Five minutes of hate news

But the IDF isn’t a branch of the US military. Why are we paying for foreign veterans fighting in foreign wars?
They are US citizens though.
All it is doing is basically allowing them to go serve in combat and come back without having to worry about thier lives getting ruined.
That's all it is.
If they wernt American citizens then you would have a point.
And technically missionaries can have similar things apply to them as well depending on the type of missionary they are.
They are US citizens though.
All it is doing is basically allowing them to go serve in combat and come back without having to worry about thier lives getting ruined.
That's all it is.
If they wernt American citizens then you would have a point.
They’re still foreign soldiers fighting for a foreign war. They should do so at their own risk and dime. Not that of the American taxpayer. Especially if they get their dumbasses captured and the US has to arrange something to get them home.

Also, I doubt you’d be anywhere near onboard with this if they were going off to help Russia or China. Or even England or Germany. But because it’s Israel, sorry, OUR GREATEST ALLY, that’s okay.

And technically missionaries can have similar things apply to them as well depending on the type of missionary they are.
Missionaries aren’t fighting in combat.
All it is saying is that any Isreali American who goes to serve in the IDF can't get evicted or go in debt for bills jot being paid.
Same thing happens for Guard and Reserves, as well as they can't get fired.
And why should they get that protection? Why should people accept bills not being paid because someone is going into a foreign war or being a mercenary?

They are US citizens though.
All it is doing is basically allowing them to go serve in combat and come back without having to worry about thier lives getting ruined.
That's all it is.
If they wernt American citizens then you would have a point.
And technically missionaries can have similar things apply to them as well depending on the type of missionary they are.
So it's ok if US citizens go to the Polish/UK/Spain/etc. army?
Yes, right now. Because they have the establishment acting as their cheerleaders and the Right-wing establishment is doing their ‘we’re the Democrats/left from 20 years ago routine’.


Agreed. Though I would also throw in some examples of their history, both current and otherwise. They have always been a sick and disgusting lot. Don’t fall for the same lies of ‘well, they used to be better’ that is also told about the feminist movement. They were only ‘better’ because they couldn’t get away with openly showing their true face.

Wrong. It must all be destroyed. Otherwise, it will spring up all over again.

There’s reasons why, like with keeping women away from power, most long lasting and enduring human societies were virulently anti-homosexual.

How exactly do you propose destroying something that has existed for all of human history? Seriously, gays existed in 1800s, in the 1200s, in the 100s, and deep into the BCE era, there were dudes banging each other in ancient Summer.

My proposal is that it is this weird cult of hedonism that has sprung up in the last century that is the problem, not every individual who happens to share basic sexual preferences with those deep into the sex cult.

I just don't see how going after homosexuality itself is going to be successful, and I can see where it would turn people who otherwise agree with our basic position away.

I feel like going after the weird culture and cultural social standards that have grown up around it in the past few decades would be easier and have a better chance of success.
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How exactly do you propose destroying something that has existed for all of human history? Seriously, gays existed in 1800s, in the 1200s, in the 100s, and deep into the BCE era, there were dudes banging each other in ancient Summer.

My proposal is that it is this weird cult of hedonism that has sprung up in the last century that is the problem, not every individual who happens to share basic sexual preferences with those deep into the sex cult.

I just don't see how going after homosexuality itself is going to be successful, and I can see where it would turn people who otherwise agree with our basic position away.

I feel like going after the weird culture and cultural social standards that have grown up around it in the past few decades would be easier and have a better chance of success.
By destroying it Darth means destroying it's ideology. Sure there will always be sodomy just like there will always be sodomy, theft, and muder.

But that doesn't mean those actions will be accepted. Or if they are accepted in the case of gay relationships are equal to normal male female relations.
They are US citizens though.
All it is doing is basically allowing them to go serve in combat and come back without having to worry about thier lives getting ruined.
That's all it is.
If they wernt American citizens then you would have a point.
And technically missionaries can have similar things apply to them as well depending on the type of missionary they are.
Name any other job that exists, outside of civil service, where US citizens get those kind of benefits. Any. Go ahead.

They aren't US soldiers. They are going to do a job, no one else gets those privileges except those serving the US. They shouldn't either.

Why should them being citizens matter? I'm a citizen, if I take a job overseas, I still have to pay my bills if I want a home to come back to.
How exactly do you propose destroying something that has existed for all of human history? Seriously, gays existed in 1800s, in the 1200s, in the 100s, and deep into the BCE era, there were dudes banging each other in ancient Summer.

My proposal is that it is this weird cult of hedonism that has sprung up in the last century that is the problem, not every individual who happens to share basic sexual preferences with those deep into the sex cult.

So has a lot of things. Doesn’t mean we haven’t kept trying to fight them.

Same way we did back then. Make it illegal if people get caught doing it or advocating it as a good thing, they get punished. As well as documenting and making exhibits and so on of the stuff that we’ve been seeing to ram home the lesson so that we don’t repeat our mistakes and letting this stuff spread again. At least not for another 1,000 years.

The weird ‘hedonism cult’ is part and parcel of their ‘culture’. This happens any time they get acceptance or power. Be it in ancient times, the early Soviet Union, Weimar Germany and probably a lot of places I don’t know about. The ‘normal’ ones are the exception rather than the rule. And it would not be surprised if a lot of them have skeletons in their closets.

By destroying it Darth means destroying it's ideology. Sure there will always be sodomy just like there will always be sodomy, theft, and muder.

But that doesn't mean those actions will be accepted.


Or if they are accepted in the case of gay relationships are equal to normal male female relations.
By destroying it Darth means destroying it's ideology. Sure there will always be sodomy just like there will always be sodomy, theft, and muder.

But that doesn't mean those actions will be accepted. Or if they are accepted in the case of gay relationships are equal to normal male female relations.

So has a lot of things. Doesn’t mean we haven’t kept trying to fight them.

Same way we did back then. Make it illegal if people get caught doing it or advocating it as a good thing, they get punished. As well as documenting and making exhibits and so on of the stuff that we’ve been seeing to ram home the lesson so that we don’t repeat our mistakes and letting this stuff spread again. At least not for another 1,000 years.

The weird ‘hedonism cult’ is part and parcel of their ‘culture’. This happens any time they get acceptance or power. Be it in ancient times, the early Soviet Union, Weimar Germany and probably a lot of places I don’t know about. The ‘normal’ ones are the exception rather than the rule. And it would not be surprised if a lot of them have skeletons in their closets.



Oh I see, we are advocating for the same thing then, or at least similar enough as makes no difference.
Not really. If I understand your stance, you aren’t going far enough. Still, one eats an elephant one bite at a time…

Shatter the political and social power of the sex cult and you end up with homosexuality because less and less normalized. I don't believe it will ever go away, but it's influence in modern society world become minuscule.
Let's be honest. The GOP has zero incentive to do any more than the minimum required to keep getting voted to office at least once a decade. And I mean zero. In fact, it's in their interests to keep up a status quo of just delaying the Left for as long as possible so that they can constantly keep getting votes from reactionaries who are angry about the last defeat and conservatives worried about the next.

It's a model that has worked like a charm since Nixon reaped the votes of Southerners that were angry about Desegregation, as well as Northerners and urban elites that were terrified of the Civil War riots and creeping socialist power.
Let's be honest. The GOP has zero incentive to do any more than the minimum required to keep getting voted to office at least once a decade. And I mean zero. In fact, it's in their interests to keep up a status quo of just delaying the Left for as long as possible so that they can constantly keep getting votes from reactionaries who are angry about the last defeat and conservatives worried about the next.

It's a model that has worked like a charm since Nixon reaped the votes of Southerners that were angry about Desegregation, as well as Northerners and urban elites that were terrified of the Civil War riots and creeping socialist power.

Yeah thing is those guys your talking about their in the process of being purged.

You only get away with that kind of thing for so long until the base just gets tired of your ass mass purges you and replaces you with some one else.
Yeah thing is those guys your talking about their in the process of being purged.

You only get away with that kind of thing for so long until the base just gets tired of your ass mass purges you and replaces you with some one else.
Problem is, the MAGAts are idiots and will definitely get their ass kicked, followed by becoming eternal bogeymen that the Democrats will use to shame us into supporting a one party oligarchy.

US will be the next Germany if the MAGA idiots take over the GOP.
Problem is, the MAGAts are idiots and will definitely get their ass kicked, followed by becoming eternal bogeymen that the Democrats will use to shame us into supporting a one party oligarchy.

US will be the next Germany if the MAGA idiots take over the GOP.

Maga will likely get its ass kicked yes.

But thats because the populist movement and backlash is in its infancy. Its going to take decades for it to really take steam and become the force that will take down the current establishment.

Much like how the current managerial class removed the industrialists from power and how the industrialists removed the agerculturialists from power. The current mangerial class will be removed from power and replaced.

Because no one stays on top forever, that's just not how civilization works a movement gets its time in the sun, dies and is in return replaced by some thing else. The populists likewise will fade away with time and be replaced with some thing else. Its just the way of things.
Its going to take decades for it to really take steam and become the force that will take down the current establishment.
You're really optimistic if you think MAGA are the ones who will replace the Liberal-Leftist alliance.

It could just be the Islamists, or end with the Leftists purging the Liberals once they are no longer needed. Followed by an era of darkness and the collapse of Western Civilization.
You're really optimistic if you think MAGA are the ones who will replace the Liberal-Leftist alliance.

It could just be the Islamists, or end with the Leftists purging the Liberals once they are no longer needed. Followed by an era of darkness and the collapse of Western Civilization.

Your only looking at the strengths of the current managerial system and not its weakness's.

The fact is the Managerial class is becoming less and less competent with time, less and less attached to reality, and is slowly losing more and more legitimacy. I mean yes they currently look very strong, the ancient regime before the french revolution looked quite invincible as well, but it didn't last.

The leftists taking over?

Unlikely the leftist movement pretty much devolved into nilhlism after the fall of the soviet union. Its not a movement with a long term future expecially since they just don't have children and are so utterly self destructive and toxic.

The islamists? They have a window of time to win it all yes, but if they blow it then they will be surrounded by civlizations they have royally pissed off.

Vedic, Western, the newly born african civlization, the sinic civilzation the've really managed to pretty much piss off every one. Its a civilization that's gambling hard and they will either win big or lose big.

But at the end of the day yes I do more or less bet on the current elites creating a populist backlash that will ultimently destroy them because its happened so many times in the past and their making all of the same mistakes.

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