarLeft

Then Biden says they’re all a bunch of Ciswhite Heterosexual Males

Owner says her late pet was a 'Democat'

Remember guys: Voter ID is racist and voter fraud is near non-existent!

I mean, if I was a cat, I'd be a Democrat too. What finer collection of rats you have in a single political party?

But yeah, this story raises some...strange questions. The only mail I ever got from my cat is from it's veterinary office, involving confirmation of his shots or something. I find it concerning that political groups are mailing out voter registration forms en masse, especially partially filled ones (an imagine I've seen had the name typed out already). That's really sketchy.

It's not working in practice?

It's SOP for scantron votes in general. Most mail-in votes utilize scantron votes and I live in a state that has mail-in votes available when you register (Montana).

The GOP and the Right have been making a fake boogeyman over this just to keep their bullshit voting regimens so they can't lose in their districts. The number of election fraud cases is so small that it's a rounding error.

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